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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1885, p. 5

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Miss Sarah Morris is visiting friends in N aw read ers at Variety R all. 'foronto. R. T. of 'l'. meets I·'riday n ight. Mi11s Maud Nosworthy is visiting friend· Every parcel a bargain at Mason B ros. at Clifton. For school books etc., go to V ariety Miss C. Perkins, of Oshawa, is visiting F or the convenience of those of H all. Miss Sincfair. our customers who may require " Retr1:1at Dairy " is: delivering Pure Miss Oliver, of Brantford, is: visiting medicine after store hours, we keep Clean l\iilk. · friends in town. huge moose head is a g reat at traction Mr. Geo. Cockburn, of B iiltimore, was a.t our residence, Concession Street , in A Big 20 window. in town this woek. (directly~north of W. M. Horsey's) Several news letters are held over till Miss Arthurs, of Consecon, is staying an assortment of such medicines as next weok for room. at Mr. J·. F. Osborne's. 200 page scribblin g book with tables on Miss Baulch, Port Hope, is visiting her are usually needed in cases of the back for tots at Variety Hall. sister, Mrs. W. Ruse. emergency, such as Liniments, Pain Any one requiring Skim Milk for cookMr. and Mrs. G.111. W ebster have been Killers, One Minute Pain Cine, &c. ing can get same1from "RetreatlDairy ." visiting in Port Hope. Groceries, crocke1 ·y, glassware, &c., at STOTT & JURY. Ml'B. Hossie has been on a visit t o cost prices for 20 clays at Elliott's old friends at London, Ont. atand. Mr~. John Milne is visiting her daughWe have a 25 g:illon keg of No. 1 Lardine oil that we offer to any thresher at a ter, Mrs. T ees, in Montreal. Miss Glen who was visiting M rs. W. big d iscount. Inquire at this oflice. Ruse has r1:1turned to Cobonrg. Save money by buying your fall and T he holiday season is now about winter stock of crockery and glassware Miss T hompson, of J>ort H ope, is visiting her sister, M1·s. W. H. Couch. over and it is about t ime to settle from Fred. Wright, Elliott's old stand. Mrs. D1'. Tamblyn has returned from The Clarke Agricultural Society will down to business. Our importation hold their annual full fair on F riday a nd visiting her mother at Douglas, Ont. goods are beginning to a rrive and Saturday, the 25 and 2Gth days of Sept. Miss Sheppard and Miss Linda Morshead have returned from St. Thomas. we can .,;}10w our customers an un- in Orono. Mrs. P. Currie who was stopping at Mr. usually large and well assorted Some men remind us of the moon; Hugh McKays, lias returned to Oneida. This fact is clear as wool , st ock of DruO'oists Sundries, which You probably have noticedot:> . Mrs. Parsons, of Boston, Mass., is visThey're brightest wh11n they're "full," iting her sister-in-law, Mrs . W .L. K eyes. llave been secured at rnmarkably Mr. John Ifooper has movell into his Mrs. '!'hos. Bingham and Miss Ida low prices for cash. Our stock new residence on Horsey-st. Our Uingham have ra:one to H a milton on a includes fine imported Perfumes scribe was in error a week or two ago in visit. Mr. W. J, Jeffery has been sp.e nding (very choice), Hair.Bru&hes, Combs, saying Mr. Creeper was erecting the house. An exchange says:- If a man wants to the last twu weeks in Brantford and St. T ooth, Nail, and Hat Brnshes, concentrate in one solid hour all the ex:Mary's. T oilet Oases, &c., all extra value. citement of a clime novel, a mothc1·-in-law Rev. C. E. Macintyre and family 1·eand a night howling canine, ho should turned on Saturday from the Thousand STOTT & JURY. turn whiskey informer. Islands. A bible class for ad11lts, to bo conMr. 11nd Mrs. D. Uurke Simpson reS:J?EC:J:.A.~ ducted by Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A . , is turned from their bridal tour on \Vednes· to be organized next Sabbath, at 2:30 day evening . p. m., in 8t. Paul's Presbyterian Church. ]\fr. John Maynai·cl, the jeweller, left Eve1·y person is surprised at the A cordial invitation t o all is Riven. on Friday last for Fenelon }'alls for a Ono of our youthful citizens b()ught a extra value we are giving in Hair 40c. sword cane on Friday and went to week's holidays. l\fr . Jas. Mc.Feeters, of Toronto, was Brushes, The best $1 Hai.r Bmsh Toronto whore he was lined $15 :mcl costs for carrying it. Wonder if boys are al- in town 011 'l'ucsclay and received a very N. B.- 3 per cent. discount on all Fall accounts paid now. in Canada. STOT'l' & JURY. lowe~ to carry a ten cent jack knifo in friendly greeting. Miss Maggie Mitchel left on Tuesday that gre:it city? ARM TO RENT.-A small farm 1o Father T ime is quietly making slow but morning for. California were she intends RIFLE SHOO TING. House wives, remember that " Retreat F let for a term or yearb- 30 aci·es, havjn11: su1 ·e strides onward toward the merry making her hom e. Dairy " is deliver ing the best milk in thereon Crame house. barn, stable and good winter season. ln fact, from the weather Mr. T. H. McMillan, cashier ef the The Ilowmanville l{if\c Association has town. orchard: well located, halt mile north or Orono, on the Gravel Road. Apply to ROH'l'. l\foMEN'l', we have been havin~ for the past few days, Wcst~rn Bank, o~hawa, made II shor t wonderfully distinguished itself in the 33-!w Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Port- Postmaster, Orono. it would not be surprising to see t he snow visit to our town this week. last two weeks. At the Ontario Rifle Asland or Halifax by Allan Line, to or from flakes flying at any time. in Toronto last week sociation m>itchcs ARM TO REN '£ IN CLARKE-The Misses Stevenson and ·Wilkinson LYM AN'S COFFEE IS .BEST Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, Galpa1·t of lot 27, con. 8, containing 100 We are in reoeipt of No . 1 of the H11s- who have been visiting Mrs. J .O. LaBelle, Mr. W. S. Russell won tho following pri- way, I,imerick Glasgow ; Cabin alHo re- acreRBeing ; 85 acres cleared : well watered, li'ood zes: Elkington Cup, value $125; Govern1st, Because of its p urity. t ings Observer a very nicely printed, clean have returned t o J>ort Hope. &c. Largo yonng orchard buildin!fS, iences, duced. W. A. NEADS, Agent. 48tf just beginning to bear. Immediate posseaeioB sheet and q uito newsy. Hastinga is !\ Miss Maggio 1111cl Clara McClung, or General's silver medal; D.R.A. medal 2 nd, T bere is no waste per11onally to R B. to !all plow. Apply lively vilh gu and Mr. Morton, the imb- daughters of Mt'. John McClung, of To- and $20 cash; $5 in Macdomtld match"; 'l'HORN'rON, yrono. ·· 3rd, It requires no boiling. $1!i in Walker match; and $5 in Tait Braslieher , is one of its most worth y citizens. 1 Ntm 2\hnerthmntnts. 4th, Yo1l can prepare a cup or a gallon in We wi11h him success in his new venture. ·on to, are visiti n ~ r.a1:1tives here. sey mt\tc:h. A.RM FOR SALE IN CLARKE.Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fanson, uf Toronless than one minute. ~fr. C. l{iug won $4 in G·ordon ·~,...../",_,-..,-·v··v"'_,,.,.AJ............,-...A.~.,,,..._,...._,~ F 100 acres, being ptirts of lots :lO and 21,oon. . Mr. Titos. Barrett met with a severe acClarke, there being 50 acres in each lot. Will 5th, It is convenient for pic-nics or camp- cident on Friday last, while workiug·in to, spen· Friday cmcl Saturday last with match; $5 in Tait Brassey ch; $15, HOltSE FOR SALE.- A good form 3. be sold together or in two parcels. Good buildfrionds in Bownumville and vicinity . 2nd prize, in Martini n1atch,lst horso tor sale. Apply to Gi::o. DonsoN, inge, well ing excursions. fenced, well watered, good orchard. beirw " BOWffi$nvillo. J:J-tC the stable one of the h orses kicked him, Mr. ancl Mrs. Hubbs, of the firm Hobbs, 31 miles from Nowcastlo. 'l'oi·ms easy. Only . 6 th, It is cheaper th an any other kind. inflicting a gash four inches long on the Osborne & Hobbs, Hardwaro Merchants, stage, and $10 in 2nd stage. Apply for particulars to SOLOMON HAIUUS, Mr. J.B. Mitchel won $20 (1st prize) FARM TO RENT.-J~ot 18, Con. 7, on the premleea, or to WIJ:,J,IAM HARRIS, 'lth, You have only to try it to be con- shin and severing one of the veins. The London, Ont., are visiting at Mr. S. W . 10, in Martini match, 1st series; $5 in Ontario . Darllngton, 125 acres: ploug!1ing posses0.!on Whitby, P. 0. doctor sewed up the cut, but it wlll be Sanders', Mrs. H obbs's broth1:1r. vinced. For sale by . "4 · G l t l Qr;· W lk at once. Apply on the premises to Al,EX. mat c1lj .,, m on on ma cl; ..,o lll a -- McLAUGHLIN. 3G-:lw, some weeks beforn Mr. Barrett can be STOTT & JURY, Mr. A. Fanson, Miss F11nson, Mies er match; aml S5 in Tait Ilrassey match. - - -- -- ·---·-- - - -- -- around again. . J li M 01118 .: '" ' · w 11 . F ARM 'fO LE'r.-South half of Lot A Col/cue for I ht Tlilflttr Ed1tcaU01· of Yownu Nettie }'anson ancl Mr. W. A. Fauson, of l'he Reliable D r uggists. M r. · : wou ii"* 111 ~ c?r _ No. 21 and South Quarter or Lot No. 2;>, Miss Minnie ~tevenst;m and.Miss H.ach- 'foronto, have returned from a tlu·ee Ladits, fY11ktlutm Ha.ll. Collef.!e A1'em··· mii.tcl1, $7 111 Gordon match; and $5 m 1· Ith Con. of Chirke. cont&ining IG.~ acres. Apply el F er guson, who have been spending tho months tour in J<::nghl.nd, Ireland :md C;i.uada Co s match. 1'oronlo. (Boardtr,q cmd 1Ja11 ScholarBI. \to. MrLES OooKl\'. Port Hope, or to RonF.l<'J' past two weeks in Bowmanville, report Wale~. . ' ll1011u;NT, P. M., Orono. 3G-2w. Tho school will re-open \YR:DNESDA.Y. 2nd Sll:t'TEMBEH. Several canrlidates from this "' Mr. T. Nowell won $3 in Gordon match having a splendid t11ne.- Port Hope Guide. . Since Mr. R. B~ith al'l'ived home with imd ~G .i11 Tait Brasse match. passerl with distinction the rccent'.rrinit:r ESIDENCE WANT.ED. - Conveni- school Respectable young girls always enjoy Collogo nrnr.rionlation, and also that ot tho Unisituated in Bowmanville; coutaintlwir \·isit lo. this tow·n, because we his eleveu yo11n!l 1 Clydesdale atallionH, . · r. Ed. Coleman won $3 in Gordon inK S ently of Toronto. or 9 -rooms. Possession wuntod abo11t versity Soulh Purk has b;,en like a liorse fair. in the Enicllsh br&nches. '!'borough toachlni:c BowMANV:ILLE, FRIDAY, SEPT'R. 4. such a nice·lot of young men· Few towns mt\tch. Nov·. 1st. .Address :-DR. J. SIMPSON, Bow· in Latin, French, German, mathematics, harma.nville. 3i-3w: in Canada can produce a :finer class of People from far and near come in loads mony, niusic,drawing, painting, and art needleDr. McLaughlin and Mr. N. S . Young to see them. work Is ttecnred. K~peclsl care Is taken with young gentlemen. won $5 each in '.l'ait Brassey match. OST. - On the2uth iuat., a l3dies' and the religions and moral t.rainin~. '! 'he buildinit '£he anniversary of the Queen-st M eth gents' Rubber Coat. between J ames Han- i.nd grounds are si>lubrious llntl well equipped_ In the Battalion match the 45Lh Datt. cock's Prospectus or furth er information will bo n.nd Lonie Girnlec's Corners. Finder will odist church will be h eld next Sunday DISTRICT NOTES. won 2nd prize, $00; and in the Company oblige by leaving tnem at the STATl:!SMAN given by MIS~ GHIElt. Lady Principal. 33·4w and Monday. R eT. J.A· Williarns, D.D., :, WM. l'ORSY'l'II, 35-Iw· T h irty brood mares wrmt d. See ad. match, No.1 Co. 45th Batt. won 2nd Onrm; the able General Superintendent, will Lakefield is agitatinl{ for the establish· pl·izc, $15. Get your Cream from "Retreat Dairy." preach on Sabbath at 10:30 a.m. and G:30 HE HIGH AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Business changes ~ire the order of the p. m. '.l'he scholars wiU give a very in- ing .,f waterworks in that village. A good suit of clothes, youth's, size for T re-open on MONDAY, ~ua. :31st. All who Burglara have commenced operations attending should be present on the purpose llay in this tow n . teresting cho1·al and descriptive cxcercise for $6 at Mason Bros. opening day. or as RQOn thereafter as possible, Elliott's stock of grecerics, &c. , must entitled "Goel is Love," at 2 :30 p. m. Tea i11 P eterboro'. Two bnrglariea last woek. W . W, TAMllLYN, Head Mas1er. 35. - 'X :H: E A new High School is being built at will be served on Monday in the Basebe sold during the nex t threll weeks. ment from 5 to 7 :30 p.m. after which there · 01ne111ee, capable of accommodat in g 200 The largest and most complete stock of BIRTHS. FARM FOR SALE. - In E nst We.will be recitations aml singing by the pupils. Vrci.:- At Solina, on the 29th ult., tile wife of wanosh. County of Hnron, Near Blyth, uentt1 furnishingit at Mayer's. Goo. Vice, ot a daughter. 100 acres. 'l'his is a beautiful farm in every l\Ir. scholars and addre:1ses by Rev. Dr. Will'.l'he Cedar Dale 'Yorks started again PAINTINO .- Miss Galbraith will resume N~RTH-WEST CAMPAIGN M.~Y-ln Bowmanville. Aug. 31st, tho wire of particular. A. . pply to EDWAHJ> \VELSH. Blyth, iams and l'esident clergy. Tickets, 2o 011 Monday morning after their summer her Painting Class on T uesday 8th inst. Mr. \ V , JI. Ma:r. harneasmaket\ of a da11Khtcr. Oa tarw. 31-Bw. cents. vacation. Custome1·a eay they nenr got as r ich MA RRIED~-----·----- n10 RENT .- 30 ncres of land, H miles The Awr INTERCHANGE of Aug. 13, has The Cana.di:m Pacific, between Monmilk as they are now getting from " Re..L west of Bowmanville, with s-plendid - AND ALL OTHERa be ..utifnl study in color of golden rod treal and Winnipeg, will be oilen within good dwelling-house, barn, stable treat Dairy." POWELL-MC CLL'NO-ln Bowroanville, at tho orchard; anrl cardinal flower, size 13:d0 . A bold thirty daya. ha.rd and soft water. Apply and driving-shed: tamlly residence, on the 2nd S11pt. by the Hov. Mrs. C. Moore, fom1erly of South Dar- and effective rose design, in black and 3l·t.f, E. l:toberts. Mr. l!' rauk A . Powell. of Whitby. at s~'A'J'ESM,\N Office. Dr. Wm. Allen, Janotville, has b een to lington, now of Hornings ~ills, i~ on a white for 5creen panel, (full size); a novel Annie J. S., eldest daughter or Mr. 'l'homas AY FORSHIPPING.-Partieshavvisit to old acquaintances m Darlmgton . musical pattern, showing various musical appointed an associate coroner for these J'.foClung, merchant, ot Bowmanvlllo. rng No. 1 Timothy Hay to sell in lots er 'fREWIN-llICHES-ln Darlln1Jton, on the 2!lth John Biiys, an oltl sailo1-, h.anged hi1~l instrnmenta and musical measures, for United Counties. tons or more CR.n find 11. purchaser by in. 'l'Hn ult., by Rev. n . Hassard, Mr.John 'l'rcwin and FOR oun PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS The membership of the A. 0 . U. W. Mrs. quiring of David 'J.'owns, Dowmanville. or by self in the stable last Sundny m Brooklm, piano cover decoration ; plaque designs, Jane Riches. all of Darlington. ON SA.LE .A.T on CnAs. W, BLOOD at the }:(.uebottom Ont. He liud been drinking heavily of - one giving lilacs, the othes mag nolia Lodge in Ontario is something over 9,000 ANDEnSON- WYLLIE- On August 13th. at tho calling 35·1w· House. residence of the bride's mother, by the Itev. in good ·tauding. leaves, buds and blossoms ; and a most late. JI. Pi>rsons, of Knox Church, Mr. Jesse H. WO FARMS TO RENT. - North The farm ftlle late Silas Vornou,Esq., .Ander·on to Jane A., eldest daughter of the $1.00- You can get the W E:RKLY GLOm~ exq uisite en((raving entitled " At the half of lot 3, con. 8, and south halt of lot BOWMANVILLE, BY from now to the encl of n ext year by sub- B rook Sida," are among the other at- 3rd con. Reach, wa.3 sold last Monday for late Ja~. Wyllie, ot Bowmanville. 5, con. 9, Darlington, 100 acres eazh; both under 1 scribing at the Statesman office, for one tractions of t his issue. Price 15 cents. the sum of $7,525. good cnltivation, with good buildings. Reason:L AIT & MORRISON, able terms. Apply to F.DWARD BYERS, on the DIED. Published by WILI.JAM WHITWCK, 37 & Major Crozier has been promoted to clollar- tf. PllOl'OGRAPHEHS, &e~ premises, or 'fyrone P. O. 3o-2w, CLAI!KEIn Hampton. on September lst, Assistant Commias ioner of the NorthThe regul11r meeting of tho Bswma~ 39 West 22nd Street, New York. oC 'l'. J. Clarke, aged Reginald Clarke, third son - vii'le W .C.T .U. will hereafter be h eld 111 OUSE FOH. S ALE OR TO RENT. 2 years, 11 days. CASH WANT.Im. - Havin v bought out west Mounte:i Police. ]0"LOOK OUT FOR~~, - :h'rame house nicely situated on Ontario foe Sons Hall. Meeting next Tuesday Mr. Ja8. Elliott's stock of g roceries, glassAn elocthn under the Canada TemperGAJ,nRAl'l'll- In Darlington, on the 28th in·t., Street, Bowmanville, with which is one·h,.lf or the late Roge1· Gal· J ean, oldest daughter at 3 p.m. ware, crockery, &c., and wishing to loave ance Act will be held in the County of braith. acre land, good hard and soft water. several fruit trees and all neceseary conveniences ot It takes eight lrnndrecl full-blown roses town this month, I will be found at his Peterboro' on Sept. 24th . a comfortable residence, }'or particulars apply A Statute in m emory of the late Sir to make a. tablespoonful of perfu~e, old shnd, prepared to offer the goods at to JOHN HADDY, Dowmanv!lle. 34-4w. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, wholesale price11 for cash. My solo d esire Francis Hincks will be er ected in the para shilling's worth of cooked omons will is to turn the stock into cash before the liament grounds, Ottawa. Corrrnted by JOHN LYLE, eve7'1/ Thursdav "1.J-,OR SALE- That very de11irable Brick scent a whole neighborhood. · - - e- 20th, and you will find it to your ad"2 00 t 0 4!12 2r, Hesidencc with 12 acres or the bost land ; Several membera of the family of :Mr. Flour· per 100 lb ··· · · ·'ii' 0 ..L1 The military camp for District No. 3 vantage to call and purchase whatever ·· ··'IP good bearing applo orchnrd and small fruits.- l!'or the NEXT :m D.l YS I will sell for LESEJ Geo. Hodder, of Wiunipeg, are about rel!"'a.11 Wheat, per bush. · . · 0 80 ·. to. . 0 85 New barn anu st1ibles ; two wells, cisttJrn and will be located at Kinastun on Sept. 15. you are in want of in the grocery line. SpringWheat, per bush . 0 75 .· to. · 0 80 all other conveniences. Situated on Manvers 'l'IU.N cos·1· the remainder of· my stock 01. The troops ordered out"'a re tho 40th, 45th, 'rhe stock comprises t.,as, coffees, t obaccos, turning to Oshawa to reside. Stylish o.nd IDoat Durable Millinery u b h l 0 "'5 0 Roatl, one mile north of town; formerly owned 47th and 57th battalions and the Durham sugars, syrups, vinegar, canned goods of " ··to·· 60 and occupied by Mr. C. iVI. Cawker. Apply to Dr. Field, of P ickering, while driving, per us e · · · · · · · · Oats, per bushel. . . · . . · 0 27 ·· to ·. 0 30 C. E. HENUY, Bowmanville. 33-tt and Kin~ston field batteries. to visi~ (·ne of his patients last week was DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. all kinds, spic~ s tlour. &c. Fnll line of "'OR STANDING TIMWe breiithc more freely now that t h e crockery and gh1ssware,comprising dinner, thl'Dwn from bis bugflie and seriom1ly Peas,Blue....... · · · ·· · I) SO . . to . . O 55 TDNDERS l< &c., with a ve<y heavy eteck of " Bl~ckeyes. · ·· · · · · 0 70. ·to·· 0 80 BER.- The undersigned will receive sealed Editor uf the Lindsay \V.irder has fo1·gi V- tea and chamber :1ets, &c. ; gobblets, hurt. " Small.· . . . ..··. - 0 55 ... to ... 0 ()0 tenders for the purchi>se of 7 or 8 acres of F eathers & Flowers. en us for the innocen t little joke we pc1·- water pitche1s , dishes, sets, &c. '£ho County Fair will. be held in Whit· Butter,per "rhe tb. best table.. 0 12 .. @ ·· 0 14 standing timber, situate on lot 4 in the Hh con, - -o-petrated on 11im three ~e?ks ago., Yes above must all be sold for cash in the nex ~ by on Monday and Tuesday, September ,,, lb 0 10 @ 0 13 or the Township or Darlington. up to the 20th 'fhanking my customers for past favors, X ·· · ···· ··· ·· ··· ·- ·· · of September next. 'l'he subscriber does not respectfnlly we will be more careful m future. Shake. three weeks, w call aud secure bargains. 28th and 29th. About $3,000 is offered L ard ·,,. solicit all to ca.II and inspect my E ggs," Joi: ·· · · , · , · .· · , , ·0 10 .. @ ·· 0 11 bind himself to accept t he highest or any present stock, which in prizes. If 011r readers only k1iew what splendid FRED. \VRIGHT, Bowmanville. Potatoes per bushel. .··· ·0 35 ·· ~ .· O 40 t\mcler unleMs o.therwise. ~atlRfactory. Par- utmost satisfaction. I am sure will f(ive the l trnulars to bo had on enqmry of the proprietor, ' l value tliere is in our "Big Offer " of t he Mr. T . Milner, gold medalist, Toronto, Woo, 1 per b.. . . ···..····· O I 6 .. @ · · 0 16 I i lot13, 3rd con. Darlington. WM. WINDAT'r. Fam·ily Herald for six m onths and the has been appointed Assistant Master at =~~==========~==~ I Darlington, Aug. 15, 1885. 3t-4w, The New Traction Engine. STAT!l,,MAN fo1· the balance of t h e year and i - - -- · the High School, Lindsay, at $1,000 a the Crown Pictures all for 50 cents, they · FARM TO RENT .- A small farm o f year salary. From the 01itario Reforn1 er, .Aug. 28th. 35 aores. in the viilage or Hamrton, will would subscribe without delay. V 11teche Brniyer, conductor on a Midho leased for a term or) ears. Good land, well As we were going to press the New land tr~in was killed by the cars near Mr. Frank Bleakley, C.E. of Bowmanfenced. and under good state ot cultivation ; a ~ood barn, stable and other out-huildmgs. ville, accompani~cl by his_ sisters ~ent Traction Engine starlell with a Thresher Bethany on Frid1\y. His h ome was at To be A.uc 1lo1t, at tl·e Town of Row- Immediato possession given to fall plow. Apply throu"h toBebcaygeon on Mond:iy. '!here for the town of Whitby, thence north Waubaushcnci. 11urnvl1Je,on the \tre1ni·e· l ntely oce11ple1 l personally to (.),\Pl'. R. H. 13 u N 'J'. Hampton. bf \VILLIJ..:U lUcC.:1,UNG as R l ' oundry, they i~ropose remaining for three or four t owards Brooklin. It returned a short N. 11.l!'lour and Apple Barrels constantly Corn has r ecently been carried by vessince, having made 14 miles without t ime IHncbl ne 81101> and ~arrlur.;" l 'nctory, on on hand. Ca.n supply any fluantity to apple weeks. Mr. Bleakly, though barely of sel from Chicago to M ontreal for 4c, per S .\.TIJRDA.Y, 25tll nA.Y or SIWTE~IBllR, buyers. Shop next to Ellloit's mill, Hampton. a"e has bad a very eventful life so far. any delay or accident. The long and bushel, which is said to be tho lowest 35-2w. CAPT. Il. H. B UN'l'. 188!1. He is already a civil en gineer; he formed heavy hill north of Whitby liad been rate yet known. newly gravelled, but offered no impedione of the party of surveyors who were Three of tbe candidates who passed the '!'he stock in trt\de of Willl&m McClung. conreported drowned in the Spanish river ment to the working of the engine. As sisting of a numbor of unfinished Phaeton and last summer ancl whoiie fate was unknown an engine for drawing a threshing machine examination for third-class tet\cbers, held Buggy Bodies and Gear, e.nd a quantity of in Por t Hope, were from Canton school'l'o the Manager of the Glasgow and London Carriage material. for sever:il clays; and he was one of those it has beeu clearly demons trated that i t Insurance Comvany. Mr. Davidson. teacher. . A number ot finished Plows and a quantity who specially distinguished them~elvcs _by has no ri va.l 0 11 this continent. or the prompt va:r· I heroby return thanks C The total assessment for the village of of Plow and other Ca.stings. ment (bf. your agent, Mr. Tbos. Bingham, tor i ndividual bravery at Cut Kmfe Hill, 10 tens or Pig I ron, sheep killed by lightning on my field and InHaetin.,s, according to the MBel!l!lfightino- a"ainst old Pounclmaker. H e Fall Exhibitions. l l tens ot Scrap Iron. sured under Sovereign Policy. ment ~oil, is $162,045.00, an incroase- 7 toas of liar and Hound Iron. py1·pos;s n~w drawing n bead on Pigeon w . C. WINDEL. 1 Slot Machine, togethei: with a quantity of Peterboro' Central Sept. 29th to Oct. 1st. over last year of $8,420.00.- 0bserver. other ~ke (lucks.- W ARDER. articles too numerous lo mention. Mr. Ernest Newton, late of th"' LindCouncillor Smale. of Da.rllngton. says that be SPECIAL.- Stott & Jury have opened Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7th to 10th. An Inventory with valuee can bo seen at the will give Mr. Moulton a card ot thanks it he say Wa1der was presented with a silver out the best value in Hair Brushes ever will par him for a horso th"t was killed by Provincial, London, Sept 7th to 12th. augar bowl and sot of spoons by the omce or ihe 1111,lerslgn11d. Sale lo commence at 11 a. m. lli;i:hinlng on hie 1leld ovor a year a.go, and not Bhown in 13owmanville. See their i ..m Lindsay Contral, Sept22ml, 23rd, 24th. Warde r staff on parting with them last ~aid for ~et. Mr. Smale 1s insured in U1e Terms m&de known al Ume ot sale. ou. $1. 00 Brush. Dominion Grange. F: CUBITT, · Manvers, at Bethany, Oct. 13th and 14th week. He bu. bcugM the Alliston Her· T. BINGHAM. Any quantity uf Wool will be bought Bowmanvlllo, Sept'r 3, 1835. .AB!lignee. ald. Clllrke, at Orono, Sept. 25tb, 26th. a t J . Lyle'· at the highe11t market price, AT HOME. THE ~" _.,..._HOUSE Summer Dry Goods ~ Remnants HOLIDAYS. Parasols, Ginghams, Shirt ings, Gloves, Prints, Cot tonades, Hosiery, Cretonnes, Denim s, Summer Tweeds and Summer Suits, ALL :E<.EDUCED! CAR P E T S, B LACK SILKS , LACE CURTAINS, & DRE SS GOOD S :J?Fl.ICE::S. A SURP RISE. AT *HOUSE.) T. CEO. MASON, Proprietor. F T. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. SOM ETH INC FOR YOU I ' r· THEB ISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL R L L ocal and Otherwise. EDUCATIONAL I I New Ontario Readers, EX E RC I S E B OOK,. SCHOOL BOOKS and Requisites H 'V. T CHEAPSIDE V ARIETYSTORE, H BA R GAI N S! IN MILLI NERY. Mrs. DONN ELLY. Auction Sale ! Card of Thanks. - ----- -

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