BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OcToB'R 16. FAIR ECHOES. Mr. Porter will be found at . J enning's l!hoe store t o-day to pay t he prizes. Mrs. Dr. Hillier received 1st prize on Oil Painting and 2nd on Ora.yon Drawing. Mr. McTavish eays we were in error i n .saving that Dr. Dickey 1)asaed him on the " s h o w ring. One of the finest ponltry exhibits was tlrn ~air of imported white dorkingg from · J > I d E I d Addington a O il try yu s, ng a n ' shown by lVIr. J. 0 . LaBelle. S everal lad ies complain of losing plates on which apples were shown. Any pe.rson having hk en tho wro ng p late ,vii! oblige by leavina it at this office. The amount to b e paid in pr izes this . y ear is over $100 less than last year, and t he gate r eceip·s were m uch larger, so the Society should get out of d obt no w. · tl 'l'he Directors a re C· ll e <l to mee t rn le Council Chamber, on Saturday, at 2 p .m., to wind up thlol business of the fair, ·C onsidet· protests, etc. · Full attendance r equested. Mr. James Leask, at the Whitby Fair, was a warded first p r i:r.e ou a. grade cow and on collection of r oots ; and second prize on Durhiua cow and a thrce-year<ild Canadian draught filly. The followinl? corrections to the prize list have been given us by the Secretary : Alfred Hobbs r eceived 1st and 2nd prize on Java. fowls, instead of W . H. Brown and Geo. Fogg. J. Smir.h got Srd prize for assortment nf vegeta bles Mrs. PenfounJ receive!'.'."2nd prize on cotton coverlet. D. Pollard was awarded lat pri:r.e on South D own Ew~s, and Geo. Power 3rd. 8amuel Allin received the sweepstakes prize for the best hull on exhibition, and J {)hn Dryden for t h e b est rnrn. ' I others. As most ef the exhibitors of stock appear in the accompanying prize list we noed n ot give further mention ' of the_m. The Snciety is very ably oftioered wluch accounts largely for its continued success. It would be liard to find a more competent aenial and successful Secretary than M/ .James P arr, tlie popular R eeve of the township. PRIZE LIST. --. HORSES. DRAUGHT. Team to wagon, 1 T Darcy, 2 A Taylor, ;3 J Edwards. Brood Mare, 1 James Coat es, 2John Jobb, ;-; Geo. Nesbitt. 'l',vo year old colt, 1 'rhomas Darcy, 2 Samuel Allin. ~1 James Coatts. One yeal' old c~lt. 1 Thos. Darcy. l!'oal hy side of its mother, l Ja.s. Coates, 2 .Tohn Jobb, 3 Geo. Nesbit.t. OEN I UIAL l'UllPOS ll . · Quaid, ;~ J P '.l'r ewin. Brood .i'rfan:;, 1 Anson 'l'aylor, 2 'l'hos. Mc· Iver, 3 w A McQuaid. . Two year old colt, 1 Wm. Philp, 2 Nelson Marlow. 3 Wm. McLaughlin. 0 ne year old colt, 1 D G albraith, 2 T Darcy, :l :R Hooey. ]f oal by side of its mother, ;5 Anson Taylm·. CAl\RIAGE. 'l'eam, 1 J Edgerton, 2 J II Devitt, 3 R Tay· lor . .Brood Mare, 1 J H Devitt. Two year old colt, 1 J Hall, 2 J Edgerton, ;{ .J Job b. One vear old colt, 1 J a·. Parr, 2 T Swaia. Siuglt· Driver under 15~ hands, 1 R Mc(~uaid, 2E I-I Wheeler. 3 1' Mclver. Singfo Driver 15 .~ hands and OVP.r, 1 J Bea· cock, 2 G McGill. · ::laddie Horse, 1 W Parr, 2 Sandercock d: McMurtry. Foal by side of mother, 1 A Bruce, 2 J H D evit t. Foal sired by Royal Dan, 1 G Nesbit t. l<'oals sired by Scotfoh Champion, 1 'l' White, 2 J Coates, ::I J Samtlls. CA'fTL E. DURHAM, '!'~am to wag1m. 1 Anson Taylor, 2 WA Mc- - Milch Cow, 1 'l'hos. A Wright J, Son, 2 \Vm. Philp, ;~ 'l'hos. Werry . Two year old Heifer, l Wm. P hilp, 2 Jas. Coatts. One year old heifer, 1 and 2 Thos. A Wright & Son. CARTWRIGHT FAIR. lieiftr Calf, 1 Thos . A Wright & Son, 2 T Werry, ::I Wm . P hilp. '\i\T e are this year again confirmed in our Bull U-lll, 1 Wm. Philp, 2 and 3 TA Wright opinion that people will attend the agri- & Son. GRADE. cultural fairs. And why should they not'? Milch 0<'w, 1 Rich. Suggitt, ,J ohn Samella, The agricultural exhibition is the farmer 's school, and it is no rhisnomer, say~ the 3 'l'hos Werry. Two year old heifer, l and 2 Rich. Suggitt, Prairie Farmer, to cr1ll this fair season n 3 'rhos. Darcy. term of the farme rs' school year. PropOne year old heifer, 1 and 2 J as. Campbell, erly studied,· these fairs afford a womler- a J as. Co:i.t"8. ful fund of information . As in all other Heifer calf, l 'Rich. Suggi~t . 2 Ja:i. Campbell, public institutions_ however, the amotmt 3 Thos. Werry. SHEEP. and the kind of knowl edge stored up ·de· COTS WOLTlS . pends almost entirely upon the students Aged Ram, 1 .John Samells. themselves. The teachers and the object Yearli1w l{am, 1 J~\mes Coates. l essons are usually on hand, and r eady to ltam L~mb, 1, 2 and a, John :::Jamells. impar t information th<1t will aid almost Pair Aged Ewes, 1 John Samells, 2 and 3 any far mer in the prosecution of his work Jam es Coates. Pail' Ewe Lambs, 1 J'ames Coates, 2 John n ext year, and all t he rest of his farm life. Not only the men but the women and Samells. LEICESTJ!a\, chilaren may b o recipients of hints and Aced !tam, 1 Geo. Marlow, :& Thos W erry s11<westions at these fairs that will lighten Campbell fu t~re labor, and. r ender it more profit- 3 Joseph Yearling Ram, 1 Rich. Suggitt. a ble and pleasant. lf they do not it is Lamb, l Joseph Campbell, 2 Richard gen erally thei1· own fault . For on e t o go Snggitt, 3 'l'homas Werry. J-'air A ged Ewe~, 1 and 3 T homas W erry, about ;1rnong improved stock and i mpl em ents, among poultry, the choicest veget - 2 Rieb. Suggitt . Pair Shearling Ewee, 1 Rich Suggitt, 2 T ables, grains and fruits; t h e l,roduct of W erry. skille d work in the dairy , the kitchen and Pair E we Lambs, 1 Rieb. Suggitt, 2 Joseph t , use.fol sp.c_cirue_ns _ of c,.mpbell. n eedlework, a nd the various de vices for SHROl'S HI 1 ra,.DO WN. aiding in housework and home comfort Y earling R am. 1 Thomae W hite. and decoration, wholly without benefit, 8WINE. seems h ard ly possible. Perhap3 such is sun·or,K . sometimes the case, but th e t r o uble lies Sow, Aged, 1 Wm.· Woodley, 2 Sam. Allin, entirely with t h e individ ual. It is not 3 John Jobb. the fault of the sch ool. F~tirs may be Boar Pig six months and under, 1 W Wood· b ;idJy managed and fail of producing the ley. t>ow P ig six months and under, 1 John Jobb, .r esult, but this is th e fault of the community. T hose who have attended fairs 2 and ;J Samuel Allin. DERKSH1RE. t his y ear with eyes and e:i,rs open , and · 1 l ill 1 1 Sow, aged, 1 Tbos. \ V'eny. 1 l b 1 iave muc Sow Pig, six: mos. and under, 1 'l'homaR _ wit l n ote oo ' m rnnc , W t o study over and many hints to act on Werry . during the r espite from o ut door labor afPOUL'l'RY. forded by our long wi11ters. Pair Plymouth Rocks,l P Holt, 2 NJeffery, A rlWGR ESSI VR l'EOPI,E. 3 'l'hos. ::>wain. Pair Black ~paniMh, 1 N J effery. This fair came oft' on Thursday and FriPair White L eghorns, 1 W McLaughlin, d11y last and was even a greater success 2 J as. H olmes, 3 Jas. Campbell. than formerly. The weather was d elightPair Brahmas, l 'fhos . Swain. ful and the township peopl·3 t urned out Pair 'l'urkt y8, Abraham Morris. Pair Geese; l J Beacock, 2 Mis, A McLean, . l ti ·e , ere also .1 "reat ~ll m.tsse, auc 101 N · . · o 3 J as. Holmes. many prosent fl'Qffi !h:?Wll!fl.llY!H~ imcl ;r}(l,~'- i P~ir l>ucks, 1 P Holt, 2 1' Swain, 3 A Mor· 1 et' consid- , ris lin ... ~~rt r \ rLwrl"h t l.s 1 10 !oiic . -;;;~"' a a iiaclc' tow~ship n or a " backwar.d DAIRY PR?J?UC R township, for the farmers a~e e.nerget~c , Tul, of B~tter, l.'.\frs;. U Larmer, 2nd Mrs. and progressive, aml are rnam festm gtheu- 1I ho~. 'W eny, ? Mis . ~ elaou Marlow, '1 Mr·; ambition in the very .comm end~,ble direc- Sil;rpslbe~~e~~;~~ Mi's 'l'easdale Whitfield. t :on of impr ov'.ing t h en· farm s tm1k, a~ w fl1l 2 M~~. N M~rlO\~, 3 Mr~. J as. Parr, 4 Mrs . J n Boatiock. as their d wellmgs and out-buildmgs. T all these things very great impr ovem en ts Ten lbs. ch eese, 1 Mrs. Nelson Marlow. S have been m ade withm t be past decade . L oaf Rre,a.d, 1 Mrs. Geo. Marlow, 2 Mrs, Tho Iorr house a nd barns of ear ly day s Shepherd, 3 Mrs . ·fas. Parr. h ave gfven way t o th e comm?dious f!amc IMPJ,E MEN'l'S. of modern ar chi tecture a nd m cely pmnted Sin,,le Cutter, 1 .fas. Holmes. 0 or the more stylish and costly brick ecliSet Horse8hoes, l 1 iud 2 A Wood. DOMER'L' IC MANUFAC'l 'UR E S. 'fices, a nd large, i·oomy frame barns, wit , a '.i.'eam H>lrn ess, 1 .Tas. McHoull. stone cclbrs, and other n ecessary out Singl<i 1-iarneos, 1 J as. llfo Houll, buil dings. I n d riving acr oss the t Gent's Boot", l N J" dfory. s hip a month or two ago, we were v er y Pair L adif,s' Boots, 1 N Jeffery. agr cetibly surprised by the improvem ents GHAI N, F RU I'l' !AN D V F:GE'l'ABLES . we noticed. Fall Wheat , 1 John J,ord. 2 .Tohn Forder . A suucr;ssvnL 1·'.\llL. Spring Wheat, Soft, 1 'l' Whitf:i eld,; 2 ,Joh As befor e stated the exhibition was a Lor d. P ci.s, small, 1 Nelson N l arlow, 2 John F or· crrnncl iwrioultural a nd fi na ncial s uccess. der. ;) t>:.muel Allin. The exl~ibit in the drill sh ed was no t q uite P eas, JV[nrrowfat, l .Tohu Lord . as liirae as we ha vo sceu ther e, but the Oats wbite, 1 Nelson Mm·luw, 2 A. Monis, ;J ( }eo . Marlow. exhibi ts were first class. T h e dairy exB£ u·lov. aix ro wed, l. \ Vm. J\lcLaughliu, 2 .J hibit wa s a ver y fine one as u sual---the Cartwrightbdies excel in this department. P Trewin, 3 J as. l'a.rr. 1 Jobn J.Jeacock, 2 Geo. Marlow, The displa.y of bread an d buns was also a 3 Potatoes. H Suguitt . gre .1 t credit t o t he c u linary accomplish ·rurni;, l Geo . Marlow, 2 T Whitfield. ments of the fair sex. T he ve5et:1ble and White Be~ns, 1 Petc' r Hol t, 2 Geo. Marlow. Carrots. 1 J Sarnclls. rtrain display was small b ut good in qual'l 'able Carrots, 1 K J e fl ~ry, 2 .Tohp Beacock. fty. 'l'he di-play of apples mis very fair. Cabba"e, 1 Nelson Marlow, 2 .John Lora . The ladies' depart rueu t wt·S well up a nd Squash , 1 J as . C:>mp bel1, 2 R ,J Gra ham. gave un mistakeable e vidence of th e skill , Pumpkius, 1 A Morris, '.l P<::ter Holt. . tast e and industry of t h o ladies. A case Beet·. _I P e\ llr Holt, 2 Geo. Marl.>w. Oni·m·, 1 John 'l!'urdcr, 2 N J effery. of stuffod birds was a rare attraction . l\fanc>olds, 1 A Morris, 2 Sampson Shepherd. Am -. ug the implemen ts was sl~own . the Winter Apples, 1 Wm . McLaughlin, 2 ~fory woodwork of a CL1tter 1.Jy Mr . .f tts. Nesbitt. Holmes, which wt1s a ·very n ice piece of Fall Apples. l. Thos. A Wright, 2 '1' A work m::1nsh ip. A s.,t of h orsesh oes was Wright & ::lon, shown bv ilfr . A Wood. In th e domestic Russets, 'I' A Wright & Son, 2 Wm. Mc· nmnufact ures t here was harn crs b oth Laughlin. Snow Apples, l S Shepherd. 2 R .J Graham. single and double by M r. Jas. M cli oull, Northern Spiet1, 1 Rich i: :\ uggitt, 2 Joh·1 Lo)'(]. :1lso some very i1 icc boot s and sl10t:s b oth Fall Pearl!, 1 Wm. l\foT~>1ughlin , 2 N Jeffery, ladies' and ge nL's liy Mr. N . ·Jef!i:ey. \\'in ter l ,J as. Beacock , 2 ;raR. Parr. Bauch Gm pea, l Mary Nesbitt. 2 J as. Parr. '.L'JH; LIVE STOCK. Tomat oe·, 1 S Shepherd. 2 J il.s. l'arr. In some of t h e different classes of h orses Citrons, l Wro. Coulter, 2 S '1' F~1·guso11. exh ib ited the en tri es were quite n umerous Indian Qorn, J ohn S;i,mells, 2 Peter Holt. and some w ern very fine aninmls. Gr eat L ADIES' D EPARTMENT . cr edit is d ue several enterpl'ising farmers Home-made m oth, 1 Mrs. ,Jas. '1' McLaughfor the r ecent advance nude in improved lin. Homo-m:irle l!'lanoel ·( wool), 1 an d 2 Mt·o. breeds of stock; among t h e loaLl crs in this wor thy enterprise m ay be rnentbned A l\f cLean.: Flannel ·(mixed) . 1 and 2 Mrs . A J.\lfo Leaf1. M essrs. 'l' . D arcy, J as. CoateB, t h e T ayRag Carpet , iJ. M1·a. J Y McL aughlin, 2 M1·a. lors the Marlo w's, t h e Werry 's, \Vr ights, Robt. H enry. Pae~s, D evi tts, Sammells, Allin , Philp, Woolen Rla1iket s, 1 Mrs . ,J Y McLaugldin, Edgerton , White, Galbr<lith , a nd some Mary Nesbitt. \Voolen Coverlet. I ~frs. Sampson ShEpherd. 2 Mrs. 8 '1' Ferguson, Cotton Coverlet, Mrs. T Swain . Gent'· Plaid, 1 Mrs. A McLean, 2 Mrs, S . T F erguson. Lac'lics' Woolen Shawl.! Mrs. J Parr. 2 ::\fory Nesbitt. Fancy Quilting, 1 Mrs.· J Y McLanghliu, :J Mrs. L.,rc\. Plain (lnilting. 1and2 Mr·. S T F erguson . Gentlcwau 'a l'lhirts, 1 and 2 Mrs . 'L' Darcy. Pi·tchwork , 1 M;s, Jas. P:irr, 2 Mre. ST .FerJ:?uson. K nit Quilt, 1 and 2 Mrs. ,TY McLaughlin. .!!'arm Mat, 1 Mrs. J Y McLaughlin, 2 Mary Nesbitt. Ra~ Mit~, 1 MrP_ JY l\foJJaughlin, 2 Mrs, A Morris. Stocking Yarn, l Mrs. S Shephe1·rl, 2 Mary Ne!!bitt. . Woolen Socks, 1 Mrs. S 'l' Fergmon, Mrs. J Parr. W'.Jolrn 8tockingR, 1 and 2 Mrs . S '1' Ferguson. 'Woolen Mit.tens. l ancl 2.Mrs. S 'I' Ferguson. Woolen Glove", 1 Mary Nesbitt, 2 Mrs.·Jas. Parr . Berlin Wool work, i·aised, 1 Mrs . Ja.s :Heacock, 2 J H Devitt. Berlin \Vool \Vork l!'lat, 1 Mrs. S '1' Fergusn"I, 2 Mrs.Jafi, Heacock. Embl'oidery Braid work, J Mrs. '1' Darcy, 2 Mrs, H.obt .Jobb, Crotchet ·work, 1 aud 2 Mrs. P eter Ciolt. Fancy N et tin I'.(, 1 and 2 Mrs. Thomas Darcy. l!' ancy Knittin:;, l Mrs, Lord, 2 Mrs. 'l' D arcy. Embroidery on Muslin, l Mrs. J Bea.cock, z :.\!rs. Robt .·J obh. Ilcadwork, 1 Mrs. Jas. Heacock. 2 J\frs. R Jobb. 'Vax: Fruit, 1 Mrs. 'l'hos. Darr.y . \Vax Shell, land 2, Mrs. 'l' Darcy, Artificial l!'lowe1·s, not w:tx, l Mrs. Robt. J uhb, 2 Mrs. William Brown. Painting ill Oil, 1 Mis· ]~rnma Moore. 2 Mi~s E1t1 ma ~parks. in \Vater Color, 1 Miss Emma Moore. . Poncil D1 awing, 1 £mma Moore, LPtter Work, l Mr". T Darcy. :Farmer's Wrenth, l l\Irs. W Brown. Hair Wreath, 1 Mrs. T Whitlield, 2 Mrs . T Darcy. Bedin Wool Wreath, L Mm Hobt. ;robh. Berlin Wool ]i'Jo-.vers. l l\Irs. Jas. Heacock, 2 Mrs. Thomas Da1·cy. \Voolen Ti<lv, 1 Mrs. Ja". Be:icock, 2 S 'l' l!'erguson. Cotton 'l'idy. l John !:leaco«k. 1 . W ax !<'lowers, J and 3 S T ]·'ergnso1 J·'eatber Flowers,l and 2 Mra. '.L' D :trcy, P1ipe.r Flowers, 1 Mrs. Jas Heacock. 2 . Robt. Jobb. German Raised Work, 1 Mrs.ST Fer(l'uson. Cott:m Sto:okingR, l and 2 J\frs. '1' Ilarcy. Cotton Socks, 1 Mr" r,ord. Sofa Pillow, l Mrs. Jas. Bea.cock, \l Mrs. '[' Ferguson. Log Cn.b in Qnilt, 1 Mrs .·TY McLanghlin, 2 Mrs S T Ferguson. Tuft Quilt, 1 Mrn. J Y McLaughlin, 2 Mrs. Robt. Jobb. J, acc Work, l Mrs. ;r Beacock, 2 Mrs S 'l' FerguRon . Batting \V1·eatb, l Mrs . l\obt. Johb, 2 Mrs. Wm . Ilrown. Baby's Dre~s, 1 Mrs. W Brown, 2 Mrs.·fas. Bea.cock. Gent's Slippers. 1 Il:h s. S TFerguson. Otttc,m:.n Top, L Miss I·~mma Moore, 2 IIIra. Jas. Beacock. ------ ~ · DISTRICT NOTES. ... TOWN COUNCIL. ~- ---- Council Room, Oct. 5. Reµu lar meeling-, Members all Jp1·cscnt except Mr. H11rndcn: I-11s \ Vorship, -the Mayor, presidmg. ::lfinutes or last meetmg ro1ul and con nrme<.I. Communicntion s were presented from Mr. Pant IlollillS, claiming exemption from ta:xes on the ground of hi s being a miniRl:or or the gospel . From M1·. Windatt., llecordini:: Steward of the Tyrone circuit or the Methodist l~h urcli_. clairoing exemption on tt l1 onse a·sesso,d to the minister of th1tt cironit r e·idine; in th<« town. Both communications r eferred to the f:ourt or IlC \'iB ion. I From tho Provincial Doard of lfoa.It.h. copy of regulations with respect to smallpox. He· !erred to Boar<t of Health or the town. :From John Haddy, r esigning t ho otlice or Steward or tho Son th ·ward fire company and from Walter Todgham applying l'or the snrne. Laid on tl1e table. A number of accounts were presen ted and referred to the Jinance committee. 'l'he foll owing rtports' were presented and adopted: By Mr. Piggott from Finance committee rec· ommending payment of sundry accounls. By Mr, Bounsall r ecommending some repairs on the 'l'own Hall and in M1· Trebilcock's stol'e, Mr. Mason called the attention of the Coun. cil to the mental condition of the wire of James .A.Hin. Referred to relief committee, On motion of Mr. Morris, the Council went 11gain into committee of the whole on his by· law for regulation of the cemetery. Mr.Morris in the chair. On the committee rhing the chairman reported th e second reading with blcnks filled n11. 'l'he r epor t was concurred in nnd the by-law was read a third time and iJasscd. 'Mr. Russell moved the resolntion h.e , moved at last meeting, to reimburse the 11\dL~ e com· mittee for Joss in connection with the reception iu fin<:l. of th e YQ)untee1·s, - On motion over till a Tm~ P .&EFU)IE of /reshly -culled fl o wers statement G f receilitS and disbursements is !c.;..nished, is aarceable to every one, :ind so it is with MoYed by Mr. Hor~ey, seconded by Mr. the 0 frJgranc e of M U RRAY & . LANMAN's Mason, that the r esignat ion or Mr.John l:ladd_y as Ste ward or No. 2 fire company, be and is F'.1-.om11A WATllR. None rej ect it , none hereby nccepterl ; and t~at Walter Todgham 1?e dislike it. F rom t he tropics t o th e frigid and he is hereby appointed steward of said zone, it i s the universal favorite on th e oompa11y for the rern:;tinder of the year. a~ a salarv at t he rat e of :ip20 per annum. Carried handkerchief, a t the to ilet, and in the Moved by Mr. Horsey, seconded by Mr Pig- bath. gott and resolved:- Whereas by u. by·law ot Farmers on the gravel road north of this corporation passed on the 19th day of May, A . n .. 188J, it was ordered tlint be Brooklin have bt;en disturbed by night open"d up to ita p1·ope1· width of onHchain, as t hioves. Mr. W . .A. White, of lot 18, 7th laid down on the rilaua of the town of Bow· m anville, compiled by Mr. .tGrant a~d others; concession, had about eigh t bags of marand whereas since the passmg of said J3y.J11w rowfat peas st olen lat ely . and last week, t he owners of property ou the south side of said street have failed t o comply with e11id By-law lVIr. James Cr oxa.11, his near neighbour, and r emove their fences so as to make said had a fin e ewe and ewe lamb taken off.street tlrn required width as laid aown on said 'l"irnes. _ pltws; and it is expedient that said street .be J ust a~ Rev. Mr. Ahbs was :1bou t to l · opened between Scugog aud Ontario streets up to the one chain. Be it resolved I.hat close his sermon on S unc ay evenmg 11t Ile roads and streets committee be and Lhey Stayn er , one of t h e b eam s supp ortiug t h e arc hereby instructed to notify the owners of · f 1 Jl (ti I b p roper ty on the sonr.h side of. Queen Stree t, to joists o t 1e -oor gave way Ie 10use eremove their fences to such 11 distance south ing very much crowded,) an d th e floor of suid road as will make such road or st reet w ~nt do wn with a cr.1sh . ]!'or t unately a the width of oue chain, 1 1ntl in case they faq l f so lo do within t wcntY·one days of the ser vice panic was prevented by t 1e pr esen ce o of such notice npon them. the said roads and mind of th e pastot'. ·eby inst ructed to etl'eets committee are he1 canae such street to ·be opened up to its 1 > roper M r Oran H.. White, a very respectable wid th of a chai.ll( in pursuance 01'. the powers resident of Ea~ t \Vhitby, a nd fo n nerly E ti Id vested in this corporation under and by virtue of the act passed i11 the l! ' ortv·oixth i'ear of Her from t h e vicinity of n e , eeems to l\foje.ty'e reign, intitlod " An A<Jt to coneoli- have go t i nto trouble by e ntering a ~:a.mb date \!'e acts respecting. Municipal Institu· lirw or l ottery establishment in the city 0 L ions. · 1 -t h at ct ·t y And also be it re~olved, that a copy be ma iled of Toronto d 1 irmg :1 ate v1s1t to or scl'ved upon each property owner owning -he is l ik ely to loase Bevernl hundred land on the south sido of Queen street befol'c l ll co. ar s . a nv action be taken Carried. Ycasi:;-Messrs, Pig~ott, Prower . 1 S E Bun.wEI.L of F in aal! O nt. says : .· . · .' off '. f' Morn s. Horsey, .1:mssell and the .11<fayor, Nays,- Messrs. Burden, \Vortb,Kydd, noun· - L ast a utumn 1 was su errng rom a sail and ~1ason . . .. severe cold which settled o n my Lungs On mol.10n the Council auo~;~1;~~TT, 'I'. c. and produced . a distressing co ugh for which I ga~ e trial to a n,1mber of Cough Med icines but withou t any b en efit.. I at THE CAN ADi AN PACIF IC. last tri ed oue b ottle. of A !Jen 's Lung Jfalsam, wh ich I am hapt>y to be ab le t o state T HE OPENING OE' 'J'HE L LIK I:; S1Jl'E!UO.I'. S.l. W· gave ah1:ost imme~li:i,te rel ief :1nd preform'l'ION POS'rP(/KEF>. ed a pertcct cure m a short t ime. P arkdale, adj oining Toronto, has been raised to the dignity of a town. l~'arruers say the fall wheat is already beginnin~ to sufl'er'for lacls of rain. Mr. H. F'. McDiarmid , Head Master Having to make room for a large quantity of Wood, recently of Cobourg Model School, has resigned. Mr· .T. Ferguson, Whitby, had articles purchased, will sell, until further notice, at the following prices: stolen from h is stable last Friday to the per Cord valu<1 of $40. ' F';;;livered Beech and Dr. Dick ey, of N ewtonvillt>, has sold illat·le, Selected Body Woo·l ................... hie celebrated horse, V ictor Gold Dust, at do. do. Cull do. .. ..... ......... .. 4.00 a good figu re. do. do. Lir11bs ... .. .. ... ......... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .... . .. .. .. 3.:iO Beware of wetting fingers on the tongue in counting bills . Smallpox may be D~st J>ine cut t"t·o111 {;l"ee11 'I'in1bcr ..... . ................... . 3.:iO communicated in that way. J>i11c cut f"ron1 nry '.l'irnbcr .............. ... .. .................... 2.;)0 ll:Jr. A.. McBean, of Guclpl1, forme rly of ~illbrook, lias sold out h!, s hardwar e! Sct·a11to11 and ~'ack;nvan:t Coal dt·y and well sc1·eened busm ess m t h e " Royal City. .... A dir ect trnin s ervice between Mon- !J~.aO J·er ton at Hat·bor and $ 6.00 dd1ve1·cd. Best treal and Winn ipeg, d istauce 1438 miles, Briar :Hill Coal, Cot· domestic u se, $6.00 JlCl" ...on, dewill be inaugumted Oct. l!)th. Jivc1·ed. ltcynoJdsvilie Select I,UIH)t Coal, fen· !!ileau1, M essrs. Appleby & Bro. , of Cubo urg , lost th eir tino stallion. "(Joi. T . " last $il.OO 1·e1· ton at the Yard, week. He wa~ valued f;i)IJOO. There were three cases of sui1slrok e lrtst week 1.ttnon~ the men employed at G-ilmour's l u mber yard in '.l'renton. M r. H. Bradshaw, of Uxbridge Lum ber and we can furnish any bill on very short notice. M ille, waa fatally crushed bet wee n the cars on t ho Stouft'ville switch, recently. Intending pnrchasers please call and examine goods and prices before, One of the Montreal rioters , for strikpurchasing elsewhere . ing the chief of police with a s t ick , was fined $100 and sent to jail for six mon t hs. A y oung lady at Barrie died r ecently from the e1frcts of wearing corsets too Bowman ville, October 15, 1885. 42:2m tight, which had ca.used h er ribs to overh\p and gro w together. .M:r. Robt. Wiison, of tho town line, Whitby, was relie ved of :1bout sixty chicke191 on l<'riday night, as waa also Mr. Geo. Anderson to !lie number of forty. 'l'he Ruv W. McEwen, well known as t he efticiP.nt Ge noral Secretary of tha Provincial S.S. Asso~iation, was a cc ~pt· ed a call to the P resbytenan Church at Lakefield. 'l'h e 21st day of October, has been set aside as the day on which the WI1it by and EH~t W h itby Plowing Cl ub will h old t heir annnal plowir1~ mnlch, iu t he neighborhood of Brooklin. Mr. Anthony l\1itchcll, of 7.ion, in t he Saxon Settlement, committed s ni cjde by hanging o n Tuesd;\y of bat week. De 7 ceased was abont fifty yoars of age, and leaves a wife aud seve ral children. A two yeaf' old sun of Councillor L . V . Dyet" of Hope, while playing in front of M r. Dyer's h ouse at Garden Hill, t his m orning about ' 10 o'clock, fell i n to an open p'ost hole and broke his neck. No LADY who delights iu flo1vera, and likes to :;ee them clo well and b loom l\bunclantly, aho11ld not ho withont J:laningt01b 's Food for Flowers. Ordinary packages 30c. - sufficient fo1· tweuty p'la11ts fo r one year, An e::lit.or t hu s nudges his deliuq11ent snbsc. riberN : "\Ve d on' t want tile mouey despera tely bad ; but o ur creditors d o, and they no doubt owe yon. Jf you pay us we'll pay t hem, and they'll pay you. 'l'he unanimous \'erdict oft.h e druggists, both whol~sale and r»tail , throughout the Drnniniou is, DR. SmITII'8 GER~CAN vVORM R~;~rnI>Y, or Wormerine , has t he largest sale, a nd gi ves the most perfect satisfactior1 of any worm pr cpanition t hey have ever ht\ndled . A scrutiny of t he votes c!lst in the ScoLt Act \'Ote in Pete1 ·boro' County, will be held in t '1e Co urt h ouse, Peterboro' o n Oct. 16t h. Charges of bribe ry are made, and it is alleged that ten dollar bills were " plentiful." The public are cau tioned agai nst i mitations of the P aitJ -Killer, and to be suspicious of persons who r ecommend any o th er article ·· J us·r AS GooD ;" many of these they make a li tt le wore profit upon, but which have no qualities in common with the Pain-Killer. A few clays ago a widower with seven children was married to a wid o w with five children - neither party k nowing that the other w~s blessed wi th re spon sibilities until af te r the weddin g. A more badly "mid " couple it would be difficult COAL, WOOD &LUMBER. tn;:;.oo = . '. _ . ' at All Kin~s of ~ u ·1l0 ING M Alf RIA l ~ept constantly on hano,! M°CLELLAN tc co. c~FALL~ Just opened up:- New Dress Goods, Dress Silks Rhada me, Silks, Marvelleu x Satins, Broche Satins, and Brocaded Ottomans st PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up:- New Silk Plushes, Silk V elvets.? Terrys, Tinsel, Plush, and Mancunium Velveteens at PIERCE & C-,O'S~ Just opened up· New Jerseys, Mantles, Ulsters, Shaw ls,'\V raps,Children's J ackets and Scarfs at PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up· New Milline ry Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, F eath ers, Birds, '\Vings, Aigrettes, Ribbons and L aces at PIERCE & CO'S~ J. HIGGlffBOTHAM & SON, DRLTGGISTS:1 Buy their goods from reliable houses and can supply the public with Pure Drugs! at reasonable prices. J ust t 0 h an d .--· A 1arge assort ment of TOILET SOAPS and HAIR BRUSHES frOfil the best manufacturers · ~.'he Canadian Pacific railway intended Tho Bowmanville paper~ a re very rcti~- I :gdvrnrd tBh1ke ope oina the Canadfan all rail route by t he en tas to wh o won Mr. h w s t l10re of I ,ake S uperior to \ Vinnipeg "salary grab" prizes at t e receu cs n orl h s .o n t h e 18th of O ctober, b ut h ave decided Durham F all l:>ho w. lt is j ust possible not to do 80 in order t hat they may have th ey were secured by some unfortl.lllate Conser vative elector , and t h e managers t he road com pleted u ud in p erfect orel er <lout want to let up on the r acket j ust b<Jfore open ing t he passenger service. I t now.- Port H ope "l."imes. N ot so, Mr. will, however, be O[)en for freight trafHc d dG · on that date ~ nd for passenger traflic on Times, t h e winners were goo soun · n ts, t he 2n d November , t he t ime inter venin g every on e. The Jmest stock of Scotch T weeds e ver being taken up in completing t h e r oad in the minutest details for the comfort of r sh o wn in to wn a t Couch, J ohns ton & Crytravellers. I< lerma ns. SPONGES, CHAMOIS, PERFUMERY, &c., &c., &c. Pure Ground Oil Cake always on, hand.