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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1885, p. 6

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·THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 16 PUBLISHED A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO I.ETTERS. HOUSEHOLD. THE LIME-KILN OLUB. 8VERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- M, A.JAMES, AT THE FROM THE ·soN: "i8o~°:1cf~t.8is;ll:;: "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great .sufferer from Sorofnla, aud thelnclooed letter will tell you wht1t a marvelous e:lfect OFEICE ·o11 tO.ftlceBlock,KlngSt.,BowmanvUie,Ont TER:LV-CS: $1.50 perannnm,or $1.00lf paldln advance 11bsor1bers outside of the county. Ordl!rS to . ~continue the paper mu~t be accompamed by Payment strictly in advance required from Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had in his oase. I think hls blood must have contained the humor !or at least ten years ; but it did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous soro on the wrist, until about; five years ago. · From a few spots which appoarod at that tlmo, it grndually spread so as to oover his entire body. I asrnre you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons who would t entify to the faots ln his caBe, Yours truly, W . M. PHILLIPS." gnbsoribers are 'responsibleuntilful Ipayment is mode. RA.TES OF ADVERTISING I I~~~ Whole Column one year ............. $50 00 f.:l ~;;; " " Half year .... . ..... . . 30 00 = c u " Ile amount due or tho paper will not bestoppeo:t. Halt Column one year ............... 30 00 · " H alf year ........... ... 20 00 ,, " One quarter .. ......... 12 50 (\luarter Colurr,.n one yea.r ........... 20 O~ " .. RaJryear ........... 12 5 5 One quarter . ..... .. 8 00 tl:lx lines and under, fl!'st insm·tlon ... $0 ?O-:: E ach subsequent insertion....... 0 25 _ ~om six to ten lines, flrstlnsert1on, 0 7~ ·Each subseque:i;ii ins!'.rtion ....... 0 3D -lO i)Vel:' ten lines,first m~ert10~.vei;!me ~~ Each subsequent 1nse1·t1on, The number of Jines to be r eckoned by he space oooupied,.measured by a scale of wlid Nonl)areil, One quarter ········ 1 ?O 00 p::! ..... = g _ a duty for me to state to you the benefit I FROM THE FATHER: ;~t~~r~:~ have derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sb: months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant and intolerable ltchii1g,.and the akin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were groat, and my llfo a burden. I commenced the use of the f\Ans1\.?A.n1LLA. In Apdl last, !llld have used it regularly since that time. lVIy con<lltion boga,n to improve at once. Tho sores liavo nn healed, and I feel perfoctly well in every respect- boing now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years cf age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, AYEn's SARB.APARILLA, Glover, Vt., Oot. 21, 1882. Yours gratefufly, limAM PIULLIPS." DR. TA1 '118Iil'N, SURGEON and Acrn?UCHEUR. Office :-Silver Street, Bowm11nv1lle. 7 P HYSICIAN, Dr. A., BEITH, A R ADU ATE OF THE 'l'OR ONTO UNIVER 13' SI'l'Y, Physician, Surgcon,&c. Office King l'itreet, MORIUS' BLOCK, Bowmanvllle. d, lV, ltlcLaughlln, ltl, :n., , ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of P hysiciane and member of the Roya.I College of Surgeons. Edinburgh, ·. Office: MORltIS ' BLOCK King-st,, Bowman· L "i lll_ le _._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ __ __ DU, J. (). ltllT<JJIEJ,JJ, :-·'MEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ·' !' and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Office and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. J ohn Keith Gnlbralth, \ AR R I 'r ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY .B PUBLI C, &c. Office- Bounsall's Bloc,k ng Street, Bowman ville. l'll.oney to lend, Kf· l:l lb~. IHJRKE SlllUl'SON, ·-·B ·a RRISTEE, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS . . BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo·~man ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private Jlloncys loaned at the lowest rates, ROBERT A.RMOlfR, nEGHlTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER l"L oi Marriage Licenses, Barrister and At tor· ey at Lnw and Solicitor ln Ohe.ncery. Money ooned on Real Estate. Office on King street, aowma.nville. .d. Anm·s SARSAP.A.UILLA curca Scrofn:b ancl all Scrofulous Complaints, Et·yslp.o clae, Ec.zemn, Blngworm, l!llotchos, Sores, Boils, Tumors, nnd E rnpti otHl ot the Skin. It clears tho blood of all impurities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restorea vitality and atrengthons tho whole system. (· PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugglsta; 81, sl:1t bottles for ~5. Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso· ciatlon. It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutual A id, A. 0 . U. W. or any pass around y o ur hat institut ion, as the following examples will prove : Thos. McOiung has been insure d since 1872 for$ 2,000and the last five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on each $1, 00 0 to insure. J ohn McClung insured at the same time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 p er annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being e. little younger. . We certify the above to be correct. Thos. McClung, John McC!un g. 'l'HOS. BINGHAM, Agent. T, PJJllf,JI·S dLCENSED AUC'.l'IONEER for the County of Durham, Sales promptly attended. L Address- Hampton P, 0, 59, B. UIJTCUISON. r ICENSED AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN L.i CER and Commissioner In B. R. l:a les at .ended to promr.tly and at reasonable rates. · ~ddress-Enniskillen P . O. ORN H UGRES. -Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and .Arbitrator. Fire and Life ·nsurance, Notes and .Accounts Collooted. M oney to Lend on reasonablti terms, AcldreBS .C&rtwriµ:hr, Ont, 472 J GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys his License from HENRY SYLVES'rER. Ennlskillen. A V lV. '1'. DICKEY. ETERINARY SURGEON, graduat.e of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and ·R esidence, NlllWTONVILLE, Ont. . W ill visit Orono every Tuesday. Office hours ·t'.com 12 a. m. to .4 p. m!, at Coulte~'s Hotel. · Special attention paid to Surgery. 32·1Y ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber receives money on deposit for the9ntarlo M an and Savings Company, and pays m~erest .e,t t he rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No not1-0e of withdrawal r equired. Also loans money . on ·moctgages at lowest rates. No comm1ss1on ·Charged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanvllle. S·ly, ,VHSS rMcTAVISH Has received her new stock ot GOODS, and invites the Ladies of Bow~ manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern ·M BONNETS, HATS and assortment oi PUUF, \V, lVllI.SON. EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND STOKE : - Second Door W est of lYllllams SINGING. 'l'erms : For beginners $6 ; tor Bu1cher StalJ edvanced pupils, $10 for qnar~er of .tw\)lye ~essons. Residence at Mr. Joseph Br1ttam s, corner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow 51-Lt. .manville. TRIMMINGS T Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Mns. HUMPHREY HAS REMOVED RER to buildings formerly occupied by CODD & CO., P1nadlse Hall.llesumes Business. OOMMON-S.ENSE REOEIPTS On the lat of July Sir Isaac W &!pole, act· ASSORTED CAKES,-One cup butter, two ing as temporary P resident of the Lime-Kiln cups sugar, four cups flour, one milk, four Club, announced the fa.ct the.t'Brother Gard· eggs, two teaspoons ye&st powder. ner, who had gone into the intedor of the ANOTIIER.-One cup butter, four cups B1l· State to deliver a lecture before a bra.nob ga.r, t wo cups milk, three eggs, six cu r s lodge, h&d been mistaken for a member of flour, one pound raisins, one t ee.spoon foda, the last Legislature and thrown into jail. spices to suit taste. As it could not be told when he would be KATIE HUBBARD'S RYE BREAKFAST released, t he m eeting adjourned subject t o CAKEs.-One and one-ha.If cupfuls sweet the ca.11 of t he Secretary. week a.11 lomilk, one-half cupful molasses, t wo cupfuls c&l members received a copy of t he follow· rye meal ; mix very soft. One tea.spoonful ing circular : BRUDDER-Our beloved President was an soda and salt. Bake at once in gem pa.ns. i nmate of a bastile nearly fo' weeks, doorin' MRS, SUMMEM' CAKRs .- One egg, one which time he was subjected to sioh insults cupful sour cream, one and one-third cup- an' indignities as few great men hev ever fuls white sugar, a little salt; one and one- bin called upon to endure. What was at fust supposed to be a case of mistaken idenh&lf cupfuls flour, one small tea.spoonful tity turned out to be a deliberate an' coldcream tart&r, one-half teaspoonful sod& blooded attempt on de pa.rt of sar tin jealousminded cull'd men to degrade him an break flavor with nutmeg. his influence. VARIETIEs.-The above receipt with the Ha wall charged with arson, burglary, conaddition of citron, currants, raisins or co- spiracy, embezzlement, sedition &n' false coa.nut is very nice.' Can be baked in fancy pretenses, but bress de Lawd ! he faced his shapes, or in loaf or sheet. It is also nice accusers on ebery charge an' put 'em ~o flight. L ike de Fenix bird he riz from h is for Washington pie. Try it, and you will &shes purified an' polished an' warranted to call it deli<'ious. stand in any climate. You Q r e heahby notified da.t de reg'lar FRUIT a .urns. -Two cups butter, one cup meetin's cf de Lime-K iln Club will be remolasses, one and one-half cups flour, one sumed on de 29th of August wid Brudder cup milk, cne teaspoon soda, two eggs, one Gardner presidin' arter de ole fashion . pound raisins, one pound currants or citron, Come out an' rejoice wid us. All dogs must one teaspoon each kind c f spice. Flour to be left in room "A," an' any umbr eller not marked wid de owner's cognomen mus' look m~ke a stiff batter. out fur itself, NICE SPONGE CAKE.-Eight eggs, t wo W AYDOWN BEBEE. cups sugar, juice and rind of a lemon. Beat Members began to arrive at an early houl', the whites of the eggs t o a froth, then put and a shak e purse was made up and six sug& r to it and beat; add the yokes well Chinese lanterns and a barrel of lemonade beaten, and a. tablespoonful less th&n two were purchased to decorate the ha.11 in hon· cups of flour. This mll.kes two loaves. Bake or of the occasion, It was an occasion tor about three fourths of an hour. hand-shaking and rejoicing. SPONGE CAKES,-One cup flour, one cup Samuel Shin, who has been hunting for sugar, two eggs, one tell.spoon Yeast pow· Elder Toots for five weeks p :ist with three der sifted into the flour, one-third cup boil- razors and a. stone In a stocking, now aping water. Mix flour, sugar and yeast pow · proaches him in the teuderest manner, and der together, beat yolks a nd whites of eggs they hugged ea.oh other until seventeen separately, then t ogether and stir into the lengths of stove-pipe were knocked down. flour; then add the hot water, Flavor with Kyann Johnson and Prof. Bannieter had lemon if d esired. thirsted for "tber's blood &11 on ac· CURRANT JELLY FoR MEA.Ts,-Heat the count of a dog trade, It was there currants and strain off the juice ; boil it would be trouble when they met, but in this quietly fifteen minutes ; add one·half the all were happily disapp<'fnted. The spirit w eight of it of sugar, and boil eight minutes of the occasion carried them into each other's longer and pour out. A little of this spread arms, and there was scarcely a dry eye in on hot beef ste&k or served with ro&st pork, the hall. veal or lamb, is very nice. Thin slices l&id Col, Cahoots and Rustproof Taylor h&ve over puddings with sweet frosting are very been "off" for these many days, owing to a ornamental. dispute over a watermelon, and the Colonel threatened to shoot 264 bullets into his en· Home Decoration. emy on sight. There was no shooting, how· Money spent In making home worth liv- ever. On the contrary, they shook hands ing in is well invested. ove ~ the bar'! of.4emonade and pledged their Figured designs in relief, executed in love anew. terr& cotta or lincrusta Walton, are being HONORARY MEMBERS, adopted as friezes. Many honorary members from t he interior It is a oommon idea that the furniture of of the State a.nd from Canada had rcelved no· the dining-room must be he&vy, this to a tice and were present. Among the more certain extent is quite correct, but it ls fre- · prominent ones were Gen. Dissolver Smith, quently carried to extremes ; what is re- the Hon. Spot Cash White, Judge Endea1.ulred are serviceable, comfortable chairs vorTomµkins, Trustee Boneset, Uncle Till· with broad backs and roomy see.ts stuffed and bury and Splkeroot Da.vte. THE O PENING, covered with leather or morocco. Brother Gardner W&B received with sever· A suggestion in order to change the tern· perature in rooms ie to open the windows al rounds of applause as he came in and t ook his accustomed seat, and when the triangle and hang in them wet oloths. Ink stains m&y be removed from any- had sounded he arose and said : " My plea.sure at seeln' you once mo' ashing white by simply putting a little powdered salts of lemon and cold water on the sembled in dis hall am too great to be dis. stain, allowing it to remain a few minutes pressed in de E nglish langu&ge. I thank and then wash it out with so&p and w&ter. you fur all de many s ots of kindness an The time when carpets and upholsteringe courtesy, an' will ende&vor to make myself worthy of your estaem. must all be m&de to match has gone by. "De events of de pas' few weeks hev There is room for every variety of individual taste in ma.kini;: and adorning a taught us several lessons, chief a.mong which screen, a pretty one for a. library where am de fack dat innocence may be tooken there is i n open fire is a sheet of jeweled by de neck an' mopped all ober d e floahs of glass in a setting of wood to mat ch the fur· a county jail, butshe will triump in de eand. "De jea.lous-minded man, seekin' to climb niture or wood work of the room, it pro· tects from the heat without hilling the up by pullin' some one else · down, may succeed in elevatin' hisself a few pegs; but befo' cheery blaze. Ambe1· be&ds of large size make an effect· he gets a secure hold de limb break s a.n' down he comes w id a. ker chunk dat am heard !ve finish for plush satin sofa cushions. · Rooms entirely finished and furnished in a ll ober. Ambian style are fashionable. "Truth may be shot an' scalped an' club· Merely pretty t hings that Flease for tha ed an buried t en feet under ground, but a. t moment, but exert no lasting influence, de proper moment sh e bobs up same as if to be,condemned in d ecoration a.s in other nuffin had ha.ppened. things. "Hypocrisy an' deceit may flourish fur In tbe majority of houses the h all is a.while, &n' de hypocrit e an' d eceiver may genenlly a. narrow passage connecting the emagine he am dcin' a stav in' cash bizness, rooms, and only l arge enough t o contain the but fust thing he knowa de E&stern credistair-c&ee, but within the past few ye& rs tora come along an' close him out an' h am there has been a t endency to bring this por· heard ob no mo'. tion of the h ouse into greater prominence ; "We ha.s p&ssed frew de fiery furnace an' with &little thought u.nd careful plann ing it come out all right. No man am any wuss may be converted into a most desirable sit oft for a seoond baking, purvided the fire ting-room, the stairs may be wholly or part· am not to hot." THEY SANG. ly screene~, a tre&tment giving opportunities Pickles Smith then brought forward the for a picturesque effect ; give it a tiled or polished floor, with la.rge skins or rugs following j ubilee song, bolted together exthrown down, and from the point of beauty pressly for the occasion, and the entire auand cheerfulness a plea. must be entered for dience fproceeded to sing in a loud and the open fire place ; we all love to g&ther t riumphant voice ; Sing, sinit an' rejoice I a.round a. cheerful glowing fire on t he hearth Brudder Gardner am free ; of a cosy home, and exchange plea.sant An' de who mockod him thoughts or dream away twilight hours in Am compelled fur t o flee. the flickering light, · Oho: ns-Paas along dat banjoBanner screens fastened to the mantel· Sllng along dam bones I We'a gwlne to take the roof off shelf are best arranged upon rings attached ' Afore we seek our homes I to a cross bar. Sing, sing an' be gladl<'rames of unpolished oak or chestnut Let rejoicings prevall ; without ma.rk ings &re the .best for small We has beat all the lawyers sket ches or etchings. An' am eafe out of j~il I The K ensington ar t car pets likely to Chorus- Riz your voices hlghercontinue in demand, owing to their artistic y t ll wid all your might I R~ttl e up dat music patterns, for which a few tints, often two Au' whoop 'er up to-night ! shades, of the color suffice, RESOLVED, The Rev. Robert Laird Collier resembles Givea.dam Jones t hen offered a re13olution Henry Irving so ceosely that, when in Lon- containing the following 8trat egic point.a : d on, he was mist&ken for the actor by Inti· T hat the annual el ection and banquet mate friends. M r. Collier says that once a t ake pl8.ce t he first Saturday in October. member of t he Lyceum T heat1 e company That the club, as a body, ret urn t hanks. talked an hour with him a.bout dramatic to the many newspapers and Individuals matters, supposing him o be his employer, symp~tb izing wit h Brother Gar dner in his · Boot s seldom worn in the evening, hour of trial. a.nd. undressed kid is the favorite ma.teria.I That the Lime-Kiln Club la here to stay, for s lippers, says a fashion journa l. It may and that explosions, persecutions, cybe added thu.t slippers are not a favor ite clones and earthquakes may r ip and tear m11.terial with the undressed kid . without avail. 0 The resolution we.s adopted, and en mo· PERSONAL. tion of Samuel Shin the meeting adjourned · and the bar'! of lemonade was the It is said that Bea consfield had Sir Charles spellial object of destruction. Dilke in his eye when he drew the character of W a.ldershare in Endymion. .A C&n&dJan poet, .M:. Frechette, wh o ill A STUDENT'S DUEL. also the author of a. play which was p roduc· Bow the Bo;rs 1'igl1t a& Gott lngen lfnlvcr · ed not long a.go in New Yorll:, has been dee· 11Uy, GeunanJ. orated with the ribbon of the Frrnch Legion A student at Got tingen, G. M. Ruper, of Honor, writ es the following account of a r t!cent Dr. Brouardel,a distinguished F rench phystudent duel : sician, thinks that the epidemic at Marseilles " A fight w&s j trnt about to begin. The is Aaiat io cholera. It began in the houses combatl\Ilts, surrounded by seconds, u mpires nfocted year, a.nd was ell.used by local and friends, hacl. alrea.dy taken their places uncleanliness. on the floor, Their breasts and thighs were In spite of his great age, Mr , George Ban· protected by thick pads, on which t he black croft still rides horseback gracefully. Ilis blood of former encounters h11>d gather ed for horse is j et, and when t he venerable years past . The veins of the neck were h istorian is on it the t wo are the obser ved g uarded by winding around it a he11.v y scarf. of all observers. Iron goggles, with plate- glass windows, conLord Tennyson has sent the following discealed the eyes, and t he arms were covered patch over his own name, t o the people of wit h w&dding, The swords were long and t he United States, "I am deputed to as\!: narrow, without points. One of t he pair of whether America will organize a subacrip. warriors, a member of the blue-cap corps, tion for our national Gordon Home for Poor wa.a a pale, ~lender, goodlooking yout h. He Boys." never spoke a. word or took his eyes off his An announcement wa.s not long ago adversar y. The latt e r, one of the red-c', tha.t Mr. Gla.dstone in tended to visit this wa.a a. big, burly fellow, whom the pads coun try in the Autumn. But there appears seemed to greatly oppress, perhaps he wa.a to be no t ruth in t he i·eport. Similiar an· fright ened, I don't blame him. nouncements are in reference to many " The surgeon stepped b&ek, looking lilrn d istinguished persona of Europe every sum. a butcher, in his long white apron, spotted mer, nearly a lways without good reason. with blood, There had been another duel In tb.e wedding presents of Mlle. De Bra· before we came. T he timekeeper took his vurti.,a young la.dyconnected with the prince· place at a little tc.ble. The secor1ds jumped ly Russfan house of Suwaro!I, who mar· into position, each a.t t he left side of his r ied the H on. L . S~anhope recently, was a man, & fter polite bows t o each other in true quaint little model of a Russian house in German fashion. The fifty or sixty corps gold, with a door of emeraldg and dia,monds, students who were sitting a.t little tables whioh, whe.n it is opened, diecloB es a por· around t he room, eating breakfast and drink· t rait. Ing, rose to see the fight. All was solemnity The mother of Mr. B!l.rt!3y C'\mpbell, an a.nd the silence was only broken by some dig· .A merican drama.tis~ who haJ battled many nified fellow's calling to an acq uaintance for success, and who bas finally won clear a.cross the floor and drinking his healt h, it , died several days ago at t he age of eighty· a.t the time bowing profoundly and tilree. She died, oddly enough, during the lifting his 011p. There were a few sharp first week of her son's career as a New York words of comm11.nd repea.ted by one second manage~-a. career that Mr. Campbell had a.fter the other, something like ' M&ke ready ! looked forward to a. long time. Go !' and in an ineta.nt a.ll one could see was At Mr. Cyrus W. F ield's dinner at the the flashing of the swords o.ud the flying of Sta.rand G;i,rter, Richmond, t here were p re· sp&r ks, and all one could he?or was t he r egusent, a mong two hundred and fifty guests, lar ', 'whack,' of the blowd, There representatives of &11 the the great English seemed to be only one kind of stroke, and railw& y nd telegraph comp;i,niee, and repre· 8 each met the other ha.If way. 'Halt !' or ie senta.tives of all the l eading classes and fina.nt he fa.t fellow, and th11 seconds run up to see cial corporation~ of Great Britsiu. The edwhere he is cut ; but it was a false alarm. itors of many newsp11.pers and m&gazines They rub him a little and let him sweat o. were also in the list of guests. moment, then at It &gain. Dodging with, Mr. La.bouchere says that Prince Edwar d the head or moving the feet or body is not Albert Victor, the eldest son of the Prince allowed, and tht: left arm must be kept behind the back. 'Whack ! whack I !' of W a.lee, h as a. countenance in which his as before, but also a. olea.r swish ! and t he father's and mother's facial pecularities are next moment ·the blood is running from a. strangely mingled, The Prince of W a.Jes the D uke of Edinburgh, &nd the young olean, perpendicu!a.r g&sh in the big fellow's Prince Edwa.rd Albert all resemble their left cheek. " Abou t this time I wondered how the burly ancestor, H enry VIII. But Prince hotel woman could et&nd it, for she had George, t he Prince of Wa.les's second son, been car rying meat and drhik from t&ble to has not a tra.ce of the Guel;>h or York or b ble all the time. I also had occasion to L ancaster In h is face, --------- ------- P ARTIES WISHING i 'HErnPIANOS Tuned or repaired can haTe them attended 0 by leaving word at t he DOMINION ORGAN Oo's 0 1n·IOE, Bowmanville , A first-else man 'lOW beini;: in their mplo :. HARNESS SHOP § o Do! Ge11ll!Uenien. o!'Fas1ll ion, not so :Cast. 3ve written these few lines And a ll I have to say_ Ch&t you ca n find me still at h ome, !am not g one a way. ·S a a.II my kind old r riends may come, And a.II they oung ones, too, &nd g ee thell' garments n icely mad e In fashions that al'e new: ·\.7hero old and young, deartrlonds, may meet A welcome 11reetin1l, bv R. PE.ATE 1 first Door fast of RueooUomHousa, She has now in st ock everything usually found in a well equipped HARNESS SHOP. DENTISTRY Call at the new premises. MRS. HUMPHREY see a man who had for two seasons been punished behind the ba.~ on the Prinoeton base-ball nine, and who had rieked his life in one or two Thanksgiving d ay foot-ball games, walk with uncertain step to the window for a breath of fresh & ir. It Isn't ple&sant to see a ma.n's cheek l open delibera.tely. The next round proved even more d isastrous for the plump red-cap, for he re· oeived an ugly gash above the eye, which will go with him as long as the eye itself. N ext time his chin suffered, . and t hen his nose. He was out of breath and looked miserable. I went to the window &nd look· ed at the olear blue sky and the golden fields, and wondered why human societ y must so torture itself with useleBB and cruel eon ven· tionalities. But the fascination of the ra.fn. ing blows called me back to see the next round, A hum of interest re.n along t he gallery front when the cool little fellow was seen to get by far the heaviest blow of the fight aorosa his brow, which was soon covered with blood, " They took off the goggles and the blood ran into his eye6, Then t hey mopped it up and he was ready again, a.nd in t he nex t round gave his opponent a nother gash on the left temple. It seemed t o me about time to call a h&lt for good, and presently they did. Under the rules a fight fasts fif. t een minutes of actua.l fencing, pauses not counted. With pauses reckoned in, this must have lasted about forty minutes. The gla.dfat ors ca.rried t heir bloody heads into anot her r oom to receive the doctor's attention,a.nd prep&rations began for another duel. I asked a. student if either of our bloody friends had fought before, and he said la . concially : ' The little fellow h&s fought nine this term.' " W ITH TEETH. WITHOU T TEETH. The Jeweller's, designs. B efor e purch asing g ive m e a call and you will save mone,Y-we will n ot be unde r sold by any s mall firm. We carry a large stock of s uch goods as are usually k a first -class j ewellery store. the best place in town to buy W"atches, .J.M. BRIMACOM:BE, ls Clocks and J ewellery of all t h e newest PllACTICA.I, DENTIST, 'lVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOE, ·fJ!ltronsOxldeGu Admlnlstel'ed for Palnles Operation s. Ol'FICE MC(JJ..lfNG'S BLOCK. In Spectacles and Eye Glasses we keep the b est in town, and ours is t he only place in town wh ere an Optometer is kept for fitting the sigh t properly. You cannot be t oo careful about yo ur eye sight . c. · HARNDEN, L. O. S., In Silverware our stock is all n ew a n d of t h e l atest d esigns, aud will be sold at low prices to suit t h e times, Graduate orthe Royal College or Dental 'Surgeons, Ontario, OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE, -...._.. ,!QLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. In Repairing ' improved style of the Dent al Art. fine work we give t he very best s a tisfac.n:ETH EX'fRACTED WITHOUT PAIN tion. We do all our own work and d efy the use or Nitrous Oxide Gas, without lnjur;r comp etition . to the patient. Old Gold and Silver taken in exch ange. Partlcnlar attention paid to the r egulation ot CH iLDREN'Ei 'I 'EET H , MAYNARD, The Jeweller _ ,...ALL WORK WARRANTED ·. _ Morris' B lock, Bowmanville eite W ork executed in the latest and mOEi Watch es, Clocks a nd J ewellery and all A Wastern Voloano. A volc1mo has broken forth in the mount·. sins 60 miles southwest of Bishop creek. A party of frightened sheep herders rode into Candelaria a few days ago covered with duet a.nd ashes, and with numerous holes burnt in their clothing. They reported tha.t on one day they wer e startled by an un· usual rumbling noise and trembling of the ground. At first they mistook the noise and rumble for thunder, but it was quickly followed by a tremendous explosion, and on looking u p they were appalled at seeing a moun tain not far away belching forth a column of fl a.mes and smoke several hundred feet in height . The air was soon filled with fiery cinders and hot ashes, which came down upon them in clouds, The a.ffrighted men immediately d rove theirsheep to a place of sa.fehy, and rode to the nearest settlement ·---------~···-·M· with t he startling news. Several exploring Speaking of butter-The p oor yo have al· parties have gone to the scene of the erup· ways with you, tion, A bright pink glow noticed iu the People learn wisdom by experience. A horfaon &t Virginia city for several nights is man never wakes up h is econd baby to see believed to ht1ve been ca.used by the erup- it laugh. t ion, ·: Good manners is the art of making . those The heir to Mr. W . E . Glv.dstone's Ha.warr peopl e easy with whom we conv~ae. Who. d en est ate in E ngland was born only enr makes the fewest people .uneasy is the month. · best bred man in company. . He Wanted to Know. At Willis a tired-looking woman, lea.ding a. freckled-nosed, tow-headed, ten-year old citizen of tho United Stat es, boarded the train and sa.t down with a sigh that sounded like the exhaust pipe of a. tug boat. The boy stared at the pa.ssengera while he crowded a. green apple into his mouth. Having stowed the cholera bombshell away in the secret recesses of his interna.l econ· omy, he scre wed h imself aroun d on t he seat, looked har d at & penpiring fat man &c:-oss the aisle, and sa id : " Sa.y, m &w, why don't the kee:cs go?" "Be quiet, Johnny," sai i his mother,a3 she p ulled a red .b&ndanna from her p oc\i:et and blew a blast on her nose tha.t went echoing and re-echoing down t he aisle like a glad cry of a full grown Apache with au important case of cholera morbus and two ecalps in his belt. "Ma.w, w'a.t's that fat man's ?" " I dunno, " "W'a.t his hair:come out, maw ? Oh I maw ; there's a skeeter on h is head ! Does it hurt fat men when skeeters bite 'em?" The woma.n took an invoice of snufl", w hile the boy squirmed ar ound and fixed his eye on a. fashionably at tired lady who was engaged in the cl&ssic pastime of churning a hunk of gum. His lower jaw dropped two inches as he g11.zed, and then he poked his maternal ancestor in the ribs aud inquired " Maw, is that woman chawi~terb11.cker: W'y don't she spit? You allers spits when you chaws terbacker, don't yer, maw ? Say, maw, w'y don't the keers go ?" · The woman took another invoice of anuff and rema.rked : "Shut n o ! drat ve. or I'll bust ye !" Thv.t settled him- for four seconds. Then he gazed at the fat man and asked:" W 'at makes that man so fat , maw ? Oh! maw, he spit on the floor I If t his wa.s your house you'd peel him fer it, wouldn't you maw ? Spose h e's readin' 'bout Injuns? Say ma.w, w'y don't/ the keers go?" Then he twisted around, got do?rn a.nd humped hi mself over the ann of the fat man's s~at and said : " You aint my pa." "No, you!" howled the sufferer; ' if I was I'd shoot you. Now you go and sit d own, and clon't eay another word or I 'll eat you." The boy winked hard, sbuflled his feet upon the floor, sidled back into his seat and r ema.rked :" M&w, w'y don't the keers · go ?" j . ., .

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