~tn· ,.J>'l ttee.u. 1 ltou8un'.l JJ ~liars. " Ban hP are constantly bemg imposed up· on " si.id 1 ;he ca.shier of a large bank, "and ---MANUFACTURER O F - - th~ publin knows nothing ..bout it. Why, if 1 was t 1 t ell you that the son of one of the larg·i· t dry-good · merchante in New " ~ of America, says tbat while a plll!senger from York hail present ed two forged checks to New York on board a ship going amund Cape thfa bimk wit hin the p a.at month, got money KING STR E ET, BOW M A.NVILL ~orn, in tb~ilarly days of emigration to Cal· on both, a nd . <se·ped ·rrest ·nd publi ' ci"ty, Hae now on hand a Iiumb~r of vel?lcle<(and is ~1UJ.nufacturing Q g reo.t many more) or the new ~ w w ,,;tornia, ho learned that one of the officers ot you would hardly believe it ; but it is so. pattern~ and best tlniah, which I am offermg for sale 8 .t the J" w "qt J:IJ"ices con8 ; 8 t;ent the vessel had cured him8elr, during the voy· His father made good the a.mount. Almost with due regai·d to w.oTkmanship and qnR.lity. Th<:1 f "l~wi og ia a. list ot every weeI!: some one manages t o defraud us the pr mcipa l vehicles manufactured by mw 1>ge, of an obstinate diseaae by Lhe use o! some way, and it is oniy once in six months Double Covered arr1 ·ages .. . . . .. $ 200 U . d we ever report t he ca.se to the authorit'.es. s· I Ph .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ... .. .. .· .·· . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . pwar a. "Some years ago," continued the cashier, Oing e B mtons ............... ·· · · ............ . ... . ..... ...... .... .. . ........... 100 " 11 I was t he pa.yingteller of a. bank in a.large TpenB u ggy .... .. . ....... . .. .... .... . ........ .. ....... , .... . .... .... . .. .. ... .. _. 70 Since then Mr. liELA::s'D has recommended 11 Western city. Among our customers was a. Dop ugf~················ .. ... .. ..... . ............................. -...... .... . 90 AYER'S SARSAPAllILf,A In many similar wholesale merchant named H enderson, who Lembcra, a gon . . ........ .......... . ·· ···· · .. .. ..... .. ... .... . ··· ·· · ........... '65 " eases, and he has never ye L heard of its fall· did a. very large businEBS with our bank. He L ~h ew iVagons ........... . .. .. .. ...... . ........ ....... . . ... . ..... ····-··· · ·· ... 55 H 11re to effect a radical cure. was in the ha.bit of dra.wing large same '"o Elg t ~on .. ·· .... , "··" .... ·············· ··· ·........ . . . .... .............. ... 40 11 Some yea.rs ago one of Mr. LELAND'S farm meet h is bills, which were heavy, and all Sk xp r ess ag on............... . ... . .... ·-· ···········.. ....... .·.·.. ... ... ....... 75 11 laborers bruised his leg. Owhig· to tho bad 1 these passed through my hands. Among S eketon .. ........ .. .. . .. . ... ...... . .. . .. . . .......... . .. ... \.... . .. ............ .... 50 " etate of hie blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling Mr. Henderson's business a.esocia.tes waJ a U 1 Y··· ··· · ··. ·.. ····· ··· ............... ... .... .... , ·········· , ... .......... ,..... , 40 .· e>r lump appeared on tho injured limb. Horman named Hirtz, who had ltttely come to Possessi"ng supe l f '!"ti f , rible itching of the skin, with burning and r or. aci 1 es or_ m_anuiact urlng carria.gea, I Intend to sell verl cheap tor o·ell that ci ty from the East. He was a com· or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m~ number 0 e·les. Wo-·.o darting pa.ins through the lump, made life i · b · k d Id M H d sell the d t · ironed. ~ ...... m ssion ro er, an so r. en eraon a w oo par 8 on1Y, or t h e gearings of buggies almost intolerable, '.l'he leg became enorgreat many goods, for which herecdvedMr. mously enfarged, and running ulcers formed, f.lenderson'scheck on our bank. Onede.y discharging great q ua.ntities of extremely Beauty in Wives. Mr. Hirtz brought to the bank a. check for e>lfensive matter. No treatment was of nuy Bea.uty in a wife may or ma.y not be a. de- $15.000. It w1 i.a the largest check he ha.d At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. avail until the man, by Mr. LELAND'S dlrec· to lace, sirable gift, but it is certainly not o. joy for. ever present ed, I hesiti!.ted a. moment a.bout A.t the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and sawing with Cirole,Ba.nd ors tion, was supplied Wiith AYF.R's. S.1.nsA.PA· SO that the smallest spo' or stain would find no rest· ever. paying it I exa.mined the writing ca;:eful· Saws, and prepare all kin.de .o.f lumber for carp.enters nd others for building purposes. RILLA, which allayed the pain and irritation, Youi~:OJfci!~slst, however hard to make you see 1 The proverb that beauty is only skin deep ly. It was evidently Mr Henderson's sig· Ornamental and Plam Pickets for fences m eve1·y style reQuired. made to order. healed the ~OrB!!, removed tlie swoll!ng, aud tried may be trite, but I have no doubt that it is nature, and there wa.a no question a.bout the "::" . -: _ ~, r... :'::' - -:.-: _ ,....., .. =: .-:.=:=c= --: .-:::=: _ ::".::--:: . :=c-~="":""-----------------eompletely restored the limb to lll!e. That every spot was my fault when 'twas really on particularly a.ppllca.ble to married women bearer being Mr. Hirtz. l asked the book --·- - -Mr, LELA.ND has personally Wied your aide. beca.use (have patience, mesdames!) aft er keeper how much money Mr. Henderson And, Bannah, oh I be patient ii you find wm some- six months or twelve months of married ba.d to his credit. He ha<l $18,000 So I times slow; bliss the young wife may look as handsome paid it. Mr. Hirtz took thirty $500 bills, Your wits fl"sh out like llghtninl!' streaks, as swift to as her better favored sister. A beautiful and left the building with the money c.i.re· for Rheume.tlsm, With entire success ; and, come aod go; · · in · th · h is ' 1ns1 · 'd e vest pock et . Now, lightning le a bandy thing In stormy nights, woman oreat ea a. gre9.t 1mpress1on · e f uIIy c ~n ce...1 e d in after careful observation, declares that, !11 beginning but it requires good resources to T his was on Saturday, just before bank 'tis true, his belief, there ·Is no medicine in the world But, after ail, a steady shine Is kind o' useful, too. ma.inta.in this first impression, and if she has closed. Monday a.ft" > rnoon Mr. Hendereou equal to it tor the cui·e of Liver Disord·e rs, Cas~s A.nd 11 there's any dilferencecomee'twixt your good not the mental traits so essential to com· sent a check for $6,000 "o the bank. I sent Gout, tl1e effects .o r high living, Salt 1 man and you. mfl.nd esteem, in time her beauty becomes back word tha.t his account wa.s not large :Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all tho Don't atop to ask whose ta.ult It ls; the only way to commonplace. The ordinary looking wife, enough t o cover that amount . In a. few various forms of blood dieeasoe. do on the other hand, if she possess these amia.- mioutes Mr Henderson appeared at the Is just to toke the thing In hand and try with all ble traits, seems to grow handsome with bank himself, He was evidently very angWe have Mr. LELAND'S permission to invite your ruight, all who may desire further evidence in regard Before it grows too big to oh\nge, to ftx It up 111 time, The bea.uitful wife is often too con· ry. to tlle extraordinary curative powers of right. scions of the charms of her persons, a.nd if "·What do you mean,'sa.id h. e ," 'by send· AYEI\'S SAI\SAPARILL.A. to see him personYou know the dough when first 'tl~ set, le molded as forgetful of them is flattered by constant ad- ing such word to me f ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, we will, mirers into remembering them. " I mean," said I, " that you only have Come along young and old, great and small and get fitted Long BraP.'l:h, or at the popular Leland Hotel, But when ·lie b~ked we oannot change Its shape for The ma.n genei·a.lly makes up bis mind $3,000 to your credit." Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. ~ood or 111; · very soon a.e to what he admires in the phy· " "!'hat is not so,' ea.Id he ; 'I have $18,· and suited, too, in price and quality. So now, when you are starting out in your new home, sique of woman, but finds it more difficult to 000 here, and if those figures a.re not correct Mr. LELA.ND'S extensive knowledge ot the le just good done by this unequalled eradicator ol The time to see what ways you'll set to harden Into c me to a conclusion as to what is essen· I shall make this bank some trouble, ' always keep the l argest and best assorted stock of crnet. tia.l to his happiness in mental quali iee. As " 'You did have $18,000 last Saturday, blood poisons enables him to give iuquirers Caps, &c., so come along and bring your friends with yon, much valuable information. But, dear, you'll not succeed alone, no m tter how a rule the.wife should have mind enough to but Mr. Hirtz drew out $15,000--' you try: comprehend that of her husband, to aha.re " ' Mr. Hirtz did nothing of the sort.' inl'lUCPA.RED BY You'll have t.o go down on your knees and ask help his plans and to-sympathize with him in h is terrupted the merchant hotly. ·Mr. H irtz lrom on high. .occupation, Fa.1uila.rity with the husband's did not d raw one cent on SDoturday.' Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. We ·oap and rub and boll and dnse, but afber 1111· you business enables the wife to regulate tba ex "·Ia this y our writin"' ?' I a.eked, produc· know, "" Sold by allDruggl1tB; 81, six bottles for$1l, It takes heaven's sun to m·ke the clothes as white BB penses of the household to hi· income, where· ing the chec~ Mr. Hirtz had given to me. now lall'n snow. · by ma.ny. unpleasant dissensions a.re avoided. ·· Mr. Henderson was a.m .. zed ae I laid - -- - - -- - this department keep a ll the latest styles and -To know when the purse is full and when It down the pa.per before him. For Youne; Housewives. is empty is a kind of knowledge that contl'i· ·· ·Th"'t certainly does look like my check,' quality, and my stock is always well assorted. butes largely t ·1 the pleasure of married life. he said. ' It certai,,Jy does. But it is a. Clean caster bottlas with shot. An a.pproximation of the intellec~ of thti forgery.' T" · 1 Sh To remove ink stains soak in sour milk man and the woma.n to the same level apCOST ONLY $2.00 AT .. Now it was my turn to be a.ma.zed. If l eS a specrn ty. irts of all kinds, underwear, Brace~ over night. pears to be the moat conducive to domeet.ic I had pa.id a forged check of that size I H R bb C d R R To brighten and clean old alpaca, wash in harmony, !Ill too great a ditferenoe in quality could count my chanc"e of holding my posiose, U er oats an · · Rubbers. coffee, of mind often en gen ers a. feeling a.kin to tinn with a cipher . We t nok the check to NEWCASTLE· 48-ly. Mix stove polish with vinegar and a. tea.- contempt in the superior pe1·son, which it is the ca.shier and exa.mined it together, and A.n early call solicited. spoonful of sugar. difficult to conceal. Good as the theory of then we compared it with his other signu.· When cooking beans a.dd one-ha.If tea- the extnmes ie in ite physiological applica· ture<. It was so nearly like them that """' sp~on of salera.tus. tion it may not be applied to wh<o t r elates to could hardly tell them apart. The only tlif· To brighten carpets sprinkle with salt be· the mind. If there be not a. psychological ference was t.h at it was not written fn the NE.A.D'S NEW BLOCK, BOWMANVILLB. fore sweeping. OF CANADA. affinity between husband a.rd wife, married ink Mr. Henderson ueua.lly wrote with We To polish a stove rub with a newspaper ·life remia.ns a barren waste. Cleverness or sent down to Mr. H irtz's office, but it was B.EST, $220,000 IJA.PITU, l!H,000,000. instead of a brush. · mediocrity ouce established as a. mutual closed, a.nd his clerk did not know where he '!: -=================================~~ To remove t ea eta.ins from cups and sau- foundation, This Bank le prepared to do Legiti· Ya.rieties may be found to con· bad gone, but believed he ha.d left for N ew cers scour with ashes. sort advantageously together, such a.a ta.cl- York. He ha.d ma.de his escape. '£his mate Banking. in all its br!!-nches. For burns apply fl.our wet with cold water, turnity with garrulity, viva.city with inertia., strengt hened Mr. Henderson's atatement, Farmers notes discotmted ; Deposits a.a it quickly gives relief. · etc., but mutual comprehension and a.pp~e- and a.e ar a. few days we ma.de good the received and Interest paid on amounts of W hen sponge-cake becomes dry it is nice eia.tion are indispensable. a.mount a.nd my r@signa.tion was d emanded. $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department; to cut in thin slices and toast. I told our President that I thought there To remove mildew soak in buttermilk and . DRAFTS wa.e s;mi o myst l)ry about the matter, a.nd I spread on grass in the sun, had t he check lithographed for my own use Issued a.nd Collections made in Europe, If mitmegs are_good, when-pricked with a. A Boy's Hunt for Office. A month le.ter M ... Henderson surprised the United Stat.es and Canada. pin oil will instantly ooze out. Soon after Pr esident Cleveland took pos- business community by failing, and after the W. J. JONES,lf th~ oven is too hot "!hen be.king pla.oe a. session of the White House a little chap settlement with his creditors h.e ca.me out a. 27 sma.ll dlSh of cold water m it. _ about twelve years of age; named Rowa.rd bankrupt. I determined to ferret out the To prev_ent musta~d plasters from blister- Fairfax L ee, obtained an audience, and mystery, and for conaidera.ble t ime I sea.robIng mix with the ~hite of a.n egg. . . ea.rne11tly pleaded for an appointment in one ed the country for any news of Mr. B.irtz, To prevent fiat-irons from s corching wipe of the deparement", to assist in supporting but all to no avail. Fina.Uy I came to New them on a cloth. wet with k~rosene his mother and several brothers and sietere. York and secured employment in the bank To ~lean furniture tl.iat is not varnished The little fellow pressed his claim in such a where I am now. ·· rub with a i:;loth wet '!it~ kerose1!e· ~ manly, straightforward way that the Presi· "About a yea.r ago, while I was sitting in ESTABLISHED IN 1847. To brighten or cle11.n silver or lllckel plat· , dent's interest wa.e excited, and he resolved, my private office, I was surprised to see Mr. ed ware rub wi.th a woolen cloth and. fl.our. !. if the case proved, on examination to be a. H.rtz. I recognized him before he did me. When there ie_ a..cra.ok in the stove it. ~a.n ;' worthy one, to a.ssistthe young office-seeker. It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. " · How do you do Mr·.Birtz 1' I ea.id. be mended by m1xmg a.shes a.nd salt with Rowa.rd is very small for hie. a.ge, but is re· Managed by and solely in the interests of " Th0 man blushed, stammered, and fin. the Policy holders. water, ma.rka.bly bright and intelligent, a.nd ex· ally, recognizing me, turned and tried to es1 ".Vhen c othes a.re scorched r emove the presses hie idea.a of men a.nd things in la.n· cape, but l oa.ught him b y the coat collar Its Rates are Low. etam by placing. the garment where the guage that would do credit to a person many and held him fast. He made no struggle, oa.n shine on it.. . yea.rs hill senior. He lives beyond the city but sa.t down. l'olleies non forfeltable and uneoiulltlonaL sun Starched shirts wil! iron easier if. you let limits, in the vicinity of Brightwood, a.nd is " ' Wha.t a.re you going to do ?' he asked. ()ash Benus Paid every three years, We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be them ?ry after starchm~ so .YOU will have the eldest of four or five children, Tbe " 'Ha.ve y 0 u sent to the penitentiary.' beaten for time. to sprm~le them before ironmg. President spoke to Secretary Manning a.bout " ' If you will let me go I will c )nfess the The wings of turkeys, ge~e a.nd ohickene providing a place in the TreMury Depart- whole thing..' Joint Life Policies. We ha.ve a. reason t o be thankful for past favors during forty yea.m " 'Wha.t good will that do me?' Though a double rish but one premium is paid a.re good to wash a.~d clean wmdows, as they ment for the boy, but when the lii.tter ma.de in business here. · his appearance before the Secretary be was leave n~ duet nor h!let, a.a cloth. " 'You won't help justice any by convict· for two people, Amount of policy dra.wn T o bri~hten the mside of a. coffee or tea- pronounced too small io be of any material ing me,' he replied. ' I didn't forge tha.t on first death, Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and .we will pot fill ! 1th .water, add a. small p~eoe of soap value to the public service, '£hereupon check.' and let it b )Il about forty .five mmutee. Howard repaired to the ·white House, and, " ' Who did then ?' To remove grease. from wall paper lay with tears In his eyes, t old the President Special Inducements to Total ...4.bstainer.1, " ' Mr. Henderson.' several folds of. blottiog l?aper .on the spot the rellult of hie interview w .ll Secret!'ry " ' Mr, Henderson ?' !l'nd hold a hot iron ne ar it until the grease Manning. S~me one suggested to t he little "Yes. I wa.s a poor broker in that town reCTardinct no man, either Jew or Gentile. ASSETS OTER $1S,OOO,OOO. t b b 18 absorbed. fellow that he would probably be more when I first met Henderson. He gave me INt;OHE OTEll $1,000,000 successful with Secretary Lamar. Off he a good ma.ny orders, and finally asked me F R IE ND S, WI".. 1'I. EA N D 1J SI 11' E S S. $100,000.00 depos'lted wlt.h the CanadianGovern OOOKING REOIPEB. went to the Interior Department, where how I would like to make $1,000. I told ment fot· benefit of Canadian policy holders. he found the Secret11.ry surrounded by a. roomI would like it. COFFllE CAKE: -Two cups broWn sugar, " ' All right.' said he. ' You present my one.cup of butter, five eggs, one-half cup ful of politicians and oflloe seekers. He JNTESTED II\' CANA.DA, $600,000 ,QO, molasses, one nutmeg grated, two teaspoon· fina.lly got an opportunity to state bis case check for $15,000 a.t the bank, draw the ful cinnamon, one tea11poonfuls cloves, one: to the kind-hearted Secretary, who at once money, bring it to me, and I will give you HEAD O FF ICE IN CAN.ADA.:- MONTR EAL half~cup made coffee, three heaping cups became interested in his story a.nd promised $1,000. Then you go to Europe for six 9·3m fl.our, one cup currants, one tea.apoonful sa.l- to help him. Da.y after day the youthful months. There will be no trouble, no wor· For particulars r efer to era.tus dissolved in warm water, one qua.rt· applicant ha.nnted the corridors of the In- ry, no risk, e.nd you will be $1,000 better E,L.LIVINGSTONE, er pound of citron, one t easpoonful lemo:n. terior Department and watched his chance off.' " " ' I did as he suggested, gave him the extrac~. Crea.mbutter a.nd sugar together, to steal an interview with the Seoretir.ry <lENERAL A GENT, when the vigilant cc>lored meesenger was not money, ..nd left tha.t nlght.' :PORT HOPE, and be sure to fl.our the fruit before stirring looking. Ji'inally the boy was taken sick, " ' 'What did you do with the man !" we it in ; hake in a moderately fa.st oven. Or to agents throughout the county. ~8.flse, and the Secretary miSBed hie visits to his asked. CoooANUT P "WPS :- Beat to a froth the otli.ce. One afternoon last week the Secre· " .Nothing. R e had papers in his pocket whites of two eggs, and add gradually one ta.ry, upon inquir y, found where the little which p roved that he ha.d told the ·truth. small cup suga.r, one cup cocoa.nut grated fellow lived and ca.lled to see h im. Find- Mr. H enderson was dead a.nd H irtz was a. and one spoonful fl.our. Butter tin sheets ing t hat the case was really a deserving one, bankrupt, and as he really didn't meau to do with washed butter, and then cover w ith he i ofor med the boy's mother that her 11on wtong I let him go. H enderson had beaten letter-paper. Drop on this the mixture in should ha.ve a.n appointment as 11oon as he the bank out of that much money, just like teaspoonfuls about two Inches apart. Bake was able to be ab~ut. The good news robbing it; I have no doubt other similar Pumps Cheaper and Better five minutes in a quick !>Ven, quickly restored Howard's health, and a. crimes have been committed, but I never than ever, J ELLY CAKE :- Three eggs, one cup sugar, da.y or two ago h e was a.ppointed a ·m essen- heard of them." butter the size of a.n egg, one cup fl.our, one ger in the Pension Office. T he Subscriber having built a large ne11 teaspoonful cream tartar sifted in the fl.our, A citizen of Kansas ha.a in his possession Pump Factory in Orono, is p repare d one-ha.If t easpoonfuf of milk , Bake in jelly the ballot he cast in voting for General Grant, .I::sca.pa of an English Ship. cake tins a.nd spread when cold with fruit - to furnishin 1868. It was printed on silk, and after jelly. . The captain of the Duke of Devonshire, it had been kept on the file, a.a th e l a'! reBAKED CUSTARDS :- One q ua.rt of milk, which arrived at Sydney on the 9 th ult , re· quired, in the oflic~ of the clerk, ~e ob~a.med EVE~Y four eggs, five tablespoonfuls sugar beaten ports b a.ving ex perienced for five hours the it, a.nd will hand it down to his children W ith or without P or ce lain Cylinder, cl with the eggs, n utmeg and two t ablespoon- rougheet weather he ever met with in the as an heirloom. t h e Best Mater ial, on the shortest n otice fuls flavoring extra.ct. Scald the milk, pour Gulf of .Aden, Two etea.rnent wer e observed A man put a large spider on a. floating upon the other ingr edients, stir t ogether to founder at the time, but no assistance and at the lowest prices. well, flavor a.ndpour Into stone ·china cups. oould be rendered, as t hey expected their chip in a pond. After walking all a.bout the sides of t he chip the spider began to ca.st a Set these In a pan of hot w ater, grate nut steamer to go down every moment. web for the shore. He threw it as far as Cist ern Tubs and Pumps supplie"~ meg u pon each a.nd bake unt il firm. Eat own The Duke of Devonshire was ch~rtered by po·sible in the air a.nd with the wind. It and everything tha t is kept in a first-class Grocery and Procold from t he cups. the Government to take troops out t o I ndia, caught on some blades of _ vision:store, will be sold at the lowest possible prices. grass. Then turn· E GGS A LA TRIPE :- R a.rd boil a dozen but the order was countermanded at the ing himself ab out, t he spider began to haul WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. eggs, moment. It was for tunate, as with last and cut t hem in slices ; peel some the chip t oward shore. small pickling onions aud fry th em gently such a n umber of men on boa.rd the hatches C A SH for B eef, Pork, E ggs, Butte r, Hide s , Tallow and The Cbeniere, as well a.a Grand Isle in the not have been kept closed, and the could in butter over a. 8low fire; dust them w ith foundered, Gulf of Mexico, was once a sugar pla.n ta · flour , moisten them with equal quantities of eteamer must have inevlta.bly _ Farm Produce at C. M. CAWKER'S. stock and cream, add n. little salt and p ep · Dr Edwards, surgeon of the ship, gives a tion but the force of conshnt winds, blowing per, and st ew t hem t ill quite tender; then thrilling account of the passa.ge·through the from one p oint of the comp ·es, has several TO GIVE SATISFACT ION. I also return my sincere thanks to my numerous friends and patron,J a.dd the eggs and give them a warm up ; cyclone. H e says t hat on t he 31 of June, times caused t he r ollers to sweep a.cross it whilst going t hrough t he channel , t he ad· for several days, and this, a fter a t ime, ma.de for their very liberal s;ipport during ~he l~st fifteen years, and . hope ~ serve as hot as p ossible. Orders~by Mail promptly attended to. APPLE MERINGUE :- Pre·pare six large va.nee of morning brought signs of at mos- t he saccha.rine juice more salt than sweet. strict attention to business and keeping first-class stock, to still ment ta.rt apples for sau «;!e. W hile hot put in e. pheric changes, t ne weather beca.me aqu a.Hy T he p··ople are obliged either t o use t~e ' Wh en and unsettled, a.nd the aea rose with marvel· wood dl'ifted in upon the waves or bring it t he same: D O ORS, SASH, B L INDS, P ICK ETS , piece of butter the size of an egg. " cold, and a cup of fine cracker crumbs, t he lous quickness, huge waves rearing them· in luggers from a. distance. As t he salt in the drift wood rusts the cooking stoves t here yolks of three eggs well beat en, a cup of selyes p erpendicularly, and br eaking in a. MOU LDINGS, &c., k ept on ha nd . milk or cream, a little sal t , nutmeg and au- mass in mid air. For nearly two hours no are none in use on the island. But if t he gar to t ast e. Bake in a. large plate, with an m an on board could move for fear of being mea.la a.re cooked upon an iron frame in a. STAND : -Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont . B ank. under or ust of rich pa.ate and a. rim of puff blown away. The escape w as r egarded as great, wide-mouthed fire pl ace t hey lose none of t heir savoriness thereby. paste, W.lj.en d one, t ake t he whit es of the miraculous. whom everybody knows ns the successful ma.n:iger of the = =A =R =R =E =-N c.c__;___ L _E _L _ A _N _ D_..:. .,_ _THE HousERoLn. !~:::.~::~1·!;¥.1::£~:- ..~!~: :·~~.A.R!:::~~:!_,]HAINEs;·· aARRIAGEW-oRKS, W GEORGE C. I-IAINES, Proprietor, . ~!J!!J,b!lt\'..tiiiihiliiiii&WWW:& , W~~~~~~~~~IA~.M~i~~~·~·iiNi~~TM~~~~·~~~~~lll'llll!lH~ . ~!i!ii!ii'liilM!~~~ -rmlWll~ ~11>'.!BI~~~~~~!! Largest Hotel Enterprises Ayer·s Sarsaparilla. and Housekeeper. wm·r11· You little guess the loneeomencee that's coming o'er my lite, . When you ha.vo left the farm and roe to be Will Jobuson'e wile; But I suppose my mother !cit j uet so, when from her aide, Your father came one summer's d·y to carry home Lie bride. Ab, me I how happy h~d I been if Provide:ice had spared My good old ooa.n to eee this da.y, who a.U my feellnge sbharedl : ld t b · h" b k · ·11 But,~1:h1t. wou no rmg tm ac ' no, even t N'or cha.nl('eonenrook tha.t'a In my lot, !or what God does ls,rlght, But , e Isit alone and think I see Eome thillge I'd · change; . Imighh have made him happier; tht'il' do 1101 think It 1 !t~~~d~~ak some warning wards to save you, if I m"y, From ·waking thoughtleae, ead mlstukr. e, to bring clouds o'er your way. So just rememb . er, Hannah, dear, th·t, tMugh you're pretty bright, It may he very p ·esibleyon'll not be alw~ye right l Perhaps when you arefretttng o'er some other body's ein, You'!lf!ndthelaultwasall your own!f you would look within. As when we washed the window plnes together face BY MAR.GAR.Ill' 11· To a New Bride oven to brown lightly. WnEAT Mu FFrns :- Ii'or a 'dozon muffins t here will be r equired .a. cupful and a. ha.If of entire wheat tlour, a. cupful of milk, onethird of a cupful of cream, one-third of a cupful of water , a.n egg , a tea spoonful of f t rt h Jf t f 1 f lt cream 0 a a.r, · a. a eaapoon u 0 sa and two tablrspoonfuls of sugar, Mix the dry p andhbeat b them · quickly b t and d l · ingredients vigorous Y· out t e atter rnto ut ere muffin p eons and bake for twenty-fi,·e minute~ in a. ra ther q uiuk oven. The batter will be thin and will give a. moist muffin but that is a.a it should be, FRIED P O TATOES :-Peel them and boil in sE>ltedwa.ter; do not let t bem boil until they an~ soft, Bea.tone egg, and have ready some fine cracker crumbs; roll the pota.to in the egg, and then in the cracker and fry in butter until a. light brown, turning ire· quently tha.t the color mo.y be uniform; or the potatoes may be dropped into hot la.rd. In tb.is case, a cloth should be la.id over a. plate and the potatoes should be dnined for · · b f d h a moment Ill this e ore sen ing t em to the t a ble, OARRIACES, S LEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. c· All K Ill · ds 0 f V eli..icles Repa1"re ·d I ·,. Ayer·s Sarsaparilla SPRING HATS _ 12 Spring Hats received at Hat and Fur Store. Hats. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. I MARRIAGE LICENSES In best C. B. LOCKHART'S STANDARD BANK MARKUS MAYER, --- .. -·- .. Going, BRITISH EMPIRE Going. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ·~. ROCKFORD AND AURORA VTATCHES_ Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, · AARON BUCKLER. wedding Rings in great variety. Orono Pump Factory. GROC.ERIESI Crockery & Glassware, .......... flt-Slt ANtl CUlltJ·MlAT8, and Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food, PUMPS OF DESGRIPTIOI Coarse and Fine Salt,· American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour ALL WORK GUARANTEED all - ---o--- - C. R.~FERGUSON. m. CAWKER,, >·