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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1885, p. 8

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· ~ltt Qtauadinu "tate~muu. 2. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY,OCTon'R FA.LL~ 1885_ SELLING CLARKE FALL FAIR. PRIZE L I ST. HORSES. l!EA.Vl- DRAUGHT . SELLINC OUT! THE ~,(_HOUSE OUT!/MPORTA TIONS. Just opened up:- c~FALL~- · T ei>m in harness, 1 Geo Gray, 2 Jonathan 'fyrema.n. .Brood Marc with foal at side, 1 Geo. Big. ham, 2 W Colville, ;3 Rich. Bennett . Gddin!,l' .or .Filly, 2 yr ,)Id, 1 Andrew Pollard, 2 Geo. Gray, ;; .Jawe8 Brown. Gelding or l<'illy, l yr old, 1 Geo. Bigham, 2f L .Power, 3 Peter Stalker. Sucking foal, 1 R Bennett, 2 W Colville, 3 (}eo. tiigha.m. GENERA[, l'U RPOS. 1! HORSl!:S. Team in harness, 1 W B Allin, 2 W Lake. Brood Mare, foal by side, 1 J L .Power, 2 Cba.s. J<'Jigg, W H Reid. Gelding or b'illy, 2 yr old, l Peter Stalker, 2 \I{ C Blackburn, 3 J·a.mes Brown. Gelding or FiUy, 1 yr old. 1 J L Powers, 2 W J Mc Millen, :l Ed. Birch . Suckinf£ foa.l, 1 .r L Power, 2 Cbarles!Fligg, Geo. Dobson. CAR!tIAGE Hol!Sl!S. 1'eam in harness, over IM band·. 1 'iV Coo· nei.'.· 2 Geo . Davidson, :l Hiram Millson. l'eam in harnes@, under 151 hands, 1 \Valker Millson, 2 J L Power, i:l W Uoulson . Brood Mares with foal by side, l J J Coulter, 2 W .i'ilcUormick. 3 B JJa.lln,gh. Gelding or Filly, 2 yr olc l, 1 Andrew Stark, 2 W B A llin, 3 W Underwood. Golding or :F illy, l yr old, 1 Ezra Hall, 2 Arch. llfo~eil. 3 Wm Luxton. Suckillg foal, Wm. Ovens, 2 B Ballavh, 3 ,J J Coulter. Single Carriagti Drivers, 15~ hands and over, 1 V\im. \Vaddell, :! R Ba1TeLt, Henry Jon&B. Single Carriage Drivers under 15 ~ hand~, 1 John R enwick, sen., 2 Dr. W W Dickey, ;3 W . McCormick. Sitddle Hl)rses, 1 Charles W'ilmot, 2 John Miller, ii Albert 1'amblyu . t ·fames Hallett's Special prize of $i for beR d r iving horsa, under 15 ~ bands, \V Cloney. ,John Glendenning's'prize of $5 for best single carriage horse, W Uoon~y. R Bennett's prize of .$5 for !Jest 1 yr old Car· riage colt, Ezra Hall. C G Armstrong's prize of $3 for beat 3 yr old Carriage filly, Thomas l\Ioffo,tt. J J Coulter's prize of $> for the be8t ca,rriage brood mare a nrl colt, J J Coulter. CATTLE, · Durhams, Milch Cow, l James Harris, 2 R Brown. One year old heifer. l R Brown. Durham Hull Calf, 1 George Mitchell, 2 J as, Hunis, 3 W B Allin . H eifer Calf, l 'l'homas Bragg. Ayrshire Cow. J J·ameB J:lunter . Grade Milch Cow, 1 DA Garn~Ly, 2 H Osborne. Two yr old Heifer, grade. l J Brown, 2 J'as, Hunter, 3 R Brown. One yr old Hdfer, 1 R Brown, 2 J Hunter, .3 R Brown. H eifer Calf, grade, l R Brown, 2 P Linton, R Brown. SHEEP. LBICEST Ell. New Dress Go0ds D ress S i lks, . Our fall purcl1ases have arrived, tl1ey are new, Rhadame, S ilks, 'Marvelleux . bright and attractive, and the best value we h ave Satins, Broche S atins, -and Broyet secured; but as we intend To the Ladies and Gentlemen_ of "l\/est Durham· A BUSINESS CBANGF~ caded Ottomans at Which will require our stock to be reduced, we have decided to commence at once PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up:- A Bl:G S A L E Of our entire stock. Now is your chance, our stock New S ilk P l ushes, Silk Velvets, is large and well assorted, equal to any in style and Terrys, Tinsel, Plush, and. Man. quality, and. we guarantee TE-lE LO-WEST PRICES At cost for cash. $20,000.00 worth at cost for cash. 100 Suits and Overcoats 1nust be sold. Everything Reduced to clear. Tremendous Bargains for cash. IT? All accounts due must be paid at once. GRAPES. Purple Grnpea. 1 .A Aylsworth, 2 A A '.l'ucker. Collection Red GratJes, 1 A A Tucker. Variety Grapes, l A A Tucker. Cullection Plums,l A Aylsworth 2 J Harris. FLOWERS & PLANTS. Geraniums in flower.single, 1 Mrs.J A Gi>irdner,?, Mrs..J Waclt!ell. Geraniums double, 1 Mrs J ' V'adde!l, 2 P Linton. Foliage Plants, 1 \V' S Gamsbv. Phlox: Drummondi, 1 W S Gamsby, 2 Mrs J Waddell. '!.'en Week Stocks, 1 W S Ga.msby. Collection Balsams 1 W S Gamsby, 2 Mrs RArd. Collection Asters, 1 Mrs A A Gamsby, 2 W S Ga.msbv. Collection P etunias, 1 Mrs A A Gamsby 2 WS Gamsby, Collection D,~hlias 1 l\frs Thos Bragg 2 W S Gamsby. Collection Verbenas, 1 Mrs A A Gamsby 2 Mrs J Wadrlel l. Plants not house grown, Mrs A A Gamsby, 2 Mrs V A Gatnbsy. Greenhouse Plants, l Mrs R B Thornton. Cut Flowers 1 \ V S Gam~by, 2 Mrs A A Gamsby. Table Boouet, l Mrs A A Gamsby, 2 W S Gamsby. Haucl .Boquet, 1 Miss M Hinch, Floral l)esi;;n, 1 W S Gan.1sby, '.! Mrs A A Ga msby. Hanging Basket, 1 W S Gamaby. Pitcher Plant, special, l.S Bowen. VEGETABLES. Late Potatoes, 1 R Ard & Son.2 A Tamblyn. Early Potatoes,! J L Rowe, !! R Ard &. Son. Turnips, FiAld, 1 S Bowen. 2 J Rincil. Carrots, 'l'able, l J Harris, 2 R W e!'rV. Beets. l 'l'hos. Dougl:.1.s 2 ll. R . Thornton. Parsnips, 1 Thus. D ouglas, 2 R B l'hornton. Cahba.i.:e. 1 R Ard & l3on. Red Cabbage, 1 R Arel <t' Son. Red Onion, 1 R Werry. White Onions, 1 R Ard & Son 2 Ii Werry. Potato Union, l R D awson, 2 R Arri & S on . Ca:iliflowers. I W S Gamsby . Celery, l 'J.'hos. Doug-las . 'l'omatoes, 1 NF Hall, 2 It B Thornton, Pumpkins, l R .Ard & Son. 2 W Waddell. Large Squa·h, 1 R Ard & Son, ~ J J Scott, Field Carrots, 1 J Rinch, 2 Tho·. Bragg. Ma.ngolds, 1 R B Thornton, 2 W Vladdell, Special, R B Thornton. Citrons, 1 G eo. Bigham, 2 G H L inton. Radish 1 'fbos. Douglns, 2 W C Blackburn, Muskmelons, 1 ,J Pollard, 2 W Waddell 'iVatermelon, 1SBowen,. 2 W Waddell. J!.ed P eppers, 1 A A Gamsby. 2 R Werry. "White Piue Squash, special, R Ard, DAIRY PRODUCE . Butter, 10 lbs., l\frs. 'rhomas Bragg, 2 Geo. B i!!ham, 3 Mrs. S Bowen. 6 rock or ·rub but ter, I Mrs. R .Ard, 2 Mrs.S Bowen, 3 Mrs. '1' G 'iYaddell. 'f · 1<in, .i "O lbs ·· 1 l\ " S .Bowen, .u b or J!'u2 Mrs. .R 1Ard, Mm. It Osborne. · J ur of l r f)s<.:rved Fruit, 1 Mrs. A .A G amsby, 2 Mrs.D A Gamsb:\1'. Pickle Vegetables, 1 Mrs. W S Gamsby, 2 M rs. J Rinch. Jar J elly, l Mrs. W Cooney, 2 :M: s R Gr:i.y. ·r · ' B rea.d · h :ime·mad e, l Mrs. A A G amsby, Wool Gloves, 1 Miss M Rinch, 2 Mrs, R Quilt Piece work, wool, I Mrs. 1) A Gamsby, Ard. 2 M rs. R Ard, ii Mrs. John .B.inch . Quilt Patch work, cotton, 1 Mrij, R Ard, Mens' Coarse B oots, 1 A Aylsworth, 2 R W erry. 2 M rs . R Dawson,;~ Miss R inch. Kip .Boots, sewed, 1 R Weny, 2 A AylsQuilt L og Cabin, 1 Mrs. R Ard, 2 Mrs. J L ·vorth. Powers. Qilting Cotton, 1 Mrs. J Waddell. 2 Mrs. R Calf Se·ved boots,! A Aylsworth. Variety Leather Gloves Mitts, l J ohn Anl. McCoomb. Qailting with wool, Mrs . A A Gamsby, LADIES DEPARTMEN'l '. 2 Mrs. R A.I'd . \Vorked Slippers, l Miss M .Allen, 2 Mrs. Qmlt , k nit, 1 Mrs. R Ard, 2 l\'fi~.~ M cNeil, ,J Waddell. · 3 Mr_s . G 1'1 L ong. , Qmlt, drawn, 1 Mrs. W Clooney,_' 2 Mm. R Rofa Pillow, 1 Miss L Chapple, 2 Miss M Allin . Ard. Worsted Embroidery, ] Miss M Rinch. TAIT'S PHOTOS. Silk Embroidery, 1 Mrs . D McConnnchie, 3 Miss Montague. Mixed Embroidery, 1 Mrs. N .I!' Hall, 2 Miss OTTAWA, GG Slater St., Se pt . 3G h. cunium Velveteens at PIERCE & CO'S. T. GEO. MASON. Just opened up:·· New J erse~1 s, Mantles, Ulsters, Shaw ls,VV raps,Children's Jackets and · Scarfs at PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up:New Mill inery Hat s, Bonnet s, Flowers, Feathers, B irds, VVings, Aigrettes, Ribbons and Laces at Aged Ram, 1 WR Allin, 2 W C Blackburn. Shearling Ram, 1 W C Blackburn, 2 VV B Allin. Ram Lamb, l <'1 3 W B Allin, 2 W 0 Blackbum. 'l'wo aged Ewes, 1 & 2 W B Allin, 3 W C :Blackburn, 'l'wo Shearling Ew e~, 1 & 2 W B Allin, 3 W C Blackburn. 'l.'wo Ewe Lambs, 1 & 3 VI 0 Bhickburn. 2 W B A llin. COTSWOLD. Aged l?,~m. 1 Geo . Gray. Shearling Ram. 1 Geo. Mitchell. Ram Lamb, 1 & 2 Geo. Gray. 'rwo aged Ewes. 1 & 2 Geo. Gray. 'l'wo Shearling Ewes, l & 2 Geo. Gray. 'l'wo B we Lawbs, l (*eo, Gray. siml'SHIRl.:TlOWNS, Hall. Two aged Ewes, 1 Tli.1s. Waddell . Two i::lbearling E wes, 1 Geo. Gray, 2 Geo, Mitchell. Ram, 1 E ffall, 2 J Mitchiill, 3 'l'hos. Wad· dell . Ram Lamb. 1 E Hall (sp ecial). SWlNE. IlEllKSHIRE, J~oar. 13oar Pig, 1 WC Blackburn. Brood Sow in pig', 1 John Miller, 2 'L' A Beet, 3 AlbeTt Tamblyn. Sow P ig, 1 & 2 W . C . Blackburn, ;~Albert Tamblyn. SUJl~'OLK. l 'NC Blackburn, 2 ,TL Powers. Boar Pig, 1 W B Allin, 2 R McLeod. Brood Sow in :i,.ig, 1 Thos. Bragg. Sow pig, 1 'iV H Allin. l'OL.AN IJ CHINA, Boar . l E Hall . Sow Pig, 1 & 2 E Hall. POUL'l'RY. Pr. Gn,me l!'owl, 1 J Glendenning, 2 D McConnachie. l'r. Poland Fowl, 1 A J Griffin. Pr. H ouden, 1 Chas. Tamblyn jr., 2 W C Bhck burn. Silver Spangled Hamburgs, l A .T Griffin, 2 Cha~. 'l.'amblyn, jr, Pr. White Leghorns, l J Glendenning, 2 l~ Birch. Pr. Browi. Leghorn, 1 J G lendenning, 2 R, Brown. Pr. L ight Bramah , l J Glendenning. "Pr. Spanish J<'owl, 1 R "\Verry. Pr. Huff Cochin, l IL \Verry. Pr. Other Variety, I D Mc'Connachie. GEESE. Pr. Geese, 1 J W:i.tson, 2 D McConnachie, 3 W B A llin. DUCKS. Pr. Rouen Dncks,l Thos. Little,2 R. vV-erry. Pr. Aylesbury Ducks, 1 D MclJonnachie, 2 .2 '.1'!1os. Little. (j.UINEA .!!'OWL. Pr. Guinea 1Fowl, 1 Geo, tBigha.m , 2 D McConnachie. GR AIN AND SEED. 'rwo Bushels ·w heat, any kind, l R Ard, 2 2\VA1·mstronr:. W Cooper. s~idclle and Bridle, 1 Armstrong. '.l~wo Bushels L:.rge Peas, 1 P Linton. Set Draft HoISe Show, 1 Alexander & Foster. Two Bushels Oats, White , 1 W Cooper, 2 W Cabi11et \ York, 1 J Vi'acldell. Cooney. F ullclotl<, 1 J'ohn Simpson. 'l'wo Bushels Oats, Black, 1 R At·d. Tweed, 1 John Simr,son. Cotton \V,.tp, 1 J" ohn Simp5on. 'l.'wo Bu"hels Barley, G ro1ved, 1 \V Cooper, 2 Tbos. Bragg. Fln,anel Cott.on Warp. J Mrs. n Ard. Flannel Mixed. J .M.w. It Ard. Fifty Earcl Corn, Yellow, l E Hall, 2 R B .Wactorv '1 rnde \Vool Blankets, 1 J Simpson, Thorntorr, 2 F Wal den. One Bushel Tiwothy Seed, R Ard. One Bushel Ileana, J R inch. Home Spnn Wool Carpet, 1 F Walden. Home Spun Mixetl Carpet, 1 F Walden , APPLES. Rag Carpet. 1 F \Valdrn, 2 Mrs. S Bowen. Rag l\Iat , 1 Mro, R Ard, 2 Mrs. A A Garns· Twelve 1"all, Dessert, l A Tamblyn, 2 ' V C Blackburn. by. ' Home Spun Woolen Coverlet, 1 F Walden, 'l' welve F all, Cooking-, l D M.cConnnchie, 2 2 Mr'3. D McConna.chie. · A A Ga1rnhy. Factor y Spnn 'Voolen Coverle\i_, l .1" Vfa!Jen, Winter Dessert, 1 J'as. Pollard, 2 A A 2 Mr~. R _B Tucker. Home :Spun Counterpane, 1 Mrs. W Cooney, \Vintor Cooking, 1 R Osborne, 2 A A Ttlcker. 2 F Walden. 'iVoolen Sheets, 1 Mrs. John Hinch, 2 Mrs. Northern Spy, 1 NF Rall,2 DMcOonnachie. Twelve Srww, 1 A A Gamsby, 2 A ,J Grifl:in. R Ard . Golden Rnssett, 1 .f Pollard, 2 R Osborne. .Horse Blan1 rnts, home spun, 1 If 'Vaiden, 2 J Si;i;p. m. . . .. . Bellflower, 1 JPolhwcl. 2 A A 'Iuchr. lhre(· 8kerns Woolen Yarn, l J ohnS1mpaon , Kini; 'I'omkin Co. , l A 'l'aznblyn, 2 Geo. Dob2 S Bo,ven son. nr l ·" k' B ald wins, l 11Osb:irne,2 J Pollard. ~' oo en .,toe mgs, 1 Mrs. I-t B 'l 'hornton , Ten Varieties, 4 each, l A 'l'amblyn , 2 R 2 ~!:_mma Roweu. .tlome Mad e cotton stockingB, 1 Mrs. n Ard, Osborne. Crab Apples, 1 A A Gamsby, 2 Thos. L ittle, 2 Mro. RB 'l.'bornton. Wool Socks, l MIR , J " Il.inch, 2 Mias E. PEARS. Bowen . .. , . 0 Winte1· Pears. 1 J. Pollai·cl 2 R Osborne. , Wool M1ttenB, ~Mrs. h Ard, ,, Mrs. A A }'ail Pea.-s, 1 E Hall, 2 J Pollard. Gamsby, h SI Wors~e<l Work . raised, 1 Mrs. J \Vaddell, ve ry muc: iall prohably orde r m~re 2 J.\1rs. 'l'homas V inson. htter . F r 1ends wlto have recei ved C<'lpies Collection Ladies' U nderclothing, 1 Miss A J think them charming . R espectfully . ""\ Montague, 2 Mrs . A A Gameby, . y ours, A. C SANGIS'.£ER. Gil'ls Dresses, 1 Mrs. James Huuter, 2 Mrs. - - - · --· Thomas 'vVaddell. Go to T aylor's Mills H ampton for B oy's D res8, 1 Mrs. J Waddell. l T d Fl l ' Bl k ' : .Baby's Drees, 1 M rs. J \Vad<lcll, 2 1'Irs. W 0 leap wee s, .anne s, an ·c~s. cw., Trull. and where you will get good vnces for 'l'oiletSct,l MissMAllin, 2Miss A Mon- vV?ol andgood R olls. D. TAYLOit, p rotaguc. pr1cto r. 25-tf. CottonTidy , 1MrsNFHall,2Mrs RArd. I F _ I ·11 . l l '"] ( Woolen Tidy, 1 Mrs. James Ifonttlr, 2 Y.fiRs . [l,rme~s, WI pay you [, ie n., lest 0 99,~ Addie Moulton. gorng prices for y onr Barley and other ' L 4 Paper ·~'lowers, l Mrs, DA Gitm·by, 2 Mrs. grn.i~ d elivered at my elevn.~or or at P ort lllllSt Charles B aker . D a rlmgto n. J . LYLE, Gram D ealer. · Ilerlin Wool Flowet"s, 1 Mrs. Jas. Brown, 2 l z5 l l 1 f N 1 L Miss Beat. . · e _ 1ave a · ga. on mg o o. ar Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry says :- Zinc Hail' Flowers, l Mrs. D A Gamsby. 2 Mrs. d m e oil that we offer to any t hresher ::it a wh en exposeil to the air or placed in water its RichtLrd Brown. big lliscouut. Inquire at this ollice. surface becomes 'covered w ith a gra~· film of D ried Flowers, 1 Miss Drummond, 2 Mrs ..J oxide which does not increase. '!'his film will U lst er cloths in all t h e newest materials rcsis h th!J chemical effects of the atmosphere \I\ addel.I. Feather JI'lowers, 1 Mrs. D A Gamsby, and colol's at Couch, Johnston & Cr yder - fo,. all tirne. 2 Miss E Bowen. man's. M ONT.REAL, l~ne:, Nov. 1 5, 1883. Wax Flowers, 1 Mrs.DA Gamaby, ?. Mrs . I h"reby certify t hat I have analysed anc1 Dr. Carveth . tested t ho ma terial called ·· ." White Bron ze," Wax F ruit. I Mi·s. John Waddell. manufactured for monumen ta.I purposes by the Fancy Basket, 1 Mias Drummond; 2 Mrs, R St. 'f homas Wl1 ite Bronze Monument Co.. and Ard. I find i~ CO!f!POScd, ns representerl. or R efinecl OF YALUA:BLE Ci·ochet Work, wool, 1 Mrs. NI!' Hall. 2 Miss Metall19 Z iu.c. or a v ery s uperior quality to sheet zmc, .and almost absol utely pure. Its great durability under all exposure to wea t her 1 and storm i s the refore fuJiy assured hy its h igh quality. And i t will resist decay a nd fur thct oxidation when its surface is once coaten. Jt ]\fr~.·las. II_ un.ter._ . 1 'rh o under signed h as been instr ucted by F. it is then more durable than stone and w ill ] ~ncv K 111tt1ng 1ll cotton, 1 Miss Montague, CUl HTT. Trustee, to sell by Public Auction on no~ lose i ts band~omc appearance f~om generation to gcncrat10u. I know of no other m a 2 Miss :M Rmc11, the premises on terial whicl1 is equally caoabl e of combining Fancy Netti~g, 1 Mrs. Jas . Pollard. Saturday October the 10 th 1885 eleganco of form , beau ty of surface and bidctil!'ancy Darmng, 1 Mrs. J .l'ollard, 2 Miss ' ' ' nite dttrabiUty. Addie Moulton t he following valuable property in tho Town (Singed) 1"ancy Netting and Da.rning, 1 Mrs. J" Pol· of DO WMA NVU,LE , being 'J'own Lot n tim- J , BAKER EJJwAUDS, P . St. D., D. C. L., F . C. S. lard, 2 Miss A Montague. ber 'l'wo, in Block 2, in said 'l'own of Bow· '"l B 'd W l l .. I RA d 2 M \'r manville, on which a rc erected Foundry, .J! at rai or i:, "' rs. r ' rs " Shop and BlacksmithShop,one sw rey . Conom10, Dec, illst, 1883. Cooney· brick building 17'! ft. x il l ft.; also frame CarDr. y, llalrnr ]!;dwards, whose analysis is Bead \York, l Miss Montague, 2 l\1rs. Dr. r.i age Warehouse, Shop, Paint Shops, &c.; also given of the White Bronze Monuments , is the Carveth. the .Machinery and Plant. consisLing of Boiler Gnipnre VIork,l Miss Addie Moulton, 2 Miss and Engino, Shafting, B"lting. Lathes ancl public analyst. authori~ed by Government t o make chemical exami nations for the city of ~I Rinch. other necessary appliances for t b e carrying on His opinion a nd analysis may be Mos nrork, 1 Mrs. J ~vaddell , ?. Mi ' ss "'-'· -.~ of .l<'oundry, Agricultural Implement and Montreal. accepted as equal t o any other a uthority in the R ine], ·· ' Carriage Bnslnesd, M . W k M' A . B 'l 'hese premises were, until hLtcly, occu pied country. From an inspection of the proce2s or Conou RG P . 0., osaic or · 1 188 nm e owen. by )Yillia.111 McCiung, an cl would be a d csira blo manufacturing the montu neni.s, I should expect L eather Work , l Miss M R iuch. investment ror an exper icncecl man w ith them to be n t horoughly d urable 1nticlo. S ole .and only Age n t for t he Coun ties of N . B URWASH, Cheneal Work, 1 Miss L Chi>pple, 2 Mrs. D moderate ca.pitaL 'l 'bis estab!i~hmen t has been ,Scicnce:Profcssor in Victoria Universi ty, McConnachie. in operation ror some years and has had the N orth um b erland and D ur h am. .bourg. I Pebble Wo1·k, 1 Mrs. DA Gamsby, 2 Mrs. control of u large agricultural business i n the 31 A A Gamsby. sale of mowers, plows and oL her implements Shdl Wor·k, 1 Mrs. A A Gamsby. as well us a large and very vo lnable jobbing Ornamental Needlework, 1 Miss M Allin, a.ncl repairing trade. 2 ~~~~~l BM~:.nA A Garusby. 2 M rs, John 2 Miss Lillie Chapple, 3 Miss .A M ontague. TerillB made k nown at time of sale. D Antimacassar 'iYork,l MissL Cbappie,2 Mrs. The whole of the stock in trade of the bm i· 'l' y · ness recently owned by M l'. \>Vrn. )foCluug avey. Honey iu Comb. 1 Tbomns Little. rnaon, will also be d isposed of. sam b time and place. Honey Straint d, 1 'fhomacl L ittle. '.ratting, 1 Miss A l\iontague, 2 Mrs . H R See bills and poster <. For further particulars · MANUJJ'AC'l'URES. 'l'hornton. a11vly to F. CUBITT, Trustee. Chain Stitch, 1 Mrs. R Arel, 2 Miss Best. H. T . P HIJ, I,lPS, Auctioneer. Set ]form Hamess, 1 W Armstrong. W ork l3ox, 1 Mias M Allin. Rowmanvllle, Sept. 22nd, 1885. 39·2w Doub!.e Harness, carriago, 1 J L Rowe, 2 W Mat \ Vork, 1 1\irs. 'l' Vinson, 2 Mrs. A A Armstrong . Gamsby. Set Single Harness, carriage, 1 J L Itowe, n-lottoes, 1 Mrs. W W Trull, 2 Mrs. W ~~LOOK OUT FOR~ 2 Miss Kate Vmson . . . . .ihessrs. 'l'ait ,f; Morrison. -D.~;An. Sms, W_ o rsted wor~, flat tancy, 1 Miss M Alliu, I Accept thanks for phot0s which please us I PIERCE & CO'S. peI' cent, w WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS f PURE CAST, ZINC wa · I'rante l and therefore endure are made 'V SALE .BY AUCTION ~~~t~~f:t~~;0;:0:0:1 .M:s:::.s:r1~:r:::: MAN U fALT U RlN G PR 0Pf RT Y I H. W". -WRIGHT, c OALI COAL! w Cooney. l'iu _ Cushion, 1 Miss M Allin, :.l Mrs. D .A Gawsby. Ottom:m , 1 Mrs. D l.VlcConnachie, 2 Mrs. N, F H all I !ill.~ · Foot Stool, 1 M iss L Chapple, 2 Mfrs M ) 'I'll · Allin. ; - -o - '!'able Ornaments, 1 Mrs. D A Gamsby, F or the N.EI'I' :m DA.YS I will sell . for LESS 2 Mis8 M A llin. Ca!'clhom·d- assorted, 1 Miss McL eod, 2 Mrs. 'l'HAN COST tile remainder of my s tock ff R '.l'homton. Stylish and most Durable Millinery Brackets, 1 Miss Drummond, 2 l\1iss M ~Vil- DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVET~, w n. :tfome-made Lace, 1 Mrs. R Arel, 2 Miss A &c., witll a very heavy stock of Monb.aue & A gri~ultura.l Wre:it h, 1 Mrs.DA Gamsby, Oil P aioting, 1 Mrs . D 1'. Carveth, 2 Miss L --o-Tourq1e, 3 Miss Drummonu. Thanking my customers for past favor s, 1 Oil P ainting on Velvet, 1 Mrs. J L Power&, 'respectfully solicit all to call and inspect m y 2 Miss M Allin, i5 Mrs , Charles Baker. 11r esent stock, w.hir.h I am sure w ill give Lhe Paintina in Water Color. l M iss Drummond, u tmost satisfaction. J Pencil D rawing 1 M iss L W atRon 2 Mr3 , W W 'l'rull, 3 Mi~s Welsh . ' . Crayon D rawinz, 1 Miss Addie Moul ton, 2 Mr11, w w Trull, 3 Miss Drurnmond. CMe Mil.liuery, 11\irs. 'l'homas Yinaon. Camp St.ool 1 Mrn J ohn \< Yacldell 2 Mies \<r 'll · t Ad tl t ., e w 1 inser a 0 n e 1·le1l L Uh ' · ' ver sen1en · 1One . a.pp1e. . , )fonth, in 13 Dailies, I '.1.' ri-Weekly and 48 Pillow S hams, .1 Miss E Dowen, 2 Mra.A1 WcckliesofourSBLl.CTLOCALLlSTot Cunadian Osborne_ papers for $70. 'l'o those who want their adAvtimacassar, Crochet or Knit, 1 Mm. A A vertising.t_o pay. wo can offer 1io better medium Gamsb". Copy of List sent n·cc on application. Colle'ction of Photos, l W S G:iwsby. CEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Gent's Shirt. 1 Mrs. A A Gamsby. · Quilt Pieco work, silk, 1 M rn. DA Garosby, NEWS!·,· p mc ADVJ:R'l'IS! NG JnJJn-au, 2 Mrs, A A G·.i.msby, 3 Mrs. J Hai-r1~. Spruce St., New York. 0 eg to announce that they have MILLIN ERV received a large consignment of I Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT F h F I eat e r s lowe rs. PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber_, Shingles, l\IIrs. DONNELLY· Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. To Canadi'an Adverti'sers. BARGAINS , I b Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF Office, Old Foundry Lot, Q orner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. llcDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885, 35.

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