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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1885, p. 3

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· / AYER'S Pectoral. N o oth er complaints are so insidiou~ i11 their .. ~herry attack as those atrectingthe throat and lungs: uone so trifled with by t he majority of suffer. ers. The ordi11ary cough or cold, resulti11g perhaps from a trilling or unconscious e:i.:1>osure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. An.m's C1 rnmtY P EC'l'O.ltAL has well proven its ell)cacy in a forty years' tigM with throat am! lung diseasos, and should l>t taken in all cases without dellly. A Terrll>le Cough Cnred. "In 1857 I took a sever e cold, which a trecnied my lungs. I hall" terrible congh and pai;sed night after nigllt without sleeJl. 1 The doctors ~'OllAL, which relieved my. lm1gs, . induced sleepL and atrortle<l me tile re8t necessary Ior t e recovery of my strength. Ily the contillued u se of the PECT01lAL a perm1>nent cure w"s effected. 1 a m uow fji years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your CH!!:lUtY PEC.'TO RAL saved me. HonAc1i FArn11nonrnn." Rockiogham, Vt., July 16, 1882. Croup. - A Motlte1"s Tribute. "While In the country last wii1ter my little boy, th1·ee years old, was tal<en Ill with crnuu; it seemed as if he wou ld tlie from strangulation. One of the family suggested the usa gave 1 n e up. I tried AYEit's Cnl:!nRY PEc- to our delight in Jess thnH half au liou1· tl)o little patient was breathing ca:;ily. Tho doctor said t hat t he CHEl\ltY Pl~CTORA L J1ad saved my darling's life. Can you wonder At our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, 159 '\Vest 128tl1 St., Ne\v York, May 16, 1882. "I have used AYER'S CnEnnv PEc~·onAr. iu my family for sevcrnl year$, and do not besit·ite to pronounce it t he most ell'ectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J . CnANE." Lake Crystal, l\Iinn., March lJ, 1882. "I sutrered for eight years from Droncl1ttis, an<l after t rying many remedies "1th no suceess, I was cured by the use of AvEn's Cm :· Byhalia, :Miss., Atlril 5, 1882. " I cannot say enough in praise of AVRR'll CHEnnv PECTOllAL, believing ns I do th~ lJut for tts uso I should long ~incc !Jave tlie\t E. Il11AGDON." f rom lung troubles. Palestine, '.l.'exas, April 22, 1882. N" cnse of an afi'ect!ou of the throat or htngs exists which cannot be great ly reliend by th~ use of A YER'S CIIEnltY PBCTOIIAJ., and it will <:1lways cure when the disease ia not already beyond the control of ruedici.i<G, J.>REPAHED llY 1iy Pr£CTOU AL . JOS I.;;l'll W.aLDE.N." of A Y lUt 'S C HEH10· PEL:TO H A I~, a bottle of wlllch was always lccpt in U1e house. 111i. ·wa.s tried in s mu.ll unll freq uent d oses, a :o.d l\1Hs. EMMA GEDNEY." Dr. J.·. C.Ayer & Co., Lowel1 1 Mtie.. ~oli 1fY all . Druggists. MARRIAGE LICENSES COST ON,,LY $2.00 AT C. B. LOCKHART'S NEWCASTLE· 48-ly. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . «!A.l'ITAL, $1,000,000. _ ,,,,_ REST, $220,008 This Bank ls prepared to do Legitlmu.te Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted; Deposit. received and Interest on amounts of 95 upwards in Savings Bank Department. DRAFTS . Issued and Collections made in Europe, U nited States and Canada. !l7 W. J. JONES, Areu.t. BRITISH EMPIRE . r~UTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE GO., ESTABLISHED IN 1847. It has no shareholders to paY" dividenda to. Ma naged by and solely in the interests of the Policy holders. l~ollcles non forfcitable antl uncon·llUonal. <:ash Bonus P:titl <n'e1·y thl'ee yea1·s, Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium Is paid !or two people. · .A.mount of policy drawri on fi rst dea th. Special Indiiccments to .'1.'otal ASSETS OVEll $5,000,0tlO.~ Abstainer.~. INCOllE OVER $1,000,000 $100,000.00 deposited with theCano.dio.nGovem ment for benefit of Cana.diau policy holders, lNTESTED IN CilA.DA, $600,ooo.oo. I(i AD OFFICE IN CANADA:-:M:ONTREAL For particulars refer to E. L. LIVINGSTONE, GENE RAL A.GEN'!', POR'l' HOPE, Or to agents throughout the oounty. ~8-Gae. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Subscriber having built a larg e n e'\1 Pump F actory in Orono, is p r ep ared - to furnish- PUMPS OF EVE~V DESCRIPTIOta With or without Porcel; Cylinder , c! the B est .Material, on the sh ortest notict and a t t h e !owest p rices. Cistern Tubs and Pumps s upplied . WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders:by Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, l'r.t'OULDINGS, &c:,kept on hand. [j R. FERGUSON. ··· zzuwwwwaa BRIGHAM AND AMELIA. From the Re'..! to the Bow River. The Southern route through Manitoba 'I Ile Tweuty·thtrd lVUc Unlc·l the Boost. from the Red River weatwi£rd bas been well CATAIIRH.-A uew treatment ha s been dis· HOME IS HOME, HOWEVER LOWLY. brought b ~ foro t he notice of 't he r e11oiling I Vhile the majority of t he " faithful" In cqv-ered ~hereby a perma nent cure of t bis ..,,.. public and is th< 1 portion of t he p rovince S"'Jt La ke ,city ar e agitated a,nd excited over lut~erto mcurable <llseasc, is absolutely a ffec:. ed m from one .to t ln·ee applications, no matter th" tuna affairs have taken, and not a fe w which is most densely settled. Along the A PrO've1·h l'H·:i11lll'ased . whcU.rnr. standing- one year or forty years. This river sou th of the capital we have the r ail- of them packing up tJreparutory to j()nr· remedy ts only applied onne in twelve days Homa l· tome, however lowly, way towng of Emerson a.nd Morr is besides 0 .,ying t o the ne w Mormon stronghold , a_nd does not inttlrfere with business. Descrip'. Fenced arouod by many a spell ; If within its preolncte holy several villages wher e railways have n <·t wl1erever that may be, Amelia Young, the t1ve pu11:1phlet sent free on r eceipt of stamp by Room be found !or i.,~ve to <!well reached, In this ~tretch we have the houees twrnty·third andlastwifeofBrJgha.m) oung, A. II . Dixon & Son, 305 Ring street West Th tire itJ, 1m r_,, no 1-:tpot on cartb., · ' ' of the old settlers and nil.ti ve farmers with goo~ q uietly and serenely ab ~ut her houae- ~roronto, Ua.nbtda. Where oe'er our eteps may roam, WIIA T IS f:AT AHRH'/ their narrow r iver frontage and in many tiold duties as usual. She has no love for C·n ou·ehlne the smiling heartll ARE NOW O P EN. Catarr h is a iiangeroua disnaso which thous· Of" t.·a cq ull, happy home. respects t he appeu.r ..nce they p resented t h" Mor mons, and she takes no trouble to a11ds ·are consciously or unconsciously suffering St n.adfo1m 1el'ly o ccu p ied by the Post Office& forty ago. On the otbor hana the two conceal the fact. Her pre·.,.nt r efidence ie from. It la a muco·purulent disc ha.rge ciLused 1!Y ,the pres<'nce of a vegetable par,.site in the Home ie home, howe~cr lowly ; JUNG STRE ET, ra ilway .towns ment.ioned show t he effectti of one of the most de·ir ob.e and handsome in !rn mg membrane of the nose. The prndispos· Thore I~ m~glc in t ne word; more enterpri.-e t ha.n j adg ment, M orris the city, a nd ,yet it ca.nnot compare with the lllf( causes are a morbid state of the blood, the :EIC>~l.'\4".A.N'-VXLLE . Strife av&unt, and Melan~h oly, at one time a popul11t10n of some six p<>l.. t i al m,.nsion which old .Brigham h11od bl!ghted Mr])u scle of tubercle. the germ poison Whilst lrs oomlor\e I reoor<l I WomB.n d ear m v e:m g approve, .he i·ctcnhundred, but h»s not more t han half b11ilt and presen ted to her, and which still of SYf·h1hs, n~orcury, toxomre, from 1 The Gallery is fir st-class in all its apt10n o.f the eftete mo.r,teror t he skin, suppressed To my aid. Penatas come I of that number n o..-. It has suffered severe- bears the " Amelia's palace ." Old persptratl!>nB, badly ventilated sleeping apar t· poin tm ents, and fu rnished in a co mfort Whilst I h· in··, wlth.d1 11eous love, ly frnrn onr boomlng. and is only now begin ,Tohn Ta.ylor holds for th In it flt preeent. rneu1.· anct tho germination of other 11oisons in able manner. There will be no poor work Home however homely, h ome. ning t n show 11. rna.ct1on of a favorable kind. Rut his time, a.a well as that of t ne r est of r.he blood. frri latcd by these, the lining mem - a llowecl t o leave the r ooms, and these wh o ~rane of the nose. is ever ready f or the recepHome fs home, however lo"·ly; l t is surround ed hv a. beautiful country, t hem, bids fair t o be short . tion of the parasite. which rapidly spreads, up favor me with a call can r ely on being Poaoeful p1 eas·1res there abide; whioh mr. y be looked u pon as one of the ' . inti story of A melfa'a mar riage t o Brig· the nostnls aud rlown the fo.uoos, or back of pleased Soothing thoughlo a.nd vi.ions holy bast ag ricultural di·t ricts in Manitoba, and h ..m, and a. few incidents of after life ar e the t llroat, cansing- ulceration of the throat: up Cluster round our own fireside, ~The inatan tenous process only will now ~n11ot t he boom id e~s d Its specula.to1s very interesting. An old lady who a.t one the eust.aclliun tubes, on.using deafness; bn.:, Though the outer world be dark, ·mvm.g m the vocal cords, ca using hoarseness· An. lta ooea.o la;;h·d to foam, have been rudely wiped out, its hea.Ithy time "as Amen..'e school tQacher o.t Council 1 usurpmg the proper structure of the bronchial b e used for P hotographs. Solo within lts sbcltering ark, growth is set ting ia. It must yet take Its Bluffa, Iowa, tells me the follow ing tale : tu bee ending ln p ulm onury consumption and Cocne in and s ee me. All is calm aud bnght at home. place as a muket t own of eorne import11onoe U pon one orc11osion when Br igham Young death. Ma11y ingenlcus speitlcs for for t,he cure of and t here are points abont it whioh renders was pi1sa\ng through Council Bluffs, on h ie cat I~. H . H ENRY. Hmne Is hom· , however lowly ; arrh haYe been iuv(>tited but witho ut sucOa, how swef\t when etorme are rife, it attraot lve t o t he capitalist looki ng for an w ay to s~It Lake he caught sight of Amelia 's cess, un ti! a physician of lon'g standing rliecov· And our feet bav· struggled slowly indust rial location. W ith the line of pr et ty face and tine figu re, and immediately ered the exact 11a1urn of th diseaee and the Through the tangled ways o! life; ffe!!1·LOOK OUT FOR~ the C. P. R. Southweste>n runniog t hroug h resolved to add another CJne t o his h11orem. only applianoc; which will permanen tly destr oy Sad, encumbered, faint. and weary, u asit e, llO matter how a11;gravated the the p1 it, an d the Red River n igh at hand i t has The ,girl's parents wne g<;od Mormons and Spared th~ g rief ag-dn to roam, Su/ferers suou.ld send stamp a t once To lav down out burden d reary, good shippin g facilities for manufacturing t b.eir consent to the union was j oyfully giv- for descrip1ive pamphlet on cata rrh, to th e At tbe bltesed doo1 · of home. concerns, At pre·en t its b usiness institu- en N otso with t he girl. She had ,. stout buslnes8 mana1rnrs. A, H. Dixon & Son, 305 tions number a.bout t wenty, include e will a.a well as a handsome form and pret ty King otreet, west., Torouto, C11nad· . What the R ev. E . R. S teuenson. B.A .· a Clerov· flour mill which has been sometime sifont. face, and she declared that she would not 1nan of the L ondon Conference of the McthoCookery for Beginners. J<Jmeraon, t he gate way city of M ..nitobio, is marry " t he ugly old heathen." Her part di'.ot Church of Canaclu, has to say ·in regard - - o- 'l'o A .H. D ixon & Bon's New '1"·eatment {01· The pleasing custom in many families is another p oint where over speculation h1's ent e, however, wer e determined not to lose Catar'rh. For the NEX'r 30 D A .YS I will sell for LESS to make the daughters responsible for "fancy la in like a. load upon progre·s, and seldom the chance of get ti "g so nea.r hea.ven by mch Ont., Canada., March 17, 1883. THAN COS'!' the remainder of my stock cookery," Mamma t urns n11turally, when h~a a t own suffered so much from bub ble a n allia.nce, and sternly commanded Amelia Jlles.<rs. Oaklo.ns. A . H. D-ixon & S on: Stylish aud lll08t Durable Millinery company ia expected, to her yonng allies for speculations. l t has its fine b usiness blocks, t o don he<' robes and take the hand of t he l>J<.AR Srns,- Yours oI the 13th Inst. t.o hand. t hemaIJufo.oture of cc;ke, jellies, bfanc-mange, some of th<m b uilt by scheming speoula.t ors all powerful B righam, Seeing t h->t ~he woul d It see med al most too good t.o ba true that I am DRESS SILXS, SATINS, VELVET~, etc., and for the arrangement of fruit and who never paid tor them, a.Rd t hereby forced be compelled to mar ry him if she stayed a t cured of Catarrh, bu t I know tha t I am. I Te had no return of the d isease, and never &c., with a vel'y heavy stock or flowers, and seldom cavils at the manner jzi quit<> a n umber of t raders Into insolvency, home, t he girl her w11oy t o a neigh bor 's, ha felt better in my life. I have tried so many and has altogether the appeara.nce of a town t old them her sto1y, and r eoeived t heir sym. things for Cntarrh, suffered so muoh and for F eather s & Flo-wers. which they do the work. The difference in the appointmrnt of feast. of coneiderable pl'ete11sicns, At one t ime pa.thy and prohct1on . H er pa.rents instit u· s.i many years, that it is ba.r<l to reali11e that - - o- really better. in h ouses where there no girls g rowing up its population was considerably over 3,000 ted a search, during whioh Amelia. hid in a I am Thanlting my customers for past favors I I consider that mine was a very bad case; it and gro <vn, and in t ho <e where t ht>re are but now does not number more tha.n 1,500. root cellar, over th" door of which was a waa aggravated o.ncl chronic, ·invch,ing the respectfully solicit a ll to call and inspect Jiiy non,., is so marktd t hat I need not call at: 13asidea having e very f~cility for busineijB in wood house. T he k ind people c"'r ried her throat as well as tbe nasal passages. and I prnsent stock, which I a m sure will give the, t he wo.y of building· it hna "' well settled mea,le t o her without attr"'~tin gsuspicio11 un· though t it would r equire t.h., three 't 1entmen ts, u tmost satisfaction. tention t o it, but l feel fu lly cured by the two ae'n t rue. a nd cc.u· ry t . ibutary to it, and but for the t il on t he third day one of the spies employ. I LEMO!' OR ORANG'E JELLY. thankful that I was ever inclucerl to send One plckage of gelatine soaked in two oc hemi og. of spec ulator s would now have ed observed steam arising from a basket to ::rou. You are at liberty to use th is letter atatin11: cups of cold water. T wo and a half cups of been a. prosperous town, and contending for wh ich the gentl0;m!l.n w11os c"'rryin g to the t hat I huve been cur ed aL t wo treatments. a nd sugar. Juice of four lemons ~nd grated peel the position. of secon d trade point in the wood house. I shall gladly recommend your remedy t o some of t wo (same .,f ur ;i;nges). Three cups of pr ovince. It is the key t o the Northwest This led to her discovery, and, as she was of my friends who are sufferel's. Yours, with many thanks. boilivg wa.ter. A quarter-teaspoonful pow· by tb.e river route, and will yet be a busy unde· age, her parents took charge of her. R EV. E . B. S TEVENSON . point of transl.,,., e.specially in the event of dtred cirm a.mou. After a h& rd struggle, Amel'a anally con And l1 undreds of otherR the Huddo u's fi _.y R ~ilwa.y being constructSoak the gelatine two h ours; add lemon B~nted t o ma rry the greo.t Mormon , but de· juice, grated peel, sugar and spice, and le9.Ye ed. Its proapt;cts iore good for t he future, cl »red ; "If I d o manv him, I'll have my for one hour. P our on t be boiling water, and ther e E>vidences that a better era own way, a.nd he will find it out." He did. stir until disolved, a.nd st rain t hrough double h!l.s aet In, and t ha.t t he town will from this Several year H after t heir marriage, up(ln lfonnel. Do not shake or squefze, b ut let move on tow11ords pr osperity. It ha.s still one occasion Amelia t old Brigha,m to buy the jelly filter oleuly throup:ll it into a bowl nearly for ty places of b 11einesa of evHy k ,nd ber a Singer sewing machine. The old man I beg to announ ce that I have a very flue or pitcher set beneath. Wet moulds in fnol udi og a. flour m ill, a. aaw mill, a. brewery p romised to send i tnp that d ay, and walked choice of cold water and set aside t o cool and harde11. <md aeveml sml!.11 iudu~tri al institutiolll! 1 and off wit h hi!i bands in hia pockets, t hinking, BANGS, ha.a good ao'id business men, who will eur· doubtlts ~, how many t i.thee it would t ake t o R IB·BON JEL LY, SW'ITCHES, vive to see t he day of rushing prosperity. p·y for iG . By the time he got down t own Take one third currant jelly, one third From E merson westward we aav1mce int o he forgot wha.t ~ ind of a. ma.chine he want ed, and W'AVES. -::B'Ylemon jelly, and as 'lrnch plain blanc-ma,nge. garden of tho Nort hwest, the famed consequently it was a \Yhee1 er & W ihon I 110 all my own HAIR '1'0ltK tmd w lll When all are cold and begin to form, wet the Southern M a.nitoba, acknowledged by all that the men brought up sta.irs t :i Amelia's n u1·1·au t ll. 11 mould, pour in ab > ut a. fourth of the red who have heen through i t t o be the finest l:ilr I am fully prepared to o.ttend F unero.leon jelly and set on the ice to harden ; keep the g rain raising count ry in t he world, From sitt ing room. As soon as t hat lady sa.w that I-l:ai:r Bleach, the shortest notice, a t the lowest possible rates. orders had not been obeyed to the letter, her 1est in a warm room, or near the fire. So Gretn,1 north and west t o Morden is the Casket s and Ilurla.!Cases rea.dy on ahot't notice ehe de' ibera.tdy pul!ed t,he offensive mach.ine ..E-Iair P i ns, ~' hearse on very moderate terms soon as the j elly le firm in the bottom of the first fiae st retch of this distr ict, a.nd at the the head of the stairs, and, giving It a t o Nets & Co:rnbs. Shrouds and Cotll n~ constantly on hand, Fun mould, a dd c11orefully some of the white pbce "'e le a.v~ the bea.ut :ful na.tura.l pu·h down it went, bumpty· bump, until it r a.l cards supplied a t onoe. F'urniture Shop & mange, and return the mould to the ice. latter STAM PING done p romptly and neatly. how Rooms-Bounsall'sN ew Block . valley, which the energy and industry of reached t he bottom, all b1·oken to pieces. When this will bea.r the weight of more jelly, II furnitur e sold by mo is made by the U. C the Mennonite settlers from R ussia have The next day a " Singer ' stood in the urn it ure Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy add a. li~tle of the lemon, and when this made a h uge grain foild. Jn G retna the phtce allotted for it, and not h ing mor e was slop furniture and represent it to have been forms, another line of white. boundary town there some sixt een busi - of the affair. Upon another occasion, 0 -ver 111, Muyer·s Store, · · Bowmn n vUl e, by t he U. C. F. Co. of this t own, Proceed iu t his order, dividing the red Also agent fort he LI·QUOR TEA for this t own places, and an a.mount of business is ness when Brigham had a. number of distinguishfrom the yellow bv white, until the j ellie~ and vicini ty. I t is cheap and as good o.e can be got in the market. A valuable prize given are used up. Le \ ve th~ mould on ice until done which would only be credited by those ed guests, Amelia, who was present at the who have been freq uently t here In winter, dinner table, . a.mused herself by h ulling with every pound. you are ready to turn the jelly- out, a nd seen the long Jines of grain·la.den ·ome nuts t hat w ere on t he table and throwA pretty d ish and easily mana.ged if one will hiwe the patience to wait after putting wagons coming to market. Al~hough Ull· ing the shells out of the window. Brigham TIU$ BS YOUR OPf>CRTPJN U TY In each layer until it is firm enough not to pretentious h1 a.ppea, anoe, G retna is un · manifested his annoyance 11ot t his pr.oceeding doubtedly a wondtr from a bueinessp oint of without effect, when finally he excla imed : be dillturbed or muddied by the nex t supply. view, especially when we consider tha.t its "Amelia, my d ear, I wish you would not · D o , -ou want BUTTE R CUP J E LL Y. population does not exceed one hundred throw t hose shells out upon the grass. T r,ey a si)len d id, One ha.If pack11o~e of gelatbie so11oked in a.nd fifty. " make such o. muse. " han clsom el )' h&lf a cup of cold water for two hours. · At Mor den t he end of the Mennonite " 1f you don 't like to have them ther e you bo u nd story Three eggs. One pint of milk. One heap. settlement ia reached, and the ~o wn itself can pick them up," the wayward fovb ook? You ing cupful of s agar. One tea.·poonful of draws its trade from a country settled by orlte, auhe a.rose from her cha.Ir a nd left the ca,n have y:m r vanilla, Bit of soda the size of a pea stirred people from different countries, and all set· room. choice ont of into the mill!:. · tied on farml!, which for grain raising adWhen ehe had left, Brigham turned to h is tho bes~ tlmt Heat the milk to scalding in a. farina-ket· vant.ages have no equals outside of.Sout harn guests, and said : 'arc imblished tie and stir in the soaked g· l11otine until thP Manitoba.. The town ha.s a. popul<>tion of if vou will ob" I hope you will excuse my wife. She ie later is di·aolved, and stra.ln;throngh a coa.rl!e !l.bout 400, an d has over forty business insti· 1Ki,i11 t wo sn buloth. Beat the yolks oftlie eggs light, add tutions in It . It is as yet too young to have so headstroi:g that I cannot control her." scr iptions for the sugar a.nd pour the boiling mixture grad· a.ny import~nt industrial ins' 1tntions, b ut T HE WEEKLY Good Reading for Youne; Men. u1>1ly upon it, stirring all the time. ~: these must come in time, while at presen tit MAIL. A cata:~ ' R eturn to the farinu· kettle and stir three ia proba.bly t he best grain point of its size in T he 111ote E dwar d Pierrepion wh o distin· logue of stanminutes, or until it l;cgins to thicken, Let the whole Can ~dia.n Northwest. A h?ut gnished himHelf as secretary of the AmerilJl?oi l:llGH A !'lM - HI GH F"I NISH G\~ d ttnl andmisit c:ool before y on flavor it. ·whip the white e<:ven miles from it stands t he r ema.ins of can L~gation at l~ome, once received !lo let· ·~ --* -~-~ c cllancons of one <·gg s ·itf, .~ nd when the :yellow jelly t he t own of Nelson, which promiaFs soon to t er from his father which contained t he folpublications, given a::i p rizes for getting up , fi a.®.y · ~ifel£1: · f@)urd.SPe , coagulates around the edges, set the bowl be a. t hing of t he p3st, nearly all its mer · lowing advice : clubs for 'l'nE 111ArL, will be sent to tmy containing the irot hF<l white in cracked ice chants having movtd into Morden with ~~~*~ . Ill Dress liko1 a gentleman: never be peculiar adllress upon application. T here is n o boy or in ice-water and beat t he je lly intD it, their effects. IJl All the" Raymond" Shuttle M:achines lI1 or n~ ahy, but oress u.s becomes you, not as or girl, young m u,n or yollng woman, among rtl 1ittod with t he Pat ent nJ spoonful by aponnful. with the egg·w hip, un· L aaving Morden for the west by rail, we becomes some one else. Never t alk about you wh o cn.nnot secure a, h andsome lot of til it is all in your sponge thick and smooth. commence the a.acen t from t he valley to t he your expen~ee, or your money, and never be books th is wiJJter Wet a. mould and set it .on the ice to form. table la.nd a boye, passing through the vil- ashamed t o live with economy ; on t he conwith ve.ry littlo Lay ab out the base when you dish it, effort, if yon will lages of Thor nhill and Dalingford, and sur- trary, be proud of it. Y our business now W HIPPllD CEU:AM o n l y m itke up round· d by waving grain fields "'s fa.r as t he is to acquire knowledge, il>nd you need not IB CHA S. RAYMOND; I have bern assured by those who have eye can ae we in time reach 11anitou the be anxious to display yours, espeoia.lly t o your m inds to it. iY.A N UF"ACTUR E R made the experiment, t h ..t excellent whip· present terminus of the P embin a. Mountain older men, bat always try t o learn of them. 'r h e books are ped crPam can be pr oduced; and ver y quiok & ction of the C. P. R . Here w e h3ve a splendidly UOllnd Never say to a nother what it would be ly, by the use of our incomparable Dove1 population of a t 500, o.nd over thirty unpleasant t o htw e him say to you. and are th e proEgg-bei.ter, I have never t ried this, but my places 11f business. As Morden is t he grain ductions of t he 1 l~emember t ba.t good manners are of g reat pupils may, if they ha' e not a syllabub· ma rket of the valley, s o M anitou is t he grain importance, M a.nners should be frlmk and best known auchurn. thors, which is a market of the upland pla teau on which it is easy, with dignity. Put a pint of rich sweet in a pail or other looa.ted. It is simply dropped in the centre Formerly Known as the" Soper Mills. ') snfficientguaran. Avoid fawning, toa.dyin g ways a.a yon wide mouthed veaeel with straight sides, and of a. huge grain ii.ala, so t o speak, and is a. would the foul fiend, N ever fawn to a tee that they will set in ice while you "hip or churn it. rushin~ we 3tern t<(wn in every respect. prince or swagger to a peasa.nt. .Be C?Ur· H IS M ILL H AS B EEN T HOR· not only afford As the frothivg cream rises to the top, re· L ike Morden it is too young for i mportan*n- t eous and manly everywhere and to every· UGHLY renovated and put in or der, nnddf amusement but move it carefully with a spoon and lay it in dnetriee, but its day of industrial growth body. our own special supervision, for the purpose of bea source of pro- , rlsting and manuracturinli\'Oa.t Meo.l and Pot fib. T.HE Wm,;1 a perfect ly clean and cold colander, or on a cannot be far distant, u,y .Jf', _ ./J /.~ -. I': ~ - b Let your manner be quiet ; nothing is Ro.r!ey, a n d we are now prepared to reoPive hair sieve, aet over a bowl. If any cream IYv F rom M ..nitou we11two.rd the work of ex - more unbred than a flurried u.ddress, with a. order s from a ll our old uuatomers and 01 herF lYfArL rn the most 'UJ'ZJ:::/lbt VC/ dripe from it return to the vessel in which it tending the railwa.y is now going onward , face wrinkled all over with grinning delight. lor work, a.nd we guro.nt ee to give them who i1opular weekly published, a n d is only One is whipp(d to be be..ten over again. When while millions of bushels of ~rain are wah· T he count en11o1ice can express plea.sure and intrust us with the same entire so.tiafa.ctlon Dollar a yea,r. It has now over 100,000 subno more froth rieee, whip a tablespoonful ing to be carried out of the country b·y ond. welcome without idiotic contortions, and Oats a nd other grains taken in ex:chanKe ror scribers. S pecimen copy and prize list sent Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. '.!.'OWNS, Bow free. Address T im 1 of powdered sugar into the white sylfabub On the western side of t he Pembina. Valley, when these appear. whether In the son of a. Flour \fAu,, T oronto, Ca nada. man ville 227. on the colander, and it is ready for use, which is crossed about ten miles west uf duke or a drayma.n, they are iotensely vul· Manitou, there numerous villages· go.r. Y ou cannot have good manners in t he ing the approach of t he locomotiv e, some of Hints. which may be fortuna.te enough to secure a dr11owing-room if your habitual man ner ia Cll Lemon juice will remove tan and stains station, while others are likely soon to be ba.d ; t he ha.bit will betra y yon ; let the . from t he hands, F or the face, mix the le· numbered among the t owns of the past. habit be al ways good. F ar better t hu.t frigid look even, tha.n with some mon juice wit h an equal quantity ot the W e have P ilot Mound ~ white of egg, B eat t hem together, then twenty business Institutions inclu<ling tha.t you degrade y our countenance with put the mix ture into a poroelain or granite· a. mill, where several thoroughly en- silly hilarity. Be a gentleman, feel like a gentleman, ware d ish over a Blow fire, a nd stir until it terprising business men can be founu with 0 thickens slightly, but not unti l it is hard. their stores around the of t he mound and you will look and act like one, Sometimes you will be neglect ed, and which over-hang11 t he place. Then there is Put it on the face at night. ~ Sweet oil is said t o whiten the skin , and Crystal City with nearly as many bu~iness your vanit y may feel wounded, Never let also to increaae the flesh, when ea.ten in h ouses, Clearwat er wit h a.bout a dozen, and this annoy you. Be absolu t ely sure that in qua.ntities, Yet, · wht n sickeniog or un· quite a number of smaller villages scattered due time all will come right, a.nd t ha.t yon pleasant to the stomach, it sometimes turns a.long t he nort h aide of the p roposed new wiil have all the consideratic n t ha.t you the skin brown', and of course under such line until S)uris Is reached , and on the south merit. No one co.n do you any per manent circumstances not enough of it could be tak· side of .i t a.way down to the Turtle Moun- injury but yourself. The world is so con. tain d istrict, where hundreds of settlers stitnted t hat it is not in men's power t o withen t o make much d ifference in t he fieah, W hen the skin of the face, neck, and have for years b een wait ing anxiously for a hold r espect from lofty ch11or acter, re11ol abili· ty, and good cond uct. i hands baa become h1Jor d from exposure to the line of railway.- Winnip:q Oommercial. elements, whether in summer pleasure trips The Duke of A bercorn, father of Lady or out door occupation of a more utilitarian In 1808, Haydu was present for the last ch11racter, it me.y be softened and much time at theperforma.nce of his own "Crea- Lansdowne, who celebrated not long a.go benefited by usiog a mixture made offou~ tion." 'l'hepresence of the old maBter, brok· his golden weddi ng, lives now al moat entire· ounces of the emulsion of bitter almonds en down by age, wheeled in as he wo.s on ly at home, B aronscourt, in the north of Ireand twenty grains of borax. It should be · chair, roused intense enthusiasm In the land, in a sort of patriarchal style. H e has applied to the skio w ith a. piece of soft audience, which could no longer be suppres· no neighbors, scarcely, r.s he owns every spo11ge, and wa.shed off in a little while with aed when the chorus and orchestra burst in acre for miles around, but the immense man· a. soft towel and tepid water. full power upon the grand passage, " And sion is always full of his children, grandOatmeal Is excellent for softening tqe t here wwi light." An1id the t umult of the children and g r eat-grand -children . The ha.nds. ltubblng the hands with cold cream enraptured audience Haydn wo.e seen try· Hamilton family are looked u pon by the and drawing on a pair of loose kid gloves ing t o ra.ise himself. Once on his feet, t e people as semi-royal, and 11re very popular at night is also good, Dogskin gloves help mustered up all his atreagth ; and , in r eply by reason largely of gracious manners a n d to whitten the hands and do not i rritate the to the a.ppla.nse of t he audience, he cried good books. skin, Cold boiled potatoes are extremely out, "No, no, not from us, but.thence, from Alr eady, after their terrible experience of good for wh itening and softening the hands he;,ven cometh 1111 !" H e fell back in his ch olera., the people of V alencia ma.king and akin. Take them when n ot quite done, chair, a.nd had tP be carried out of t he grea.t preparatione for the annual bull fight. though they should not be to ha rd , and use room. His last d ays were a veritable song The bull ring holds 20, 600' spect at ors, not in the place of soap. of the swan. He was led to the piano, and Including t he many babies in a.rms carried played thrice the "Hymn t o the E mperor," there. Then t here is t o be a Te Deum, celeas well he might ; for a. shot of F rench can- brated with snch pomp as to make .it a popIron bars a.nd steel elongated by mag- non had just fallen into his garden. Five ular a.mnsemetit, and this is to be followed netization, the latter not so much, but n ick· days after he was dead. He could not sur· by the great annnal fair. Those dea.d from el bar11 11re ahortened, vi>e his count degradation. cholera are utterly forgotten, rm · 4 THE H OUSE HOLD. CATARRH. PHOTOG ___ Rl\PHY. ___ 1'IE RY' N e'\v Photo Roo1ns I BARGAINS! IN MILLINERY. Mr s. DONNELLY.. To ·the Ladies UNDER TA KING I L EV 1 MORRIS. MRS. A. DAVIS, ,n-SfWIN G-MACHINf -~ FOR FAMILY .USE. a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~a& p~~~ rn.. ~~~~~.~!.~~.~~~~!.~,.!~.~~.~~JI 0 , ~&;~~sJJ Caledonian Mills. T ki LOOK OUT = z Al l Wool Suit MADE TO O RDER FOR 9 DOLLARS Well Trim med and Wel M ad e. ........ Gents' Furnishings of al l k inds. ts JOSEPH JEFFERY.

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