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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1885, p. 4

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A recent issue of the Sun newspaper, 1r1trnAY, Ot:T. 23-Mr. Johnston Niddery, E n fi e Id · w1'll se'l l11's f··r·1u ·t()Ck ]lll})leof Canada, contains a paragra;ih extra~ted "' · · from our report of the Holsworthy Wesments, etc., wi·hout reserve, the 5ale -A'r THEJeyan org1 rn opening. The paragraph havin~ been postponed un Tuesclay, on runs :-We notice from an English paper account uf the rain See full list in that the first Wesleyan Chapel in Holsour adyertising l'olumns. Sa'e at 1 ·1 k l It H t l · aucworthy, Devon, was built in 1820. After o c oc -, s iarp. · u c uson, ENN .ISI-i:ILLEN. more particularly apples. 'Ve have uo a time music w»s intr.iduced-viz, one tioneer. --o-The undersigned havlnu made re- other object tl:an the future welfare of flutf:', played by Mr. John Bussell. Then MoNnAY, 0C'l'. 20.-C-'pt. R. H. Buuc pairs on his Mills aL "' great expense, is now the youug people of this town. came a flute or lwo, and Mr. Richard w ill e<>ll 011 his pr.,mises in Harupto u, prepared to do any amount of uow of A n1erica, boave the musical his valuable farm s ·,0 1ck, imphrn1ents, 'l'he Port Perry Observer says:- - nr vv e P··ate, , etc., without reserve. T!ie sto~kS is Gristing and all kmds of C_ustom would be claiming for this place a sta' e of bass on a tr11mboue. Mr. R. Peate is morality which does not exist ~ . were we t o otill a resident of l3owmanvilll", where he good. Sale »t 1 11'ciock, shn.rp. B et~ G:rind111g on the shortest notice. assert that 110 cause for ahmu existed. has lived for muny years. He was formlar~e P"sters for full puticu1ars . My Mill is now working on tho Graduf!l l:tc. duction Principle ancl St!-lisra.ctlon. will be The Mail very pruperly says-" Tho seat erly a. .member of o:!r to ·:. n band." 'i'he ,, 'l'.!Ll.l1'S1 Auctiouctir. guaranteed to all who may mtrust theu patron- of the trouble is night-h1.1wking by the same JOUrnal co11tamed reference to an-, SA.TUR.DAY, 001'. 31. --;-M:r. T. JarJm~, age to us. lot 20. crm. n, D11.r!111i,:ton, .will ~di l11s Thanking ull for favors during the past thirty young of both sexes." This is too true, ottrnr Bois worthy man - Mr. Aarnn very v~luab 'e farm stoc.k, 1m ~lements, years l hope in tbo futuro to ce>mmand vour and where, we ask, .is there a towi:i in I Buck~~r, watch and clock maker, 13?~confidence as In the Ont,ario to-day wherem the streets at mght manvule. Mr. Buckler was th~ tirst etc. 'Hus u an impo~· ant salt!. ~ee Having a good supply or Old Wheat on hand more y9ung pecple than those of c~ofr ma:ster and t~acher. of illlJSIC ~.nd large poste1s f,Jr pur11c11Jars. Begrns ot the best quality, all in want of Flour may contain our own? However unpalatable it. m~y s~ug.m~ m connection with the B1~le at 1 . o'clock, sharp. It. H un;1usoN, rest assured that they will get a good article. be, we are forced to confess that "111ght. Clmst1~n. Cliapel, Hol~worthy , which Anctivneer. FLOUR and FEED al ways on. hand and Orders executed on the shortest notice, hawking," with our young people ha~ be- was bmlt. iu l~!O. l\Ir .. Buckler led . ·he 'l'HU!tSDAY, Nov. 5.- Mr. Sandercock will Soliciting a share of public patronage, sell on lot 17, coo. I, D.rlingto n, just come so general that it is alarmi~g. first. choir wit~l a clarwnet,', sometuu~s I remain, respectfully, Strn.ngers comiug here have observed it, playu~ir the vwlmcello. 1 hroul(ll lus west of B .1wmanvill», a l11t of very ni.1uable high gracte C·ttle, good farm JOHN JJIA.ll'.l'IN. and speak rather lightly of our young men exe:tions thert'.l was v.e~y soon an excellent and women. Night after night, away c.h?ir, subsequently JOmed hy other llhlhorse:!, machinery, implements, etc. 42:5w Enniskillen, Ol t. 15, 1885. into midnight, young couples may be met sicians, ~wo of whom-Mr.. Jo~n~ a.~d Thia is a very laq.:e sale. See advertisesaunterinu alo11" quiet streets. Tl1e rail- Mr. Artist Haw~mg- are still hvmg 10 meut in thi' paper a.ncl large posters. way statiin ap1~ars to be a common ren- Holswor~hy ; .whilst ot~iers, owwg to the Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. H. 'l'. dezvous, at night, for them to meet and th~n t.rymg hnl0s, em!grat.ed 01: left t he PHILLIPS, Auctionee;. pair otf. The modern servant girl lrns neighburhoo~l: The l:lnn mentions yet )®"The STATESMAN circulates extenbecume misrrcss of the situ·1tion- hence another fonnhar iiame that of Mr. W. P. . 1 . D r CJ I . cl C ·~ tT :S:: E . · ]. , \I ] ' fi 'crl t Prower a nati\·e of Week St. Mary. Mr. s1 1·~ Y 111 ar rngtou, ar rn au. '~ she tlunks t 1,it toa ow 1tir out ve 111.,, is ~ k . wr11rht and }1as uurt'eruus subscnhers Ill . .. 1 Bowmanvi, 11e wur 18 East a~d West Whitby, uud Pi~kering, in the week is l'estraining he_r liberty, Prower 8 note<" and t( ) suagest 10 lier the 1 H d ., . h . le )roiJriety of be- headed thus- From the c .adle to the M d l\'[ A B k arver~ ope a11 vavan , w eu sa b · . " M I p ing in by tPn .o'clork is simplytyra~mcal. grave. . r. {, ~ate an . r. · uc - bills'priuted at the S· .rATESMAN Office NOR'rH-W.EST CAMPAIGN Many a lamp is left for some domestic who ler married .two zisters, M·ss D?rothy we oive a notic" similar to the above is roving the streets long after the heads and Mis~ Elizabeth Cole. Mr. R~chard every week till the day of sale, free of of the household have retired. Nor is Perte, his father, and brother Ueorge this conduct confined to doiuestics. We were tailors, and we1·e considered exceU- c1 large. . . -.A.ND~AJ,L OTHERassert it without fear of contradiction, ent tradesm~n; and were uoted for 1Qns1cT~ble lmens and towelhtl'.gs cheap at that there are lots of others equally as bad. al talent. 'I he fatbe:r, .l\'Ir. Jaml'& Peate hes . 'b -so goe11 the tale tn this day- was never - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · · . 'flus rumung about at mgh~ ,is a.t.t:1 ut- known to be excellctl by any bass &:iJnger IJ["Clll ?d to more than one cause. lhe1e i.s, for in Holsworthy. Fur years he belonged !Wl RlJ1* 1 mstance, a want of the proper exercise of to that noted Medland 's Church Choir, Bnutd:· ad..-ertised. M R.bsolute1yJw:!'9 FOR OUR PUBUC SCHOOL PUPILS parental ~ule-;-a Jack of h ome att~·act1011s, becoming a member with the Wesllo'yt.i,ns. CONTA.ZN .B.DlltDlltCJl'W":l:.A.. ON SA.LF. A.T and a hesitancy on the l)art.of .nnstresses For years his splendid voice was hea1·d in THE TE&T: to a~sert themselves authontatively. 011 the Wesleyan Chapel. Mr. GtJo. P<!ll.te Plaee·a ca:n tcrp t\own o n a. hot stoTe untni\lll!ated,tbe· the oth~r h~nd there are outside pleasures, was a noted iiute· player, and his rnfluemce remove the·co-1".er and smoll, A chemist w!H.< a-o&- be ZW.. qulrO!lll Co de~ Silo p......,ce of unmonla. so caphvatmg the yonng are apt to be 111 · d d th t · · Ill R' h I' ~ BOWMANVILLE, BY drawn from the home circle. .There are h ucef 0d llllrs 0 JC. Ifli".·. trt. le · h ea ,. · k 1 · , ·t" t w en un s were su cien o pure ace a b a 11 . s, rm s, young peop cs f><tl ies,. c c, violincello pla ed what we called a bMs, 'J.lAIT & MORRISON, PHOfOGRA.PHERS,&c winch_ they are allowed t'? attend without v iol. For' se!eral yean!I there wa.~ an' 36 restra~nt, or ~maccompamed by parents or excellent choii.J in the Weileyan Chapel,. guarchan, as if by cemmo1~ consent young second to llOllMl in the te·wn or district,. people should regulat.e thell' own ~)] easm·es Mr. Geor"e P'eate was well read and be0 and amusements, without tlrnt mtluenco t t d I 1 p lier · 1 fl f 1 . f tl · came a very a1en e oca aeac . wIuc l ows rom tie presence o . ·1ti1r 'l'his was at I' time whe11 Holsworthy parents. That all these have an evil tenth t d. d d d h M :BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCTOB'R 23. you s spu 1 e an r r ·. · · d . It ros t s W ]·i1 d ency cannot b e d eme 1 G I ea muc rof · or. of ea1e ; was 8 . 80 ~; P. e~s . ,, i mini st era of the Gospel and 1he heads of ·eor~e T t . b i th ·1. F'athers aml Phrenology, andlpract~sed Mesmerism. I 0T'l'AWAFREEPRESS : Watch the voters' fami ies 0 a a ~ e evi . . I rememb~r one evenrng Georae put a i lists 1 There can be no doubt that the mothers look to it. that your daught<Jrs iu"' M. H L 10 8 1 , t I a t e b thuuolit 1· t 1 t ·· · I t S ti t ·· · · · eep ,a e s w " ee rn yom so) and put him thro11..,h some pranb. I l next general elections will be upon the not ou a one a. mg 1 · bo;ys keep proper hours. l\fasters an d ke t close to the siee ~r and! sli )e·i m , voters' lists now being prepared. Misstresses be rulers of y<~ur own l10use- i finp er to a certaht ,,. c:ifed, 8 holds, .. ml have your w1shl:ls consulte~ . 1 . gl M H L ' ar . nd in a momant It is stated from Ottawa that the Do- and respected. .Assert youl'Selves um- 'i,;_ 111 , rfi t · · 8 et driV>llr and Mr 11 11 an<l decisi\'ely, and the night-hawk- Garry sps twas .0 d t " D '.t d t li t. minionGovernment changed ThanksgiYing terlly · 1 · 0 f ·11 b t d N0 eorge ea tl cr1e on om o a WI e. s ,oppe · a11ain." Mr. George Peate "mesmerised" Day froII). Thursday to Saturday this year, mg we comp am youug man can have the slightest regar.d (o)~e Willy Rowe, and could uot wake DOES IOT CONT.Alli .lMMONU.· because Thursday comes on Guy Fawkes for tho youu~ won:an he a~ks to be lns ·him a aiu. He tried and tried but to ·no :imi; llliLTHrou111 DU NEVIElt BBH qnsTIGlllD, Day, Nov. 5th. compau~on after mghtfall, if sl10 be from . ·U o~e- 'Villy conld not or would not JJ>·amtlllon hlon)es tor a quarter of a centu 1t ha8 17 liome wu.hout the knowledge ::if her pa- If At I t Mr ' - - then well :"°94 th· conamn·r·' n.U&ble t.esi, THE TEST Of THE OVEN. 'i'he Montreal Journal of Commerce rents, uor can any parent hav.e at heart k~o!·n in R~~w~rthy,\valkeci into th'e _ p~JCE BAIHNG POWDER CO., admits that the 4tb white loaf of bread th.e moral welfare of a daughter who yer- late ··Teetotal Jim'3 " house where the .· m1ts her to frequent the streets at ~e1sure ~ riment was p rocaedim:. btrl.ihere was .Ill costs 18 ceuts here in Canada ; but only after dark. Let a word to the wise be pe_k ' Mr __ said "oie me au lluua a. 12./r cents in England, although made sufticient. ~i~..;aD~~f I'll ;iid 0 {1 heel SO;ll wa~e. ,, larg ely from Canada flou~. Will some Willy immediately buret out laughmg. n.,.·-···.-u.11e1oaoaah111arataa·ortne-,aad protectionist. explain the cause ? 'i'he Prince of Wales has gone to Paris. Jllr(1>m that time " mesm~risrn ,.,. hl\8 not Prlo1'1. &11111 The earnings of the Cauadjau Pacific [beeJll much heard of. Tailors WIC>l'ked for T·Liahl, Beatth B.-.!, 3'he Boot Dry 11.op 7 railway for the week endini: October 17tb 'ht: per day ~nd per ~hsnce the n~a~ter . Y. .·ttll tha World. We pleased to see that the Execu- amounted to $Hl9,000;forthe correspond- jm1glilt have m dear 11,mes for _provisions ; FOR SALE BY CROCERS. tive Committee of the Canadian Press in" week last year they were $14G,OOO, :Ls 2tl OI' ls 3d, but t1Je wage m general . CHICACO. BT. LOUIS· fJ0,000 Our Young People. Tile f "'llow1°ll(!" "rticle aprJlies so ar) 1 ly to v ~ " the present condition of things iu :Bowman ville that we publish it <>ntire, hoping it will be taken in the kindly spirit Whl 'cl1 ,ve feel toward· those to whom it Holsworthy, Devon Co., Eng. AUOTlON SALES. 0 BUSHELS CRAIN WANTED IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Boyne Water Mills, WEST END HOUSE! Having completed the Fall and Winter purchases, and feeling certain that they were bought at the lowest poss1'ble figure, I would respectfully ask t ll d . you 0 ca an examine the stock and see for yourselves Whether the prices suit you or not. I rather think they will. 'I'.· -W-OOL GOODS You will find the stock of EDUCATIONAL I Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods, Bodtees, Cuffs, Infantees, Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits, &c., &c., is well assorted; also New Ontario Readers, EXERCISE BOOK, and Requisites BLANKETS and TIEDOVVNS, very cheap and good value. SCHOOL BOOKS YOUR BAKING POllml:'U lliQ·DAYl, DRESS GOODS I The stock of Dress Goods is large and varied and marked very low. CHEAPSIDE VARIETY STORE, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND TW"EEDS, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, A full and well assorted stock. It will pay you to call and inspect. Suits got up on the shortest notice and best style. j tim;p, f It b! , GROCEJRIES I Just arrived per Sch'r "Jamieson," fifty bbs. best American Coal Oil. - Special inducements to parties buying in barrel lots. Also a lot of Royal Wringers just received. Everything in the Grocecy Line fresh and ·cheap· as the cheapest. I; Dr.,PriccJs svecial Flavorini Extracts, Lupulln yeast JOHN McMURTRY, West End House. I : 1r. S t · . t ruet e d t o issue ecre ary was ms a 1· is t of 1 b 'I'h C · 1 d t 1e mem ers. o omm1tt.:e a so . ot d $ 90 t l H 't 1 f s· k Cl 'l na e ~ o tie osp1 a or ic · 11 · dren founded by J. Ross Robertson, Esq., vf the Telegram . At the Cabinet Council held on Tuestlay, the R evising Ofiicers under the new Franchise Act were a.ppointed. The appointments in this vicinity, are :For East and West Dlll·ham--.J udge ~! ~::::;:s:!~:~em::et;:: t!~b~::;Es~~: . m;~~1~;g~!h~h~is~f:,~:£~:1 ~::):;rsi~1t ~J~: lf:b::,\~h~·so~:tt!!s ~a!~ek;~~ ld:P:i~te:b;~ 11 0 0 Association, at their meeting in 'i'oronto, 'an "'i ncrease for 188& of $53,000. '!'he num- ! b daY: and or ls- 6d to 2s ber of miles of railway u ow in operation . :per da. 1f findmg the!!t own food<. A man last week, took into consideration some is ' w·ilih, a7family out of that had to pay rent, . 31064 _ P~_r f~d, 1 '·I 'Benson. For East and West NorthumbcrlandJ udge Clark. East and West Peterborough- Judge D ennistoun . South Victoria--.J udge D ean. NorthVictoria- Adam Hudspeth, Esq., Barrister. North Ontario- Judge Dartnell. South Ontario- Judge Bumham. It will be seen the Government has in every case where possible, appointed the County Judges, the only exception in the above list being Mr. Hudspeth for North Victori.~a~.~~~~~~~~~ What is the Linds<ty War der driving at in U1is paragraph: "It is true tha~, as a. rule, Lindsay High School has not hi the!to been favorably spoken of by the e:xp~pils. Th e masters have been r eported either idle, inefficient, negligent, or devoted to other lines of business; and as a consequence the school declined".- And then ui 1'i110 the r esults, this paragraph comes 'ir1, a.~1d we commend all of it af~er the first sentence to t he Bowmanv1lle School Boa.rd b ecause i t applies with equal force to our town: "We think th e report speaks well for th~ staff. and for the school. But the buildma is a disgrace to any town a nd should at,..,once be removed. The t own loses mentally, morally, socially and financially, by retaining the present barracks. A new building would a ttract extra pupils enough to repay the outlay, to say 11otl1ing of the increased r evenue to the school funds directly. There would be at thil'ty or forf,y extra students liere if we a new building. Each st~ dent is worth each year to the to~n m actual cash. a t least, $200 so that this mun icipality is losing $6000 to $10,000. Let our Boa.rd of Education apply of the council for money to erectnew buildings at ence and let this time next year see them erected." From Oct 1st to 18th there were '739 d eaths from smallpox among Catholics in Mon. t real, and only 18 deaths among J>rot· es tants. 1, . d _,.t b arrac. a out aorveat ime, ·ust ,,..ere wou,"Jhreno e : Rwhmon. ..,s, ,,~, ... &rou t o, on S un - Ir llo Cor·ii befiJre repeal ; , cl··y e"entll"' we.,e 1301') . E. Blake, 'Vm. , · u11 emi,p Y· ' J ..u · , G~00(i' I "" -~.J. " t.. . 1 d . 'to . 'Of the·Corn Laws was-3.t starvatw:n prtcas, ' ' er lam., au.U a. ta& ln~<!!l!l·S 1e VIS! ll. : , Id I b · ... i ~ from Enetlar.mi.. JilioJ11,. E. ];fuiko addressed' and·a,.. hnll'hel of whe~·cou somrce Y tJ \' ~DR 1 0 3 0 the meetlng ~ conside11aible Jie'lllgtJ1 · ::t~~ ~ ~a~!~s :Uu~ ~s ~'a~:;~ i: ~ :: ' .. . .· ~ H · "l ,,1 · · f J' ere Is anro., 1er·W:G!ll"' o~ warnmg rolll, case& Tis $(), for a. buahel ot b111.rley to Toronto, that grea·t C!Wy :- '!rmllil:es are ver,Yi grind· u.g. :fior bread fon:-the family. Trade . :: IXTAACT ; . dull h ere at p:iJesent,. ilh6· ci~y is crowdell: was dull, tabourers wS:ro workbg: for low i 1 with that clasa; who· a<£Jtne i~ :firom all parts wa<Yesl t'1o womau in Holisworthy · ·· i of the country to "get a. j:obi fo1· tho win· ros~ i~1 a. mob, beisg_ determined and ' ter" and I assl!We yom ihat a"' job for th.i resoluoo. They took. the reign& from a · winter" is 1101 easil¥ g(llt Ji©.r although I -' · I ad 0 f waggoa<tll·, w io was urawrng- a o· Purest aiul' strongest Natural Frnlt Flavors. there are daily OJ>eni~ foc tlle unem. com to.a distant t own, and bllQt~ght the j ·vaiulla, Uimon, Or'~ngo Almond, Rose, et-0., ployed there Me· doze);l&,w.::ciiiiing for_ eac:h wagolll of corn to Holsworth¥. Mr. l :fda.~oras dellcatelyandnaturally asthe!rutt. openino. Tho~ wh0· lav:e· ]lbces m tlre Dunn" the then Prot:mive, met1a!llred out ') PfilCE BAKING POWDER CO., d.<> wisel¥ iii kooping them. the ooD n in sacks audl bushels, according :r..cxrnJ. Life m a c1ty I~ no~ a)1I tiliat. ~ great many to thtt Dallllilies, and nrioos wer& paid thl:) : .· ~ tl _, 11 t .--- lsold ~the com for COUil rymen UUIO[ I . is,_ b e ca:iise . y OU . cant s:ime as the farmer h:Mi get any of the ltrnu.rJies:ua· 3: C;]ty winch ;Y'l)U ' at.t ha· distant town. These tn_iriJng time11 "j ' would h~ve on a. tarlill without huymg; · we. 1·eJAhlol-cause of humdreds emigrating to . ,- . URSU.A NT ro REVISED STATand b~s1des that .'.1' feU{)W ri>ptmds twi.c~as foreign1 parts from t h is neighborhoo~. U'l'ES of Ontario. Chap. 107, and amend~nuch ma I?lace lillke Tol!~mto, as he " ould About this time Mr:. n,, Peaita lost his ling Act, Glut.pter9\ oHG Victoria, the credito~s ma town like Bowni.amrir1le; and h e must wifoi·by death and v.<as-left ·wi1hh a young of A:<i'1'1f!JNY M1'P.ru11EL.L, late of the Township ' ' . . ,,, · of Da11hngton, 111 ~he County of Durham, · I "tl1 ntili ruosocinte ]1imself Y~ith a · · mmg e WI family,. but not w1tllout1 a, fuend. .1.h& Parmer, decea.sed, are notified to send to the ve1:y roughesll and lowest classe3- of lat® lill. lliggs, Es!}j,. was . a friend t G» RANN.lH Mnc.~.~JJ.L, ol. Da·lluuton, 'J'auuton, humanity d · th t' __.. 'th ti P.O... the Admrn1st.ratr1x, or to R. R uPSELr, · urmg ose, Mr. 1.mes, .....,. WI who i~ Losoollum, of Bowmanville, her Solicitor, Goon JOKE ().NA hl1'1'YER. - .An a w:Jully scores asuiet ru1i1ce of friend3< R,, a st1tt<1mentEs<~. uf 1J1eir cla.ims, on or before the f nyJ'oke on Geor«~ Tate B lackatock m1111t now be near 'lf)1y.e ans<of age emii>- Fn·:l'l'lliN'l'II D .&¥ PF DEc>:~IBER. ,next, after un . "' ,., . .· .' . wluch date the sai<l &dmlmst.ratrix will procomes from Lindsay. ueorge appaared grated to .Amer1C'll,. and accord mg ::I> · ceed :io dietril>-.ioo·theassetsof the said deceased at tha Lindsaiy assizeiaecently as counsel relJl@IFts which we b1we had. from time to amonl{, the p:i.rt1~e e-:atitle~ thor\lto, havln11: · ·.. ,.. ma · · · ... ,.. as b een suooe.asfu l Ull ·· tha t f ar "" - 'f regallil. onlyth1ls,dd t0> alA.1111s. ef wJuch notwe has been for the plawlll c:1se w I1er e the na t er- tlm~ giveu and Administratrix will not be nity of a chitd was in question. When bud. Mr. R. Pt;ate was ~. staunch teero- !iabtc'for thesa<id asset~ or any pa.rt tbereot . bout to aJJIJeal to the 1 · ury he a~k<><d per- U.lou· and before lea."\\in" IDi~aland pla.,.ed m r~git.rd to any cla~ms she shall not have a . ' b . > · "' "" l ..:'.'.. rece1Med no11~e or. mission of the Court to place the., a be, his trombone m bhe Role.wort iy Rew1aD·}ted at Bo·wmanville, October 20th, 1 886, which was in it's mother's arms, opposite l>iite Band-and· band it was. The UANJS.A.H MlTCHELL, the reputed father, and having obtained late Mr. Frank Hloney,. Dr. Vine, and R. ltussi::1,i:..M>~c011ni:!'J.. . .A.dministratr!x· permissio1t, a~dressed the jury. ~e. I!Oi~lt· t he fate Mr. R. (i)howe.m, ..also the. n9ted So!tcitw for A.<tlmmistra_tr·x. ~Hw ed out in tellmg language the s:i!l'!.1il1anty MF. John Hone:)':· took an mterest m, and in the color of the hair and eyes, Jh e form a.ssisted t h e ba..Ji.d· ,. as. mud also a Doted of nose, and ge neral contour t h:1>t _~xisted <!Ornopean playeu· and music writer· Masbctween the man fmd child. His ele - ter " Billy " Marwood- t11e leadel! who quence ]md convinciug effect, and when ' emigrated to N'ew· Zealand. Th<W"~ .are The urnlerslgned has been instructed/ by 'V.M. h e concluded, the case was all but won. only three ment bers. of that band hvmg S ANDERCOCK t<> eel! by public auction- on Lot But Dalton McCarthy lo::imecl up for the in or near H@lsworihy, viz- Mr. Jame11 1!7,. Cnn. l . Darlington, on >ther side, and before commencing his Griffey, Mr. Arthur Hoskin, and "GleanThursday, November 5, 1885. address, asked and obtained permission w er. " AnotTMiir knight of the thimble was foHowing valuable property,viz. :- General the court to place the infant alongside Mr, Mr . William Hnnford, a H olsworthy 'l'he purpose mare, 7 old ; general purpose Blackstock. Immediately t his was don e tailor, who work0d for equally low pa!. horse, s yea1'! old ; 2 young high urade cows. a titter ran through the com·t, and w:hen To better himself he would, about SS in calf ; hig h gradA heifer, in calf, 2 years old; l~e fat steet'S, 3 yeurs old ; high grade the M. P. from Simcee went on to pi>int years ago, leave l1is wife and Holsworil1.y 3 yearhng heifer ; high grade )leading stce1· ; out that the child lutd the same wave of and walk to Plymouth, a distance of 40. spring calf ; brood sow ; 2 fat sprin11: pigs: 9 pigs · co1 ·d blni!er, nearly new, Dundas Antimaccassar hair as G eorge, t hat it was miles, and work fo r higher wag.e11, but fall make; :t.lassey reaper ; Planet mower, never parted in the middle wit h the mathemati- his necessary expenses would not allow been used · Ce.uaga mower ; combined Beaver v ; large iron cultivator ; root cal acuracy peculiar to George : that the of much increase in the end. l\'lr. Han- drill. ncarfy ne1 nearly new ; set iron harrows; sulky eyes were the. same color, and that the ford emi~rated to America, and last scuJtler, hay rake; la.nd roller; patent arm wagon ; shape of the nose and the general expres- spring he visited his native town. Al- wooden arm wagon ; democrat wagon ; 2 top one nearly new ; top phaeton ; sq uare sion of the face bore a striking r esemblance though Mr. Ha.nford never kept a clothes buggies, box cutter; Roney fanning mill ; wheelbarrow; to Geor ge- whe11 all this was told in the shop in America, the pay he has received grindstonc.110Lup in frame; grain cradle; hay jocose style McCarthy can at times so well for his fa.hours has enabled him now, at · set double- harness ; 2 sets single harness, ~early new ; saddle; about 3 acres of good assume, the whole audience went into con- the of about 63, to sit down or ride one turnips; and a quantity of good timothy hay ; vulsions, judge, jury and audience joined about as he chooses - an independent cattle chains, !orks, rakes, scythes, chams and other articles. Number of cedar posts, about in a general roar, while George sat par- gentleroan.- GLEANER, in W estern '.l' 30 grain bags .a nd a quantity of hens. alyzed, with the poor little baby gazing TERMS :- For hay, roots, pl11:s and a.II sums up into his face in mute astonishment at or $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 11 'fhe Bell Telephone Co. has declared months' credit will be given by purchase1'8 the general uproar. The jury could scare· furnishing approved notes. ly be restrained from bringing a. verdict an extt·a dividend of $2 ~share. Se.le to commence at 12 o'clock, sharp. of guilty against Blacketock.- Toronto The Canadian Home Circle though only H. T. PffiLLIPS, Auctioneer, News. six months old numbers 'iOG members. Darlington, October 2!?, 1885. (I) 'fJ 'PRICF.~ 'ft.a, ·~ ~\Jl'· . ~ ,... · SPEC ""' IAL R~-... . · ~~ -·- M u R I0 c HBR ITHERs - - F C> R.- - t EXTRACTS ,~~-=~~~·;~~mm{";"'°, I~ ~ ~W~ ~ ~1 MOST PE RF£CT MAD£ GROCERIES 8 £ S,.. 1 c~un~cy w~ll i ~ruc.A.Go,_ ~r. Administratrix Notice . A N 0 C H EA p ES T l N T 0 t-0>---- ~~~ I WN · ~ !6j ~Q~OJ9E'lOQl.2QJgQl2£.\Q~ ..'29~Q)9Ci'\Q:0.(J~TMQ12~lQ91.2..~\.Q~ . . . 9C)C)CC)o;lil . ~~-"~ ~ {,;~ i_P PRESERVING SUGARSThe best and cheapest in Bowmanv1lle. FRUIT JARSThe latest and best styles manufactured. D1'nner and Tea SetsChina Tea SetsThe most magnificent ever offered in town. The best quality and most beautiful patterns. Table and Hanging LampsThe most varied and handsome stock in town. AU CTI 0N SALE. Delicious Teas- The best and cheapest the world's markets afford. Ground daily fresh on the premises. Fine Flavored CoffeesRaisins and CurrantsGood, clean and cheap as the cheapest, Crockery and GlasswareSelling off very cheap to clear out. Canned Meats and Fruit- ----<.oc'.n ---Highest Pric~s Paid for Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce of all kinds. Every article usually kept by first -class grocers will be found wi..\;h us and at most reasonable prices. We take p]easure in showing goods.· Every variety k ept constantly in stock. VICTORIA :SlJ'ILDINGS, MURDOCH BROTHERS, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.

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