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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1885, p. 5

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Don't fill the system 1;\ith qurnme m Picture Framing done at lowest rates Go t.i the Town Hall for a real treat ARM FOR SALE IN CLARKE.Miss Hanson returned to Demill's Colthe effort to prevent or cure Fever and at Vanety Hall. next '[ 1 1esday night. 100 acres. bemg parts of lots l!O and 21,con. lege, Oshawa, last wook. 3. Clarke, there being 50 acres in each Jot Will The Presbytery of Wlutby will meet at 'l'he Jv.hsses McKechme, of Sherbrook, Ague. Ayer'e Ague Cure is a far more be sold together or in two parcels. Good bull!lRev. R. D. Fiaser's Bible Class was potent preventive and. remedy, with the mgs, well fenced, well watered, good orchard. are vrnd ing at Mr. Roblm's. largely attended on Sunday afternoon last. Pickermg, Oct. 20th. advantage of leaving m the body no Only 31 miles from Newcastle Terms easy, There is a Cure for Consumption. Mr~. lleo. Piggott and l\f1ss Eva Piggott poisons to produce d1zzmess, deafness, Apply for particulars to SOf,OMON HARRIS, Geo. A. Cox has put a suit, of rooms at '!'he Sabbath School Association of Canon tho premises, or to WILLIAM HARHIS. ada mee ts in Strntfoi;d Oct. 20, 21 and 22. the disposal of the Pcterboro' young l..1b- are vrn1tmg fnends at Harmlton. h eadache, ancl other disorders. The pro- Whitby, P. 0. IO, euLls, rent free. Mr Thompson, of the Cleveland Voice .A new race course is to be opened 111 puetors warrant it· & The corporat10n laborers unearthed a is viaitmg !us mother, Mrs Vv. E. Pethick. Wl1itby, on Mr. J. H. Long's pruperty. UILDING LOTS FORSALE.- Two 811011.'lIIAND. - Brooks & i\foCullongh, large sized butldmg Iota on Church-St., Miss N ctt1e Law h<1>s retur:nell to Bridge- ~horthand Educators, will open out a Rev. W. A. McK11y, of Woodstock, is lruman skeleton on El gm-st, Colborne,last oast ot Mr. Vl'm. McClung's premises. A numlecturmg 111 Peterboro' county on the week, supposed to be tht1t of an Indian. water ii[ter a short visit in Bowmanv1lle P1tmmnc Shorthand School m tins place, ber of finA apple trees m full bearing on each lot. If desired a house to smt purchaser will WILL CURE Harper's M«gazme for October is a Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Mmesing, on or about tho first of October, to conScott Act. be erected next summer. Terms easy. Apply stron" Number frnm every point of view. Ont., are vis1tmg Ins brother, J)r. Young, tnrne through the fall a,nd winter-day to F. CUBITT, Bowmanville. 37 tf. Mr. \Vm. Evans, of Uxbridge, IS on a Consumption if taken in time. It and e1·enmg. Tlus is an excell~nt opporvisit t o his Uncle Mr. J ohn Brock, recrnit- It is ~11portant, attractive, and ricl1ly ii V. S. is pleasant to take and does not mg his health. lustratcd. Mr "'\-Vm. Young, of St. Loms, De tumty for persons r esidmg m or about l\.TOTICE.-Mr. William McClung, of the Town of BowmanviJle, Foundri·man The barns, inclndmg the sea~on's crops, Go11zae, Quebec, is visiting lus brother, Bowmanville to acqmrc a knowledge of .l..-, disagree with tlie stomach. The Autumn Assizes will open m Coand Carriage Manufacturer, ·havmg made an this useful art. 'rhe tern1 s me reaso11able of M1. W. SlatPr, uear Gra.fton, were Di. Young, V. S. assignment to me, the undersigned. or all h111 bourg on 'fhursday, Oct 2!Jth, before -a complete course of twenty lessons for estate ii. trust for the benefit of h1R creditors, consumed by fire one nrnht last week. No Judge O'Connor. all per~ons mdebted to the sa·d "\V1lham Mc$5.00 ; belies, $4.00; fui the1 reduct10n Clung requested msm·ance. JOHN R. CLARKE. to p1w the amount of tben~ Just opened out at Couch, J ohnston & for cluldren. F or any m format10n address respectt\'O acco1mts to me 1mmed1ately. F. $1.00- You can ge t the WEEKLY Gw1m Cryderman's direct from the mills, several CUBITT, Trustee. BROOKS & McC ULLO UGH, Shorthand Edfrom now to the end of n ex t year by sub,,The citizens of Bowmanville and vicin· Bowmanv1lle, Sept. 11th. 1885. 37 pieces new wool carpets. scribing 11t the Statc~man ,,flice, for one ity will have an opportuo1ty of hearing ucators, Box 110, Bowm,iuv11le. The holiday season is now about Rev. W. Limbert, of HastingR, preach- uollar- tf ====== - ===== == -- -===~ th,, JUstly celebrated ,John lL Clarke m over and it is about time to settle ed to a large au<lience m the Quccn-LJt The linost assortment m Hats and gents the Town Hall next Tucsd.ty evemng down to business. Our importation church on :Sunday evemug. furmahmgs at M. Mayei 's Hat & J!'ur wlwn he wtll 1Jchver his very popnlar lec'L'o the Manager of the Glasgow and London If you want a ny Room Paper call at Store. C.ill aud rnspect the goods and ture- "To :rnd Fro in London" under Insurance Company. goods are beginning to arrive and Variety Hall and see the tremendous I hereby ieturu thankfl for the prompt µaythe a·1spices of llo-. manv1lle Lodge No. procure ab r~.1in. men t (hy your agent, Mr. '!'hos. Bmgham) fot" we can :-;how our customers an un- bargams that art'! berng gi veu . 'l'he 1eS1dence of Mr Geo. McDonald, W, A.0 U W. · We have hea.rd Mr. sheep Jnllod by lightomJ 011 my field and m.As r ecommended by Gen. Middleton a JUSt east of Culborne, was, with the fur- Clarke deliver thrn lccturo and can assure sured under Sovereign Pohcy. usually large and well assorted medal W . C. WINDEL. will be presented to each of the np stairs, consumed by fire un Tues- our reader· that 1t JS one of real me11t. stock of Druggists Sundries, which volunteers who served 111 the North-wei!t mture It 1s 1wldom 1>eople even Ill our towns day last. Insurnnce $500. THE STAR HOUSE will .,,,/r.. Counc1llor Smale. of Darlington. says that ho. anrl c1tie3 are permitted to listen to a man No a entle reader, we are n ot carrying will give Mr. Moulton a card of tbanl{S 1r he have been seem ed at remarkably Mr. W. H. Huston, M, A late Prmc1will pay !nm ror a horse thut was killed by on b~sfi1css on money belonging to wid- pal of Pickenng College, Juts bce11 ap- of such acknowledged ability in his line. **-¥-make an IMPORTANT an-* '* lii<htmng on hls field over a year ago. and not low prices for cash. Our stock ows a,nd orphans nor are we bel11nd with Mr Ul,nke pos~esses !1i~tuonic talent of a paid for yet Mr. Smale is msured m the pomtecl to the vac,1 nt English Mas terslup. very high order and l11s recitat10ns alone 7f-·~'* nouncement next week. . _ . , . ; :_ Donumon Grange. includes fine imported Perfumes om· mterest. m Toronto Collegiate Insht L1te. are worth much more thau the admission ;;.*,. T. BINGHAM. M. Mayer has iust opened out a splenT. GEO. MASON.**·" (very choice), Hair,Brushes, Combs, Barnum's monstrous oxlubit10u requires fee; ]us desc1'1ptivo powers are 1111usually did line of "ents' furnislungs in ties and men with it anrl seven advertisrng good , his nmmcry soldom, 1£ ever, Tooth, Nail, and Hat Brushes, "oolen ur~lerwear. ft can't be boat. 714 cars, 210 men and 17 agents in advance equalled , !us eloquPnce inspinng and B IRTHS. Toilet CaseR, &c., all extra value. Give him a c,ill. to attellll to its many dep.~rtments . apparently without effort Siugle twkets, BYERS- In Cartwrtll:'ht. on the 10th lnst. the Mrs. R. ,O'Hara and her daughter Miss Per~ons wtonding tri have sales this 15 cents; double ticket, adrmtting lady wif STOTT & JURY. ~ l\'l:r .Jamee Byers, of n son. Lillie, have gone to Round Valley, Inyo Fall wit! consult theu own i11ten·st by and gent, 25 cents. 8 o'clock, sharp. , Rom~tts-In th1 &town, on the Hth inst., the Pursuant to a deed of assignment bearing Co, California, \\here they intend, if all ordering their an.le b1l!H at this office and wife of Mr. F. Rogers, of a. d:>nghter ---- -~-- dar" the 21st day of August. A D . 1885, tenders 1s well, to make their home. bo recmved by the undersigned 'l'rustce will thereby get a free uot1ce m the STATESPROVINCIAL FAIR. llll to MONDAY. tho 2lat day of SEPTEMBER, MARRIED. FMme1·s, I will pay you tho highest MAN up t" d ,1te uf sale. tf. 1885, for the pm chase ofV1Lluable Real Estate gorng prices for your Ihrloy imd other · · t th WEBB-POLLARD--By Uev. H. ·walker. on the m the 'l'own of Bowmauville, being 'J'own Lot Couch Johnston & C1ydeu11an received 'I']ie f o])owmg prrnes were won a e 9th inst. at the residence of the bnde e brother. number 'l'wo, m Block 2, in said Town of BowEvery person is surprised at the gram delivered at my elevator or at Port last week per ste.imship "P,uis1an," two Pronncial exl11bitw11 helcl last week at George Pollard. Clarke, M r. "P... E Webb, of maav1lle, on whicl1 are erected Foundry. Darlington J. LYu:, Grain Dealer. cases Bl.ick anrl colored dress goods, com- London, Ont.. W1>y11e Co.. Pennsylvania, U. S , t o Miss Ann"' Machme Shop aud BlacksmithShop,one storey extra \ralue we are giving in Hair bnck bu1ld111g i71 rt. x 31 rt., also frame CarPollard. The l:ugest and best assortment tn hats pr1smg som e of the newest materials and H eavy draught Clydesdale stallion, 4 PAT1 YsoN-V'.'ILSON - By the nev. Wilham riage Warehouse, Shop, Shops, &c.; also Brushes, The be:;t $1 Hair Brush anil aents' furnrnhings at M. Mayer's Hat handsomest chess goods to b e found m the years and upw,11ds,- 31·cl, R. Beith, Bow- Pattyson and Plant, consisting or lloiler father of the groom. ass1Bted by the the Machmery & F~r s·ore. Come and examine the ma1J,et. Engme, Sha!lrng. Beltrng. Lathes and manville , do. :J ye,11::; old, 2nd, l't. Beith. Rev. J \V. 'l'otten, 'l'uesday, Sept. 8th, W. A . and in Canada. STOTT & JURY. other nee easary apphances for the carrying on g;oods iind you can Mtisfy your taste. v. E. Pattyson, or C ·lluw:woorl. to Frankte E .. M r . J!'. S. Spcnco and Rev. H.B. Kee- Thorn-bred lioises-- 2ncl, A. Fanson & daughter o1 Henry Wilson, J~sq., Merchant, of Foundry, Agncultural Implement and Carnage Busmead. 'fhe S·L'A'rl'f;M A~ staff heartily thank fer at present cm1v11ssrng for share- Son brood m ue, foal by her side, 2nd, M rkham. 'l'beae prem1 a..s vrero, until lately, occupied Mrs. John nrock for a bag of very choicti holders to form a temperance publtshmg A Fanson & Sou; loal of 1885, 1st, .A. WRIGI11'-COLEMAN - On Wednesday, Sept. by William McClung, and wonld be e desirable plums sent them on Friday. Mity her company. lt rn tho intent10n to create a Fanson & Son ltoaclstcrs- yearlmu 16th, at the residence of the b1ide's fath er. by rnvestment for an e:i::penenced man with Rev. C. E. Mcintyre. Mr. George vVright moderate capital. 'l'lus estabhghment has been 1,rces ever flouush and bear abundcintly. capital of $10,000, m 1,000 slrn1cs of $10 stallwn c 1lt, 2nd A I<'anson & Son the to Emma, third daughter of Mr. '1'. 1'.Coleman m opoiation fo1 some years and has had tho each. The month of fairs is already hem, Slure or Cart horses-shile stallion, 3 AYNAlw-BaowN" -On September 15th. at control of a large ogricmltural trnsrness Ill the tho Chnrch st Methodist, p1tmonage, by the sale of mowers, plows and other implements When Jme "exhibits" du appeai, Persons ufton put a piece of money b e- Yrs. old, 3icl A l!'anson & Sun. ExLias, 1 Rev. C. E. Mcintyre, Mr. Geo. Maynard to as well as a la1go and very valuable .Jobbing When iibbons red aucl ribbons blue, _ .!. _ ss Kate Rrown. tween the lips to hold it w lulc the hands hiahly commended, ,1nd five c11plom,1s fm1 M LYMAN'S COFFEE IS .BEST and iepa1rmg t1'ade. Upon apphaatlon to tha 'L'rustce the premlseB --- - - - -··- -- Will be awarded to the few. are occupi~d m vuttmg un gloves ot ad- n.;~ extra :1H1111als, .L\..Fanson & Son, may be rnspooted o.ud full informat·on will bo 1st, Because of its purity. DIED. "The Future," is tho title of a new j usting the dress. 'J'his is IJot ~mly .in Tor·mh furnished . 2nd, There is no wast,e AYERS- In Bowmnnvillo. on the Uth mst., ']'erms of So.le and l~orma of 'l'ender will be journal published at .Richland, Ifansas, untidy pr,ictice, Mys a h c:~lth JOUmal, 1 S t · J 0 1111 Lotta 1, 1 yr. o11 D ur h am b u1 l ,Ruth, infant daughter of Mr. Jno . .A.re1s, fnrnlshed by the Trustee upon apphcat1on. , 3rd, It requires no boiling. and devoted to calculat10ns of the coming but it 1s unsafe, because ooms c<mvoy tho Dryden, Brooklm, heifer, 3 yrs. old, 3id WEnB - Accidentally drowned at \V'l\.rne Datod at Ilowma11v1ll0, tlus Qtl1 day of J::>op. John Dryden; heifer c.Lli, 1st, John Dq- Co. Penaylvnuia, on Mondu.y, :i~l)t 'H th 1\fr. tember, 1885. 4th, You can prepare a cup or a gallon in weather through astronomical nmthemat- seeds of clisoase D, BQRJ\:el 6IM.t'~ON, den , Canadmn bred Short Horn bull calf, li. E. Webb. ' ics. loss than one mmute. Putting an adverLiscment in a 11cwsSollcltor or lruste~. John R. Cl.11ke, the celebrated Chat- paper is not necessarily advcrtismg. 'l'o 2nd, John Dryden 5th, It is convenient for pic-nics or campmake it pay you must aLlvert1se rn the auquan lcctnrer, will deliver lus populnr T Guy, (Jshawa,, was a successful exing excursions. P.OW?v';ANVIIJLE MARKETS, lecture entitled "Hits and Misses," m pa.per the people r ead. In proportton to hibitor of Ayrslures. <ith, It is cheaper tlrnn l\ny other kind. circul.tt10n the STA1'ESMAN" 1s the cheapest Gould's Hall, Castleton, on Saturday eveE. J. Macl-lin & Sons, Fenelia, W 'm Oo-rrc.cted by J OJIN LYLE, CVC'r'j/ 2'1mrsda:y 7th, You have only to try it to be con- mng the l!)th mst. medmm anywhern around. Come and seve1,1l on Jl··hteins. ~'lour, per 100 fu ·· · ·· · $2 00 . . to . . $2 25 To he ~olll l>y Auction, :it tll e T1n111 11{ Bow· vinced. For sale by --.. The publisher ot the l'1·esbyterian R e- look through our mailmg lists for proof. Fall Whoat, per bush... . 0 75 .· bo .. 0 80 u urnvllJe,on the 11remUe8 l ntely oeeu111e1J The exJ11 1 Htton was frnancially not a STOTT & JURY, view, of Toronto, will gladly send speci- They arc open to all . ULtlAl'll ll!lcCU/N6 n~ 11 J'oundry, success, though the quahty of the exhibits SpringWheat, per bush . 0 75 .. to .. 0 80 by 1 VOLUNTEER LAND GRANl'S, SCRIP, AND were above the av~r,1ge. Barley . ............. ... .... . . 0 50 . . to . . 0 G O Hncltlue S1to1· nn·l Ca1'1·Jngc 1i'aclot·y, OK rhe Reliable Druggists. man copies of this excellent Journal to all who ask for them. Address Box 2567, P ENSIONS, IS the title of a pan1phlet, by Rye,per bushel....... . 0 50 .. to . . 0 55 SA1.'UltDAY, ::;;th D ,l1' of SEPJ'tJUBER, Toronto Subscnpt10ns ta.ken at the Capt. C. W. Allen, late of the DepartOats,per bushel.. . .... 0 27 .. to .. 0 30 188i>. District Meeting. ment of the Interior, winch has been STA'IE8~1AN oftlcc. Peae,Blno.. . ......... 'J 50 .. to . . 0 55 'l'I k. ,, " k t) ,..;. t 0 1e stoc in trade of William McClurlg, COfi· l\11ss L1z:t.1e H1ggms, daughter of l\'lr. ovportuuely published by tho J'oronto B lsc ey11s ..... · · · ':J .. 0 · · 0, ;;,;1tmg o! a number of unfinished Phaeton and 'l'l-ie Fi11anc1al Meeting of the Bowman" Swall. .... . .. . . . 0 55..· to ... 0Go 1Buggy Bodies and Gear, and a qua.1tity of W. H . H1"gmil late editor of the Whitby News Company. 'rhe main object of the BowMANYILI.E, FRIDAY, SEPT'R 18. C1rnoNWt.:t<~ left on Tuesday for New author is " to protect those e11·1tled to ville District, l\'let,hod1st Church, was held Bntter,per It. best table.. O 12 .· @ · · O 1(j 1 Ca1·rlage material. m tll1e town, on tho \.Ith mst. It is comL d ~ l:t (> lu @ o 13 1 A. nut11bo~ of finished Plows and a quantity Yuik, irum which port she sailed fo1 Ger- benefit by the bounty 0f Parhament from ar ' ·· · ····· · · · · ·· · ·· ·· of Plow and other 011.stings. m,iny on Thurscl<ty. Miss Lizzie goes to berng persuaded to sacr1Jice their interests po11e~l. of the Supetinteudcnts of circmts Eggs, WJ-o;:, · · · .. .. · · · .. 0 10 · ·@ · · 0 12 10 tons ot Pig 1ron 13 tons of Scrap Iron. the great Conscrvatouum of Music, L eip- from lack, on their p1rt, of trustwo1thy within tht! bounds of the d1atnct, together Potatoes, per bushel. .·· · . 0 25 · · @) · · 0 35 infornrntivn," but he goes further, and with" one lay ieprosentativo from each Wool, per lb. . ..... . .... · . 0 16 ·. @ ·· Q 1G 7 tons of Bar and Hound Iron. zig, to c:impleto her musical stud10s. undeitalws lo Hhow not only the trne c1rcmt. I Slot Machrne, together with a q11ant1ty of John R. Clarke, Tuesday next 'Vo have another case against the Scc- relative value of land grants and scrip, other 1irt1cles too numerous to mention. ' All the ministe1s on the district, except The STATESMA N from now to NewYears refauy-'freasuier of the Canadiau P1~s::i I An m ventory with values can be seen at th~ N cw '.:tlblXrtisemmta. but the most advantageous way in wlnch Rev. P. AddisOJ1 and five lay men, were oftlce of the undersigned. for 20 cents. Association. he !ms been usmg the station- the gmnteoa nmy trausfer their Ill terest if present. Rev. E ltoberte, D istrict SuSale to commence at 11 a. m. Butterick's Patterns kept in stock at ery of the .Associat10n for other than As- they desire to do so perintendent,occupied the chair, and Rev. OOD GENERAL SERVA NT Turms made known at time of sale. sociation busmoss. This is about as bareVariety H,dl. wn tc<l. immediately. Apply at HrnGINNo Lovm.- A pareon was taking leave C. E. Mcintyre, Fmancial Secretary, F. CUBI'l"l', Mr. Hugh Mc1Cty l S VIsiting friends at faced as gettmg the Press badge and ticket recently of a congregation not a thous11.nd acted as Secr~tary. llOl'l!AAt'S Diwu 8 w1m. 3i-tf. Bowman ville. Scpt'r 3, 1885. Assignee. belonging to the S1·A'r~-:.'lMAN rnprcsentaTllo business con~ists of allottiug to Bridgewater. miles from Whitby, with whom he had tive, frorn Marnlgcr Hill two ye,ns ago, TEER STRAYED,-Fi'<>m lot 16, con. $@~LOOK OUT FOR~ Miss Smith, of Toronto, is visiting at and usmg them at the I11dustri.1l J!'air. not lived on the best of terms He said each circuit the amount it 18 required to t, Darhagton. a l1a;ht-rcd two year old steer, Mrs . .Anclersun's. "I do not regret separation, dear breth- raise for the Superannuated Mmister'a left horn broken WM. JOLL, Hampton. The usual orclc1 of service iu St. Paul's ren, for three gvod valid t·o&sons. The Fund ; making arrangements for tho anWrap Shawls, a fine assortment, at church pi ayer meeting was varied on first is that you don't love me, the second nual M1ss1011ary Mect111'(e, such as lixmg Couch, Johnston & Cryderm:tn's. ORSE FOR SALE -A good farm Thursday evenmg by a .Bible Readmg. that you don't love ono another, and th;i dates and selecting the cleputat10n& to horse for sale. Apply to GEO. DOBSON, Dr. F. · w . Crydet'man, of Detro1 t, Mich., The 33,tf sub1ect selected was "(fod's care for third t h"t God does not love y0n. You attend the met:tmgs, and receiving the Bowman ville. paid a brief visit to friends m town tlns His peoplc,andM inistering Angels." N umsemi-annual mmistorial cuntribut1011 to clon'tlove memy salary is several months --0-week. 0 R SAL E. - Three Sucking Colts bered slips of paper, having thereon chap- m arrear; you don't love one another or the Superannuated Ministera' Fund. from well bred mares and imported Fo1 the NEX'l' 30 D.lYS I will sell tor LESS There will be a p:wtial echpse of the ter and verse of an app10priate passage of there would not be such a dearth of marUpon motion it was resolved to hold horses. One of tho colts has five crosses. Jonx THAN COST the remainder of my stock moon on " Wednesday mght, 23rd inst., scripture, were distributed among the riages amongst you; and God doesn't each Superintendent responsible for the JAMl!:S, Maple Grove. 38 Stylish and most Durable Millmery visible on this continent audience each person reading tho passage "eem to love you as you ought to be loved, educational meetrngs on his circuit. Dr. RAIN WANTED - I will pay the DRESS SILKS, SATI NS, VELVETS.. .A case of i;mall-pox is reported in Port indicated when the Mmister would refer because therti have been so few funerals W11l1ams, one of the General SupermJnghcst nu11 kot prices for any quantity of &c., with a very heavy !!tock of Hope, but is dccl:ucd by the doctors to be to its bearmg on tho subject and offer amon~ you lately. - Wlutby Ca RONilJLE. tendtints, having very kindly offered to Harley 11nd other gram del!vered 1Lt my Ele· spend two weeks m missionary wor k on vator or at Port Dathngton. .T. LYLE, Grain a very mild form of that disease. brief comments. The excerise 1s said to .ANOl'HElt SPL.l!:NDlJ) OYl"<.:R.-We have tlns dist rict during the month of N ov'r, and Proviaion Merchant, Bowman ville 37·tf. F eathers & Flo-vvers.. 'l'he Editor of the St'A'l'l!-:O':lMAN, wife and have heen rnade >ery interesting. made favorable clubbing auangements --o-family have been attendmg the Industrial ·we have just received the September with the publishers of the l:'ra1rie F<trme1· a part of the tune of mectrng was spent Thanking my customers for past favors, l EICESTER SHEEP - I have for sale r espectfully in arranging his appointments for the sohc1t all to call and mspect my Exhibition in Toron to this week. number ()f the eve1· Musical Chicago, and arc enabled to make the foloue two-shear Ham, one Shearlmg Ram, present stock, which two weeks. Tho min:sters m the towns ten Ham Lambs and six breedmp: Ewes Prices utmost satisfaction. I a.m aura will give tho Mr. and Mrs. '.l'hos. Paterson, and also Woriel, and find it more intcrestmg than lowing splendid offer. 'l'he STArES~lAN and gave way to their brethren fro,n the counALBJ< 'l'AMBL'tN, Ccda1·Dalo Mr. 'W. W. T:unblyn, MA , returned on before. We commend tho World to all P1 aine Ji'm m e1 from n ow until J:m. 1, try, and the district work will be m the moclerate 37 5w* Farm, Orono. P . 0. Tuesday mornrng from their trip to the who love good readrng aud good music. 86 for !'iO cents U nder t,lrn eclitonal country durmg t hese weeks. · 'rhe music contained in this numbe1 is management of Mr. Omuge Judd, ~he old country. AY FORSHIPPING.-PartieshavThe d1stric~ being small the business rng No. 1 'l'imothy Hay to sell iu lots or The A..'le Factory, Belleville, one of "The Old nirchen Hod on tho Mantel," P1 ai1te l!urme1 h;ts been made a very valu- was quickly disposed of and the metitmg Ten tons or more can find 11. purchaser by lll· song and chorus by Otto Gunmir, '-'l'he 11ble publica.t10n as any of our readers closed about two o'clock. the largest manufocturmg mdustries in quiring of David Towns, llowmanville. or by c11lhng on CHAS. W. Br,ooD at the Huebottom that section of the Pt ovince was destroyed }?1sho1·," hallad by Aide; "The Merry may judge from s,implti copies to be seen 35-4w' House Skate1·s," Valse capnce by Beuter, and at tlus office or sent on application to by fire on Thursday last. The Late James Moore. "F:nry Spirtc Schottische," by Mack -THE'l'ho corner stone of the Salvation A. The subscription price is $1.50per annum; Prmrie 1J'cmne1, 150 lUonroe street, 0111A.RM 'rO RENT.Lot 18, Con. 7, Da.1Jrngton, 125 acres; p!oughmg possessrnn Ten1pJe, Toronto, was laid on Monday. single copies 15 cent!!. Address S. Brain- cago It is prm.ted on the bes~ of paper, The late James Moore was born m once. Apply on the premises to .A.r,EX. It is to be bmlt of red brick with <l towm· ard's Sons, 52 and 54 Euclid avenue, finely illustrated, carefully edited, and is Bra.dworthy, Devonshire, England, in at McLAUGHLlN. 3G·3w, a most valuable lMper iu the home of 75 feet in height and a seating capacity of Clevehmd, 0. - -- - -·-- - -- - - - - - A pnl, 1804, and died on the 30tll of July NORTH- WEST CAMPAIGN every farmer, gardener or the possessor 2500. ARM FOR SALE - In East WaOn Wednescfay evening Mr. S. Man- of any land or garden whatever. lts 1885. Bm1gratmg tu Canad:i m 1853 he ~' a.nosll, County or H1 uon. Near Blyth, Mr. V. G. Fowler w..isappomted assist- ning, of lot 31, uth con., Whitby, was household d epartment is also very at- settled on the Baso line of Dnliugton, in 1 100 acres. 'l'h1s is a bea11t1ful farm 111 every ant High school te,~cher at Caledonia, but scverly kwked by one of his working tractive, probably the best now published. which township nearly all his st1bsoquent part10ular. Apply to EDWARD WELSE. Blyth, - AND ALL 01'HERafter going them h~ w,is barred by tho horses while pickmg up the hay under its life was passed. His conversion touk OH 31·8w. NEW GEOGJHPHY AND AT"LA:;.- Mr. W. place m the year J859 60, dunog the --- --------------~ now rcguhttion reqmring a course at a feet. His left arm was broken three mC. Campbell, formerly of the well known special services held by brothcn Ormerod OR SALE OR TO RENT. -About training school. hes above the wrist, the left leg and puhlislnng firm of James Campbell & 75 acie~ of Lot 8, Concession 6, Mai kham, By reference to our obituary column it nee was also severely brmsed. He lay Son, has recently prepared a new illustra- and Thomson, of the M. E. Uhm ch. fornung part of the estate of the late 'l'homaa Ever smce Bro. Moore has been a steady Canu; first oh1ss land in good cultivation. E:i.:- will be seen that M r. IV"ebb, who was on i sens1Lle ultder the feet uf the horse, ted geography and atl.ts for use in Canaout bmtdinga. Apply to HARRY CANJS, the 9th inst., united in marriage with a d was pulled out of the stall by his son dian schools. lt contams 26 colored const,int Christian, a member of the colll'ut FOR OUR PU!3LIC SCHOOL PUPILS Hampton. or to McGEE: & JONES, Oshawa, Ont. Miss Pollard, of Clarke, was accidentally 38 ho happened to be in the stable with maps nnd upwatds of 10@ 1llustrat10ns, church and a class-leader for many years. ON SALE .A'l' - - - - - - - - ---drowned on Monday. No particulars to 1m at the time. 'l'ho horse is 15 years :incl the price is $1. This geography is His house was the usual stopping pface of - - - ----· A.H.M TO RENT IN CLARKEhand. old and was n e"er known to kick before. prepaied accordmg to the most approved the m11usters. l!'or several years he may Being plirt of lot 27. con 8, containing 100 H. Baml's Dramatic Co. will })lay This is the tlunl time that Mr. Manmng system of the present time, namely o be said to have constituted the uuclens of 1ici os ; 85 aorea clearcll, well watered, good BOWMANVILLE, BY their popufar Drama, " Mabel Heath, ' m ha.s lieen seriously kicked by horses.-- tc,ich the physical features of every coun- the Base Lme church, Darlington. Bro. bmlclings, lences. &c. Large young orchard Moore was always willmg to net m accord- Just bogmnmg to bear Immedmte possession this town. at an early date, muler the nrooklm 1\ines. TAIT & 11CORRISON, t ry ancl continent by means of rcl10£ maps ance with the b ~st mterests of socwty, to fall plow. Apply personally to R B, ~uspices of the Upper Can.~d!I. Fumiture 'l'HORN'l'ON, Orono. 33. PROl'OGRAPHERS, &c. 3G The Montreal "'\-V1tness m church notes and carefully prepared colorecl maps; to Co. Band. Particubrs itnd date will be referring to tl1e East Enll Methodrnt show on tho maps the special products, showing by !us constmt exampl~ the pol\- ------ - - - - -- - -- -- - - 1 er of an earnest, blameless, christian hfo. Olt SALE-'l'hat very desirable Brick ~nnounced next week. church says, "Dr. S. P. Robins, Princi- annnal, vegetable and mmeral, of every ltemovrng for a short time to the resiltes1dence with 12 11cies of tile best land; McDougall & Metcalf have received pal of the Normal School, is a localpre:teh- country, to show the ocean currents and dence of his stepson, Bro. John Barkwell good bearmg apple orchnrd and small fruita.several caigoes of the celebrated Lehigh cr, and has also been one of the pillars ocean products, to teach commercial, com- one of our classleader3 at Homing's M1lls, Now barn 11nd stables; two wells, cisttJm and other couvemences. Situated on Manvers Coal and are prepared to delivl'l1· any size of the Church for many years. His son, bined with pohtica.l geography; to show he wa3 atruok down by an attack of par- all H.o!Ld, one mile north of town; formerly owned -0f coal to all parts of the town. They Mr. S. Robins, is the respected and efh- all the prinCLpal mil ways, ocean steim1sh1p alysis, from which he never rallied. His and occupied by Mr. C. M. Co.wker. Apply to 33-t! are also rece1vrng several cars of lumber cient orgamst, and tho orchestra compns- routes, oce,m telegraph cable routes, cara- last conscious words were, in reply to C. E. HENHY. Bowmanv1lle. and shingles, thoae wantmg anytluug in es some six instruments of music in ad- van routes, mul to ~tve particulars of the some sympathetic grieving of l11s wife, ARD OF THANKS.-To the Manadition to the organ. As is usual m Meth- commerce of the world A short resume .that line would clo we ll to call on tl1em. "Clleer up; I have a hope beyond the ger of the Flrn Jusurnnce APsoo1atrnn : odist churches the congregation smgmg of ancient geography is also given with a Sm, I horeby return thanks for the prompt Remember tho free lecture on Phonof!lkie!; I'm going to Jesus, it wont be long payment +by your al(ent, l\fr. 'l'hos. llmgbam, is hearty and good. So that the 1muse map uf the ancient world, suited for the graphy, by Mt·. C.H. Brooks, of Toro11to before we'll meet again." He leaves ,,n tor my leas by fl're. caused by a spark from a -0n Fnday evening the 18th inst. , in Mc- pa.rt of the service is especially pleasant work of the high schools. A county map a.god widow and a fauuly of four sons and steam tllresher, havinll:' got payment for con· Chmg's Hall, fate Progress Club Rooms. :mcl profitable the whole ha.vmg the true with details of e11ch county of Ontaiio ac- two daughters, most of whom are in con- tents at market plice : no iJ or l nayment like l see on the Dommion Grange Polley to tenants. All those mterested in educational mat- Methoclut rrng. " Dr. Robms is son of companies the book. For sale at the nection. with our church, and ono son, J. Yours gratefully, 'l'BOS Ha1uns. bookstores. 'J'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 ters should not fail to hea.r this lecture, a Rev. P. Robms, of Bowmanville W. Moore, decensed, was for several AFTER AN A'.l'TACK of Fever, Measles, class will be formed for mstr:uction in Bu·r ONE OPINION prevails throughout years a minister of the M . E. Church. ARD· OF THANKS.~To the M:ana.Shorthand and special rates given to ladies Diphtheria, or any wastmg drnease, HAN- the world, and that is so strongly in favor Hie three sons, one of whom, Joshua, is of the Firo Insurance A.ssoc1ation : and school children. Mr. Tamblyn, Prm- INCnoN's QUININE 'VINE AND IRON is the of Pel'ry Davis' PAIN-KILLER, that no a ma.thematical teacher in tlie high school Sm, Iger hereby retut"n thanks for the prompt cipal of the schools will occupy the chair. beat medictne to take. lt gives lasting other article ever atta111ed so wide spread in Goderich, were presimt at the funeral, J)&yment (by yout" agent, Mv. Thos. Bingham) tor m<y loss by fire, caus&t by a ep1uk from a. Doors open :\t 7 to commence at 8. Do strength. See that you g&t " Haning· poplllarity. also his daughters and m11ny relati\'es. steam thresher,havlng x·ece1ved the full amount ton's," the 01iginal and gemiine. not forget the elate. Cu11tomer~ ea.y they never got as rich The funeral service was conducted by tho of my ineurance I'N GOLD on the occae1on ot my golden wedding. Yours tba.nktully, 'rnoMAB 11,000,000 bushels of Barley wanted. milk as they are now gettmg from " Re- pastor of the Methodist church af; HornNew fall goods a.rrivmg daily at Couch, J A·R.DIN!ll. 90. I J, LYLE, Grain and .Provision Merchant. treat Dairy." ing'& 1Mills. Johnston & Cryderma.n's. '.l'yrone, Sept. 11, 18851 "°' I :S::OFE! STOTT JURY'S F I EM .,. ULSION B HOLIDAYS. Card of Thanks. V aluable Sale of Manufacturing Property. A SURPRISE. T. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. -- SOMETHING FOR YOU I . Auction Sale ! s- and Otherwise. G S H F BARGAINS I IN MI LLIN ERY. G L Mrs. DONN ELLY.. H EDUCATIO NAL I F New Ontario Readers. F F F EXERCISE B O OK SC HOOL BOO KS and Requisites ·H CHEAP SIDE VARI ETY STOR E , F C C /

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