· KING'S EVIL Was the name fc>rmerly given to Scrofula .because ot a superstition that it could be cured b;y a king's touch. 'l'he world ii 'Wiser .now, and knows that YOUNG FOLKS. The Six Little Flies. Thr·e little fliee ln the room, on · paneThree litt1 e flies just oulSide, in the rain Sa.Id the three Htt.le flillS as they hummed on the p!Loe SCROFULA 'Cfln·only be cured by a thorough purification of the blood. If this is ne"Jected', t he disease perpetuate11 its taint through gi<neratlon after generation. .Among its drlier symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tumors, Boll_s.,, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent ulcers, Nervous and Physical Collapse, etc. If allowed to continue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Co.tanb, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vuri· o us other dangerous or :tatal maladies, are JProduced by it. To tnree little flies who were out in the rain : ·· Dun't you wish you were here on this side · Instead of out there in the cold ane rain ? And then we must toll y ..u thero'e d inner a-oook!ng Though really and '<llly, we haven t beeulool!.in~." ' Sain the little flies outside in the rain To three little fties iasid· on tho pane: " We think it e mlloh nicer Ollt here in the rain Tha.n shut up wherti JOU are. inside on tne pane: Anct ;~Jn there's more tun t ha.11 thd bOys have at In dod~iog the rain-drops as fast as they fall." pane, ol the 1 Whene ·er ycu feel the1e idcauee to complain, Remember the tbree little flies on the pane, And the three ll&tle fhes j ue1 ouHle thelnin. And now I am sure that my le880n Is plain: ey he would c;rry to his mother would !J3 a great help iu excuaing himself, but now what had he to offdr except a. tale of disobd· ienc~ and trua.ncy ? The scenes which had co~e . before him, fighting, swearing and dnnkmg had shown him what she meant when eho said it was no place for a boy. How bitterly a.aha.med of it a.11 he was ! He recovered his dinner·pail, but could not ea.ta. morsel, and at la.st after a. 'walk, in which he seemed as if he could not drag one foot after t"e other, stood before his mother with a burniog hea.d and tremblh.g hands which alarmed h·r. She said Ii >.t ie as she helped him to bed, after hea.ring hla story. But Harry thought to himself a.a he tossed feverishly through the night : '·They say the way of transgresegors is hard. If this is the beginning of the way I don't wimt to go any farther in it." ILL-ASSORTED MARRIAGES. BY R, W , l'l!IPPS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the 1Jnl11 powerfitl and alwa'!/s reliable blood-purifying m edicine. It 1sso c1fectu1tl an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kmdred poisons ot contagiouM disease11 and mercury. At the s:\me time it en;riche5 and vitalizes the blood, restorln~ healthful action to the vital organs and :a-eju veuating the en.tire system. '!'his great Regenerative Medicine Is composed ol. the _genuine Hond11ro1 Sai·sapetrilla, with Yellow Dock, Stil· li11gta, the Iodides of Potassiun~ and Iron, and other ingredients of greai potency, carefully- and scientifically compounded. Its formuln l~ generally known to the mecUcal profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe Ann's SARSAPARILLA as an Absolute Cure For all diseases causecl by, the vitiation of the blood. It Is concentrated to the high· est practicable degree, far beyond aJlf ·other preparation :for which like e1fects .are claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medl· -0ine, in the world. xAyer's Sarsaparilla P REPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., loweU, Masi. [Analytical Chemists.] iold by all Druggl!t· : }>-me $1; six iloWU!Qr ~~ SE S lC EN M ARRIAGE L COST ONLY $2.00 AT C. B . LOCKHART'S NEWCASTLE· - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -48 .1y. STAND AR D BAN K REST, $ 2 .~0 , 000 (JA.l 'ITA.L, $1,000,000. _,,,,_ OF CA N A D A. This Bank is prepared to do Legitimate Banking in a.11 its branches. F armers notes discounted.; Deposita received and Interest 'paid on amounts of $5 up wards in Savings Bank Department., DRAFTS Issued and Collections made in Europe, United States . and CanadQ. · .. .A;rent. - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -!l7 ~ W. J. JONES, "RRITISH EMPIRE E S TABLISHED IN 184'1. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., · It Joas no shareholders to pay dividends to, Managed by and solely in the interest15 ot the Policy holders. Its Rates a1·e I~ow. rollelesnon forrettnble and uneondUlonal, Va.sh Bonu Paid every three years, Joint Life Policies. Though a. double rish but one premium la paid for t wo people. .A.mount of policy drawn on first death. Special Inducements to Total Abstain.er.,. A.SSETS OVE K $5,ooo,eoo. l INCOME Ol'ER $I,ooe,ooo $100,000.00 deposited with theCanadle.nGovern ne.dian policy holderB. ment for benefit of Ce.. '· lNl'ESTJlD IN <:A.NA.DA., $600,toe.oo. H EAD OFFICE IN C.ANAD.A:-MONTREAL For particulars r efer to E, L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL .A.GENT, POR'l' HOPE, Or to agents throughout the county. 4.8~se. Ororto Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Bet ter than ever. T h e Subscr iber having built a large ne\'I P ump Factory in Orono, is p repared - to furnish - PUMPS OF EVE~Y DESCRIPTION With or without Porcelain Cylinder, d the Best Material, on the 3hortest notice and at the lowest prices. Cistern T ubs and Pumps supplied 'WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE S A'r ISFACTION. OrderS:by Mail promptly attended to. 'DOORS, SASH, B LINDS, P ICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c. , kept on hand. B. FERGUSON. HERE AND THERE. A Poor Business. "Mother, can't I stay out of school for Bog oak and I rish diamond jewels are just one day ?" . once more worninLondon. "That oepends upon what for, Harry." · " .Well, m<?ther, now j ust listen. LiM!t The oldest apothec&ry shoµ in Berlin will circus day Jmuny Styles got a situation at celebrate in 1888 its 400 ch anniversary, The a peanut stand, and he earned a dollar. A shop waa recently sold for $3,000,000. whole dollar, mother-a little fellow like The St. Paul Gwbe says a man at MilJtmmy Styles! And I want to go to the cir· bank, Col,, haa a chicken with a head at cus ground to-morro and see if I could each en , one white and the other black, ma.ke a dollar, mother." but no tall. Dollars were held in great respect in the So mmy Martini-Henry cutridges j~mW avne family by reason of their sc..trcity, med during the la.te Egyptian war iha.t it but Harry's mother did not seem ch&.rmed haa been decided to adopt a better form of with his charming plan of securing one. ammunition. "No, dear ; it will be very nice for you t o There is a grea.t des.I of red hpe in the earn money wlten the proper time cornea, French army. It took a French soldier, but just now your place is at sohool -" who was reported to be dead, five years to "But I would be out only one day, and prove that he was a.live. that wouldn't be any harm. " " Not mnch, but that is not the greatest The youngest Ma.yor in the United Sta.tea, objection. I think a circus ground a very M11.yor Athon of Van Buren, Ark., 21 years poor place for a. little boy .to gc> to, to make of age, r~cently quarrelled ab~ut a woman money-or, fnd ed, for any 048 else." with a man named Taylor, and shot him to "Jimmy S~yles says its the jolliest kind death. of a place." The Inventor of a proce1B for refining "I dare sa.y, but H~rry Wayne can't go sugar by electricity at an expense of 40 cents there." a ton has appeared, and asks $12,000,000 Harry Wa.yne knew that when mother for the patent. It is said tha.t the procen ea.id a thing she mea.nt it, so he said no more; is to be tested in England, but he set out for school next morning with Some experiments in London recently a strong feeling that it was very hard on a ahowed that the native English fishes are unboy not to be allowed to e;o t o the circus able to survive in water heu.ted much, if any, ground. It would be so fine to make a litt'e in excess of 80 deg. Fahr., yet in the low money. Meneywas so badly wanted at home country of India. and Burma.h streams are that it really seemed almost wrong in mo- filled with fish, where the water becomes ther to stand in his way ; and then ib was from ten to fifteen degrees hotter than this ch a jolly place. 1 every noonday, Borne from a.long distance on the morning A son of the Duke of Westmin1ter i s not breeze came the sound of the ba.nd as the the only Eoglish aristocrat who owns ha.ueircus waggons p11.raded thrcug1. the etreete eoms that a.re used by the public daily in of the ema.ll towl'l. Harry Ii ved a little way London. His horses are of fine stook, and out of it a.nd had quite a long walk to school the cabs conta.in the la.test improvementat which he sometimes complained. .Bat a. lamp to read by a.t night, a. place for an j ··st now he thought little of the dista.uce as umbrella., a. looking glass, and many other he hurriedly hid his dioner pail in some conveniencas. bushes a.ttheroad side,andspedlikethewind The R evue S cieritjjique places France in (or a boy) until he had joined tne crowd 01 the front rank of breeders of ca.rrier pigeon· little loungers who were following the gilded for military purpo1es. Eight French cities chariot!! ,.ud mysterious I oking cage~. He no >r have exten ·ive dove-cotes, and $20,000 gazed open-mouthed like the rest, becoming a. year is inserted in the budget for their supg reatly excited a.t the monstrous serpents port. The Austria.n Government also en· visible through t he bars of an open ca.ge, coura.ges the rea.ring of homing pigeons, a.nd a we-struck a.t sound of snort or roar from pairs are given to soldiers of the reserves, some hidden animal, er listening in wonder who compete for prlz~ s offerod to the moat to the hideous t)ot-toot.toot of the ca.lliopa. successful breeders. He had not r eally Intended disobedience A room full of sk eletons has just been a.dto his mother'~ e 1mm1tnd, but as the pa.rade ded to the exhibit io11 space at the South ended a.t the circus-ground 'he remembered Kensingbn Natural History Museum, in that he would now be too late for school and London. Tne most striking fea~ures a.re a ha.If-hour would not ma.ke much difference. the skeletons of aix elephants-African, H e found sc many things t J look ii.t that Indian, and Sumatran. Besides these there two or three half-hours passed away very a.re four elephants' skulls, one of which was quickly. Then he assured himself that, killed by S ir Sa.muel Baker, and another having loet so much time, the best thing he belonged to an elephant that was 111ng the could do would be to et1.rry out his fine plan terror of a i11ngle district neM Meerut. of getting something to do whereby could . . ., an 01 .1 we11 a.t S tone Hlll, 1n " agitating make a. little money. He looked he around among the busy workers, and fia.i.lly went He!'-rY'. Sutton w~s str11ek bY; a twenty-foot up to a man who wes building a small eta d pohshmg rod, which entered JUBt below and " Can I help you?" he a.eked, a u:tl~ ha.ck of the rl_ght ur, and, knocking out the ba.ehfully,for jie was not used to being thetwofintrtbs, cameout.throughtheches~, among strangers It then penetrated several inches of the mans "Ya.w," ea.id the mii.n, cc you ca.n shust ~high and pinned him to the ground: P'!l· bold up dese shticks viles I nails dem on,., 1eh1ng rods are b!unt and nearly an moh m Harry did 80, and then brought water 1 die.meter! and thu one had fallen from a 74. from a long distance by pailsful until a. bar·, fo~t .derrick. Yet the man is sitting up and rel was filled into which tlie man poured a gainmg strength Bpidly, amall bottle full of some kind of U-iuid after· The fa.moue Victoria Bridge at Montrea1 wa.rds atirringin severa.1 pomda of sugar. is to be supplemented by another bridge " Ach l ' he said; tasting, "dot's goot crossing the St. L'I.wrenee from L'Mlhine tQ lemona.de. Now you goes and you buys t wo C<1ughnawauga., four miles above the city. lemons ; folks vill egapect to see some lem· It will be of iron tr11ssea, the eight spans one in it, but vot'a de use ? ' measuring 3,000 feet, and will cost, with its Still grumbling as if he thought folks approa.cheB, a million and a q uarter of dol· "fery unre!lsonable in expecting lemons In la.rs. The owners a.re the Cana.dian Pacific lemono.de he ga.ve H arry five ce~ts telling Railway, who expect to have it finillhed by him it was plenty to buy "two ema'it leed.le November of 1886. No such bridge a.a the ones." Victoria (a. tubular one} will ever be built 'When they were brought he sliced them again. into the ba.rrel in very thin slices, Thin as The Indian Medical Gazette says that they were, though, Harry thought his friend owing to the low price of Indian hemp, ga.nj a had not calculated well for there would be smokers are becoming very numerous and fa.r from being one11how eltce for every gla.sa troublesome in Bombay. 0.ae cf the ha.bitin that barrel. When all was reauy he was ues recently discarded the ola.ssic method of allowed to sta.nd hehind the ta.ble and shout running down peaceable people with a knife, " Here's your ice-cold lemona.de, only ten and took to gra.bbiug up children by the cents a. glass." He called with right good ankle11 11ond dashing their head11 upon the will, proud enough at havlDg got into buei- ground. The ma.n was sentenced. to only ne88 ao readily. He soon found ont that six months' imprisonment; Indla.n ma.glshls employer had guessed well in the mat- tratee a.re tender towiu-d the men who oreate ter. of the slices of lemon, for he was careful. a good market for their best paying drug. ly mstructed ~o throw back into the barrel One of the most useful of last summer'· the pieces which w_ e re left in the ~la,see1, eo picnic excursions wa.s that of the Anglican that there was a farr reason to belteve they Bishop of Algoma. (whose diocese covers the would last all day, upper lake region of Canada}, who, with a 1:he 1un Wat hot and he bec~me a.fte! a Toronto rector ae associate, formed the riaswhde hoarse and hea.dachey as dinner time aenger list of the ·teamer Evangeline. The dre"'.' near, and he gr ew hung ry, g reatly party skirted the northern coast of L:i.ke longing for the lunch he had hidden in the Huron and Georgian Bay on a pious q uest bushes. He ~ept bar~ a.t !'ork, though, for "isolated settlements a.long those rockanxious t o be m the stir which the after bound coasts in which scattered members of noon wou}d bring on,. and full of the hope the Church of E ngland might be found in that hem~ght h a sent mto the tent to.sell lem- need of the sympathy and public and private onade,wh1c}l delightful th~g really c~me to miniatra.tionsof their own communion. It p¥s, but did not prove q uite so. dcl~ghtful. is said that the clergymen found much to do, as he had hoped. The dull ache m hu head besides getting excellent fishing grew and increased almost beyond bearing ' · in tho close, hot air of.the tent.: Hewa.s dizA Belgian has invented a new species of zy with climbing the seats, and found little coffin for the special benefit of persons _un· cha.nee of watohiDg the tricks of the trained fortunate enough to have been buried ahve, dogs or the elephants, for there were plenty T he p~essure of the earth thrown .on. the of thirsty souls all about him and he must oofl'rn hberatee a. &?rt of atiletto, w.h1ch 1a so attend to business. When the show was placed that on bemg dlsenga.g~d 1t pierces nearly over he got into the wa.y of some one ~he heart of the ocouJ?ant, An idea preva._ils who gave him a rude push, and, losing his 1n Franco t!iat the mIBtake of burying a hvbalance, he fell to the ground, his glasses ing person ts by no means so rare ,au ~~cur emaahing about him, The owner scowled ren?e a.s coul~ be ~esired, Had , the cer · at the breakage, and grew angry when Har· cuei~ p.erfect1onne beea known i~ M~yer ry told him he could not sell any more lem- · beer.s time he need not h~ve asked hIB friends on his death be?, as he did, to.bury him with onade. " Y ou not goin' to ehta.y to-nights?" he a loaded pistol 10.each ha.nd. asked. Wha.le fishing 1n small steamers off the "No; how much are you going to pay coast of Ne": England is getting to be a busime ?" nees of some tmportance, four steamers (form "Bays you! How mooch you ba.ys m e erly catching monha.den) having been ateadfor mein glaas vote you broken?" Uy engaged during the pa.st sea.son. They The glasses were not w orth one-ha.If wha.t cruise off the Maine and Massachusetts his work had been, but he did not know coasts as far south as Cape Cod, A bomb hat and wii.lked away too worn out t o lance, fired from a gun held at the shoulder, think of arguing the q ue~tion. is the wea.pon employed in killing the whales, "Shtaya minutes," the m an called after about fifty of which have been taken thi1 him, and he went back . year. They will average 60 feet in length " You take a glass of lemonade," holding and 25 tons in weig~t. Ea.ch one yields one out with a liberal smile, Harry ea.id about 20 barrels of oil, 2 barrels of meat, 5 "Thank you," but managed "to pour tho tons of dry chum, and two tons of bone, the horrid stuff on the ground without being value of which amount to about $400. .As seen, and then turned his face homeward the men b ecome expert in the oa.pture the the siokest, the most wretchedest boy, pe/ wha.les become ~hy and keep more in . deep hape, who ever ran a.way, from school .to go water. This will be fatal to the busmess, after a circus ; for he now saw that w~s the as at present conducted, since a dead whale pla.ln E nglish of his day's exploit. He had usually sinks, and can hardly be recover ed been fht tering himself all day tha.t the mon- from a. depth of more than fortv fl\lthoms, THE NEW It ia one of the mysteries which surround H IS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· us w"Y in o.ae house, of an evening, t here will U GHLY renovated and put in ol'der under be B·"ne one believing a certain face, which · our .'!wn special supervision, for the purpose of rls,mg and manuft.cturing Oat Meal and Pot he k ..ows to be nothing of the sort, the pretRarley, and we are now pr ep1tred t o receive tie.at Jn the world, and a certain per son rn ost orders from a ll our old cuatoooer s and othere reml!-a kable and agreeable, whom other peotor work, and. we gurantee to give them wh() *._~ ~!ilQOa~e~~~~a!il~~B ple li ow-nay, he know11 ·- to be but ordinlntrust us with the s&me entire satisfaction o:;~ fJi) ~ Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor ary ...nd often snappish. Yet to him the i]:JiJllUI T HE FAVORITE f;;i~fgir;i ll"lour Oat .Meal, &c. H. & J TOWNS Bow otner is perfection. And, in half.a-dczen tnanville. ' ' 227, · other houses in the row, the same process is g?ing on. If one party possess exeellenc1es, good. If not, the other invents them and beliaves in them. ' They ma.rry, and in a. little while these mists of over-appreciation, which came I beg to announce that I have a very fine none know from whence, go none know choice ot whither. They see each other as others and (o> HIGH ARM·HIGH FINISHG'\ · a.re, naturally as others, just as comfortable IlANG!S, in rnch other's company as they are fitted to ~--"'t"~~ SW-ITCHES, be companions or no. Ia it not about this I · &~~ · ~if'erit · S@lure1.£>Pe. and 'WAVES. stage in the journey that the clouds of fu. ~~~ t~;·e gri~f, or the gleam of happiness to co11.e ~ ~ ( do all DIY o'..-n HAIR ' VORK a 11d will All the" R aymona " Shuttle Machines ill flicker an sha.dow or in brightnen acroa wau·ant It. are fitted with the !'atent; :ll their path ~ Hair Bleach, H~w i11 it that s.o ma.ny, in this our da.y, refra.1n from ma.rr1age? 1s it not that they Hair Pins observe that most couples rather endure than I J11111JI111111111111111111111111111111111I111111 U 1111 Nets &" Colll.bs .. enj oy ?-that t~ey themselves single have CHAS. RAYMOND1 STAMPING done promptly and neatly~ more opportumty of peace and ha.ppiness i'l.ANUFACTU'RER than ~heir acq uainta.nc.e married? They can GUELPH, ONTARIO; find, IQ short, compa.nioi.s more plea.sing to them in thought and conversation than most Over lll. ltlayer·s Sto1·e, · · Bowman.ville, people find in their wives, or most wives in the r husba.nds. It is all well while a.n eye-and it may it be bright or no, he swears it i1 - uys volumes to him of which the eye-owner never thought a syllable; while the l anguid cadence of some worde half-spoken with face half.averted seem to tell him more than a.11 Those who stay at home, oil up with the knowledge of the Sibyl; while all her movements possess a bewildering unison of gra.ce and harmony whloh nobody but him self em see. But there comes a ~time when the cloud rises, when he rube hie 'eye11 with and keep' things running till the absent ones return. "Upon my life, I'm afraid she's like a.nybody else," And the othfr who has seen MACHINE OILS. him but when the pressure was on him to WOOL OILS. please. What of the time when that is reHARNESS OILS. moved? '.I.'hen comes the great life q uestion of agreeable, endurable, or unendurable comAXLE GREASE. panionship, I11 there not something to be said concern· ing differences created by dissimilar mental training ? One of t hese parties (supposing we speak of the classes more or le11s educated, as we cannot, in ordinary space, discuss all cl8Jlsee) may ha.ve for years spent four 1 hours a day at the piano, and eo many other hours in fancy-work, as to leav e little ---o--time for anything tlse. The other, perhaps has a.cquired a coneidera.ble a.cc! uantanc~ 1 beg to announce that my supply of G ranite and M arble Monuments was neyer so with those ever y-day topics of ioformatlon large as at presen t . which are c"mmon to every one who is at In Variety of Pattern it is most modern. all familiar witn the progress of the world, In Finish, far exceeding any you can see elsewhere. and the state of liocicty p1st and present. Certainly, theee opposite and diff~rent ac· ln Workmanship, first-cltt.ss. quirnments do not give promise for 3g reeAnd price as low as at any experienced shop ment of thought, unl.,11s t hat peculia.r b greement which is want of di sagreement, and is I have r ecei ved by S. S. "Indiana.," a consignment of produced when two narties cannot possibly diugree on any subject, as they never, by SCC>TC~ 0.-::R..A.l."-T:CT~ any chance, turn their thoughts to the same. But this is not a frequent cise, and in the Another lot has arrived by S. S. "Nebraska," and others aue following. great ma.ea of instances similarity of habit I D1J¥ DIRECT FltOill THE 1'1.A.NlJF.4.C'l.'lJRERS of thought-similarity of education, which · is its foundation- will tend to agreement- in Aberdeen, Scotland, and from Jong experience (28 years) at the best ad van ta"e I its contrary to the opposite. intend that the public needing work in my line shall be liberally dealt with~ ' It will be admitted that a man of I engage no Agents. I keep for sale fair genera.1 knowledge, would like, in his most frequent companion, to find one ca.pa· ble of reasonable and pleasing oonveration with him on the subjects with which he is 'familiar. He will know much of what is for enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. paat; but if he fi nd that !tome and Assyria are but names to her; that ahe h >s no idea A L L W 0 R K G U A R A N T E E D. of the causes or results of the French Revolution; does notknow thedifferencebetween Communism and the Commonwealth, and ls vaguely uncertain whether Confucius atN . B.- 1 ha ve n o conn ection or interest in t he Cow posi tion, Pottery or Zinc tacked or defended Seringapatam, what an M onuments, so called; I have enquired concerning their mer ih and cannot r eaomavenue for conversation is closed, and how mend t hem to the p ublic at any p r ice. 25-3 m. Bowmanville, June 18, 1885. dilltant and impoBBible the fields of thought to which it might ha.ve led. An intelligent person, now·a.-da.ys, though not expected to understand exactly weaving, engineering, or commerce, should ha.ve some idea of such common branohea of knowledge a.a when cotton wa11 introduced, what we did without it, what vaat chii.nges in manufacture have followed ; wha.t steam has done, wha.t ships, harbors, forts, guns, were and are used, whence.wool and si lk are had, and what ie donu with them. They should know something of the characters and actions of great Yon can do so by calling at the men, pa.st and present, of the training which gave them power, and the events which added opportunity. But, if one can 1pea.k en such ordinary matters, and yet finds the other knows or thinks nothing of them, on what is mutual thought to rest? They must take refuge in where t here will be found a complete assortment of every kind of the clack a.nd gossip of the neighborhood, footwear from the smallest to the largest. in the prattle of their children, in the dis· cussion of metliods of money-getting, or the monotonous if int eresting details ot house- If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any hold affairs. To certain minds these are all· kind that may be needed, in the latest style. sufficient. To many ,confinement to such would mean weakened thought, perhaps furnish, perhaps it too often does furnish, one of our extraordinarily numerous eases of weakened reason, But if one needs no more, while the other always pines for companionship of similarly cultivat ed mincla, and perpetually strains on the curb at home, or makes die· neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. p11.raging compa.risons elsewhere, what die· cords mast follow and how many must say, " Better stay sine:le," also the Or, take it the other way. The wife, let ue eay, is endowed with powers of thought and appreciation, and possesses that gener· al knowledge which such a person with our modern opportunities, is almost sure to have No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. obtained; or if by chance she have not, she de· sires and is still acquiring it. She finds herself ma.ted with one of different class of thought and feeling- interested in no~hing but the ordinary and the common-place-one such as one meets everywhere, and wishes one met nowhere-one whose mind neither produces nor r eceives ideas-who see11 of life but the surface, and looks for happiness to hie dinner, his pipe, or his bank account, - one in short- and there are many such - to whose companionship for a year a sen sitive and intelligent person would prefer solitary confinement for the same period. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Yet she must endure it for life, "vVhy," it will be asked, " did she not see that beLIVER, STOMA.UH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. fore?" Simply, by that strange law of nature They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions and before spoken of which deprived her ef the are invaluable in 11;11 Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages. F~r power'of,knowing-eomethlng which suggests a perpetual edict of Babel- a law of confusion Children and the a ged they are priceless. and intermingling- lest ma.a should rise too high. I have but touched here on one pa.rticula.r Is an infallible re_medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores claSB of disagreements. The subject is too and Ulcerl!I. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disordere of the wide for general comment. But may not -Ch est it has n o equ al.these few re:llectiona suggest, to the class mentioned, some means of avoidance of For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, what may be a life-long penance ? What if eompanion11 wer e chosen more by character Gl~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival· and 1(for tha.n present appearance? The first is no con t racted and stiff joints it acts like a charm . ' ' · immediately under the eye, and t herefor e i11 free from fa.Jae imaginations which t he ey e, Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLt.OW.AY's Establishment, not then in its na.tural clearness, is a.pt to fra.me, The eye-the ea.r- may be enthralled; 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OX:FORD STREET), LONDON the mind fa the inner eita.del, and preserves its rights if the owner choose. What one A nd are sold at ls. l~d ., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot and may be had from all Medicine Vendors t hroughout tke World. ' has been they will be. The eagle will seek wrurchascrs should look at the 'tnbel on the rots enil Boxes. utile nddreaa- · ' the skies- the vulture the carrion ; they who is not 533, Ox rord Street, London, they p.rc spurious, ~· ml.\t e with t hem mu. et follow t hem, --~~ *o Caledonian Mills. Formerly s:uown as the" Soper Milla.') ' RAYMONDo* TM-SEWING-MACHINE:FOR FAMILY USE. IT ~.ri l!: i !J:l!J!ati !l'.i!i !i ilJ!il!'1i J!i lJ;l!il lilti ri !i l!il!il To the Ladies Automatic Bobbin Winder MRS. A. DAVIS, RANK AND Fl LE to the Front and Defend your Country. McCOLL'S LARDINE, McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Granite and Marble Works BOWMANVILLE. Marble Mantles, Grates, &c. , and fix them. Head Stones, Posts, and Metalli'c Ba,,.s C. BOUNSALL,-Proprietor.. Boots and Slioes. Keep your · feet dry and warm, 'Parlor Shoe Store,' Good fits warranted every time or no sale. CE JY-I: E N"'TI N""G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best quality of Dressing and Blacking STAND :-Neads' Block. "W. JENNINGS. HEALTH FOR ALL! THE PILLS THE OINTMENT