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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1885, p. 8

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~1tl) 0 ~"' ~' """~" /i1'.\\U\'l.1t\'IU OtP " &;;t\1t~ll!!"'l\U. I "'jtlTM NEW HAVEN. Miss Sarah Witheridge has returned from a visit to Toronto. Rumor eays there are to be several weddiugs in this neighborhood soon. Mr. Wm. Uke nnd bride, of Toronto, have been spending tlrnir honeymoon here with friends of the groom. Death removed f;om our ~idat, on the 13th inst., Mr. John Amsbary, who had been lliling from consumption for abont two yrars. The fhime of life died gradU>illy out, the frame b ecame weiiker and weaker till all strength was gone. The fnneral on Friday last was attended by a larae number of relatives and friends. se::vicel! .were conducted at tho hon~e by Elder S. M. Fowler, of Oshawn. \VJNKLE. COUR'l'ICE. Mr. John Brooks has decided to give up farming and has rented his farm t o Mr. Thos. V cal. If the boys, who upset Mr. Lent's new buildincr into the creek last week, wtl raise its foundati::m again they will be entirely forgiven. Mr. W. H.. Courtice received a i;>relty eevere burning last week from the tire striking back from the furnace at the cheese factory when he w:is stiring it. The quartel'ly religious services of this circuit will be held in the Ebenezer church nex t Sunday morning. A Rtranger will occupy the pulpit. BEN. DISTRICT NOTES. Wm. Neals h·s r.!nted Robert T ouch borne's form, Lifford, for a term of years. :M'r. !Ind Mrs. Wm. Golden, Whitby, cel.,bratect their golden wedding last week. J\ ingston wants an <:lectric light. Tha a.n.,1ent city still remains m a state of The ~lowing match of the Whitby and East Whitby plowing club has been postpoued from the 20th until the 27th inst. Mr. Jos. Port1>r, of Ballydutf, l'tlcently purchased a thorough·bred brood mare for $220 from .M.r. Campbell, of South M onaghan. Chas. Garbutt., proprietor of t he R oyal Hotel, P ort Hope, died on Saturday fro1n injuries received by being thrown from his carringe. l\fr. .l:fawldnA, of Mauvers, has taken posse<sion of t he farm parchased from Mr. McRobertH, who has remove<l to South Monaglrnn. Coal is being s old inToronto at $5.25 fur grate and egg, and $5.50 for stove and chestnut, screened and delivered to a!ly part of the city. The Town Conncil of Peterboro' at its meeting on Friday eveuing last, passed a by-law, granting $ 100 to the Mechanics' Institute of tlrnt t own. Who has been robbing the Port Hope 'l"ime$ wood-pile '! T he Editor in a renent issue says : "The imp1·ovident man feeling the cold h elps himse lf to his nCighbor's wood-pile. \Vhat a charming feature at future Ontario JJadios' College commencement exercises would bo a well t.rainod corpd of sweetly whistling girl graciuates.-Whitby Ch1·on'ide. 'l'hc new house of Mr. John Bray, near Raglnn, was brick· cla d in sl10rt order by his mason, Mr. Trenuoth, of Hampton. Mr. Bray will have a nice residence when it is completed. Sheriff Paxtou's dark sorrel stallion, perhaps the prettiest aud best driving horse in WhitbJ, di.;d at Oxbridge, on Wednesday, of iuJiammation caused by a draft of water, when heated . The Port Hope T·imes takes no stock in the Salvation Army, but rejoices nvcr its misfortunes. vVe are g lad to bear, h owe ve1-, that it swears by the S>1ved Army. Has patronage anythin~ to do in shaping this partiality 1 Manvers Fall Show is postponed indefinitely, and ow i1w; to the lateness of the se<1son awl the b<td state of the roads, it is d0ubtful it the ex hibition will be held this year. \Vlrn.t has strLtck K\st Durham farmers, anyway. 'l'he ~Villiams Memorial Association, of Poet Hope, has sent a circular to every municipality in the Dominion, a.sking for subscriptions to defray the expenses of a monument, to be erected iu Port Hupe, to t he memory of the lato Col. .Wi.llia.m ~. A doPe or two of DR. SMinr'~ GERMAN vVomr UEMEDY, or Wormerine, will remo~ e all worms from child or adult, and and res tore to health. For biliousness or indigestion it h::i.s no equal. All dr uggists keep it. Prico 25 cents per box. Take no other. David Bingham, Esq., of W est Durham, has leased the farm of Samuel Dix, Esq., Oakwood, and moves in the spring. Meanwhile he is doing fall pl oughing. Mr. Bingham will be nn acquisition to Oakw1JOd vicinity and as an o ld friend we welcome him to Vidoria.-Warder. ·ru..: PLEASUllE Ol!' BA.'l'HING is greatly increased by mixing in the t ub half or even a qua.rter of a. bottle of MumuY & LANMA~' s FLORID.A W A'I'Jm. Instantly t he wh0le atmosphere of the is a11 fra grant as a. blooming flow er garden, the mind becomes buoyant., and the body emerges refreshed and strengthE.ned. Cobo11rg is fast se ttling down into a serenity of mud and impovedshment. With no money for street repairing, taxes at 2.i, c. on the dollar, and the streets badly lighted, it is aad to listen tu tho Senlfoel titar talking about n e!ld of light in the "dark valley." Port Hope can afford to ha.,e the elootric light, and so keep abreast of the t i mes, but "Sleepy Hollow " trusts fondly for better days. Even if a farmer picks u p 11 loose dollar, tho Sentinel thinks tho millenium is about coming to Port Hope 1'i.mes. PHYSICIANS having Consumptive patients, and h:ivmg failed to cure the m by their own prescription, should not h esitate to prescribe Alien' s Lung Balaam. It has cured case3 when all oth<::r remedies have failed. It is harmless to the m oat delicate child. P.-ice $1 pet· b ottle. See s pecial notice. Owi ng to the P ort H ope harbor com mission er~ seeing fit to raise the t oll on lumber they have benefitted Whitby con· siderably. Mr. A. W. Spooner, agen t for the Georgian Ilay lumber company as well as other lumber firms, has taken leave of Port Hope and l ocatfld at Wnitby, and of course that m eans a t ransfer of the whole lumber traffic tha t was fo rmerly shipped from Port H ope harbor to that of Whitby . On an average twenty-live or thll'ty carloads of lumber 11rri ve h ere for shipmen t daily, tho effect of which cannot fail to pro ve benoficio.l to the town gon er· ally. - U o:>ette. Ayer'a Cathart ic Pills a re suited to every age. Being sugar-coated they are easy to tak e, and t h ough mild and pleasant in action, am thorough itnd searching in effect. '.l'heir efficacy in itll disorde· s of tho stomach a nd bowels is certifi ed to by e1nirwot physici:tn s, promi nent clergymen, and many of our best citizens. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OcToB'R 23. C DAL, WOOD &LUMBER~ Having to make room for a large quantity of Wood) recently purchased, will sell, until further n otice, at the following prices: per Cord Delivered NEWTON VILLE. Dr. aad Mrs. Dickey have returned :from their wedding trip and will, we l1ear, take up their residence in the village. On account of th" bnsy times we have not been fav<.red with much mmic from our band of late, but on Monday night they turned out m uniform and discoursed Home beautiful music. We were plei\sed to see Mr. Wyman Andrus, who is visiting here, t:ike his place in the ranks. Thanks, boys ; play again. Last but not least is the successful soci;1,l event which took place here rec.:mtly, the occasion ?eing the 25th anniversary or silver weddmg day of Mr. and Mrs. James Lockh.rt. Between sixty and se venty gu est~ assembled to d? ho n01· to their hospitality. ~everal connng from a long distance. Tllf· refreshments served were all that conld be desired, music being also fumished. All spent an enjoyable evening . The presents wero numerous and costly. Congratulations and presents were eent by u.besut ~riends. Mr. and Mrs. L . h11v" the best wishes of their friends (which are legion) for their continued happiness and prosperity. May they live to see their golden wedding. One of the most successful aud en· thusiastic socials ever held in N ewtonville came off last Thursday, in the Methodis t l)arnonage. The occasion was the pre· sentatio11 of two well filled purses ; one to Miss R. Holman, the org11nist of the Methodist church, and the other to the leader of the choir, Mr. F. Sainsbury. A sumptuous supper 1Vas served to over ono hundred people, after which tho presentation was made by the pastor, the Re,·. S. Saltoi:i, who paid a high compliment to the choir for their valuable services, which had contributed in no small degree to the success which they enjoyed as a church. Short complimentary addressee were given by Capt. Rich. J. R. Reid, A. Elsworth, o f Newcastle, and J. Saunders, < tfter which t hG ch oir replied by singing some of their new and choice piecea of music. The d elighted company separated for their homes about 12 o'clock. His our pleasant lot to mmounce one of the most interesting and enjoyable aJfairs we ever attended and of course it WM a we-iding. On Wednesday, October l)th, at the residence of t he bride's mother, 5th Con., Clarke, Dr. W.W. Dickey, to Misa Annie J . Balla11h. Rev. Mr. Leslie, Newtonville, officiated, Mr. A. A. Mc1\'Iuttry and Miss Lena BallaQh stood up, and altcigether it was a. jolly affair enlivened by the presence of over sevemy-five r elatives and friends. Your lady readers will proba.bly like a description of both the bride's and bridemaill's dresses which yo1 r correspondent will give folly as po~ sibl e. '£he dress was cream white sl:\tin, low coraage, trimmed with brocade satin face and ribbon, with veil of white silk tulle, reaching length of trnin. The bridernai d's dresa was gol den brown satin and plrn;h, low corsage, orange blossoms and blush roses. After the ceremony, congratulations and snpper, :i.t which your corr espondent was t;oo-bnsily engaged-to notice-a-nythinq but a:u unlimited amount of goose, turkey, chickens, cakes, pies, grapes, nuts and candies, il.Dd innumerable other good th. i ngs which go to make a correspondents lifo happy and give him the dyspepsia. The presents to the bride were both uu merous and costly, below we give a list oE a few we were able to get the n ames of, although a great maay wer e not labelled : Gold Watch and Chain, by the Groom. oilver c'lke basket, A A McMurtry. Pearl card case, Miss MoMurtry. Silver card receiver, H H Ple ws, Cobourg. Perfume bottle, silver setting, Mr and Miss CaidwelL Sih·er cake basket, Mr and Mrs Beamish, Port Hope. 'foilel set, Mr E Bowie. of silver napkin rings, Mr and Mrs Dorlund. Silver pickle cruet and a pair ot vases,MesRrs aud Miss Si1arpe. il'.ruit basket, Misses Stiirk . . l?Jower vase, Mr and Mis Cll.rson. l, uoe col1r.:r !!.nd a pair of 11oeo tow ls. Miss KIRBY. Beed1 n11d lllatlle, Selected Body Woo1l ...... ......... .... $ ti.OO do. do, Cull do. . ............. .... 4.0U· do. do. Li111b~ ....... ................. ............. .... .. 3.tiO· Best Pi11e cut f'ron1 G1·ce11 'rintltcr...... ......... ....... .... 3.:iO) Pine cut rro1u Dry 'l'i111ber .... .. ... ... . ... .. .... . .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ~.l'i&· · Sc.1 ·anto11 :11ul Lacllawana Coal, dry an1l '"ell s c1·eened' Mrn. S:unuel Billings is at pl'esent very sick. $;;.:;o 1·cr ton at lla1·bor and $(;.oo dclivc1·cd. Desi OSHAWA . Mr. Wm. Ball will soon change the Briar Hill Coal, for do1nes1ic U!Se, $ 6.00 Jlet· ton, de-· o~hawa School Board seldom meets for place of his abotl e . want of a quorum. 1ive1·cd. HeynoJdsYillc Select :r.unap Coal, l.(>.r stea1n,. Mr. Melvin Powers is making prepar· Miss Farewell has been u.ppointod ations to move on the Lock wood farm. $ 6.00 Jle1· ton at the Yard. organist of Chris\ Church. Mrs. D orland, of Trenton, has been Mr. E. J. Rowse, and Mr . J. Robson, have had Asphalt sidewalks laid in front spending a few days at l\'lr. J . Purdy's. Mr. McDowell is to b e our teacher for of t heir residences . On and after November lat the b~.rber rnxt yeal'. Ile gives universal satisfactiou. and we can furnish any bill on very short notice. Harry Chapple visited us Saturday; shops in .Oshawa will close at eight p. m. he leaves for 'l'oronto soon to study midSaturdays excepted. Intending pnrchasers please call and examine goods and prices before A foot-ball club w:ui organized last icine. Did anybody hear anything about one FridRy n ight. Tauntan ant! Bowman ville purchasing elsewhere. of our farmers " ove~ oast" being guilty will hear from them. The Young P eopl(s Association of the of a. mean t rick at the .Agricul tural Fair 1 If a suit-iblc place can b e procured, we Presbytermn Church was re-organized for Bowman ville, October 15, l &q5, are told t hat tlw u,unual Ohristmas t ree 42:2m the season last week. and entertainment will be held in conOn Monday evening, Oct. 26th, a social assembly will be held in the Town Hall, nectiou with the public school. Messrs .·~lexander S.:, F oster, of Orono, under the auspices of the Fire Brigade are building a uew hearse for Mr. R. Band. Such enterprise on the part of 'l'he D ominion Government has ap- Lang. pointed Mr. F . W. Gibbs, a son of the our villager is cortainly commendable. On l!'riday, the !>th ins t., Mr. Jonathan late Hon. T. N. Gibbs, inspector of grain · Tyerm au received a telegram that his son at Port Arthur. On W ednesday last, the first install- J ohu was dying at his ho me in Glenhuron, ment of t:ues became due in Oshawa, and Huron Co. He immediately started on over $10,000 was paid to the Collector, the ;journey to see him, but befo~e h e reached his destmation the fell disease Mr ..J. B::i.iles. · (inflanimahon) had accomplished its fatal Rev. S. M. Fowier, the new pastor of work. On the following Monday evoning . the Christian Church, otliciated both t he tmin from the west brought t he father morning and evening, on Sabbath last. a.nd lifeless remains of his eon, which He was well received and his discourses were conveyed t.o the now grief stricken were very acceptable to the congregation. home of his boyhood. On Tuesday, amid On Wednesday, Mr. A. Thomas, the falling rain, they were lowered to their was working the hoist, in Mr. Cor- last restmg place in the Orono ce metery. yell's etorehouse, at the G. T. R. S~ation, He had resided in the West only abot\t when a piece of p lank he waR standmg on fi vo years, having spent all of his life up broke and he fell to the lower floor, a to that time on the family homestead. distan'ce of twflnty feet. One of his He was a Y<'Ung man noted for l x traankles was sprained, and although severe- ordinar.Y ambition and push, kind and ly bruised, he escaped without any bone& aff,,bfo to evarybociy a.nd a consistent member cf t he Met hodist church. Rev. being broken. On W ednesday last, the adjourned R. Walker preached a sermon having Court for the t rial of Samuel Knkoski. r eference to his death to an over fiowing was J~eld in Whitby. This individual congregation last Sunclay afternoon. was charged by Mr. 0. R. White with fraudently raising It note from $300 to CLARKE COUNCIL. $350. Krakoaki, who had deposited $400 m the handR of the Sh0riff as bail, failed Regul ar meeting Oct. ()th. All memto put in appearance. The not.e now be- ders presen t, Minutes read and confirmcomes wort hless, and Mr. White will be ed. the gainer by $350. Capt. Wadds, of the Salvation Army, The authorities of Simcoe Street Met h - applied for a reduction in the r ent of odi·t Church, Oshawa., have d ecided, town hall which was granted, t he price to instead of holding thA usual anniversary be 75c per week, the conditions to be the tea meeting;, t1i ask the c·mgregation to give·a special collection on Sunday, Oct. same as heretofore. Dr. Rutherford ·rns appointed Medical 2uth to make up t he amount usually mad; at such gatherings. This is a very H ealth ofifoer for the township. wise move, for at tea nuietinl<(s, the labor, Couocellor 'l' hornton w as deputed to and a large portion of t h e expenee ~ells let job of r epait:ing lull on lot 24 c.:>n. !> ; upon a few membel's of the congregation, and also of repairing roacl betw een lots while by t his method a reasonable co11tr1· No. 23 and 24, con. 8. bution from each member of the r.ongre· Coms. Lon g and Thornton were gation will raise a larger amount than is instructed to examine bridge on side line generally made at tea.. meet~nAS· W e b .. tween lots 30 and 31, con. 4, aud let shall await the result with anxiety. job thereon if deemed necessary. Orders we1·e passed for payment of the 1'YRONE. following accounts : Miss Addie Walter is home sick at Richard Hnris, repairing culvert.. $2 00 Ulsters~ present- n ot homesick, however. !lfoy Joseph Biglow, d rawing gravel. .. . 26 00 she speedily recover . Robt. White, work on swamp road. 2 50 The "vaccination panic" has struck our Wm. Henry, statnte labor taxes ... 12 00 · inhabitants, seveml having alreu,dy had D. Elmore, work opp. lot 10'con.7. 2 00 the operation perforrnd, swollen muscles R. Cathcart, work oa side lin e ..·. 3 00 J no. Carson, gravel and cedar .. ... 5 00 being the natural consequence. M r . M. A .·James, the genial Edit:or W. Jackson & Son, plank . ..···.. 5 00 do. wi1·e fence . .·. 12 80 of the S-rA'l'ESMAN, accompanied by Mrs·. "vV. Batten, work on gravel road ..· G 87 James, and Mr. and Mrs, James Morris, ;:ua~ . . .A~1berline water pHchet', ¥r.IJ ~~~chcll. . of Bowmanvillc, w ere t h e guests of Mr. Jos. Biglow, drawing gravel. . .... 15 00 A. S talker, lumber for culverts . . .· 2 59 Heid, Silver butter cooler, Mr and Mrs J ~\wl Mrs. T. H. Hancock, on Friday last. Half do>1en table spoons, Mr Holston. J. Walker, di!(ging di tch, turnpikoilver breakfast cruet, .1 J U u-ld. 111'lvi val services at J,ong Sault ing... ... ... . .. ...·........... 2115 :Double ~ilveLJ>iCkle, ff J Dicl<ey, 'l'oronto._ P silvet' napkin r ings. M r !I.lid MrsW Heid. suspended o~ accoun~ 1of MissionarJ'. meet- J. Woodward, clearing bed of creek 2 00 in01s on the circu1t. Ihc services hith er to D av id Bell, work on road .. .. , . . . 3 00 Hanging lamp, Messrs lfancouk itml Best. 'J'oilet case, M1· anr! Mrs :t. Lockhart. co~iducted by R ev. Messl's. H assard and D. M cConnachie, 70 yards grav el. . 10 50 'l'oilet set, Mr and Mrs J Hodge. ·woodger , have b een productive of much J.Jacobs, services board h ear th '84 14 00 l:lilver fruit dish. Miss Moffatt. Oil painting, Mr l\1ol1' goocl, J. F. McMillan, 3 lambs and one Silver cruet, Mr and Mrs Mason. 'l'wo e:wncst practical discourses were sheep, h alf value paid. . . . . . . . . . 7 50 P lu sh pin cushion, Miss MA B"llagll. J,arg c motto. Miss 'l'hompsou. )y R ev. n. Hassard in this church John Miller, 3 sheep worried.. . ... 4 50 given 1 Celery dish, A Ballagh last Sabbath. As usual Tyrone can b oast Louisa Lee; gfren W. Robinson.. . 3 00 l\1orocco satchel, Miss L B<>llagh. BellltLifnl family bible, Mrs Ballagh. of its st r ong a corps of volunteer guards Widow E glison, do. W . lYiilligan. . 4 00 on as any place of its size u.nd Widow K elsey, October H, 1885. do. 3 00 D avid .Tohnston, Mrs. Conlin. . . . . 10 00 appenrance. ----·-~·---'I'he blnck smithing fm ternity is r ather Widow Wilkinson, J. Cameron.. . . 4 00 GARTWRIG El 'J'. limited :justnow. Mr. l~ . Bambridge.had C. DeckPr, T. Stanton. . .... . .. . .. 6 00 Efforts are being p ut forth by the his ey e sever ely burnt by a red -hot iron M . J. Rrookbank d o . . . . . . . . .. . . 5 00 Ora1werne n of t his to wnship t o comm e mo- flying against it on. Saturday , <ind M essi:s. Widow Saunders , J. Wadd ell. . ... 4 00 rate 'buy F\\wkea night- Nov. fith- in D. :Fraser anll 'vV. Bunt h1we both rcqm r- James Moor, s elf .... . .. ... ... . . . 4 00 right royal sty le. ed · mcclica.l a.t,tend:1n ce during t h e past Widow Merril, J. Stark . ... . ... . . 4 00 The extensive collection of stuffed week. Soon may t h e lonely anvil resound Wright and family, C. ,T. T twrntun 3 00 Witlow Vanskiver, B.eeve .. .. ,.... 3 09 an irnals and · birds, to which you referred with t h eir merry strokes as ofyore. We n ote with re).( rot the de ath, on Saturin your rept·rt of our Fall Fair, is t he Council adjourned t o meet on ·ruesday yrvper ty of Dr. Campbell, of t his village, day ,of Miss Cynthi«.i Cnde,afunner roside nt tho 4th day of N ovember . a n d w;,1·c mofitly prepared by our local of Tyron e, bllt for w m e months of ~t . W. L . BROAD, G. :M. LoNG, Clerk. H.eeve. taxidt<rrnist, lVIr. A. Oldfield. This col- Thomas, Out. 'l'ypl1 oid fever followed lection was one of the great':lst attrnctiolls by parnlysis is the cause as~ign ed fur deat h. The pare11ts and brotl1 er of the of t h e day. ,foIIN Ponn m, of Ripley, Ohio, writes : ·ti~d ward anJ John Armstrong, of Cart- deceased attended -the funenil, in S t . - I h ave gi1 ' en the Pain K iller to Horses · of infection pl'eventing for Colic, a nd fou n1l it the b est remedy l W!'i!!h t ,were charged before Wm. Bateman, Thomas, clange1 s from b eing brourrh.t home for t h e remain P., by J oh n M cKenzie, on be half of ever tried. It gives t hem ease quicker the Fish.iry l n~p ec tor, wit h g spea~ed burial. The grief -s Lri ck en family htwe than any other remedy I evet· used. I t h o sympathy of t.h e en t ir e community fish in L ake S ·ugug, on S unday mornrng give for a dose h alf of a 25-cent b ottle, bet. 'l'he parries appeared au the ollice ·in Lheil' sudden, sor e ber o:oi.vemeut. put i o a pin t bottle of w:.1.rm wate r, a nd l\'h -. J . J L M:wuing has t LU apiary of 45 drench them with it. I have always of ll . Gordo:i, E~q ., P ort P .:rry, and plead ed g nill.y. Their fishing uten?ils col onies, and what· John does n ot know cured the worst ca.sea with out delay. Barcrain~ in F lann els at t he Stttr H ouse 1 rnre conli:> cated and :Mr. Httlen.n.n 11n- about bee culture is hardly worth think _ ·- - - --27 in~l1 all wool Charnbly F la1mel for 25 ; oa nf. 'l'he Editor of th o b T.A'J'l<:Sil1A N pose1i fines of $20 arid co2t s on Ed wi\rd . wl~c1~ out to this village last weel~ was - Remn an ts at less than wholesale prices 1 cen ts. . . and $5 and cos to on J e hu. Bargams rn smts an d overcoats at the presented with a j ar of honey by tlus lJee at Mason Bros. A aood suit of cl othes youth 's size for Star H ouse, from $5 up . . K ing, al1d h e pron ounces it first class. N EWGAS'l'LE. at .: Mason B1 .·os. ' ' Th o !mest stock of Scotch 'l'weed~ e,ver l\ir. M:rnn ill'~ 11as a few coloni es for sale for ' Ve h ave a 25 gallon k eg of Nu. 1 liar - shown m t own at Couch , J ohnston & Cry EaoME'l'. I\Trnsrs. J ohn and Cluis. W ilmot lrnvo at very moderate prices . diue oil tlrnt we offer t o any thresher at a dermans . . uone to Geor"ean Bav. Scott's Emulsion of Pure big dis count. J nquire at this ofl:ice. T1n: L~:Alll YO STovEs - B efore ~uywg " Miss A1rni: Moore -and Mr. A. S tilwdl 4Jo1l ·L1v c1· OU, witll lGYJ)O\>llospllilcs ., a n ew coal or wood hall , p<nfor vr kitch en are a.tten<liH g Model Sch ool, Port H ope . Ocean .fare $1.3 .00, steer.~ge, from Port - stovo or a ran"'e don' t fail t o call and in For P.iilmonary 1.'ronhles. A foot ball club h lt S been org:rnized hero land or Halifax by. Allan L1ue, to or from spect the larg~ stock L. Geo. Q uick has 'I'. J . Muli'ALL, M . D., Ande rson , S.C., L o11d0".dcri::y, B~lfast, Qneens .town, Gal- i mported for t his F all's trade. The Al't with good pnYl pecis. says : " I co nsider Scott's Emulsion on e Th e new post office i a ncnv occupifd <tnd · of the best prl:l o 11 s in t he market for way, Lnnerwk Glasgow ; Cabm also rtl· Garl:ind D ouble H eater i-s a n ew and very d uced. W . A . NE.lDS, Agent . 48tf pretty stove with large flu es, large as h is " great im provenient on t he old o ne. Pulmonary Troubles. l have used it in .Lar(ie stock of F iugering, Saxony , f~tn, ~ound fire_pot and i~1provetr g rate. Tl:Ii:is B1·odie, of Pet3r bon', is visi ting my pr:i ctice since 187G, an d aw well &c., &c., &c. E id er Canadmn and other yarns. Good Ihe S ure Luclc range with t h e famous Mis:i llfoNc i ughten. satidied wi th it. " Oanacliau yarn i>Oc . p er poun d . 4 skeins Duplex Grate is a . gr e:i.t favorite. The - -- - - --o-- - - For a st ylish suit of clothes call upon ·.\.number of ver y fine Velveteens j ust F ingerin g wool any color, for 25c. For a Q ueen s Own cook 1s also A. 1. Call a nd large choice go to t h e Star H ouse. seo me . received !\t t h e vVest Encl House . ]. \'CS. W , H, . All Kin~s of ~Ulla ING M Alf RIAL ~ept constantly un ~an~,. MCCLELLAN tc co.. c~ F.A.LL~ ~ JM PORTA TIONS: Just opened up :- New Dress Goods, Dress Silks, Rhadarne, Silks, Marvelleux Satins, Broche Satins, and Brocaded Ottomans at PIERCE & CO'S. Just opened up :- New Silk Plushes, Silk Velvets, Terrys, Tinsel, Plush, and Mancuni um Velveteens at PIERCE & CO'S .. Just opened up:--- New Jerseys, Mantles, Shaw ls,'\/\1 ra ps,Ch ildren's Jackets and Scarfs at PIERCE & CO'S. rt Just opened up:- N ew Millinery Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Birds, '\/\lings, Aigrettes, Ribbons and Laces at PIERCE & CO'S. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, DRLTGGISTS:7 ____...____ Buy their goods from reliable houses and can supply the public with J-. Pl.ire Drugs! at reasonable prices. Just to hand :---A large assortment of TOI LET SOAPS and HAIR BRUSHES from the best manufacturers. $0 I I I I SPONGES, CHAMDlS, PERFUMERY, Pure Ground Oil Cake always on hand. I ·

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