Boar.under 6 mos., 1 D Lick, 2 R CLASS I - FRUlTS. Cul. ~?rhenas, .1 P Coleman, 2 E C \ Darning in net wit!~ linen 1:r cotton, 1 "Painting in water colors, 1 Mrs W Foley. . Five fall apples, 1 W J . Brngg; 2 Rich. Beman," ,J Chaplm. . I Mrs Jas Pollard, 2 .Miss McTavish, 3 Mrs Brittain, 2 Miss Strickland, 3 Mies M E ; Col pu.11s1es, 1 l' Coleman, 2 J Chapla.m, \A M Wright. Sow under 6 mos., 1 R Foley, 2 D Lick, Osb@rne; 3 'I' Burden. Joness. 3 S Snowden . l<'ive winter apples, dessert, l EN Var- 3 D Fisher. Darning in net with silk or wool 3 Miss Pt;lncil drawing, 1 Miss Strickland 2 BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY,OCTon'R 9. SUFJWLK, nurn, 2 It ich. Osborne; 3 A H.obbs. Col. petuniLis,single, 1 T T Coleman, 2 G Loscombc. ' ' Mias Walsh, 3 Miss MA Five Northern Spy, 1 S Snowdon: 2 G A A Gamsby, 3 D l!'isher. quiltina 1 Mrs R J<'ieldin" 2 Boar, 1 M Munday. Crayon <, 1 and 3 Miss Mc-· w Henry; 3 w Fishley. Golloction 0£ petunias, double, 1 Mrs A Miss McMillen7'3 Mrs J Hoar. '" Sow, 1 T Bragg. Arthur, 2 Mrs Dr Hillier.. Five King Tomkins, 1 G W Henry ; 2 A Gam.sby, 2 D Fishel'. Fancy quiltin", 1 Miss Stricldancl 2 . Boa.r under 1 year, 1 W B Allin. :Oecora.tive painting, 1. Mrs .f:f King, 2 R Young; 3 J. Oke. Cul. phloxeu, 1 J Chaplin, 2 D Fisher. Mrs R Fielding~ 3 Miss C Walden.I ' Miss ME JoDess, 3 Miat1 J Shaw. CLASS E-POULTRY. Five Spitzenburgs, 1 IL Brown; 2 G W . Col. phlox drummondi, 1 J Chaplin, 2 Gents shirt and colla1· l Mrs C Youna Etchin~ OR Linen,, 1, 2 and 3 Miss M PRIZE LIST. T <:r Col~ man, 3 EC Be~nan. 2 Mrs S ~a.rper, 3 Mrs A A GiLmsby. "" Galbraith. Light brahmas, 1 E Ha~gith, 2 T T Henry; 3 \V Fishley. Five yellow Bellflower, 1 A WashingCol; pm~s, do~ble C~u~m, 1 E C Be~ollecbon of ladies' underclothing, 1 Colewan. Sepia drawing 1 Miss E N Armour 2 man, 2 ,J Chaplam, 3 'I 'I Coleman. Mias A Monta<>uc 2 Miss E McClellan 3 Mis~ Strickland. OLASS A- HORSES. Light brahma .}hicks of 1885, 1 and 2 ton, 2 J as. Polbrd, 3 T Pascoe. · ' Five Ribston Pippen, 1 IL Brown; 2 ·Collection of pinks, 1 E C Beman, 2 J Miss McMillei;'. ' ' TT Coleman. DRAUGHT. Jas Pollard; 3rd Mrs. J. Chapbin. Chaplain. Child's Dress, 1 and 2 Mrs H B Sam'l'he following animals and articles are . Da.rk brahmas, 1 TT Coleman. Brood mare accompanied by foal, 1 J Five Golden Rus~etts, .I. G W Henry; Col. annual Cut flowers, 1 E C Beman ells, 3 Mrs W Tapson. recommended by the judges for extra Puff cochins, 1 M McTavish, 2 T T Williams, 2 W Bain, 3 .J J·ames. 2 IL Brown; 3 W EPollard 2D l<~isher, 3' J Chaplain. Skeleton leaves and ferns 1 Mrs M prizes :-Pr. Cochin fowls and Pr. CochColemau . Three year old filly, 2 R llrown, 2 J Five H.hode Island greenings, 1 Rich. Col. everbsting flowers, 1 A A Ga msby, Cryderman, 2 and 3 Miss ,J Galbraith. in chicks, by 'VJ ones ; Pair Andalusian Cochin chicks of 1885, 1 and 2 T 'r Leask. Osbor;ne ; 2 S Harper, 3 EN Varnum. 2 T 'l' Coleman, 3 J Chaplain. 'l'oilot set, 1 Miss Maud Allin 2 Miss fowls, by Mr. Koden; Plate of Quinces, Coleman. · Two year-old filly, l A Pollard, 2 G Five St. Lawrence, 1. G. W Henry, 2 Col. double zinuias, 1 H Beith, 2 E C Mc'l'avish, :3 Miss Jennie H oar.' by John Chaplin; New Variety Russets, P:u·tridge cochins, 1 T T Coleman, 2 W Cray, 3 W J R oy. vV E Pollard, 3 E. C. Deman. Bcrn;Ln, 3 S McCor~nachie. . Bead 'york,1 Mrs Keys, 2 Mrs T Ker- G vV Henry; Coll. of Dahlias and Coll. H Brown. One-year-old filiy, 1 J Cinnamon. Five Janetings, 1 S Harper, 2 J Smith, Col. French mar1.~olds, l .l Chaplam. sey, 3 Miss Strickland. of Hollyhoc~s, by .. D F isher; Foliage Java chicks, 1 and 2 A Hobbs. Entire colt 2 year-old, I J W Joli, 2 W Col. double portulucca, 1 J Chnplin. Lamp mat, 1 M;ss .Mc'l'avish 2 Mrs T Plant~ by ~~1ss ~cM1lbn; Bl'acket Drop Bk. b red game, 1 G :Fogg, 2 W H 3 W ]£Pollard. Down. Five S11ow 11 pples, 1 John J'ames, 2 T Two gcrn,nimns in Jiot, double, 1 and 2 Kersey, 3 Miss A Tait. ' and I~mbrmdery m \.Yoo!, by Miss E Hill ; Brown. Entire colt 1 year old, 1 F R nndle, 2 .J. Chaplin, :..: 1' T Coleman. '.l'oilet mats, 1 Miss I Shaw 2 Miss Mc- Crazy Patch Work, by Miss Mirmie Keys ;. Do game chicks of 1884, 1 J Archib ald, Burden, 3 l L Brown. W Down. Two !!emniums in pot, single, 1 D Tavish, :..: Mrs J·as Pollard. ' Arrascne.W.ork, l1y Miss E Hoar; Antique One qua.rt Crabs, 1 M l\foTavish, 2 A 2 G l!'ogg. Sucking foal, 1 J Williams, 2 W Bani, Fisher, 2 T T Colenrnn, :3 J Chaplin. Darned socks or stockin"s 1 Miss Lace, by Miss ,f Ca.lbraith; ChenilleWork, Duckwing game, 1 W H Brown, 2 Kydd A Gamsby, 3 J Chaplain. 3 H Syh-ester. Five table, 1 J Chaplain, 2 S Har· Fuchsias double, 1 and 2 D Fisher, 3 J Strickland, 2 Mrs E C Bcmr~n: 3 Miss by Mrs. D l\fcConnachie ; Sea Moss & Wright. AGRWUJ,Tl:RAL, Chaplain. McArthur. Wreath mid Pressed Flowers, by Miss M Pyle games, 1 WR Br.own, 2 G ])'ogg. per, 3 T Burden. Five Flemish be>tuties, 1 J Chaplain, 2 Fushsias single, 1 and 2 D Fisher, 3 Crochet work done by airl under 12 Cryderma!1· Pyle chicks of 1885, l W B Brown, 2 Brood mare l\Ccompanied by foal, 1 J WE Pollard, 3 C 'l'od. Miss McMillan. years, 1 Miss H Beith. b The Judges in se1·crt\l of the cbsses Q. Foi.g. Williams, 2 G Power, 3 S Allin. Golden pencilled hambnrgs, 1 J. W .l!'ivo winter Nellis, 1 FA Cole, 2 C Tod, One ~·ose, 1 C Y?un 7, 2 S McConn1!-chie. , Cc;illection of fancy work, 1 Mrs Keys, specially those on fruits and fine arts: Three·ye ... r.old filiy, 1 J Wilcock's. 1 3 J Chaplain. . SJ?ec1men plant m l lo>1·er, 1 D. Fisher, 2 Miss R Mason, 3 Miss Maud Allin. express regret that they wore under the Two-year-old tilly, 1 F . Rundle, 2 J Dutton, 2 W H Brown. Do chicks cf 1885, 1 E Haggith, 2 W Five 13<.trtletts, 1 C Tod. 2 Mrn8 C Beith. Pillow shams, 1 Mrs R Osborne 21\'.liss necessity of passitw over se1rcral exhibits Wilcockd, 3 WC Blackburn. Five Sheldon pears, 1 C 'l'od, 2 Fred Floral basket, 1and3, J' Chaplain, 2 A E Hill, .:l l\;fiss E Hoar. ' of merit because tJ~cy had been improperly One year old. lilly, 1 J Rundle 2 S H Brown. Silver spangled 11amburgs, 1 W H Brown, 3 J Chapl:1in. A Camsby. . . Wax frmt, 3 Mrs M Porter. entered. Shoul d any parties feel disAllin, 3 G A Leask. }j ' ive Duchess D 'Angouleme, 1 C Tod, 2 Ti1blc bouquet, 1 D Fisher, 2 E C BeCLASS N- FlNE !\.RTS appointed at not receiving :i prize, they Sucking foal, 1 J Williams 2 G Bigham, Brown, 2 It Young. rmrn, 3 lI Be11h. · · · may generally attribute it to this cause. Do chicks of 1.885, 1 A Tamblyn, 2 W D Fisher. .3 G l.,ower. H .Brown. CARJlIAGE. Five Vicar vVakefielcl, 1 G W Henry, 2 Hand bouCJueb, 1 H. Beith, 2 A A Painting on velvet, silk or satin, 1. Miss Complaints ac.ainst the J>rize List in Black hamburps, 1 A Hobbs. D Fish er, 3 E. C. Beman. Gamsby, 3 D F·shor. A S~a.w,_ 2 !'diss_JSlmw, 3 Mis':! McT~vish. order to receive ~ittention, must be m~de Brood mare accompanied by foal, l J J Do chicks of 1885, 1 W H Brown, 2 A Five Seckel, l D Fisher, 2 C T od. CLASS L-;-D0'!'1~S~IC MANU~11 pamh~ig, 1 and 2 Mrs H Kmg, 3 to the Secreta~y i~1 writing within a week Coulter, 2\V McCormick, 3J AGalbra1th. Five Louise Boonne de .Jersey, 1 '.l' 1< AC'I UH.ES. M1Se A Mc0lung. after the pubhcat10n of the list. Two-year-old filly, 1 C Wilmot, 2 J Hobbs. White leghorns 1 Fred Brown, 2 J Burden, 2 G W Henry, 3 C '.l'ocl. Set carriage har11e8s, single, 1 Mrs. James. 3 W. Frank. F ive Beurrc Clairgeau, l Rich Osborne, Humphrey. One. year old filly, 1 S W Sanders, 2 Da.rch. Do chicks of 1885. 1 W H Brown, 2 J 2 T Burden. Set double h:trness, 1 Mrs. Humphrey. . s Snowden . Darch. Five any other varicby, 1 E . C Deman, Set collars, l Mrs. Humplu·cy. Entire colt 2-year- old, 1 A Hogarth. Brown Leghorns, 1 C '.l'od, 2 Kydd & 2 J Chaplain, 3 D Fis'her. Assortment of mUsic;1l instruments, 1st Suck ing foal, 1 J J Coulter, 2 ,J A GalWright. Variety of pears, 1 E C Beman, 2 ,J D o & p Co. ......... braith, 3 i> Werry. Do chicks of 1885, 1 A Hobbs, 2 C CJ1aplain, 3 D Fisher. Col. printing, one exhibitor, WR Clirnie Spau of draught h orsee in harness, 1 J Tod. 12 plums, 1 A Hobbs, 2 and 3 E C Be- 1 and 2. Leask, 2 G Gray, 3 '.l' J McMurtry. White f bk Spanish, 1 W H Brown, 2 man. W J ennin gs 1st for men's sewed work, Span agricultural horses in harness, J W Fishleigh. Collection of plums, 1 E C Beman, 2 J l men's peggrd werk. -1 ladies sowed R Davey, 2 G Lane, 3 TH Hancock. Do chicks of 1885, 1 and 2 W Fishleigh. Chaplain. work. Canittge team 15 ~ hands and over, 1 T Dorkings any color, 1 J LaBelle, 2 W Crapes white, 1 S McConnachie, 2 & 3 Pair fac~ory made blankets, l F WalJ McMurtry, 2 W J Glover, 3 C Bouosa.11, E. C Beman. ·den. Carriage team under hu.nds higl1, 1 H Brown. Do chicks of 1885, 1 and 2 J La.Belle. - Grapes black, 1 G. W. Henry, 2 S McTen y:uds homespun fl:umcl, cotton (special prize $20 suit of clothP.s by J JeffP lymouth roeks, 1 and 2 Kydd & Connachie, 3 EC Beman. warp, 1 Mrs Luke Potter, 2 Mrs S. Harrey) H Millson, 2 S Penfound . . Grapes purple, 1 and 2 D Fisher, 3 S per. Carriage hcrse 15~ hands high and over, Wright. Do chicks of 1885, 1 and 2 Kydd & McConnachie. Ten yards do all wool, 1 Miss McMillen, 1 W vYaddell, 2 R Barret, 3 WP Prower. Vi~riety of fruits, lst G W Henry, 2 E 2 Mrn. Jos. McClellan,:..: Mrs. J Duif. Carriage horse under 15 hands, W W Wright. White c black polands, l and 2 J M C Benutn, 3 T T Coleman. 'l\m yds. c o. fancy plaid, 1 Mrs. S Dickey, 2 1\'1 Mc'I'avish, 3 D Galbraith. Variety of ftpples, 1. R Osborne, 2 I L Harper. Saddle horse, 1 S Cotton, 2 Dr Tam- Hern. Do chicks of 1885, 1 an4 2 JM Bern. Brown, 3 A N Varnum. Ten yards do. stripe, 1 l\'[rs. J Duff. blyn, 3 C Wilmot. Any other variety, 1 and 2 J M Hern. Coverlet woollen or mixed home made, CLAS:il J-VEGETABLES. CLASS B- CATTLl<'. Do chicks of 1885, 1 aud 2 J M Hern. vVintor cabbage, .I P. Coleman, 2 T T 1. F Walden, 1 Mrs. G Powur, 3 Mrs. J DURHAM. Houdans, 1 W Hall, 2 A Hobbs. Colunmn, 3 Fred Brown. Penfound . . Do chicks of 1885, 1 and 2 W Hall. Bull 3-yr -old, l F W Allin, 2 A W Early Cabb<'tge, 1 P Colemau 2 'l' '.l' Coverlet all C(>tton, 1 .F W:tlden, 3 Mrs Kydd & Wright, 2 W H La.ng8hans, 1 .Burk, 3P Werry. Colcmau, 3 ,J Smith. Jos. McClellan. Brown. Bull 2-year-old, 1 Collacott & Sons. White celery, 1 P Coleman, 2 ·r T Cnlol?ivo skeins of merino yam lwme spun, Game Bantams, 1 .J M Hern, 2 J Lyle. man, 3 J Smith. Bull 1-year·old, 1 S Allin, 2 W Werry, 1 Mrs J' l\foC!ellan, 2 Mrs D Lick. , . Do chicks of 1885, 1 S Ja.ckma.n, 2 Ed. 3 W J Clemens. S;J,voy Cabbage, 1 P Coleman, 2 T T Five skeins cross band yarn home ~pun, Bull calf, 1 Collacott & Sons, 2 _ W Hambly. Coleman. 1 Mrs D I;ick, 2 l\'.lrs E C Beman. . Any other variety bantams, 1 J Jeffrey. Werry, 3 J Leask. Five skeins stocking yarn auy 'other Cauliflower, 1 P Coleman, 2 J Smith, 3 Do chicks of 1885, 1 .J Jeffrey. Cow, 1 and 2 Collacott & Sons, 3 J T T Coleman. kind home spun, 1 Mrs. L Potter, 2 ]' Turkeys, 1 and 2 W B Brown. Leask. Salsify or vegetable oyster, 1 P Cole- 'Vaiden , 3 Mrs S Harper. Rouen ducks, 1 and 2 TT Coleman. H eifer 3yr·old, 1 and 3 J L eask, 2 S man, 2 'l' T Coleman , 3 .1 Smith. Paii· fbnnel blanke~s homespun, 1 Mrs Do ducks of 1885, 1 J W Dutton, 2 T '.I' Allin. Six leeks, 1 p Colenrnn, 2 '!' T Cole- Fielding, 2Miss Mcl\fillen, 3 Mrs J Duff Heifor 2-year-old, 1 J Leask, 2 Colla- Coleman. man. Pair sheets homespun, 1 MissMcMillen, Aylesbury ducks, 1 T T Coleman. cott & Son, 3 S Allin. Peck of red onions, 1 J Smith, 2 T T 2 Mrs Fielding, 3 Mrs E C Beman. Do ducks of 1885, 1 W H Brown, 2 T H eifer 1-year-old, 1 R Woodley, 2 S Coleman, 3 'l' :Burden. McGCelncltl·~llp.laid home made, l Mrs Jos l T Coleman. Allin, 3 J as Lea~k. Peck of white onions, 1 P Coleman, 2 w '-' Pekin Ducks. 1 J Duff, 2 W Jones. H eifer ca.If, 1 S Allin, 2 T H Hancock, T T Coleman, 3 J Chaplain. '.l'en yds rag car pet, 1 F. vValden, 2 Do ducks of .l885, l and 2 W .Jones . .3 Collaco! t & Son. Pcukofydlowonions,lPColcmau, 2 l\1issMcmillen,3 MrsJosMcClcllan. Gray geese, 1 J Duff, 2 W H Brown. Durham herd, l Collacott & Sons. J Chaplain, 3 J Smith. '.l'on yards wool carpet fillec l with rags, ' ' White geese , 1 T T Coleman. DEVON. Peck of potato onions, 1 P Coleman, 2 l l<'Walden. CUnl· Um v· ·F antail pigeons, 1 and 2 J Lo.belle. Bull, 1 E G P ower & Son, 2 S Harper. T 'r Coleman, 3 J Chaplain. Pair of h orse blankets, 11\'rrs s Harper, Jacobins, 1 F Good, 2 J LabtiUe. Cow, 1 S Har11er, 2 W Courtice. Three heads of red cab beige, 1 P Coleman, F \Valden. Pouters, 1 and 2 F Good. H eifer 2·year-old, l S Harper, 2 E G 2 TT Coleman, 3 A Hobbs. Hag mat, l Mrs c A Leask, 2 Mrs G Carriers, 1 F Good, 2 W B McGaw. Six blood beets, 1 P Coleman, 2 and 3 'l'ordilf, 3 Mrs W J 011. Power & Son. Collection of pigeons, 1 J Labelle. T Burden. Pair wool mitts, 1 Mrs S Harper, 2 H erd, 1 S Harper. . Golden pheasants, 1 J ,Jeffrey. Six blood turnip beets, 1 E. C Beman, Mrs EC Beman, 3 Mrs RE Thornton. ORADII. Canaries-best singer, 1 J Milne, 2 W 2 P Colemm1, 3 J Smith. Pair faucy mitts, 1 Mrs E McClellan, 2 C~w, 1 and 2 J L eask, 3 W Werry. Noden. x1rsnips, 1 P Col eman, 2 T T ColeMrs S Horper, 3 Mrs E C B eman. Six 1 Heifet 2-year·old, 1 and2 S Allin, 3 W Do plumage, 1 W Noden, 2 .T P ercy. Home coloring, 1. ])' Walden, 2 Mrs S man, 3 J Smith. RR Cawker. Best Parrot, Mrs Penfound. Six long scarlet radish, .1. P Coleman, 2 Harpel\ 3 Mrs D Lick. Heifer l ·yeai·-old, 1 W Crago, 2 S P11ir of doves, W Fishleigh. T 'l' Coleman, 3 J Murdoch. Pair of wool stockings or socks, 1 Mrs Allin. Crow or talking bird other than a parSix turnip radish, 1 T 'l' Coleman, 2 J RB '.l'hornt011, 2 Mrs D Lick, ' ;3 Mrs J. Heifer calf, 1and3 J Leask, 2 W B rot, 1 ~ Jackman. McClellan. Pollard, 3 .J Murdoch. Allin. Six trophy tomatoes, 1PColeman,2R CI.ASS M-LADIES DEPARTMENT. CLASS F-IMPLEMENTS. ;JERSEYS, B Thornton, 3 .J Smith. Fnney knitting cotton coarse, 1 Mrs Drill cultivator, 1 I Westcott. Bull, l J Jeffery. Six any other kind of tomatoes, 1 P Young, 2 Mrs S Harper, 3 Mrs J Pollard. I ronharrows, 1 I 'Westcott, 2 G H LinCow, 1 J Jeffery, 2 M Porter. Fancy knitting, cotton, fine, 1 Mrs J Coleman, 2 J Smith, 3 R B Thornton. ton. Grade J ersey cow, l J McMurtry, 2 R Collection of tomatoes, 1 P Coleman, 2 Percy, 2 Mrs C Young, 3 Mrs Strickland. Sod plo;v, J W Porter & Son. Young. Fancy knitting with wool, l Mrs C Stubble plow, 1 G H Li!lton, 2 W Por- J Smith. Fat beast under 3 years, 1 W Werry, 2 Six capsicums, ripe, 1 A A Gamsby, 2 Yollng, 2 Miss GYoung, 3 Mrs S Harper. ter & Son. Rich Mallory. Net ting in Cotton, coarda, 1 Miss StrickDemccrat wagon, 1 G C Haines, 2 J as. 'l' T Coleman. CLASS C- SHEEP. Collcction of Capsicums, ripe, ripe 1 P land, 2 Mrs James Pollard, 3 Mrs M Morris. Portei· . · JiF.!Q~;::_;'.('El\ QB, !ilNCOwN, Farm wagon, 1 G C Haines, 2 J as M or- Coleman, 2 T T Coleman. Six ears of sweet corn, 1 p Coleman, 2 Nettir.g in cotton, line, 1 Mrs Jas PollAged ram Leicester, 1 W B Allin, 2 W ris. ard, 2 Mi~s I Shaw, 3 Mrs M Single carriage open, 1 G C Haines, 2 '.l' T Coleman, 3 Fred Brown , C Blackburn, 3 S Allin. Crochet with cotton, l Miss A Shaw, 2 Six long red mangolds, 1 J Murdoch, 2 Shearling ram, 1 W C Blackburn, 2 W Jas Morris. Miss Strickland, 3 Mrs 'l' K ersey. Single carriage covered, 1 J as Morris, 2 T T Coleman, 3 J Smith. B Allin. Six mangolds, yellow globe, 1 J MurDarned netting, 1 Miss Strickland, 2 Ram lamb, 1 W C Blackburn, 2 and 3 G C Haines. doch, 2 T '.l' Coleman, 3 J 8mith. Mrs James P ollard, 3 Mrs A Montague. Phaeton open, 11 Westcott. WB Allin. Six mangolds, long yellow. 1 T T ColeNetting in wool, 1st 111rs J Pollard, 2 I 1 0 Double sleigh or cutter, 1 J 'a s Morris. Puir of aged ewes, 1 and 2 W B Allin, Mrs M Porter, ;3 Miss I shaw. Single sleigh 01· cutter, 1 and 2 J as man, 2 J Murdoch , 3 J Smith. .3 W C B lack burn. Crochet with wool, lMissEMcClcllan , rl· Six white carrots ; 1 J Murdoch, 2 s Pair shearling eweB, 1 and 3 W B Allin, Morris. Snowden, 3 J Mc:Millen. 2 Mrs M P orter, 3 Miss H B Sarnells. VY Pumps, 1 E Hastings 2 W Tyler. 2 W C Blacl{burn. Six table Cm-rots, long red, 1 J MurCretonne work, 1 Miss Mc'.l'avish, 2 Pair ewe lambs, 1 W C 'Bfaok burn, 2 W CLASS G-DAilW PROJ)UCE. doch, 2 J James, 3 p Coleman. Mrs T Kersey, 3Miss1\fand Allin. I B Allin, 3 S Allin. Six table carrots short sed, 1 T Burden, ]) lat Berlin wool work, 1. Miss StrickTub of butter, 1 Mrs L Potter, 2 Mrs Pen, 1 W B Allin. 2 J Smith, 3 AN Varnum. land, 2 Miss N Morris, 3 Mrs Keys, D Lick , 3 Mrs Penfound. COTSWOLD . Six turnips, 1 J Smith, 2 w J Brag-g, 3 Wax fiower, poncl lilies, 1 Mrs Keys, 2 Ten tt)s in rolls or prints, 1 Mrs ·w Aged ram, ] G Gray. Crago, 2 Mrs J McClellan, 3 Mrs J M R Foley. Mrs M flowers Porter , ftny 3 Miss C \Vindatt. .---. - .,~~~-~-~=~.,..~=....,~--..~-----~---Ram lamb, 1 and 2 G- Gray. '.l'wo table squash , 1 '.l' '[' Coleman, 2 D '\Yax fancy design, 1 Mrs. -----~---Pair aged ewes, 1 and 3 G Gray, 2 Col· .Joness. Fisher, 3 G W Henry. Porter, 2 Miss C Windatt. Ho'lle made cheese, 1 Mrs D Lick, lacott & Sons. Two hubbard sr1uash, l T Burden, 2 .J Autumn leaves wax, 1 Mits J Galbraith. ' Two loaves of bread, home made, 1 P air of shearlings, 1 G Uray. Chaplain, 3 J Smith. Embroidery net, 1 Mrs '.l' Kersey, 21 · Mrs S Harper, 2 Mrs EC Btiman, 3 Mrs Pair ewe lambs, 1 G Gr11y. Pumpkins, 1 J' Smith, 2 R Foley 3 F Mrs M Porter, 3 Mrs Strickhnd. J Chaplain, Pen, 1 G Cray. Silk embroiclcry, 1 Mrs D McConnachie, Fourloaves'of bread1 baker's, 1 C Tod. A Cole. SOUTHJJOWN. Six roots chicory, 1 P Coleman, 2 'l' T 2 Mrs H B Sarnclls. 3 Miss Strickland. Dozen bu!ls home rr.ade, 1 Mrs S Har:I Coleman. Crewel work, 1 MissJ Galbraith, 2 Mrs. Aged ram, 1 D Pollard, 2 J Oke, 3 G per, 2 Mrs E C Beman. Collection h erbs, l J Chaplain, 2 T T Keya, 3 Miss Fisher. Dozen buns, bakete, 1 C Tod. Power. Fht braid work in wool or silk, 1 Miss Shearling ram, 1 M Mundn,y. Variety preserved fruH, 1 and 2 Mrs J Coleman. 'l'wo citrons, 1 A \Vast1ington, 2 T 'l' Strickland, 2Mrs T Kersey, :3 Miss Welsh. Ram b.mb, 1 J Oke, 2 and 3 G P ower. Chaplain. _. F lat braid work, cotton, 1 Miss StrickAged owe3, 1 G Power, 2 .J Okc, 3 D Assortment of j(Jly, 1 Mrs J Chaplain, Co}enrnn, 3 \V E Pollard. ~wo water melons, 1 G R Hen.ry. , ., land, 2 Miss Borland, ~ Miss R Ma~on. 2 Mrs A A Ga.n.1sby, 3 Mrs T T Coleman . Pollard. 1 wo. musk . melons, l J Chaplain, 2 I j Lace in honiton braid, 1 Miss StrickPair shearlings, 1 J. Oke, Z D Pollard. Ten lbs clear honey, 1 S B "Bradshaw, 2 1 2 iUl'S. . '1 'K . 3 ,,... . A M OllColenrnn. Pair ewe lambs, 1 G Power, 2 J Oke, a IL Brown, 3 Ira J Deboyes. ·r 'I' co1e- l· anc, "l..eisey, it.LIES H a lf b us1Le1 ear1y po t utoes, 1 baue 'l'en lbs honey in comb, 1 Ira J DeD Pollard. man, 2 Smitl.i, 3 L. Potter. , J 'Poi~t face, 1 Miss Str ickhnd, 2 Miss J SJI1c0l'SlIIRE DOWNS. boyes, 2 SB Bradshaw, :3 R Youn~. °! potatoes, 1 Galbraith, 3 Miss A Montague. , f!alf rnshel any Aged ram, 1 ;i.nd 2 Collacott & Sons, 3 CLASS H-GltAINS AND SEEDS. 'rwine lace. l Miss E Loscombe 2 Miss :Snuth, 2 .w J Bragg, " J l\Iurdo~h. J Dryden. ?ol'.~ct1 ~~1 nf pot_~.toe.s, l J Srrnth, 2 J A McClung, 3 Miss J Galbraith. ' Two bush sprlng wheat, bald, 1 T PasShearling ram, 1 J Dr yden. Change stitch 1 Miss L C Pollard 2 Chaplam, .:> G W Hemy. ' Ram lamb, 1 J Dryden, 2 and :~Colla coe. 2 J Oke, ::3 J Duff. Best and lm·gcst squash, 1 T T Colem< tn, Miss E ·McClcll~n, 3 Miss G Loscon;be. '.l'wo bush spring wheat, bearded, 1 Levi cott & Sons. 2 P Coleman. _ :> Appliquc work, l Miss l\llc'l'avish, 2 Pair of ewes, 1 J Dryden, 1 and 3 Col- Skinner. Assor,t;r!~nt of "Vegetables, l l Cole- Mr~ '.l' Kersey, 3 Miss Strickland. bush b.rge peas, l and 2 J Duff. Two 1acott & Sons. man, 2 I I Coleman. . , Tatt ing 1. and 2 Mrs W Tapson , 3 Miss Pair of shearlings, 1 and 2 J Dryden, 3 3 J Pascoe. CLASS K - FLOWERS. Strickland. Two bush ::omall peas, 1 J Duff, 2 J GGray. Collection of window pfants, 1 J Ch1 tp·w orked slippers, lu1ncl made, 1 Mrs T l'ail' ewe lambs, 1 J Dryden, 2 ancl 3 Leask. Kersey, 2 Miss Maud Allin, 3 Miss Two bush barley not two-rowed, 1 A lain, 2 TT Coleman. Collacott & Sons. Tamblyn, 2 J Duff, 3 J' James. Col. snap dragon, 1 l:I. Beith, 2 J Chap- Strickland. CLASS D-SWINE. Sofa pillow, 1 Miss E Hoar, 2 Mrs H 'l'wo bush harley, two rowed, 1 J Duff. lain, 3 P C11leman. BERI'8IIIltE. Oats, 1 J Dull', 2 T Pascoe, 3 I L Col. Balsams, l E C Beman, 2 T T B Samclls, 3 Miss Maud Alliu. Cotton tidy, l M:iss ,Joli, 2 Mrs T KerColeman, 3 J. Chaplain. Brown. Boar, 1 S Snowden, 2 W Wright. Fifty of corn strung, 1 T T ColeCol. Coxcombs, 1 EC, 2 T T soy, 3 Mrs W Bcittain. Sow, 1 S Snowden, 2 D Lick, 3 J Woolen tidy, 1 Mrs. '.l' Kersey, 2 l\'[iss Coleman, 3 J> Coleman. man, 2 S Snowden, 3 L Skinner. James. 50 cars of corn, strung, 8 rowed 1st T . Col. Stocks, 1 J Chaplarin, 2 EC Beman, Mc'ravish, 3 Miss A Tait. Bo;;r under 12 and over 6 mos. old, 1 S &c., &c., &c. · T. Coleman, 2 S . Snowden, 3 L. Skinner. 3 P Coleman. Embroidery in colored silks on lace, 1 S nowden, 2 J ames.John Bush. :flax seed, 1 J. D uff. Col. Asters, 1 D Fishel.', Z H ;Beith, -3 1 Miss McTavish, 2 Miss A McClung, 3 Mrs Sow 12 and over () mos. old, 1 S Bush."Timothy seed, 1 Jaa Leasli:, E C Beman. I Keys. ..,nowden. WEST DURHAM FAIR. I 1 cd@FALL~).. 15t IMPORTATIONS.· J USt Opened Up:- New Dress Goods, Dress Silks, Rhadame, Silks, Marvelleux Satins, Broche Satins, and Brocaded Ottomans at PIERCE & CO'S~ Just Opened Up.·-T New Silk Pl 1 - shes, S1' lk Velvets . ' errys Tinsel PlLlSh,· and ':ltlanel vet eens a t I PIERCE & a O'S. J USt Opened Up.·-- New J erse~lS, Mantles, u ·isters, Shaw ls,\N" raps,Children's Jackets and Scarfs at PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up:- J N e w M ·11 · n e ry H at s' B n nets, Flowers, Feathers, B1""rds, "'\'/\ ng '..·s, A·igre tt es, R . ·bb ons and Laces at PIE RC E & a O"S. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, DRLTGGISTS Buy their goods from reliable houses and can supply the public with f km1 Pure Drugs! at reasonable prices. Just to hand :---A large assortment of TOILET SOAPS and HAIR BRUSHES from the best manufacturers. Pure Ground Oil Cake always on band. SPONGES, CHAMD~I, PERrUMERY,.