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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1885, p. 2

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~~W..-'t'tt'*WV!ttt THE CA~s~~!~!E~TATESMAN E~' ER 1: I ·-· AYER'S M 4 ··· NIHf'mD arnwww ,_,. 'YW7 41 cw 22 HEAL'I1H. Air and Sunshine. 'l'he disinfecting .power of freely circul'ltendure. · ing pure 11ir ia now fully recognized by sani· The secret of it is, in part, the raJAMES, No other complaints are lnsidlon. 1dn tholr pid dillneion of the morbid particle·, thue AT THE OFEIOE attacl1 ns those affecting the throat 11nd lungs; greatly diluting them, a~ mineral poisons "'01tOnlee Bloek,K1 ng St., Rowma.n ville, Oat iione so trifled with by the nl!ljority of ~utfer may be render<'d harmless by dilution. So ers. The ordin:>ry cough or cold, 1 ·esulting grea.t is t his dilfu·ive t endency, act ing witp rr · ER~S: perltaps from a triJlii1~ or uuco11saious e:s.- the constant ciroulatiou of the io vast $1.GO perannum,01· $l.OC!if paidl11 advance posure, is often hilt t h o Leginni11g of a fatnl currents, t hat though every variety of harmA Olea.n Head Paymen t strictly in advance required Cr~m sickness. AYER's C1m1mr P E l:'r oRAL !1as ful gase< an d ml1>sms is incessan t ly t h1·own A 1 h · ' MO KTREAL, Que., Nov. 15, 1883. subscribers outside of the county. Orders to into the > 11r of our la.rge cities, no difference c ea.r ead is rarely fo und ben eath an well provei1 it< effi cacy in a forty years' fight I h~reby certify tha t I ha ve analysed and disoontinue the pa.per mu~t be a ccompanied by be detected by analysis between the air unclean scalp ; b ut a clean hE'ad an d good can tested the mater ial called " White Dronze," wi th throat and lung <lisea1us, and dwuld ]J~ t he a.mount due,orthe paper wi1lnot be stopped, of the lat ter and the air ot our ru ral dia-l lie~lth are gen~rally, associates. A distin, manufactured for monumental purpos~.s by the ! taken in all cases witho11t delay, sabaoribera responsiblountil!ul !payment is Thomas vVhite Bronze Monument Co.. and Sr .. trlcts. .;u1ehed physic1~, who ha.a spent much t ime m11de, · l find i~ COJl!POsed, as r epresente<l., of R efined A Ter rible Coui;-11 Cu rett, But another explanatory faot is the actual at quarantine, s1ud that a person whose hea.d Metall1.c of a very superior quality to· R.~TES OF AD1'ERTJSING1 I~~~ "In 1857 I tbok a severe cold which alI.ec1ed disinfecting power of sunshine and oxygen. tborou~hly !a ~hed every day rare!y sheet zinc. and almost a.baolutely pure. Its n!y lunr:s. I had a terrible co~gh aud 1 iassed \Vhole Column one year ...... ·· .. ··· $6il 001~ ~ great durability under all exposure to weather f t ·is t he inhaled oxygen that changes the too c.mtagtous d1se11ses, _bnt when t he hatr and " " H a lf year. ... ...... .. 36 00 · ~::;: m ght after lltght-without sleep. ~'ho doctor· storm is therefore fu lly assured by it,s high da rk, im pure venoua blood into the pure wa.s allowed to become d1rty .~nd ~atted, it quality, And it w ill r esist decay and further gave me up. l tried Anm's CtrnJIRY l'EC· One qua.rter ······· · . 20 00 J!!-.. '.l'Ol<AL, ·which relicrnd my lungs induce.I Hal! Column one year ... .. . .... ..... 36 00 - oxidation when its surface is once coated. lt scarlet blood of the arteries. It is the choml· was hardly possible t o escape mf~ctton, sleep1 aud alionlecl m e the rest 'necessary . " Half year .... .. ...... . . 20 00 .Many persons find spe?dy reltef for ner· it is·t ben more durable than stone, and wHl for toe 1·ecovery of my stre11gth. Dy the ca.I power of sunshine that gives us our won" " One quarter . .. ........ 12 lose its handsome a ppea.rance from gene, use of tho PECTORAL it pe1 ·mn- derful photographs. It is the sunshine t hiOt vous h~a.dache by washing the he11od thor· not contmued Quarter Colu n::.n one yoor .. ......... 20 00 ration to generation. l know of no other ma nent cure was etiected. I a m now 6~ yea re bleaches t he cotton cloth laid on the grass, oughly in weak soda wa ter. Cases are r?· terial which is equally cauable of combining " " Half year . . . . ·. · .. .. 12 50 old, hale and hearty, nnd am aatisfied your ·· One quarter ... : ·· ·. 8 00 tn J, on the ot her hand , changes the pure porte~ to have bee_n &~moat wholly cured 1n elegance of form, beauty of surface and indefi· Cmi:nnY l'E CTOJtAL sitved me. n i te durabilit11. Six lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50white of a; ~ grown in a cellar t o ten S mtnutes by thfi1sd s11trh 1ple_rtemel~Y· " 1-I ORA C I~ F AtnDROTllllR," lSinged) subsequent insertion...... 0 25 · ome persons n · a.· 1 re 1eves tose J ·. B ArrEn E DwAnos, h t f d t th d k Rockingham, Vt., July W, 18li2. P. Bt. D.,D. c. L., F . c.1$. ar groen w en rane erre o c open 11o1r. cold·" th c0 ld 8 ym to · t · l I th ll'rom six to ten linee, firs tlnsortloi:, O 75 - ~ Hence, in our late armies, in twithsta.nd· ' e P ms.en. ire Y ea ve . e Each subsequent insertion...... 0 35- 10 Croup. - A niot11or's Tribute. Ing BO m any unhealthy conditions, typhoid er es 11fter one thorough washing o~ the h1 ur. Dver ten linea,first.insertion,perline 0 10 "Wb Ile in the,couotry l~st winter my little C OBOURG, Dec. 31st, 1883. Each subsequent inser tiou, " 0 03 boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup· fever never ten ded to spread. and was al- l he head should be thor~oghly dried afte~· . Y . Baker Edwar ds, whose analysis is· The number of lines. to be reckoned bYmoat never fatal. It is for this reo.son th a t, w11rd ~nd cna .should 11vo1d d ra.ugate of air gi Dr It ~eemed if h o won1<1 dio from straugu! >""of L he \Vhite Br onze Monuwenla, ia tbe he apace occupied,;measured by a scale of latwn , Oue of the family suggeeted the us e In all infectious di ·eases, the physicfan in- for a. little while. public a nalyst. a.ut.hortzed by Government to solid Nonpareil, of A Yl!:It's CHEl<l<>" I"c:1 ·rn1<.AL a botile et make chemical examinations for the city of· sists on a free circulation of air in tho aick----wh1d1 was always lrn]Jt in tl1e h ouse. '.J'll i· Montreal. H is opinion and analysis may be . was t~led In srnall and frequent dose11, a nd room, accepted:as t o any other authority in the1 Dll. 'l'AUBL'l'N, Winter .tivenrng ..8musements. to 0111 c le)lght Ill less titan half nu hour t ho An Interesting illuetrntion of the eame country, Jl' rom an inspection of the process of llttl<0 ~at1ent was breathing eiuilly. ~'he docHYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUCIIEUR. Cono,UJ;;$ JP. 0 ., As the cool winter evenings draw near, mun ufucturing the monlilment s, I should expect thing is furniehed by the celebrated Dr. tor im1<\ tl~t t ile CmmnY P i::c'l'ORAL hall OJllce :- Silver Street, Bowmanville. . 7 article. Richardson, of England. He finds that the there is usually a. buzz of expectation in them to be a thoroughly dur able saved Ill}' da.rllng's life. Can you wonde1· aS Sole a o d on ly Agent for t he Coun ties of N.BURWASR, ou1· grat1tnde? Sincerely yours, Dr. A. B:EI'l'H, vagrant class, who have no homes, but sleep every ama.11 Canadian town or village, among Professor in Victoria. University, Science :Mus. E~IMA GEDNEY... N or afu.umberlana! a.nd Durh am . the young people, in the hope of amusement. 1bou~g, anywhere and get food anyhow, rarely con,.·t n'1.~Jl\,l]!)U."\ _'.l'E O'f' THE TORONTO UNIV~R 150 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882. 31 . ..1-'1.~::Jr·s:r·1<~, 1i· . w·..·1c1an, Surgeon,&c. O~ce Kmg tract con ·,a.glous diseases, e.nd more ruely fhere plenty of clever, a.gree11ble boys "I lline med AYE R'S CHERRY P E CTORAL "." f>reet ,'MO'P.. 'i!' .AS' ~LOCK, Bowrua.nv11le, and girls and e11ergetic a dults who are ready convey them, and that, too, though they tn my family for severnl yenrs, and do not wear cast-c ff, and, often, infected clothing to be amnsed 11nd to contribute their ahare hesitate to prollounce it the most effectual '- '· 'W. r.klA~_;gb;!n, !II'. B., re!nedy for couglu aud"colus we have evei to a.muse others; b ut the fun is soon to 1mi occupy the woret of lodging-houses. tr10d. A. J. CRANE," \~J(l.E.. ,,,-\!.'il.A.TE OF THE ROY C_ OLLEGE The gypaiea also are remarkably free from languish, with a feeble or two, and Cr7ijta11 :r.n11n.1 Aill!"~ll ~31 1~~:. ·ii · ·:O't Pbysicianf! and member ot t r.,0 Royal pree.diug diae11see ; they k now little of sm111l. then die out. Co 'Iege of Surgeons, Edin bur>:h. .. ~! iAl:!ftered for eight yN\r~ ftbttl '.BroMLltlii, Nothing ean ba · duller than the social no~, tho1:!8h litt le protected by v accinations Office : MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowm,'ln- 1 l nd trylu_g mat1y remedies With 110 s11cn~ . . ~Q9~S.after One seldom finds among them diseases of a atmosphere of most of our villages through ~ \Va· ~Ul'eU by th~ UJ;~ of A v im's Cm i· scrofulous n ~ture . Dr. Richardson con- a. long winter. There are two re11sons for li:Y PECTORA.L. JOSEPH wALDEN." DR. J, C. UITCJIE.U ,, ' . W e wish to return our smcere thanks to t he people of cludes that poverty in i teelf ha.a nothing to this : Nobody is willing to take the lead Dyhalia, Miss., .April Ii, 1882. EMBER OF COLLE~E OF ~P: YSICIANS or to inaugurate a new idea; a.nd t here is do with the occurrence of zymotic (infec"I cannot say enough In praise of A YER'it . a m'. Surgeons, Ontan o, !J~1v,n er, etc. tious) diseases ; that fr esh Gtir iB . the f;oo much distinction of rank. The castes Bowmanville and - &urroun~ing neighb orhood for t~e h~beral patronage CHERIIY PECTOltAL, believing as I do tbut 1 Oftke a nd nes1dence, Enn""·.-men. 74. but for Its use I should long emce l1ne dieil one m ighty d isiflfedant, and that luxary and ot Hindostan have not more rigid lines than ~--------"J<:. BRAGDOll!.·" from lung troubles. density of population 1're t he two bad s pirita the "sets" of a little Uan11dia.n town, with wh ich has been ext ended to u s since our lpening last spring, p roving .Jolut K ei' '..i Galbraith, Palestine, Tcxae, A pril 22, 1882. which conj 11re up tile great physical evils its mongrel population. 'l:he daughters of ·. . BA lt Rll'S TE.P SOLICITOR NOTARY No caae of an ni?eotion cf the throd or the j ,1dge snuu the wife of the dry-goods of humanity· .., , . . PU BLIC. ffr Office- Boun~a.ll'a Bloo,k hmg1 exill1Z which cannot be greatly reliere·l merchant ; while she, In turn, will not visit conclusi vely that t he method adopted by 'N.S of ml!ik1ng " every par~e1 ·. K u >.g £~t , Bowman ville. Money to lend, Sy tile-.:> of Anin'B OH:EllBY P.&eTOB..U ., the carpenter's family, who haughtily pass ' Not. e s. ?,ad It w ill aliuay~ C'llre when ille 1" the milliner without a bow; while t he ·lat- a bargain and every bargain tiltn adverllisement " iis one which the D. nITBK.E snn·soN, At the r ecent French Crnforc nie for the alr·dy 'lle;)'Und tlla control of madicl.ue. ter has nothing to do with the sempst reBSes -\t~ i' :R RIS1'EU., SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS advancemtn t of science, some interesting who go out to work by the da.y ; "good . ~~ BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Bo~man l'REPARE:D JIY experiments were made on hysterical pa- people, but not such 11& one could a.seocia.te people appreciate. We shall cont inue to act on, that principle and ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank, , f);·.$.O·.l\yer:1Co., lowe!IJ M~1f!O, tients with drugs which were not act ually with, you know." Private 1U1mevs loaned at the lowest rates, administered, hn tware placed on the ba ck ,..._w "n i:.ll Drug;:Js1!1. A well-bred, liberal woman from a forge of the patien~s' heafls, and were used without roaboa.rd city happened t o fi nd herself in ast onish an d delight y ou all. We shaJ1 astonish you by t he low.Bess .KOBERT ARJIOIJU, their kn owledge. Under these circums tance& one of these clique ridden villages in N ew E GISTRAR, WEST DURHAM I SSUER opium produced sleep, alcohol ca1>sed York, at the beginning of a long winter. of our prices ~nd delight you with the ex ceHence of our goods. of Mar;riage l.lcenses, Barrister and A.ttor· drunkenness, and absinthe brought on para· She invited 11 member of each circle to her oy &t Law a nd Solicitor in Chancery. Money " ned on Real E state, Oftlce on King street, lysia oi the legs. In women, camphor gave b.ouae, inaugurated h a.If-a.dozen clubs; We have for this fall bought a cl1oiee selection of 8easonable goods, Bowmanville. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso· rise to religious ecstasy, and in men convul- which included 1111 t he respe 1 it a.ble young rl. T. J'HILLll'S ciation. I t is cheape r than the Canadian sioae ; ma.ny drug s were employed, and all paople of t he town, without the slighte&t a.nd may safely say t hat we have quality and value un surpassed, of them gave t neir chari>cterist ic effects, lr ICE NSED AUUTIONEEH for the County Mutual Aid, A. 0. U . W . or any pa~s a,. regard to their p revious social &t:>nding. u o! Durham, Salos promptly attended. round your hat institutio n, as t he follow- though they were all contained in phials or Ther e was a club for music, another for read .A.ddress-Hampton P . O. 59, wrapped in paper. ing, others for ta.bleaux-vivants, il>nd Shake- and t hat our reputat ion will n ot suffer in t he out put of the goods" ing e xamples will prove : Thos. McClnng It s < ems that from a scientific point of, hist ory a.nd ar t. bas been insured since 1872 for$2,000atid n. HIJTCHISON. view, perfectly dean h ands an impossiE ach club met il>t the h ouse of · a. member I CENSED AUC'l'IONEER, CONVEYAN the last five yea rs it only cost him $2 .55 bility. In the G:1,zetta Medica I atiana D c. once a week ; t he ai nplest refreshment was Come and inspect our goods and allow us to put you up a parnel Ch.R end Commisaicner in B. R. Sales at per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John Forster says that after the most diligent provided; and in its turn provided a 1 ended to promnt ly and at reasonable r.ates. M cClung insured at the same time for t h e washings 11nd brushiugs with soap and water for tni,llhtly entert ainment t o wh ich the when y ou will fin d that it is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will "'11.Address- Enniskillen P. O. same amount a nd it o nly cost him $1. 74 and rinsinge with carbolic acid and othet members of 1'11 t he ot her associations were OHN HUG HE S.-Licensed Auct:oneer, per annum on each $ 1,000 to insure, he disinfech nts, the hands remained so impure invited. F or instance, one fort night the become an advertisemen t . Valuator a nd Arbitrator. Fire and Life that u pon to uching the fingers to s terilized entertainment was t ableaux; the next a ' . nsurance, Notes and Account~ Collected. bein g a litt le younger. We certify the a b ove to be correct. Thos. gelatine micro-organisms were rapidly de- concert ; the next short ess~ys on art with a Mouey to Lend on reasonable t erms, A 1dress veloped. The Doctor found, indeed, that on loan exhibition of euch engrnvinga or bricCa rtwright» Out. '172 McClung, John McClung . rinsing the hands with a. solution of l to THOS. B I NGHAM, Agent. 1,000 of corrosive sublimate they became a.- brae as the town could affor cl ; t he next a. Late S. MASON & SoN. G OOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO roaring farce, played by a.mat eurs. The ever y man wbo ' ]Juys h is License from " scientillc11.lly cleansed" for the time, but performance, it ma.y be, were trifling ; but H ENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. that In wiping them upon a towel not pre- at the end of the winter these good neighbors viously diHinfected they returned to their had discovered fine traits and capabilities W. DICKEY, Has r eceived her new stock ot ea.d condition of unclea 11.lin~as. . in other, h eretofore unsuspected, and ETERINARY SU RGEON, p;raduat.e of the Dr. Black of Pnilo.delphia. gives t en l11ws had found, too, friends 11n.d comrades in the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and of health, the observance of which, he says, very men and women whom tuey had t reat· Residence, Kh:wTONVILLE, Ont. Will visit Orono ovcry 'fuesday. Oflloo hours and invites the Ladies of Bow- will lee.d men an d women to ' 'live as they ed a.a socia.l pariahs. ought to live, free from disease, a nd die as fl'Qlll 12 a. m. t o 4 p, m., a t Coulter's Hotel. Cannot tho young people who read of this 32-ly* Specia l attention paid to Surgery. manville and vicinity to call they ought to die, from old age." They experiment do something in t heir own homes -1. Breathe pure air. 2. Ta.kc wholesome to bring about an era. of good feelin g ? and see her Pattern ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber food and drink. 3 Take a.dequah oui-door receives money on deposit for theOntario exercise. 4. Use adequate and unconstrain!Loan and Savings Company, ar.d pays interest ing covering for the body. 5. Observe sexKilled by Bee Stings. Beg respectfully to announce that their New Stock of F all a t t he r ..te of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of ual continence, 6. Live where the clim11te w ithdr awl\l required. Also loans money o:b and assortment ot Thoma.a F of G ouldville keeps severa;l 11Dor~age3 at lowest rates. No commission is adapted to your physical needs. 7. Avoid hivea of beea in his garden. The other and Winter Goods is complete. We make a ~pecialty of charged. W. F . .AL~EN, Bowma.nville. 8-ly, constraining and dangerous occupations. 8. forenoon he wa.s at work among his bees. Regard personal cleanliness. 9. Keep the A ma.n with whom he had some buisnesa PROF.'"· WILLSON. mind tra.nquil. 10. Avoid marriage with a dealings called a.t his house to see him. EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN ..rnn' STORf: 1- Seeoncl Door West ef Williams blood relation, Mrs. l! ' ..,der went cu t to call her husband inSIN GU< G. ·'l'erma : For beginners $6; tor .Rnteher l!ltnJJ a dvanced pupils. $10 foi' qnar~er or iwclve to the house. A1. she approa.ohed the bee Cloaking5 and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. Ressong, Residence at Mr. Jos·e ph Brittain's, ~ nai;1s a Cold? hives a number of bees flew into her face, e orner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow 11nd she was stung several t imes. of man ville. ' 51-tf. A cold is the product <>~ two factors ; one is & certain ccn :1.ition of the within, the the bees stung her in one of her nostrils, and Pianos 'l'nne<l and ltcpaircd. othor a certain condition of the without. another one s tung her on the upper lip, at HAS REMOY~D RER Ths only soil in which this plan t can flour· the base of the cartilage dividing the two ARTIES WlSHING THEIR PIANOS lsh is 11o certain condition of the system, the nostril1. Mrs. F a.der·s cries br ought he r Tuned or repaired ·can haTo them attended Cottons, Flannels and T weeds, Shirts an d Dra wers. predomimte feature of which is a. deranged husband to the 11pot. Ho ex tracted the Ol by leaving word l1t tlte' DOMINION ORGAN stomach. If the system is, through etlngers and applied wet earth to the C o's O ltFICE, Howrnanville · .A first·clas man a certain gross ccn;litlon of stomach an d wounds. He went with his wife back to Having bought very largely we w a n t to sell quickly, c onse<;,.ow bein~ in their mplo ·· to buildings formerly occupied by !iv· r, it requires but a slight exposure to the houeo, and had no thought of any consequenoea resulting from the bee stings more draught or da.mpnesa to provoke a. cold. 1§.o Do? Gentlenien 0Cfi'a8l1 quently, we will offer goods at prices that will CODD & CO., The ayetem being ready, a.cold is not nn· serious than the swelling a.nd pain. H e left ion, not so Cad. his wife In the kitchen applying ammonia astonish our customers. frequently excited by a close, heated atmosphere. I think in a aore·throat oold the to the wounds, and entered a front room, ave written these tow lines proximate ca.use is generally an unve11-t11a.t- where his v ibitor was. A few minutes later And all I have to say_ ne heard a. heavy fall In the kitchen. He i'.i:'!la~ you can find me still at home, ed room an d. rarely external cold. Ia.m not gone away. Some hi.bits whlch give ten lenoy to colds ran out, and found his wife lying in convul· We mean business this season and are bound to sell, thereSo all my kind old r riends may oome, She has now in stock ev erything should be mentioned, Among these are sions on the floor. Her nostrils were swol· .And all they oun g ones, too, fore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. hot drin k:s (which in addition to flooding an d len shut, and her lips .were twice their n11ttuid get their garments nicely· made · usually found in a well equipped wea.keninglthe, open the skin and ural she, and had tuired dark blue. She In fashions that a r e new; !lrbere old and young, dear friends, may meet increase the sensibility to external changes), breathed sh11rt and q uick through her .A welcome llreetinll'.. bv R. PEA'l'K HARNESS SHOP. t'ie ase of warm water be.tbs, especially hot mouth. ' Her was so swollen that Its Bowme.nville, f:leptember 30th, 1885. Mr. Fa.dee foot-bath~, sleepiag in close, unventilated identity was entirely lost. ; rooms ; but tenfold more mischievous than hurried hie visitor after a. doc~or, but be1111 these is the eating excessive quan~lties fore one arrived his wife died In her husMRS. HUMPHREY of rich meats and pastry. band's arms. The doctor said that the The old ea~, "stuff a cold and starve a stings in her lip 11nd nostrih hlld aeoCi a fever," has been the source of much mischief. shock like electricity to her, and vVhen you have taken a. cold and have some from that to her lungs and heart, .do severe looal inflammation, as a. nasal oahrrh or an that she wa.s unable to rally from it, Mrs. Inflamed throat, It is j ust a.s improper t o Fader wa.a 28 old. It w11s but forty· ea.t simulating food as when you are suffer - five minutes from the time that she Wall ing from any ot her infla.mmation. If, for stung until her death. example, the cold hkes the form of pleurisy WITH TEETH, WITHOUT TBET_ H. no one foods it on beef and mince-pie; but'! Japan is in a fair wa.y t o have great Is the best place in t o wn to buy W a tches, see no reason why a. pleuritlc stitch may not trouble with epidemic F rom Jan· Clocks and J ewellery of all the newest be thus fed if lungs infl\\med by a oold ma.y uary to July there were 4.472 cases ofama.11· PRA.CTJCAL DENTIST, designs. B efore purchasing give me a be.-Di o Leuis. pox, with 1,191 deaths, 11ond recent reports OVER TWEN TY YEARS EXPERill:NOE. call and you will save money-we will n ot say that a.t, between Ang. 26 and illiUrou sOxfdeGas Administered forPatnles be undersold by any small firm. Hints to Dyspeptics. We Sept. 11 there were 300 ca.sea of Alliatic Operations, cholera. Of typ:hoid fever 7, 984 11re carry 11 large st ock of such ~opds as are Strive in diet to combine always, the O F FICE !llCCLUNG'S BLOCK, usually k ept in a first-class j ewellery store. greatest nutriment with the least bulk, as reported fur t he first h~lf of the year, we live by what we digest and not what we Those people]mbibedprejudices eat. The food should be chewed carefully against vacclna~ionwould be edified by read. and slowly. A f ·ulty state of the teeth is ing the history of the Bath V a.ccine Assocfa· and Eye Glaases we k eep the best in town, &potent cause of dyspe11sl&. If the nature.I tion, whlch is the oldest establishment of a.nd ours is the only place in town where teeth faulty, artificia.l on01! should be the kind in England, To test the efficacy n,n Optometer is kept for fit tin g the sight employed; or, if these oannot be tolerated, of vaccination, it long ago adopted a pecnl· properly. You cannot be too careful the food should be minced. Regularity in iar plan, P <irsona o ~ca.siona.lly applied foi: the hours of meals ca.nnot be too strongly vaccination who were already well marked about y our eye sight. insfated upon. T he stom11ch ought not to -in soma cases thrice m11>rkecl. After op· be disappointed, for, 1 . f it Is, a diminished erating successfully upon any of this latter amount of food will be ta.ken later on with- class, thus g iving the individual concemeil 11 HARNDEN, L. D. our stock is all new and of the la.test out appetite. If this often h11ppens, the se· fourth mark, the Association presented him become deficient in quantity, 11nd or her with a bond for one hundred pounds Graduate ofthe Royal College or Dental d esig ns, and will be sold at low prices t o cretions the muscular a ction of the stomach, so ne- - $500-to be redeemed in cash by the AsSurgeons, Ontario, s uit the times. ceseary for complete digestion , becomee im- soci11tion whenever the peraon thus vaccinOFFICE OVER DICKidON'S STORE. pa.ired. A · to food, hot mellt is more easily ated should take small-pox . In other words digestible tha.n cold, an d under-done more the Association was willing to p11y $500 for &OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ea.sily than over-don e. The flesh of young any proof that it wa.s possible for any per~te Work executed· in the latest and most W a tch es, Clocks a nd Jewellery and all anim11ls is leas dig01!tible than that of .full- son thoroughly va.ccin11ted to t11ke ama.ll·pox, improved style o! t he Dental Art. line work we give the very best sa tisfacJ£ETR EXTRACTED WITHOUT P .A.IN l tion . We do all our own work and defy grown ones. The flesh of wild is more di- Thie proof has never been given. It is statgestible than t h11ot of domestic ed that some of t h ose so vaccin11ted placed t he use or Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury competition. With t he except ion of t he " sweet-bread," themselves in contact with small-pox and in to the patient. viscer al par ts of animals d ifficult to di- instances went so far as t o 11ttempt to inocOld G old a nd Silver taken in e xchange. :if'llrt!oular attention paid to the regulation o f ge2t. Whit~ -fl.eshed fish is easier to d igest ul~te themselves with the disease 1n order t o CHIL DREN'S TEE'.l'H . MAYNARD, The Jeweller th11n red. Sfiellfish are to be 11voided. F ried claim the reward, but t h11t their attempt!! food must u ot be h ken; br oiled, roast, or to cat oh it failed, ,,_...ALL WORK W.ARR.A NTED. ~ Morris' Block , Bowmanville - B ¥...,- FRIDAT MORNING, J\f, A:. Cherry · . Pectoral. so boiled . is a.11 that is a.dmisg11ble H aehe·, stews, a.nd made dishes are t o be avGided. Oi;her P·'" hibited articles of <\iet pas·rv .weetmeat~ of 11!1 kjnds, &li:d s ugar. '\\T~ are made of P U RE C AST ZINC, 1,~ve enumerated a. somewhat lengthy list of mstmces to be avoided by the dyapei.tic, a nd therefore mnst .nd we.feat that nany sufferers .would rather ~o on suffering · t han deny themselves ao W atts' Dictionary of Chemistry '~ays :-Zinc, 1 1 any:luxur ies ; b ut t o figh t a. foe with his when exposed to t h e ;iir o r placed in water its ,.wn We!!.pons, one m uet be as relentless as su~face becomes covered with a gray fit.{, of oxtde which does not incre! Tl1ia lilm will d111t foe . resist the chemical etfec ts of tbe a tmosphere f or all time. · · WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS warranted 99-k per ee:nt, I ':; wak 0 " 50 - =- a· H. "W. W"RIGHT P a.:: -- - , I MASON BROTHERS., M _c:·· ._.,i R Cheap Life Insurance. L J 0 MASON BROS., A V ,V. GOODS., Now Dry Goods aruLClothing I ELLISON d: CO. Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. ( We offer Dress .Goods remarkably low. ) M T BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS Mns. HUMPHREY HAR~ESS P SHOP first Door [ast of RuebottomHouse. It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. ELLISON & CO. DENTISTRY Call at the new premises. TOD BROS' New Dry Goods Store. The Jeweller's, .. _,.... J. 11. BRIM:ACOM:BE, In Spectacles e. s .. In Silverware In Repairing thank the large number of cust omers who have patronized them sjnce open- / ing. It is exceedingly gratifying to us to be favored with so many buyers in starting our business, and your con.. tinued support will encourage us to serve all in the very best manner possible. We have opened out in the past week a very large stock of Fall and Winter ·Goods which we shall sell at a very small advance on cost. Hoping t o be favored with an early call. Tod Bros: desire respectfully to TOD New Dry Goods Store.

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