TERMS :-$1.00 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . .rAMES, EDITOR AND PROPitIF:ToR. VOLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 380. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1885. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pollard visited friends here this week. Hallowe'en pa.ssed over without any ser ious damage. The boys are evidently growing better. Would it not be a good idea for the frieuds in the north part of the circnit to donate this Dppointment a 1011d of wood. 'l'he discomf0t·t of last S und :~y evenillg sug-gests this. 'fhc truth of the axiom "honesty is the bedt policy" wa9 established again in our midst a fe w days ago. Two young men, living n ot one hnn clred miks distant, drove up to tlie corner store, one alightE.d and with much d ignity purchased a quantity of the ti lthy weed, threw down the money al\d was about tu depart, when h e espic~ shoe laces, the re<1uired shoe laces w~re promptiy hamled over, and with the exclamation, " l 've paid you enotrnh for these ! " ski pped out, leavin~ his tobacco on the co unter. T he storekeeper agrees wi1h him in tl:iinking he paid enough for the shoe laces. Scnoor, Ri::PORT.-Names arranged in. order of rnerit. - Class 5-I. Hodgson, I Ringham, M . Emmerson. Class 4-L. Boll, M . Bingham, W. Emmerson . Sn1. 3rd. - C.Gardiner, T. Hoidge, B. Branton, M. Hodgson, R. Walter, M. Hancock, ~: .Cade, L . CadP., W. Bingham . .Tun. 3rd. -M. Branton, JLCollacott, F. Penfound, W . Branton, L. Penfounci , C. Branton. Class 2.-Reading- S. Hoidge, A . Manning. Figures- 1\L .Jewell, A. Manning. P art 2od Sen . -Reading-Edith Strutt. Spelling-Cecil Branton. F igures- Cecil Branton . Part 2nd J an.-Reacling- F . Snelling - L. P enfound. Vanstone. Figures- F. Vanstone. 1st Class- L. Cade, W. Diamond, R ussell Bingham. AveragA attendance, 51. En. T. Sr,F.MoN, Teacher. EG01fE1'. XXXI. NUMBER 45. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. JiJNFIELD . Turnips 11re a big crop and farmers are busy gathering them in. Htillowe'en passed quietly, only a few desperadoes attacking the town. Mr. Edward Niddery hits purchased l\lr. W . .Martyn's home and store. No church service here on Sunday owing to quarterly maeting at E ldad. l\fr. Mountjoy has rented th e farm form erly occupied by Mr. · w. Wotten. a z ~· it z- 'SflNilr:roow COUCH,JOHNSTON sCRVDERMAN Would announce to thefr friends and the public that their FALL .AND WINTER STOCIC is now very complete in all its departments, having opened out during the past . few weeks over OVER &89,000 WORTH OF N"'EVV GOODS~ C omprising Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets. Winceys, Mantle Goods, Ulster Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatings, Flannels ' Blankets, Fur Caps, Astracban :Mantles, Over Coats, &c. Their stock this season is by far the largest and best assorted ever shown by them, and in some . departments· the best ever shown in Bowmanville. Every article has been CAREFULLY SELECTED IN THE BEST MARKETS and at the lowest prices which C A 8 H can command. Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West o.f' Pod Office. Bo1vma11vill~. J.Y. H. Do1v11's Vegetable Aalsamic Elixil· ill a positive cure for CouR:hs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, Iloa.rseneea, Influenza, 81.>ittinu Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diaeasea of the Throat~ Chest a nd Lunga. As an E xpectorant it hae .no equal, Consumption has been cured times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulcerated surfaces, and cures when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of eonstant use has proven Its virtues. Every family should keep it in th e house. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. Dent·y Ra.xtea·'s lllan·h·al.:e Bitters are a sure cure for Oostivenesa, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotiun, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Livar, ltheumatism, Dizzinei!s, Sick Headache. Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, .Apoplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto!l1ach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in working order, and perfect health will be the result, Ladies and others subject to Sick Hea,dache will find relief and permanent cure by the us" of these Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purgaLive thev purify the blood. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, ,Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington , Vt. . Man and Beast. The bes t external remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, Backache, Frosted Feet, and all other p:i,ins and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on Horses. One trial will prove Its mei-its. Its efl:ects are in mos t cases i nstantaneous. Every b ottle warranted to give satisfaction, Prices 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere. Htn ry, .Tohnston & Lord, Proprietors of nr. A.t·nic:t and Oil Linitneut for Philip Lang, of Huron Co., has also HAMP'l'ON. bebn visiting here during the p;ist week. November's blighting frosts have come, Wallace Lang, of Victoria, B. C., is 'l'hnt bids all nature cense to bloom ; home on a visit. He i~ del ighted with The foi·es t trl es once clot.bed in gree11 , ho'lle on tho Pacific criast. Lo, now in withered g1Lrb~ are seen. Hallowe'en was celebrated here by the 'l'he clouds lciok blacK and sleet and 8now, boys ~n its ~isual disgrnceful manner, by Ac1·oas the hills and valleys blow; earrymg oft gatP-s 1111d other portable No sound is heard. save th11 moamog breeze property. { ohn_ Trele.ven's demo~rat als_o That howls through sear'd and witherc<l trcea. ca_ rne .to gnef _m oraer t o graufy the1 ~ m1sch1evou9 de~1gns. The little birds that sing God's praise, Why did the W. D . Ag ricultnral Society M H B h h d Ko more we hear theirjoyons lays; not offer prizes for field roots this year ? · r. enry ire a a narr?w escipe 'l'he fear or winter's storms .that roar . . a few days a~" from what rmght have Hooper, the blacksmi th, is kept. very proved a serious accident by the col·l apse Has driven them from this northern shore. busy these days- can hardly sleep mghts. of a bridgA over which he WM driving, As throngh this sin curs'd world I plod, Our Mr. Wi nnacott has bought a valn- precipitating him lit the horses feet. l\fild nature speaks "There is a God" a.hie horse from Mr. W. Mason .:.t a big Fortunately no bones were broke n and 'l'hat hold· the power in his hand price. the vehicle is being repaired . Ani. rules the uni versa! land. There is a ,lesire among far mers here· W c notice that Mr. Francis Brim11The summer time may do for mirth, abouts t o have Mr. Dy er in t he Council combe has been improving his house by But fall reminds 11s all of death ; again. r e- modeling, ch1pboarding, p:,mting, etc. We ta.st are ripening for the toomb Miss Lanr.i. Wickett, of Toronto, has It now beard a mode1 n and artistic ap· And soon shall meet our final doom. been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and pearance eqiial t e> any of our eastern Row long, poor sinner. will you wait 1 Mrs. J ouathan Bray, at " B raeside." borders. Mr. S. M. Billings is also And trill" with a thing so gi·eat 1 The hard t imes have caused n. depression displaying enterprise by making further Before the summer's s un yon see in matri:n0nial watters, thoogh co.irting improvements to his building. You may l>e lost eternally. g~Ps on briskiy as ever. S igns of a hard W e wish to e.ppriee your Orono cor. 'l'hen thin I' of this, and while yon may, wmter. that the farmer to whom we refer red as Cast all your eherisheu sins away; Tlier e 11re 11 lot of good plowmen among be_in~ guilty of 11.. q uestionable act at the 'l',.ke up the cross, on Christ depend, the ho.v s in this section. Why can't we I fan'. l.'.ves !1_ea1· Kirby, not. Orono. If. l";Ir. For He's the sinner's only friend. have plowin~ matchts annually in West SPECIO wishes to thresh ,~ farmer 11VJ!1g Durham to encoura··e them ? n~ar theni, we wollld hk~ ~o sea hun Mrs. Bedford is expected t.o be well display sand enough to do 1t man open, _ _ __ _...."'.. e nough to return horn" shortly. JVIIITBY . fearles~ ma.mer, and in future try and act A nnrnber of persons from here attended ·· · j on the s peak.when-you're spoken-to prin· quarterly services at Eldad Snuday murnThe Messrs. Robertson have r emoved cipal. iug. 1 their book business to 'foronto. \ - - - -The Township Council met here last Mr .. John Watson has r etnrned from USHA WA . S aturday. Who is t o he H.ccve next yeat St. M ary's to reside again in t bis town. 'fhe Whitby and E ast Whitby plowing -a f~t or a lean man ? Mr. J . H. Greenwood has sold his match was a grand succe~s . Collecting an extra amou!lt of school i·esidence, on Dttnd11s-st, to Mr. R. 'fhe Presbyterian Church is being re· taxes this season d oes ' not take with th e Richardson for $1,500, painted, including the tower. farmers in this neighborhood. The debt of the Methodist T1~bernacl e The Home Circle held an adjonrned is about Sl6,000, but they possess the Mr. W. H. Finnemore has resigned as meeting on Tuesday ev.,ning of this week, fines t church in this section. m anager of the Oshawa Mill. TA UNTON. when con$idemblo business was transb Mr. D . J. M cDougall, of Taunton, has A Ollt two hundred wild geese passed purchased a residence here, aud will beacted . There will boon be another race .' to over the t own on T uesdn.y, which wonld come a resident of this town. Mr. H. T. Phillipa, is improving in H ampton. lead us to suppose that winter is near at heaHh, and expects shortly to be a.bk to On o of the Oshawa Rubicon Traction R u mor saith there are to be seven hand. take his numerous engagements as auc- marria~es shortly. ·f. .A ., th e cc1e- Engines will be shipped from this to .vu to 1, .ev. \"'" ,, m. H as1am, u tioneer. ln this vicinity there have been twelve brated author and evangelist, aml Mrs. England, on November 14th. A large ainount of cider is being made deaths in ten months. Haslam are holding services in S t. John 's Demill College intend celebratino the thi s fall. There is a number of cellars Church here. 10th anniversary_ of the opening J the Outside show is o.11 the go. Had better going to be well stocked when the Scott The Methodist Tabernacle Anniversary college on the 22nd of November. atop and consider the future. Act comes in force. held here on Sunday and Monday of last A number of persons wer e noticed pickMr. Noble will shortly mo ve into Mr. 1£ tb e party who to ok the halter from week was 11 great snccees. The proceed!! in~ beechnuts on Sunday aftemoon. A Mitchell's house, so as to make room. Mr. S. Ruse's buggy, at Enfield, 811nday timotmted to $250. bad day for such actions, gentlemen, 1'.fr. John Stainton has been doing some ~\The members. or the 'Vomeu 's Christian j The Canada Carriage Company, whose before last, will return the s:lme, we will refrain from publishing the name. (50 repairing to his house, previoua to- Temperance U m on h eld _a very s.uccessful fa"tory was recently destroy.ad by fire, cents, please-ED.) A curiosity-·an infant · witll five fingers parlor concert at ~he res1cl~nmi of Mrs.H. are lookiui; for a suitable place to locate. B. Taylor last .Friday evenmg. A n1a11 nnrne d J n.s, SJ1oran o f B ell eHallowe'en passed· off much the sall1e 1·n each hand, and six: toes on each foot. , as on other yeara-a number of gates ·~fr. Cllarles ·welsh has moved into the Mr . .T":a· ll:hlne, of the Grand Trunk ville, was arrested on :Frida~ last, near were taken from t heir customary places. hou se lately occupied by Mr. A. E. Henry. local ~t.afl, ~as had a ~~a~ co ~ta~e. bm tt the G. 'r. R. Station, Oshawa, for break· Too bad to have law-abiding citizens I his house ts t he i ng intn a bonded fr eiaht car Hallowe'en passed off very quietly. for lurn this season . hunting their gates Sm1day morning. t his year. p. 1, Oharl"10 c "amp b e.11, wh o h as There were no plows in any wells this only new one bllilt in Whitby . u 0 r o ·· 'fhe following is the standing of the year. A large m~gs meettn!( of the you11~ .lived just east of Demil!Oollege for nearly pupils of the Sr. Division of the Public Mr. John Brock is our ne\v undertaker. people an~ children of the t,own w~s held a half century, died on Wednesday last . School. Names are ·~rranged in order of All ord ers filled with neatness and la.at week m the ~ddfellews H<tll ror the He was about se venty years of age. merit :-5TH CLASS- - N . Cryderman, J. despatch. purpose of formmg a bracch of the Spe i l 1J fo · th t Elliott, A. Browne, L. Ellis. 4TH CI,ASS U11nadian Band of Hope. "[etl1o"' d"1 · t coChec tl ns 1111 e iSmbcob:oi ·t~· We have four widowers on the same -· u s urc 1, iere, on a a u. - -1\L J . Elliott, J. McFeeters, G. Brown, SOLINA. week, to· r aise the amount usually made F . H ooper . . SENIOR 3RL- E . Brown, side of the road in the short distance of at the annual t ea meeting,reached$139.10. L. Salter, E. Moynes, E. Scott. .TUNT')R half a mile. liallowe'en passed off very q ui etly in Mr. John Cornish ha.s moved into his Messr s. J . 0 . Guy & Son have secured 3Rn- E. Browne, M. H astings, W . Colethis village. residence. May be he will give the all their coal with the exception of a few fine man, E. Ct'yderman. S,;N1ou 2Nn-'V'. Turnips lmve been flying in all direc- tons, from t he Magdaia, which ran on the Inch, H. Gouc~ge, L. Beer, M. Katerson. boys a h op. t ions the past w~ek. beach two weeks ago. Their loss will be R . J .- N IDJ)ERY, Teacher. Young men wl_io a ttend Mount Vernon Mrs. Hillis has returned fr om a pro- under $500. SLOW BOY. should see that the wheels of t heir buggies longed visit in the Wes t. She enjoyed are not tied before they start for home. her visit very much . ENNISKILLEN. RiUd to beat :- In one family three ORO.NO. "Dan," a trotting horse, wh ich Mr . daughters were married inside of four Mr . Nesbitt, one of our aged residents, 'fhos. Eaker, ot this section, sold over a All things running in peace and quiet passed over tu the great majority on months, and now the father is lik ely to year ago for $200, has been recently sold in and about this villuge hence news is V EnITAS. Saturday night last. His remains wer e follow suit. for $12,000. He now trots his m ile in scarce. -----·-~ - . .....,..__ inten ed in the Newtonville cemetery on less than 2:16. Mr. N. A. J erome is veneerin" his Monday, 2nd inst. He was 78 years of CO URTICE. The quarterly meeting was well at - house and when finished will add ~·1ch age. Messrs. D. Pickle and J. Walter left tend ed on Sunday at Eldad. There wer e to the appearance uf the north end of om" Willie, a little rnn of Mr. Thomas early Monday morning to take a week's quite a. number from Hampton , Zion , M t. t own. Gilders, Haydon, "Was acJ1deutally kicked duck shooting at Scugog. Mr. Blake Vernon, Enlield and other places. Mr. 'fhe Stms of 1\nnparence are going to in the face by a horse on the 25th ult., Courtice is organizing n.nother party to Brown preached a very instructive aermon . pay Leskatd Division a friendly visit on knocking out qui te a number of teeth follow next week. Mr. R. JH. Kirkpatrick has bought out t his Friday evening. A p;ood time ill and fracturing both upper 11nd lower Mr. Wm. Curt is and Miss Flo'i'ence the stock of dry goods, groceries, etc. , in expected. jaws. He is doing well at last acco unts. Mr. W. W. Andrus, of the Hamilton Barber had t he mystical knot tied on the S ol ina store from Mr. Trewin, an d is There wa s a good atteudance at J\1.r, Tuesday evening at the parsonage. Now offering tempting bargains in all lines . Clipper Base Bali Club, givea us free T. T. Jardine's sale last Saturday. The that the ice ie broken we ex[>ect to see a The stock is fully assorted for fall and ex:hibi t ions of catching and throwing on proceeditigs were enlivened during the rushing business <lone in this neighbor- winter trade. Call and see. th e streets, quite frequently. afternoon by a pame of ' 'br1ll in the ring," hood. On Thursday, 12th inst., there is to It will soon be timo for the would-be in which several of our local celebrities b~ a ~hm1ks-giving Service, for Hamp~on member of the council to cultivate the The Y. P. C. A., at Ebenezer, gave an took part. The photographer was taken C1rcu~t, held at M_ t. V e rnon, comm encrng . most affable of manners a nCJ to have the by surprise and almost paralyzed by the open programme on 'l'uesday evening. at 2 o ?' ?ck j services to. be eonducted _by front side of his brain box: covered with enraged owner of Taurus, and the Gli.ost, There was a fair t urn out and a ll appeared the Mmtsters ; and at mght, commeucmg smiles for· everybody aeed with t he efforts of t he young in his turn received Sllch a shaking from well pl A 7 o'clock at Eldad, a grand Praying · . Hev . .T. Whitlock added much at tli e ar tiet as to completely vanish from people. Band meeting will be held, when all the The lloy_al Templa:s of thl.8 place se~n1 the scene-Bull and all. We may yet to the interest of t h e meeting by rela.ting Banda of the circuit are expected. The to be makrn~ very little progress. '.I~e have a law suit, " Bull nm vers1is Dartem," some amusing incidents of his early public generally are kindly in vited to be members act ,ts though t~ey th~ught tne ministerial experience. over the matter. present on both occasions . Please make dollar and cent part of uhe busmess was The rowdy element of t his section did business bend to the occasion it beiH" a all they had to care for. Report of the Public School for the month of October. :~fames arranged in n ot let Hallowe'en pass without sur- general holiday. ' Dw1~ Mrs. Martinell who has for some t ime orde1· of merit. SEN. 3RD CLAss-.Jennie passing all previous records in vul15arity been living here has a!;{ain decided to try M cLaren, Alfie Mitchell, M1H'y Virbue, and baseness ; some of t hem descended NEW JZA VEN. and live with her Liege Lord, Jas. MarRose Brown, Minnie Rogers, Carrie even below the brutes in filt hiness. If t inell, of Kendall. We trust t hat nothin"' M r . Casey T · .ru 11 Jos t a h orse 1asr. wee k · may interfere with their future peace. 0 Rogers, Bertie Byers, Mary Lewis, Clara they ever reach the state of manhood, Mr. Sam. Burgess 11as moved i nto the · m Brown. J UN . :::IRD CJ.A;;s-Ettie Gilbe1·t, which is doubtful, surely the r ecollection The So!1s of ~emperance have been Ella St,ainton, Calrai Mills, .John Virtue, of that night's d ebauch will cause them to house on the corner. l\t(rs. Moore a former resident of our fortun_ a te 111 securrng Mr. J ohn R . Clarke Charlotte R ogers, Willie Dean , Willie hang t heir heads in shame. hamlethasbeen visitina her old neiahbors. to d~hver a lecture h ere on Wed nesday Potter, Fred Moroney, Allie McCullough. 0 0 evcnmg next. Mr. Clarke lectured here SEN, 2No OLA.SS - Ada Moyse, Louise _A good set of te eth w~s found on the a few weegs ago on ' ' 'ro and Fro in LonLewis, Ettie Brown, Harry Pye, George ra1lway track by some clnldren the ot her don " and we foe! certain t hat his second MAPLE G.llOVE. 1'hompson, Minnie M11rtin, Ettio Gifford, week . . Owner can get them by provmg appearan.c e will be greeted by a full · Si<lney Hockaday, Ada Oke, Lottie GraMr. H,ichard James, V . S ., an enthusi- props1ty. house. Proceeds to help defray expenses ham, Joseph Dean. JuN. 2ND C.tASS- astic Salvationist, and Mr. Otto Froelich, Master Osborne, yoLmges t son of Mrs. in repairinu Hall "' ' . William Rogers, F:mma Lewis, Osburt a wealthy and popular young Swiss agri- C. Osborne, broke his arm the other week Byers, Mabel. Hutchison, Charlie oyse, culturist (a bachelor), of Cambray, Ont., by falling from a tree wliere he was . NoTE.- By an oversight one or two items from t he News app~ared amo~g Wm . Stainton, Ethel Potter, Maggie spent Sunday and Monday at Mr · .John O"atherinv beech nuts . " . "' . our Orono correspondence without credit Virtue, Frank Montgomery. T . L. .James'. Miss _ Addie Walters ran a crokhet last week.- En. Sl'APLES, 'reacher. The m an ying. season was fittingly in- nellclle mto her hand a few days ago and augurat ed on Tuesday by the nuptia ls of had to undergo a surgical operation be- ii big Mr. W.Courtice and little Miss Barker. fore it could be got out . LEBK.ARD. NEWCASTLE. Our Division is well attended and the 0 fi · I t t ' · I Th · ] M eth oc1ist c1iurch will Mr. Chas. Wilmot aud pn.rty have ren a ne e venmg a s ior ime smce a e seats m tie turned to N ewcastle, from Pigeon Island, meetings are very profitable. "pl~,wman homeward ploding hi~ weary/ be l et by auclion next Monday night. to which they went on Oct. 13tl1, and There is universal regret over the ap. way was transformed, by the distorted P erson s interested attend. collected 1,500, 000 salmon eggs . One proaching departure of Mr. T. Kirkpatrick visions of two residents of yourtvwn, into 1 _ __ _ .. ,._ man remains for a fe w more days, as the from our school. His successor is Mr. II. the smoke stack of a steam thresher. $ 1.00- You can get the WEEKLY GLOllE fi~h are s pawning later than usual this Barber, of Bowmauville. · Master William Thomas ·w orden, son Some ufourmarriageableyoungmaidens of .Tames Worden, Esq ., while fe ed ing from now to the end of n ext year by subyear. Before the season is over another million e{!gs will be gathered at Pigeon say they cannot underst and why the town the horses in the stable on Tuesday, re· scribing at th e Stat esman office, for one dollar- tf. hland. - -JJa'ily Tirnes. girls engage the attention of some of the [ eeived a very severo kick in the left side boys in this section. P lease attend t o from one of them. D r. Beith is in atR emnants at less than wholesale prices tendahee. Wnncui. at Mason Bros. E very parcel a bargain at Mason Bros .. home duties, lads. I I KIRBY. I I I I s· ___ I