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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1885, p. 2

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i . .£.II& IS PUilT,ISHEI) THE CAMADIAM STATESMAN 'EVERY FRIDAY MORlWiNG, -BY- WARREN LELAND, whom everybody knows as tho succetsj'ul manager of the I YOUNG FOLKS. My Ships. When my good ships come ea!Ung lo eball in tru t h, be rich Indeed, And have enough to spare. I'll elt me down and etn<ly up, · What J had better do With a.11 n.iy t.rea.t1ure on ite wo.y Acroea the briny sea. With ca.rgo~B ~rt'ut a11c:1 tare M; A.JAl\IES, AT THE Oli'EICE ··tOftlceBlock, Klng8t., Bowmanvllle, Ont TER:Nt:S: $1...'lll 11c:rnn1rnm ,or nn ·.io1r1uddlh advanee larg~t Hotel Enterprises Payment strictly In advance required frtim · "ubsor1bers outside of the county. Ord«1rs to discontinue the paper mu~t bo accompanied by t ~e amount due. or the paper will no~ bes topped. suttacribers are responsibleuntll tul lpayment ls made. JU.TES 0}" A.l)VEllTISING z [\;;E ~ of America, says that whilo a passe!lger from :New York on board a ship going around Qit,P!) lfom, in tho early days of emigration to O:<t_;£omia, he 1carned that one or the emcem e.f the vessel had cured himself, dming the voyage, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Stnee than Mr. LELAND has 1·ecommcnded AYJm'S SAUsArARJLLA in many similn.r eases, and he has never yet heard of its failure to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of l\fr. LELAND'S farm laborers bmised his leg. Owing to the bad etato of his blood, an.ugly scrofulous swelling er lump appeared on the injured limb. Hor. rlble itching of t he skin, with bttrning antl darting pt>ine through the l11mp, nmdo life almost intolerable. Tho leg became enor. monsly enlarged, and running ulcers formed, dir.chal'ging great quantitios of ~xtrcmely offensive matter. No tniatmeut WM of nny avail until tho man, by 111r. LELAND' S direction, wns Sllppliod w.ith AYlllt's SARSAPAlt!f,J,A, "hieh allayerl the pain aud irritation, liealcu the sores, removed the swelling, antl completely restored tho limb to use. , ' Mr. LELAND has personally used farm I 'll buy of goodly Si7'~ , And b~ve tlie eoil well tiil'd, 7h>t wnrn tbe ~utc11nn fully comea My barns eball all be lllh1. A th~ue~nd sheep shall wander fortll, Alon~ t he verdant hill·, Wr.ilat cows aud horo·· feed beside '.Ihe mo·'101vs' hwpid rills. I'll build a ' 'home" for c nplee old, A ·' " One quarter. _.. ....... 12 50 Quarter Colurr..n one ye1J.r . .......... 20 ~O " " }{alt ye1>r .. . . . . ·. . . · 12 oO ·· One quarter..... . .· 8 00 Slx lines and under, J lrst inaertion .. subsequent inil()rtlon .. ..·· 0 25 From ai:x: to ten lines, fir st in aertion, 0 75 " h:acll ottb~t>quent insertion...... 0 35 ::.._10 over ten lines.first insertlon,}lerllne 0 10 Ea.oh subsequent insertion, " I> 03 The numl:.oer of lines to be reckoned by he space occupied,.measured by a scale of aolid Nonpareil.' " " One quarter ......... 20 00 ~°Tl Hu.If Column ono year .. ............ . 3G 00 - ·· Halt year ......... ..... 2u 00 - Whole Column one year ....... ...... $6il 00 r.:l::;; ;'!: Half year .. . . . · · . .. . . ilG 00 · 1i; :;:: Where thev can livti togt~1her1 A,n d p tk<s the nmna11t of tue1r daye Th...ougb iJrigh; 10nd storwy weuober. Bubere my pla11e are au prepared i JI wait to ··· my ship·. Fur fe~r the adage wi.cht come true Whion tolls of sliP" twixt cups and Ups. ·o How Bov Blue Mended the World. Boy Blue w~ s listening while grandpa. and a.notner old gentleman t .ilktd. I don't Know why they called him Boy Blue, unl<>·a it wa.o becu11ae he h"'d such. bl11e ey.,s, for he wo uld h"'ve been the v.ry ],.et hoy 't o go f.s~ &Bleep undbr the while.ttl.e oo~va were getting into the corn. Not he, indeed; those hri~nt eyes of hie would hav., 13pied them before they got within smelling a;~tance of tho oorn, and he would hLwo been on hand witll h is big dog to ma.Ira them sca.mper the other w1.1y in a hurry, If you asked th<1.t dog's name 1BJy Blue would answer, "Glless ;" and !~hen, after you had guessed Rover, and D,,.ah, and Fido, and Carlo, and a.11 the other dogH' n ...mes you ever heard of, a.nd got tired of it aod asked, "Well, what is hie then?" Boy Blue would still answer, "Guess," with hi.o eyes jllat brimful imd running over with tun. And then if you beg1>n i>gain, a.nd guessed all the doga' na.mes you never dtd h ear of, and got quite out of p!!.tience this t ime, end declarea you would not guess any more and he must tell you, Boy Blue would laugh so hard that he wou ld tumble down and roll a.round t ile ground, shouting , " Gue~a, G 11ees ! ' for tha.t wa.s the doge n .~me, ==- -·-DR. 'l',UIBLl:'N, and Oftice :-Silver Street. Bowm& nville. P HYSICIAN. SUHGEON AccOUCHllUR. 1 I· Jtr, A. 8El1'H, RADUATE OF THE 'fOHONTO UNIVER ' SI'l'Y P hysician, Surp.:eon,&c. Otflce King troot. MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanville. G Ayer's Sarsaparilla' for Rheumatism, with entire success; 11ncl, after carcflll observation, declares that, ln his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for the cure of L ive1· Disorders, Gout, tile effects of high li\·ing, Salt R1u~um , "May I now r !!.'-ked Boy Blue. "Well, yes," reepond.,d Grandpll ; "if tliey'U come down w ith one hit, they ca.n't L<> of rn uch use. " · Bov Blue rushed off f<>r a club, and aimed IT&liMit blow a.t one of the pillats. Crf1\Ck and with a splin~e1ing and crumbling uol·e the decayed wood fell into so many pieces there was h ardly one large'encugh t o pick up. The other pillar me~ with a like fate. " My p'lotience !" exclaimed Grandpa., snivey ing tbe ruins , ··that thiug might have come down on our heads any evening ' when we were sittiLg out here, and broke all om· skulls for ns. How did you come to find ou t; 'twas so rot ten, sonny 1 ' "Why, I wo.a looking for something to mend, u.nd I thought J d mend that hole Joe punched in the pi!l..r, and then I found it was so rotten I was afraid it would come down on my head ; so I hollered io.t you." "What did you .w ant something to mend for?" asked the oid man iu surpri·e , "Becausa I heard you and Mr. Peters saying t he wr1rld needed manding, and I thought I'd d"I my share; 1>nd I men<itld the hole in t he roa<l while you etnotl talking, and then I fixed the fence a.nd the doorntep--" "Mended the hole in th" roo.d !" interupted Grandpa., greatly aatoniahed ; 11.nd down be to Lhe gat.e to 8"" fur himself ; tne clreaded hole waa actuu.llv filled up 11ond smoothed ovc ' r as if it hc;d newer been. "And he did it wllila we stood groaning over the world needed menrling," muttend Gra.ndpa., under his l,re ·.,~ b.; "a.nd its been there for months, and neither of ua ever thought of touching it. Su ·h little hands too ! I hope the n· xt g<meration .,. ill be like Boy Btue."-Hc.wper's Y ovmg Peop le. -· I & MASO BROTHERS. We wish to return our smcere thanks to the people of Bowmanville and surrounding- neighborhood for the liberal patronage w hichhas been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving conclusively that the method adop ted by us of making "every parcel a bargain a1~d every bargain an advertisement" is one which the people appreciate. We shall continue to act on that principle and astonish and delight you all. W e sha11 astonish you. by the lowness of our prices and delight you with the excellence of .our goods. We h ave for th is fall ho~ght a choice selection of seasonable gciods. and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassec11 and that our reputation will not suffer in the output of the goods. Come and inspect our goods and allow u s to put you up a parcel when you will find that it is indeed a bargain, and we trust, will become an advertisement. The Launch of :Eagland's Cmck Orniser A l1>rge ga.ther ing of Bpecta.tors assembled in the d ockyard at Chazhom to wit asa the launch of h"r Majesty s ship Severn. This vessel, wben completed, will be one of the mo~t important additi ons which have been made to the rayai navy, The Severn i·· a.a unarmored fast stetl cruiser, belongiug t o the cla ·S of the twin screw protectad cor vette, which include~ the The.mes and the M drsey. She is a more powerful vessel th..n the crnisCl"s of the Leander type, and poeees sea grei>ter & t power, 'lhe prinoiple fol· lowed in her comtruction ha.a been th11t of the wa.ti;r-tight hull, a!ld tile main object which the deaigaera ha.d in v~ew is to gu...rd as much as po·eible the boilers, engin ,s, and maguzlnes trnn d ~nger. 'rne Severn had been .. oout two years in the course of construction, and is estiinc;ted to coet about £160. 000. If the antwipatious of her d,si~nera <>re reahze< 11 it is believed she will t urn out to be one < f the fc.&teat cruillern in the serviue. tier priuoip .. l d i· m~lll<iona <>re as follows : L eugtn bi;tween t tl.e perpendiculars, 300 feet ; extr onw breadth, 46 feet; mea.n drnught d water, 17 feet 9 inohee; load d ·spla.cEment, 3. 600 '.ori.. Her a.rm.m~m will conaht of two 8 ·in ch breech-loading guns, t< n 6-inch breech-load ing guns, one 9-pounder bo"'t and field gun, one 7-pouuder boat and field gun, six 1-inch N ordenfelt guns, and two-forty-inoh l.:br d ner guns. 8b.e will carry Whitehead torpedols, and discharge thtim a.boveaud below w~ter on broadside. Although the hull is unarmored, the veseel is p rovided with a niue-in sh thick armor steel-faced conning tower, steel protective h orizonbl deck pl..ting two inches thick, and three inohes of t he on slopes. She will be titted with horizontal compound engines of 6,000 Indicated horse power, by Meseers, Humphry, Tennant & Co,, of Dept· ford There two ~ropelle1·s, a.nd the vessel is estimated to attain ,,. apeed of p~ knots per hour. The authorized ocm1ple ~ ment of her coa.l bunkers is 500 tons. and aceommodv.tiou is provided for 300 dficere and men. Tnree o'clock was the hour ap{lointed f11r the proceedings t o begin. As the hour a.pprou.ched "'liuge staff of workmen all preparations fur th e christening ceremony, which was pedormed by Mies D ...isy Wa1eon, daughter of Admir..! w ...tson, C. B, Admiral Superintendent of the dookyard, Prayers haviog been read by the Rev. Mr. Dearden, a. signa l wae given by t he chie· conatruutor , In r<sponse to which Miss Wateon moved the lever hold ing the ropes. As the last support w1 ..s lmoclrnd awlly a. pa.u ee of" minutt> or two . occurred, d uring whwu the V(lseol rnmained fast on t he stocks There w ..s a momenta.ry bustle and a. flicl!.er of excituuent; but pre6ently t he v essel, oboyi!lg tne slight prtHaure which had been 11pplied to it, bega.n to move from t he·minge which had retained it eo long, and ami<! a storm of enthusiastic cheer· slid 6Wiftly into the Medway, As the Severn got fa.irly out of the slip tho chcera were ag,.,in renewed ; the royal sta.nda.rd, the union jack, and the A dmiralty ila.g were hoisted on boa.rd the cruieer, aud t he band of the lfoyal Marines brouizht the proceedings to a. clone by playing" l't11le, Britanr1ia." It h expected th ..t the Severn will be roody for her first commission in a few months, ... -·- ... MASON BROS., Late S. MASON ICEN'l'IA1'Jl) OF TliE HOY.AL cor,LEGE .;if Physicians and member of the Royal Goilege of Sttrgeona, JJ;din burv,h. _ { )ftl oe: MOHkIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman~ l_ t.e _._ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .1. W, ltleLaughHn, lU. n., & SoN. L So1·es, Eru1ltions, autl all tho DR · .J. (;. lt!lT4;JIELJ,, '!.V1 and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. lltfEMBER O}j, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Office and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. Jolm Keith Galbrt\lth, DA RRISTER, sor ...ICITOR, NOTARY .n .PU HJ, lC, &.c. Ofilce- l:lonnsa.ll's Bloc,k c King St1·e0t, Bownmuville. Money to lend, - - -- - · - ····----··-·-- -"'· D. ~mu:rn SHllPSl~N, D A.RRIS1'Elt, SOLICITOR, &;o., MOP'R.IS In BLOCK, up sta.irs, King Street. Bo~man v!Ue. Solicitor for Lllo Ontario Bank. J"ri·al;e HDaefs loaned at the lowest ra.tes. .tr.OBEUT A.JUUHJR, v:wioua forms of b'l oml discaocs. ·we llavo llfr. LEr.AND'S permission to invite all who may desire furtller evidence in rngant to tlio ox.traordinary cumti ve powers of AYilll'S SARSAl'ARILL.A. to see him pers@nnlly e.lther at llis mammoth Ocean Hotel, Leng Branch, or at t he popular Leland Hole\ nroa<lway, 27th and 28tlJ Streets, Ne1v YQrk. l\Ir. J,ELAND'S extensive knowledge of ilia good done by this unequallctl cradicato1· of lJlooll poisons enables l1im to givo inquirers much valuable information. Pntil'ARED BY Boots and Sl1oes Keep your feet dry and warm, Ill . ~ You can do so by calling at the Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., lowek1, Mass. Sold t>v all Drum;i~ts; $1, cix bottles.for $5, R 'f EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM I SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.tto1 ·· ey &t Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money oaned on Re1t.l Estato. Ot!lce on King street, 6owme.nvHle. - - -- ---------- --·-- Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Association. It is cheaper than tho Cana.diun Mutual .Aid, A, 0 . U. W, or any paqs around your hat institution, as the following examples will prove : 'l'hos. McClung has been ins u red since 1872 for$2,000and the l ast five years it on ly cost him $2 .55 per aunum on $1, 000 to insure. John McCJung ibsured at the same t ime for the same amount and it onl v cost him $1. 74 per annum on $1,000 to insure, he b0ing a little younger. We certify the above to be corr ect. Thos. McClung, John M cclung. THOS. BINGHAM, - -- - - - - -- IOENSED 21. T. 1·IULLll'S - - -- - - /iJ. of Durhnm, Salee promptly attended. A UUTIONEER for the County 59. .Addreas-H1impton P . O. B. HU1'Ulll80:V. ICENSED AUC'IIONEER, CONYEY.rn C.KR ~nd Commissioner in B. B . 8ales at ended to promr tly at reasonable rates. a.Address-Enniskillen P. O. L GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO - everv man who bnvs his J,icenae from A HENRY SYLVESTER-. Enniskillen. W. W. J)J(;JUflt',, OHN BUGBES. ~ Licen s ed Auct'oneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. }'Ire vnd Life . nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Mon()y to Lend on reasonable terms. .A<'dreae Ce.rtwrip:hr, Ont. 472 J Ras reoo!ved her n ew stock oC E'l'ERlN.A.RY SURGEON, i~raduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and R esidence, Ni.:w'l'ONVILLJl:, Ont. v;rm visit Orono every Tuesday. Office h ours from 12 a. m. to 4 p. ro .. at Coulter·s Hotel. Specio.l 1.1ttention paid to Surgery. 32-ly* V . GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern 1\/l'O~EY Loan and Savings Company, and pays interest at the r<>te of i and 5 per cent. No notice of withdraw11,l required. Also loans money on moi·tgages at lowost rates. No commission charged. I<'· .A.LLEN, Bowmanville. 8-ly. l.l'J. receives money on deposit for theOntario ! MONEY !- The subscriber BONNETS, HATS and assortment ot ,V. PJUU'. W. lV ILLSON, TRIM~,1flNGS n-,EACBER OF PIANO, ORGAN .A.ND 81'0RF. 1- 81\CORd Door W e~ t of Wlllill·U ..i.. SINGU'oj G. Terms: For begi.nners $6; for Rntcher Stan advanced pupils . $10 tor quar~er or ;welve lessons. R~sid ence at Mr. Joseph Britt11in's, corner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow 51-~ man ville. Pianos Tuned and Repab.·cd. ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS oelng in their mplo '. 0l'"IOE, l~owmanville . DOJllINION MRS.·HUMPHREY HAS REMOVI!;D Y.ER or i·epaired can haTe thom a ttended Pby1.'nned leaving word at the OHGAN HARNESS SHOP Co's A first-clas man 0 !'lOW So Ho! Ge:nU.cmeu of' Fash ion, uot so .tast. to bu ildings formerly occupied by CODD & CO., ave writt.en these few lines And all I hav e to sayl'ba.t you can find me still at home, Ja m not gone away. So all my kind ol d r riends may come, And all the young ones, too, And get the1r·garmen ts nicely made In !aah!on8 that are new; !Vhere old and young, di;ar tr!enos, may meet .A. weloome V>'Antinv. hv R. PTI)JI 'l'!C first Door tast of RueboUomHouse1 She bas now in stock everythin~ usually found in a well equipped HARNESS SHOP. DENTISTRY Call at the new premises. MRS. HUMPHREY W I TH TEETR. WITHOUT TEETH . The Jeweller's, Is the beat place in t own to buy Watches, Clocks · and Jewellery of all the. n e west PRA(JTJCA.L J>ENTJST 9 d esigns. B efore purchasing give me a ':>VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. call and you will save money - we will not ,)iitrousOxtdeClai H A.dmhalsrered Cor Palnlcs be undersold by any scn all firm. We 01,eratlons. carry a large stock of suoh goods as are OFFICE HC:()l.lJNG'S BLOCK, usually k ept in a first-class jewellery store. J.M. BRIMACOMBE, In Spectacles ancl E ye Glasses we k eep· th e b est in town, and ours is t he on1y p:ace in town where an O p t o meter is k ept for fitting the sight properly. You cannot be too careful about y our eye sight . c. HAR.ND EN, L. D. S., In Silverware our stock is all new and of the la test desig ns, and will be sold at low prices to euit the times. Gradu&te of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, On tano, OFFICE OYER DICKtiON'S STORE, lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. In Repairing ate Work executed in the latest and mo~ t Watches, Clocks and Jewellery and all improved style of the Denta.l Art, fine work we p;ive the v ery best satisfacEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN , tion. We do all our own work and defy the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthoutinjury competition. to the patient. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex change. P artlonlar attention to the regulation ot OHILDREN' 5 T E E 'fH. MAYNARD, The J eweller ,_..ALL WORK W .ARE.ANTED. .._ . Morris' B lock, Bowmanville vVell, as I said, Iloy Blue and G11ess were listening to gra.ndpa and another old gentleman talking. · Boy Blue was VHY much interested in l :stening, for they ware telling about something wbLh he t hought reedt1d t o be attended t o right away. They wt11e sayiug tha t the world n~ ed"d tntlnding, th ..t it wa· i11 a v ..ry bad wa.y tmd getting wor~e all t/J.e tlme; th..t thiog3 were not at all as they need \ O be, an.d nobo y oould tell where it would all end . "Gnndpa," said Boy Blue, ··is it really true that the world 110eda mending!" '"Yes, indeed, child, b&dly enough," sighed the old man, aha.king his he1ut but nev r looking down a.i; Boy Blue's ea.rnest face. "B<1t, where, grandpa? where dot s it need mending ?" "~ vHy\1-hHe ohild. Y ou can't take a step, right or left, without stleing it." Boy Bl ue leaked arouniJ . Sure enough, there was a. big hol" i n the middle of the road. It h"'d been there ever so long, a.nd horses had stumbled into it, and wagons ha.d jounced off part of their loa.ds by running a. whLe\ Into it, and the ddvers had scolded and grnmbled, but nobody h ad ever tried to mevd it. Boy Blue stood still and thought about it. The world was getling worn o vt, it was plain. "It'll have to be mrnded, that 's a ll a.bout it," said ho to himself. "I should think Grandpa and Mr. Peter would go right to work at it now, I know tha.t I can mend that hole in tbe road, Anyh<>w, arvl th'l.t'll be so much done. Como along, Guess." Guees came along, and d id not hang back even wl>ea he saw ihe little ca.rt pulled out, whi ch he wa.s not 11t io.11 fond of drawing. He had le... rn· d by melanoholy experience ii Boy B lue made up bis mind t o a thiug done it had t-0 be doce sooner or la.tor, and ho might ai.s weH be good -natured about It. f o back and forth he trotted, dogt'ully d oing his put to mend the world. I t took a good. deal of ha.rd work to get big stoaeo 1n1d little stones and gra.vel enough to fill that bole. hut B oy Blue ...nd Gu· ss kept at It, and 'l'l'hen the last ea.rtful of g1·avel was finally stamped down hard you would b,p.rdly have known there hi.d ever been a hole th~re. .A.ll th...t time Granu pa and Mr. Petera sto ~d and ta.Jk.,d and ehook t heir h eads, but Boy Blue did not mind them any more. He had found out what n ·eded t o be dotie, and he mea.ut to do his p a.rt of it anyway. When the hole was filled up he looked around for something else to mend , a.nd saw a hen h opping through a _ gap in the fence, where two pickets were off. Up jumped Boy Blue, as eager '18 ever, and trudged off for h ammer and na.ile, and was soon pounding away at the pickets as lf his life de_. pended on getting them in p lace. He re· membered now how many times mother had r un out y esterday to scare the henu SCIENTIFIC SPARKS. away. People get worn ou t, too, someI t h!!.s taken thirty t rials to a lense times, ancl had to be mended, he reflected. Well, this should be one more thix>g for the Lick telescope in s~n Fra.ucisoo, but mended. When he got the p ickets on he one ht\11 been obtained which ia w ithout a meant to go and nail down the loose board fhw. on the b;;ck doorsteps. Mother had Round chimneys are be~t for worksh opP, tha.t morning tha.t she b~lieved she should .fa.ctod es, etc. They deliver the smoke break her leg on that board. l t would be mere easily and lees exposed to the ea.sier t o mend the boa.rd than the leg, and wind. They not, however, ao to would n it take so long, either. 'When t he build. fence and the steps were in good condition Two microrcopiste, Dr. Nuseabaum and again, Boy Blue stood still a. few minutes, Dr. Gruber, h,.ve artificially multiplied innot imn: edia.teiy seeing any more work to usorin. by cuttil!; them in halves , each half do, Presently he bt sight of a broken place in one of the sq, hollow pillara of becoming a perfectly developed anim'l.l, Rings, or concentric ligneous layers, ttl.e porch. Joe had staved it in m e day with the would seem to be a very u ncertain indic11.handle <>f his rake, and Boy Blue remem- tion of the age of trees. In Mexico some bered t ha.t Grandpa.said ths.t it must be trees known to be but 22 years old were pretty rotten, or iii would not have broken found with 230 rings. so easily. He looked at the hole and poked A paper is manufactured from sea.weed his finger into it ; then be pulled out hie in Japan tba.t :ba~ the trDn!pa.rency of gla.aa knife ...nd pr.oceeded to inv estigate further. - not exactly clear flint glase, but a good Then he went and examined the other pll- rnrt of stained glaas - a.nd can be used satisla.r, and as the result of that examinat ion factorily in windows. be dodged outside the porch a.nd shouted If ignit ing by detonation or concueRlon "Grandpa. I" a.t the wp of his lungs. can be prevented, chemists aseert that shells Grandpa, who ha.d finished his talk with on.n b e charged with an f x plooive so potent Mr. P eters, and was tlA ken a quiet d oze on tha.t one of th·m, bursting alongside ~. n i ron the sitting-room lounge, sprang up and cla.d, would d1a.tter th" strongest 1um1 r rushed out on the poroh, expecting at ill.oat. to .see Boy Blue lying ou the ground under 'fhe F rench government has had conthe big a.pple tree :vith hie leg brok<>n. Bu t Boy Blu.,'s legs appeared to be perfectly structed a machine which, with the eng ine sound, a.nd he r emarked, calmly, "l operating it, weighs some thi 1ty -fi ve tons, wouldn't stand under t h at porch roof if I wbioh will cut ~tee! plates an inch in thiok were you, Grandpa, 'c!louse the pillars are so ness. It is used in cutting pla.tes for swift rotten h might come down a lmost any cruisers. The American Indians are found by time." Matthews to a. knowledge of animals "Pillars r ntten !" said Grandpa.. "Oh, and plv.nta lncompa.rably superior to that nonsense ! Ia tha ~ all you're screaming of the a vew ge white man , or of the white a.bout?" "Come out here and Rive m 9 leave to give man who ha.a not z oology or botany a subject of study. 'em one good bit ?" a.sked Boy Blue, ea.gerly, longing for a bit of fun after all his hard Talc ore le being disoovered in large quanwork. But Gr.mdpa. t h ou ght it prudent t<> tities near l'ted Cliff, Col. , principa.lly in examine before giving hlH permission, and c3'vea, The ore is light 1md flnffy a.nd gives the result of his exllmin .,tion wa.s th.i t he no indications of mineral value, yet has immediadely went to work to prep up the yielded seven ounces of gold and sixty-three porch roof with stout po lea, 1 ounces of silver to the ton. arlorShoe tore,' where there wilJ be found a complete assortment of every kind of footwear from the smallest to the largest. If we canno.t £t you with a ready-made· pair, we can make you any kind t hat may be needed, in the latest style. Good fits warranted every time or no sale. OE JM:E~ TI~G neatly done so that the patch can scarcely .be discovered. Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; also the Best qual~ty of Dressing and Blacking Please give No trouble to show goods. us a call. STAND:- Neads' Block. _ m 1wms_ o:1a W'. .JENNINGS. Now Dry Goads and Clothing I ELLISON a CO. Beg respectfully to announce that their New S tock of F all and Winter Goods is complete. We make a Epecialty of' Ready Made and.Ordered Clothing. Cloakings and Ulsterings, Dlack and Colored Silks. (We offer Dress Goods remarkably low.) Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. Having bought very largely we want to sell quickly, consequently, we will offer goods at prices that will astonish onr c ustomers. ____......................_____ It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. vVe mean business this season and are bound to sell, therefore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed.:-;Bowmanville, ~ept ember 30th, iss5. ELL IS Q N & CO. ; TOD BROS' New Dry Goods Store. thank the large number of customers who have patronized them since opening. It is exceedingly gratifying to us to be favored with so many buyers in starting our business, and your continued support will encourage us t o serve all i n the very best manner possible. We h ava opened out in the past week a very large stock of Fall and Winter Goods which we shall sell a t a very small advance on cost. Hoping to be favored with an early call. Tod Bros: desire respectfully to 7~on New Dry Goods Store. BR 0 ~~'

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