STOTT & JU RY, KILLING FLIES MissCapriol is visiting at Mrs.Hibbert's. ~e\v readers at Variety Ball. Mr. Caddy has left town for a short Every parcel a bargain at Mason Bros. time. For school books etc ., go to Variety Mr. C. R. McCullough, has retttmed to Hall. THE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS, town. The W. C.'r.U. meet.'! in Trinity church aro selling a Miss L. Mollon, is visiting friends in next '.ruesday, at 3 p. m. ·poVJ~DER Hope. 'rhe largest and most comple te stock of j Mrs Eby and children are visiting nt 0 ·ent11 furnishiagij at Mayer's. - -; . - FORMr. W. McMurtry's. '!.'he So1is of England will pic-nic at E rMiss Jennio Hillier, of Millbrook, is pingham on tho Civic Holiday. Great excitement this week in Toronto Which will kill ever y one in a room in visiting at Dr. Hillier"s. Mr. 'IV. ,J. McMurtry, 'of Port Perry, over tbe out break of Sro11llpox in the less than one hour. was in town this week. city. · ··"·· :~::I ~:-=- :. Mrs. 'f. Mingay, of Flint, Mich., i;i visA large stock of choice F amily Grocers iting friends in town. and Pro visions at b ot t om prices at J. Mr. Frank Allen, of Montreal, is spend- Lyle's. Head quarters for cl1oice Toilet Soaps ing a few days in t own. The STATESM AN will be sent to any Miss McWain, of Oshawa, is visiting t1ddress for the balance of 1885 for only is at STOTT & JUl tY'S . Mrs. Fairbairn, Kingston road. 35 cents. Send it to your friends. M iss Ada Wright has gone to spend a Rev. A.W. Macnab, S t . Catharines, will few weeks at Holland Landing. again occu~y the pulpit of. St. ,"John's · · · ·r f · d t I church on Sunday n ext, 23rd rnst.. , m ornM D "d rs. tWl .0 [t~1s is v1_ s1 mg rwn s a in" mid cvcuiuv. I 0 " '. The largeet and best assorted stock of Lotus and Cartwright tlus week. r l , l t · t Cl I One bachelor m town has gone to seed M r. II Hair Br·1sh es, &c., in Bowman ville it! at - . I \.enner ms "" rnn a np o iesb ll t l t t · f t ... 11 f l t · "t "tl1 0 Id f0 11 tl10 " so ac y 1a a cer ·a1n or une-.._e er o STOTT & JURY'S Jlr'.Iedic:il Hall. Head ey o visi · ~ ~ a ~e · . Oshawa would not conclecend to predict Mrs. 11nd Miss McConoclue loft tlns his future career. quarters for everything in the Drug line. morning "'.[ E · E . Ir . t, . for :1 to Port Arthur. . . ~· r. .> tt, R oal E" st a t e Agen Mr. W. Alexander, of \Vmmpeg, W < tS 48 Aclelaide St. Toronto has made tracks in t.Liwn for a short time on Wednesd:1y. for tbe States leaving m~ny creditors beThe Misses M. and B. 'IVil!iamson,of hind mourniog hi5 dep:u·turo. The best Tooth Brnshe3 are branded 'l'oronto arc the guests of Mrs. C.L. MunChief Uoleman put several.drunks in on the handle wit h t h e words, STOTT & son. tho " cooler" on 8und11y last and hMl t h em Mrn. 'I'hos. Bridgeman, of Ottawa, is up before Magistrate Haines 011 Mondity. JURY. spendin~ a few dayi:; with h er sist er Mrs. ~Where is our License Inspector ? ;John Reid. Parasols at reduced a t Couch. Miss Minnie Stevenson and Miss Rachel J olmst on & Cryderman's. Fm·g 11son, of P ort Hope, arc visiting friends in town. Mr. J,. E . I<'airbanks, forern:tn of the Induction of Rev. R. D. Fraser. GAzET'l'C 0flice, Whitby, visited the S'l'A'l'ESThe service~ in 0onnection witl1 tbe LYMAN'S CO FFEE lS Bf~ST MAN ofllce on Monday. induction of t he new pastor of S L. Paul's Miss Ida Richardson, of Hamilton, is (Presbyterian) congregation in t his t own 1st, Because of its p11r ity. visit,ing at her uncles Mr. W.R.R . Caw- wore h eld last Tuesday, when a very farge 2nd, There is no wa:;te kers ancl other relatives in town. gathering assemhled to extend a cordial 3rd, It r e quires no boiling. The following residents an d a large welcome t o t h e 11,ev. Gentlemen and to 4th, Yon can prepare a cup or a gallon in number of children are now campiug :1t list en t o words of advice a nd encourageless than one iniuute . Scugog Lake : lVIr. and Mrs. vV.E. '.l'illey, m ent from the several ministers who were 5th, It is convenien t for pic-nics or camp- Mr·s. Nortl1cote, Miss E. Elford, Mr. present un this auspici ous ocm1sion. ing excursions. and Mrs. W. B. Coucl1, Mr. and Mrs. At 1.1 a. m., llev. Mr. Cameron, of N. per cent. discount on all · Fall accounts paid now. 6th, n is cheaper than any other kind. J. Vl\nstone, Messrs. J. Lyle, J. B. Mar- Pickering, p1·oacbecl a very able sermon 7th, You have only t o try it to be con- tyn, 'r. Btissett, J.B. Fairbairn and fam- from the words " L o, I am with yo u ily, T. E. Higginbotham, W. F . Allen alway." R e v. Mr. Drummond inducted vincecl. For sale by and Misses Clara and Maggie, .F.F. Mc· the minister in his n ew pastorate ; Rev. '[il FARM FOR SAL E I N CLARKK ~ J..!.1 J..!.1 100 o.ore3, being p11.rts of Jots ~O and 21 con. STOTT & ,JURY, A.rthur,Miss Ic111 and Douglas and F errier Mr. McMichen, of Por t .Perry, deliver ed . 3, Clarke, there being 50 acr es in oach lot. \.vm rlie Reliable Druggists. McArthur, Henry Mann, Miss Brown, ·r. the charge t o the minister ; and Rev .Mr. are made of PURE CAST ZINC warranted 991. per ce1 1t be solcl together orin twoparcels. Good build, · ' 2 , mgs, well f~n ced, well watered, good orchartl , II. McMillan, A. McClellan, Miss M. L eslie, of N ewt onville, addressed the ' d tllCI.0101 f' · d Only 3 } miles from Newca stle. Terms easy. McLaughlin, Miss Cnbitt and Mrs. H. congregation . Throughout, the ser vices ,UJ C IllilSt en Uf8. Apply for particulars to SOLOMON HARRIS on the premises, or to WI LLIAM HARRIS' were very imp ressive and ctilculat cd to Nicholls. Whitby, P. 0 . 10, · TJie scores at the rifle range on Satur- strength en the bonds of affection which ORONO, J uly 25t h, 1 8~~. unite t he true pastor to his peopl~ . day were-W.S. H,ussoll, 88; E. Coleman, l~ARM F U R R EN'l'. -216 acres, L ots In the evening, from 5 t o 8 o'clock, a St. Tlr vmas 1'Vhilc B1·onze llfom mwnt Co. BowMANVILLE, F RTDAY, AuausT 21 7G; ~J. B. Mitchel, 75; J. H . l\forris, 73; L 7 o.nd S, rear 6th concession, Pickering GEN'n1m-1~N,-Afte1· considoriug t,hc matter public tea was sorved in tho basement, the 'r. Nowell, 68; F. Bleakley, 65; Towuship, Orllario Coun ty; 2± miles from; a ramily mouumont ror Home t ime, an<l cxspre;1cl lieing, as usual, a credit to the of Greenwood Station and about nine miles from nrnining dnHi g ns and monnments o f c lilte rent , 'rhe Town Cotmcil held a special mect- ladies. Wlutby town. A FI R::lT·CLASS FARM. 'ren In looking over the assem b- lcin rl ~, Mr. H . W. VVri,.h t, your agent fol' these. i:i-ci·es of bus.h, . 'l'he ~vhole cleared portioIL in~ L·st l\'londay evening in order to pas~ ly we were pleased to see so m any counties, called on · ts with )'our book am! rn under ou lt1vat.ion. E our barns and stables shccLs of designs and moclcl tnon uments,which a by-law with reference to the chnnge3 friends from sister churches spending a good turnip c~n ..r, good frame house. t wo or: attracted om· sooci>\l attent ion ; and rocom111ended by the cemetery committee. social evening with St. Paul's congregation getting what Information we ocml· The town schools open Sept. 1st. r.:lrnrcls, _'l.' wo living streams on t he farm, l from :Mr. makmg it emmently adapted for stock t·aising. · in extending a hearty welcome to their Wd.,ht, a t hiH re<1nest., one of us wont to t he Cidc Holiday on Monday, Aug. 24th. No other business was taken up. for further particulars a oply t o RA.f,PH MO Wworks, o.t Rt. 'l'homas (cts you know), o.u d. o.Cter BHAY, on premises, Kinsale, P.O. 30-6w' McClellan & Co. will, until further chosen pastor. a thorough iuvosligation into the process of There were five children buried in Oshnotice, soil best s~reeued d1·y coal at $5. 75 Tlie after m eeting in the chm·ch above mauufacmrn, examin ing the"ial nsod,ttnd awa on Sabbath l ast . a nmnber of monmnentR which had ARM FOR SALE IN CL ARICE. per ton at harbor and $6.25 delivercid. was o pen ed by a selection from the choir seeing been nrectc <l for a considerable time, w~ were 200 page scribbling book witb tables on . 117,\- acres- t he estate of the l&te J OHN" A discount of 25 cents per ton on ·all and pl'ayer by Rev. E. R oberts. Short fully go,t,isficd they wore superiol' to mr. "hle or BI<OWN. being parts or Lots rn and 20, Con, 6; the back for 5cts r.t V ariety Hall. gro.ntto, aud at onco gave om· 01-.ler for :No.155} orders accompanied by cash.-32-4w. congrtitulatory addresses were deli\'ere<l or will bA sold t og0ther. 112 acres cleared and your dcsii.;ns. Ancl now that it has come The Hon. Edward Illake, M .P . for in 1tood state of culti nition ; balance good by R evs. W. H . Warriner, M . .A., Dr. safely to luwcl is erected. il1 a very ~ub Mr. Robert Beith has set sail for home, hard wood timber. Good brick house, good West Durham, and lVlrs.Blake sailed for Fraser (fat her of the i)astor ), Mr. Gilray, stan tial mann er, according to our dtrect10ns, out-buildings, etone stables and r oot house; bringing with him several of the finest we wi ~h to state, for your enc·mragement in England on Saturd<ty per Dominion li11e l well fencect ; two wells hard water t wo horses ever irri::p ortcd into this country, A . .A. Drummond, aud R. D. Fraser, a.u<l your compnrntiv ely new nncl growi ng cn terS .S. "Sarnia." B on vo age. cisterns, good orchard ; convenient to school e monu· l".,. Ble.tLkley, F. pdoc. thi.t wo are dolightrd wHh t.11 specially being far superior to any Messrs. J . B. Fairbain 1, _ and church ; 3!r m1leR fro m Orono. 'rerms m en t yo n have sent u s; ll.tHl a lt houg h t here R. H., of the Orga:n Fact;;;:J, wishes us onee F . McArthur , :md O. H. R obinson(Editor Apply for particulars to the. very rea2onahlc. ~eau til' ul Scotch ..ud Engli"h muauments to say thaL he raised his black eye from a other lwrne 1rouf{ht out by our energetic P.resbytericin R cv-iew , 'r oronto.) Mr. ·"Th'lc- are Executors : - JAME~ BHOW::>r, Kirby P. O·· in our cemetery, yet we Jil{e it very much townsmen. EDMUND COBBLEDIOK, Orono P. 0 . 29·4w slip,cau;.;ed hy the 1 mxiety of a dog to get Arthur, on behalf of the members of St. better than cithor of tltem. '£ he tablets being On Sa,bbath next in the morning, Dr. Pau}'s, presented Rev. A. A.. Drummond removable, and (fo1· t he present ) so nicoly at the cider which he ca.n:ied. ornnmented, till they are required for !ottering, ( ;ai·d of" Tlaa.nks. The · Pre~byterian S . School held its R,obins, of Montreal, may be expected to with a clw11uc for $150 a s a slight ac- gives the monument a finished appearance ; preach iu the Queen-st Methodist church, aud the ktlcring being nll raised rnads very knowledgement of t he kind ness he has a.nnunl pic-nie at Erpingh am on W ednesdistinctly. And the general designs a11d proT o the Manager of the Glas(low a n d L ondon. day. The weather was fine and the and in the evening the Rev. E. Roberts shown in a ttending to the duties of p;1stor pm i.ions of the monument are so goorl t;hu.t the 11'ir e ln:Ju.-ran ce Co. children enjoyed t h e day's outing in their will improve the death of the J:d;e Mr. while t he pulpit has h een vacant. Mr. family aml friends are very much pleased wit h W e hereby return our thanks for the prompt it. And wo wish you and your cn tc1·prisin~ Funw. Drummond, in reply, expressed t he agent -0ustomary happy man ner. pa,yment (by your, Mr, '£hos. Binghaw) here, succeaH in your : · work, as w e conRumor hath it tlrnt one of onr town pleas ure lrn }md experienced at all times sider t ho introduction of theso Pu1~E 7.r NC tor damar.;e by lighrning to our barns in the Conoun o P . 0 ., If our readers only knew what splendid late thunder storru ; insur ed in the Sovereign oflicials ancl a rnem ber of i,he horse brigade, in associating with the friends on this MON UMENTS will be a jlrCat benefit to t his value there is in our. " Big Offer" of Lhe country, where the extreme changes or tho Agont for Co unties of Nort humberland Fire I nsurance Co. end reinsnred with your \Jo., hu,ving R'Ot cash checks by retur n mail Family Herctld for six months and tho wlule in a distant city on Society business, charge ancl in doing whatever h e could to weiither aurl atmosphere severely effect the a fter we sent in our claim. and D urham. was practising bare -btick riding on a advance the cause of Goel in their midst_ mtnblo nnd st.ono work in our oemoterie;. Su.'l'E~MAN for the balance of the year and JOSEPH HU'l'HERPORD, D . . A. GAM SB" & Buos. 31 :tily thanked them for this eY.ALEXANDER HU'l'HERlWRD. the Crown Pictures all fo1· GO cents, they hohhy horse. Friend Sanders had better He hea1 take a back scat n ow. K irby, J une 30, 1885. of their good-will. Tho ch oir pres&ion would subscribe without delay. ACRE will buy two good farms N rm ~!lncrthmntnts. --\ $ The p etition presented by the Salvation added much t o the enjoymen t of the evenOur undertakers had charge of two Lot 15 11nd 16, 3rd Concession Picker· .. ~~ · I ~ing by their choice selections, and very '-'·· 14 0 f' '·'J .K. tan .. ~. funerals each on M onday ttfternoon, the Ar111y to the House of Commons in Lon- tlese1yedly r ecei ved a unanimous vote of · ~~~.r -~-~~~~.-~~~~~~,,~~~ ing ; good buildiogs, or char d and water If ORSE FOR SALE. - A good far m not sold will be let. Address WILLIAM DA LE, l.7th inst. Still mox-e remarkable was don Eng. on tho 30th ult., i11 favor of thanks. Dr. A llison very acceptably :tilled 31-3w. T o t he Jlf anauer of the Gi·ange Jl'fotual F ire horse for sale. Apply to CEO, Donso N, Pickering, Ontario. this, from the fact thtl.t all were very raising the age of protection for girls, was the position of chairman , ancl in his re- Bowmanv1Jlo. 33-tf Jr<.~ 1trancc Company. 2 miles 600 yards and 1 foot long and bor e young children. Under the heading of marks stat ed t hat ho r emembered having HROPSHIRE RAM ~ ,OR S.ALE .P urch ase 20 hereby return my t himks t or the prompt. ,. ~ · acr es of good land nnd satisfactory payment by your agent Mr "Deaths" will b e fou nd further partic- upward of :rna,ooo names. held t.l1e same position on a similar occa~ion ,.. A thoro'-brod Shropshit·o Ham, 2 years old, near Bowmanville. If not sold , will bo rent- H. llfoulton, for damages by lightning to my ulars. Our Chief of Police, Mr. T. ·r. Coleman about 50 years ago. pedigree furni shed, JOHN HOSKfN. lot 11, ed. ApplytoEnwrN MORRIS, No. 89 Gros- barn (thoughno fireoccurred). ii. Darlington, Bownmnvlllo, l'.0. 33.3w ' vener Aveaae, 'l 'ownto, Ont, 20-tt. P E'l'J!;R S'l 'ALKEit: While Georqe Wright, one of the em- received word on Monday of the sudden vVe pray that Goel may bless this union con. ------ - - - - · -· Clarke, J uly 22, 188ii. ployees of the 1" .1n i.i.turo factory, was work- death of his brother, J obn T. Coleman of of Pastor and people, and that many years TRAY SHEEP. -- Strayed from l o t We might quote scor es of testimonials such ing at the emery IV lrnel on vVednesday Ottawa. Mr. H. Coleman went to that of harmonious labor together will result 30, con. 3, Clarke, on tho 12th inst. , SEVEN ' ) ~ A.ORES OF LAND F OR SAI,E . the above, this is merely to show what little afternoon some of t he splinters entered city to sr.e t o the burial of his uncle, in groat spiritual advancem en t and the S JOJEP -6 old aod one lamb. A suitable re- ~ · - I,ot l ll, Con. 7, Clarke - with good o.s depend' .l.nce can be placed In any statementa. frawe 1 l we!Ung-house, barn and stable · also ward will be paid for their recovery. 'WM. his eyes, causing h im great pain until ex- which took place yesterday afternoon. that men a s Mr. Thomas Bingham mo. ke; up-building of Christ 's church on the KING. 34·3w" young orchard. A never-failing oreelc i·tms this such is only a sample of what his letters at·e. t.hrough tho promiR<'l S. 1'Arm ~ very reasona.ble. tracted. It will be some d;1ys before he -Miss Maggie Olivtlr of Brant ford who cm·th. begioning t u end; an; fur ther controversyRAIN 'l'AKEN.- lf the man who AJ.?ply to ~1'A'i'ESMA N Oir~'ICE, 01· to the pro. from can work again. witb such men is only a waste of pap43r . is spending ii short t ime here among her 28-2 nr" picked up tho small bind ing chain opposi te pr1etor, ltICHARD P1PEH, Kendall. H . MOUL'l'ON. The following gen t lem en have success- friends, while out driving, was tluown BIRTHS. my on SundtLY mo1·ning and took it aw1w, , fully passed the ,fuly examinations foi: from tho b uggy m~d had ~er right ~n·m will return thc;i sRme no questions will b~ .a.skerl. . FARM 'I 0 R E N T. -A s mall far m to 'l'EES- In l\font.roal, on tho 13th inst., the wife JOHN HOSh.IN. .l3·3w' 1 let for a term or years-30 acres, havin g A CHALLENGE. First Class Teacl1er ::i' non -pl.'ofossional broken at tho wnst. Miss Shaw her of Mr. D. T. Tees, of " daughter. --- - -- \ t hc ircon frame house. barn, stable and goou certific:i.tes, grade " 0 ": Guy A . Andrus, companion had no bones broken but was HonuN- ln Bowmanville, on tho Hth inst., E SIDE NCE WANTED. -· Conven i- orchard: wcll locltted, half mile north of Orono, I challenge Mr. Moulton to give one dozen . . . on the Gravel Road . .Apply t o UOBT, MoME N'l', names ot losses hke the above that he has paid. Port Hope; Alber t Bar ber, .Bo,ymanville; otherwise badly injured by ,the wishap. the wifo of Mr. F. Roblin, ot a do.ughtor. 33·1 . ently s1tuatecl in Bow!"'anv1lle; cen Postmastet· Orono. VANS'l"ONE-.. [n Bowmo.nvillo, Aug, lSth, the m R. n. \Vatson, Courtice ; :.i,ncl for:. professay nothing about the score3 that he blows g S or 9 rooms, r ossoss1on wanted nbout · w wifA of Mr. A. L., of 11. Aon. Darns l3nrne<l.-Mr. Thomas Harris, about. I think that Mr. Stalker can thank my Nov. 1st. Address :- Dn. J . SIMPSON. llowsic.mal cer tificate, It. J. Sangster, Hampletters for getting who.t he did, as hia policy '"\Vor roNIn Columtms. on t he lGL h instant. 31-3w, ton. '!.'he 8TATE8M A?< congratulates these who li"ves near Tyrone, had his barns and the w;re of Mr. Jethro '"\Votton, of a daughter, man ville. does not cover any loss of tlte kind, and I know par ties insm·ed in t he same Company that have pedagogue s on the ir h elrd earned honors. their content s burned on Wednesday last, AHM F OR SALE. - Iu E ast WaV.rnNJ:ST- At Solina, Aug. 17th, tho wife of had losses by lightning and did 11ot get anythe fire originating by sparks from a Mr. John VanNest, ,Tr,, of a daughter, wanosll. County of llurou, Ne1>r Blyth, vV e ha ·e to r ecord several burgbries th ing, Now, Mr. Moulton, out with tho names steam engine being blown on the roof of lOU acres. This is a beautiful far m in every liar. this Weilc:k in ;1nd ar ound town. On Satpo.rticular. Apply to EDWARD W E LSH · .l:llyth, .,ntlici·tl No lo C t·c1Uto1·s of l ' liznb c t.h or sta nd branded as a downright the barn while threshing Barley-'l'he '!'.BIN GHAM, 8. Jllcn1·icJ1, dccca setl . MARRIED. :ll-Sw . u.rday afternoon a certain silver p olish Onttirio. Bowmanville, Aug. 12, 1885. tl1l'esher was also burned owing to the l pedlar entered M r . J . Rubertso11s house men's efforts being but. forth to save the' R; ~i<:-CRAW~'onn -At Newcitst.J n. on tho 21th ~ of l' eb. last, by tho RAv. A . A. Drnmmoncl, .T.A. r]10 R ENT .--30 acres of land, 1} miles Pursuant to a direction or the Chancery during the absence of th o family and car- cl 11' _ west. of Rowmanville, w it.h splendid Division made in i·e. Mc Brien. infants, the I!. M we ing., of Clark e, t,o J,ena, adophxl danghter ried off the most .::ostiy ar ticles he could Ol'c hm-cl; good, barn, stable crcclit01·s of l f.l iY.ab et h S . M e Brien, late or i'I !U , IJ llf\1 1 l!J · W1~Lco1m Jio;;rn,- Dr. McLaughlin and of Mr. W. Crawford, of Dadington. und d l'iving·shcd : hard and soft wuter. Apply Newtonville, in the county of Durham, wife of flnd vttluecl at. ~;15 0 ;m d has n ot y et reut STA'l'ESMAN Oilice. 31-t.f. 1.A.lfrod N . McBricn, who diecl rn or about the A Oolle{le for the H ir1he:r Ed~ico,tiun of Y on'l'l{f L a/lies, TV11kehcirn 1Jall. Collc~oe A venue. Mr. W. 0. King, who h ave b eeu aLlleut turned to fay claim t.) h is caso of polish. DIED. . mont Ii of J mmary, 1871, are on or before the 'l'm ·onto. (Roa r c le1·s a1ul Da11 S chola rs). -::Jr0 08E FOR S A.LE OR TU Rl.l:NT'. Jri rst~t ,ty of Septem J:>or, iss;;, to .send ,b:l!" "(>Ost D1'. Beith h:icl i· sot of Ji: ~m css st ole n from as members of t110 Canadia n team, 01t JEWELL-In Bowmanville, on t he 15th inst., :::Jl - l!'rame houso niccl)' situated on Ontario JH·e11aicl t o n. Ornnston._ ltsqmre, Solic1t.or, The school will re-open WF~DN ESDAY, 2nd his st:ible. Mr. J . M . ,Joncss h ad some 'W imbledon, arrived hom o on Tuesday, Luther Harol d, infant son or '.l'. C. and M. i::lLreet., Bowurnnville, w i lh wlikh is onc-lrnlC Whttby, Ont. · the !Jh~"tstian and sor~ames, s~a·"l'E;MBER. Several camUdatcs from this butter and cream stolen from his refrigor- and b oth look well a fter a r ough sea J ewell, agod. 2 months anrl 12 days. l descr1pt1on. the. full _pn.rt10ulara school passed with distinction the reccntTri nity acrfl land, good hard and soft water, several ac;id t·e~ses n:n< voyage. They r ep ort a very su~cessful fruit trees and !Lll neceseary convenionccs of of t1leu· claims, a statement of their acconnt,R , College matricnlii.t.ion, and also thato1' the UniHnut'JmAt Enf1cld. on Augnst .18th, Carrie ator. . cornpetition, 1.he highest aggr egate yet Bell, infant daughter of lilt'. S. Hooper, age(l 7 a comfortable resilience. Ji'or par ticulars appl)' an d the na.ture of the secur1ticis (if " '!Y)held by v~i;sit~ or 'l'oront~. . .TOHN HADDY Bowmu ·u 31-1 v \ them ; or m deftJ,U!t t hereof they wtll be per· l hornugh teaclung m the English branches, t o The band concerb last Friday evening 0 made by a Cau;1diim te:im. Dr. Mc- months. ~-------·---nvi ' ' · empt.orqy excluded from t he bAndlt of the , In Latin, French, .Germ":"· _ mathematics, harwas attended by ove1· 500 of our townsPJ,\JMM E1:- In Howmuuvillu, on tho l5th i n~L. proceedmgs. l~very creditor holding any ) mony..musIC,drawmg, pa.mtmg, and art need_ lcLn,ughlin and his son, Arthur, spent one Aanle l\'l:Lud, dau ghter of. 1 11r. U. J. Plummer: people, showing by t heir presenca wlutt sect":il'.y is l'o p1 ·oducu t.he same before rrie. t he ! work ·~ ~ecnrcc1. Espemal C!ilre i~ , takeD: w. 1tl:t ATTLE L 0 S 'r .-Str ayed fro m the week in P aris seeing sights, and Mr.King a~ed 1 year and .1 months. undersigned, a t my <Jhaw hers in Osgoode Hall, the religious and moral .trmmng. I he hmldmg an interest is ttdrnu in the musical organipr emiE3s of the undersigned. l,ot 21, Con . uE- In Bowmanvllle, on the 16th inst., tho City ot Toront o, on the 5th of Septem- nnd grounds arc salnbr10us and we!l eqmpperl. visited friends in L ondon after tho contest .Vm·1° H ea ch . four s m a ll Yc,wling C·.tt le- threo iu z ations in connection wit h the two leadHolen Seot.t, youngest daughter of Robert and 2, lK"\ at eleven o'clock in t he forenoon, _Prosper.:tns or f urther mlorma.t1on will be wtts over. Grey Steers anc l one " White Heifer. F ive dollars ber. l£lizabeth Virtue, ap:e(l ti months and 21 days. being t he time 11ppointo(l for adj udicat ion on given by MIS!:l GRIER, Lacly Pr Jncipal. 31·1W ing indusb·ies of tb e town . '!.'he comi·ewtird will he given to nny pcrao:i r.;iving such the clai ms_ CANN- In Bowmanvillo, on t,ho 15th instant, information that will load to tftefr recove1y. HURRAH ! ! In the Waterloo Band bined bands mar ched th r ough the princiDo.L ee! U1e Hlth clay of J une, 1885. infant son of W111. und Ji:l\zttbetlt Cann, It. P OLI.AUD, Shirley P .O. 29·1w. pal st,r eets from the mark et square to the 'ronrnarnent hclcl on \Vednesdiiy and the JAMES !:1. CAlt'l'WHIGH'l', u.ged 5 week s. Jteg1 strar Q. B. D. Drill Shod, where they rendered in their Thursday of this week, our bands carried PIIlLP- In Pomeroy, Manitoba. Jnly 23 Helen 'l:f A RM TO R EN'r IN CLAH.KEoff t wo of the prizes which were competed Knox, \vifo of ,Joh n P hilp and mother of Mrs. u smtl good style the pieces pl ayed hy them ..t: Being pa1·t or lot 27, con. 8, containing JOO E . B.Cr)'dorman [LUU .:11rs, ll'.L.ffillis, Hampton, acres ; 85 acr es cleared ; well watered, good at the vVaterloo compet ition on \Vednes- for by some of the very best musical aged 78 years. build ing s , i e nce.s, &c. LR.rge y onn g o r c lulr1 l day last. ·w e h great reason t o l>e organizations in the country. '.r ho bands just beginning t o bear. I mmediate vossession proud, as a t own, of tho fine appearance, were graded according to the bona fido to foll plow. Apply versonally to R . :e. S t . Thomas, Onta rio . 'l'HOHN'l"ON, Orono. 33. musicn,l ability :tnil good b ehaviour of the membe1·11, those having ove r tweaty memBOWMANVILLE MARKETS, ,tlf"l ' be finest B wilcli-nr1s. b'ttr n i sh i nus,Grouncls, bers were classed, grade A, those under D.0.&P. Co. and U .C. F. Co. bands. --o-OR S ALE-That very desirable Brick &c., for the pur rJoso in Canada. that number, grade B. The D. 0. & P. Oorr r.cted l1y JOHN LYLE, eve1·y TJ,.v,rsday Hcsidcnce with 12 acres or tho best lirnd ; P ull S taj/' of Iii Grad1 mtos and Cert!Jlcated FOR 'l'RE CURE OF ALL THE D]:LICATE Co's Band· entered in grade A and took l<'lour, per 100 lb · · .·.· $2 00 ·· to .. $ 2 25 good bearing apple orchard and small rm its.- Tcttchers iu Lltc1ature, .IUustc, l' llte Arts , For t he :\'EXT 30 DA.YS I will sell for LESS' D ISORlli!:RS to which females ar c subject OST' the remainder of my stock of New barn n,nct stables ; two wells, cisttJrn and c:ounnercinl Scic11c.,. ltc -01ums s " l>t. 10th. THAN C 3rd prize ; Sarnia took ht prize and F'all Whoat, per bush. . .. U 80 . . to . . 0 82 all other conveniences. Sitnatec l on Manvers Stylish and most Dur able Millinery no remedy has been devised that can be }-.o r ao.p p. AllllOUllCCHlCllf' addres s , .Guelph 2nd prize. The U.C.F. 00'11 band SpringWl1eat, per bush. 0 80 .. to ·· o ·s2 Hoad, ono mile nort h of town; formerly owned l"JUNUil'A.L AUSTIN, R, D. compared with l:ianington's Quinine Wine in grade B took second prize, J:.eing beaten, per bushel. ·· , · · · . · 0 55 ·. to. · 0 60 and occupied by Mr. C. l\'I . Cawlcot-. Apply to - - -- - DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS:t and Iron. h r enovates the entire system, , Howmanville. 33-tf by Borlm ancl standing ahead of Streets- Oate,per bushel. · · · · . ·· 0 30 .. to .. 0 35 C. K HKNRY animates tl1e despondent, restores the &o., with a vci:y heavy stock of ville. We tire pleased to k n ow tha.t our Peas,Dlue. .. . . ... . .... 0 50.. . to ·· 0 55 DNDERS FOR S'.rANDING 'rIMlbloom of health t o the shallow uheek, and A list of 96! newspapers DIVI DED INTO bands never go from home without giving BEH.'Ihti undersignell wlll rcoelve sualed " Blackeyes .. . .. , · · 0 70 · · to .· 0 80 tenders for the purchase or 7 or 8 acres of STA'l'ES ANU SECTIONS will be sent on Feat h e rs & Flo-we rs. replaces melancholy with vivaciouness of a good account of themselves and although fJ,tiOn-nurn. " Small.... . . . .... 0 55 ... to .. . 0 60 standing timber, situate on lot J in the ,l th con. appliC youth. See that yon get "Hanington's," - -o- this time they have not carried off the Butter,pet· tb. be11t table·· O 10 .· @ ·· 0 13 of the '£ownship ot Darlington, up to the 20th 'l'o thosHwho want their advertising to pay, Thanking my customers for past favors, I the ol"iginal and yenuine. we can offer no bettAr medium for t horough respectfully of September next. 'l'he aubscrfber doos not highest hon.oTs yet they are to bo congrat- Lard, 'II" lb . ·. .. . ·... .. .· . 0 10 . . @ ·. 0 13 solici t all to call and Inspect m y bind himself to o.coept the highest or any and effective work than the various sections present stock, which I am sure will p:ive tho The best value in Linen and Victoria ulated on the r esult. Egga,'ltJ.0.1: . ..... .. ...... O 10 .· @ ·· 0 12 tender unless otherwise f<!Ltisfactory. Put" of our Select Local List. utmost satisfaction. Lawns 1t,. '!cl the finest assortment of EmGt:o. I'. ll01"J;LL ·" C:O. , ticulars to be had on em1uiry of the proprietor, A good suit of clothes, youth's, size for Pot&toc,,per bushel. ·· , ·· O 35 ·· C<t ·· 0 40 lot Newspaper Advertlslni: Bureau, broideries in town at Couch, J·ohnston & 1:1, 3rd con. Darliugton. WM. WI~DATT. 10 Spruce Str eet, New York, Wool, per lb .......... . ... O 16 . · @ .. O 16 Darlington, Aug. 15, 1885. 31-lw, $6 :it Mason Bros. for Cryderman's. j TI-IE ...,..,.,H. O UBE ~ti Summer Dry Goods Remnants - COST ~ BRU.SHES. I Parasols, Ginghams, Shirtings, Gloves, Prints, Cottonades, Hosiery, Cretonnes, Denims, Summer T·weeds and Summer Suits ' NO T ICE. ALL :£<.EDUCED! CARPETS, T. B. C. I. Te\V. I. L. BLACK SILKS, SOMETHI NG FOR YOU I I LACE CURTAINS, & DRESS GOODS AT S ::E>E 0 :J:..A..I.... :PFl.ICE:S. HOUSE.) B.- 3 T. CEO. MASON, Proprietor. WHITE BRONZ MONUMT:ilNTS I Local and Otherwise. F H. ~. W-RIGHT, 6 5. . PJD li I H S $QOO QQWill I S I================== C R F In the High Court of Justice. T'JE IO ISHOPS TR A l"llJ i;: '!GHOO L I I I C l Alma Ladies' College, BARGAINS I IN M ILLINERY. F T TO ADVERTISERS. Mrs. DONNELLY.
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