profibble unless they can have their full cence from a wound that he accidentally VARIOUS TOPIOS. liberty, a.nd can obtail). moat o~ their living received in 1 .he street a.s he was passing the Formerly ltnown as the" Soper Mills·.'~ from what they can pick up .while foraging Robert Browning a.gain thinks of visiting locality at wl1ich .a row w&s in progress. It on their own account, But tbis is a.,. country, although he is 73. is asserted t hat prooi has been obtained by this FRID.A.Y, SEPT. 18, 1885. RIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· Hens running at large, unless closely watchAn Indiana. editor compla.ins that times the Tra.vele1 ·n' Insurance company t\J.a.t he UGIILYrenovated and put inorder,undel" · ed and cared for, seldom pa.y very well. 80 ha.rd he can't even collect his thoughtsi was alao ind.,rnnified for a shooting acddent our own special supervision, for the purpos·e ofJ rlsting and mo.nufocturing Oat Meal and P'ot . They often have to scratch too hard for Six thousand letters of Peter the Great whfoh overt··Ok him in New York. About flarley, and we are now prepared to receive · orders from ell our old customers and otlit:erli!" their living, and what eggs they lay are have remained under suppression. The ten months ,.go, after several years· of a for work, and we gurantee to give them wh&o· largely lost, or in some way wa.sted. Theo Emperor of Russi!!. now permits the publlca.- wandering life in:Washington, California. and 4-Harvest Song, lntrust us with the same entire satisfaction Oats and other grains taJren in exchange foi'C' the chickens get caught by hawks, foxes or tion of a selection. the west, Spears returned to Philadelphia. city The odor sweet of new-mown hay Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow . other animals of prey, Is wafted o'er the land : 227. manville. Th.e ca.atie of B11d a., a h ome of H ungana.n . with Frederick . , Morris, . · · and went to live a E~M Piled high the sheaves ol golden grain, 1 If hens can have good pure air to bNathe ' t distant relative, who gives the mc1dents as · · t b monarch y f or cent urrns, ts o e comp1e e1y · . . ·w 1_ Wait for the thresher's hand. clean water to drink, and suitable food in ·it b y the E F rancis - J oseph a t a follows : On Chr1stma.s mornmg, a.bout 4 i11 rebm < mperor ru Wide, billowy fields of corn uplifl abundance, they will get along with very cost of $3,250,000_ o'clo~k, Mr. Morris was a.wakened by a.knock ~[M!iJ!l.irJ;l!iJtllfiillil!:iUil~tii!fl~!'iiriiHal'.ii!iJ!:Jria!ll~ · Their banners bror.d and green, little room for exercise, and will pa.y well at lus room door, and Spears shouted: ---With plen·y's promise graven bright in eggs for the table, But if saving eggs for The head of the Roman Catholic missions "There's burglars in the house, Fred. Get FOR FAMILY. I beg to announce that I have a very fine On each, In ghttoring sheen, choice of setting, it would be better to give more, in China reports that ten thousand native up!" Before Morris . could reach the door The leafy vine bends low with weight "-'HIGH ARM HIGH FINISH,...!» exercise, that the chickens may be more vig- Converts have been massacred within ten to open it a. pistol shot resounded through (OJ · · ' "'I DANGS, Of juicy clusters ~~~ S 'WITCHES, trous. We only allude to this experiment,, Five white missionaries been the house, and, going down-ste.irs, he found Springtime's glad prophecies fulfilled a forced one on our pa.rt, to show how small lost. The burdened orchards benl'. his relative lying on the floor, with a bullet · Efa<Y .- l$iferit · feluro.S£'e · a:u.d 'WAv Es.. a range a few hens can be kept on and yield Prince Leopold, the only son of the late wound in his right side just below the ribs, ~~~~ I do all m y owll HAIR WORK and wllll O'er all the land brown-handed Toll a generous profit for the care and keeping. Prince Frederick Cha.rles of Germany, has A revolver lay beside the wounded man, All the "Raymomi" Shuttle :Machines warrant it. And patient Thrltt have wrought Th are fitted with the Pa.tent Day after day, tlll dreams have been Almost every family has waste scraps from started on a long tour in the E '11oat, e pos Spears was perfectly conscious, and declar. UT' I-:Iair Bleach, To full fruition brought. the kitchen that could be utilized in no bet session of $4,000,000 enables him to do a.s he ed he had been shot by the fleeing burgl11or. U H a i r p i :u. s, tar way than to feed to a small coop of lay- pleases. Yet not to them all praiee be given, Morris picked up the revolver and express ,. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ Nets & Coinbs;; 111111111 Not all to Toil and Thrift; ing hens. Officers of the Chili navv talk a great ed astonishment that the burglar should ,. CH .ft~. n"YMOruD , STAMPING " Who gives the Increase," unto Him 1 ~"'""' ll"U><a 1"4 done promptly and neatly. MANUFACTURER deal a.bout the anticipated time when they have thrown the weapon away. No evi- .. Our gra·elul hearts we lift. HE:KILLBD SEVEN PEOPLE. may sack San Francisco, and their idea is dencesofforclbleentrycouldbe found anyGUELPH, ONTARIO; Who oan the richly varied store TJ1en Attemps to Rill .bis wife and J ,fi0r· said seriously t o be that a project of that where about the place. The police were .:;:. .,5B5i?.."'i'2Sji~....,....,.==="'"""' OTer ltl, ltfayci·'s Store, · · nowinanvtlle., Of goodly gifts behold, wards Cots his Own Throat, kind is quit e fE.a.sible. called in and heard the etory, but after ·._ . _ _ _ _..:.,..._ _ _ _ _-'--~-.c;...~-- \ Nor say with Israel's prophet bard, A man from Johnson City, Blanco county, Th ex· Empress Eugenie ls ma.king a round considerable investigation dismissed it as " Thy worke, how manifold !" gives details of a. terrible trage:iy which of Europea.n watering; phces as the,Coun- u.bsurd and improbable. Night watchmen, occurred there r ecently. Al Lockie, a.n tess de Pierrefonds. The detective police of who had been on the street in front of the Let the Boys See the WorJd. old citizen of extensive connection, had a Carisbad, learning that the assumed title building at the moment of the shooting t YO'lr " Is it alive ?" stepdaughter living with hirn, whom it is L' .., · we.a :fictitious, reportedherae an adventuress, swore positively that nobody emerged from 'l " I t moves." alleged he seduced several years 11>go, Latethe front door, through which bad Those who stay at home, 01 up with Six of the clergymen who made a. recent "When did it get in?" ly his relatives had imputed to him the same declared that the would-be murderer made Are some of the remarks we happened to crime with his own daughter. Lockie bicycle tour of Canada travelled a hundred his escape. The accident insure.nee, howmiles in a da.y. '.l'he aame distance has been overhear not long a.go a.s a. crowd of neatly yesterday afternoon left home, intending, as ever, yielded a.bout $35 per week, dressed, "fly" young city gents passed by, he avowed, to go to John Green's place to covf,red by profe0siona.I riders in teu hours, and keep things run ning till the absent ones return, but on a smooth with the lightest of Glancing across the street we a.t once saw borrow money, Green and family were A CRUEL SENTENGE. MACHINE OILS. the object of their merriment. Honest John awa.y. He entered the house and took wheels. WOOL OILS. Plowman had come to town to aee the sights Green's rifle and returned to the r esidence The fortifica.tions aurrounding Paris be Wbfoh li.iUs T·wo Jl',lv~s a1Ul Bulns T'1'0 Others. HARNESS OILS. and from every indication, was not going of his brother, Berry Lockie, He then shot oame the lurking places of vagabonds and The court of pardons, of New Jersey, rehome~ without having accompliehed his ob- and killed Berry and his (Berry's) wife. soo~ndrels, whom themi1itiuy are now drivAXLE GREASE. cently granted over 100 pardons. Among ject. ing out, at the same time destroying the J ohn Nicholson, a neighbor, rode up j ust Now John is one of our acquaintances and then, He forced Nicholson to go with him woods and shanties which sheltered t hem, those rele!!.sed was John Toomey of Newark who had served five of a fifteen years' aa he crossed the street and approached we to Mr. Stokes's, where he shot and killed and from which they saleied for~h to rob. sentence for a.sea.ult a"ld be.ttery. The cirasked, "John, why don't you pull your Stokes. There Nicholson was lost sight of, T welve mounds of incinera.ted human pants out of your boot tops, and raise your His horse was tied there when found, and it bones have been dug up in France, at a cumstances of his conviction occasioned hat off your ? Can't you see those fel- Is eupposed that he was also killed. From point which makes it likely that they are great excitement in Newark five years ago lows laughing at you?" "Let 'em laugh there Lockie went to his own house and shnt the remains of Ganlo-Roman warriors, who, "nd many attempts to have him pardoned - --o--they a of yer city dudes and I can and cut the throa.t of Mrs, Henry Lockie of in the time of Hannibal, fell in defending were mads. He was 16 years old when he attended the Twelfth "Ward publio school, I bag to annonnce that my supply of Granite and Marble Monuments was never 5@ clean out the whole crowd," said he grind- Liano county, wife of his etepilon, who was the Rhone against that Genernl's passage. large as at present. The neighborhood is not the most refined ing bis teeth and shaking his formidable fist on a. visit to him. He also shot and killed Big tassels were put by a Memphis woIn Variety of Pattern it is most modern. the city, a.nd the boy was thrown in with in No doubt of it, Joh.a, but wait a moment; Mrs, St okes, wife of the Stokes whom he had In Finish, far exceeding any you can see elsewhere. suppose one of them was to go home with already killed. Then he killed bis daughter. man on the e.ars of her horse, and a broad rough companions. His father was e. hardln Workmanship, first-cl1£SS. you, wou'dn't you smile to sec him milking Lockie next attempted to kill his wife, but, ribbon bow on his ta.ii, ~in order to decorate working laborer v.nd he.d saved a. little money And price as low as at any experienced shop cows with that suit ofbroa.dcloth ? wouldn't his cartridges being exhausted, he could not him to her s.i.thife.ction for equestrie.n use · to buy a. home. One cf the teachers in the it a.muse you to see him pitch hay in a July fire another ehot, e.nd she escaped. He but he liked tbeadornment so little that he ran school was very unpopular. He was a GerI have r eceived by S. S. "Indiana," a consignment of away and threw her off, nea.rly killing her. m'-'n a.nd ho.d frequent quarrels with the sun with that stiff hat and choker ?" then cut his own throat, mounted his horse, The causes of a. between a. hus- pe.renta of the scholars, One night in a. ic You bet your life, I'd like to grt one of and started in the direction of Johnson City. Another lot has srri ved by S. S. " Nebraska.," and others are following. them on a harvester for just one day, I'd After riding a few yards he met Thoma.a band e.nd wife were that she bad until after lonely Ioc!!.lity of the ward he was way-~id and beaten by three boys, His injuries marriage concealed from him the fa.ct that make him la.ugh out of t'other corner of his Brunswick, whom he atta.cked with a knife, I DUY DIRECT FROifl TUE MAN1JFA.C'l.'lJR.ER8 m)uth. Id show him that it is better to inflicting fatal wounds. 'I'he murderer then her handsome teeth were false, and tliat he were not severe, but, a.a he lost a. watch in .Aberdeen, Scotland, and from l ong experience (28 years) at the bes~ advantage, I have a pair of legs that are useful, th<W orn- rode towards Johnson City, but waa arrest- negleoted to tell her that he snored in his in the affray, he had young Toomey !\?· intend that the public needing work in my line shall be liberally dealt with. sleep. They could not agree to set one fault rested on the ch~rge of highway robbery. I keep for sale I engage no Agents. amental. ed within five miles of there, He was still The boy acknowledged that he was present "vVait a moment John, 1et me tell you a.t 3 o'clock next morning, By these against the other. something ; you are not in the least Inferior murders about .tw6nty children left .An acute grammarian became excited by when the teacher was bee.ten, but he deto these boys ; a.I! the difference is, they are orphans. the incorrect Engllsh of a. preacher, and, nied that he took e.ny part in the assault. The boy's father spent all the money he had educated differently fr om what you for enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. A later despatch aaya a. mob of 75 per- e.ccosting him at the close of a. particularly Your houlders broader, your chest is sons, a few nights e.fterwards, went to the faulty sermon., offered to pay for his tution saved in his son's defence, but to no avail A L L W 0 R K G U A R A N T E E D. bette developed, your mouth is not deform- jail, dema.ni1ed the keys of the sheriff, by a. private instructor. The minister took B:e wo.s oonvicted In the court of Common ed by the use of tobacco and liquor, there is a.nd )Dtered the jail and took out Lockie, the proposition angrily, and denounced its Pleas, and Judge Ludlow McCarthy sena I ok ft!H of business in your fa.ce that at They ha.nged him after having obtained from ita maker in terms forcible, but at the same tenced him to 15 years' he.rd 111obor in the N. B.-I have no connection or interest in the Composition, Pottery, or ZiWil o e rec~~mends you much bettc r than all him a shtement in regard to his crimes. time illustrativof of bis need of the les~ons. Sta.te prison. l\fonuments, so called; I have enquired concerning their merits and cannot recont-> The severity 01 the sentence was a. tert e letters you could carry, were you in Lockie declared he Intended to kill a.II the What is known as the Priory, on high mend them to the public at any price. quest of a. position. The point we wish to members of three or four families besides ground at Stanmore, near Harrow, England, rible blow to the boy's pa.rents. Many proBuwmanville, June 18, 1885. 25-3m. minent citizens, clai~ing that it was unjust, make 111 this ; boys raised on a. farm as a. t hose he murdered, and was prevented from has been turned into a hotel, and a. coach ~tarted a petition .for !).is pardon, Years general rule are n ·;t allowed an equal cha.nee doing so only by his cartridges giving out. runs there daily from Charing Cross. The pe.ased and his parents e.lmost broke down in educll.tion with their city cousins. 'When Pdory was occupied early in the century by under a:ffiiction. 1'he father aged faut and they go to town they feel out of place, They AT A OORROBOREE. the first Marquis of Abercorn, who lived the mother was heartbroken, Every cent would give anything to be able to walk A.Strange an(l Fantastic Scene 1n the Colony there in grand style, and entert11ined all the they had had saved was spent and their a.long the street a.nd not feel that everybody celebrities of the IJeriod. He bad a. peep of .a.u.stra!la. little daughter Maggie, a girl of 15, had to is looking at them. .An eye witness of an aborigin!ll corroboree bole whence he surveyed new guests, and if go to work. Slowly Mrs. '.l.'oomey declined If they only knew whether to put their which took place at the Adelaide Ova.I, Aus they were women and ugly he a.bsented himhands in their pockets or h old them straight tralill, thuu describes it:-" The black men self. It is i·ecorded the. t he did so with Jane in health until about a year a.go she died. down, they would have learned one very painted in fantastic fashion with white Porter (authoress of "Thaddeus of We.r· Her death wa.a more than her husband You can do so by calling at the useful Iessnn in ease and comfort. If they ·stripes all over their bodies, went through saw,' then the rage) e.nd her sfoter, The could bee.r, and he died three months a.fter- ' were ed uca.ted to see the difference, the a pantomimic kangaroos hunt with a good present Duke of Abercorn used the place wards. In the State prison the boy contracted e. shrewd clothing merchant could not palm deal of clever burlesquing of the me.rsupio.l awhile, and then let it to Qneen Adt'laide, cold which developed into consumption. off_his last year's coat and two year old velit mannerisms, They hopped ll.nd gra.zed, and who died there. After that he sold it. When his mother died, the prison physi with a hat of still more ancient pattern upon sat up a.s kangaroos do, and then trea.ted When it became known tha.t Mr, Ruskin cian t hought bis condition too critica.l to ap· where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of them. We say give the boy11 a chance. If the spectators to a. show of hunting the ani. was lying seriously ill e,t Brentwood, on Oon- priee him of hia mother's demise, and he footwear from the smallest to the largest. you live near a town-and all do now-let Next they planned e. sham tribal a.t iston Lake, great eympa.thy was expres~ed lived in ignorance of it. He was not told Tom and Harry and Rob attend school there tack and fight with some effect , and then by the people of the district, Inquiries of his father's death and lived on in hope If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make . you any one or t wo winters and Ica.rn the ways of that grotesque dance in which the came from 11.ll. po.rts of the United Kingdom, of regaining hie liberty. kind that may be neede d, in the latest style. . city life. But, one objects, we can't afford warriors, wee.ring curious leglets of gum- and even from abroad, ae soon a~ the illness His little sister was left alone in the to send our boys off to town a.lone, they leaves, stamp and give thEir lower limbs a was announced. So numerous have theae in- world, but she struggled bra.vely on, fighting would get into bad company, learn to drink rapid tremulous m.otion while the lubre.s quiries become that it has been found desir- poverty and seeking her brother's pardon. and fall into all the attending evils of ciJiy keep up an incessant nasal chant and per- able to issue periodical bulletins, the first of She visited prominent officfals. They all 1ife, To such we would say, some time petual thumping of opossum skins. The which was ismed shortly before noon next sympathized with her, but could not help they are going to go out from -your door to spectacle WIJ.ll undoubtedly a strange one, dv.y, and gave the welcome intelligence that, her. Finally, vVm. E. O'Connor, interested neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. meet all these temptatione, and if they have eeen the blaze of torches and although the condition of Mr. Ruskin was himself in the case. Wm. P. B. Ulrick, been kept too strictly, without any cha.nee the fieating da~zi!ng glare of blue, green, critical, there was a. slight improvement; the teacher who was assaulted, made a. to see the follies of evil or learn to avoid the or red lights. An incongruous element was Mr. Ruskin has suffered from similiar ill- statement that he did not believe that Toomalso the snares, t llay will be the very victim the introduced by the appearance of some nanesses before, but t he prenentone is much the ey struck him and the pardon was granted. sharper is after ; they will suddenly find The ravages of diseases were indelibly tives in overcoa.ts, helmets, a.nd trousers and wors~. F er a great part of the time he ha.e themselves turned loose in an unexplored their women in skirts and crinolines, but been unconscious, e.nd it was with great diffi- stamped on the young m='s features. He pasture full of snares Bo artfully concealed this was ·a sign of the social advancement of culty that even the slightest nourishment wa.e met at the Pennsylvania railroad depot No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. by the most tempting baits that he who the people, The dancers, howeYer, wore oould be e.d"ministered. by his sil!ter Maggie. The meeting was stears clear of them is indeed a favorite of little more clothing thMI a breechclout and very affectionate, and in his joy the brother fortune. The boy who is kept too closely a coat of paint, a. custom calculated to keep did not notice the black clothes of his slaA NEW ORIME. haltered to the farm sickens to it. He longs the domestic draper's bill down to the minit er. Full of hope, he chatted a.a he walked to go to the exciting scenes of the city where ALL! num, The affalr'might e.ppropriately be called How l'llan Sought to get his Accident In· towe.rd the humble home he had not seen he sees most people wearing good clothes; a. whitey-black corroboree, bece.use of the for five years, As he crossed the threshold suranee. in fact he never sees those who wear p oor utilization of Poppliances of civilization in the It is now reasonably certain that a new he exclaimed : ones, he is so struck with the flash of gold displu.y. The blacks were frequently ap- species of crime has been developed in the "Where is mother?" cha.ins, high hats and polished shoes. How plauded, and certainly the scene was not country. The explosion on the excursion With e. terrible load at her breast his much safer it is to let him see and taste all without its :picturesque accompaniments and steamer S. M. Felton has been traced to sister summoned up all her resolution, and these things while you are able to hold him weird effects, the glare of the fires reveal- the act of Adriance Spears, who carried a with s~imming eyes she gently said : Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the in check, than to rush him out alone un· ing dozens of:active, muscular darkey figures large line of accident insurance. His pre" She is dead," guided by love's irresistible reins, to turn stran'gely painted and bedizened, de.ncing sumed intention was to disable himself eeri" And father ? " gasped the young man. LIVER, STO.lU:AUll, liIDl\fEVS A.ND DOWELS. headlong into them. Besides a.11 boys rais· in wild fashion to an accompaniment of a. ously, so that he might enjoy the income With a cry the young man staggered They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and ed in cities do not come to ruin, nor all boys ba.rbaric chanting, and the whole picture of $150 per week which his policies would against the wall and fell. His words are invaluable in o.11 Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages, For brought up on farms become angels. We was shown against the darkly shadowed produced. He was killed, however, were: Children and the aged they priceless. hope if this finds its way to the household distant background, The me.jority of the and the loss of $35,000 on the life of an " Oh, my God ! Thia is terrible." of any sturdy old farmer who takes except- natives are more muacular, plump, and are apparent day laborer has so startled the Terrified, his sister ran for a physician. ion to its doctrine, that he will reply to it, better formed than the usual type of abor- compa.n.ies that they have united to fight Water brought the young man to conscious- Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad B1·easts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the iginee,and most of them came from the Coor- the claim. No progress was in fath- ness, but his eyes glared like those of a -Chest it has no equal.Poultry in Narrow Quarters. ong, the Murray, u.nd the lake districts, oming the motive of t he man until his ·pre· wild animal. For So1·e Tln·oats, llro11cbitis, Couglts, {)olds, Hens like to have their liberty and to where their mode of life is hea.lthful e.nd vious history was inquired into. Detect" They are not dead !" he cried ; "it's a roam over the garden and fields and to se- where food is abundant , Most of them, ives now claim to know all about the de- lie. You can't take me back to prison." GJ11.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and'K for lect their own nesting plnces in t}\e barn or from their trai_ning at the .miesfons, sp eu.k (ceased. They say the.t fifteen ago, Physicians pronounced him totally insane con.t raded and stiff joints it acts like a charm, · . ' , excellent English, and are m every respect among the bushes or grass in the vicinity of superior to the rest of their race." he was mys.cr10usly shot-:- acc1<le~t~lly, e.nd he we.a locked up until the proper paper _ ____ __..._......____ as it was declared - while handling a can be prepared to send him to the Insane buildings, but the profits to their owners under Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, such circumstances not always sure t o be Oil producers know how to get along well, pistol, and his receipt s from several .Asylum. His sister is nearly overcome with 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON satisfactory. Hens in the garden are gen- All they have to do is to drill it deep. accident policies suffwed to support him grief, and much sympathy is expressed for And are sold at ls. l~d., 2a, 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22a., and 33s. each Box or Pot, an~ era.lly unmitigated nuis!\nces, surely so if W ithin a week after publishing a book on handsomely. On his recovery he went to her. The youn.g man is not expected to live nrny be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout tlae World, they are your neighbor's hens. Many per- the perils of Alpine climbing, a Vienna law- Se.n Francisco, where, it is a.lleged, he drew long e.s he is WD.Sting a.way from consump· WPnrchasers should l ook at the Label 011 the rots and Boxes. l!f tile ntldrti111 ;:::; sons see!f. to think that poultry cannot be yer fell down a glacier and was killed, a c~mfortable income during his conve.les- tion, ts not 533, ·Oxford Street, Lontlon, they al'e spurJous, @;auadiau Jtattsuiau. Caledonian Mills. T FOR THE FARMER. s NG MA c H NE 1 1 USE. To the Ladies 1 A ,B bb'Ill Illd ntomatlG 0 er ----- MRS. A. DAVIS, MC c 0 L to the F ron an d De.cend D Fl LE Country L's LARD I NE, McColl Bros. & Co., Torontoo Granite and Marble Works, B OWM.ANVI LLE. SCC>TC:El G--::El.A.1."1""IT:E Marble Mantles, Grates, &c., and fix them. Head Stones, Posts, and Metallic Bars C. BOUNSALL, Proprietor.. ......- Boots anti Sl1oes. Keep your feet dry and warm, arlor oe tore,' Good fits warranted every time or no sale. 0 E l\1: E N"" T I ::r.q- G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best quality of Dressing and Blacking STAND :-Neads' Block. VV. JENNINGS. 1 ' HEALTI--1 FOR THE PILLS THE OINTMENT -