TERMS :-$1.50 PER A.NNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR ~D PROPRIETOR. VOLUME 378. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1885. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. H A MPTON. As I was presrnd Vlilh work last 'Hek I did not write the news; 'l'hie explanation I submit, Yor1r servant please excuse. A11d now I seize m y rusty ven 'l'o dash you off a letter ; Jt busine~s docs not preB too l11tl'd, In future I'll do better. Mr. S. Washing ton preached here on Sunday morning tu a foll house ; he gave a very able and intere.eting di scourne. There was a small attendance the annual meetmg of the Bible Society last week. The agent gave a j?ood address. Mr. H . T. Phillips has been very sick for 1Some time past, bnt we are plea~ed to state that he is i·nprovin" at time of writing. · ~ R tlv. Mr. Browne preach11d in the evening; he experienced no difficulty in keeping t he congregation awake, as his sermon was a very interesting one. Mr. 'fhonuie .Bnrrows has also been under the doctor's care for BO·ne days ; he i11 recovering rapidly now and will soon be able to look after his busin ess agai11. There were several young men in town S und ..y from a distance, nncl it \YRS difficult to get t\ full a ttendance of the lt>dv men~bers of the choir 11t the evening service. The tumbling of Mr. Wm. Pooley at t he Town Hall, on the 9th ins&., was much admired by the athletes of this place and haR been the chief topic of conversation ever since. What came near being a fatal accident occurred here last week. Mr. R. Katerson's child- a boy of some four years, !lOt out to where thertl was some lye and drank a quantity of it. When discovered he wits almost insensible. Dr. Mitchell wa11 summoned a nd attended to his want!! n.nd h e is able to be ont once more . SLOW BOY. XXXI. NUMBER 43. O.RO.lvO. Mr. 0 . A. Gamsby has been quite ill, M~CLUNCS' Fall and Winter Stock of LEBK.ARD. Potatoes are rotting in some fields. Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Stewart are ill. T he Sal vation Army st.ill make thin"S 0 hmu in this l'illage. · Mr. \Vm. Furze has made thin as safer by having a ne w chimn.-y pu t on h i~ house. Farmers nearly through threshing. Yield of coarse grains very fair, wheat poor . The Mayor is prepared to supply the late11t news to BDY one wl10 asks for it civilly. Mr. A1thur Carvoth is becoming a "mighty Nimrod." T wo fine foxes in one week. Th e Division Sons of Temperance has r esumed its mcetin~s again after beino "called off" during tht. smmner months': A thre&he r from near B owman ville was he_re w11.h a job for Mr. Walker yesterday . H111 fam e as a "bo11s " blacksmith spread.a a.round . The teachers in the district complain that the potato and opple crops have a greater hold on their boys than have the halls of learning. We are glo.d to know that twenty-ti ve cents " will pay thn bill " at the church openi11g instead of for ty as per bills. "Thi.1 is ar raight." Mr. ,John Walker was here last week. Htl talk~ of rem ainiug auothei;:year in his school ·111 Cavan wh1ire he haa· already taugl1t t hree yt-ars. Mr. Harry Chapple leaves for Toronto U niversity at the eud of this month. The Trustees ·have engaged Mr. McKechn h,, of Cheltenham, for thti school. He comes well nicommended. A serious accident h11pp1111ed to one of Mr. Coram's handsome bay horees one day last week. Be~oming frightened it . ran away and broke its leg. Mr. Young, V. S., was called in and set the limb. '.l'he animal is now doing well. Great preparations are being made for the opening of the new church 11ere on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 25th and 26th. Many a barn-yard is being bled to the ex-teat of one, two, or a half a dozen geese, turkeys or chickens. Very great credit is dne the Trustees of the church ancl con tractors for the pains they hav~ taken to have ~good buildiog,pot together Ill a wor kmanhlrn manner. '.l'he handsome church witbSabbath school room a ttached the well arranged sheds and beautifui fe nce su1 ·1ou11di11g, make Leskard's one of the best, if not the best, church premises on th~ c·i rcn i t. · DRY GOODS, MILLINERY and CARPETS at (IS] NOW I COMPLETE.) An early call solicited. Terms strictly CASH. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. We take great pleasure in calliaii: the attention <lf the thousands of readers of the S1'ATESMAN to the celebrated " Happy Would announce to their friends and th e public that their \ 'fhou.~ht " Range, now conceded to be onP. ...._ .l\.. of the best cooking stoves manufactured. This justly l'enowned Range is a model in every respect·; it is heavy, subst'llntial, is now very complete in all its departments, having opened out · durable, and thor ougl1ly well made and during the past few weeks over finished in eve[]' particular ; th e ornament<Ltion is chaflte and beautiful without boing gaudy, ~nd as tha range has- very large :fiue3 and being constructed with an especial view to giving the best rnsult.s, it will be found to always work perfectly, even whet·e oth~·r ranges have failed. ~ · · .,, . . The "Happy Thought" is no experiment, Compnsmg Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets. Wmceys, for it has been tri.ed :m<l tested and out of Mantle Goods, Ulster Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatin<Ys F lannels the ma.n y thousands now in use in the Blankets Fur Caps Astrachan Mantles Over Co~t~ &c. ) United States aud Canada, the manufacturers have ne"·C'l' heard of one that ' ' ' ' Their stock this season is by far the largest and best assorted does not give satisfaetioi~. Some idea of th e enormous sales of tins Range may be ever shown by them, and in some departments the best had when we st!\te that we have b efore · ever shown in Bowmanville. Every article has been us ~pamphlet list of 3,500 persons with , their addresses, to wlil<>m one dealer, M r . CAREFULLY SEIJECTED IN THE BEST H. B eckwith, Utica, N. Y., lia11 sold the MARKETS and at the lowest prices "Happy Thought" in Utica and vicinity . h 0A 'H · d alone, every one of whom would gladly W h IC · S can COInman . recommend it as the best cooking apparatus they have ever used. Tl1is first-class R a nge is now made in all sizes and styles with the celebratedDuplex Grate, which is so r apidly supplanting all otl1er s where anthracite coal is used. No shaking or CRYDE~MAN, poking of the fire necessary ; n o dust D0'1' manviJle. escapirig in the room; the fire is ready One D&o1· West ot· Po!!t Office. for baking at all hours of t he day or ni"ht. 0 'fhe baking qualities of th e Range a re greatly increased by the use of this exN. H. Do,vn's Vegetable Aalsamic Elixil· is a positive cur e cellent grate. for Coui;:hs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Catarrh , Hoarseness, Influenza, No range with an ordinary flat grate Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. A.s an E xpedora.nt it has no equal, Consumption ha.a will bake readily in the afternoon with 'b een cured times without number by its timely use, It heals the ulcerated surfaces, an old fire of anthracite coal. The fire -pot and cures when a ll other remedies fail. Fifty-six y ears of constant use has proven becom es choked with clinkers apd cinders, and :my attempt to r emove them with the lt1 virtues. Every family should keep it in the house. Sold everywhere. poker t ends to mix them with the live Henry, Johnston & Lord, Pwprietors, Burlington , Vt. coal and destroy the life of the fire. This Dr. De111·y Baxter's 1 Uand1·ake Bittet·s are a sure cure for great objec~ion is entirely overcome by Oostiveness, Biliou sness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid using the Duplex Grate. By a sh1gle turn Llv"iir, Rheumati11m, Dizzine~s, Sick Headache . Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Apople- of the crank all the clinkers and sla" are instantaneously a11d thoroughly tem~ved, xv, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. K eep the Stomach, Bowels, and and the fire becom es as bri" ht and fresh Digestive Organs all in working erder, and perfed health will be t he result. as if just kindled . Biscuit ~an be easily Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will find r elief and permanent cure by and quickly baked a b any t ime with a fire the usu of these 13itters. Being t onic and mildly purgai.ive thev purify the blood. 1 b For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johnston & Lord Proprietors t rnt 1 las een _rur!uiuv; fur week~. The ' · ' Duplex Grate is simple, substantial and Burlington, Vt. : more durable than any Bat grate. By turning it t wo or three t imes a day the Henry, .Johnston & Lord, Proprietors of fire is ulways k ept bright and ready for A.t·nica and _ Oil Lini~nc~it ~or l\b~ and Beast. .The best external baking. lt is very cleanly. Not a single remedy for Rheumat1 sm, N euralg1a, Sprau~s, Bnuses, Burns_ a~d Scalds, Sciatica, door need be opened for removing t he 1 Backache, Frosted Feet, and all_other p'lms an.d Aches. It is a safe, sure, a? d clinkers from the fire, as must be done e~ectual R em edy !or Galls, S trams, ~cratch es, Sores! &c. , on Horses. One tnal with the Anti-Clinker Grate. It is very will prove Its m_ent11.. Its e_ilects a.r.e m r~ost cases m atanta.neous. Every b ottle / economic> ll. Coal is not .vasted or half warranted to give satisfaction. Prices 2o cents and 50 cents per bottle . Sold burned. The air comes in direct contact everywhere. with all the fuel, insuring p erfec t com~~~=================~=~========~ ·~=-=-=~~ - b ustion and rapid circulat1<m around the ARD OF THANKS. - T o the Mana- jTo oveus. · Last fall we publish ed a t estimoninJ. ger or the Fire Insurance A·sociation: SrR, I hereby return thanks for the prompt 'Ve will insert a One Juell Advertisement, from Mr. .James Monis, Proprietor of payment (by your all'ent, Mr. 'l'bos. Bingham. One Mouth, in 13 Dailies, I 'J'ri-Wceklv and "8 M C !or my Joss hy fire, caused by n spark from a. Weeklies of ourSELECTLO<iA T,LIS'l' of Canadian orris' 'arriage W' orks, r ecommending steam llu-e~her, having got payment for con- papers for $70. ' 'fo those who wanttheir ad· the stoye after using it a fuw months. tents at marl<et ~rice ; no fr or 't payment like vertiaing t_o pay.we can offer n<;>be~ter medium After using it nearly a year he now rel see on the Domnnon Grange Polley to tenants. Copy of List sent floec>. on t1pphcat1on. · CEO p ROWELL & ·co affirms wbathe th en said of its m erits: Youra grll.tctully. Trro~. H.m ms. 'J'yronc, Sopt.11, 188v. 38 · · " j M ESSRs .Lrm'.~ E nsAu,, Bowmanville,\" l · t h e "Bappy 1'h oug It" ARD OF 'fHANKS.- To the Mana- :NE1VSl"..ll'Jm ADVEi t'.l'ISJNG n1mEAlf, e iave b e~n usmg l ger of the l!'ire Insurance Association : 1U Spi·uce St., New Yoi·I·. llange n ow tor n early ' a ; year and are as Sm, I hereby return t hankMfor the. prompt TAIT'S PHOTOS, highly pleased with it as ever. It cooks payment (by agent, Mr. '!'hos. Bingham\ splend" 11 tiirows a ,,,oo n d h ea , t , JS · not fire, caused by 11 spitrk from a __ lC y , 1or wy loss byyour steam thrcsher,having r(>ceived the full amount S t 8 . h h ard t o manage and bums a small quantity .,., G Sl t S 0H_ ofmyinsura~ce iN GOL1J onthe occaa1ouofmyl A.WA, 6 ~ er t. , ep · 0 · ofcoalfnr so lar"'e a stove . The Duplex 0 'I'ait SIRS, Gr·at " a ve1y . va1uabl e 1mp · r ovemen t an d gol<len weddmg. Yours tbankfully, Tn OMAS l'Ylessrs. .JARDINE. A h k <f; f Morri~on.-DEAR h h. h , e· ts 'l'y1·one, Sept. 11, 1885. 58 ccept t an 8 or P otos w IC please us worthy of all praise. 'vVe could no~ be . . - very muc~. Sh all probably <;irder more induced to return t o th e wood stove for See t he S ta r H ouse advt. The1rpnces later. Fnends who have received copies winte r use J 8 M :i.re all cut ~own as they wish to reduce t hink the m clmrming. Respectfully · . A. · .ORRIS. stock speedily, change contemplated. yours, A. SANGSTER. Every parcel a bargain at Mason Bros. ---~-- ··---- MAPLE GROVE. The Sunday ser'l'ices in our church a r e very well at tended , as also are the weekly cott age prayer meetings. Mr. John.James' new choir is practisinl{ regulurly and their servic.,s in leading th<l praises ore much appreciated. Mrs . Samuel Goard and son William, of Oakwood, were out on a visit to her daught1:r, Mrs. W. Foley, last week. A. gloom has been cast over tlie comwuni ty by t he sucMen deatli on Wednesday of Mr. Chas. Aldsworth , a young man who hae bee1i workiug at Mr. Sarni. Snowllen's. Ca.nae of death- infia.mmat1011 of the bowels. While Mr. Richard Soucli was euoerinteBd ing some repairs on his farm h em, occupied by Mr . W. Cox, last week, ho was 11truck on the back when in a stooping position by a fallin g stick and injured so that he was unable to get around for some days. He is all right again now. '1'l1e n ewly elected otlicers of Maple Grova Division S. of T. are :- W . P . ,Jacob Steven11 ; W . A .- Sis. C. Power ; F. S.- George Power ; Treas.- '.l'homas Sno wden; R. S .-Mar k Munday ; A . R . S. - Sie. H. G. Cole; Cond. - .John Stevens ; A.es. do.- John Snowden. The reception service in the Methodist church here last Sabbath was of unusual interest, seventeen ne w communicant!! being added to th e members hip with a good prospect for more at the next q uarterly reception. The service was conducted by Past or, R e v. J. Whitlock. COUCH,JOHNSTON ~ CRYDERMAN N D WI N TE R ST 0 CK FALL · OVER 989,000 WORTH OF N""E-W-- 'GOODS:1 Fine Ordered Clothi_ n g a specialty. COUCH, JOHNS'ION & ENNISKILLEN. Our Teach er goes to Port Hope on Friday to take part in the Teachers' Convention to be held t here. We had a photographer located at t he Guide -board a. part of a d11y last week. N egatives lef t in the morning ; photos called for a t ni ght. :Business good while ther e, but the artist used all his chemicals and hn.d to move. Mrs. Height, mother of Mrs. Jas. Pye, who lrn~ been residing with Mr. Pye, h ere, died on the 15th instant, at th e advanced age uf 85 year5. H er end was peace. The interment t ook place at }'>ort Perry cemetery, on t he 17th inst. Look out for Tom Jardine's sali; on Saturday, the last day of the month. Tom expects a large atte ndancP, ::m d the auctioneer is getting himself UI? in great shape to make tbi nga lively. H e has even been heard practisi ng singing lately. but is better again. An Orono man who was away for a. few days lately, received a sever e 11hock on ~eading a telegram sent him by a m edical gentleman of the villacte as foJ. 0 hnvs : " Your wife has had a ckild · if she dosen't have another to-morrow 'she will be all right in a few days. " Eis relief may be im11gined when he ascertained that the opc>rator ha.d made a mistake in despatching t he mesSB"e, reading child for chill. " The Judges or the Clarke Agricultural Society awarded prizes for Turnips Carrots and Mangolds, in the field as follows: . Turnips- 1st Wm. Cooper ; 2nd Sa.ml. Bowen ; 3rd Thos Vicke111. Carrots-1st R . Oshorne : 2nd Thos. Bragg j 3rd JM. Powers. Mangolds- 1.st. R. Osb ·t·no ; 2nd W . Il. Al !in ; 3rd Thos. Gibdon. The following was omitted fro111 the Clar Ire Fair Prize List 11s _published in t he 8TA'l'E8MAN : AOlUCULTVRAT , I MPLEMENTS. Single c11ltivutor or scuffi.~'.::::-F.Sti-Jwoll. Mower- .J. Leigh & Son. St11bble Plongh--lat and 2nd G. H. Linton. Pair Harrows- 1st G. H. Linton 2nd F. Stilwell. ' Root s licer- 1st ,J. Leigh & ::Jon Straw Cutter-13~ J. Leigh & 8~n . Double Carriage - 1st Alexander · & Foster, 2nd .J. ·r. Newport. Single Carriage-1st J . T . Newport, 2nJ Alexander & Fuster. Farm Wagon-1st F . Stil ;veil. Turnip Drill·-l st .J. Leigh & Son. P ump-1st R. Ferguson: Farm l{.oller-lat G. H. Linton. The anniversary services of tl1e Orono Presbyterian Church were held last Sunday and M onday. It was expected that the Itev. Jas. L ittle (late of St. Paul's) would be present to sustain the 11ervices of Sunday but at the last m oment he was unable tu be with t he conure<Y&tion so the pabtor, Rev. A. Fra11:r, fil led 'the pulpit f11renoon and afternoon the church at both diets of worship bei1;g crowded. On M onday evening the annual tea was _' held. A good many Bowman ville people ·were pr~sent but the w e ~ther being so threaten111g prevent<Jd q mte a number from attending. Frum 5 to 8 o'clock th11 scho11l room was a buay throng, t he effvrts of the Jadin be in" ta.xed to the utmost. 'l'h e tables we~e decked with almost eve rything that was good and enticing in the way of eatables. There was ~oniething to please the most fiistidio os appetite, a nd the spr ead certainly r eflected the utmost credit on the ladies of the chnrch and the viands were heartily appreciated and freely sampltid by all present. S upper being over services were ad journed to t he churdh proper where an excellent programme of addressee and musi c was rendered before :m ~udi ence which. entirely filled the bnildID!!, many havmg to be accommodated with sea:s in the aisles. Rev. A. Fraser presided . Splendid and interestino addresses w_ere delivered by Rev.Mr. L~slie, Newtouv1lle, R ev. Mr. l\'lcLaren, Ennisk illcn, a nd Mr . R. Moment, P. M. The choir of the Trinity Conoregatio1rnl Ohurch, Bowman ville, rend e;ed several choice anthems. The choir beincr accom· panied by a quartette of ior.trum~ntalists g~ve fine 1:riusi?. Mr. John Keachie sang his songs m his usual pleasin" manner and received a r ecall. Votes ·~f thanks were heart ily given to t he c hoir Mr. Ke~chie, the ladies, the speakers, a1{d the chairman, when a most aggreable pro· gramme was brought to a close by prayer. 1"fr. Fraser stated that the congreaation had now attained its 4Gth year at~d 7 th year of the present pastorate, and t h at they had much cause for thankful ness in the present state of chm cl1 affairs, T hi11 anniversary was an enjoyable event, and the S1·A.TESMAN ex tends be11t wishes to the pastor and people of the Orono Pres byt erian Church . l!rorn the Urono N ews, Oct. 15th. Mrs. Thos. Smale, of Clevebnd is vis' it ing at Mrs. Allin's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson from the west are vi11iting at Mr11. Staple11. Mr. M athew Miller and wife, ·of N. W. T., are visiting his brother Mr. J ohn Miller. Mrs . F. L . Andrus is attendin" the W 0 C. T. U. convention now bein« held in. London, Ont . "' M r. Wyman Andrus, of the Hamilton (11ippers, has returned h ome lookina hearty after h is seasons hard work in th~ ball fie ld. The Sons' Hall here is being repaired and r enovated. The platform l1as .been raised higher and mad e more applicable, a new floor, fresh sash an d lights have replaced the old ones, the porch too is undergoing improvements. We are pleased t o learn that Mr. W. C. Alhn, principal of o ur school, hM been re-engaged by the Trustee Board for another ter~. ~r. A~lin h as g iven p ronounced ·satisfaction srnce t akina clrnr"e of the school, and our Trustees a;e to be cong_ratula ted on again retaining his services. SOLINA. Mr. W . Ashton has sufliciently recover d to be out agaiu. Miss Riel11>rdson, of Oshawa, i11 visitin" in this ne ighborhood. · " Mr. 'l'. Baker is build in0a a very valuable :\ddition to his house.. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe.Ward, of this place are visiting in the West. · ' Miss D oidge, of Woodstock, is visitioa her e, g uest of Mrs. A . Washington. " Mr. Chas. Rose is not going to have a singing school here, but at the Mt. Vernon church. A. full-blown rose was picked from a bu11h iu Mr. Thoe. Parnob's garden on Sunday lasL. A certain young man, while going home on~ evening (~r morning), sa w a ghost, mg men, which badly frightened him. Yo· beware. 'fhe officers for Solina D ivision tor the present quart er are as fo llows :-W. P., Bro. E . G. Pascoe ; W. A., Sis. L. Hogarth ; R. S., Bro. A. L. Pa11coe · A. R. S. , Sis. M . Hooper ; Trea11., Bro'. S. Shortridge ; Chap. , Rro.\ W. VanNest ; Con., Bro. T. Baker ; A. Con, Sis. B. Bo(Yarth ; I. S., Sis. E . J. Pascoe ; 0. S., Bro. W. Pascoe; P. W . P., Bro. A. J. Heynolds. DICK:. C.A BTWRIGRT. Mr. Venning has been suffering from inf! ammatio11 . Last week a t eam at tached to one of Mr.Watson's cleaners ran away and caused considerable damage. . L ast Saturday, as Mrs. Willis was coming h ome on a load of potatoes site and her little boy were thrown off. 'Mrs. W. received a very bad inj ury on one le"' and the boy a severe bruise on his head'. Dr. Campbell at once attended to their injuries . The annual meeting of the Cartwri"'ht branch of t he U. C. Bible Society ;.as held , as an nounced, in St. John's church on the 14th inst. Owing to the inclemenc; of t he weather the attendance wa11 not as large as what otherwise would have been. M r. '.l'hos. Werry, the pre~ident ably fille?- the chair. Revs. Geo. McKay J. 9re1 ght?n and Dr. Hodgkin delivered very m ter estmg addresses, which were in l erspersed with music by the choir of t he church. Miss D eacon presiLled :i.s organi11t . The collection of the evening was almost double tliat of last year's. Mrs . Oliver and d aughter, from Port Huron, have been visiting relations in this l ocality. UNO. .ENFIELD. Our school Trustees have r e-engar1ed 0 Mr. Robt. Lane for the coming year. Mr. J. Niddery's sale was postponed till Friday 23rd Oct. , owing to wet we ather. . Mr. Wm. Ormiston has.been appointed l eader of the Praying Band for the nex t term. Mr. R. .T. Niddery's smiling face was seen around her fl last Saturday and Su1J,,d ay. Mr. Jno Arnot t is building a ne.w house on his farm now occu pied by Mr. R. Winnacott. Mr. Jno. Niddery and l\'Iiss Sarah Bentham have b een ill with typh oid fever, but are nearly recovel'ed . EiLOCUi)f. C Canadian Advertisers C I l " Scott's Emulsion of Pure N o LA.DY who delights in flowers and likes to i>ee them do well and bloom V ery palctlctble and strengthening. 1.Lbuucla11tly, should not be withont JlanDr. A. H . Dti:sANLINUS, Osweg o, N . Y., ington's Food for Floivers. Ordinary says : " I have prescribed Scott's Emul· packages 30c.- suflicient for twenty plants sion for many years, and have giveu it a for one year. thorough ccroparati ve test . I cannot speak in t oo_high .. terms. of its palatabil.i ty Factory cotton reduced at the West as well as its efhcacy m all the wastm"' End House- 5c. cotton for 4c. 6 for 5 7 0 disorders in which it is indicated." 1 for G, 8 for 7, !) fo1· 8. ' ' Coct Ll'.-e1· on, with J1ypo111tos1111ttcs. I I I I fJ Perfect soundness of body and mind is possible only with pure blood. L eading medico.I authorities of all civilized countries endorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best blood-purifying medicine in existance. It vastly increases the working and productive powers of both hand and brain.