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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1885, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.00 PER. ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD .AFTERWARDS. M· .A. JAMES, EDl'l'OR AND VOLUME PROPRIETOR. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 377. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER lG, 1885. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. OSHAWA. XXXL NUMBER 42. The 8. O. E. concert on the 8th wns n grand OARTWRIOH.T. success. The annual prize meeting of Bowman1\Ir, Jallles 1'1'igg, residing nea.r thA English ville Rifle Association took place at their Mr. W. Barton. or St. Joseph's Island, J,!\ke Superior, ha~ been down on n visit to h is a.ged Churcl1 CPmetery met with the misfortune tC> . range on Tuesday of last week with the break his left log by falling from a load of mother and other friends who were glad to see grain. · following result : him. There is an efl'ort being to establish a A large share of the gmin in t.his township CITIZKNS' .l\l.ATCH. club In town, football is marketed at Burketon now. Ranges 200 and 500 yds., 7 !shot.s a.t each mnge. On Sunday evening a robe wne stolon from Mr~. ,Jason Irv ine'~ geese are laying a12:aln Pts, f Prize, after ra.i8ing a flock of goslings; and what is the buggy of E.,J, Phillips, of Cedar Dale, while 1. S taff Sergt. Le wi·. 'l'oMntfl ....... . 6l $ 8 00 stranger still some of the gosllngs are laying standini.: in the Simcoe Street Methodist ¥· 0. M11.riwtts. Nulgara Fa.Ila ....... . li2 7 00 church shed. too. .~.Dr. -~'lcJ~!l.Ughlin, Bowman ville .... 5!1 6 00 A HO yard foot race wlll be run by P. Ken 'l.'wo of the young mon from Bowmnnville !· YY· U. hmg, " . .. . (i!l 5 00 11 took a farmer's hors" in mls"tako for the livery nedy, of Oshawa, and It. Sparks, of Toronto on o. I,. NowP.11. · · · · · · flH 5 oo horse that brought them out .F'air day. They on the Driving Park. on Saturday ttfternoon, fi. 'l urner Br!ijhin. Lotus .......... .. . . 58 1110 d1d not discover their mistake till they got to October 17th. The race will be !or SOU a side 7. W. M. Goodwin. Hamilton ... . .. . . 58 ,i oo Bowmanv illc. 8 ··Tno. Sande>. Howmllnville ........ .. 5'~ 3 uo Mr. Henry Farrell who was recently afupll 9. 1'hos. Hrlt bin Lot its .... ......... .. 57 3 00 of the lllgh Schon! and resided east o the Had yonr fresh alT reporter been out hore 3 oo on fair night he might have filled your paver town was found dead in his bed at the Albion 10. S~rgt. Hobb·. Port Hope ...... . . .. 67 hotel, Toronto, on Monday otlast week. ll, W. S. Russell, Bowmanville .. ...... IH 2 oo with casualties. " .. .. .... 5 1 2 00 The Rev.· Mr. Lane, broihor-in-la.w of Rev. 12..l. H. MC>rris. Mr. J. Crawforn recch·ed an iujury by a 13. Sergt. Law1·[.o, Port Hope .. .... .... ai 2 oo saddle penv which he was 11racticing throwing A . ll. Demill, of this town hus been appointc<l II. J IloblnBon, J,inclaay .......... ...... 53 2 oo na.s1or or rile Madi~on Avenne church. New him oJfand stepping on his log. lli. J. Jl. Mitchel. Bowman ville ii3 2 00 York, in place of Rev. D. J. P Newr:-:an, whose A m:in hailing from llowmanvllle went into time hus expired. lol. 'J'. H. McMurt,1·y. " 100 Mrs. Moore's dwellini; on Frid"y mght, nnd on 17. N. S . Y!-'nng, " ..... . 51 1 00 Captain Mclnt.yre, Lient. Wolley. and Cndot 18. J. ~-Williamson, Lindsay . .. ....... 51 using insultini;: langu-i~e Mies Moore ordered 1 ()() him out when he struck Iler with a. cbair and Andrews the new ontcers of the Salvation 19. lllaJ~r Hnghe~. Cartwright. ........ 50 1 oo Army here, knocked her duwn. He is about to be legally ZO. "V. Ga111ble, Port Hope, ..... . ...... ·18 1 oo dealt with. Medcalf-st Methodist chnrch is bciog enASSOCIATION :llA1'CH. larged and bcautiiled: the improvomont.g will A few minnteg before this, some one threw a Ilanges !00 and 600 yds.. iseven shots at each stone of 4 or 5 lbs. through Mrs, Johnston'M cost about $1,000. range. window. and the same one who etruck Miss 'l'he Hev. G. L. Witt.Alt, or Boston, Ont. I \V. S Itnssell, Bownmnville ........ GI $10 00 Moore is charged with the !!tone throwing. preached in tho Bll.ptist Church last LC>rd's day 900 On the oircht of the show a Mr. L, from Port morning a.nd evening, ~ ~o?sJ~~n,,g· 53 Perry got into a row with Pth' &te Wilson in Mr. H:v. Doolittle showed at the fair on the 4J.R.Mitohc11 ::~:::~:~7 800 7 00 one of our hotels and in the struggles L. badly 8th, a five months old colt. wl1ich weighed R25 5 'I'. Nowell ....... .50 6 00 bit W's thumb. He le, we nndel'Stnnd. under lb8 and girted five feet seven inches around 6 1<: Coleman .. . . .. .... . ................. 49 5 00 11rrest to Wllit his trial, if he were ·· hound to the body. The colt wae awarde<l first prize. 7 q. M'!rgetts, Niagara Falls . ... . . .. !8 500 the pellce," it. m' gbt prevent 11 good deai of 8 'l. Brisbin. J,otns .... . . .............. ·}8 5 00 noise and rows when he comes to our viliage. 9 Ser,.?t, Lawrie, Port Hope ......... . . -Ii HO UNO. BNFIELD. 10 Dr. McLauir;h1!11,BC>wma'!vllle ..... . 4(i .100 11 Major H112hes, Ca.rt wright. .. : ...... H -l 00 Mr..J. Niddery has rente<l hiE brm t.o Mr, I ~ Major White, Whitby ....... . ..... . H 3 ()!) LAKE VJEW,-C.ARTWBIGJJ'J.'. \Vm. Hobbs, anu Mr. R. Winn\t has rented 13 Capt Howe, Elowrna.nville ... .. . .... 3·1 :J 00 the south hundred of the form now occupied l! Stalf Se_rgr.. T,f?wis, ·roronto .. ...... ~9 The following are the names or the first two 3 00 la I. lL Oh .-er, Lindsay ........... .- .. .. 3$ pupils in order of merit based on the marks ob by Mr. \Ym, Mason. 3 00 Mrs.Jonathan Bray ha.a been visiting triend3 16 1--:t· Sharvnell, Whitby .............. 37 tained during the pa~t month in S. :S. No. 9, 2 00 17 'l. H. McMurtry, Howma.nville . ... 37 Cartwright: Ji'nnr1.h class-Minnie McNeil, 'l'. in Bowmanville and Hampton. 200 Sylvester. J,ind!ay ........ .. ..... . 37 Suggitt. 'l'hird class senior- Emma McNeil, 2 00 Miss Hattie Bradshnw is vi~iting hor sister, 181'. IO Sergt. Hobbs, Port Hooe... . .. .... 3G Li ~"ie Williams, Third class junior- Maggie 100 Mrs. Samuel Bray, 20 J. H, Morrls,/.lowmanville ..... ..... 36 Mal1atl'ey, F lorence Peel. Second Class Senior I Oll Mrio. James Ta.pp and family, formerly of Percy McNeil, Edgar l'eel. Second .JunEX'l'IU SEl\IES MA'l'Cfl 11avo moved here. ior-Ethel '.l'hC>mpson, Edmund McCrae. Sec- Peterborough. Mr. Michae!Vickery hae been unable to work Range 21'0 yards, 7 shot.·. Unlim.ltcd entries on<l Part t>enior-Sa.mmy Mahaffey, Freddie for sC>me tune, from tho efl'ect~ of a kick trorn 1 J B M1t.chel, A Jl11cklei·'a pri:1.e .. 3t $10 oo Will1Ln, Second Part Junior- Minnie Sloan, 2 Dr. McJ,aughlt.11, Manning & N 08. Herbie Cowan. 1"irst Class Senior-Elsie a horoe on his hand. Mr. and Mrs. D. Archer were In town on worthy's prrnc ........... ........ .3a s oo Mooor, Willie ::-<ey. First Class Junior-Liza looklnir well. 3 T Nowell, Murdoch Bro·'. prize .... 33 5 oo Sloan, Ma.y Wilson. Hattie E Gibbs, Teacher. Sunday, Mr. }~. Niddery h as been seriously ill for .1 "\V S Rnssell. Pierce & Co's prize .. :i1 4 oo some time, but Is now convalescent, 5 N S Young, It H Henry '9 prize ... ... :i;~ 4 oo 'l'ho Enniskillen Praying Band kindly came 6 W Ga~nble, Jos .Teffrey's prize ...... 32 3 50 SOLINA. over to this" da.rk community" to assist our 7 W C Idng, J Maynard's prize ... ... 3t 3 oo Band Inst Sunday evening. 8 G Margetts, J McMurtry'3 prize .... :l2 :1 oo Mr, V>. Ashton Is sufl'enng from a sever e at· Some dogs arounrl here mav attribute their 9 John. S~ndo, Stott & Jury's prize . . !lt 2 50 o1 inflammation of the throat. longevity to the had markmanship o1 a certain 10 'i' H.rtsbm, McCJunl! & Co's prize .... 31 2 oo l\'Ir, Chas. Ruse. or Hampton, intends ori?an, young ma.n with a. J?atling gun. ll MaJor Hughes, M Porter's prize ... . 3l 2 00 faing a. singing echool in this yilJage. l\fr. llenj. Powell, jr., is bLiilding an addition 12 'l' H M~l\~ur~ry, W H May'3 prize .. 3l 2 oo :Building is going on very extensively around to his h~nse. 13 G Lewis. r Geo Maaon's orfae ..... . 3Q 2 oo The population or the subnrbs of this town is U Jas Brown, WT Scott's prize ..... . 30 this village. .Mr, John Reynolds has put ~tone 2 oo work under bis ba.rn, Mr, D. Montiromery is. ' increasing at 1i far greater rate per cent. than 15 :re_ Prout, J Sando'e prize ..... . .. .... 30 2 oo the_ city prC>per. 1ltting up the Tyler property, and Mr. Edwin 16 W Mc/{ay, W .!£ Pet hick's prize . . .. 3() 2 ou Sr.ocu:r.r. lteynolds intends to veneer his mansion. 17 JR~\ llhtLm,on, LCornisb's prize .. 30 151) "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. 18 D D Bouch, M Mayer's prize ..... . . :JO 1 50 Mr. J . Tom. of 'l'oronto. is visiting in this 16 Capt J-towc, C M Cawker'e .. .. .. .. .. 29 1 25 village, guest of Mr, W. A. Tom, our genial PONT HOPE. 20 J H Morris, S'rA'l'ESM.!.N one year .. 2\j loo We take g reat pleas ure i n calli,11r the v! blacksmith. ~n this match 1-h~ prizes ' w e!'e shop goodsThe half yearly meetin1t or the County of Durattention of the tho usands of r eaders of MrH. Hillis of this place is visiting friends in ham 'J'cllcher's .Association will bo held in the wn~n.ers ta.king choice or articles, accorcling to the S'l'A'l'ESMAN to the celebrate d "Happy the west. Would announce to their friends and the public that their . and not as arranged by comHigh School .Bmlcling-, Port Hope, on Friday ton on ll·tSome of our young men attended the Centen- and ' Thought" Range, now conceded to be o nµ, nial Saturday, Oct· 2'J and 21. The program is UlHtce, according to value. at Cartwright.. as tollows:-On l!'rlda.y Educational ?.lethods. GR.\ND AGG.RLWA'fE IN llfATCHJJ:S. of the best cooking s toves manufactured. The Enniskillen Praying Band conducted introduced by W. E. Tilley, M, A.; His1 W S Russell, Rowmiinvillo, H It A This justly renowned Riinge is a model t11e serYices at li:ldad on Sunday eve ning last. tory, by Geo. l\lcDowell: Languaice J,e<sons i:;·l'! h til !{e a.nd $!. .... . . .. .. ..... 115 $12 00 is now very complete in all its departments, having opened out in every respect; it is he:wy, subst'llntial, Mr, and 1\'ftos. 'l'homas Pascoe have ret urned for junior pupils. by l<'. Wood, ?ti. 8. M.; Phon- Z WU h.1111( HO~ P Co's prize . .. ... 112 JO oo System, by Dr.Ha.milt.on, Advanced readdurable, and thoroughly well made and from visiting friends at 'foronto and Ni11;:ara etfo ing by ;John Brown. On Friday evening a leC· 3 G Mar_gett.s, S S Edsall's prize ...... 110 6 50 during the past few weeks o-ver Fri.Ila. 4. ~~li,n R1mrtr1. It B Andrew's prlze .. JIO ,I oo finished in every p articular ; the ornature wlll be dehvered by James Roy, L. L. D., '-Ve are plc11.11ed to see busiuess ,boomlnll at Subject: ~/,Nu" en, ~V !Jn,Ick&co·s prize ... . 109 3 oo "Langua.ges in their inll.uences on mentation is chaste and beautiful without the new blacksmith shop. Mr. · w. A. Tom is National C:haracter." ~ lhosll1·1sb111 .. P rrebiloock's P.rize .. 105 2 ;,o On Saturdar.· ProfeRS· 1 Dr McLaughhn Elllson & .ue s prizel05 2 50 being gaudy, and as the r ange has v ery hard at lt !rem early morn, tillla.te at e'en. He ional Improvement, by E. 'l'. Seman, The doeo a first general blacksmithing busi· 8 { J3 :\I 1. chd, J Milne's prize ........ JO! 2 oo large flues and being constructed with an ness and guarantees satisfaction every time. Teacher and his co-workers, by J. Gilfillan; ti ~ergot J·«wr1e. J. Lyle's prize . ...... . 101 2 oo How f1ir should a. teacher aid his pupilsl by \,Y, especial view to giving t he best results, He is an A 1 horse·shoer, \V, Jardine, D. A.; Time Table, Class and Seat. 10 Sta.ff'.!:Ser.:t Lewis, Kenner & Uo's p~JZe · · ·· · · · · · "' .. · ·· · .. ". · ... ... . !01 2 00 ""'{"TT it will be found to always work perfectly, \York, by 'l'. L. Staples; Q11estiou Drawer and -----·--4~·----llui.:hes, Mrs IIumphrey's Gener1·l Bu~lness. Questions to be sent to the 11 MaJ\)l' .....L~ VV ¥ :J even where other ranges have failed. prize...... . . ..... . .... . . . ..... .... 95 2 00 ENNISKILLEN. Secrclary befare the meeting or the .Associa· 12 Sergt Jfobba, ·rait & Mon·hons'prize93 2 00 The "Happy 'l'hou~ht" is no experiment, · '!'lie next promotion examination will be The best and most largely attended sale for tion. W .M Goou win, M 'i'releven's prize'. .93 :l 00 on F'riday, November, 27th; the subjects Ia for it has been tried tind tested and_out of many sA:isons around here w"s that ot .Mr. L. held HE Colem11n, W P Prower's prize 91 2 PO ar:d the limits will be the same as formerly. J~ 'l' Brisbin·. (!ouch J & C's prize .. ::::91 Mantle G~ods, Ulster Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatings, Flannels ) the many thousands -now m use 111 the A . 'l'cle's on Monday last. Mr, 'l'ole is giving 'l'he fourth class will not be examined. 2 00 up farming and everything went withotLt 16 J H ~orris, J H·gginbotha.rn &: Son's United ~ta.tes a nd Canada, t he manuprize. ...... . ........ . . ..... . 90 1 50 Blankets, Fur Caps, Astrachan Mantles, Over Coats, &c. facturers have never heard of one that reserve. His stock etc. wa11 in prime condition and all oolrl for goo_ d prices. His sale amount17 ~fojor White, D Davia' prlzo 150 does not give satisfaction. :Some idea of ed to over $1000. Owing to the illness or Mr. Now is the Time to Gather Seeds. 18 l H Mc:.\fortry, Mason Bros' orize .. 89 l 00 t 19 J ltob111son. Sm· one year · 86 1 00 t le the enormous sales of this Range may be H. · 'l'. Phillipe, Mr. It. Hutchison acted as anctioneer and gave entire satiefaetion to u.ll To the Editor of the Statesman. ZO I H Oliver West DNows o~ey~;,;~:'.83 I 00 by had when we state t h:it we have before concerned. ;:liR.Every one is beginning to admit thn.t The Bible Society meeting herf\ on 'l'uesda.y the chief beauty and often one of the PrLncipa! NURSERY AOOREO.\Tli: JN lST A.ND 2ND MA'l'CEl!l:S, us a pamphlet list of 3 , 5 persons with not prevlowly won a prize their addresses, t o ·wJ1om one dealer, Mr. evenmg waa fairly attended and an excellent v>ilues or a farm ie its possession of wind breaks "Riflemen who have at any match. wae delivered by the Rev. Dr. Hodg- and sheltering plantations. Those who wish IN THE H. Beckwith, Utica, N. Y., has sold the address kin, of Colborne. 89 $1' to procure these and the ml3fortu ne to 1 TH McMurtry. Bowrna.nville "Happy Thought" in U t ica a nd v icinity Our Mayor is superintending the laying ot reside on farms destitute of them will find that 2 J Hobinson, J,indsay, . ........ :::::: :::.: ·:.86 3 though it be the slowest, it is yet an excellent c ~Jem.ank, llowmanville .. . ... . ......... . 73 2 alone, e v ery one of whom would g l a.clly our new sewer. 11 1 Squire ::Sylvester and Mr. J,, A. Tole are to mothod to sow t,ree seeds for themselves. Seed 5 '1V M~il!g. 11 ·· · ··· · ··· · · · · ··!1 ~ recommend it as the best cooking apparatus is this year plentiful in the forest, and this is become residents of our village in a !ew w eeks. U Jas llrow~e. Cartwright .. ::::·:.::::·:: :::;~ ~ they h ave ever used. This first-class the month for gathering the following:- Syca· Mr. John Martin hns11ot hie Boyne Flour and 'l'he prizes in oa.sli and articles were promptRange is now made in all sizes a nd styles Gristing Mills Into 1lrat class order, having re· more, mountain ash. English and native ashes, basswood, buckthorn, hawthorn, locust, oaks, paid at tile close or the competition and all with the celebrated Duplex Gmte, which is cently put in the Gradual Ucduction Principle, hickories. walnuts. butternuts, beech, chest- ly parted happily. system almost equal to the roller process. nuts, pines, and other evergreens, ha.rd ma.pie so rapidly supplanting all others where a. Universal admiration WM expressed at the He is buying Rrain m large quantities at highash leaved :maple or as lt Is now called anthracite coal is used. No sho.king or et t p1·ic Ps. See his adve1·tisement in the and of the g?ld ba.d1<e given for the highest MtJ.nitobalMaple. Hthey wait to gather these beaUllf a11gregate score. I~ was th.e l1audiwork of Mrs. poking of the necessary ; no dust S1'A'fE8MAN. till sorno dry da.y after the llrst frost it will be W. S. Russell, and is certarnly the finest badge found !>eat. The ma.pie and ash end such seeds Bo,vmauville. escaping in the room ; the tire is ready made In this district, nva.lling those ·O ne Door West of" Post Offtce. as well as all kinds or nuts should be kept in a eve.r which c~rne from London, England. With for baking at all hours of t he day or night. cool, dry place till they can be sown. Seeds such lnso1raclon NEWCASTLE. at homo is it any wonder that which like the mountuin ash a pulpy Lieut. "\V. S. llt1ssell The baking qualities of t he Range are counts high in the aggreThe ~~reasnrer of the Clarke Agricultural covering, will need bruising through the hands gates. greatly increased by the use of this exSociety will be at Jno. Glendenning's Hotel the pulpy matter then washed oif, a.nd tho N. U. Down's Vegetable .tl.alsamic Elixi1· is a positive cure cellent grate. Newcastle, on Tuesday, Oct., 20th, from 10 a.m seeds partially dried when mixin~ ~vi th sand for Ooul(hs Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, Iloarseness, Influenza, will !acllitate the sowing process. 'l'he fall is 'l'h.e October .number or the Nor th money, No range with an ordinary fiat grate until 1 p, m., to pay prize nature's time for sowing seeds nnd we shall Rcv· iew. _ contams twenty-three articles by as SpiHing B!o'od 1 Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung F~ver, Pleurisy, and all diseases of the R. MOMll:N'l', Secl'.'etary. will bake readily in the afternoon with not go far wrong it wo imitate her. .A light di!fel'ent co.ntribntors-mnong whon1 are $Gto is being expended hy the Govern"l'.lent on loa.m is the best but In a clay soil covering the aa :F,ogl1sl! Throat Chest and Lungs. As an Expectorant it has no equal, Consumption has cardmal, an American Admiral the dam at Mr, Wilmot's fish hatchery, nea.r seeds with sand does well. It is well to cover bee1 11 c~red times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulcerated surfaces, an old fire of anthracite coal. The fire-pot :Newcaotlc. two A.f!1erwan Ma.JOl'-GeneraJ.:., two American l\l[r. W, Simruonds, the contractor, the seed twice the depth or ' it·clf, and tread It ex-Jl:'ffmsters becomes choked with clinkers and cinders, to European Co11rts, an American and cures when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use ha.a proven is doing the work well. -tlrmly down, then cover all with about two Arttst, an~. Y. As~erublyman, an ex-United and :my attempt to remove t hem with the Its virtues: Every family should keep it in th e house. Sold everywhere. The Newcast.Je, Orono ~d Kirby Aux iliary .inches oflea.ves, straw, corn stalks, or straw s,ta.tes t>enator, }he Mayor or New York, an e::«:poker tends to mix them with the live of the Woman's Missionary Society have de· manure. They must be SC> mulched as to m- Gover.nor of New York, two distinguished Henry, Johnston & Lor d, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. coal and destroy the l ife of the fire. T)lis cided to separate, and with that end in view sure ~uccess. In the svring, this, if of a fertil- A.~ner100:0 Men of Letters, a1ut a famous Amthe ladies of Newcastle met on 6th or October obj ec~ion is entirely overcome by and ·or2ani?.ed tho Newcastle Auxiliary. The izing nature can be raked between and will erica!! Fma.ncler-M.annlngAmmen Ben Butkeep weeds down and the soil moist; if too ler, Jiitz ,Tohn PC>rter, Elihu ll. '-Vashburne, Deu1·y Baxte1·'s lliandt·ake Bitters are a. sure cure for great using the Dnplex Grate . By a s ingle turn following ofllcers were elected : Mrs. M. A. bulky remove it altogether. Next summer ~V1p1am Waldorf Astor, (his first appea.rance Coetive~eee Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigedtion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid of the crank all the clinkers and slag are Addison , President· Mrs. A. Gilbeck , Vice· form a small bed thus treated, and you will ob- m literature), J.B. Eustace. ofLouidiana, Wm. President; Miss M. Venner, Recording Sec'y ; tain thousancls of plunts of any variety you R, Gr~ce. of New Y,ork, Theodore Roosevelt Livar, Rhet;matism, Dizzine~s, Sick: Heada.che. Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Apople· instant1 and thoroughly removed, Mrs. H. Ufoka.rd, Corresponding Secretary ; have sown, und these· transplanted out tbe Horatio Seymour, E , ~·· Whipple, Charles T. xv, P ttlpitations, Erupt ions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto~ach, Bowels, and and themeously fire b ecomes a s bright and fresh Mrs. :M, Barfett, 'l'reasurer. next season will soon be fine young trees, tar Congdon, Dorman B l haton. and some others Digestive Organs all i.n work~ng 0rder, and yer¥ect he~lth will be the result. as if just kindled . Biscuit can he easily better rooted and thet·efore more likely to live le~s known. Thero i ~ also a very characteristic when finally planted out tha.n forest eeedlinge. pr1yate letter from General Gra.ut to his father Ladies and others subJect0 to Sick Headache will find rehef and permanent curo by and quickly baked at any time with a fire TYRONE. Yours, &c., . written from Milliken,s Bend, j us1 two days the us" of theso "Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purgai.ive t hev . purify the bloo d. that has been runnin_ b~fore he_started in the V1eksburg Campaign. g for weeks. The H.. W. PmPvs. Uev. 'l'. Ferrier ns a flying visit on For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Duplex Grate is simple, substantial and 'l'oronto, Oct. 9, 1885. t ts con tnbuted by Col. Fred Grant, ...,.___ . Wednesday of week. --- ~ - ···------Burlington, Vt. more durable than any flat g rate. By Mr. Keough , of Toronto, has been here for Proposed Ministerial Association ..,Y.:.\ N.A.DIAN Au·1·a0Rs A13ROA.D.- A true story. tnrning it two or three t imes a day the sorno time attending to business affairs in the lhe l'r!>fessor's Li;at Ska&e," by J, Macdonald Henry Johnston & Lord, Proprietors of . fire is always kept bri ght nnd ready for East End. of W est Durham. Oxley will appear among the attractions of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. McKinnon, or Oakwood, .tl.1:11ica and Oil IAinirnent for Man and Beast. The best external baking. lt is very cleanly. N ot a siugle Mariposa, are spending their honeymoon very \VJDll AW.AKI£, the bright Boston Ma.gesine A meeting wa.s held in the Congregational for 18~G. _ Mr. J, E. Collins, of Ot1.awa will apremedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Sea.Ide, Sciatica, door need be opened for removing the happily in this retired town. M:rs. '-Vm. Wight a.nd Master Elgin vVight· Parsonage in Bowman ville. on the 6th inst., p ear m the same monthly With his· Saved by; Backache, Frosted Feet, and all other pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, a?d clinkers from the fire, as must be d on e havo returned fro1.0 Clevelund, apparently no for the purpose of discussing the advi~a.bility a Kite, also a. true story of a.d ventur; . In the' effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on H orses. One trial with the Anti-Clinker G r;i,te. I t is very worse for their visit in Uncle Sa.m's domains, A u_ g nst number of t~is favorite 111aga.zine tor of forming a. Ministerial Association. '.l'here were present the Revs. it, A. Drum- yo1mg f~I.ks, Mr Colhns has a delightful tale will p ro ve Its merits. Its eftects :ire in most cases instantaneous. · Every bottle/ econ omic HI. Coal is not ·i l'asted or h a lf I111d ent1tle!1 Hunte!'! by a Wild Stallion, which · a sma. II ut- mond, of Newcastle , The Bible Society meeLing · Rev. Geor;fe Browu, of warranted to give satisfaction. Prices_25 cents and 50 cents p er bottle. Sold burned. The air comes i n direct contact llendance on Monday evening. An interesting and instructive address wa.a given by Hev. Dr. Hampton ; and Revs. E. Sheppar , E. Roberts, treats ma. thr11lmg way or an exciting episode everywhere. with a ll the foe!, insuring perfect com- Hodgkin, an<l it is to be regretted that interest R. D. Fraser, C, Jjj. Mcintyre and W. H. '-Var- a,t.lsland Hea.d, Newfoundland, Mr. Charles G.J!. Roberts, or New .Brunswick ha.a also been , rincr, ot Bowma.nville, ~----~ _ _ ____ bustion and rapid circulat1c,m around the talceu in such matters is very slight. levied on t11r a,~toryfor the same publication. Th0 following r esolution was unanimously ~le ~111 write Bear venms llil'chbark," and j CARD OF THANKS.- To the Mana- ovens. adooted, viz.Judg~ng fr!>m tins wrlter'e well known reputaScott's Emulsion of Pure ger or the Fire Insurance Msociatio11: Last fall we published a teBtimonial "That we believe it to be desireablo to form tion m lict1on, we may be sure that he will preSm, I h ereby return thanks for the prompt from 1\: f r. ,fames Morris, Proprietor of an Association to be composed o( the miuisters sent a pleasant and roadabJ-e tale. Mr, HobCod J,~v4'r OU, ~vl111 Hypo11lans11hlle8 We will insert a One Indt Advertisement, payment iby your a~ent Mr 'l'hC>s Bingham of the town or Bownmnville and surroundmg e!ts,ha.s a poem in the current Cenlitr-y magaOno Month, in IS Dailies, l 'l'ri-Weekly and 4.S for my Joss by fire, ~aused by a spark from Motris' CarJfage Works, recommending di&trict, and to be called the Ministerial AssoczmA, which ma.y be rttnked among his best Most Beneficial in Bronchitis. WeeklicsofourSELEC'l'LOcALL1s·rofCanadian steam thresher, having got payment for con- the stove after using it it few months. iation of West Durham, the object of which verses.-Q1'ebec Otwoniclc. pape~s for $~0. To those who want their ad- t()nts at market :ii1·!ce; no 1 or 'f payment like Aftei'. using it nearly a year h e now r e ahall be the mutual improvement of its mem· Dr . . J. P. NEEDE, Harmon Mille, N.C., vertising tp pa.y.we can offcr no b etter medium JseeontheDomuuon GrangePollcy totenants. f' I 'J . . . f . . bers and the. furtheranM of the moral o.ud C9py oJ' List sent f'rcc on application. Yours gratetully. 'l'Hos. H ARRIS. a lirms what 1e t ICll sa1c1 o its merits: savs : "I used Scott's E111\llsion i n a c asn religious welfare of the community," . The enervation and fossitude of spring ofBronchitis of six months' standing and 'l'he R evs. C. E. Mcintyre, R D, Fraser, and time CEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 1'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 3S MESSRS.LEE'·~EDSA.LL, Bowmanville, are bui indications of the slucr"ish NJnVSl'AP1':R AD"\'ERTISING n111rnAu, CARD ·OF '.l'HANKS.-To the Mana.- We have been using the '.1 ' Happy Thought" the patient was well in ten days. I must ,V, H. "\Varrine1· wore appointed a committee action of the blood, overloaded with"'~ar to draft a constitution ror submission to the . , ger of the Fire Insurance Association : R:ange n ow for n~a.d:y: a year and are a s confess my surprise at its healing and next :rr.eeting, which it was decided should be bonat~s ac~umulate.-1. by the use of heating Sm, I hereby return Uianks for tbc prompt lughly pleased with it as ever . It cooks strengthening p:iwers." . IO Spruce St., New "tori<. held in the school rooin of tho Church Street - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - payment (by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham) spleudidl" throws a good heat is not Methodist Church, llowmanville, on Monday, food 1.11 wmter. This conclitiou may be r emedied by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla foi· my loss by fire, co.used by a sva.rJt. from a 1 d ' ' db · 11 '· · November 2nd, at 2:30 p, m. OTIOE.- Mr. " William McClung, of steam ~hresher,having received the fuH amount rnr to manage an urns a sm,a q uant1ty Remnants at less than wholegale prices ' T)ie Rev, A, A . Drummond will aJ~o at the th.e best blood 'pnrifitir kuown . the Town of Bowma.nville, l<'oundryman of ruy meurao,ce IN GOLD on the ocoos1C111 of my of coal for so l a rge a stove. 'I:he Duplex at Mason Bros. next meeting introduce the subject of the re laan~ Carriage Manufacturer, tl\aving made a.n golden weddmg. Yours tbankfully, THOMAS G rate is a very valuable improvement and tion of ministers to the religious inetruction A good s uit of clothes, youth's, size for · of assignment to me ·the undersigned, or all his JARDINE. I 11 · W 11 b Bargains in Flannels at the Star House the cl1ildren of the Public schools, estate in trust for' the benefit of hiR creditors, 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 wort 1y of a praise. e cou c no~ e for $6 at Mason Bros. A cordial Invitation is given to all the minis- 27 inch all wool Chambly Flannel for 25 all pernons indebted to the said William M!J· . . - - -.-- induc~cl to r e turn to the wood st , o ve for of the district to attend the meeting on cents. We have a 25 gallon keg of No. 1 Lar- ters Clung ~re requested t.o pay th!" amount of _ their See the Slat' House advt.. Their prices winter use. , , J.AS. 'MORRL':l. the 2nd or November next. respect.ive accounts to mo immed1a.telJ' F . / are all cut d o wn as they wish to r educe · · ~ dine o il that we any threshet a t a Bargains in suits and overcoats at the W, H. WARRINER. CUB11"l', Trustee. ' ly, c h ange cont empla t e d · E very parcel a. b argam . at 1 Mason B ro~. big discount . Inquire at this oflice. Bowmanville, Sept. llth, 1885. 37.. s t ock spe e d 1 Seceta1·y pro tern. Star House, from $5 up. MECLUNCS' Fall and Winter Stock of Bowmanvil!e Rifle Matches. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY and CARPETS ::::::52 " ······ .. QS I NOW I COMPLE~ McCLUNGS, 8 T 0 C K. An early call solicited. Terms strictly CASH. Bowmanville. Opposite Ontario Bank, COUCH,JOHNSTON ~ CRVDERMAN FALL AND WINTER . OVER 569,000 WORTH r::!-QQDS OF """-.IE ComprisinO' Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets. 'Vmceys, Their stock this season is by far l Iargest and b est assor ed ever shown them, and in some departments the best eveI. sl1own in Bowrnanville. Every article has been CAREFULLY SEI,ECTED BEST MARKET s and at the lowest prices which C A 8 H can command. ·-· ::::::::so oo t a. 1 Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, nr _____ __ . Ad To·Canadian vert" isers. a I N I I I I

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