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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1885, p. 6

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~'.' ' The refusal by a teetotal tailor to make · blothes for rumsellers is a. new cause for EVERY FlUDA.YMORNING, TOLD IN TWO LEmBS. · No kitchen should be twithont fcales to temperance discussion in London. -BYtest the integrity of things purchru1ed toy The penalty for selling a. ciguette to a ".lor°:,~8:8:~ weight, and to measure the quantity of boy or girl under 16 years of age in New "Gentlemen : l\ly father re114el at Glot·r, various recipes. AT THE OFEICE Hampshire has been $20 for each of Vt. He h as been a great 1tt1ferer from l!orof.. Finish digging the early potatoes before fence, ula, and the inclosod letter will ioll you wll11t "'·)>'~t·tOmcttBlock,JU·~-g~.;BowmanvtUe,On!. . . rains ;:a.use them to sprout. Keep the later a. marvelOWI ell'ect An ag1ta.t1on to change the name of the kinds free from weecls, either by running a Methodist Episcopal Church South is likely T :E R Iv.I: S : narrow cultivator through the rows, or by to result, it ie thought, in a clioice of Epis. .L&t pe:rannum,or $1.00lfpatdln 11dvn:llci' hand pulling. copi!.l Methodist, Payment s.trictly ln advance required from · ·1 f · · ·when the pastures begin to fall off, some 1ilbscr1bers outside of the county. Ord~rs to h ~ il eelmg Ill France toward. England hll!I h11.d In his case. I think hb blood m'Ori ~ntinue the paper mu~t be accompanied bf extra iood should be provided for all the Ie md1oated by t he fact that one issue of a have contained the humor tor at lou\ ~ tie amount due,orthepaperwillnoi be stopped stoc:lk but especially the cows. Horses are leading Paris daily journal contained five . 1111beoribers arfl responsibleuntilrullpayment i S years ; but it did not show, excoptin th& form alWl\Yil well cared for, but the cows 11re too ar ticles 11bueing the Britons virluent.Jy af a ecrofuloiu 110ro on the vlat, until abo·' ~f.!. · often negleQted, bQth a& to foQd and a supply five years ago. From a few 11p<>tl whltl!. ap. The medical per10111ca1s contain numerRA.TES OF A.DVERTlSlNG 1 ~~~ of pi:ire water, · a~ that time, l~ gr~duall7 1pr~ ft M Whole Column one year ...... . ...... $6~ 00 ~~ !;; io one para graphs and letters complaining of cover his entlre body. I aiillite yoll hll Wii Buckwhe:i.t is easily injured by" frost, and physicians who, itiiia urged, selfinhly force " " Hl\lf year .. ·. ·. .. .. .. 36 00 "' 0 terribly aftlicted, and an objeot of pity, whea .. One quarter ......... , 20 00 ~ ...... ehould be out in good se1>son, As it shells themselves upon \ ublic att· n" o " he began uaing your medlcine. Now, there ant .- -;flalf Column one year ........... . ... 36 00 - easily, out with the dew upon it, let it cure , " Half year ... .·· ·.·..·.· 20 00 fe'v men of hia age who enjoy aa good healtil It is the opinion of Prof. Hodge of Princein 8ID.all looae bunches, and draw it to the · ,, " One quarter·- . .. ...... 12 50 aa he has. I could easily name any p.rto.Qll ton, who has studied the subJ" ect carefully, barn when slightly moist. ·,QuB.rter Colun:..n one ye"'r ........... 20 00 - · who would testify to the facts In hl1 ease. " " Half year ............ 12 50 It is not easy to reduce straw to the state that Sir Moses Montefiore has gone to the 6 '..iiYouratruly, W. M. l"BILr.n>I." " One quarter ...... .. 8 00 ian heaven, although he was a devout of manure excepting by feeding it or by Christ Jew. Prof. Hodge a.rgues the orthodox be· -Sb: lines and under, first in~ertlon . . $0 50 -: using it as litter, which becomes mixed Each subsequent insertion...... O 25 ;te~!r1:!.: with the excrements and then quickly de- lief to be that God may " lead a person out ·nom six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 75 .:::: composes under t he stimulus of the action aide the Church to eseentia.l t ruth, inde· Each subsequent insertion .. ·:·· 0 35 _ 10 a duty for me to state to you Ule ben,nt I pendently of human a.gency," and may "eave have derived from tho use or l)Vertenlines,flrstinsertion,11erlme 0 10 _ of the moist Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ him, although hie relation to Christ may be The Nati<m<tl Farme;r so.ya: "Half a. pint so obscured by peculia.r conditions as to The nnmLer or lines to be reckoned by of sunflower seeds given to a horse with hie elude our recognition." he epace oooupied,.measured by a scale of other food eaoh morning and night will keep 110lid Nonpa!eil. Physicians throughout the country have 18ix months ago I was completely covered ll'l&h him in better he11lth and better spirits than a terrible humor and scrofulous 1ore1. Th· he will bo in without it, while hie hair will received a circular trom a dealer in human Dn. TAJl1BLYN, humor caused a.n lnoo*sant and intolerable cudoaities. The menageries supplied ba brigh ter . HYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUCHEUR itching-, and the skin eraoked so as to ea111111 with bea.sts the world over by a single GerOffice :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 In Walla Walla valley (Oregon) m ay be the blood to ftow lo many plaoe1 whenenr man firm, but the exhibits of human deformseen eighty miles of continuous wheat fields ity are found through items in the news p a· I moved, My su1ferings were great, anGl my Dr. A.. UEITH~ a.long the foot-hills of the Blue Mountains. pers. This epecul11>tor h~s pl!>Dned to be a RADUATE OF THE ·roRONTO UNIVER life a burden. I commenced the use af the SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &c. O!ficc King SARSAPARILLA in Apdl last, a~ ho.YO Wied The farmers oontiuae to grow wheat, though monopolist. He says tha.t he will pay libtreet, MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanville. it regularly since that time. My condition they have to pay 30 cents per hundred erally for immediate information of any ...____·~--~---~---~--~ began to improve at once. The ~ores haTe pounds to get it to m~rket. physically peculiar child, eo t hat he mav "· w. Mc:Laugblln, 111. B., all healed, and l feel pufectly well In every A little charco~l fed two or three times a get ahead of competitors in bargainlng with ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE tespect-being·now able to don. good day'· week t o the pigs ie beneficial in correcting the parents. of Physiciane and member of the RoyaI work, although 73 years of age, Inquire College of Surgeons, Edinburp:h, a-0idity of the stom111Ch, to which hogs are what has wrought such a cure in my case, an4 Oilloe: MORRIS' BLOCK Kiug-st.,Bowman. I tell them, as I have here tried to tell 7011, liable when fed upon corn and conined in a. _!Jle. pen. They will eat it greedily and fatten AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, Glol'ft", Vt,, oat. NEWSPAPER READING. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, DR. J, C. lllT()JIEJ,L, much more readily with charooal than withlilRAH l'EILLIPI," .. out. Edu.cation and Intelligence lncreasmlt tile EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANs and. Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. The old mines of raspberry bushes should Demanl1 · .lYE:a'e SARSAPAlULLA onros l!orotnla Office and Residence. E,nniskillen. 74. not be allowed to remain a single day atter This is emphatically a reading age. Reand all Scrofulous Clomplalnte, Ery1tp. the crop is off. Cot them down cloee to the latively with our enla.rged educational faciliela!I, E02ema, Ringworm, Blotche·, .John Jl:eUh Galbraith, raot, and burn them along with other rub-- ties the reading public has increased in Sores, Bolls, Tumon, and Eruptions ot hieh. They 1tre not orn~ mental and only number. Where heretofore those who could ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloc,k the' It clears the blood of all lmpU,.: take the substa.nce from the young canes not read were in the majority, the rule has Kfli.g Street; Bowmanville, Money to lend, rlties, aids digestion, stimulates the uctlon Gf which will hear next year. been reversed, a.nd now a per.s on who canthe bowels, and thus restores vltallt7 an4 " How do you sweeten your butter tubs, not rea.d is regarded S.4 a curiosity, but yet D. RIJRKll SIMPSON, etrengl.liena the wh·le ay~tem. or woodenw,.re of any kinrl ?" we recently deserving the sincerest sympathy. In every ARRISTEf.t, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIs BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo'\'man :PREP.ilLED JlY inquired of a farmer's wife. " Steep up department of life t he dema.nd for newspa.per ville. Solicitor for the Onte.rfo Bank. · same clover hay or sweet fern and put in the reading is ever on the increase, '.!.'he boy at Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maae. Prhate lll&neys loaned at the lowest rates, tnbe when hot," was the reply. '.!.'hie is school, the young man in t he workshop or worth knowing; and we give it for the in the office, the young girl in domestic service Nd bJ r.11 Dl'Ujgistl; fl, 1l:s bottlee for fL ROBERT A.RMOIJJt, benefit of those . w llo find trouble in. "aweet· or behind the counter, the master at the desk EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM . I SSUER ening" varoua utenaile used in the dairy. and the mistress in t he p arlor, all look with or Marris.go Licenses, Ba.rrister and At tor ;he regula.r a.ppearance Ono of the largest fruit farms in the world equa.l eagerness for 1 ey at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Money Is situated in the southern part of Florida., of the local journal. To supply the growO&ned on Real Estate. Offioe on King street ~d is owned by E A. Osborn, of Middle- ing dema.nd for new11pa.per reading the olty ~wma.nville. . Insure in the Confederation Life Asso- ton, N. Y. It comprlsea 2 500 a.cree, a.nd da.ilies publish large weekly editions, made d, T, PHILLIPS ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian ie cgvered with over 20(),000 ccooa.nut trees. up almost entirely of the matter which ap ! ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pass a· So f&r the undert.aking hH cost over $100,- pears from day to day in the daily. These ,.l-" ofDurhsm, Saleepromptlyattended. round your hat institution, a11 the follow- 000. All the ooooanut only thrives eouth weekly r·printll of the great dailies are sup· Addreas-Hamvton P, o.li91 mg examples will prove : Thos. MoCimig of the froat line r.nd near the coast, the plied a.t such a. ridiculously low subacripbaa been insured since 1872 for$2,00()and owner of this farm has a praotica.l monopoly prloe as threatened at one time to totally exB~ HIJTCWSO!'i. iinguish the local country sheet, which could the last five years it only, cost him $2.55 of that trade in Florida.. 8 '.Ji Lf 8~~ !~ cfo~~1!i~!~~~ B~Of.~!;!:~ t per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John In the winter of 1S83-4, I had some nice never afford to furnish the quantity of res.d~nded to· promvtly and o.& reo.eono.ble ·rates. ma.tter given in the la.rge foreign week· McClung insured at the t ime for the yearling steers that I divided into two lots, ing ft.AddreBB-Enn!skillen P. Q . lies. To meet the difficulty which here same 11mount and it only cost him $1. 74 a.nd wintered one lot in the st~ble, and the pr011ented itaelt, the ree.dy·pri.}\t eyetem was OHN HUGHES.-Licensed AuctioneerI per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he ba.rnya.rd wholre they ha.d the protection d Firms were eeta.blished which ' Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life a good straw-stack. They were feii hay or inaugurated. make a speci~lty of furnishing to country ,· neura.nce, Notes and Accounts Collected being a little younger. 11/loney to Lend on reasonable terms, Addresa We certify the above to be correct. Thoe, bright fodder every day, and a little grain publishers ready-printed sheets, containing morning a,nd night , both lotlJ being fed 11.!ike. the essence of each week's happenings, a.nd -Cartwright., Ont. ~72 McClung, John M.cClung. Tn the epring the lot stabled ht d gained 1.15 'l'HOS. BINGHAM, Agent. pounds P"r head; the lot wintered at the olippinsis from sources available only to a GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO large city publisher, every man who buys his J,icenee from ·- - - - - - -- - - -- - -straw stack had lost 10 pounds each, Thia system ha.s rapidly grown in public HENRY SYLVES'l'ER,Enniskillen. ,~,1 favor, nntil, in the Dominion at threeOultivation of Oats._ W. '\'f. DJC::KJll'. fourths of wha.t are known a.s the country Has received her new stock or Oats are capable of receiving wonderful press are published on the auxiliary pll.lll. E'l'ERINARY SURGEON, graduate of the 7 \ . Ontario Veterinary College. Office and improTements, both in quality and quantity 1'he prejudices which once existed Re6idence, N1<wTONVILLE, Ont. per acre, By selecting the seeds with gre.t the ready-print system hi!.ve entirely dfaa.p· Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Offlce hourS and invites the Ladies of Bow- Oilre every season and by givinf! the crop peared, and proprietors find that in order from 12 a. m. to !l p. m., at Coulter·s Rote!. Special attention paid to Surgery. 32-ly* man ville and vicinity to call cloan and rich cultivation, 75 or 80 bushels to compete with contemporaries using 'he of clean grain might be raised per acre by system, and with the city dailies, and to good mt.Dalilement just a.a eaallv a.a forty hy eneure a. profit at the end of the year, they and see her Pattern ONEY ! MONEY ! -The subscriber the common eyetem of cultivation. Al- must comply with the inevitable and adopt receives money on deposit for theOntario Loan and Savings Company, and l)ays interes t though oat. absorb coarser materials from ready-printed sheetll. at the rate of 4 and 5 P'"' cent. No notice o f Some idea of the popnla.rity which this the &oil than wheat. or barley, 'there ia no withdrawA.! required. Also loans money ou and assortment of other kind of that will return a better system has atbined with country readers mortgages a,g lowest rates. No commission oompeneation in an increased amount of will be gained when we state that a firm in charged. W. F. AJ,J.:f<;:N, Bowmanville. 8-ly, grain per acre, in consequence of the soil Toronto supplies between one and two PROF. W. '\VILJ.SON, being manured than oats. Oats fl ourish hundred publishers with ready-printed pa· ·TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND STOltE :-Seco111l Dom· '\Vest af Wllllam1 beet when the soil Ui nniler the highest state pen. To do this three separate and distinct SINGING. . Terms: ~'or beginners $6; for Butclt,e r Stan of·cultiva.tlon. A farmer may raise as. many editions are issued every week, containing Jtdvanced pupils. $10 for quat<~er of twelve buahehi of oa.ta per acre M he reasonably matter entirely different each from the other, 1essons. Residence at Mr. Joseph Brittain's deaires, provided he will manure and cul- and the system is becoming so general that corner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow livate the soil a.a well as it ought to be cul- those who have, from prej udice or other manTille. 51-t!. tivated. The most satisfactory way of cause, heretofore refrained from adopting it, Pianos 'l'uncd and :Repaired. applying barn yard muure to any soil for find it necessary to do so to ma.intain their the purpGse,of lncl'tlaaing its productiveness, circulation and give satisfaction to their paHAS REMOVTuD YER when oats are the principal grain to he trons. ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS raised, i8 to spread and plow it under in Tuned or repaired canha..-e thorn attended 0 by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN late a.ntumn r ather than in the spring of the T.he lJsc of Birds. Co's O:irll'ICE, Bowmsuville, .A first-ulus man year. Ili moat c11o11es oats are a.llowed t o 'low l>eing in their molo ', etand too Jong before they are cut. Most The a83ert!on that nothing e:xiatis in t he to buildings formerly ,occupied by farmers let tba oats 1ta.nd till there is not a world but wha.t waa made to serve some ~o Do? Geut1e1nen oCFasll CODD & CO., green head in the field. But a.s soon aa the 1111efalpurpoae, though admitting of mBny ion, not so tast. chaff on about one ha.If of the heads ha.I! apparent contra.dictions as In the oa1e of :uir.umed a yellowish hue, then the oats auch peats M mosquitoes and reptiles, ave written these tew llnea 1hoald be cut. There may be a. few heads And all I have to say_ that will not be out of the milk at tha.t stage will generally be found, after patient in1.'ba.t you can find me still at home, of their'growth, but if t hey are allowed to ve1tlgation, to be &nacbual truth. Though lam not gone a.way, So all my kind old r rlends may come, stand louiter, more loss will be sustained in obliged to confess it. dialik:e to bhe E :iglish She has now in stock everything shellln.: off the early and dead ripq oats sparrow, the Impert inent little foreigner And all they oung ones. too, And get the1rg11rmentsnicely there will be in the shrinkage of those who has usurped the pi11oe of the robin Inf a.ehione that are new: usually found in a well equipped than heads that in the milk when the ·s traw and otl;ier na.tive birds in our parka and '1Iere old and young, dearfrlenils, ma.y mee t is out. Early out oats are heavier per bush· lawns, the Talker will admit that the spa.r· A. welcome 11reetln11. bv R . PE.ATE BARNESS SHOP. el, fairer to the eyes and will eel! for mere row might justify himself on good and money in the 1na.rket. reasonable grounds. We know that other n~w birds oonstanbly enga.ged in useful MRS. HUMPHREY Salt in the Ration for Poultry. 1ervlce. The 11wallow, swift, and night· There i1 a preva.lent notion that salt hawk arethe guardians of t heatmosphere. causea t4e fea.there <Jf fowl11, or perhaps of They check the increase of ln,.eotB that the feathered tribes in general, to fall out. obherwiae would overload it. Woodtieck· 'Thia, we believe, ia well founded.· ere, creepers andchl.ckadeesaro the guardly, excess of this condiment should be avoid- ians of the trunks of trees, Warbler· and ed, There appears to be some connection flycatchers protec~ the follage.· between and feathers. Feather-eating birds, orow11, t hru11h e11 a.nd. larka protect fowls are often cured of the tendency by ohe 11nrfac3 of the soll. Snipe a.nd wood· WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEE'l'H. a.dding salt to their food, and a small quan· cock protect the aoil n uder the snrfaoe. I s the best pl~ce in town to ·buy Watches, tity of salt in the ration promotes, or is E t~lbe has it s respeobive duties t o Clocks and Jewellery of all the newest supposed t o promote, the productio~ cf the perform In the economy of nat ure, and PRACTICAL DENTIST, designs. llefore purchasing give me a new crop of feather!! at moulting time, lt Is an undoubted fact t h11t if the birds ?VER TWEN'.l'Y YEARS EXPERIENOIC, call and you will sav~ money-we will not Thie supposed elfact may .be simply the were all swept df thefoce of the earthman .IHtr!'usOxltleGu1 Alln·tntstered for Palnles be undersold b y any small firm, We loosening of the old feathers. The res.:ilt, could not ln·e upon in ; vegetation would Operu,Uons. c arry a large stock of such goods as are a.s promotive of moulting, would be t he l'flther and die ; insect 11 would become s o same. Salt le a yery importa.nt ingredient OV.'FICE MCCUJNG'S Bi04JK. u sually kept in a first-class jeweltery store. in the rn.tion of pigeons, and where these nnmaroas than no lll'ing thing oould with· birds are con.fined without it, they are never stand their attacks. so thrifty. It is natural then, to conclude, ------~- -----.. tha.t it is vr.luable in the food of other birds, Mr. Moses I. Wa.rd of Pelham, Mass. , a nd Eye Glasses we keep the best in t own, and especially for ba.rn-door fowls, The a nd ours is the only place in t own where earlier old fowls are out of their moult and bought a. dog for $a three ago, and a n Optometer is kept for fitting the sight in full plumage, the sooner will they begin h as just sold the animal for $5, but ae, in the interim, Mr Ward has had to pa.y $6 for p roperly. You cannot be too careful to lay, in the autumn. Pullets usually be- licences and damages of $50 a.nd $65 t o pergin to lay as soon M they are complet.ely sons bitten by the cur, there is n ot as much about your eye aight. plumed a.a adult fow!s. It is worth while, profit in the tra.nsaction o.s one might think. therefore, to encourage moulting in every Mr. Blowitz, the L·mdon T ime's corre. way, glvlng them exercise, inaect food, or with ground bone, spondent at Paris, ie a German Jew, His 0 ur stock is all new and of the latest fish in their ration, Graduate or the Royal College or Dente.I designs, and will be sold at low prices to ground oyster shell, and sound grain. A pLl.tronymic was Gpfer, but, being born at Surgeons, Ontario. tableBpoonful of fine salt . in the soft feed, Blowitz, Austria, he a.dopted t hat suit the t imes. given daily to a ffock of twenty hens, will be He is a naturalized l!'renchmu.n, Mrs. L aurOFFICE OVER DICK>JON'S STORE. 11 fair allowance, Fowls do not depend ence Oliphant is said to hava discovered him mLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. upon this for the salt which their bodies and when a.cting as T imes correspondent in ate Work executed in the latost and most Watches, Clocks and ,Jewellery and all feathers contain, for eit her the material Paris. Improved style of the Dental Art, fi ne work wo give the very best satisfac- i tself, or the elements of which it is com- In some reoent lectures upon hyst er ia in posed , exist .to· a greater or loss extent in RETH EXTRAQ'l'ED WITHOUT PAIN · t· 10n. We do all our own wdrk and d efy almost all t he food th ey eat and the water men, au effection wh ich appears to be far from rare, Prof. Ch.arcot st ates that ma.ny the nse of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury competition. they drink; and what we do by giving t hem of tho2e trnubles a.rizing from railway col· · to the patient, Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange. salt is aim ply to increase the supply. lisiona, wh ich now referred to " railway. Pa.rtloular actention paid to the regulation or arise from a cerebral predisposition CHILDREN'B '.l'EETH. MAYNARD, The Jeweller American silk is da rable, hand.some, and spine," and are, in fact, " h ysteria. not hing bi;it ,,,,..A.LL WOBK W .ARR.A.NTED.~ Morri~' Block, Bowmanville cheap, I hy~teria," · IS PUBLISHED · THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, AMARVELOUS STORY FOR THE FARME h Gleanings. INTERESTING ITEMS. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS ,are made of PURE CAST ZINC, warranted 99-i per cent, and therefore mnst endur·e. ;J , - -- - -- -- - - -- Watts' Dictiona ry of Chemistry says :-Zinc when exposed to tbe air or placed in waler. it~ surface becomes covered with a gray film or o:)>ide which does not increase. '.l' l~is film w ill resist th~ ohemi<la.l effects of tbe a tmospher e MONTREAL, Que;, Nov. fo, 1883. T h1;reby certify that I have analysed a nd - -· FROM THE SON: I Ayer's Sarsaparilla ,/01·a l l time, . . '! test ed the material called " White Bronze," man,ufactur ed f<;>r monumental purposes by the St. '.Ih!)m"'s Wlm _ e Bronze Monu ment Co.. and I find it composed, as represeuterl. of R~flned M eta llic Zinc. of a very B UJJerior quality to sheet zinc, and almost absolutely pure. I ts great durability u nde1· all exposure t o weather and storm is therefore fu lly assured by its high quality: And i t will resist deca y and fur ther oxidation when its surface is once coated. I t it is t hen more dnrable than stone. 1tnd. will not lose its handsome appearance from generation to generation. I know of no other ma terial which is equally cami.hle of combining elegance of form, be11uty ot surface a nd indefi· n i t e durability. FROM THE FATHER: {Singed) J,!BAKER EDWARDS, P . St. D., D. C, L., J; , .C,(8. Couoi::rw, Dec, 31st , 1883. Dr. y , Baker Ed war ds, whose ·analysis is given of the White Bronr.e Monu ments, is t he public analyst. authorized by Govem ment to make chemica l exi;,minations fo1· t he city of Montreal. His opinion and analysis may be accepted~aa equal to any other authority in the country. From an im1pection of the process of ConouRG P. O., manufacturing the monuments, I should expect t hem to be a thowughly d urnble article. Sole a nd only Agen t for the Cou nties of N. Bum:vASH. Science Pr-ofesaor in Victoria University, Nort h u mber land and D urh am. ibonrg. 3! Ayer·s Sarsaparilla. H. -W. W-RIGHT, P G L ... ··- .. MASON BROTHERS. W e wish t o ret urn our smcere thanks to t he 1) ople of Bowmanville and surr ounding neigh borhood for the liberal patronage which has been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving conclusively that the method adopted by us of mak ing" every parcel a bargain and every bargain an advertiR ement " is one which the people appreciat e. We shall continue to act on that principle and --1. M · n R astonish and delight you all. We shall ast onj:;h y bv. by the lown ess of our pn ces and delight you with the excellence of our goods. We have for t his fall bought a choice selection of :;easonahle goods, &nd may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, and that our reputation will not suffer in t he out put of t he goods. Come and inspect our goods and allow us to put you up a parcel when you will find that it is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will become an advertisement . R . Cheap Life Insurance. J A ,fiHS s MASON BROS., Lat e S. MASON CT AVISH & SoN. GOODS., N aw Dry Goo di and Clothing I ELLISON d: CO.. Beg· respectfully to announce . that their New Stock of F all and Winter Goods is complete. 'Ve make a 8pecialty of M BONNETS, HATS TRIMl\1INGS . Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. MRs. HUMPHREY P (We offer Dress Goods ren1arkably low.) Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts .and Drawers. Having bought very largely we want to sell quickly, consequently, we will offer goods a, prices that will astonish our customers. HARNESS SHOP first Door fast of RuebottomHousa1 It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. We mean business this season and are bound to sell, there· fore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. Bowmanville, 8eptember 30th, 1885. ELLlso-N & co. DENTISTRY Call at the premises. TOD BROS' New Dry Goods Store. thank the large number of customers who have patronized them since opening. It is exceedingly gratifying to us to be favored with so many buyers in starting our business, and your continued support will encourage us to · serve all in the ve ry best manner possible. We hav'3 opened out in the past week a very large stock of Fall and Winter Goods which we shall sell at a very small advance on cost. Hoping to be favored with an early call. The Jeweller's, J.M. BRIMACOMBE, Tod Bros. desire respectfully t o In Spectacles c. HAR.NDENJ L . O. S ., In Silverware In Repairing TOD BROS' New Dry Goods Store. )

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