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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1885, p. 5

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Miss Bertie Adams is visiting at Orono. Miss McArthur is home from the seaside. Miss A. Jould, of Stouffville. is home For the convenience of those of on a visit. Miss K . Iiinden, of Toronto, is visiting our customers who may require friends in town. medicine after store hours, we keep Misses Ida Shaw and Annie Roblin are at our resiJenee, Concession Street, visiting Coboi:tr~ friends. Rev. C. E. Mcintyre is expected home (directly~north of W. M. Horsey's) this week from his holidays . an assortm.ent of such medicines as Miss Annie Veal and Mrs. W. Pearn are usually needed in cases of are visiting friends in Cobourg. Miss Maggie McClellan an~ Mi8S .Jenemergency, such as Liniments, Pain Killers, One Minute Pain Cnre, &c". nie Galbraith have been very ill. Mrs. P . Murdoch and Mrs. Dr. Beith STOTT & JURY. retumed from the seaside on We<lnesday. Mr. R. Beith 1.wrived here last night from Scotland withl~ Clydes<lale stallions and a pony . Mrs. E.G. Ilurk and sons Edmund and 'd · now about J Clarence r eturm,d hist week from several Tlie l10l.l ~Y season ~s I weeks sojourn at Castile. -0ver and,1t 1s about time to Hettle 1 Capt. W.Goard, who has been stationed down to business. Our importation with tho s ..Army ins~. Cl\that·ines, spent . . . d a few clays m town tlus week. goods are begmnmg to arrive an Miss Lillie Evans, wholrns boon spendwe can t-;bow our customers an un- ing h er vacation at Mrs. S. Masou· ~, Sr. u 11 . laro-e and well assorted returned to 'foronto ~ast week. us a Y b · · · h Mr. 11.. Souoh has Just completed putstock of Druggists Sundries, whlC tine· stone stables and cellors under his have been secured at remarkably far~n buildings near Mupfo Grovo. .f' . 1 Our stock We have a 25 gallon keg of No. 1 Lai;1ow puces or cas 1 ' dine oil that we otfer to any thresher at a includes fine imported Perfumes big discount. Inquire at this office. (very choice) Hair Brm1hes, Combs, Mr.J .. F . Osbomeand Mr. May preacl1ed d· H t B 1, 1 in tho church-st M ethodist church on Sab· ' 'Tooth, N a1l, an a us les, bath fast, in the absence of the Pastor. Toilet CaseR, &c., all extra value. Between the monument dealers and inSTOTT & JURY. suranco agents our columns are_keptquite spicy. P itch in, gentlemen; 1t pays- us. New readers at Variety Hall. Every parcel a bargain at Mason ~s. For school books etc.," go t o Ya:uiety Hall. H.e 1d the new advei·tisement11 in this week's issne . " Rutnia.t Dairy " is delivering l"u·r e j Clean Milk. :M:any parents will breath ri10re freelly when school opens. Our sidewalks require considern.lile uepairing before winter sets in. The largest and most complete stock of l:hmt~ furaishing~ at M11yer's. Citizens, kindly observe that co·ws are forbidden to run at lt\rge at night. 200 pa[;:o scribblinl!: book with ti~bles· on the back for 5cts at Varie ty Hall. Any o ne requ iring Skim Milk for cooking can get same' from "l-tetnmt . Dti.iry ." HousewiveR, remember thut " Retreat D<1iry " is d(J)iveriug the best milk in town. It is a disputed question among h orse men in town who h as the m.ost stylish driver, A largo stock of choice Fa.mHy Grocers and Pro visions at bottom J!>:riees at J. Lyle's. Th(J local columns of the· Cobourg World are much morn ne111~y under the new management. OP}:NINO oF Sc uoor.s. - The High and Public Schools will open on Manday ne:d. 31st inst., at 9 a. m. Tliat story about the Aluenmm and t he ·}101.iby horso is tu Pe-th.-ick-ly hurnorou~ for another close shave . The Presbyterian M anse h as been extensively ropairod and t.he n ow Past.ol' and his family n ow occup.y it. P URSE FouNn. - On the 14th inst.,on Mr. W. P orter has. shown great ente·r King-st east Owner can have it by prov- prise by pu tting in o.v~r a th~:msan(~ dollar.~ ing property and paying for this notice. H. worth of n e w mad11nery mto lw1 Eas t End F ounury. Bunner. Every pe1·son is surprised at the It is ii disgr~ cc to our town tha t grocery Elder Sh eppard has a gr .iat lildng fo r -extra value we are giving in Hair flowers and plants, if we can j11clge from stores 1\ru k ept ope11 l!O late o n SaturJay Why don~ our cit izen~ mak e the lar«e a nd beautiful variety of rare nights. Brushes, The best $1 Hair Brush ones i~~ his garden. their purclaases earlier 'I in Canada. STOTT & JURY. A speci1\l meeting of the Sons of EngThis is said by the doctors to have be_en n trying n~onth on i:eople troubled with l11nd i~ culled fo r Saturday evening, 29th stomach ailments. rim atmospher e has inst., at 8 o'clock .to arrange for the picnic. M. A. ;rA~IEs, Secretary. been bilious and colicky. See our 4 Button l31k Kid Gl oves at Geo. Dickson, Esq., late Headmaster of Hamilton Collegiate Institute, has been 75c. 'fhey ar\l wit hout doubt the best appointed Principal of Uppct· Canada Col- goods at t.lrn price ever shown in town, lege, in tho pl11co of tho late J,M. Buchan, Conch, Johnston & Cryderman's. LYMAN'S COFFEE IS BEST Esq. Several of our correspondents have Model School, at Port Hope, opens on been resting. We hope they. wil.l forward 1st, Because of its purity. the second 'l'ucsday of Sept. 1885. Those uewsy l.,ttt:rs as often as possible from 2nd, There is n o waste who are intending t o attend, sh ould make their lncalities. Send iu on Monday !:!rd, It require3 no boiling. . application at once to the Head Master, when convenieut. 4th, You can prep.are a cup or a gallon rn F. Woo<l, Esq. About forty took in the excur:iion to less than ono mmute. Mr. Creeper !ms had several applicants l dyl Wild on civic h oliday but did not -Oth, It is convenient for pic-nics or camp· for his n ew cottages, but his son an~l son- proceed any further than Cobourg, owing ing excursions. in-luw will occupy thom. There is always to no anangements having been mac fo ·, It is cheaper than any other kind. a demand for residences of that size ancl there to carry the party on. ·7ih, You have only to try it to be con- larger at fair r entul. It is said that a pr ominent oddfello w of vinced. For sale by The following scores were made at the this town b ec:ime so infatuated with the rifle rang1rnn Saturclay- W.S. H.ussell, 81; roller coaster in Hamilton ' veek b efor e STOTT & JURY, J . B. M itch el, 80; W. C . King, 70; 'r. last that he got a ticket that took him rlie Reliable Drugi:tists. Nowell, 7G; H. l\foMurtry, 70; N. ~· i·ounu, and ruund, and round. ~":'...":'...~~~~~~""".'=~~~~~~~~~~~~ .- Young, 70; E. Coleman,67; J .H. Morns, Ocean fare $13.00, steerngo, from Port· 64. land or Halifax. by Allan Line, to or from ~ir.c ~tntt~t!\Ul4. A J.:,umos ~s about town that one Town Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, GalCouncillor was caught one night 1·ecently ' way, Limerick Glasgow ; Cabin al80 rein the act of pulling up and bearing olf duced. W . .A. NEADS, Ag(Jnt . 48tf BOWMA.NVILLE, :FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 the hitching posts lJefore another CounOur readers will regret to h ear that Mr. cillor's rest deuce. An indescribable scone Edwin Morris, ·of · 69 Groavepor 4ve., follow e(l. Toro'n to, has lost ·one of bis little girls 'l'here is alto<Yothet· too much streot who died la~t week Of congestion of the walking clone in this town by young girls lungs, His children hav~ all been sick Get your Cream from "Retreat Dairy." at unseasouable l10urs. Many of them with moasle11 imd whoopmg cough, but belong to respectable families, t oo. After ·Mr. aud Mrs. D. l3eithhavereturnodfrom t en p ~m. is an unseasonable hour in our ara recovering. The first 11.nnual pic-nio of the Sona of a visit to Detroit. estimation. England 1 will take place on W ednesday A good suit of clothes, youth's, size for ·for $6 a.t Mason Bros. 'rhe circulation of the S'l'ATES~CAN is next, 2n d Sept., a.t Erpingham. Sander~- M t a.If' new now considerably over twenty hundred cock & Mcl\lnrtry's B and wagon will be 11 0 M D l\fossrs. c onga e c s copies, making it the best advertising me- at the Lodae Room at 2 o'clock, sharp to " advt. appears in this issue. dium in this district. Our mtes are tho convey the0 m embers with their wi vee and Rcpahs h ave b een in progress at Port same as clrnrgecl by a fellow with less than sweethearts, basketH, etc. Fare for round ])arlington Hardor all summer. 200 subscribers. trip only 10 cent~. Customers 1my they never got as r ich New subscriptions are rolling in on our A good example- how many_ will h~it milk as they a1·0 now getting frum " Re- bi" 50 cent offer. It is positively the best ate it 'I An esteemed subscribe!' wntos treat Dairy." offer we've ever made. T h e crown pic- fro m Conrtice : -"MR. JAMl!s,- 1 see A Boston gentleman told us recently tures very fin e and richly worth the you offer t o send the STA'l'ESMAN the ro~t 'that i·oller skating was r uining hundi·eds money. W e will send the paper s t o diff- of the year, the F.Alllll.Y H ERALD for six of girls in that city. ern ~ addresses if req uirecl. months, 11.nd two pictures all for 50ots. The two factories will pic-nic at Syden" Facts are stubbom things," and suf- Send the S'l'ATESlIA.N to Mr. T- - J--, liam Park to-day. Both bands will at- ferors from chills and fever genearlly fi nd Whitby, l'. 0 . , ~it may induce him to t end. Grand time expected . thoir complaint a very stubborn fact, subscribe for nf'x t y ear) and the HERALD The STATESMA:>r will b e sent t o any until they commence the n se of A yer 's and pictures to m e. Find 50c. enclosed." address for the balance of 1885 for only Ague Curti. That medicine eradicates Reader, go t hon o.nd do likewise. 35 cents. Send it t u yom· friends. the n oxsuus poison from tho system, nnd A lLrnnso~rn COMPLIMENT.- The two Ae well ex pect life without air, ns invariably cnrdB even the wcrst cases. Bowrnanville Bands marched into town h ealth without pnre blood. Clean&e the Our assistant Editor omitted to men - t his afternoon, followed by Mr·. Gardiner's the blood with Ayet's Sarsaparilla. tion last week t hat Messrs 'l'. B urllen and t wo Piano and Or~;an ' Vai..:on s, horses ttnd The Editor of tho S'l'ATEHMAN has not N.S. Young represented F lorence Night- everything got up in fin e style . The two r esu ;id his office duties since his' illu ess, n galoLodge, I.0.0. F. atthe recent grM1d Bands playod t ogether and marched in. k lodge m eeting in Hamilton. 'fheir report It was a very lnndsome compliment to but exp ects to b e at the h elm n ext wee · t.o t h e h omo lodge on W eclnesday night Mr. Gardiner wh·> h andles so many of the $1.00- You can get the W EEKLY GLOJlE sh owed that they took a live interest in 01·gans and Pianos of that establish ment. from now to the end of n ext year by sub- the proceedings. Mr. K lock, the firm's geu enil agent, scribing at the Statesman office, for one ANNOUNCEMENT ExTRAORDINARY.- C, h eaded th e procession. After calling at dollar- tf. R . M cCnllough, Graduate of Bongough's t h e American House for refreshments, SPECI.AJ,,- Stott & Jury have opened Shorth:ind lnst., and M emb er Canadian t h ey r eorganized and serenaded t he Daily .out the .best. value i1~ Hafr Brush~s ever I ~ho1:thand Society, is organisi~g classes N cwN, the Jo· i wncil, the Mayor , th e Reeve, shown m Bowmanv11le. See th eir fam - m P Ltman's P honogm phy for mther sex, t h e Deputy a nd several other principal ous $1. 00 Brush. afternoon or evening . .l!'or fui-ther pa.r- citizens . It is too litte in the day to say The .Bowmanville Rifle Club have b een ticulars please call upon, Ol' address him, as much of Lhis rleasant visi t of the Bowvery successful at t lte nnmml matches in Box 119, Bowmanville .. P arties .who a!- mmw illiaus in t h: s issu e as we should like. Toront o, winning t h e second pri~e of $50 i·eady have some. ac0 uamta1~ce with tlus - B erl· i n News, A ng, i20. in the Team match . :Full list n ext week, system, can r 1:Jc01ve mstruct1011 personally DELICATE Wo1 mm , Pc1le-faced Sickly 'l'hc Steamer "}'ranees Smith" sunk in or by mail aL very reason·ible rat es. Children, the uged a nd infirm a like, are Georgean Bay la.<1t]'riday. Mrs. and M iss The freq uent sh owers of bte h ave great- benifited by tLe Stt·engtllening and bloodMcConnachie ef this t own were on baard, ly improved the lawns of which we have making po wer of " Harrington's Quinine but with the other passen gers were safoly many beautiful ones in town, including Wino and Iron. " It stimulates t he cirlanded. those of Mr.McArthur, Mt·.Horsoy,Mr.R. cnl atio ns, i mproves th e appitite, and Qv:mrn-sT. M ETIIODIST CHURCH.- Thc S. Manning, Mrs . Gairduer, Mr. H. W . removes all impurities from the blood. R ev. Dr. Williams, G en eral S uperintend- B urk, Mr. E .G. Burk, Mr. Turuer Mr. I t is the best medicine you can take to ont, will preach the ann iversar y sermons Younie, Mr. Couch, M r . M cDowell, Mr. give you lasting strength. See tlrnt yo 11 of Sabbath school in the above church on Higginbotham, Mr. JJ'ish er , Dr . Hillier , get " Hanington's," the 01i 9inal nnd M r. Simpson, Mr. W esley, Mr. Fields, gemtine. Sunclay Sept 0th. M r. P attin son, Mr. Fairliairn, Councillors M cCl ellan & Co. will, until further llussell, Morris and Ky~ld, M ayor L osBIRTHS. qotice, sell best s ~reenecl dry coal at $5. 75 combe, Mr. M. P orter, Mr. ·l. Lyle, M1·. per ton at h arbor and $G.25 d elivertid. J.B. M artyn, Mr. Illeak ley, Mr. T . McMcCuLLouon- Near Enfield on the 25th inst .· wife or Mr. Donald McCullough. or a A discount of 25 cents per ton on all Clung, Mr. McConnachie, 1'1r . Brodie, the · daughter. -Order s accompanied by cash.- 32-4w. Mr. Cmm, Mr. Young, JV[r. Milne, Mr. If our reader s only k n ew what splendid Jury, M r. Edsall, Mr. Bassett, Mr. and BOWMANVILLE M ARKETS, value there is in our " B ig Offer " of t h e Mrs. J onea, Mr. M . D. Williams, Mrs. Fam-il·y H e-ralcl for six months and the Hibbert, Mrs. Col. H eid, and a great Corr~cted by JOHN LYLE, e11erv Thursdav 'STA'l'.Et.MAN for the balance of the year and many smaller on es. Flour, per 100 lb ...... $2 00 · · to .. $2 25 the Crown P ictures all for 50 cents, they As A GENERAL THING ladies wllo make Fall Wheat, per bush.... 0 80 .. to . . 0 ,82 would subscribe without d elay. any pretentious to refinement clt·sire to Spring Wheat, per bush . 0 80 .. to. . 0 82 At the July n on -professional examina- have sof t white hands. We believe that Rye, per bushel. · · . . . .. 0 55 . . to. · 0 60 tion for t each ers' certificates the following there is not hing will t end more to pro. Oats,per bushel... .. .. 0 30 .. to .. 0 35 ·were s uccessful : Ilowmanville , 3rd class- duce this effect than the coustm:..t use of Peas, Blue.··· , · · . · · · · . \) 50 . . to. . 0 55 " Blsckeyes ....... . 0 70 ·· to ·· 0 80 :<rrade '1.c: S. G. Brown. G rade B : N .Coll- MURRAY & LANMAN's FtomD..a. wATER. " Small . ·· ·· ·· ·.. . 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 ';me, Miss Alma Nott, ]'ranklin Groat, mixed with the water in the basin. It re'Mi~s H. Walker. Newcastle- 3rd class: moves rednees and roughnesa. The ladies llutter,por lb. beet table.. 0 10 . . @ ·· 0 13 -G. Dickenson, J·. Buschart, B. S tillwell, of Ouba and South America were the first Lard,~ lb ............... 010 ·· @ ·· 013 .J. N e wsom, B. Moor, W . Orchard, to d iscover the extraordinary viatues of E gg11,11"J.0L · · ..·· ··.····· 10 .· @ ·· 0 12 · "Retreat Dairy" warrants P L1re,Clean this fioral water M a cosmetio, and have Potir.,oe·1J>Ol' bushel. ..... O 35 .· ~ ·. 0 40 long since discarded the use of all o thers. Woo}, per lb... . , ......... O 16 . . @ · · O 16 Milk. AT HOME. THE .A~OUSE ..._, .. Summer Dry Goods Remnants Parasols, Ginghams, Shirtings, Gloves, Prints,, Cottonades, Hosiery, Cretonnes, Denims. .Summer Tweeds and Summer Suits, HOLIDAYS. 1 .ALL 12<.E:OUCED! CARPETS, BLACK SILKS, LACE CURTAINS, A SURPRISE. & DRESS GOODS AT S:J?E:;OIA.:C... :P:H.ICE1S. *HOUSE.) T. CEO. MASON, Proprietor... N. B.-3 per celillt. discount on all Fall accounts paid now. T.B.C.I.T.W.I.L. SOM ETH INC FOR YOU l COALI COAL ' · FOR S A.LE OR TO RENT; IHOUSE - Frame house nicely situated on Ontarlq,, 1 Street, - ----~· Bowmanville, wi t h which is ono·halt-. aero land, good hard and sort water, sove;·a.l fl'uit trees 11nd all nocossii.ry conveniences ..ofc· a comfortable residen ce, For pt1rticulars apply . to JOHN RADDY. Bowman ville. 3l·!v~. · ' 27, 8, \'l'ell (!l)n1rndinn Local and Otherwise. buildiul(s, iences, J,arge yo11tig Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF just beginning to bear. Immedl..te possession , to plow. Apply persona.Uy beg to announce that they have 'l'IIORN'l'ON, Orono. . d a 1arge cons1gnmen . t 0 f FARM FOR SALE IN CLARKE.-=. receive '100 aores, boingp11rtsoflot3~0 Mid,21,con. 3, Cl11rlco, ·here being i>oros In lot. c } d be sold t()j(elher or In two pincels. G.ooi.t.bnlld· h 8 e ra e e lg oa ' an are inge, fenced, well wi>tered, goolliorchard. d L h C 1b t Only miles from No· caeUe. .. easy. Apply for particulars to SOLOMON prepared to fi11 all ord ers at LOWEST wh~rby~P~o'.ses, or HAR~!,~·· l'IARM lWR RENT.-2rn al(l;es, LQtll. PRICES. W'e intend to keep on h¥1d F and rear 6th concet11slon., Ploi\,.erlng Township, Ont.a rlo Conn·y; trom Greenwood Station mHeslrom an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Whitby town. A nnd about mj'elj, 'l'en v11rlion acres or bush, The \Thule under oultivalion. and stables, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. b,oulie, two orgood ihe t..rm, chard·, · r vro stock ralslna. maklnl( It ommsntly MOWfor turtherparllculaH apply la P.O. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner BHAY, on promlae11, Church and Division Streets. II·· IBl4 We horebr ·IpaJtuop· lb"' . Jtu· thanks. the proinpl ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF - · · , 1our agent, Ml', Thoa. Blngham) &> ARM TO RENT IN CLARI('E.::.-.. F Being part or lot cou. containin1din~ acres ; acres cleared ; wBtered,_icood &o. o~rd tall te> :tli D. 38. 50 011ch. Wlll · well 3:1 Te~11:u1 HARRIS, to WILLIAM ·-----·~~· T 8, FIR:::!T-.OLA.. S.'3 .f.A.R,M. ll'onr ~)J\rns ol~e<~ n~b ,. I}) ls ·nrnlpCflllar, good ~~· li'rin11 on · &Qap.kld ~er RALPH :R ln~l.a, :J6.f.lw~ 'l.'o th~ .Mm;af1"1' Q,f I1·...·wu110~ Oq, r f,ltur.o · ·· G~~~~W 4:9'~~<fQ1' · Bowmo.nville, August 28, 1885. 35. - uamage by llgh<nin11 to oup barn~ In tho late thundsp swrm; lnaured 112 tho Sovereign Fire Insurance Co. IUlrl relnsul.'ed with 1our L:o., having got cash chocks by return mi>il ·a fter wo aent in 011r claim. JOSEPH RU'l' HERFORD. A.Lll:XANDER RUTHERJ<' ORD. Kirby, Juno 30, 18&>. to~ lo~ · · · Card RENT .- 30 acres of land, H miles HROPSHIRE RAM .!!'OR SALE.T Owest ot Bowmanville, with splendid A thoro'-bred Shropshire Ram 2 years old, ·orchard S ; good dwelling'-bouse barn stable pedigree furnished, JORN HOSklN, lot con. 5, Dt\rlington, Bowmanville, P.O. 33.3 w· 11, or Tllao'k!ii. TI~AY SHEEP. -- Strayed from lot 30, con. 3, Clarke. on the 12th inst.. SEVEN ACRES OF LAND FOR SA.LE. SHEEP-6 old 11.nd 0110 lamb. A suitable. rt>- Lot lG, Con. 7, Cll\rke- wlth good ward will be paid for their recovery. WM, f1·11me dwelling-house, barn and stable· aleo KING; 3! ·3w* ·young orchard. .A never-!o.iling creek runs -- --- - through the promises. 'l'erms ver y reasonable. HAIN 'l'AKEN. - If tlrn man who AJ)ply to SU'i't>SMAN O~'FICH:, or to the pro28-2m* pickcd up the small binding chain opposite prietor. Il.JCIIAHD Pt n:n, Kendall. my gate on Sunday morning and took it away, will return the s11m11no questions will be askod. F ARM TO RENT A s · 11 f t 33·3W" ' .- . !Ild arm 0 JOHN HOSKIN. ·----·-- -· -- ----·- - - - · - - · - -- ti let for a term of yoars- 30 acres, having . rnreon frame house, barn, stablo and good RESIDENCE .. . WANTED · - C onv.ei;i1- orchard i well located, J.uilf mile north or Orono, . ently s1tu11.ted in BOW!Jlanvllle; con tam· on the Gravel Road. Apply to ltonT. MoMENt' mg 8 or !J rooms. l'Ossess10n . wanted about Postmaster, Orono. 33·1 w ' Nov. 1st. Address :- DR. J. SIMPSON, llo w- man ville. 31·3w. ARM ·ro RENT.- A small farm of 35 acres, in the village of Hampton, will OST. - On the 25th inst., a ladies' and bo leased for 11 term of ) Good land, well gents' Rubber Coat, between James Han· fenced, and unde1· .w;ood ~ tato o! cultivation · a cock's and Louis Glmlet's Corners. Finder will barn, stable and other out-bnllclmii:s. oblige by leaving thom at the S·1°ATESMAN good Immediate possession given to fall plow. Apply Oi· 'FICE. WM. l!'OltSY1'H, 35·lw· personally to lJ.1.Pr. H. H. DUN'! \ Hampton. . N . B.- lt'lour and Apple Bo.rrels constantly HE HIGH AND PUBLIC SC HOOLS on hand. Can supply any 'lutiutity to apple re·open on MONDAY..A.uo. 31st. .All who bu~era. Shop next to Imioit's mm ...p:ampton. purpose attending sbould be pl'csent on the 3a-2w. CAl"I'. R, H. BUN1'. opening day, or as soon thereafter as possible, w. w. TAMlWYN, Head Master. :15. ( S -·------ ------------ 11.nd driving-shed : hard and soft' water: Apply 3.1-tr. at STA'l'ESl\tAN Otnce. 27 C We might quote scores ot tostimon!als such 119 the above, t his is merely io show what little dependance can be placed In any etatementtt that ~u ch men as Mr. 'l 'homns Bingham m ake~ this 18 only a sample of wbat hi3 letters are from beginning to end; an7 further controversy with such men is only a waete of paper. H. MOULTON. A CHALLENGE. I challengo Mr. Moulton to give one dozen names of losses like the above that he has paid, say nothin~ about the scores th~t he blowa. about. I tlnnk that Ml'. Stalker oan t hank my letters for getting what ho <lid, as hi· policy does not cover any loes or the kind, and I know parties insured in the same Company that have. bad losses by lightning and did not get unything, Now, Mr. Moulton, out wit.h the names or stancl branded as 11 downright liar. 'l'. BINGHAM. Bowmanville, A.up,, 12, 1885. L F T I o AY FOR SHIPPING.- Partics hav'l'oronto. (Boc~1·rZtrs and Da1! .~chohws >. mg No. l 'l'imothy Rily to sell in lots of [ , 'fh,e, ~ch 00! wlll Ie·open WE_DNESDAY, 2n.d SEl:'l FJMBEH.. c.11nchdates fr~~1 . th1~ 'l'en tons or more can find A. pnrchascr by Ill· quiring of David Towns, Bowmanville. or by J1Hliclal Notice to c i·c tlltol'S of EIJ:imbclll school pnsse~ with d1st111ot1 on the recent I rm1tr calling 011 CHAS w BLOOD at the ltuobC>ttom " 111 .1··1 · 1 · Coll~ge matuct1lation, and also tl111Lof the Um.1 JI · · , · "" c ·· e11, · eccase1 · [ vers1ty 11r 'l'oronto. ouae. 3a·lw \ -1'borough teaching in tbe English branches. WO F AH.MS TO RENT _ N tl1 , Pursuant to 1!- direction or the Chancery in La.tin, Ifrcncb, .t;er ma.n, nu·thematics, har. · or · Division made m .re, McBrion. infants t he ) mony, m usic,drawmg, painting, and art needlebalf of ~ot 3, con. 8, and south halt of lot creditors of Elizabeth s . Mc Brien late o! work is secured. Especial care is taken with a, con. n, J?arl!ngton,, 100 acres e_ac~; both undor Newtonville, in tho cotmty of D11 r1t n,;1 , wire of the religious and moral training. Tho building good cu.ltivation, with good, bmldmgs. H.caaon- Alfred N. McBrlen, who died in or about Lhe and groutads are B !\lubrious and well equipped. able ~01 ms. Apply to En11ARD J3YEH S, .on the month of January 1871 1u·11 0 11 or before t he P1·ospectus or further mform11t1on w1l be premises, or Tyrone P.O. :lil-Zw. ll'irst <_l ay of September: 18&'l, to send by post given by MISS Gnrn;n.. Lady Principo.l. 33· 4W' . . prel?a1 d to D. Ormiston. Esquire, Solicitor, "l~OR SALE- That very demrabl e Bnck Wbttby, Out., the christlo.n and surnam es ~LOOK OUT FOR""""' .I: Rosidence with 12 acres of tho best 111.1111; addresses and description. thA full particulars ~ good bearing apple orchard and smo.ll frnits.- , of their claims, a statcmont of their 11ccountA , New barn and stables; two wells, cist1irn and ' ancl tho na.t ure of th" securities (if any)held by all oth01· co1!vcniences. Situo.ted on Manvers I them; ,01· m default thereof t hey will be perlload, one mile north of town; formerly owned emptorily excluded from t he benefit of t he and occupied by Mr. C. M. Cawker. A.pply to proceedings. Every creditor holding any C. :F;. HENRY, llowmanville. 33-tf security is to produco the same berore me. t he undersigned. at my Cho.mbera in Osgoode Hall ARD OF THANKS.- The un der- in the City ot 'l'oronto, on the iith ot Septem'. ber, l &'l5, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, signed wlsl1es to convey through the being t he tm1e appointed for adj uclici>tion on medium of the S·rATESN:AN their sincere thanks the claims. For the NEX'l' 30 D.lYS I w ill sell for L ES!f to the many friends who aS11isted so nobly in Dated the }!)th day of June, 1885. THAN COST the remainder of my etock of the saving of the dwelling at the recent fire 'WRIGH'l', JAMES S. CA.R'L Stylish and moet Durable .Milliner y which occurred on the 19th Inst. on the premiRegistrar· Q. B. D. ses owned by Thoe. J'urdine. and occ u~1ed by 1'hos. Harrie. 'l'HOMAS JARt>INK, '.l HO?.tAS DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS,. HA.RIUS. 35. &c., with a very heavy stock o! DNDERS- FOR STANDINGTtM-:: BEH.- 'l'he underslr;;ued wlll recelvo sealed St. Thomas, Ontario. tend11re for the purchase ot 7 or 8 1>01·es of F eathe rs & Flovve rs. etruidlnir timber, situate on lot ·I ln tl!e con. ltiif"l'he tlnoatBu·iltl-i11r1.s.l·'1Lr11i,9J1'inos,Gro111uls, - - o- o! tile Township or Uarllnll'tou, up to the 20th &;c., for the purpose in Canada. Thanklng my cuetomers fo:r favors I of September nexl. 'l'he eubBOrlber does not l "ull Staff ot 18 Graduates and Certll'loated rc!lJ)ecttully sollclt a ll to call !ind Inspect my bind .himself to accept the bighoat or nny present stock, which I am sure will give tho. tender unle:lfl otherwise l.'atisraotory. Par· Teachers in Literature, HU>!Ic , Flue Arts, utmoet e1>tlefactlon. Cowwert:lal Sc;lcnce. Jlcl·UJ.OCll· Sept, 10th, Ucula.r! to be had Oil enquiry of the proprietor, lot 13, 3rd con. Darllngton, WM. \VINr>A'C'T. For 00-pp· ..lmuu11u1eu1e11t, addross, Darlington, Ang. 15, 1885, 31-!w, 1·.1n.Nt:11·..i. 1. A.rrsruv, n. n. H .gh Court of In the Hl J UStice. THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL. A. Oo llcr1e fo r the Ili{lher Edi<ccition of Yonnlf Lad'ic.~. .Hcill , Co llcae A ·venue. I I I rr I BARGAINS I IN MILLINERY. -->-- C T Alma Ladies' College, Mrs, DONNELLY.

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