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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1885, p. 4

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A CHALLENGE. paper next subscribers for the whole ot 1885 In Darlington receiving their naper~ at Post Offices in the township outside of Dowm:invlll'-', ancl swear to its cor· rectness. we will give him one dollar for tvery name over ~O. Secondly, if he will publish in tLe sameiPsue with t.he Darlington list a sworn list or his paid up snbscl'ibers for the whole of 1885 in Clarke o.ncl Cartwright we will give him one dol!tu- tor every name over 10 in each township. \Vo issue this challenge sincerely believing that the above fl!olures exceed 1he number of subscrillers to the Sun in the three townships mcntloned. Bowrnanvi!lP, Sept. 18th, 1885. If Mr. Cliwie will p1 1blish in hie week a list of his bona.fide paid up GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANY ILLE STATION. 001'.);Q EAS'I' Eitpress ...... .!l.05 a m Fast Express.IO.Of> R m Mixed ......... 4.05 p '" Local .......... 7.30 p rn Exnress ...... !UU P m I IExpress ... ... Local. ........ GOING WEST 7.10 am 8.25 a m Mixed ........ .t.Oii pm Express ....... 9.00 pm CANADIAl'J. PACIFIC RAILWAY. DUllKETON S'l'A'l'ION GOIXG EAS'r. GOING WEST. Express . . . ... 10.33 i. m j Express... .... .!J.00 am Mixed ........ 7.'12 pm Express.. .. .. .. 7.42 p m BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OcTOn'R 2. DOES NOT CONTAIN ..lMMONU. lTB llEALTH'JIULNHSS Jll!I NEVlilt BEEN Qlf.ISTJONID, A m eeting of ihe Reform Association of FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND West Dmhatn, for the election of Officers Jn a mlllion homes for a. quarter ot a centUIJ:' l·t bu DEALERS IN MEDICINES ak>o4 the consuoterat rello.ble· rest, and transacti<·n of oth er important busin es~, will be held in the Town Hall, BowOVEN~ Bewan: of'its and Base Imitations. mau ville, ou Snturday, Oct. 10th inst, at wrnpped only in Blue, with ~igna lN THE DRILL SHED. PRICE BAl{ING POl'VDER 00., 2 o'clock, p. rn. All I-teform Electors are tnre on every box. Free trial package of 1u.111<ns or reques ted to attend. This building which was occupied by these Celebrated :Pills sent to any address W. H.. CLI~rrn, F. F . M cArthur the la.dies wo1 k, vegetablea, fruit, grain, on recei pt of a 3 cent stamp. Secretary. President. harness, plants, flowers, Jllllsical instruTh1 ·frr>n1e·(;ll10t& dellcloas and nat11ra i:'4~Hor kno1J1J, autll JNO. C. WEST Ir: CO. Bowmanville, Sept.. 2!), 1885. ments and sewing machines was t:lstef ully S OLE PROPRIETORS decorated. The lacl!es' work ~:1s specFor .IJifll~,. ;s..,.Jthy Dread, Tho Be<J$ ll1·y Hop ially worthy of mention, particularly the SI AND 83 KING STREET EAC!T. TORONTO, ONT. 't'Cftst In tho World. More Honors for Bowmauville. wreaths, worked ottomans, crotchl't work, FOR SALE DY QROC:ERS. 'l.'he Upper Canada Furniture Cumpany crazy patchwurk, worked slippers, sofa pillows, wax fruit and flowers, etc. No of Bowmanville have received a com- better indication of the indu:itry and re· muuicut.ion from Sir Charles 'fupper in- finement or the ladi es of Clarko towuship forming them that they have been awarded is required than the splendid exhibit thtJy a silver medal by the Grand Jury of tho made uf the work their heads had contrived anci skilled hands had made. Tho Antwerp Internat ional Exhibition for exhibit was praistld by everybody and SPECIAL. their exhibit. This is quite a Sllrpris e to those who have visited this fafr year after ' oitPRJCE' year unanimously pro uounctid it the b Ast the Company, as they had no expectation of recei1·ing either a medal or priz~, hav- display of ladies work yet ma.d e. vYe may be permitted to suggest to young ing only decided some t.en days before the and intelligent baehelord 1 e<p1iriug life sailing of the last ve~sel to send a consigl}- companions that Cl11rk.e is a tine fielcl for EXTRACT ment for exhibition, h ence they had ·o prospecting, aud for the convenienl".e of all interested we may add that licenses select a very ordinary suite from t heir may be had eit.hc>t' iu OJ·ono or Nel\·castle . wtircrooms, which did not by any means Thtire was a \'cry large quantity uf bread, represent the best productions of tlH ir buua, cheese, preserved fruits an(l pick.MOST PrRF'ECT factory. It must be very gratifying to our lea. '.l'he show of grain was uot lt1rge 1 ·rures.t ancl stron~est· Natural Frnlt Fl~ors. Vanilla, Lemon, 1yranga; Almond, ltose, . etc., citizens as it i~ t o us to hear of these hon- bnt the sample was bright and prel"Y flavor as dclicatoly:ancl ·u~rally as tho trultl good . The display of' apple· was quite ors coming to the industries of our town. creditable there b :ing a splendid varrnty, PRICE BAKING. J'OWDER CO., s·r. f.':WJI!. We doubt if any other t own of its size on thti largest e·xhibitors beiui.,: A. Tamhlyn, ODICAGO. this continent has received such distinc· A. A. Tucker, It. Osbornt::, Nel~on Hall, tio11 for ils m:m ufactures as Bowman ville. and James Pollard. There wa· a fair variety of roots, but the size was n ot de~· \Ve congratulate the Manager and all veloped. The exhi bit of flowers was ve1-y others internsted on their dislinguished attractive, vV. S. Gamshy, Mrs. A. A . .honors. Gamsby, and Mrs. J. Waddell being the leadincr exhibitors in this line. Mrs. T. Vimo~ showed a most ele!!ant cruse of rich and fa~hionable millinery, feathers, etc., which w.:1s grea.tly admired by the ladies. .·A LARG E A'l'l:ENDANCE A?\D A SUCCESS~'UJ, B ut the great attraction in the building was C. G.Armstrong's large case of silver .E.~HIJII'J',-.A. l.'J!<\Y bB81<:1tl'ATIO J~S JN platecl \fare wbich caught tl10 eye of the '.b. GENERA.L WAY, spectators es they entered th., building. STAND :-Town Hall Building, 0ne doo1· east Ont. Bank. Here were to be seen lovely clesi1,tus of The Fall Exhibitions of the '.l'uwntthip ei;ver ice and water pitch1Jrt1, cruets, cake of Clarke Agricultural Society a t Orono baskets, spuon-holdtin, nilpkin . r.inge, on Saturday las t. was very largely atten~ spoons kniv~s, forks, etc., all artistioally ed. 'l'he fi1,e wea.thcr fav ored the .o'."111· srrang~d to produce a pleasiug effect. It ' He has all the best. gntdes of bition very rnnterially 1. and t he. etlic1e?t was a p rofitable piece of enterprise fo.l' ·C. mana.11ement of the Society contributed m G. and add'ld a good attnction to the JlLOW a lar~ dtwre·.1 t o its unpreceden ted sue· other displays. j R. B . Thornton was quite happy among cess. :oo;r."'W. C. Blackburn, Vice·Preei· that is manufactured. dent· Alb.irt Tamblyu, 'l'rea.surc r, R. Mo- hi<4 sewing machines, "The WanZtll.. SeHe has in stock all kinds of General Gr~eries, Coarse and Fine Salt,.. ment, Secretary, and Messrs. John Davey, ries" and the " Davis.' and he had thmge American and Canadian Coal Oil, B:raa,. Sl10rts, Oats and Chicken Ezra Hall, R Ard, G eo. Gray and W. all his own way. As usual at all exhibitions the DominMcCormick, of the directorato, we~e v~ry Feed, Crockery and G.liasswarc, Fresh aind Cured Meats, Sausages and active duriug the forenoon Ill adJnstrng ion Organs were a prominent featurti and Lard of his own make and rendering. Hts life-time experience in the the entries, pl>lcing tbe judge~ and mak- tho sweet tones drew crowds lof admtl'et·s Meat Department enables him to. supply a quality unequalled. ino other arraiigements. As tmd-day drew all ar ound the pl:1.tform where they wt>re ne~r large cro\vr! s congregated, and as placed. Mr. W . Rnse, the pop~lar aud Tho G:i;ocery Departin.ent, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is usual a.t conmry fairs all dassos were rep· and obliging gene~11l agent: w11s 111 cluirge of the very best quality. No trash 01· poor goods kept in stock, deals r esented. Au ut Sally men, peripatetic and expostulated m glowing terms on im the best goodls, which will be sold at the lowest possible price~. only speculators acid a whole tribe of haugers· the superior merits of these now world Your pli\tronage will be thankfully received. 011 that are largdy t o bo seeu at nearly all renowned instruments. Theso are the organs of which .in 11 speAch delivered at fairs, Goods delive1>ed to all parts of the. town on short notice, It was aurpnr; ing to witness t he leger- London, recently, Canada's High .comA call solicited. demain of one t~·1 1n bl er a.nd tbe number of missioner Sir. Charles Tupper, while re$5 bills he rrtk,;d i n from t1onHJ unsophis· ferring to' the Antl'l'erp exhibition, said : One Dooa· West of" Post Offtce, Bo\~manvi.Ue. Cash :Cot· BuUer, Eg·g·s, Hides, Tallou-, Beet; Po1·k a·d ticated- not boys al oue-bnt farmers of ma- ' 'I cannot attempt to mention all the exture Ou" CLirke yon th , ho1vever, hibits, but I was surprised to learn that all Fal'm Produce. got the start of him ;ind won a V with the Dominion Organ Company had obease. Thie ch"' of gentry shonld get a tained the very highest position, and that S rAND :- Town Hall B'ld'g. wide berth from our exhibitions and be the best and ablest judges of mueic had relegated to thei r proper sphere flf action declared that for tone the organs sent from Canada surpassed those from either - t.he peniteuti»ry. We observr-.r1 on t1l13 gronods represent- Belgium or Frdn~e . "ChQera. " 'rhis was ative farmel's Jrun1 t ho 3,1 rrou nding town- a high compliment indeed, coming from We wish to retmn our sincere thanks to the poople of ships and a Ju g8 Humber of Bo" manville such a sou rce-a. voluutary tribute to the citizens. 'l.'ht1 otock dupar tments were enterpl'ise and energy of this .cof!!pany, Bowmanville and surroundin!! neibO'hborhood for the liberal patronage to the men th;; cent res of alt ract.ion and and t o the superiortty of then· mstru.. in these they cook a lively iutet·es~ . Tru- ments. Should any of Otll' Clarke1readers ly it may be said thilt · .Jr a to wnship show want a piano or organ Mr. ~use will be which has been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving a better exhibit of s'!.ock could not well ready to treat them t.o most liberal terms. . . " · be met with even ~ t he large shows of Near the musical instruments were conclus1 vely t11at the method adopted by us of makmg every pa1cel the.Provine~. ln<leed, 1 1nirnals belouging \Vm. Armstrong's and J. L . Rowe's ex-1 . . . · . ,, . . to t.110 Townsh ip th in hao won d istinction cellent display of harness. a bargam ao.d every bargam an adver trnement is one which the at the P1 ovinct?.l nml lndust.ri1~l exhibiA t the south end of the show gr,.unds We have on han:J this season a large quantity of Paris tions were shown rn·d, ot o u U L'M , carried were to be see11 the best display of ope.n people appreciate. W e shall continue to act on that principle and G t d off the red tickd» in thiiir rospeca ve clas- and covered carriages ever seen at this reen, gnaran ee pure. ses. To parfa~ularizo e::x.tensi vely would be more thow a n ordin ,..ry report could fair. The exhibitors were D . McAlrlen astoni:;;h and delight you all. We shall astonish you. by the lowness amt Alexander & F oster. A jnmp-seat for accommodate. The brood mares and a single _top blJggy i nt o . a of our pnces and delialtt vou with the excellence of our goods. young ~tock wer e c ispecially tine and the converting double one was considered a vuluable tn· o J express10n of hrirsomt~u a" that few townd ships in Camda could t1wn uut a finer lot. vention ' This was shown by the latter We· have for this fall bought a. choice selection of ~easonabl · e goo s, Our Insect Powder cannot be surpassed by any other The show of he<·VY d.r~,ui<ht brooa mare~ fi rm. Robt. Ferguson had a big d isplay of . was indeed a gr<1at crecht t:c, the township. powder in the market for the destruction of flies, mosqnitos, Besides the prize wi uners J. L. Po.v 1 r his improved pumps. A new thing in and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, this lioe was his portable . tank pump, .a ants, crickets, carpet moths, cabbage worms, &c. and 'l'hos. Litt h~ showed v ery valu11ble mares. The foals were principally silltld very convenient pump for threshers, as it and tI1at our reputation will not suffer in the output of the goods. can be operated in any well, cistern, pond, by Beith's "Pride .or f:'er· ti" and Percy & Young's "Sir W1lliam' and were a prom- or stream. It is cheap and easily handled. Come and inspect our goods and allow us to put you up a pa1·cel H. Linton was on hand t oo with samiain"' lot. Amon(! the 2 yea.r olds And. Polht,.d's brown filly by " ifarv n Lennox'.' ples of h is farm implemenb that nave be- when you will find that i t is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will rn popula.r with the farmers of A valuable preparation for 'ran and Freckles ; a soot\. ng was peerleea. She won 2r'.d prize at the come 1 Industrial in T ornnt o ari.1 ie 11 very supe- Clatke and Manvers. preparation for roughness of the face, chapped hands, &c. It The show all through was a gratifying become an advertisement. rior animal. Geo. (fra y ~llowei a light bay filly also by "B,1no u Leunox," a _ su- success, bot h financially and in the qualdries at once w hen applied, leaving the parts soft and white. perior :mimal. She wa~ such a beautiful ity and quantity of the exhi~its. 'fhe g11ote receipts exceeded $350 which for a pict11re in the 11y t:A ot at1Am rican breeder Late MASON & So.N. wl1e by cl1auce liappened to be on the iownship show is very large indeed. REFORM MEETING. grounds that he asked Mr. Gray his price for h.,r, Her owner said three hundred dollars was the least that would t~ Im her. · The American said "I'll take her at that price" and the bargain waR closed. Ja~. Brown and Jami's Hunter 1:1howe<l valuable animals in this ch... The one year olds were very likely lo,,Jdug a.uima's, to ... The principal exhibitors of general purpose hnrees besides thost· me11tio11ed in the d prize list were Geo. Bi!lha111. broo mare; and S. C. Power, W. R . Alli n, Jas. Hunter, Thos. Waddell and .Joa. Tyreman, of 2-year olC:s. The showing of saddle horSEI! cau~ed great fun, indeed i t was dflicnlt to tell sometimes which was ahead, the horses or tho riders. Besides the winuers of ticK1·ts speedy and stylish hor~es were shown by Thus. Litt.le, John Waddell, and W . J . McMillan. There was keen competition among he smgle drivers, good horses bl:liug shown by R. B. Tl}ornton, W. S. Gamsby, Isaac Ca.taon, Tho8. Moffatt., ·r. J . Ballagh, 0. M. Eddy, Thos. Waddell and Geo.Davidson, besides the prize tak ers. The sheep although not numerous were choice in selections and such well known breeders of Provincial reputation as · w. B. Allin, Newcastle; W. C. Blackburn, Orono; Geo. Gray and Geo· Mitcbell, Clarke, presented some choice pens. The comin!:{ sheep for this country'~ demands is the Shropshire Dow11s, an:l. this class was well represented by Thus. Waddell, Geo. G1'ay, George and Jacob Mitchell, ~nd Ezra Hall. The !!how of cattle and swine was fairly good, ar:.d the exhibitors are n e ,1rly all mentioned in tha prize list, therefore we shall not particularize in these classes. The poultry was uot either i11 the number of the exhibits or quality wbat should be expected from a frontier township likll Clarke. We would advise the boys to d e vote more attention to fowl raising and then we shall not have the same complaint to make in future. Scott's Emulsion of Pur.e C::o4l LI nr Oil, wll.h uy11011h111ml1Ht1M In Consiimptfon and G1meral Debility. DI'. D. D. M clJoNAI.D, Petitct>rliab, N I I ~ erysipelas, For the p rompt and certain cure of 183'7. use Ayer'1 Sanaparilla, which is the specific e11dor110d by the most emil'lent medical authorities. 1 8 8 6. B, says: Scott's ~~~~l. g~~,disl't~~t;,1:~fa~;d 11~'.~l~'ir;·~ s;!~:~,~~ I with cons·1t11pt.ive t endeuci-s." See the ~~mulsio11 "I having been pr1·scribin~'. during 1hu past Y~tir St~r fJouse .advt.. p ILi WHY SUFFER FROM 1 r{ ~ ~ r{ adaUhE E wEST END BUSINESS CHANGE - - - - - A . T T~E---- H 0 USE ! Their prices a ru all·.pe~t11ly, cut ?.ownch as·nge they wish to refoctl slock C'mt c111plated. DYSPEPSIA OR 'fSTION1 · INDI ti Having decided to retire from business 1·n f:avor of my son, J 'o H N Mc- TEST~~!~~~.~~!~:1:.~·DAYl j WEST'S LiVER PILLS ~~nt1:;'t~e t~:n;~e~~~o~~~iiia~! OC>J.VTA:l::!_.A.:M:Dll:C>NZ..!!l... 1 THE TEST: P12'con.ean top down on a. l.J.otstove untUhea.ted,the!I. removethecoveraudomoll. /L chemist _wlllno~b·nqUlru<l to detect pro11Jence or amm.oma.. extended to me their patronage through the half century I h ave b ee111n . bus1ness . are considered price· B owmanv1 "11e. I \VOUId a l so bespeak less. Thoy have 1n I proven to bo the for my successor a continuance of that I . I ~REATEST patronage. I ~LESS I N G All accounts due me will be collected . I oF THE AGE by the new firm. I remain, yours truly, To all sufferurs from lndlcestlon, WM. McMUR'I,RY. Disordered Stomach. , ) Will thoroughly cure JOU. They do not gripe or purge, but act mlldly, and whenever used THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE Uso them and bo rolloved from your misery. 30 Piiis In a. box, 2&o. per box, 6 b~xes for $1 THE TEST OF THE Dr. Friw's svccial FlavorilI! Extracfll, Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Ge... ORl~AOO~PRICi$-~ Having taken over the Dry Goods business carried on for the last fortyeight years by Wm. Mc:Murtry, and having made some improvements r in the premises, I would announce a Grand Opening, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, when the whole stock will be offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. I intend selling Dry Goods at very close prices, and tht;, present stock is marked at cost and under, so that for the NEXT TWO WEEKS you ~ay look: for Bargains Extraordinary. illAVDR\~ ·~::: MADE EXTRACTS The Grocery Business. will be carried on as" usual, the best and cheapest goods, in that hne obtainable, always in stock. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs and all kinds of produce. Please call and inspect the goods and prices and I feel assured it will repay you. JOHN McMURTRY, W est- End House. B.-.100,000 Bush. Barley wanted; highest price paid. ~~~~~~~~~~~ :CLARKE TOWNSHIP FALL SHOW. Can alway!!> oecupy their spare moments pleasantly and :pl'ofltably whem they have some knittmg on ha11d, Gspeciallyi when they buy their·Yarns f:mm C.11. CAWKER, Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. @OUCH~ f JOHNSlDI I& ICR1DEIMAN, I) A complete stock always on hand. who are. showi:mg: IR~LL~B~ ,~NJ~ ~~QOO:m BLQW~ Baldwin's Yarns in aJ1 colors, Saxony Yarns irnt a.11 colo::rs: , Fingering Yarns in all colors, Canadian Yams in all colors. New Gonds, Correct Shades, Lowest Price~ COUCH, JOHNS'ION & CRIDiERM.AN, MASON BROTHERS. C. M. CAWKER. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, DRU-GGISTS_ I I . PARIS GREEN. . · · INSECT POWDER. ROSE GLYCEROLE. I MASON BROS., s. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON.

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