and blossmniug, and th0 Yonng, old, and middle-a~ed, all ex· 1 8 3 7 . iaan_ and wind beat down the straw. Tlie gram V"rience the wonrlerful beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young chitdren aaes the straw BOWMANVILLE STATION, The following repmt of the crops in may be saved, but in most c_ will be valueless for feedmg purposes. s uffering from eore eyes, sore ears, ·cald· Ontario ia furnished by the Bureau of GOING EAST GOING WEST -----A.T T :E3: E - - - It is g1·atifying to observe that t!1e bug hoild, or with any scrofulous or sy11hilitic Expre81 .......9.05 a ro Ji::i:prees ...... 7.1~ a m Industries dated Sept. 10th: FastExprese.10.0:1 nm L()oal .........s.~ am · Many correspondents state tlrnt the has been almost entirely absent tlua year. t:iint, may be made healthy and stroug Mixed ........ .4.0& p m !\'ll:red ... ..... A.0<> Jl m by its use. Local; ......... .7.30 p n\ J ~xureee..... .. 9.00 pm result of threshing showed that tho crops Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from PortTHE DANCING MANIA, by J. F. C.HEC· Exorees ...... p m suffered far less than was expected by the land or Halifax by Allan Line, to or from ' rains which pre,ailecl over large areas of KER, M. D .. No. 72 of the "H11mboldt Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, GalCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. the Provmco during the lrnrvcst season. Libmry of S1iionco." J, Fitzgerald, pubway, Limerick Glasgow ; Cabin also rtl'rhough the grain sprnuted in some local- lisher, 393 l'catl St, New Yo~k. Pri~e d uced. W . .A. Nx.rns, .Agent. 48tf BURKF.TON 81'.A.TION 15 cents, post fret>. The Dancm!{ Mama ities ancl thotwh there are pretty general 0 complaints of r ust in low lying Jields, st~Jl of the Middlu Ages is one of the m ost H N GOING E . \sT. oorNG WEST. as a ·w hole the crop was harvestell m curious episodes in tho history of mankind, 1 9 1 coutlition, tho result no Express· .. I0.2?. am 1 Express ~':press... ·?g Pm am sur·pr·i·sr · 11., oly goowhole v illa!{cs, towns, and communil ies Mixed ... ··· . .. .. 7.42 pm .. , .···· .... 7,, u -----~~---~~-""-"" - -:= ·""-"" ·~ --doubt of the cool bree:.1y weather wl1ich being seized with an irresistible impulse to dance and lea p about, and to wander ~ followed the rains of early lutr\ est. To the Creditors of WILLIAM M cCLUNG, of ~mUUlinU ~tatt~UU\l\.. Seldom if ever, has tl1ero liticn a up and down the \\ h»lti of Europe, communicating their frenzy t" the people ~ brighte1· i11·ospect for spring wheat than the Town of JJowmanville, ·i n the Oo~~nty ! of Diirharn, Fouudryman and ' there was this season at the tim~ the wherever they wal'der. The symptoms of this strauge disorder, and the mad BoWMANVILI,E, .FRID.A.Y, SErT'R 18. fields had obtained thefr growth and were Manufact1uer. just approachin~ maturity. Notwithstand- antics of its victims are vividly portrayed is hereby given, tliat m puring the retarding influence of tl1e late hy the aut11or from contem1lorary annah . NOTICE suance of chapter 107, of the Hovised Stat11tes or Ontario, as amended by Ontario spring, the phmt had rna<le t\ very strong For sale by R . .B. Andrew. ST. NICHOJ.AS FOll SEl"fEMll.ER.has a long St.atute 46 Vic., chap. 9, that the said William and luxuriant development- tho straw McCJung has made an assignm ent of his estate Having received onr information from reli- was thick and heavy and the heads large. anu table of cnntents, one of the and effects to the undersigned in trust for the able sources, w o beiievo the following com. As the grain be,qan tu ripPn, however, it mostvaried attractive features of which is a fan - benefit of his creditors and all firms, corpora· parativo statement to be a just and correct .ful tale by 11'i·aiik R. Stockton, entitled, tione and persons having cl..ims against tlte saidWilliam MeCJung. are i·equired to send by showing ot the circulation of the three loClll pa. showed signs of being badly :ittacked by Cl rnst, induced ancl e1~couraged by the <lull, "The battle of the Third Cousins." "A post, prepaid, to tho undersigned, their pers. · 1S 1 '" b S 1 · S t ehristian s.nd surnames, addresses and desmurky weather, wtth frequent showers, "reat fi nancia c ienrn Y op ue wee criptlons the full particulars of their claims, SrATES1fAN, ayerage circulation..... 2,160 which prevailed. 'l'he Auqust report fs a very funny story with a very good verified by statutory declarations, and the West Diirlwm New~ no .......... 1,500 expressed some ap1Jrehensions as to the moral. The moral is pointed at the ten- nature of the secndt.les (if any ) held by them, ·1 h 1 · on or before the 17th day of October, 1885. do. .. ...... .. 4.80 effects of this visitation ; but its ravages Sun clency to speculate wit 1 ot er peop es And notice is hereby given that after the CmCULAT!ON ANALYY.ll:D, have turned out to be much more serious money and the loose ways of doing husi- said 17th day of October, I will proceed to dis· tribute the said William than they were at that time supposed to ness t Iiat. so 1~rgeIY con t n'b u t e t,0 tiie con- among STATESMAN circulation outside of Durthe assets partiesor legally entitled McClung thereto, ham County . . , ........·. . .... 360 be. Througl1out western Ontario the stant onugrat1011 to Canada. The story having regard only to the claims of which 1 crops, in fact, almost wholly dosti-oyed, relates with rare humor how 1\ conntry shall then have notice, and tha.t I will not be W. D. N ews do. do. 250 only a few fielcls on high and Jight land b ~u 11 liable for the said assets or any part thereof to oy a ttemp t e d t o emu1a t o tl1~ grea t n a · any person, firm or corporation or whose debt Sun do. 1o. 130 giving even a fractional yiolcl, . Much of street speculators and met with d isastrous or claim notice shaJJ not have beon i;rivcn. F'ltlWERIC CUBI'l"r, Subscribers to both STt1.TllSMAN and the wheiit is not worth threshmg ; the consequences. of the 'L'own of llowmanville, 'l'nu S'l'.B:E. 200 farmers are cutting in large quantitits for N ews Get your Cream from "Retreat Dairy." September lZth, 1885. :1S-5w. fochler, or using thu shrunken grain for Subscribers to both STATESMAN and chicken feed. The midge, also, has been S ·l·I' 15 .0 very active in the I1oacl s o f w h ea t ; b u t ' · STATESMAN, 2, !GO lcS!I 360 lea>es 1,800 its effects are entirely overshadowed by W. D. N e1cs, 1,500 less 250+200 do. 1,050 those of the rust. 'l'he reports from Sun 480 less 130+ 150 lea.res.. .................. 200 eastern Ontario, the great spring wheat 'l'o make this etatement, H possible, morll revion of the Province, are more reassurclear, suppose a merchant ia now advertising ing. Though there is considernble rust, in tho S'.l'NrESMA.N, and he wishes to know as well as midge and weevil, and tl1ough how many more bouseholcls hia advertisement the expressions of the correspomlents are will enter by inserting it in the Ntws or Sun. not nearly so i;:lowing as they were at t he Our answeL is: 1, 050 if inserted in tho Nt!.t0-9, d11te of their August iidviecs, yet there and 200 if ;nsorted in t.he S n n. appears to be reaso11ahle hope that the One reason for presentin~ this statement is "'rain will thresh out a fair average. 'l'lrn because of a comparison made by the publisher berry, however, is shrivelled and infeiior. of the S1rn in a circular isstrnd to the business Owing to the late very unsettlec~ weather, men of J!lowmanville in which he states<t luirvesting operations arc not yet complotthe Sun ls tho "leading journal in \Vest Dur- eel except in a few westcdy and southel'ly ham" and that "the Sun is unsurpassed as an localities. '.l'aking the Provmce as a a,d,·crtismg medium in West Durham.'· The whole, there will proba-bly be a <leJicieney man who circulates thi~ last statement, know- in the spring wheat ]>J'oduct, nm~1 y farm~rs ing it to be f~lse, among business men in order being obliged to purchase then· supphes to secure advertising is a liar and an "advcr· of flour and ~eed. 'l'hc quality of thu tlsing swindler." rrrain, too, will ue [JOor, t he rust being._ B~ld . 1 A CIIAIJ,li NGE. ~nore fatal to the finer rnrieties than to w J If Mr. Cllmie w.i ll publish in his paper next voose wheat and other conrsu, bearded wook a list of his bo~'.a. fide pa~d up subscri~rs ~arietie·. The figm·es returned estimate for the whole ot 188~ m Darlmgton receivmg the total yield for 1he Province at this their vapers c.t Poat Oillces in the township) dattJ at !J,22(),76!> bushels against 14,313,outside of llow~a~ v!llo.' iuHl iwear to its cor- 524 bushels estimated i11 the August re· roctnoss. we will g1ye him. one do~lar for ~ve~y iort, a red uction of over one-third, name over 40. Secondly, if he will publish Ill I , . d ' t ' f ti b ley· cr·op r's 1"fi · · ·· ·1 1e con 11·t ,. sworn tLc enme1asue with the Dnrhugton b tl l ·lite . i 10n o t" ie 1 ar list. or his paid up subscribers for tho whole of veri uc1 lll every pat'. ICU ar ,Y Ie < r 1885in Clarke aud Cartwright we will give him r , turns as now rece11·ed. 'Ih~ gl'mvtl.h one dollar tor every name over 10 in c1.1ch unusually long, :u_1d uxcopt m one @Ir township. Wo isaue this challenge sincerely ~WO locaht:ti~ , tho gra~n was a full a.vera~ believing that the ubove fii;ures exceed the Ill plumpness and weight ; but the bulik number of subscribers to the Sun iu thoi three of the crop W<\s pounanently damaged by townships mentioned. the storm of August 3rd, which e:x;tendedl One Deor West eC Post Ofke, U.wmanville. pretty generally all over Ontar10. TCP> make mattcr.s still worsu, the Wtlathen· "\Ve are ple;ised to hear personally from since that date has bt:en broken andl Bush~ many of the business mon in town that unfavourable, causing the barley harvest; they resent in strongest terms of disgust to be considerably clelayl>.d, and the crop, the efforts of our rival to destroy confi- in many cases to be housed in a damp , and unlit condition. Correspondents 1 a dence in our hu~iuess integrity. generally 01itimate that from two-thirds · to four-fifths of the barley crop of the By proclamatiouof the Lieuteuaut -Gov· Province i~ discolored by the rains, and ernor, the act passed at the last session none of this will gmde higher than No. 2 at the best. ln cu11seq uence of the conof the Ontario Legislature respocting as- tinued bad harvest weather the estimated sicrnments fot· the bonefit of creditors aggregate product, by Ute last returns, is w: nt into force on the 1st inst. A debtor some u:5U,OOO bushels, or an average of may now, with the assent of his creditors about one bushel per acre Jesa than the We hove on hawJ this ;easom a lairge quantity of Paris --FC>~-]Lavin" claims of $100 and upwards, make estimate of last m '.lnth. The prospects for tl1e oat crop is less Ckeen, ~taranteecU pure:.. a v;en~ral assignment for tb o benefit of all favournble, according to tho latest repoi:ts, his creditors. than it was earlier in the season. Owmg ·t o the unusually rank growth of oats, the _ , ;..~ They have been trying the h igh license general lateness of the ~eason, :_i.nd tho .system up in Wisconsin, and the result Auoust storm, the ripemng period was Our Insect l?owdeir can del~yed considerably past th!'. .ordinary has been to reduce the number of liquor tinie. It ia under such oondrt10ns that .s hops and to inc~ease iwmensely the rev- rust is usually developc-d; and the weather powder in the market :ftw tb ·Cnue derived from them . the maximum and temperature being likewise conducive ants, crickets, carpet meths, <eost of a liuense in Wisconsin is only n ow to it, a large p1·1.>p01·timt oo .the 1.·at crop of the Province becamtil' a:peed.ily afiected by $200, while previous to the introduction this scouraae. In w estern Ontario only 0 of the system it waR $75. High license, the eadiest sown E.e1'1ll-, t1H' those in higl1 it is contended, is the mo11t effecti vo way situations, escaped and ripened to pe!fecof regulating t he liquor traffic when an tiou. llll the easterlJl po.rt of tha l'rovmce, A v~uable preparaitio.n fi in the L ake Ontari<'> gro1:1p, th e prospects attempt is made to regulate it at all. are sli<>htly more eneooa-agiug,bnt through - pnpara; J.iion for :roughmess of out n~rth-eastern Ofibari©- the eorp is so & The Guelrh 1 \fercury &ays the law of late that f:urners do Mt expect. it to ripen dr.ies at once wlen applii-ed, The best and cheapest in Bowmanville. till frost C© to· tMir aasist~Bce . The libel is a subject which might well occupy black varieties sce~m to be moce suscepthe attention of that representative body tible to rmt than tlle o-th elf!i!. In t he The latest and best styles manufactur ed. the Oann.dian Prtiss Association, to a great- Lake Erie district, ~>a;ts. WCJl'lil serfously r s d u:rrng the er ext ent than it has hithoito done, and damaged lby q-rass-llooppe_ o-rowin"' Bll'..i.B01l. The 0st1mated average if that institution is 1tnable to tackla so product of August is dimi1:'1-ished by nearly The most magnificent ever offereJ. m town. solid a supj ect pro~ic rly c lm:illg its summer two b usheb per ael-e,. uwmg t(;) the later r ecreative assembly , why not h old a win- clevelopmenl! of rust! the m>Wwourable t er meeting, say du ring the Legislative ht\rvest wei~ther. The r eports as to the conwtion of the The b est quality and most beautiful patterns. Session, to discuss this and kindred t.>p~We wish retmrR our ' rye crop are substantially the same as icg of vital interest to the profession. those ma de to the &reim last month. In ~ th e western portion of the Province onl_y &wmanville :iilld surrf.:'wnding rn The most varied and handsome stock m town. The oyster stiasou is now in full blast. an occasio11al field is grown, and there rt Lovers of these b1n lves will have to pay is reported a good crop. In tlie. e~~ the wJluich has be&in exten ii:kid to us ~ averave sown appeat s t o be dummshed somewhat d earer for them at the hotels anum~lly ; Lhe reports as to i~s con~ition COAclusively that the method a( The best and cheapest the world's markets afford. this year than form erly ·m iL< ·count of the this y ear are extremely varymg. rhere duty . frys beill. !j qu oreJ :1t 40 cents, stews will probably be a fair tworage crop both a. bar!!ain and every bargain a e ~ at 35 cents and raws at :'.5 cents. 'rhe as to yield and quality. The pea crop, like ot~1er s_pring crops, · . . Ground daily fresh on the premises. d uty is as follows :-U y~~0rs shelled in has been considerably unpaired by the people appreciate. We shall c l bulk a specific duty of 10 c»nts per gallon; continuecl cold and wet weather . .At ' oysters in ca n~ 110t over 1·i11t :~ cents per that time there waa ~enerally a h~avy . a\stonish and delight you all. Good, clean and cheap as the cheapest, can, including cans; oyste.ts in quai;-t cans grnwth of straw, and, w1 ~h a f_ew exceptions in which premature npenmg had b een of our pnces and delight yor 5 cents per can, including; cans ex- forced by hot weat,h er in July, the pods ceeding one quad; in c11paciry an addition- were of good size and fairly well filled .. We have for this fall bou!!ht -a Selling off very cheap to clear out. ~ al specific duty for each quH.rt or fraction There were a few traces of mildew, but h l of a quart including the caus, 5 cents; they were too exooptional t o ca us~ anxiety. This disease had, :kowover, boen greatly and may safely say t at we oysters in the shell 25 p or C(,nt act valorem. Every variety kept constantly in stock. developed and ext ended during the re~ent The only duty befo ··' on this class of rainy period, principall;- on low, ;reh, and that our reputation will rn goous was 1} cent per c;· n. h eavy lands. From this cause cluefiy, ancl also from shelling out. the e1timated Come and inspect our goods a Si>ECIAJ, TO FAitME.RS --The S1'ATESMAN aogregate yield for the Province has been :6. d th t 1 "t 1 · is pleased to bP ablu to a un onuce to far- r~duced from 15,400,520 bushels to 14,1 n a s m er8 that S. Van ' t"'·" 1s 11g & in . in tho 335 5H3 bnshels ; yet, should this estimate when you w Every article usually k ept by first-class grocers will be found with us l be a market for the purcha·e of all kmds of be ;ealized in threshing, it will stil_ and at most reasonable prices. We take pleasure in showing goods. faiI aycrage crop. A large proportrnns ?f becomti an advertisement. grain . The h ig1111st c:m,11 price paid for any quantity of wlieat, barley, peaa aud the pea product has been harvested m oats Office ai: P. T· ebilcock's BoCJk i:ood condition, showiu~ a good 11Mnple. Sio;e, Town Hall Hl<.> ck, .Bowmanville. What remains is difficult -to harvest, as VICTORIA :BUILDI.NGS, BOW.llA:RVILLB, OBT. tho. excessive moist ure produces abnormal Give him a call. ~G!!!R~A .!!!N~D~T~R~U~N~ K ~R!!! . ~A~I~L~W~~A~Y~.7~0~N=T~A~R~IO~:C:R~O~P~.:R~E:P~O~R~T:S~.~Fs~p=r outing ra.~n I wEST END BUSINESS 8HANGE HOUSE-! NOTIC E. 1 t;'2\"llt POINTERS FOR ADVERTISERS. Having decided to retire from business in favor of my son, Jo McMuRTRY, I take this opportunity of ithanking the many friends who have extended tO me their patronage through the half century I have been in business in Bowmanville. I 'vould also bespeak for my successor a continuance of that patronage. All accounts due me will be collected by the new firn1. I remain, yours truly, WlVI. lVlcMURrrRY. I LA.DIES Can always occupy their spare moments pleasantly and profitably when they have some knitting on hand, especially when they buy their Yarns from (I GOUGH, IJOHNSTON I& ICRYDERMAN, D who are. now showing . ' y ns 'n all colo· rs win s ar Saxony Yarns in all colors, Fingering Yarns in aill colors, Canadian Yarns mall colors. Having taken over the Dry Goods business carried on for the last fortyeight years by Wm. Mc:Murtry, and having made some improvements in the premises, I would announce a Grand Opening, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IOtrr, when the whole stock will be offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. I intend selling Dry Goods at very close prices, and the present stock is marked at cost and under, so that for the NEXT TWO WEEKS you may look for Bargains Extraordinary. The Grocery Business will be carried on as usual, the best and cheapest goods, in that hne obtainable, always in stock. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs and all kinds of produce. Please call and inspect the goods and New Goods,, Correct Shades, Lowest Prices. prices and I feel assured it will repay you. COUCH,, JOHNS'IOJI & CRYDERMAN, JOHN McMURTRY, J West End House. BIGGllBOTHAI & SON, D:RU-GG-ISTS_ N. B.- 100,000 price paid. Barley wanted; /highest · PAJtIS GREEN. MURDOCH BROTHERS - INSECT ~1 - ~~~·";~·~~;"°~ GROCERIES ROSE GI PRESERVING SUGARSFRUIT JARS- JI. HI1 - MAS.ON I oo Dinner and Tea SetsSets- .1.China Tea Table and Hanging LampsDelicious Teas- Fine Flavored CoffeesRaisins and Currants- Crockery and Glassware- Canned Meats and Fruit- ·n Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce of all kinds. MURDOCH BROTHERS,