' ~-~~·~·~-~·!X77~~-~~~!·~S~&~-~-~~&i~W~~~~ .. ~ ·J(~iU~!!!'.~~-- ~~~-~l!.U~~~~~~C~d~Q~~~~·~·~~~-~~!!!~~~~~~~-~~·W~M ~Lil:!l~ - !!illlllll~#!i~~111~-C~~~-~ pr~---~~ -c~ y-.~,,~~-~~~J~t~-~-~~~·~-~-~-1.~~ltS-~.i«\mr . ~~\I·· 1 CATARRH. CATARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· covered whereby a permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease. is absolutely affected in from one to three applications. Iio matter whether standing one year or forty years. 'l'his remedy is only applied once in twelve dars. and does not interfere with business. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H ..Dixon & Son, _305 King street, West. Toroilt.\Y.-Canada. Catarrh is a dangerous diseas<: which tbo_usands'e.re consciously or unconsmously sufl'crmK from: It is a muco·purulent discharge caused by the presence of a vegetable parn.qite in the lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he predispos· lng causes are a morbid state of the bloo<;I; the blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxomce, l'~om the retention of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· men ts and the germination of other poisons in the blood. Irritated by these, the lining membrane of the nose is ever ready for Lhe 1-eception of the parasite. which rapidly spreads.up the nostrils and down the fances, or back of the throat causing ulceration of the throat; up the eustachian tubes, causing deafness: bu f-, rowin_g in the vocal cords, causing hoarsene~sl · usurping the proper structure of the bi;oncbu; t ubes. ending in pulmonary consumption and death. Many ingenious speitlos for tor the cure of catarrh have been invented, but without success, until a physician of long s_tanding discov· ered the exact nature of th d1sea8e and the only appliance which will permanently destroy the parasite, no matter how aggravated the case. Sufferers should send stamp at once for ilescl'ipliv e pamphlet. on catarrh. to the business managers, A, II, Dixon & Son, 305 K ing street, west, Toronto, Canai!a. W hat the Rev . E. B. Stevenson, B .A., a Clergyman of the London Co·iifer ence of the Jlfdlwdiat ChU1'Ch of Canada, has to say in regard 'l.'o A.H. Dixon&: Son's New 1.'reatment for Catarrh. Oali:lans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883. Me.%-rs. A.H. Dixon &: Son: D E AR Sms,- Yours of the 13t.h inst. to hand. Jt seemed almost too good to be true that I am cw·ed of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I have had no return or the disease, and never felt better in my life. I ]Jave tried so many things for Ca.tarrb, suffered so much and tor -so many years, that it is hard to realize that I am really better. . I consider that mine was a very bad case; 1t was aggravated and chronic, invclving the throat as well 1 as the nasal p assages, and I t hought it would reqnire the three ;t1eatments, but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and l am thankful that I was over inducecl to send ig~ u, _ " l are at liberty to use this Jetter statmg that f have been cured. at two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours, with many thanks, REV. THE BURNING PLAHS. HE.A.LTH. -r WHAT IS CATARRH) E, B. S ·1'EVENS ON. And hundreds of others, ~LOOK OU T FOR~ BARGAINS I IN MILLINERY. --o-For the NEXT 30 DAYS I will sell for Lt:ss THAN COST the remainder of my stock Stylish and most Durable Millinery DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVET$, &c., with a veTy heavy stock of --o-Thanking my customers for past favol'!I, I respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my present stock, which I am suro will give the u tmost satisfaction. Feathers & Flow-ers. Mrs. DONNELLY. UNDERTAKING! -::B'Y- L EV I MORRIS. a-Jam fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, a t the lowest possible rates. Caskets and Burial Cases ready o.n short notice First-class hearse on very moderate terms Shrouds and Coftlns constantly on hand. Fun ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & h ow Rooms- Bouneall'sN ew Block. II furniture sold by me is made by the U . C urniture Co. ofBowmanville. I do not buy slop furniture and represent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent for the LI-QUO It TEA tor this town an() vicinity, It is cheap and as good as can be got in the market. A valuable prize given with every pound. WHY SUFFER FROM ~ic~ Feadache D\'SPEPSIA OR INDl1.<tSTIBN1 WHEN WEST'S LIVER PILLS Wiii thoroughly cure you. They do not gripe or purge, but act mlldly, and w henever used - t-- are lo~t:i. considered price· They havo proven to be the ~REATEST ~LESS I NG OF THE AGE To all sufferoris from Indigestion, Disordered Stomaoh. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE Use them and bo relieved from your mlisery. 30 Piiis In a box, 25e. per box, S b ox es for $1 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signature on every box. Free trial pack age of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. ·JMO. C. WIEST tk CO. i soLE P R OPRIET ORS 81 AND 83 KIHC STREET E AST, TORONTO, ONf, "What you want," said the bar ber, as h e ran his fingers t hrough t he fe w · r emaining h airs on the he11<d of a customer-"wh at you want is a b ottle of my hah restorer ." "What I wanvt replied t he cust omer, " is a d!vorce," And t h e .barber said no mor e, · AERIAL NA VIGA.TION. r.. Thrllllng Expc1·lcnces of Dwellers on the Sucr.···S lul Experlme11 ts In A..eros1athn near I l'ratries. Physiologioa.1 Aphorisms. l'a1·1r, In the Apple Creek district.Henry Willits 1. The foundation of three-fourths d all Th·1 new-born science of balloon n aviga · while goiog acroREt lots to a neighhar's for .iases of consumption is laid btfore t he age help, found the prairie fire closing ln on , f twenty five years; in wom en, d urivg their tion l1 as advanced another step . TheTe is A large stock, of Carriage and Team H arness ready for the sp ring no 101·/{er room t o d ou bt tha t , g iven c<rta.in him, and made for the highwa.y in the hope l;eens. faYor " ble atmospheric conditions, ba.llo·-na - -t rade at the- that he could escape them, Forced gradu2. The hereditar y element is not of epeoia.l ally to le!we'the direct route, he soon be- o.ccount as a cause of consumption, as less may be guided for a t ime R.S easily as bicycles. came bewildered, and, not knowing which ~hsn t wen t y-five per cent. of cases a.re clea.r· KrPbs and Remi.rd, t h e Ti, aandier brothers, and the late l!' rederick Gower .ha.d all ob· way t<> turn, he made for a. tree and climbed ly of con sumpti ve parente.ge. it, From his position on an upper limb he 3. One of t oe ruling causes of disease and tained partial succeas in steering their air AND EXAMINE. could see that he was surrounded and that premature death, in large cities, is found in ships; while a. M. Clarin de la. Rive, hailing it would not be long before the flames' -~n exha.u~ting strain of the Int ntal energies from Burgundy, has just oon: pleted :i.n aero- Also Whips, Trunks, Satchels, Leal her Valises, Ruhber Rugs, Buggy would be directly beneath him. Then he in the struggle for subB istence-a death-race stat which he claims will be infinitely more mana.geable and p ra.ctici.ble than any yet in Dusters, Rubber Horse Covers, Axle Gr ease Curry Combs Brushes began to fea.r that the tree might take fire, for bread. as it was dry and inflammable. Decending 4. Insanity runs in families ; but, as in vented. For two days recently thousands Harvest Mitts and all goods u sually 'kept 'by the t~ade, ' to the ground, ·he looked for a ma.tch, with the ca.ge of family likeness, i~ sometimes of people congregated on the b i>nk'8 of t he Seine at Mendon to watch the fresh t rial RE P AIRS ATTENDE D TO PROMPTLY. the inteotion of burning off o. piece of ground overlaps1 a g· nera.tion or more. near him, b11t finding none in his pockets, 5. Personal resemblance entails like trips made by Captain R enard and his P. S.-Speciat inducemen ts (for Cash) d aring th e n ext 30 days. brother from the camp of Chalais. he made a torch of long grasses, and ran characteristics of mind and disposition, l\IASTER OF TEE AIR, out to meet the free. What he intended to 6. A current of the purest air from the do had to be done quickly. L'ghting the poles, for half an t.our, on a person sleeping, On the afternoon of each day their balloon torch, he made haste in his return to the sitting still, or over-heated, i11 a thousand· rose suddenly in mid a.Ir, and, after rpmain-=-=-"' === = -=-=-""--== ·== -~~~==========~==~= ~.....,.,.....,_ ,,._ =-=-=-""-"'TM"""' tree, and got there with just fire enough to fold more destructive of health and fatal to ing motionless for a short time, miled off "'"'"'-="'-= fan the stubble into a blaze. From this he life than the noisomeness of a. cro" ded room successively toward the ea.st, west, north, set other fires, assisting them with his or vehicle, or the stench of a pig-&t ye for and south, i>nd finally took its courso ste1>dbreath until he soon had a. patch burning thrice the time, ily toward the Point du Jour, about three near him and well unclar eontrol. Having 7. 'l'o exercise in weariness, increased by miles from the starting point, Herc the burned off everything near th£ t rre, he re- every step, is not only not beneficial, it is balloon, descending slightly, paused again ; mounted and a.waited devel pments, The use'ess find worse t han useless ; it is p csi· thel:i, unresistingly ob eying its steersman, it fires c9.me slowly on all side~ . ma.king the tively destruct ive. sailed back to the camp of Chala.is, where it i>ir ii:wofferably hot and smoky, ..nd, burn8. Aa a good traveler, · after having fed desoended. The W ar Oifioe authorit ies, who ing u p totne cleared place, went out, t hough his horse, renews his journey in a trot, but watched the trials, seemed satisfied that the raging In the di~tance as fiercely as ever. with a slow walk, gradually increa aing his problem had been solved ; but exp er t s tell Will always be found in st ock a full assortment of Boots The air was so full of smoke that he oould pace, so in getting up to address Elon assembly me that the cost of working C&ptain R ensee nothing at any distance, and as night for a continued effort, the first few sentences a.rd's balloon is still pTohibitive, while ev en was coming on he perceived that unless he should be uttered in a low, slow tone, grad- at t he enormous cost it oa.nnot be controlled Shoes, Shppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, ctc.- as good in wanted to stay in the tree until morning he ually intensified, otherwise the voice will for a long interval of time. quality and low in price as can be found elsewhere. would have to make an teffort to find the break dc.wn in a very few minutes, with BALLOOS STEERING . highway, He oame to he ground, and cougbiug or ho1useness. The moat recent fea.t in rorial navaga.tion Special attention given to or dered work and repairing. groped a.round over the black and well-bak9. A growing inability to sleep in sick· was performed in Fra.nce on November 8, ed earth for a distance of perhaps 300 feet, ness is ominous of a fatal result; in &ppar- 1884, when CaptalnsRenard a.nd Krebs ma.de Call and inspect. a.nd came directly upon the highway whlt:h ent health, . it indica.tes the failure ot the a balloonvoyagefromMeudon toBellancour~, he had been looking for. If he had kept on mind and ma.dness ; so, on the other . ha ud, and retllrned, alighting at the point from (22) in the first pla.ce he might have saved him- in disease or dementia, a very alight im· which they started in forty-five minutes. self a great deal of trouble. provcment in tho sleeping should be hailed The aeronQuts mn.de a. complete success in '"-~~~ ~;~"""""~~"""""~~"""""~"""""~ """'!!"' ~"""""="""""~~-~"""""~~-~='!"'!'TM""""""!!""!!!!! ' *""~' ·*~TM!'!!!!!!!!'!!~!""' Farm a.nimals seem to be endowed with a.s the harbinger of restoration, . steering the balloon. This was the third human wisdom almost in euoh emergencies 10. No ono ca.n possibly Eink if the head attempt ma.do by Captain Renard with his as this They cannot be driven aw&y from is thrust entirely under water, and in this balloon steering apparatus. His second ex:·' the furrows. Chickens will roost on the position a novice oan swim as easily as wallr, perlmcnt was far from bein~ satiefactory. ,, housetops and horses and cattle that are at a.nd to get shore readily by lifting the head ffe ascended at Mendon on September 13, large will gather .in solenm conca.lves on un - at intervals, for -breath, expecting to go t o the Champs Elysees, and burned patchB of ground or in newly plough11. Intense thirst is satiated by wading was able for some seconds to sail against a - -M.ANUFACTU RER OF- ed fields, as if waiting for the storm to blow in water, or by keeping the clothing aatur- strong breeze, b ut his attempt to rise or to over. A Newfoundland dog belonging to a.ted with water, even if it is taken from return to his starting point was a failure, John Raster earned l;iia weight in silver at the sea.. the propeller ceased to revolve after ten least by giving warning of danger threaten12 . Water can not satisfy the thirst which minutes, and he desc6nded at Versailles. ing that gentleman's farm the other day, attends cholera, dysentery, diarrh cea. and His first at.empt wa.e in August, 1884, when K ING STREE'r, BOWMA.NVILr.. Raster and all his men were at work on the some other forms of disease ; in fact, drink- Ca.pt11in Renard started from Meudo::i, and west-side of ·their property, expecting no ing cold water seems, to increase the t hirst, alt hough the balloon moved ago.inst the wind Has now on h and a numb~r of veJ:iiclae (and is I?anufacturing a gre11ot m any moro)or the :i ~w pat terns and best fimah , which I a m ofl'ermg for sa le 11t the Joweijt }lrices consistent trouble on the other f.ide, when the dog a.nd in duce oth er disagreeable sensat ions ; it easily followed t he course along w hich it with ilue reganl to w_or~1nanship and quality. 'l'he f ·1 Jltlwiug i d a list of came up to them tossing his bead up and but this thirst will be perfo.ctly and pleasant· wafl steered. It wa.s tnen veered around the prmc1val vellicles manufactured by me down, barking and whining in a most mys- ly rnbdued , by eating a. comp& rat ively small a.nd brought back to the point from which terious way. He would run up first to one 11omount uf ice, swallowing it in a.s large it started, The rncce&s of this feat creat ed Doub le Covered Ca r riages ... .. ..... .. ........ .. ...... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. . $200 U pwarde, man and then the other, seize him by the pieces as pra.ut c oable, and a.a much as 1s the greatest interest :.in all the military cirSingle Phret ons ......... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .... ....... .... ..... ... .............. 100 11 leg, and then dart off, only to recover wanted. cles of Europe, and M. Herve Maujon Open Buggy....... .............. . ........... ................. .. ..... ... .... ..... 70 u himself after having gone a. few feet and 13. Iofl11mmations ~re more safely a.nd fa.r brought the matter to the attention of the Top Buggy..... .. ... ................ . ... ....... . . ............ .. .... .. . ....... ..... 90 11 return and go through the .same opera.tion, more agreeably subdued by the apphca' ion French Academy of Sciences. Captain Ren· Democrat "Vagon....... .. .......... ... .. .... . .. .. ............. . . . . .. . .. ...... ... 65 11 The men, who were almost stifled with the o1' warm water than of cold. ard's balloon was clga.r shaped, and pointed Lumber Wagons .. . .... ... . . .......................... .. ...... ..... .. . ........ . .. 55 " heat and smoke a.nd in no humor for fnn, H . Very exc esoive effort in a short ap1ce at each extremity-not ~imply underneath, Light Wagon................... . ...................... ...... ... ... . ... .. . ...... . . 40 " thought the dog was playing, and they of time, a.a in running, or jumping a. rope, a.s is usually the case. In the oar wet e seats Express Wagon ..... .. ........... ... . .......... ......... . .. . . ... .. .. ............. 75 u kicked him out of the way several times. etc., has rep· ,i>t edly caused instant death, for two aeronaute, and the balloon had a. diSkeleton........ .. ... .. .... .... .. .. .. .... ... . .. . .... ................. .... .......... . 50 11 At last it occurred to Mr. Raster that the by apoplexy of the lungs, tb.e exercise send- r ecting apparatus and a. rudder. 'fhe force Sulky....... ........... ..... ..... .. ......... .. ..................... .. .. . ... ......... 40 11 anima.l might mea.n something by his p~ - ing the blood there f.i.oter tha.n it ca.n be was obtained by a·series of electric &ccumucullar actions, and he told one of hie men purified by the morn infrequent breathing on lators of ten horse power, a.nd the balloon Possessing superior facilitiee for ~anufacturing carriages, I intend t o sell ver y cheap for 0 4 Bb or approved credit, a n d by so dorng I hope to greatly increase my number of sales, Wonld to follow him. As soon as the farm had such oocasions, was operative for four houra. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot bug~ies ironed, started off the dog jumped clean over hia I5. ~odisea.se ever comes without a.warnBRI SSON'S J<'AI LURE. head, and then, in his efforts to lick his Ing ; hence endea.vor to think back for the On October 29th, 1883, an experiment took faoe, threw the man down, all the time cause, with a view to avoid it In future, and place at the l'laceae la Defense, OourbeYole, running in the . opposite direction. The on the instant of any unpleasant bodily Paris, which comprised awnsa.tio11al balloJn At the S hortest N ot ice, Paint~d and T rimmea if Desired. man followed the dog about three-quarters sensation, ce!Mle eating absolutely until it ascent and the use of a new contrivance for of a mi'e to the southe1ut, an<1 found that has entirely disappeared, at lea.et for li~tnty a;ria.l navagation invented by M. Brisson. At the Factory I nlao do Planing, Matching, Turning an 0 Sa wing with Circle , Band or s Saws. and prepare all kmils O ! lumuer for oar~enters nd others for building purpoaee. th e fire had worked nound in a wheat' four !lours; if sGill rem..iniog, consult a The apparatus was Jo7,engeshaped, and could Ornamental and Pie.in Pickets ror fences in every style reouir ec i, made r.o <lrder. field there and wa.· gra.dua.lly approaching physicia.n, be compared to the upper deck of one of the the barns. Summoniog help, a new furrow Hi. 'f he more clothes a. ma.n wears, the small paseenger steamers which cross from was so on run, and the property was sa.vEd more bed C()Vering he uoes, tne . closer he Vover to OalaiP, It was a so1t of a. platform, keere hi.a chamber, whether warm or cold, sa.fe~y surrounded by iron railings, one of 4J8NSUlll'TION 4J1JltED.- 1 \n 01a physicia.11., the mure he confines himself to the house, which. at the height of two yard· served ~s a retired from practice, having bad placed in his the more numerous and "a.rm h is night- support for another platform, on whic h nine hands by an East India missionary the formula ga.rments, the inore readily will he i;~ke pi;.ra.chutes, in the shape of a cup, about 45 or a. simple vegetable remedy for t be spe1'.14y cola, unaer all ciroumsta.n ces, as the more a iuches high, were placed t ide by side These and permanent cure ofUonsumption.BronchitiB, thriftless yout;h. is helped, the less i.ble does cupol"a were supposed 1 o reservti under their Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Afairtight d· me« a certain qu'\ntity of air con· fections, also a positive and radical cure for be heuomt: to hdp himself Nervous Debility and all nervous Complainte, eiderod to be leas dense than the interior aftsr having teeted ils wonderful curative layer of air. The apparatus in its de, cent powers in thousands or cases, has felt it h is Taking" Medicine w"s expected t o displace · a. volume of air dµJy to maJ;:e it ll nown to his suJfering fellows. Let it be rfmembered t hat it i~ not the equal t) its proper weight, and consfquently Actuated by this motive and a desim to relie ve human suffering, I will send free of char«e, t.o medicine advill'ed by the cduoi>tcd phJ aician to find its support upon a. la.yer. of air m ore all who desire it, this recipe, in German,Frenph, which has done the world so much !vjury, dense tha.n that stored under the cupolo>s. ot' English, with full directions for prey1aring and using, t>ent by mail by ad-0.ressingwith but it is the phyeicwhich the people swallow At about 5 p. m. the balloon st ·rted; with st.amp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES 149 on their.o ~ n reoponsiblity. When a nu.rrow- M. Brisson's apparatus attached to it, with Power's BlockRocheste1· N. Y. , 45 min dod person gets sick, he ' ' ca.Jcul11tes" a sudden rush, and disappeared in less thim t he aaving it will be to bim to give twenty. two m inutes in a thic k: fog . The next da.y A woman that eats onions can keep a se- five cents for a box of pills, instead of one of the a.eronauta rtported that a fter cret, "employing- a. physician," besides avoiding leaving Courbevoie his party µlunged into a - - - - - , · - -· the diacomtort of " a c:ourde of medicine," thick fog, but at an altitude of 300 yards as it is called. This answers for a while in the sky was fine and bright, and the s"ettiog many e~ses, but it is ultimately disa.strous, sun gave a brilliant lig ht. A sudden expanand h ealth and life a.re the fearful forfeit. sion of t.he gas made them a.see~ d 1, 600 A gentlema.n had been a dyspeptic, and metres without having to throw out any balhearing that a p reparat ion of soda was last. H aving reached that a.ltltude a strong ' good for dyspep~ia," he " tried it ;" it pull was given t o the safety valve, and al· We have the E XCLU SIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be acted "like a charm," and for six months most immediately the balloon descended beat en for t ime. he was 20 enraptured with its effects that with a certain r ..pidity which one of the he considered it a duty a~ well as a humanity a.erona.uts attemp ted t o control in order to VI e have a reason t o be thankful for past favors during for ty yearn t o recommend it to every person who seem- see whether M. Brisson's a ppara.tus would in business h ere. ed to be affected as he ha.d been. Not long offer any resistan ce, or; in ot her words, rethereafter, as he was standing at the gate of main in th e air by itl!elf. The cable tu which Now our st ock is one of th e largest in the Dominion and we will his newly married d aughter, in London, in the apparat us was fi xed did n ot even b end, a passing ci.ll on his way t o business, he and consequently the result of the ex perldropped down .dead. On examination, the n:>ent was entirely unsatisfactory. At about cause wo.s found iu several ounces of s~ da six hundred metres ' altit ude the a.er onaut impacted In the bowels. had to regulate the descen t by throwing out r egarding n o man, eith er .Jew or Gent ile. Not long ago, a young la.dy of wealth ca.li- ballast , as ht> was afraid to make . t he land ed for a prescription' at a Qu.aker druggist 's. t oo swiftly . Finally a successful landing was FRIENDS, 'V ~ M E A N' BlJSINJH~S. Being a. conscientious man, he f a.id to her m a.de at Maladrerle of Poissy. very kindly that if she continued to /;a.ke it GRI MU :Y 'S ATTEMPT. in such qu11<ntities, it would destroy her. In June, 1870, Professor Grimley started It was a p reparation of mor phine, chloro- on a balloon v oyage from Montreal for New · form and ether, which had an inshntan eoos York in the airship Canada, but he had a. · and powerful effect on the whole system, and fearful experien ce, and came n ear losing his 9-3m in her ca~e excited the brain and kept it in life. Afte.r ascending for the first few hun that condition, r equiring constantly in- dred feet it was found t hat the trip coul d not creased do~es. W ithin a month she wa.s · be m ade on account of .t!J,e poor quallty of at ta.cked with a very familiar disease, cured t he g as used, The wheels for steering a.nd ev ery day iu its more peculiar seat, In her the rudder of the aerilLl car work ed splendidcase, the brain having been so weak ened by ly, and although the balloon h ad drifted the continual over-excitement to w hich it away from the point of sta.rtlng a few turns had been $ubjeoted, became the point of of the cr ank brought it to t h e same spot m eta.sta.sis. In familia.r phrase, " it went again. The aer on au t started at eight een to t he brain. " She was a model of u nob- minutes to eight p. m., and landed In safety has opened out a choice and structive, self-denying piety, so retiring, so at ten p. m, in the villa.Ile of S t . Jules, fortypure, ae to be the a dmir ation of those who five mik a distant from Montreal. """""""·' ' ISTAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. knew her inner life. In a.n po11r the malady THE llALLOON FALLACY. ..,, . cheap stock of made a ·wreck of the mind. No man could In Scptcmbor, 1878, Professor C. R. hold her, Her profanity was shocking to Ritchell's air ship wa s sent up at Hartford, every attendant. A day or two and she Conn. It consisted of a. balloon above and died, W e personally know that h er sister a revolving vertical screw, worked by hand He has all the best grades of perished a year earlier in oonsequen oe of a power, beneath for lifting purposes, and a · condition of the system induced by talking horizontal screw for steering. It illustrated da.ily, for months a popular " cough-lozenge, ' the 'balloon fallacy to a nicety, What it or " t;r~ che. " .In t hese last two cases, econ- gaihed from the balloon in buoyancy it lost that is manufactured. omy was no object, for they had always b een in the large surface exposed to the wind. the pampered a.nd petted child ren of lavish The balloon wa.s made to balance exa.ctly a t H e h as in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine. Salt, wealth, But it was so L much easier t o get the earth's surface t be weight to ho carried. rid of an ailment in this wa.y than by the In a four mile breeze it could be steered, but American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken formality of calling in the family physician; at a little increase above t hat force it was F eed, Crockery a nd Glassware, F1:esh an~ C~r.ed. Meats, Sa:usage: <i and besides parental solicitudes need not be use- drifted miles t o leeward. Lard of his own make and rendermg. H rn hfe-time experien ce m the and everything u:;,ually found in leB!!ly excited ; this, no doubt, was a r uling Meat Department enables him t o supply a quality unequalled. motivt>t. The experienced practitioner well When it i s not convenient to take a. look understands that the habitual t ak ing of 'l>ny in a Ladies' Fancy F u rnishTho Grocery Depar tment, under the supervision of Mr .. J ohn Allin, is efficient medicine is the cer tain road to a apart to fit o. new key , th e k ey blan k should premature and very often a violent or tigon- be smoked over a candle, insert ed in the k ey of t he v ery best quality . N o trash or poor goods k ept m s~ock, d:als ing Store, h ole, and pressed firmly against the opposizing death. _ inl? wa.rda of the lock , The indentations only in th e best goods, which will be sold at the low~st possible pnces. all of which will be sold very Y our patronage will be thankfully received. t he smok ed p ortion mad e by, the wards An imp or t a.nt process has r ecently been in "' initiat ed-namely , t h at of oasting steel tires will show where t o file. Goods delivered to all p arts of t he t own on short notice. cheap for cash. Wife {at-., la.te h our )- "W ell, where i· for looomot ivt s a.nd car w heels by running A call solicited. t h e metal dir ectly from t he furna.cea int o the world h ave you been i ' Husband- "To cast iron moulds, and ready, wl:Jen cooled, tell yon the (hie) t rut h , m'dear, some oi the N ext door to Treleven's to be fitted an d shrunk on. If t he _ hop es in (bio) boys at t h6 offis gone 'wa.y on {hie) va. Ca§ll f'oi- uuue1·~ E~n;-s, llicles, TaUow, Bee:!, Poir J{ a.nd r egar d to this process are rea.lized, t he ordin- cations, y 'k::ow, an- a.n sh ort -h ll.nded, y 'un· ail Far m P rodu.ce. a n' I'v e bee- been fillin' vacancy. Za.t's Shoe Store, Bowmanville. ary process of ooet ing in sa,nd moulds w ill stan, hones' truth, m 'dear, s'hel p me."_ "You be dispensed with at m uch sa.ving of la.bor STAND :-Town H all B'ld'g. (22) aeem t o have filled t h e .vacancy p retty full.' l'fi!lllS.'llllim111211!i!Wi:lil!ld and cost, [Jfll[B - 0rn~~~ CALL [lfll 1rnmrn~~-~ BOWMANVILLE tIARl'{ ESS SHOP. "VV. ~- 1v..[ A. --Y-. -AT-- THE PEOPLE'S BOOTE SHOESTORE, D. DAVIS, Proprietor, . ' D_ D.A.'VIS_ HA I NE s CARRIAGE 'WQR K. S · GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &c·.. A 11 Kinds of Vehjcles Repaired I Goi11g, R QC K FQ RD AND. AU . R Q RA -W..A.TCHES_ Sell Che.aper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER Wedding Rings in great variety. C. II. CAW KE R, Grocer, Butcher and Provision Mer chant . Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Fancy Wools, A complete stoc k alway s on hand. ~Q~~m~ ~m~ ~ ~@ m:m l!P~Q~~ Ladies' Skirts, Underclothing, C. M. C AWKE R..