'TORONTO I - Gent's and Ladies' lmen collars, 5c. " Retreat Dairy" warrants Pure, Clean 'rEER STRAYED,-From lot 161 con. Mr E. H. Caddy has returned to town 40 piecea ne w ul11teriugs at the Star Milk. o..nh at the West End Hoase. i. Darhngton. a J11;:ht-r11cl two year old eteer tu the delight of the girls. House · left horn broken WM. JOLL, Hampton. Mr W. ES Allin, Newcastl0, was gh·en For a s);ylish suit of clothes call upon Miss Bella P111e has been v1sitmg The East and West Whitby plowing 3, d prille for shearhug e wes, Leicester. W. H. Ives. EICESTER SHEEP.-! have for sale friends in W cs tern Ontario. match will come off on Oct 20th one two-ehear Ram, one Shel\rhn1r Ham. Mr S B. Bradshaw i etu111ed l.,~t FiiMiss RegmaPercy 1s visitmg M iss Bart- ten Ram Miss Epplett is agam in charge of Mc- . Mr Thos Lockhart,ofColumbu~, Ohw ix brooding Ewes. Prices J,am hs anrl R d ·Y night from an extended visit to Man- lett, of Oshawa.. mod e1ate A.I.BERT TAMBLYN, CedarD11.le Clung11' nullmery depai tment is h ome 011 a v1s1t to his parents. Farm, Orono. P 0. 37 5w· itob:\. Miss Mihme H opkins, of Whitby, is Some people always imagine that Counterfeit ten twenty-five and fifty cent Mr. Mayer says \Hnter is su1ely commg A west11n subscriber writes ' Ve welvis1tmg M~s. M. Woodhouse pieces arn largely m c11:_culat10n. l1e sold the tirnt fur cap on Wednesday. AY FORSHIPPlNG.-Partieshavcome the S:rArESi\IAN veiy heartily every tha.y G.511 save money by purchasing Mrs. ,V, S 11frDonnel l, of Gananuque, ', tng No. 1 'l'imothy Hay to sell ln lots or The STA 1EflMAN Job Room was never Mr. J uh11 Jeffery h~iJ also built a brick weok. Ien tons or morn cnn find 11. vurchaser by Ill· 1s visiting M r11 J . K. Galbraith. aoods in Toronto. We very much busier than 1t has been this m onth. h ouse neM his own 10s1dcnce on Ontano qumug or David '!'owns, Bowmanvtlle or by b Mr C. M. C,iwker h as some very mterTh.i mcest and cheapest assortment of c11.lhng on CII \S \V Ilr,oon at the ){uobottom Bowmanv1lle V1<\s l.ugely represented street. doubt this in regard to any branch estm g mformat10n fo1 om readers rn Ins House. 35-h» gont'11tJes m town at t he West End House. Barnum's elephant Jumbo was killed at new a.dvt Ca.1M<b's Big Fan mToronto fast week. of business, and one thing is certain at Mr St. 'fhornas lo\st week by bemg strnck by l\'[r and Mrs Brooks, of New Orleans, OR SALE OR 'l'O RENT. - A bout Levi Mm 1is attended the UnderWe uotico that Mt'. L. Geo. Q uick has 75 acres or Lot 8. Concession 6, lllark ham, if you want tal, e1·s' Convent1011 1n 'l'otonto last week a freight ti,11n. been rece1vmt> l oads of be,rntiful stoves h ave been us1t mg at Dr. J. M. Bnma- forming part or the estate or the late 'L 'homa11 combc's. 'l'lie L111d::1ay Post and W arder arc do· tlus week. Cann; tlrst·class land in good 011lhvatton ExMrs. Geo. W1lson, of Port Hope, called cellent out bmldmirs Aopl y to H~nny O\NN, HAIR BRUSHES, some foncmg btely Don't quarrel, m g Wlnte dress shirts at cost uml un< l er· Hampton, or to McGEE & .To:-11:s, Oshawa, on severnl B0\1manville friends on Satur Mt. W. R. Piggott is b11ildmg a mce Ont. boys its n ot JOUrnab st1c. clothing ve ry cheap at the West End COMBS, dtty. 38 dwellmg on the comer of Conce3s10 n tnd ~~~-~-~---------:..._ The West End HunsA his received a lot H ome 'fhc troplues won by our shootists h ave TOILET SOAPS, Centie streets li ARM '.l'O REN'f IN CLARKEof new good-1 winch ha ,'e been marked ] b eon ex h1b1ted rn the wmdow of Scot t's Capt and Mrs. Cnsler, of Kmrrston, SPONGES, Be1!.'g part of lot 27. con. 8, contamml!' JOO Miss Rachel Martrn and Mr. J Hastie, very l o w. Call and see them. store. 85 acres cleared well wn.tered, ~ood HAND BAGS, of Wh1tchm ch, were t he guests of Miss ,111d Mr. ]'1ank Garret, of Bellevili';,, arc acreR, bu1ldml.(s, !onces, &c La.r'<"e yonng orchard Save money ,- you can buy dry goods Mr. .fohn Lyle 1s e1ectmg a. fine brick v1S1t111g at Mrs. S S. Edsall's, Beech Av- Just bogmnmg to bear Immediate possess10n DRESSING CASES at the Star Houso big sale at whulesde dwellmg on th e lot on Queen-st uclJ Ollllllg M Wight, D,trlington , this week. enue to fall plow. Apply personally to R B. The sale of th e stock m trade of \Vm THOIINTON, Orono. 33. prtces. on the east side t he one on which h e lives. Now 1s the timA to subscribe for the l\foClung has been post1>oned from Sept or any article in A case of Small-pox h as been 1wvo1ted 'l\)R, only$l 50per year . K enner Stoves are gorng up cvery wh ere, .u1d 26th to Saturday Oct. 10th Sue advt . D1n,1Nr A OR SALE-That very desirable Buck to Port Hope, Mi s Capt. Low1y bcmg the tmsuuths are as busy ,\s nailers, but thei e & Co. will seucl to 1my address on receipt Residence with 12 a<:rns of the best land· Mr. and l\:11s J no J.imes,, Maple Grove, of puce. ROOd be1umg apple orchard and small trmts ~ person attacked. will be much wai m, ple:i.sant weather yet. New barn and st..blos; two wells, etstern and and Mr. and Mis Jno Y. Cole, Hampton, Messrs J. 0. G uy & Sons have open ed W e beg to d1rcact the u.tteut ion of the all other convemonces. Situated on M>Lnvers $1.00- You can ge t the WEBKJ.Y GLOBE one mile north or town, torme1Jy owned you can always depend on getting a gram maiket at Ca~anv1lle and Burke from now to t h e eml of next year by sub- are vis1ti11g fu ends near L mdsay tlus week farmers and others to the celebrated llond, v.nd occupied by Mr C. M Cawker. .A.nply to Everybody tha t comes t o Bowmanv1lle tun, on the O.P R scnbmg at the Sta tesunn office, for one Lehigh cnal whrnh McDougall & Metcalf C E H&NllY, Bowmanvllle. 33 tt better value for your money at on fair clay to seo t he BH!hts, will do well aro selling at $6, delivered . and $5.50 at Mise Lizzie Munson, vocalist, and Miss doll:u- tf. t o call at Vaucty H all and see tlie display the Harbom. ARM FOR SALE IN CLARKE.L izzie Cliuuc, pianist, assrntecl at a conMr . W. H K ell,u,prop11etorof t he Ux- of novel tiE.s, etc. too aorea, bemg P··rts o( lots ~O and 21 con cert m Wlntby last week b11clge Journ,11, ,md Mr Heit H . James, The scor e made at the local rifle ra.n11:e 3, Clarke, there bemg 50 acres In each lot. 'wui One of our b est citizens said to us 'l' ues be sold tol{eLher or In t\\o parcels. Goott bULl·1:1ss stant editor, spent S und.iy and Mon on Satu relay wAre 1'. Nowell, J 15 , J. 'fhe Donimion Bank, at T oronto, has ings, " "'II fo ncod, welt watered, good orchard day mght after h Pa1111g .Tolm R Clarke's B. Mitchell, 109 ; W. S, Russell, 108 ; Only 3t m1los from Newcl\stlo 'l'erms e11sv: b een v1ct11mzecl out of $4,GOQ, by a swmd- day m town. lccturo, "M1.James, l th,mkyou for brmg J Morus. 105 ; J. Sando, 104 , N. S. Apply ror pn.rtioulars to SOLOMON HAHRk l, ler 11<tmecl Wm. Ryan. M1 LOUIS n ennett, of Napanee, foi - mg Clarke to Bowmanville " the promises, or to WILLIAM HARRIS Young , 07; W . C. Krng, 82; E. P rout on merly a rnstdent of tlns town, has b een vV. F . Allen,Esq. , P 10s1dent, repr esentWhitby, P. O. 10. · ' than any other place. They have ed t he Bowmanv1lle Mechamcs Institute on .i v1s1t to frwmh h er e after an absence1 Mr, Thos. Bassett !Ms re tmned from G7. a visit to Marshallto1 vn, Towa, and Mr UILDING LOTS FOR SALE -Tw() McDougall & Metcalf ha,·e JUst received the finest stock in the county; they at t h e annual mcetmg m Toronto List week. of fifteen ye,us and Mrs.B .Br1ttam have returned to that large sized bnlldmg lots on Chu1·oh-St Smee ·r. Bmghmn the Boss lnsur,m ce town after a ple,1s,mt v1s1t w11h f11c11d~ sevqr~l car load11 of 11Jl kinds of lumber east of Mr. Wm McClung's urem1se~. .A. num: 'fhe Toronto 'YORLD is amb1t10us; last buy their goods in the best market11 Saturday 1t came ou t double its usual size a.gent, began t o pay Ill gold h e has tlou e ber of and s hingles which t hey will sell at low fino avplo trees Ill tull Jiean llli: on eaoh here. If desired u. house to suit puroll aser will figures lt would be to the advant a11e of lot. and they defy competition m prices. aml uouta m ecl some h eavy articles and .L big str oke of busmess He r epresents be erected next summer. 'l'crms easy ,Apply The We&t End H ousfJ is already getting parties reqmrmg the above to give them compames as good as gold to F. CUBT'l".I', Bowmanv1lle. ' 37-tf. aclvts. a 1eputatlo11 for cheap goods. Those at- a call before purchasing P.leewhere. Be sure and :;ee their 'L'he parson, b,1c1' to work refreshed, 'fhe versatile leader writer of t he W t e nd ,ng our fair n e xt week should not ARD OF '.!'HANK(3.~To the ManaNo w stirring, sermons preaches. D News has chscovernd a stxth sense, bnt fail to call and see through tho WePt End " !lo~ ot tho Jl'lre Tneuri\nce A~~ocl~~lQll ;; H ouso. it is yet somewlrnt d1llicult of conception . The girls are commg home agam o l.B, I hereby return thnn k~ r11r the prompt Scott's Emulsion of Pure (by YOllr a.i:-cnt. Mr 'l hos. Bingham. paymeut In bevies h um t h e beaches w,\it. ·we'll ~-=------~--~-~-~~Mr . R . Beit~1 sold !11s prom1s111g young t.:od Liver Oil, -WUl1 llypaphusphlles for my loss hy tlre. caused by a spt~rk from a. The Star House ts sellm"' all wool two year old Oauadun bted stall10n "Sir steam thresher, hav11111: got payment for conMr : M . P Tall mg returned from a three 0 Its Gn at Val1 ie in Ch1ldren't, D iseases. tents at marl< et pr tee, no j or ~ na.yment 1Ik0 months SOJOUrn 111 London. En!l , last shiits llbweil{ht at 50 cents, $1 for smt Rwharcl," while at t he 11'01onto F'a1r to I see on the Domnnon Gran11c Pohcy to tenants. Dr. T. B C1UNDALI., Sterlmiz Ills week, lookmg much stronger t han when The whol eMle price of these goods 1s six: Messrs Trmder & G wll, of Simcoe, at a Yours gratefully. 1'nos HAmns. 38 Tyrone, i:lept. 11, 188.5. dolla1 s an d 50 cents per dozen. says " I have used Scott's Ewul81~n with fancy figme. he went away. B1 oo],s & McCullough'sP1tmanic Sh or t Mr. ,James G. Harns, son of Rev J. 'fhe Quartedy Reumon of St. Paul's very satu1factory re·ults especially with ARD OF THANKS. -T o the ManaHarris, formerly of tins town, has won lu nd School, McClung's Block, Bowman- church Sabbath School will be h eld n ext children. It fis doubtless the best com((a~ of the Flro Insurance .A.asociat1on: Sm, I hereby return thanks !or the D1ompt LYMAN'S COFFEE IS .BEST a 1st class certificate m tho commercial v1lle. Day and evemng classes. Write Sabbath at half past two when Rev Mes bmat10n of Cod Liver Oil. payment (by your agent, Mr. '.rhos. Brngham) fo1 terms and any mforrnat1on. 39 3m. course of Pickeiin!( College. HIS. Mcintyre, Fraser and c·then will detor my loes by fire, c ..nsed by a spi!trk from a. 1st, Because of its purity. ste11.m threehor,ha.ving r~ceivod the full amount 'fhc Salv,\t1011 A nny meetmgs on S,it- liver addr. sses Our offer of the S LA::n.SMA!i fur the bal BIRTHS. "2nd, Thero is n o waste CJf my insurance J N r.or..u on the occ4s1on of my urclny m~ht and Sunday afternoon and ance of tins year , the :Family Herald for l1cv. Chas 'J'aylo1, of Enniskille11, wellllml{. Yours tb1t.n!{ft1lly, 'lno~J,\i:J 3rd, It requires no bo1ling. LOCKUArt r - At Newcastle, on Friday dept i<olden JARDINE. six months a nd tho Crown P 1ctmes- evem ng last were crowded and a good re - preached an excellent ser mlln in t h e 18th, tho wtfo of Mc . C. B. Lockilarr, of Tyrone, Sflpt. 11, 18&5 38 4th, You can prepare a cup or a gallon in all for 50 cents- still holds good. h g10us rnfl ucnce seemed to pervade the Church st l\1 ethod1 daughter. st church on S unday / less than one mmute evening to a hu ge a udi· nee. The s m a"GoNR, B1tAVE 0 N}J, GoNE'"- This 1s ,\uchen ces. ARD OY 'l 'HANKS. -'ro the Manager 5th, It is convement for pie-mes or camp- a me morial tubute to General Grant in "' MARRIED. R. Hutchison, Enniskillen, h,\s again mg by t he chmr was very good. o! the London Mutual Insurance Co : Sm,I beg to ieturn my thanks throngb the ing excursions. taken out auct1011e"1's license for Dailmgthe form of ,\ so!lg and chorus, by Walter S.O EB S. - All rnernbera of \Vcllmrr- , G ,11 K -Mum - In Bowmanv11le, on the 21st Sl'A TESlUN to your Company ror t he prompt u R " mst . at tho iosldence of tho bride s pl\rents by and Sllt1sractory ton, Clarke, Cartwri ght ,ind Manvers and t on L OLl go " h o I mve appI ICC1 f or t IlC ,. '6th, It is cheaper than any other kind. A. Perry, of New Bedford, Mass settlement ot my clMm tor l~lde1 i:lbcppiu fl, Mr. James Galo, or the W est damage~ to hrm b111ldmga In Clarke ' D"1 harn N e1vs, and Mrs. M. Mmr daughter 'l'ownsblp, bymy 7th, You have only to try 1t to b e con· Th·~ Organ Factory employees d1t1 q mte is prepa red to attend sales on very renson- Dcg1ce ai e I eq uested to be m att,m dance hl{htmng, on Lhe 7th day ot able terms Lodge room on 'fues lay m g ht next or Mr S. l<' Hill ' at the vinced. For sale by June, 18i5. Your vrompt action In this Ina stroke of busmesR last week- tlnee marstance com mends your Company to the publi~ :1t 8 o'clock M.A. JA~! F.~, ScCJctary'. i:lAuusT,1t:sLil;A.t the Congrol{at1on~l u.tges ,incl a b irth are r epo1tccL They The Bowma11v1llo Rifle range will be Uhurch.,WmmDe&'· by the Ilev . .J B Silcox as a reiltt.ble and gate Insurance company. STOTT & JURY, say the U.C FF' boys t\re "slow" open to all comers nex:t Saturday and the 'l'he Oshawa Beju1me1 ,,ays - Arrange- on the lGth mat. GEO lI. Saults, foreman MAN JA u1<s CAHSCAUDEN, Beech Avenue, Bow30·1w The Reliable Drugr;:ists. Mrs John R uddock is a lucky fish er· followmg S.1turd,ty for piactice free of men ts artl bem g rn ad e for a ,1umt matuh b~~):~1 ~~m~~~~tment, to Neille n. Lesha, manv1lle. m:i.n; one day recently she canght, an 8 cluugc . 'fhe 11nnual matches will come bet\1een Oshaw,t, Bow111anv11lc, Clar eMcC uuouo u - HENRY - On September the mont, Ashburn ,ind \Vlutby fo r the cham- JGth, at the lllanse, Port P erry by til6 Ilev pounder Pike in the ma1sh. Miss Ruel- otl on Oct;· uth dock caught one 5t lbs and another 1 lb La.st week we st>nt t\ copyof the Prairw pionsh·p and .t guld med ; !, wh wh will John J.\tcMecbau, Mr Geo McCullo11gh or t~ke l)l,1ct· sl101t ly ))arl~ngton, to .Miss Mary Henry, daught.,'r o( ~!J:,_§amuol Henry, ot Ca1·twr1ght. Mr. vV. H Ives 1s \ eneerrng wi t h brrnk F::muer to c,tch of our country s ubscnbcrs . The \V. C.T. U mon will furmsl1 a goocli i:l1ssoN- DEv111.- 011 Wednesday 16th Inst BOWMANVILLE , FRIDAY. S EP'l"R 25. lns residence on Kmg-st east, and 1s fit- HIS a £r~t-class family Journal and \\ e '!'he under11gned has received Instructions 7 at the llfethod 1 st Church, Wllhamsburg by from Mr .Ale:x. llfoI,aughli11, Jr., to ssll by putltmg the west end of it fut .i :;turn. The shall b e pleased t o send 1t for three hot cl11111e1 f10m 11 to 2 o'clock on ,.,··r .... '" tile Itev. W C \Vashrngton. Mr S. Sl6s<>.;, ol ltc 1t.nctlou on lot 18, con 7, Dai hngton, on chani{e will add gre,\tly to its appearance. months for 25 ce llts. Day m the cornet s toro, Bounsall's Bl ocfo Manvers, to M·ss Audie. eldest daughter ol Monday, Oct . 5th, 1885, \Ve h avei received .i copy of Haven's Pe1so11s mteudmg t'l have sales th.1sd in cluJmg meats, fowl, veaet,ibl es puc!' ol ~· Jus Dcv·tt, or CartwngM. '1 ckets ; nl y 25' ceu ts ' i~tAit,~I{ -;~"j«'E~ -Sitn 'l'oMront,01, JonBtho 9th tho followmg valul\ble v1operty, viz RlBCk sho1thand cha1t \\ Inch gives gen eral clt- Fall will consult t heir own i11t er~st by timgs aucl pies. 'l J ,uncl1, i f c l csn·ecl . T ea w1 II aIso b o se1 ve< ' !.\h~s· Cl,.ra ' · · eldest a.i r. r. " alle to m11.rc, 4 yell.rs old rn foal to Prido ol Scotland· Do.1ch daughter ot y Mr. black mare. 11 {rs old; bay mare, 1 years ol<l in Note the change m Mrs Ives' advt rectwnJl for learnmg and practism g ph on urder111g their eale bills at this oflicu and from 5 to 7 o'clock -Sa.moo! Dai ch, botl~ of Bowman,·111.i. foal to Pud" o Scotland, sucking foal, sired. ography. Address Curtis H aven, Plnla ther .. by get a free notice m the SrA'n~S· Get y our Cream from "Retreat Dairy." Pa by Pride orsootland; ! cows. In cu.Ir; l heifer in lllAN up to dale of sale. U. Just received a car l oad of stoves new R l!:n101,os- McG1LL - On the 11th inst by 3 steors, 2 years old, 3 steers I year old· 3 t l 1'h .._ Hev. W . C. Wash11111:too, M. A, at tho M~th. cal!, M r. &Vanston e is buymg all kmds of heifers l year old: 2 calves; 3 sil.eev, 7 young Mr. Gen. W1lson, the fightmg editor of We are pleased to hear of the success ancl of e1 cgan ' es1gns. e uest, yet t he Parson1 urn, Cai twrui-ht, :\It. Ge o, .A.. Reynolds p1g9i Maxwell reaper; mower; sulky rake· a. gram. the Port Hope (hude, called on us on of our young townsman, Mr. C. R M c- ~heapest stoves 111 the market- s tnct ly first or Cai twrlght, to Miss J ,, vma llfoGtll, ol M"n- gooa iron axle wagon; democrat wagon; new Table lmens and towellmgs ' cheap at Saturclay. He has been exercismg lus Culluugh, who iece1ved a diploma for plass Ill every partwular I have a full vers. top b11p;10', ioller Ona.mp1on plow, sot tro 11 harrow·, 2 ~ti t~ do1Lu!e b1uuess, 2 sets wluftl e· muscle m the cou11try and is now m good shorth,tncl l)Cn manslup and another for line of 'I'm Ware. Don't buy a stove t ill Ives'. trees; dung turner; fa ton.a timothy b&y; a bout DIED. The newest and nubbiest hats and caps share . / assortment of hancl-wntten cards, at th 1 you sec my d1spfoy an<l lear n my pi ices. 3 acre· tnrmps, Forks, Myt hes, chams. and. BoND.- ln Bcwma11v1lle. on Sept 18th Ella 39 tf L GEo QuwK, llowmanv1lle. other art1cloa to nuroeeous to mention at Ives'. "Su rrnEN CoLDs." - At the commence- Inclustr1,\l E xhibition, recently held a Doui.:l1<se Bond. daughter of John ·and Martha various Sale to begin at 1 o'clock, sharp. ' THE FAIR - Our i eaders coming to the l3011d, Rochestel N Y ., aged 13 yrs, 5 mos. Mrs. M. Hawley h as ieturned to reside ment of a cold, take a teas1 oonful of Toronto. MS - For hay, turnips, v12s and all sums ALLIN.- In Bowmanv1lle, on the 20th Inst. or'l'l~R in t h e town. of Perrv Davis' P.1111-K1ller Ill a httle SPECIAL TO FARMERS - The STATESMAN Fair n ext week sh ould m ak e a pumt of $10 and nuder, co.sh, on all sum s over that 1,uu 1 sa Alim, beloved wife or J ohn .A.Um age d amount, 12 months' credit will be given by pur'l'he Sl'AIESMAN from now to NowYears milk a1{d sngar, and the cm e is more is plea~ed to be able to a nnounce to far· calling on C. M . Cawk ei , one door east GI yea.rs, ' chasers tnrmshmg approved notes. for 20 cents. sudden than tho cold. mers that S Vandtone 1s again m the Qf Ontario Rank , where they wi ll find a AYRE,- l n Bowmanv1lle. on t he 11th mat H. 'I'. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. large stock of all kmds of fa.m1 ly grocet H"·, J,ottu Ruth, mfan t daughter or John ancl Jan~ Mr. Goodman who r uns t h e watermg market for t h e purchase of all lnnds of Darllng1on. September 2~. 18&'1. L adies will be much mterestecl m Pierce cart h as had so little to do tlus season that grain. Tl1e highest cash price paid for crockery and glass\\ are, meats and p10H. Ayre, a11:ed 4 moths. & Co's n ew advt. TJIOMl'SON- In Hope. on Monday. September it is s uggested that ho banquet the Coun- any q uantity ot wheat, barley, pea& and s1011s, flour, etc. Seo lns new ad vt. nex t 21st. llicha1d 'l'h'Jmpson, aged 71 years. De N-ew fall goods arriving daily at Couch, cil an.cl p 1~ss at the encl of the watering oats, Office at P . ·rrebtlcock's B ovk week. He pays cash fur butter, eggs, ceased wa~ father of Mrs. W. 1'1. Conch, or tins town. J olmston & Crydcrm,m's. season. 'Ve say, aye. S tore, Town Hall Block, Bowmanv1lle. hides, t allow, beef, pork and a ll kmds of farm producti. Clarke Fair is to day and to· monowMr. and Mrs . Thos. Jardme, sen., pas· Give hrn1 a call. Saturday bemg the big clay. sed through hore on their way to u sit A ver y s1d occ un ence happened m this \ lu cummuu with the citizens generally BOWMANVILLE MARKE'l'S, 'rhe undersigned bas been instructed by The dresa goods at the West End House friends 111 Pickermg last week. They ar e town on S unday last. Mrs. Loms.i .A.Um, we r e;{ret t h at it haii b ecome n ecessary Squ11 e Sylvester to sell his farm R tock and lmhave been admired very much. justly proud of the golden presents they wife of Councillor John Alim, arose on lfbr l\'fr A. L Vanstone to Je,w e our town Corracted. by JoJIN LYr.E, e?Jerv Tlmrt1tla11 vlements by auutlon, lot 16, con. 7, on Thurs day, October 8th, 1885, Cartwright Fall Fair will be h eld at received on th e 11th 111st. Sunday mornmg and " ent about h er do- / or duung !us residence h ere h e has been Flour, per 100 lb .····. e2 00 .· to · . $2 25 most active and po pula1' citizen, takm g Fall Wheat,perbusll.·.. 0 75 ·· to ·. O 80 the following valuable vroperty, viz. ·- 1 brood W1lliamsburg Oct. 8 th and 9th. Mr. Frank B le:i.klef C. E , and the mest1c duties as usual .A.bout noon she maro in loa.1, 1 mare 8 yea· s old, 1 horse it .,reat m t e1cst m t h e church, Sabbath SprmgWhoat, per bush 0 75 . to .. O 80 years was stncken with an apoplecttc fit and b old; 1 a11ed more; Z colt l year old; l enckH lgh est mar k et p rices paid f or barIey Misses B le,\kley r etm ned from S t urgeon 4 o'clock sh e was a corpse . The e vent 1:$chool, t he tempernnce soc10tics am~ m Darley .. . ....... 0 50 . . t o .. 0 G5 ing colt H straight croases), i cows in calf 1 ~nd 11 ki " nds of gr~in J L YLE Lake last week, luwmn: had a very enJ 0y yearling heifer 1 sprmg calf, 1 sow1 year oid; " " " · · · ~ cast a gloom over the ne1ahbor hoocl t1he education and we lfar e of t h e young. Rye, per bushel..... . .. 0 50 .. to .. O 55 They were accomrlamed .Py h(l.s sprmg 1ngs; 10 good breeding owes, 1 'l'oronto 11, 000,000 b ush e Is o f B ar l ey wan t e d . able . oulm!! . She was b 1ned on Tuesday m -,,the B ow- He.- has bought a h alf mterest 111 a l eadmg Oats,pnr bushel... . · · . 0 28 .. \ o., 0 30 B nwwer, l 'l'nnmph r ea.ver, sulky rnke; roller; J, LYLE, Grain and .Provi~ion M erchant. Miss Crnmon, of Port Hope. m ,mvillti Cemetery. grocery, p1ov1S1011 antl chma busmess 111 Peas, Blue .······ · ···· , \) 50 .. t o. . 0 55 Cha.mplon plow, 2 sett Iron harrows; seeder; . " Those valtmble gold piesents presented Lumber wa11:on; 2 buggies. cutter, (extra good); Brantford and goes to take possession on Blackeyne ··..···. 0 80 .. to .. 0 85 " ~ou ~ei_v1ves, remember that R_etre~t i to Mr. and Mi s. Jarclme 011 tlie llt h mst Capt. ,J. Lestock Reid, who was attachsett or plow harness, 2 sett single harness: horse 1 is cleh vermg the best milk " Small. ...· . ..... 0 55 ... t o ... 0 65 power, :! fanmng 1 mlls- 'l'11ang!e, ~addl e, ieDauy m' were all bought from M aynard thcJ cw el- ed to t he M idland Battalion as Paymaster th e 1st prox H e is a tho1ough busmess volvmg take; sulky (near new). clover sower; town. ler whose storn has becotne famod for d urmg the recent rebellion was entertam man and will b e sure to s ucceed m s nch Butter,per lb. best ta.ble .. O 12 .. @ · · O 16 Grmdstones, kettle, hand cart, wheelbarrow. Lard,¥' lb .·· · , ·· , . ·· ·. · . O 10 .· @ ·· 0 13 eto , etc Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. A large stock of choice Family Grocers wedding presents. He J,eeps fashi mable ed at dmner m the Hussell House ,Otta- an enterprising city as Brnutford . 'I ERMS - Sums of $ 10 and under, cash, over .and Proviswns at bottom prices at J. goods at m oderate pnces. wa, last weeJ,. 'rhe dmner was a comphCHATAU(,,UA. - A meettn!! of the local Eggs,~ doi;. , ...··· . ·· , ·· 0 10 .· @ ·· 0 12 that mont hR orecllt on v.pproved J: yle' s ment p.ud to t h e captain by Ins b1othei· branch of the Ohatauquan- Literary an<l Pota.toes,perbushel. .. .·. 0 25 . · ~ .. 0 30 notes.amount, 13 H. 'J' PHIJ,LIPi3, auctioneer. Mr ..John l\foMurtry, merchant , Bow- of11cers of th e M1dlande1s resident m OG- Scientific Circle will be held 111 th e High Wool, per lb.....··. . · , ... O lG .. @ ·· 0 16 ' · Sept. 2!, 1885 Ennlaklllen, Cuatomera say they never got as r ich manv1lle, has a J ersey cow that has JUSt taw,1. A..mongst "lk as t h ey am now gettmg f rom ' ' J> School on Fnday eveumg next, 25th m~t mi ·e- dwpped h ei first calf, but hm1 Leen gi vrncr H ,,. Hoth e1s S urgeon -Ma3or E treat Dairy." ' milk for a y ear tincl u half, from which a~ o1sey, .m.a3or ,ii11son, Capts. vans, at 8 o'clock. All who are rnterested -m New '.lhuerti.semtnts. , M acdougal and Lieut Bhsfl were present. terest ed m tho wor k and wish to umto Just opeclcd out at Couch, Johnston & much as 7 lbs of butter a week was made OF VALUABLE C ryderman's direct from the mills, several Sh e is only three y ears old now. T HE LEADING SrovEs. - Beforn buymg with t he circle are mvited to attend, 'l'he ORSE FOR SALE.- A good farm aim of this organiz11tion 1s to promot e piecea new wool carpets. Two youths from this town went to To· a n ew coal or wood h ,ill, varlor or kitchen ho1so for sale. A pply Lo GEO. Dor1SON, J,abits of reaclmg and study. The course 33-t! M. Mayer h as just open ed out a spl en- ronto J,15t week in a s:i.1! boat; and when stove or a range don' t fail to c,111 and m - embraces &nnple, entertarning and 10- llowmanv1lle. did line of gents' furmshinga m t ies and i opposite Pickerrng were capsized and spect th e lai ge stock L. Geo Qmck has strnctive readmg m auc1eot and modern OR SA L E.Three Suckm g Colts woolen underwear Tt can ' t b e beat. ' stayed over two hours in the water before importe'l for tlus Fall's t rade. The Art h1 'l'he 11nderai11:nod has been instructed by F. st0Jy, in physical, mental and moral from well bred mares and imported Give him a call. I a tug came along and picl,ed them up G,irla nd Double Heater is a new and very science, and tu all mAtters that pertain to horses. One of the colts has five crosses. JOHN CUBITT. Trustee, to sell by Puhltc Auotlon on the premises on The finest assortment in Hats and rrents Tins took all the fun out of t heir t rip. pretty stove with large flues, large ash a truer life. 1t 1s unsectar1an a.ud unsee- J _ A _ ~_ rEs , Ma_:i~ _? _ ro _vi:__ ilS 1 )an, round fire p ot and 11np1ovetl grate. Saturday, October the 10th, 1885, furnishmgs a t M . Mate r's HA.t & F ur In the depm ure of l\ir. Freel. Wright 'he S m e Luck rnnge with the fam ous t10nal. All are ahke wulcome to Its felWELLING TO RENT. - A. com· the rollowlng valuable property m the Town S tore. Call and mspect the goods and who h as with M1 V,instono bought out a uplex Grate 18 a grc,~t favorite 'l'he lowship. _ fo1t1·ble ]'rame Dwelling to rent. on of MANVfLLI~, bemg< Town Lot nummoderate terms, rn good localtty. .A.pp!) to berBOW procure a bargam leaclmg g1ocery concern m Buntford, the Queen s Own cook is also A. 1 Call and Two, in Block 2, ;n said 'rown of BowS uits at cost, at the Star H ouse B ig M · .A . JA~a.s, 39 man ville, on which are erected ~'oundry. Business has b~en rnahing at the town loses a valuable aud rnspected citizen see m e. sal e, made by W Peardon, the No 1 Shop and Blacksm1thShop,oue storey ', OUSE .A.ND h ACRE OF L A ND Macbirrn Wesb End House since the chancre i n man- and a very energetic and popular b us1cutter . brick hmldinl(" 17i rt. x 31 rt.. also frame Ca.r, p h "' h n ess man. The S L'A'lEilMAN wish e;vi" ie I he followmg R esolution was pa9sed at . :WOIt SALE. Good sou; mce orchard ; rlnge Warehouse, Shop, Po.mt Shops, &c ; aleo agemcnt. eop1 e wi11 go w ere t ey can _,, b d t the re.,ular weekly mcctmcr of the .BowJohn R. Clarke has come and gone. R 1 tna.to opposite Mr. Wesley's fine residence. aud Plaut, oona1stmg of Boiler the Machinery ., n t th h t d n ew urm a un an s uccess. 3U ge e c eapes goo a manv1lle D 1vis1ou Sons of T emperance, '.l'uesday m gh t was !u s first a1)peaiance m Kmg s t West. Apply to M .A.. JAMES. and Engme, Sha rtmg, B"ltrng, Lathes and other necessary apvltances !or t he carrying on Miss E ll,1 D. :t:ond, of Rochester, N.Y., 011 'I'ues·l· ,·y e\·ening la"t - Movecl by Bro. Bowmanv1lle. His a udience was la1·ge, Go to 'l'aylor's Mills, Hampt on, for t tl t to t f 1 cl 8 ' · ~ Foundry, Agrwultural Implement a nd TEER STRAYED, - From lot 6, co n. o! epresen tative, mtelhgent and appreciar Carriage Buamess cheap Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, etc., ~~~; 1~:~,ra~d ~~ ~ 6, Darhngton, early 10 June, a hght gra.y 01 ~1;nafle;,~~rdsr !::S (~~ Wmdatt, seconded by Bro. L ockhart, that These promises vrere, until lately, occuv1ed and where you will get good prices for k en ill with ,, c h sease of the brniii and this JJ1v1Hon h as learned ' n th deep regr et tive. The lectur e w,~s given uncle1 the stem· one yoar old. Rewa.rd ror ln(orm11t10n or auspices of Bowanv1lle Lodge, A .O. U . vV., return to owner. JOHN CIKNA1"10N, 'l'yrono. by Wilham McClung, v.nd would boa desm·ble W ool and .. izood Rolls. D . TAYLOR, pro- sp1110 f rom w1 t and estoomecl 1 that mvestment fat· an experienced man with 11c1i s h e 1 1as b een pros t rat ec B our y oxcellon t I d l P . W. P. and B i o. M. A. Jam es, DD.GM. W . 3 ~ 3w· modorate cnpitn.l. '!'his establishment has been prietor. 25-tf. until Fnday last wheu she d10cl at the w ans one, w w urmg u s connec'fhe lecture- 'ro m operation for some years and has had th6 RAIN WANTED - I will pay t he coutrol Ocea.n fare :m ... 13.00, steetacre, from P ort· cl ] H th H t10n with tl11s D1v1s1011 has ever proved presided as chairman. 0f M or a large 1<gucultural busmess m the s :l.aRc haggti ·f ber re l- lumaelf a gemal compamon a nd zeal ous :i.nd Fro m L ondon- was a spl endid efl:ort ., resi ence '-·kl. t highest mv.i kot pr ices tor anr ti mntlty of B l\le or mo wers, plows and other nnplemente land or Halifax by .Allan Line, to or from mams weie ""' en o oc es er 01 una . and eificieu t worker m our good cause is m which Mr. Clarke displayed his p ecn- Barley and other grain dellvered u t my ltle as as a la.rge and very valuable Jobbing well vator or at Pc1 t DarJrngton. J LYLE, Grain l\n<l. repa1 Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, GalI n its repor t of t he Oddfellows concert about to leave tlu s town, thereby causmg Ji,u taleo ts m hu mo1, pathos, dialect, son g, a1ld rmg trade. Provision Merchant, Bowmanv1lle ~7 tl. 'l'erms made known at ti me of sale. way, Limerick Glasgow ; Cabin also re- m Whitby the Ga:i:ette says A n mstru- 1, vucancy m our D iv1s1on that cannot be story and eloquence. HIS eulogies on J. The whole of the stock m trade of the busiduced. W. A. NEADS, Agont. 48tf ment al solo, "M.isom c vValtz," by Mis s easily filled. vVe t.tk e this opportumty B Gough , Dau. 0 Connel, Father MatINAL NOTICE. - All accounb or ness recently owned by Mr. Wm. McC!ung notes due the late firm ors. M.Asol( & SON will also Couch Johnston & Cryde1mau 1cce1ved .Hy mn, of Darlmgton, was h eartily en - of assurmg Bro. and Sister V anstone of th ew, Lmcoln, Grant and Gladstone were be dtspoRed of, samti time and plaee-. must be paid to the undersigned before Nov. last week per steamship "Parrnmn, " two cored. Miss Munson, of Bowmanville, our kmd rc<>ards and bost wishes fo r thoir eloquent and sublime. Our mtizens have 1st, 1885. or costs will be mcu rred. This is the See bills and postere. For f urther part1oulars appl7 to l!'. CUDIT'l', Truatee. cases Black aucl colored dress goods, com - s,mg to the satisfaction of all present, "The future hap1~mess and prospenty and as- not had such a literary and humorous treat last public notice which will be given. S.u1u1n. H . T. PHILLIPS, .A.uct10noor. prIBing some of t h e n ewest materials and 'l'nll of the N1ghtmgale," and rece1vmg a. sur e them th,>t th ough absent 'from us m the memory of th e oldest mhab1taut. Mu~ -~ Bowmanv1lle, Sept 22nd, 1886, 3t Zw handsomest dress goods to be found in the h earty encore T e -appeared with ·lThere's they will still have a warm p lace 111 the 'fhose who h eard lum una nimously request TOLEN OR STRAYED.-From Mr. ma.rkot. Na Room fur 'l'wm. " Miss Chmie, also m emories of th eir brotkers and sisters of him to r et urn and give them another J . Stevens' fiold about Sep~. 18th, u. Bay chance to hear lum, and we are pl eased to Horse. a~ed. about l D} hands, heavy black I n fut ure John JlllcDour:all will be of Bowmanv1lle, rencle1ed a selected m - the B owmanville Division. and tall. Any lnrormatlon of his wheremaen found at the offi.cd of McDou gall and Met- strumental solo, and w,\s encored CA.PL Fosnut, of P ort B urwell, Ont., announce that he has exprnssed a willmg- abouts W e will lnlltlrt a One I1u·h Advertisement. will be rewarded. W. RUSll:, Bow- One Month, in 13 De.1hes, l 'l'rt·Weekly and ·1!1 3().tf calf at the corner of Oh11rch and Division WHEN A 1·1111.soN IS WEAK AND ~'AIN1', aays .- 1 have been troubled with a cough, n ess to come back shortly. To the pub- manvillo, w eekll6S of our SELRC'JLOCAL LIST o! Canadian S ti1., where he will be glad t o see all his or . fatigued and _ exhausted, t~e.re 1s no- at times l"ery severe, for years past. I lic everywhere we say don' t nuss a chance fl&pers tor $16. To thoee who -.rant tbo!r adTRAYED. - Camo into t he p remises vertlemg to p&y. we can offer no better medium old friends and as many new ones ae tlmtg so refrosbm!( and revivmit aa a I h ..ve fo und A llen's Lu n g Balsam to 1-elieve to h ear John R. Clarke: otthe underslgned,lot 2'J , con. 7, Darllng Oopy o! List Bent f1tee on apvllootlon. choose to call on hiru He is prepared t o httle of M urm.i.Y & LANlllAN's FLORIDA my cou~h mo1 _. readi ly than any other Kenner & Co. will 11end t he Week1y ton, on or about the 1st or Au!Cuat, \ wo hoHers CEO. P. ROWELL &. CO ·· pay the high~~t price for barley, deliv- WATER . Rubbed on tho ha.ads and cough medicin e 1 have ever trigd. My Globe, W1:t0kly Mail, W011t11rn Aclve1hl!ter, and one steer. 'rile owner ie requested to propert:r, vay expeMes and take ihem ered at the Harbour. Also for blackeyed temples, and inhaled freel1, It tones and wife also used it with the moat satisfactory Family Herald or 'l'oronto News to any prove 'N.t:W~l'A.FIU: A.DTllllTll!Il'Hl lll!Rlt. .Ul... away. WM. OHMIS'l'ON, Son., Enfield. 39 warrowfat peaa delivered at t he 11ta,io11. braces i he whole system. r eaulta. addrea:i from now to end of 1886 for $1. aw. Spraoe llt., 1'ew Teri!.. S L l H F Druggists Sundries F F STOTT & JURY'S Medical Hall B HAIR BRUSHES. C --- ----·--=- - - - - - - - T. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. SOMETHING FOR YOU I C a C AUCTION SALE. Local and -Otherwise. FARM RENTED. 0 0 SALE BY AUCTION H ]li MANUf ALTURI NG PRO PfRTY, D I H S G F S To Canadian Advertisers. I S