It is aometimes said thats l'ilr. Blake makee no impression on the House or on BOWMANVILL:R ST.A.TION, tho country. It is true th!l.t he seldom are made of PURE CAST ZINC, warranted 99t per cent, succeeds in persuading even une 'l'ory to l!IOINO &AST. QOINQ Wllltl1' and therefore i11nst endure. EJCpr-088 .... .. ,9.05. a.m Expres11 ...... r.1~ a m ll'aetlbrprel!f!.10.05"' m Local, ........8.2'! am vote against any enormity proposed by Mixe(). ...... .. A.~ p rn Mixed ......... t.Oa pm tho Tory Chief, bub he often convinces Local ...........7.30 pm j lhvrel!B....... 9.00 Pm OJWNO, July 25th, 1885. tltem and often terriflea thom. The fact Eimre!IB ...... 9.W p m St. Tl10111a.s 1-Vhite Bronzo llfomi111enb Cn. that, 11otwithsta11di11g the lavish use of GRN"l'I,Jc~mN.-Atter ,10neidering t.he matter CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. money and of bribes in all other conceiv- · of a famil y monument for some time, and eJCamining dc~igns and monuments of dllferent able shapes, and all the promises of i)ros- klntls1 Mr. ll . W. Wrlitht, your ag:ent for tllesn BURKETON STATION. counties. called 1m us with your boolc and parity, and. all the acts and devic1Js of men sheets or designs and model n1onnment11,which OOINO Ii.IS:!". GOlNO WES1. '. . d · th t 0f t' attracted our s1>cci<>l attention; and after t l e ac s corru]J ion getting wha.t infornrn.tion we could from Mr. Exprllfls ...... I0.~3 n. m F:xpre88........ 9.00 am ong prac !Se m Mixed .... .... 7.4211 m J<'!xprel!8.,. ..... 7.42 Pm and deceit, those who voted on tho Tory Wright. at It!· request, one of ua went to the works. at St. Thomas (1'8 you know), and aritir ~-L. _ __:-:--=:-----. - ----- . ~="'~~~ side at the last general election exceeded a thorou~h invc·liµ: .. tlmi into the rroeeee of · ted 011 the liberal side only manuf&cture, r.:mmlnlni.: tho materll.\ J?Bed,and tilOSl:l Wllu vo acelng a number of monument· which !tad by two or three thousand proves oon- been ere_cted for a considerab1'1 !lme. we were ' 1fully s1'11sfled they Wllre superior to marble or elusively tl1at Mr. Blake's eloquence and gl'ILmt11.andat,oncegaveourorller!or~o.l55~ .. · · · d d · or your designs. And now that it has come BowMAN\."ILLE, FRID..lY, Auausr 28 ab1ltty, lus d1smteroste noss a.n purity safely te> hand and is erected In a Yery sub. a.nd honesty produced a powerful effect stantlal manner, according to our dlrect1o~s, we wish to st! ror your cncnuraiccmeut m 011 public opinion. And those who note your comparatively new and growmK enter· prhe, that we are dcllght<'d w1Lh the monn· HON. EDWARD BLAKE. properly the signs of the times know that meut you have seut us; and although there · k la · arti beauUfol Scotch and English 11101.uments when a general election ta es }) · CCI agam in onr ctimetery, yet we · like it very much F.xtrn ..cs from " i·eecut Globe Edltorl:ll. a vast mai'or·ity of the rieur)le will declare bebtor than either o.t them. 'rhe tablets being · rnmova.ble, anti (Cor ·ho present) so nlcoly ornamented, till they are re<J,t·lred for lettering, In all P ...rliamentary history there is that because Mr. Blake is honest and 1iblo glvos the monument a finished appearance; und the lettering being all raised reads very [ nothing rnoro remarkable than the fact above comparison with any or all. of those dlstiuctl:r. And the 1re11eral designs and pro- , that no serious attempt was made to opposed to hhn they desire thali t he portions of the monument are so good that tho · 'TTT family and friends are very much ple&80d with VY VY interests of Canad. a be entrusted to his disprove auy on<l of the charges made in It. And we wish you and your onterprlsinl{ · · t al!'ent here, sncocss In your work, as we conkeeping. those terrible indictments wliich Mr. Conou1w P . 0., sider the introduction of theeo Puu11 ZINC MONUMmN1"S wlll be a 1lre1 \t benefit to this Blako lust session brought agaiust Sir where the extreme changes of the Agent for Counties of Northumberland TheMontrea!DailySta1·basshowu unmis- country, ;Tolm Macdrmald and his associates. The weather anti atmosphere severely effect the and Du~ham. marble and stone worlc In our cemeterie~. dreadf'11 facts wore marshalled with such takeable evidence of genuine enterprise D. A. G.t.MBBY &: BROS. 3! for some time. Its North-West corresconsummate skill, U1e evidence by 'vhicl1 they were 5ustainod was so conclusive, so pondence during the rebellion was among DISTRICT NOTES. Big Bea.r's Sen~ence Reversed.. One Doo1· West of" .Pod Office. Bo,v111a11villc. overwhelming, the preeentation of tho the most accurate, full and interesting, and its latest hit has been tho obtaining Children's suits, for $2 at Mason Bros Ry Tc~th11011y ot tile Folto,,.19'!< WUlles.!cs 1 case was so able, th11t Sir John's feeble 'J'hG water syat11m of Peterboro' is to wn'NlllRB No. I. effor' tu reply to the speech on the affah-s of the opinions of the loading journalists be milar"od Wattl!' Dlctionuy of Chemistry sa;J'B :- Zinc, ~Gr<> llr.PO>~ 0 of the North-West appeared to the House in Canada for a.nd against Reil's sentonce when expose<l to the or placed, b11 wa·er, its · at less than wholesale price11 surface becomeg co·vored witll a gray fllm of of Commons :'Intl to the country little else and the ju11tice of it. Fifty· at Remnants Mason Bros oxide which does not incre;<se. 'J.lhie tllm wlll · resist the cllemical effects of the·atmoephere than a plea of guilty and an appeal for four answen1 wore received and hore is a Dr. Fife, an old resident of Brighton, for all time, mercy. His supporters in the House felt summary of tho opinions : Forty-one died last week. WITNESS NO. 2. consider that the sentence of death should that discus:iion would only make his gum Highest nrice !laid fol' all kinds of farm \.Vben Chambers' Encyclopedia, lOi says:-r zmc is exposed to a volume· moist atm.·oephere more nrnnifcst., and they remained silent. be executed, seven question the 11risoner's produce at J. Lyle's. ·its surface becomes coated with a thin tllm of ;oxldP, which protects tile metal beneatll from sanity, two question tho right of hanging Paraaols at red need at CouC'h·. , oxidi?.ation. a political offender, three claim p1"1Jjudice J <1hnaton & Crydermim'a. i WITNESS No. :i· The Government organs and some Conth.o unfairness in tho trit1l, and ono wishes Col. Dea11mn has be.m 11lect~d . by accla~ 1 ..Alppleton's American Encyolopedfa~v-0], 16, servatives have frequently pretended to LJlll!Pl 831i. ·ays :-7.lnc, when exµosed to· the the Government " to deal with tho case mation, 2nd Deputy-Reeve for Linds~y .. i atnmephere, will cov~r it·el! wit.h u thin. lllm belio,·e that :.VIr. Mowat desires to supplant Leas thau thirty ladieir· of Brighton will or 0X1tde. which a.dheres closely to the metal freu from suggestion." Mr. Blake in the leadership of the Libera1 be enfranchised as muni<!:ip>.11 voters iu !lllld. protticts it from further cllange, partJ in the House of Commons, and that WlTl\'ESS NO. 4. .Tanuary. Mr. H. A. 'Vard, Conservative, waut eMis· l. E. Oliver, of Godt1rich . takes ll're>m the partiea who supply us with. Zlnc:t' many deiilire that Mr. Mowat should become the le:ider. Anything lectPd in East Durham on Monday by ~ Mr. Dentou's-~face in Cl>b01!1rg Coll~giate Mo'llJ1t:mmtal Bronze TVorka, Rl'idUt1/4rt, Ct. Institute. 11itN'llLEMEN,- For the benefit of Uto!e· not ra'.llriliar with the metal known a1 Retlned moro absurd, more propQsterous cannot majority over Mr. W. T. R. Prest©·», N ew all wool Dress Goclds worth 250 Zine; will state tllat zinc is not an amalgam or Liberal. 'b e ima~ined. Mr. Mowat h~\8 never once an a.lloy, but a pure metal, jus& the same a.11 selling off at ]~c at Conch, J o h nston & gold. 111lver, copp.,r, etc. 'l't.e zinc we · furnlell conceived tho slightest wish of becoming Oryderman 's. you ill not an a.<lulter..ted article. but ie>retlned The Waterloo Tournament. by the severest chetuic11.I te~ta known to leade:r of the liberal party in the Dominion, , Tho Outario '}'.,achera' Ass··ciation hl\s scieD!le . a.ud is absolutely as pure 811 metal· ancl )IO!)ithor tho Liberal lmrty nor any declared in favor of the abolition of Up- lurghtaL methods can oroduce. Yo11ra.6ruly, ( l!'rom the Bertin DaU·y N etva.) d ll MANNING & SQUIER·. , JJibe$ls have entertained an idea. of 'l'he great Blind Tournament has with·· per Cana a en e<Je. .Ariente Pasa..ic Zino·Go., 113 Liberty St.. New·York. makint a change either in tht> Dominion out doubt proved one of the greatest i The milihry_camp will be held at Kin~ ~---'-0'>~~~~ i 'vt1'NESBJNo. ii. or in U1is Province. Both leaders are mul!ioal event.., if not the gl"Oattist, that 'J'l~on, oommeucw~ 8~~ of S.ipt.. The eR ! Juui ever been witneued in tho country. 1!J1m11tad number l.ll 1100. James lit'tewart. 'l'reas. Detroit IJronre, co., admi~ly fitted for the positions tlrny The Town wa11 put in the most thorough ' Our stock of Corsets is alway11< woll asDtitMl·t, Mich. l10ld, 111nd betwoen them, a& in the l"anks holiday trim bJ arches flags streamer3 oorted · the best makes only kept· :~t tho DEAR lit!IR,-The ~lno furntahed yov tly us Is The best and cheapest in Bowmanville. ' . ! ' ' . made by<tloe Passaic '.ilmo Compsny, under our of the Libornl party, there is pel'fect niottoes, gl'~en!Y, and everytruni:: elae that ~r House, from 40 cts up. j supervl~ii:m, 1peci1'1IT tor your work a 11 d. that the roollt oxquieiille· taste oould de11ire. Io Lieut E A MaoNachtan of @i,bollr·' oltheMon·t1ment&l Hron~eCcmpany..of· Brld~e· J l1armony. t! . . ctt t · r I t Cl . . . . ·. . port, Conn,, and the St. l'hom·u \Vlute ·Bronz~. ie cvinlll)( ec nc J~ J s, . L!nese h:aa been appointed Cluef R"ng0< Officer Monumenc Co.. St. 1'1lomas, Ont. It iii comThe Jatest and best styles manwfaictur~d. lanterns, a!ld !biut'f>!I of mull1tudmous of· the Dominion T «~'lil" Association. mercinlly pure. thab. 1~ 00~ per ceni ztno, the Mr. Illako never sto~d so high in the cobrs helped groa>tly to add to the attrac· . . ?th~r J. De!'· cent cons1·t· or 0~11..~ met11>l· al ways 1 'l'h d . There are now oirer one hundref11,gue11f11, u.c1de11t&l tlo .the sm.,lt1og of 7.rnc. 111ta~ It ls confidence and .esteem of the Liberal party t.tveness of Uie IIJh;c . e·. e crow . m be~ides children and maids now atayin~ " ml!oh neararahsolutt}IJ' pure than the-average th .A . B t l C b or lllno mlldle in thh country or- In Europe,·. in tbe House of Commons and in the town wui th11 lariil!l&b e·\"IJ'.1" seen and tho Tho most magniificent. ever offered 11D. town. 0 ourg; 6 · wtia,her all that t.-suld be desired. One att e r 1rngton llteapectfully YouNJ, country as he does to-day. Engaged in a . f . " " """p b t . , f c lborn~ have MANNING &8fJUlto:l'..S; . 0 . v, of t·h e oh1e llttracblous- Wlli'... the boys was .1>··8 res Y eri~ns· o .Agents Paasaio :.lino eompany. llN greab constitutional struggle in which the Young Ladies::l3and f~m Michigan. !>urch3sti? th~ Matt>st Mothodiet._ «:hurch State of New York,City and Count JihwYork. many cfrcumstances are adverse and dis· 'l'heir playio11: was g"Ma1Uy oomired. The Ill t hat nllage 11.t a <mst of $3,12oi I. Charle8'Iilia:i:well, one of tho ftrm of Mann· The best quality amd: most beautiful patterns. they made wore veirv numerous W Cormack a drover from Cl>esley ing & Squlens. being duly ewor!l deD1t1ies and couraging h e has e'·er sho,.,.n an honesty mo&hos .,. . ' · . · eallh that t!te abo' e at.stement 1& true. . CU:ABr,i.;s E . MAil.."WELL. of purpose, a purity of motive, a keen but1f our memory :!llJDVes ua- rii:htly they Ont., loRt $3000 on :ii; Pullman can" wlule were mashed as "eH. Bil the b{lys. But it tra'l'eliDJl from l\'1011i real t o Toronto. Subscribed\ and sworn to before me on Uils sense of honor, and a disinterestedness i11 hard to say form their cheeriug The most varied and hndsome stock in town. ,. . h 25th. day of llflareh , l!lil3· witneB& my hsnd and tl .,. d t" - "b ,, f l.Jlhrelve y ear oluhon of W'.M. Smit , olllclal sea.I. . CHARLES N&TTLll!l'ON, which have endeared him to his friends .,,h ti . ea ier. iey pruce1we ,..,. tlys o Sacket's Harbor huma himself \O a lad· Nota11J ]>ublic for Now York, Oo. N. Y. and extorted the respect of his opponents. t.he Berlin Orchestim ©!uh, or those of d · h13 · f th ',8 b "' Th da l at the Bowmanville 0 : & P~ lllo. Band, as · er·m a er am on ur· y · · wI'l"NEss No. u. 'Jl'he best and cheapest tll~· world's markeL- affiord. It is well known that he makea, nob oc· "- t eq:...._ ·--·" ,. · h t'.'11 I y, o f p ort H l)fe, won tlie 1,_ d I hereby certify J\IONTRU.T,, Qtte., Nov. U, 1883. uo l - ch eOlrS were lho{IU 'ien ·or~ o ·wo uw yar that I 111'.-e anal:tsod an(\ .clsionally, but continually,heavypecnniary organh~ations. 1'hes.i yonnit ladies. bo- raot"for a silver mf'ldal, at the Kni.~hta of tested the :material called "Whlte- llron:i:e," · F eu t on, ooar t J1e· c!lty ·· of Fl" · ~J 11 ·it I t manufactured' for purpo,..,s by tho csa~rificc8 in order to dis~harge more fnlly 1 OU!!; .o mt, L a bG!I" d emoust rat. lOllJ m .oe en It aa ' St. 'l'h. omas 'Khotc Bronze MonnmeP-" Co.. antl i I find it compo~ed, as re 11 resonteo, of· llcjl1m6 ; Ground dru~y fresh on the premises. the dutiea he has undertaken, and tl1at Mic h., and aru "led' " by qpit6 a youn!{ week. .. tetitu;... He mmt l'tfr. ;r. D. Palmer, of Belleville. has Mdalz.ic Zfac; of a very superior quahty to · power and place would bring to him not man, hard!y out of· _is &"11.~-ants ' sheet zinc. andi almost absolutely pu1·e. Ite \i.11\!1.JT honour or emolument but responsibmty have no end of aU1ltty te loo able to beeni :appointed Gran.t Director o~ Core· great duramlity under all exposure to weather ~ " manage " such a fine troop. of ladies. monii:is for thA Grami!lLodge of A. ]I'. and storm ill- ~he:reforo fully aesur11d l>t< its high i Good, clean am.d cheap as the ~heapest. .and toil. His ttanscendeut abili~y which M_anv u. rna.n, .mu-ali· old_ e r llltran he, has A. M., of C·nado.. quality. Audi It will re·lst decay a..'ld further ., · oxidation wltenr its surface ls once 1ioated. It ~ .is of incalculable value to the country, his . han~s full It ~ ma1111agmlg; ODe woman. R~'t. Dr. Water11, m · Newa.rk, N% J . bro· it is then mo:ue durable than 1tone;·.and will B t; h 1s ei:cep iooa y c e.yeir and th not loso its. handsome appearancti ~wom genii· .u'W.. ieven w hHo ho sits on the Opposition Bi£1e . u e . . .ese then-of Dr. Waters,, of Cobourg, C<t<nmpied ration to gf!neration. I know ot no.other mo.- · fmoyoung !~dies e~ceptw,oaJlly docile. the ~lpit of the PI'Wbyterian ohaDeh in whlchiis· cgually cat>a.ble of combining ·1 Selling offi' very cheap to c1ear out. of the House, will b e of much gre~ter Ho had bette1 no~ , let tho- !J'tlt,er fact be thati town on Sabba~h! last. elerianoe of form., beauty ot aurtace,and inclcfl,· l value w l1tin he is called upon to guide, the 11eu~r11lly known 01~ he ~:\'<tu lilave grt-a.t niteduratiiiil/J· ·= Ity m · k .. h' t Eiingst0n Harbode being dre~l:<Kl and 4Singed) " i · course, and shape the policy'of the country. d 1mcn oe~ ~mg 1s c©m1Jany o· k b J. BAKER.: Suw.t1r1us, P. 8t. D., D. t:!l:L., F. C. s.. E · t k t t l . k gether. We ler;rn tliat this Band of the :ttone ta en fro31111the bottom, er· t e . very vane y ep cons ant y m stoc · young ladies are fu,~reat d11mM1d all over, lako· will be shipped to Toronto and CoW1'11~~~~:=~.7Deo.-.31et, 1883. Such 'l'orios as Mr. Mackenzie Bowell a!'ld they are unable to :lCcep.t all the bouug to be used by:the Gl>vermu\lnn. Dr. Y. Bit.kel'" 'Edwards. whose;, analysis is· . r vices. · :ny quantity ot.· Wool w1·11 "'~ ··~nuht given oMi'.i b· White BronM Monuments, is the· , say that some of Mr. B lake's speeches Propos11ls they re-;i.eive for tlheiir se· "" "~ ...,.,....., public analY1Bt.. ·llthorv.ed by Gi;ivernment to i make chomiaal <il'Xl:i.minatious fc~·the city of.I i too Jong, a nd that they consist too much 'f-he Waterlo0 pe'9ple paid them $100 aad at Jl. Lyle's at the :l!lif{hest markatlpriee. all OXllenses for tlteir two dB.vs' presence Montrca1'. H is ot>inion and an&b'sis may be· · of attacks upon the Government. Such ~· "a· H1'll only· ·on of Mr ""'-r-'-all ·cceptedias e"unll tC) any otller &ll"1ority In tlle, ' ~i.e first cla·s "' ~. ' Ulll " ' ' ~ '· llere. Tha comnetition f~ ~ H"JJI · ht country. Fr.omaninipection or ill>eprocessot;· :E t' l . ~ k b :6 l ill be iound £ · h 1 · 0 fth 0 3 r d coocesswu 0 f B. speeches as that on the (affairs of the Band pdzel! was:; v·ery kee1l; 110 less than rig: on manura3 .turing i"ll.e monuments, £'.llhould expost. '. very ar LC e· usua1·Y ept y rst-c ass. grocers W wit us was dro· w ned in a email pond them a tboou~hly durable article. · d ~~.i.. bl . W k l . l . North-Wost those critics think much too seven tryiug for it.. Too ireimlt was as township, · hb · f th Hlth ·· t N . .BuawAsu, ' an at IDUlttJ.reasona e prices. e ta e· p easure m s 10w 1ng goods. ,.. 1ll!!lS · Late Sc;.enceil"l'l!l£eS&or in Victomia Universitl<r : long. '!'hey would prefer vapid declama- follows ;- lst 1Prize, 27tll.. Batt. Band, on a neig or R a.l!m on e Mr. R. Parker w]10 was co~l:lr-sergeant Cobo01>rg. tion to such crushing masses of facts and Sarni:\ ; 2nd, G.uelph CTlty .liand ; 3rd, Bowmanville Dt O,. & P ~ 1:0. Band. The ofione of the Mi!iland compa!lies O>lll the WITNESS NO. 8. · : ·· evidence and argument. B ut those who l tt · " ]· "'T ~ th t .> ·t· ·d tall 'l'he filllt>w>:n;r letter is fror:i,. .John P . C&t>sa er a lso t oo k lJst pr;ze "or mare ung. .1......,r -we" expC to<J 10n, was ace1 en y well, brot.lie1' ot Henry and Ecliward Ca.i·sv..eLI, VICTORIA BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. hear and those who read l\'lr. Blake's The Coucer.h in the evening in the drowned at Belle.ville harbor~n,']h.uraday OshaW3J. YARMOU"l'H, Main~ July 15. IS&>, speeches know that ho never uses an idlo Skating Rink without doubt the b est last. Mr. '.Ilhomaa Morris, Oabaw::.- In a.newer te> The Wardersa.ys the memberg of the your enq~cy about my W hlt.e Bronze Mot1uword, and that if he omitted anything of attended aJfa,)i·ofthe km>d ever g iven in ment, ~ wooW say th&t tt stands on the sea. this county, tho number present beiPg :r&indsay S. Army are rapidly gaining in what he says, the case against Lhe Governabou~ ten feet above hig-J. water mark, estimated fr~m 150() t~ 2000. The nnmber,and at.Gtle present rate of imerease shore it is ~>feet high, base four foet. It has . been ment would be by so much less complete. musical part 0f the e-nterta.inment was it will soon bll !lhe lar,,.est 1 1"iom; body ereote<L over ten years and is, M good now as 0 the da~' it was placed in pesition, it bl!B not "' · It is bocau ~e Sir John Macdonald commits very good. 'l'be Lad ies', the Sarnia and ·in that to wn. beena.tlllleted in the lesst by either heo.t er cold, and the Berlin f ; M r. W . N ... .,, , · t · t k no moss. or foreign substanc. es v;athcr upon it so many monstrous crimes against the the Bowmauville Bands · t t l t f , .., a ir, an Q'.!C e ns.we s oc as ii does on marble, it is u clear andi bright 0 reh est ra t I1e m s rumen a par o · ·d · M .llb I r b people's rights, the people's interests, and the music, and Mr. E . W. Schuch of rm.s~r, res1 i ~g . nea.r t r oo ' · las eo n to·daiY as when new, and. (In, my oµinlonitWhite d subJocted to ::;nuch annoya.nce and trouble Bronae is superior to el tiler·:marble or granite t M. E kh dt f ti F II the peopltl's conscience, that some of Mr. T monumental pur poses. ood I therelore have oron °·-n tsksh c yar ° d10M .a t hs, Ian ,, lately by sow ..e unknown persons .aalicious· tor no lwsllation in roaomme11dl11g it to others. Blake's speeches are so long. But he M essrs. rec am, u 1e, an 1 c e, o. w 1 da · lf · h. Yours. &c.. J,llillN P. CAllS:WELL. never utters a word in Parlia~ent to Bowmanville, the vooal part. The geur Y magmg · IS reaping mac rnie. tlemen from B:iwmanville were very For the ~ost compfuto and assorted which even those on th e-Government side happy ancl successful in cllrrying tloo stock of H@s1ery and at Couch, .ii am tl1e sole and only agent.for White Bronze for Summer Dress Goods, who are in the sligh test degr ee intellige11t hearts of the crowd. You felt almost a.a J ohnston & Cryderman~s; in. t:!J.o oouuties of Nortlnrn·herland n:adDurham and have no sub. agents. or rcspe~table do not list en with profound good as to be at camp-meeting when H.!llly I The Anaient order vfiForesters of MonH. W . WHIHH'l'. BO hearlily sang tho plantation melodies. tree.I, ha.;~e. ioanizura!i.ed a apeoi:.11 benefit CO!>'OUHG P. 0 . attention. society for the ir lady relatives and friends. - - -- · -- · This new circle prom~es to be an excelEmbroideries- wide and narrow, Sir John h as the support of many well"Grant's Memorial: what shall it be Y" lent a1X1£iliary to t he "Ancient Ol·der" by meaning men, who i1migine that bec;iuse is discussed in the l:ieptember number of bringing in the wives, eisters and daugh they have always b een Conservatives they the !vorth American Review, by Launt ters of members. The sick and funeral Thompson, Karl Gerhardt, 0 . L. Warner are bound to support him, even when and Wilson McDonald, scalptors ; W. H. b enefiils. of lady members will be $3 pe1· week with m edfoal att endance in case of they disapprove of his policy. Sir J olm Beard, print er ; Uarvert Vaux and sickness, $10 to married lady members on Henry Van Brunt, architects; and 0 111.rence Macdonald uses 'tho people's money aml the birth of each infant, and $50 to memthe power of Parliament and of the Crown Cook, art critic. This symposium is sure bers' nominees in case of death. to attract wide atteI).tion at this time, to consolidate that bl>dy. Against such w~en the desire is so general to erect a As the season has been so backward I will sell these influences Mr. Blake and his friends can monurneot to Grant that shall be worthy goods with the whole of my stock at appeal only to the. patriotism and the of the man, the nation, and American To the Hartford Fire bi.mrarwe o. honesty of the people. No man in Canada art. 'l'lie s~me number of the Review I hereby retnrn thanks for tbe prompt pay. contains a consideration of the question, can appeal to patriotism and principle so "Shall our National Banking System be ment by your agent, Mr. 'fhos. Dinaham, for dama.~e done to my house by fire. I received ably and successfully as Mr. Blake can. Abolished r·· by George S. Boutwell, F. a casll cheek by return mall after my claim wae forwar:l.ed, · MUS. C. 0. BURK. His calumniators say t l1at he is feeble and J . Scott, S. Dana Horton, and Edward H. G, Olark. But tlie most readable 'To tM Ma1taqer11 of h· Gla1got11 a.d Lo~dof' ill-fitted to load, but it is because h e eo Jl'fre lna'YrCMt.CO (JQ. ardcle in tho numbor 111 ex.Sergeant-at· often strikes t error into their miserable Anna French's "Reminieoences of Fam· I htJ?ebf return thanlte for ·Be prompt pay 1!lent by yoUP agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham. tor iOuls, because th ey k now that he will soon olltl Americans," which is a seriea of damaa6 to m:r houae which WM uumred In lhe . Boverolitn Firo Insurance Co.. havtnir received , drive them away £rou1 tho flesh pots, that delightful aoecdote11 about the fameus eaah check by return o( mo.ii after claim wos WES'r END HOUSE, BOWMAN VILLE. war sena.tora. BODI In, :MRS. C. C. BUHK. they abu e ~ and vilify him as the:r do, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS I COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN I Do not profess to sell their goods at cost all through the year, but they always make it a point to clear out their stock at the end of each season, SO FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS they will give Great Bargains in 1· H Prints, Dress Goods, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves,&c. "t'ATRIGHT and all kinds of summer goods. ~~~'!--~~-------....,.........., I I Remember this is a genuine sale of new goods, not old shop-worn stuff. MURDOCH BROTHERS G-ROCERIE .S .: PRESERVING SUGARSFR U T J A .RS- I .· ..,, Dinner and TOO. Sets- ° 'll.lhina Tea Sets-. Table and Hamging LampsDelicious Teas.---. : .Fine Flavored Ooffiees'Ra1's1"ns and I . i ·.:,c rockery a,,.,...'J . Glassware- ·Canned Meats and Fruit H1'ghest Ptices Paid for Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce of all kinds. 9 0 · · " " ... M UR D QC H BROTHER S , Jr. McMurtry Will sell this month at low prices for Cash. Pa,rasols, Victoria Lawns, Linon de Syrie- nice Check Muslin, Light Prints, Summer Dress Goods, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery, Gent's White Shirts, Fancy Shirts, &c. Cards of Thanks. Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash. Give me a call and you will get cheap goods. W. McM U RTRY, I