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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 6

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... -Fra.nk. Donelly's chief ·rea.!ons w:ero rar oityw·.rdli &8 quickly as poeaible, for r,.pld more seriou~ onee, but he did not de. "t~ mov<'lment 'iii 'a hvayd the be~t antidote for n give th.em uttera.nce, for he knew thli.t 111d troubhid mlµl)., and Fri4nk'll w1u pi.rtionhr · · · Nollie once get it Into her head that daue er ly troublOd and aore. .' ·' .. "Ho has .. intervie.,ed Nellie's puent1, menaced her parent·, nothing would ind·o C e d1u.zled them into tanotioning hi· auit and. her to leave them whilst it rem~ined. He wa.s delighted to think th~t hi· fou O - entertaining hb abhomd.propvu.11. Thell cmt subterfuge wa.s accepted by .her with- they referred him to the dear gll'l heraelf; · out qneadon, but Ill! a further prooautlon and failing to diacOTcr her in the holllle, diRelliember · this and 'purchase your Furs . at -. againai h~r putting to him any more awk- rected him to what they knew he be her fa By the Author of "NINA, TBE NunLIBT," "TJIE RED SFOT," " THE RussIAN SrY," ward questions he hurried 'tb.eir parting vorite hauut_:_the kiosk samm'r houss. ETo,, ETo. over, and felt glad when he beheli her steer- How fort11n!l.te it was tho.t I iiaw her and ing her way towards the honoe ao as to gain that we had time to ~m.mge all our plane CHAPTER XII. "Nellie, my dii.rling, yon both astound the rear thereof by the route .of a thick before we were interrupted, As it is, ahe and bewilder me. I know what you mean, shrubbery and a door in a wall which he oa.u eu:ffe~ «inly,a few houra of persecution at HAT THE MEDICINE AND TRE SUGAR PLU~i-CAS'1LES and I li\m a.ware aho that she was at the knew led into the kitchen garden. the rnoat , and then we will have h1ft it and IN THE All~. the·tre la.8t night, but I h1we neither 11ecn No· 80 delighted waR he, however, when, itii origin behind." Fra.nk Donelly had left the p~e~snce_of nor hald BJ?eech with her for weeks, and on upon entering the kiosk shaped summer , S11ch were Fr11onk's refiect!ons, mingled, A full 'and complete stock of all kinds of Fur Coats, Caps, Mr. and Mrs. TrezYr burning with lndrg- the very n1gM ?f the feto at the G~lrah house in tum, he songhtaa quiokly as however, with many an anxious fear that Jackets, Ladies' and Niisses' Sets, &c. . · na.tion which was perhapa all the more in- P<Alace, and within a quarter of an hour posoible to regain the Choubrah road and womething might now occur to frustrate all ' .. . ' tense because they bad given him no oppor- from the time when your mother found and his hotel (the world Shepherd'·, their plau~, for be felt that he was no matcb tunity of shi;i.wiug it, for chilly politeness a.s took you a.w:;.y from me, I returned her her which, with ite lovely gardens, sta.nds in the H far as eoheming went, with an Orient11.l, w ho possee~:ed the almost unlong 38 it fa politeness, doe· not afford even g ift, tbe opd ring, which had o&nsed you so very out.skirts of C1oiro), he espied Arabi espoolaliy one . Workl a hot irish temperament a. valid excuse for much terror and un011.elneB1." · Pasha, the war minister, ooming ·dir.e ctly bounded power of .Arabi P asha. He would have felt Infinitely more ungetting into a. rage. " You did this and for my sake I Then toward him a.cross the ll.wn, and already ao BRING YOUR WOR K IN EARLY. Frank quitted the house, however1 with that le why she ha.tee me. Oh, I am 80 glad ne11.r that to avoid him wati a matter of shrer e·sy still could he but have heard what passed between the \\ a.r minister and his the fi;m rt>Bol ve never to enter it agam, a.nd of it, 1md I do not fear her hate no -K, in the lmpo1slbllity. All the leading lines and special bargains in Felt Hats and Caps. he might oherhh·..d and made himeolf, See, Fr4 nk, this-this 13 what she ·Perceiving that hie retreat was out off, blaok orderlies after he h~d qultttd them. "YOWl&OOf· and Man1our," the pasha had miserable with this determina.tlon for a e11nt me." Frank determined to st1i.nd his ground, but ma.tter of several ho11rs but for t~e happe~And as she spoke Nellie drew from her bo- to avoid n qua.rrel If possible, since it would said to them impree·ively, at the time Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always ~he_ latest styles Ing of a moat unexpected and we.come ine1- som and h.,nded to the young dro.goon the bti dangerous to provoke 10 powerful, and as laying a. hand on the shoulder of, "that dent, symbolical warning from the "Eagle ,, unto he suspected, so unscrupulous a. foe aa this Feringhee dog f·om wholl\ you have just and best quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats, pr eserved me ic staying at the Hotel SnepDetermininit to leave the Mount Ce.rmel the "Dove " which had been forced upon da.ring soldier of fortune. Umbrellas, Underwear, Hose, Braces, Gloves, &c. lawns and g~in the Chou?ra.h road through her aoceptllnoe by the huge hand in Ho aa.w his heavy brows meet ln a. frown hord. Now attend, the dinner hour there o. little door 1n the wrul im1tead of by the the veEtionle of lhe opera. honie tho preoed- 11.nd hh naturally thick lips oontra.ot into le at seven, the meal lasts all hour, and as a. main carriage entrance, a proceeding whi?h Ing nlgllt, mere lines II.ii he bh them to re6tcain the Feringhee would almost a11 aoon lo1e his life GIVE HIM A CALL ..A.ND PROCURE A BARGAIN. wollld save a couple of hundred yards of d1aAe Frank· Donelly received it a perturbed fierce prompthli· of hie passion,, Then h e a.1 hie dinner, ex1ictly a.t ef&h~, or, to be tanoe, he perfor~e paaaed directly. under- and au:x:ioua ex:preattioll iame into hia faoe, rea.dju~ted hia awordbw lt, apparently l:io quite eafa, a few minntes prevloutly, he ueatb a. certain WlDdO!f· nnd a.1 he did eothe which he in endei.vored to hide. that the hilt of th11 wea.l_>on ahould come must be lur ed forth on eome epacioue presash wa.e ~ently ra1aed a nd a rosa wu Then , fiodlng tha.t she was regarding him ha.ndy to hill graap, ·nd th· sight m&de the text or other, be prleoner· and oone d t<> a duniioon from whioh by no posthrown a.this feet., intently, he eiticl, wlr.h a forced la.ugh; young lrlah dragoon mutter Jhroely tohim- aign. aibU!ty will he be ·ble to, Do you Frank's first action was to glance up at the ,, B G . I b 1. ·elf: 1 0 1 olearly underetr.nd me?" window and reoognize the pale but lovely _Y eorge, e leTe ~n r enta w~ ·· Jf he appa&ls to that argument I think oonntenii.noe of N <'llio Trez1ur, and hi1 next man l!I O·p,.ble of an.y iniquity ; but we will I'll be able to vut-reason him." · "Weuld not a. ¥,ra.vo be the 111.ieet dun--ATwas to pick up the rose i.nd k.i111 UM he. defe:i.t her maoblnations,. and those of the By the time 't hat ha had come to this oon- geon, "XCllllenoy ! ' demanded Mansour. "It ia the only pri.aon hou11e from .whioh looked upward for tbo soo :-nd time whilst crafty Ara.b~ as well, I now pu\ to you the olmiion Ahmed A confronted him. vainly endea.voring to think. of 11<>me fit ting q12eation wh1oh I ahould have put the da,y He touched the edge of hia r..-d ta.rbouch eaca.r'e ia impo.eaible," ohuold ed Y owsoof. thi" g t~ say. a11oceeding the feta·~ the palaoe, he.d I 11oe in ulutatlon and then in French : "No, hemWlt not be m~de away with," B11t It was the Ja.dy who thought of the fit- feared that yonrreturnlog me an a.ffirm·~tl·e " I came hither through being told that I anawered the war minister slowly. · "I will ting thing firet. and it took the form of u O, aiuwer would have marred n .ther than made iliould)n all probability find Miu Trr.ozarr have no ahedding of blood for any less holy Frank ; the summer hoUBe. I will be thero your ,happiness. I ewea.r to. you, Nol.lie, hero. " purpoae than the winning of freadom and p1·eeently. I mnot speak with ycu." that twas for your welfare o11ly the.t ~ held " your excellency has been misinformed . t he deetructlonof tyranny. He must be beThe young dragoon bad no~ expected 1uoh b11ock. Now, however, that ohN>ged oiroum- on that point, yet, nevertheleu pra.y pa~s guiled into some dark way or turning and Will always be found in stock full assortment of1 Boots, a greetrng but it pleased him mightily i;;a stances haveeniirely altered the O!lse, I urge In and convinc~ yonraelf, " replied Frank, then a gag must be a&cnred in hie mouth he gave a bow and p~ntomimlo motion °ex . YOll of two evils to choose the leut, and to ltepplna on ono side. and the looee covering and fa.oe ml\lik of a Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc.- as good in elope with me and become my '.I.'ha Egyptian at once did so, but to dis- woman be thrown over him 1u a disguise, Pressive of delight and obedience' and at s~retly ·ng but an empt y room, and in that plight he muet be conveyed quality and low in price as can be found elsewhere. onoe strode off in the direction of the spot wife" oover no th 1 11 hy secretly, Frank · E·erything The sight did not afford him tlie eatietao- through the native quarter to the citadel - indioa.ted a. graceful little kiosk shaded by myrtles a.~d magnoll11s and very nearly bur- that is ncret see ms to me to be also wrong." tlon tha.t Captain Donelly had hoped tha.t it a.ud handed over to th· oustody of hie exSpecial attention given to ordered work and repairing. m Zogheib Efiendl, the govfod benea.~h the creamy bloseomed lii.11mine, "Nellie, it is sometimes legitima.te to would .havedone, B11t the Orienta.I naturo cellency Suleim1 which 11ottains to such perfection in Bgypt. fight a _cert~in &a.rk complexioned gentle- is pre-eminently suspicions, o.nd there were ernor, whom I will eee dnl'ing the day a.· to Call and inspect. Doneily had been the occupant of the ki- m11J1 with his own wea.pons. Yeur parent· oerta.ialy even more than enffiolent grounds hi1 dl.aposal. Your task will be accom(22) oak-like summer house for more than a very oonld prevent our beoan11e yon in the present case to oa.liae that suspicion. plished with hie s&fe delivery," Ho then atood in apparent deep reflection lfew minntes when he descr:ed Neille cross- are under l\g<', Now, don't look Indignant, ' Though Mies TreZ1or~ ill not here at prefor a minute or two, when he mattered : 1ng the lawn towards it with a hnt'ried and for I did not apply the demoniac simile to sent eha h11oa been here," eaid he. " I dare not lo~e a.ny more time on such .a.pp1rently nervous gait, clad in sott, cream- them, but to Pasha., who la a man Thereat Fro.nit merely 1 shrugged hia shoul< mlored Indian muslin and her long unbound of grea.t power, and one who would ».ot be d~ra, for he 1corned to give 11tteranoe to a an important da.y a.e this," and with floating lik.e a goiden cloud a.round her likely to .let you sijp from betwMn hil fiug- fa.illehood, though he never-the less wished dent regret hnrried tows.rd his carriage, followed by the orderliea. head and.shoulders. era after heha.d obte.ined your puente' oon- to avoid confessing to the truth, (TO BE CONTINUED, ) He rightly gneosed that she would sdoner sent that you should be his wife ; for a be· Pasha wan not, however, to be put that he did not advance to meet her and trothal a.ccordlug to hie creed, iB almost a.1 off with a shrug, and therefore retorted therefore rema.iued tra.nqDilly where he'waa. binding a.11 a. marriage, and he would not aha.ryly; .ftepanl, A minute later and Nellie stood before compreb.end your having any right to diapooe " have said the.~ Miss Tteza.rr has been Nepanl, in which a suc~essful rebellion is of yourself contrary to the expressed will of here, and you do not seem to be a.Ille to him. uald to have taken plaoe, is one of the most Instead of extending a hand, however, your pa.rents. He would for these re&BO!la deny it." she stood with both clasped behind her back, th!nk it properly legitima.te and pr~per to "Your excellency, I fail to see tba.t I am import ant and lndep·mdent of the Indian whilst she said wlth lips that t rembled with seize upon you and sla.y me, and ho le In a under any obliga.tion to affirm or deny it. " Feuda.tory States. The oountry, which is agitation whilst she Ppoke : position at present to couple both deeda "You may see It clearer when Ilnform you some five hundred miles in length, by from ·· .1. would not let yon go away, Frank, with the will. that I am making inquiries concerning my ninuty to a. hundred miles in width., ill one without bidding yon farewoll. This is the "Oh, Frank, I am very loth to lea.d yon at.Ila.need wife," 1.ns'wered Arabi, with tho of the most moun ta.nions in the world, as it time tha.~ yon will ever see me," into da.n2er, but what is to be done! I redness of Qilger showing through the bronze includes a great part of the Himalayan mountains, and its olimii.te and r1ices as "The time that I eha.ll ever see you? know that if I remain here wJll sac- of his cheek. Oh, Nellie, what do you mean by that !" rifioe · my happiness to her ambition. She " I oa.n a.snt>e your excellency that I have varied as its altitudes. The Ghoorkha.e, its ruling and military race, haye, both under "Just what I say, Frank Donelly, and has never failed to win papa over to a single seen nothing of your aftbnoed wife." no more, Oh, you wont care much, so don't one of her pet schemes yet, nor will she in "Liar, .you here to meet her, and the of their native prince and that of pretend to look so grieved, for if you could this, My only hope of safety lies there- she has Jieen In your company within this England, proved tltemselves to be one of the voluntarily stay away from me during a fore. In flight, but I can a.lone, Two pll!t qua.rter of an hour," roared the Egyp- finest warrior races of India, and as such whole month, forever will make little dif- hours will take me by train to Alexandria, tla.n, hia anger getting the upper hand of his they are famous. The principal interee£ ference, And yet I did want to say good and I do not despair of getting away to discretion as he observed the flashing eyes which Englishmen feel in Nepaul, however, by." England by some ship or other, for there is and curling mustached lip of the yoniig of - oentrea about one man, Sir. Jung Ba.hadur, I've stayed nearly always one on the noint of sailing." tl.cer, as well as the contemptuous aneer G. C, B., G, C. S. I · . This extraordin~ry ··,God knows, Nellie, that if'1 away fr~m you for a month it has been.t~e "Your scheme is my own, my precious th1i.t he had on the three worda of man, in 1846, by the merollellB K 11tma.seacre, made him1elf the master of N epa.ul, ud most dtflicnlt· and disagreeable task tha.t darling my own at least with some slight hill 11peeoh, _ " ,, , I've ever accomplished all my life through, varia.ti~ns Instel!ld of your going alone we But the epithet lia.r, proYed a.a a hght- -plaooo his pupet on the Ra.ja.h's throne. and also, tha.t I did · it entirely for your muet go tegether ; In lieu 01 two hours' ed match to a ba.rrel of gu!1powder, for the F rom that time forward he ruled it a.11 Jie eake. If a. man loves a girl he should think journey to. Alexa.edria., it must be a three Celtic blood wa.a every whit a.e hot as the willed. In 1850 he was induced to pay a of her happiness before bis own, and I hours' one to Port Said, and in place of Egyptain and the weight of the insult wa.e visU to London, where he wa.e received a.a a. lion, and he never for got what he there saw should have beu1 hardly stud ying yonr hap- simply some vessel or c-ther, it must be the so heavy that prudence kicked the beam, plnese by creatmg·a. kind of home war be- P, & o. mall shin Poon·h, which sails from .Frank Donelly, in 1hort,' fir11t of all selz- of the pawer of England, On hie return he tween you and your parents." thence at five o1Clook to-morrow morning, ed the wa.r minister by the throa.t and ~url at onoe began the re0onstructlon of hls Gov"Such a home. war Is likely to brea.k out and oa.n be eaaily oa.ught by the night mall od him ag11.inat the wall of the little ernment upon a E uropean basis and IUO · Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. without your interference, and I'm such a. leaving ., C&iro ac midnight. It must be a. sumll!'er h~uee, and ~ex~ drawing hi.a aword oeeded marvellously well in transforming a government by the mere will of the sovereign little coward that I've resolved fo run a.way oase of a. downright old-fashioned elope- exclaimed la m!lna.cmg tones : without even'rlsklng an engagement ." ment, such as we rea.d of in novels, with a "Tour exoellenoy will not leave this into a govarnment by laws administered i>t "Nellie, for ha1iven's sake tell me exact ladder, a. carriage In waiting and a.II th!lt place until yon have apologized for tha t in- the will of the P clme Minister. About the ly and plainly what you mean ?'" kind of thing. Wha.t say you, Nell?" anlt, or elee have placed it out of my power first of June, 1857, the first information of "I dare not, becan&c you w·o uld be dis " How can I allay my parents' anxiety to demand the apology. Come, air ; either the mutiny rea.c bed the Ne pa.uleso capital, gusted with me for what I have done." concerning me, and how and when ca.a w e r et ract or defe'nd yourself. You wear n and in twenty-1lx days four thousand - - - o-- G b.nor kha.e were on their way t o the aBBJ11t"Not at all, because I know that J OU get married, Frank?" sword and I pres11me yon oan use it, " could perpetra.te nothing to create disgust " A note on your toilet table will effect " My sword a.nd my life bdong alike to ance of the British foroea, and most invalu- I beg t o annou nce that m y s u pply of G ranite and M ar ble M onum ents was n ever ao able were the services they rendered, Same or ewii. diilapproval." t d th t d large as at present . "What, not if I was to do 80 meii.n a one and the chaplain of the Poon 11oh will per- my ooun ry, an " e on e may no be raw· time' after ward Jung Il·hadur himself led for m t he other . She Ia t he vessel tho.t 1 or the other risked in an idle quarrel," an· In Variety of Pattern it is most modern. an army of elgb.t thousand mee a.ud twenty t hing as to list en at keyholes, for instance ?" ca me out in, and I knQw him to be a. good swe~l'd the war !lllnbter, folding his arms I n Finish, far exceeding any y ou can see elsewhere. " Why, I should not admire euoh r.n a.ct in fellow, who would oblige me in anything. o~ his br east wh!lat oonfrGntm!t hie rival four guna t o t he assists.nee of his ally, and the abstract, but I am very sure, dear Nel- W e'll be married wlt )lin a qns.rter of an w1than lyundaunted !1uen, t houillh although t hey arr ived · too late to aaaist in ln Workmanship, lie, that you would not commit such an ap- hour of getting abou.rd and we'll sit down the r ed fl.nah had suddenly died out of w - putting down the rllbelliou, they helped to And price-as low as at any experienced shop h unt down t he fugitives, For these servieee parently underhand act ion without we!ghty · t d f d · h" b k r easons... , to breakfast as man and wife with tho laTid e ea o etipenmg ou 1· o ee s. I have r e ceived by S. S. ' ' Tndiaaa," a· conaigµmen t of .,... of E gvpt many a mile 11ostern of us. M y It would have beeu well for a.II pa.rtlee J 11Dg B:i.had ur r eceived the honor of kn!g bt" Frank :uonelly, I eha.n't t ell you pla.inly dear Nellie, the whole thing is so ea.ey oonoerned had Frank Donelly thereupon hood, and the Grand Cross of the )ence, whether l did or'whether I did not, because it oa.nnot fall. I will be at your window ex- s heathed his w~apon and w11olked a.way. Nepa.ul was confirmed in her indepen < I hate to ma.ka myself look email ; but wha.t- a.ctly v.t a. qua rter paat eleven, by which But an Irlshm ~n e t emper when nnce l!ea.~ed etrengt hened by presente of military stores Another iot h as !l-rr ived by S. S . "Nebraska/' and others are following. ever my action may have been, the result is time every one in t he house wi "ll be sound takH a Utt.le time . to cool, and Franks w as a.nd an accretion of territory, and her premier r uler a t tained the first place among I BUY DIRECT FROU .THE M.A.NlJFA.C'l.'URERS that I have learned that mamma intends me t t b 0 11 t to marry 'r~bi ·P ·sha, the war mlni 's~er, a.sleep , Uome, darling, why do you look so ye a mg poio · n.. w ~ · se.d ?" "Cows.rd I" he hissed between his clench- Indis.n princes in the estimation of Eu~lish in A berdeen, Scotlapd, and from lon g ex pe rience (28 years) a t t h e bes h ad vantage I a.nd tha.t, though pap!l as yet opposes the d te th " d t d I h men, Ia 1877 he died and was succeeded m atch, she, ha.ving the stronger will of ~he "'Tis at the thought of leaving my par- e ,, e · you are no cross s wor s wt by his brother, Sir R ane.dip Ihhadur Singh, inte nd that th e public n eeding work in my line sh all be liberally den.It with. ' two, will. t.wiat him around her litt le finger, ents, from whom I have nover yet been pa.rt- m~. I h' a.I d I engage no Age nt s. I k eey for sa le ed." ' ave r~a y told you as muoh, young who had t o cope with an :;ttempt at r evolt, and, unlesa I escape whilst th(~re is vet time, " T m an, 80 'ID.ethmka that y on are the greatest almost at hie accession to offi ce, The Army me likewfae," hat sorrow comes to nine. girls out of coward of the two in this bnllylng and of N 00n elsts of eomo aix ,een thousand " T his is terrible. This is a ten t imes every t en, or later, Nellie, and, be- menacing a. man who Is obli ed to devote men, and is entirely made up of Ghoorkha.a. worse dan ger t han e.ny tha t I had anticipat- sides, I feel quite sur,!l that they will both hie sword and his life to n~bler purposes No revolut ion tha.t did not carry with it a · ed. Don tgiveme a.ha.lfconfidence, N ellie; be In Engla.nd before Ion!?, where we aha.ll ,than common brawlB." pa.rt, at least, of thi11 force would have any for enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. )-,~ t ell m a all- everyt hmg, and without r e- of oonrae meet them on land, and receive ·what reply the dro.goon could have made chance of success. T he Ghoorkhas have been serve." · the p~rental blessing and all that sort of to this unskilful r etort of th.e Egyptlan's it hitherto as noted for their faithfulness as A.LL WORK GUA _ RA~ . TEED. "I have already done EO. C uriosity took thW ln!;,h . is impcsaible to say, for at this junct ure in for their bravery, Should this r evolt be me to the door, but sha me dre w me quicidy it th is and similar assurances t he through the door of the kiOek ·llke summer found t o include ·the army, and 6honld it be away- lest the servants should dis- you~I{ d r agoon officer won the fair g irl's un- house burst, sword in band, t he war minis- anti-British ir its character, the new power N. B.- I have n o connect ion ?r in.t.eres t i;i t h e ~owpusi tion, Pot t ery, or Z inc . cover wha.t I was about . B ut the war min- q uahtied consent to all his_proposala, when t er's two white orderlies, whose dut y it wa.s might prove a. very serious enemy, iater saved mamma'a and my life night t hey proceeded t o the bm!dlng of br ight never to lose sight of their mast er for more M onum en ts, ao ca,lled; I have enq uir ed conce r ning th eir me rits and ca.nn ot r ecoin· from a crowd of Bedouin r obbers, and I ca.sties ii:t the air, which an untoward f~te than a. few seconds at a t ime ; a nd by these Mother : " My little girl goes to sleep so me nd them t o the p ublic at any p rice. guessed whn.t he woul d have said to mamma. wae destmed in tho brlefe~t possible while herculean fellows who wer e negroes of the nicely every night when ! Bing to her , lsn't B <Jwmanville, June 18, 1885. 25-3m. d uring my l!WQ!m in the carriage, and that to k nock over, So~dan, w ith fo;es, throa.tu and hands a.e t hat so, Mamie ?" Mamie; " Y ea, tha.t 'B . . er. she would d' · ·,.,t with p apa a.t breakfast, black and shining and p olished as ebony so." .(Turning to her aunt. ) "Don't tell ALL! and eo I 1 IJt lle&d·ache an excuse CHAPT ER X III. Frank Donelly's arms were pillionnd In an mama., but I only make out that I am aBleep for rema.iniug · room, and t hen I did instant and held as in a vfoe. to get her to 2top 11inging, she sings so aw t he dishonor11oble which I juAt hint , d IN WHICH THE IRISH MAN T RUSTS TO T HE .. Inshalla.h, methinks it is I who now ful bad ," at and wh1 "ch I n o""' :;;:.11f oe3 1 · f II b t I SWORD AND TIIE EGY PTIAN TO FI NESSE, · . " "" · n n ; n poseose the power t o forou an apology from Cust omer- " .Ar en't you afraid to leave a.11 only rema.h\ ed at the door five minut<Js at All thinira being at arranged, even yon," aaid the war minister, calmly. i · But," t he most , for one of the meri servants wa.o down to the minutest details, Frank hinted he added, " I will be magna.nimous, for t h ff t.hcee clothes hanging out on the sidewalk I.> overing about and had alJ o:i.dy twice eapied t o Nellie t hat it would be more prndent for winner of so great o. piize (you k u ? lV well t o wi th nobody to watch them ? I ehould think THE P I L L S me standing on the mat, and I think I 'd them to put, for that, were they seen t o- what I a.llude) can well afford to for give t he you woul d be afr aid somebody would steal Dealer - " Shteal dose glothee ? have died of very & h11JI1.e if he had discover - gather. or should it even b e discovered that chagr in of the loser, Moreover, that which them." Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Mein hlmmel, no I (Confidentially.) Vy, mein ed me there a third t ime," chey had m et, suspicion mfgbt be a.roused I f d to thr ts I f Jr "There a re st ill some cases in w hich the d r e use e& grant aa a ree O h'imd, I dell yon, I sell doz a glothes so oheap a.n , as usu11ol, steps be t a.ken which would mg-my r egrets for m y ha.sty speech. So LIVER, STOlttAVD, .KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. end j ustifies the mea.03, N ellie, a nd we will render an elopement impossible, ualeni aleiooom, and may God be with you. that id doeun't ba.y t o sh teal them ," They invigorate a nd restore to health Debilitated Constitutions and The m egaloecope l a a new app11ratus say thl'Ot yours is one of t hem, " Well, I am N ellie sa w the sense of his line of arg u- Let the Feringhee gentleman go In peace. " are invalua ble in ~11 Oomplalnts In cidenta l t o Females of all Agee. F~r delighted., my darling, becanae, t o eso1Ape me nt, an d yielded to It at onoe, H is bat words w ere addressed t o ·his t wo latel y br ought to the notice of the Aoademie Arabi, you w ill accept me. We will be She rose to go and Frank sprang t o hla black orderlies, who at once r eleased tho des Sci ences. It is ·armed with an IncandesOh1ldren and t he aged t hey n.r e p riceles s. married next t o immedfately." feet t o bid her farewell and then take him- youn'g Irishman's arms, t houg lt to place cent light, WJ.d ie need t o explor e the st om" Indeed, no, Frank. I will not marry self off to town. 1 themselves in·snch a poaltion bet ween them ach, bladder , and ot her cavities of t he body. yon, knowing that you love another bctt e!l"" The sudden action · caused hfs sword to a.nd their master as to be ablo instantly to By i ts meirns, a.n obj ective lens may be car - Is an infallible re_ medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds, Sores ' ' ' Love another better ! N ellie, yon m.u st clatter in his sheath , and, strange t o say t he frustrate any attack tha.t might be ried into t he ca.vlty and a. m agnified image and Ulce rs. It 1s famous for Gout and Rheumatism . For disorder !! of the have ta.ken leave of your :iensee or you would fair girl for t b.e firs~.tlme noticed th~t he upon the latter. of its interior be obtained for the physician's - Cheat it has n o equal. know that to be impossible " wore one. But Fran k Donelly had no longer either a inaFectic1t, " Cim von then bone&tly deny t h e.t you . ~,he took alarm at once and said : desire or an excuse fo~ such an at taok. T he For S o1·e Tl1roats, Bronchitis, Coughs, CJolds, H enry L ~bonohere fo going over t 'o Dubdon't love the t errible woman wh o sen t me W hy do you wear a. sword when not In pr overbial of fire h e.d been heaped up - lin to conduct his own defence in the suit GlALndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival · and,l'for t hie deadly warning and then attempted my uniform, a nd when simply coming out to [on his hea.d, and t hough they burned an d broug ht against him by Al derman Har ris a murder by means of ll.ired aesa.ealns, bett er pa.ya. morning call ? b there an y real need tort ured him exceedingly M s uch coals al - di~tingulshed Hebrew dieoount er of that contracted a nd stiff j oints it acts like a charm , ' -"' tha.n you do me ? If she had not ·some fo~ it ? b Ca.fro at all distur bed ?" ways do, it would have b~en most ungracl - city. TJ.ere is a good deal of cnrioslt v to 4 etrong upon you, why should she have . . ThEJ c! ls disposed to be .a trifle OW! to have received them dieoonrt eonely, see whether h4'. will l;wld h is own against t he Manufact ured on ly at T HOll1As H OLLOWAY'S E st a blishment, been enraged a t your daring to look at me "!'aolent ; that is all, or very nearly all; Ne!- or t o have made any effort to get ri d of s of th a I rish b:"r a.s h? haeeho_ w n himself 78 NEW OXF ORD STREET (lat 633 OXFORD ST , in the theatre last night - so a ngry s.s t o he. And then yen kno:v a. sword le a. kind them, The young officer t herefore bowed, light well ab1e t o hold it a.gamst their E aglish ' ' e · . RFET), LQ~DON ', want t o kill me ? .Aye, so angry as to kill of emble;n of. reepe~tab1llty in a semi-bar- sheathed his swo1'd and h urriedly retired, brethren. At ~u events, there w l11 be a lot And are sold a t le. lJd., 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., a nd 33s. each Box ~ ' Pot and me- for very s ure am I that the ar med ba.r ?UB city hke Can:o. Those a.r e some of lea. ving Mount Carmel by the route t hat he fun, aa t he I rish lawyers are infinitely w itmay be h ad from a.11 M edicine V en dors t h r oug hout the World,\,, ' Bedouins who attacked our carriage were the rea.e~~e why I buckled mine on thiu had originally intended, and thereafter ~elr:h!!~yer, L~bouohere is very popular «Pu.rchasers sltould look at the Labd on the PotH and :Coxes, IC the addre" :_.: her agents.". . morning. making hb way along the Choubrah road IS llOt 533, O:dord Street, Lon1lon, the;y arc s pnrlou11, · AN EGYPTIAN ,. J. Story of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling Revelations in the Varner of Arabi Pasha; SELF PRESERVATIONl · " The first L(l,w of Nature. l I lWJl .A YER:JS AND FUR tr Russian Lamb Coats made on the premises. Ordered and Repairing ·a specialty. N eads' Block. M. MAYER, Furrier THE PEOPLE'S B.ooT~SHOE STORE, D . .DAVIS, Proprietor, a W , , COAL · COAL ·, , D_ D.A.. -VIS_ Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received . a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PB.ICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber_, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, ~c.,',~,,~:-~1~:.,.!t:,'.,, · Office, Old Foundry Lot,"'~~c-orner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCAL~. ~nd Granite Marble Works, BOWMANVILLE. SCC>TC::EI C..l?t.A..1'l':IT1!: Marble Mantles, Grates, &c., and fix them. Head Stones, Posts, and Metalli ? Bars C. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. H E ALTH FOR * THE OINTMENT o! l

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