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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 8

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Xmas Confectionery for 1885. New Year't s Cakes for f. 886. Great Variety in Quantity and · Q ualit,y at f'YRONB. ·, C::S:~:t§l.LES TOD'S., King and Division Streets. ~'EVERYBODY INVITE 'D~ ¥HOUSE I BIG BA..:E <.GAINS· -FOR THE- CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. .-. ~f om selling the 0T CHEAPES'f DRY GOODS IN T HE COUNTY. Mr. Richard U·dl{I'!, of Bethestla, wants to know if any one oe1m beat his record on a b ig potato yield. l:le raised 38lbs a s t he p ra11ilct ot onii'pot&te of the h·te Rose variety last season. On Sunday morninl( Willie, son of M r. l\lattbow Cole, fell !from the haylof t, 'breaking hie arm in the fall . Dr. Potter set the broken limb and William is now i n a fair way t o r ecovery. Mr. Benj. Gard<iner has almost recovered from the elroch of ,. severe tl'alnpling b.y a colt belo11giog to Mr, \ V, Brent. few The Tyrone JOI.I.nil people's Praying Band. have hold several .very succeesful meeti11g3 at Loni( Suult or l&tc, . · Rev, Cha11. Taylor, or E nnl sk!llen , ftlled Mr. Hazzard'11 appointments on Stlbbat b ! 011r FACT No. I.~We have n ever re:iorted to meaningless ad vtirtisements. Miniet.ere are11becnt ·thls week , attendil!{( Mis· to keep our business afloat. · sionary meetings on other circuits. Mernben of t he ehoi1· regret the loss of one of their beet impranos, Miss Ettie Bi~ham , , F AC'l' No. 2. - We understand our business a.nd know when and who letn-es this wee.le for Bowmam·ille. whern to buy. · · Gay ti mes now to.1>og1mning a t thn west end. Should the cold we .. ther oontinue, there is no : FACT No. ? .-We have always bought our goods for cash and got the doubt about this tow.n being equel to oth en- imcash discount. portant pla ces in tbe wint~r amusements· s Day in ll'.yro1~e this year is expoc~· C hristm& ed to ;be ot unusual iuterest, 'rh., Son's Tea FACT No. 4.-We n ever mak e purchases from second class b ouses.and E nterta inment is expected L O dri<w lrnndr eds, 'l'eu scrvc<l from i to 7 p.m. 'l'he Drama F ACT N_ o . 5.-N o house, eithe1· in this country or in any other, buy " All tht1.t glitters is not. gul1t " is full of J!!un their goods better or sell their goods cheaper t han we d o. and the ot her p<>rts o{)r t he pn>;:ram arc ; 1!,r8t class. The u. O. B&nd will fu rnish lots .or music. J<:verybody come and h ave a. goo.d B'AcT No. 6.- We have alway s don e our businef!s on the square andi tune. 'l'ickct e !or full program only 25c, shall continue to do so. l\iuelc of the ve cy- b t>st, 'l'he Dra ma made of gold ; We have j nst received a iargo and well assor~e.d ~tock o f ~oods suitable for the Come tron1 north, south, east and west teason , c o rupr1smg : 1"or the halfis not hero told. · l!:ncouraging r e ports have been received LADIES' DRESSING CASES OF ELE GANT DESIGN AND FINISH. , ,tram t be 8ick, Mr. Wi~ht a nd others bei,l\g GENTS' DB.ESSING CASES OF ELEGANT DJ~SIGN AND FINISH. EooME'r. \ somewhat better. ~AND MIRROB:S in g l"eat variety and s tyle ; HAIR BRU SHES 11ot exclled in NEW'l.'0.N VIL.LE. :either town or m ty; CLOTH, TOOT_H, NAIL a n d SHAVING BRUSHES; ;No1·1£s-Xmas 'l'r ee in the Pres byterian S H A VING MUGS, &c.; French, English, German and A1uer1ca.n PERFUMERY. ohurch on Christma~Do.y .. A.gobble R:obl>le same Clay at lC endu.11 ... _.. X mas 'L'ree a u.d entcrtuin· We invite inspection and comparison and will be sa tisfied with t11le w.ent at Shiloh on thu 23nl ... .. . Monster supper in Pres byterian churclt New Yea1·a Day, verdict of a discerning public. ........ 'l 'ho Sal vat.ion A r my has left us but still hold. out at K encli<ll .... .. Rev. S. Salton is pre.aching a c ourse of serri.10ns on Nsther ..... .· Mr. J<'raser,, has beeo re engaged, _....· A br.anch or tho Temperance E lectonl Union has been formed J1crn with a large m ember. ship .. .... .A smull company ol v olunteere dnll .P.m1,os. regularl:t here. I Facts are Stubborn . Things. DR UGG ISTS, " J. HIGGIN BOTHAI & ,SON, Desire to submit a fa cts for the consideration of their patrons and .friends and t he general pu blic: l SAXONY. M r. Ca.moron Trull hae taken a tr ip to the C,;ity this week . Miss Nellie Hearn ha s been ailing of qnlney for some weeks. Miss F anny Pickle has also been ill wit h ul· cen.tcd sore thrau.t. A number of y oung 11aople from Conrtice, :New Haven and thi3 vacinity asaombled a tthe residence of Mr. Cameron 'l'rull where a tew !1ours was spen t in social chat, singing and friendly games d11ri"g tile evening an e:xcelent oyster s upper was een·ed by our R:enial host and hi~ atl'11.bie partner. 'l 'EUCMSEH. CHEAP DRY GOODS and CLOTHING. V\re will still continue our BIG SALE for a SHORT TIME. It has been an immense success, and the amo1mt of business we have done proves clea1'ly that t he public fully realize the fact W e do not believe in q uoting prices, as it does not con vey in any way the aet'llal value of the goods ; but what we wish is an examination of our goods as displayed on our counters. W e have a big roputation .for SALE -OF- CARTWRIGHT. The annual social of t he J;' irst Presbyterian church, Curt wright, will be held i n t he 'l'own Hall, Williamsburg, on Tuesda y Dec. 2'JL h. 'l'e& served from 3 o'clock to G:30; spler, did program to follow. See bills. CLOTHING TO ORDER, to which we pay pM·ticular attention. BA l.1L l" JJUJ!'F. The annual social or the Pr 1lsbyteria;'n church h ere comes off on 'l'h ursday Dec., :nst when Tea will be served from :~ to 6:~0 1i.m., aft er which a very cboice progr«lll will be,rendernd, Sea bills. Our MANTLE GOODS STOCK is very complete and contains as well as the lowest lines the CHOICE8T and NEWEST DESIGNS-both in style and quality-t o be fo1md in the t rade. Our BLACK CASHMERE STOCK is very large and well assorted, and contains some choice goods at astounding prices. DISTRICT NEWS. Brooklin ex pects t o h ave a ska.tin" rink 0 this w inter. Ml". Sam. Clarke is a candidate for Cobour g l\fayoral ity. If feeling ol d - r e n e w y our youthful vigor by u sing .Aycr 'il Sarsap arilla. lt will vital ize the blood, recruit the wasting e n ergie s, and build up the system . Moody, the e vangdfotic, will . spand fou r daJ'S iu M ontreal, in J a nua1·y. REMEMBER we only continue the sale for ·a little while previous .to business change. Don't be d eceived if you want bargains. Give us a call. ~STAR ~ STAR Dry Goods, Millinery and Mantles ' ' HOUSE. HOUSE. T. GEO: MASON. f NE WOA. STLE. commencing this week and wi ll continue for We learn that Mr, Il1ch ard Barrett, n ear Newcastle, has thre~hed 125~ bushels of Number One barley of twenty·three and a half a cres of l and, . ' . Mr. H1ran,1 Eddy went to N.ewcastle station the otl?eL' meet l)- friend , ~nd h avmc to wait som" time P)lt his 110rso m the hotel LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. stable , In a few minutes afterward an un· On Tuesday last Mr. Chas Tamblyn, J , P., k nown man went t.o the landlady, paid for the OR ON breathed his last. He had been ailing for two feed a n d said Mr. Eddf wantecl h is horse and " U. or three years so that bis death was not unex- buggy. . Th e_ un~u~pectmg wo~nan. of course, The promoters of the E lectoral Union in· pect ed. Ho was one of the pi oneers at the gave lum piemissiyn~~ ta~e it. I n a ~oup le t 1t t l d f th I · 'J'ownship, and bore the goodwill and respect i ot hon r s afterwarc · 1. E 1dy returne a nd enc o ed:x:alc an open P e, ge romd e m l up. Cl· of a large c ircle. J3etore the tmion of t he' found matter~ as s tated. 1he stran gest nart pal can 1c ates1on n omination a y. t 1s to Methodi ' st bod'ies h e ~·a . devouted m ember of the whol.e IR t.hat whe .p. he went. to. the s~eci be hoped that the miserable farce of a few ·· ~ w he found his hor se and n g the J t w 1th years a go will not ho repeat ed , wh en profess of t be Bible Christian church , In politi cs he d . d . · . 1 0 18"we 00 ed temperance m en, a nd avowed candidiites of was a life-l ong reformer though one or the ~w~at ~f! Yf' e w it?. mud. Mr. Eddy says the party in concil m eetin gs, n ever mentioned h!nd that was willing t~ respect g 1e llone!Jt ~~s 0~n~~ b":~;ou~e~a~~\~~ey ci~~:t1i'.i:1:n;f~ their principles in their addr esses at t.he nomi· views of others, He leave~ a wife and si.x 'n t · · ·. nation. The candidature or those men who children, two boys and rour girls, to mour11 ll1s m an 1 , own, ~ . , have .joined the Union is regarded w ith much death. :Mr ._l· arn cm~'!~e hao sen~ 1 var1hes ~!. apples favor a n<l if they s tick to their pligh ted vows Orono hes for a long: time had a number of I and e1~ht vamt1ea of !)Cars t o_b~ . exhibited at without s wervmg their election is a foregone' beingo who are not cont ent t.o mind their own t.h e Golom~! a nd Indian exh1b1t1on to be h eld conclusion. Hittepayers l'ally to the nomina -) lmsiness. Of this class the 1n1blic h ave of late at London, England. tion. become so much drngust ed t hat we people, to P r of, Geo. ~elford, the eminent E ngli>h Our tea vendor, Mr. R. Hi ch ard, while at g ive them .a world or warni»I?. If you do not e locutlon1 st, will giye one ot/11~ popular hull)-Hampton t,he oth er day happened to ;join in a t on ce qm~ your loose t and try and net a orous an'!-, dramatic remta a m F othergi_!I s conversation with an inquisitive and portly little more In k eeping with t h e n a r.ure or t he Rull on lhurs!lay evenmg Dec. .>! St, See mnn wi10 queried a great dea l as to t he nature prof~esion of saintlesanes~ in which you are programs a nd bills. , . of his business. ~he n Dickey returned to ,his gaus1ly dres8ed we ~hall give your nam~s and It appear s th a~ notwithstanding 8:11 the _ fuas waggon IL short t.1me afterwards he found hnn· tales to the four wmda of heayen. ~ e .can that ha~ bee n raised Mr. Morton will c~ntmue selt min us a t en pound caddy. H e at once fight the one who u ses open impleme nts of to be prmc1pal of our pt1bllc school. M rns Carmistrusted his a11parent friend and learning warfare but from th e tongue of the slanderer rnll assistant high school t cachc,r wil! leave t hat h e h ad gone north ward, started in persu it heaven deliver us. here and take charge or a school m Whitby, and overLook him at Burketon a nd sure enouRev, B. Wal ker h as been attending mission· Mr. Henry Adams' horses ran a way a few gh found his te'!,. A settleme nt w11:s .eifect;e d by ary m eetings In Darlington c ircuit. clays ago throwing him out and h urting him the person buymg ~he t ea a nd g1vm11: Mr, . R 'l'here is r.o be a 1?rand e n tertainmp,nt ' Ved- quite badly. Mias Annie Mool' and Arch ie Stillwell h ave t hree dollars for lus, trotible.. He tlese l'vec. a ne sday evening Deu. 23rd, in connection with t erm at the \.lttcmn s Boarding House. Co· t he sale of the a utograph quilt. A rousing ret\ll'ned from l'ort Hope model school, bo~~~· . time i s expected. Mr. Eli Bawie the popular teacher for S. S. Mr. Charles Walte1 '9 has ai:ain taken up his No. 9 Clnr ke intends giving up teaching 1 md \ ~s1torn to town may see a re~l novelty b,y cal~mgat tbe b a rber shop. , A ,"ame ca niuy abode in our midst. will attend t he U n i\·ersit y after tho holidays. which has b een a llowed its llbArty, a few h ,, 'll . t . · · · h weeks ago began building a nest in a large lhe nort end st1 contmuea o 11ouns · The health of Rev. Mr . Addison slowly 1m. gera11ium . She completed the n est la id.hatch'Winter is h ere. 'l'he m erry ringoftl1e sl eigh proves. eel ancl has now two yellow-mouth ed young. bellR is continua lly h eard aucl business is 'l'he Salvation Army have procured a build· bright. · ing to be used as as a bl!.rracks at last. s ters. Strange for December. Th e members of the Christian church intend Wc h ave h eard ofa n ew instrument that is Pupils atteuiiou the high school will be having a supper in connection with t he sa le of b eing invented by one or our old and pr actical expected to pa y 25cta pel' week h ereafter. their a qtograph q;1ilt ~n the, 23rd inst. D.1".l\~c- l!JCCbanics. H is i!lvention is to be called a Dr. 1\'lcLaughlin's lecture ' 'Five days in ~a.~1ghhn, l\f. P . l .. will deliver one of l11a Ill· ::;1 gh taphune, and is ~o be used by , th.e manu· Paris" pl oaaed ovei·ybody well. imitable lecture. S nbJ ect. Tobacco. fact uror only for seeing around b tu l drngs a n d Mr. Eli Bowie. t eacher s. S, i'<o. ·intends long dis tances at uight. It will, ir a complete ·- - - - - - having a grand Cbl'istm,ts t ree an d entertain· s.uccess, enab!e the op~rator to look two d1re9· KIRBY. ment in connection with h is s chool on t he even· t1ons at one tune, at ·h is work and towa rd his ing of 'l'hm·sday the 22nd inst. Miss Kate n eighbor's house. No public sc hool X ma s Tree entertainment Squair has been engaged (or this school nex t Th e "hief of the bakers has aJ>:ain vexed thi3 year; the church officials would not allow year_ Pharaoh and been oast into prison. th at edifice to be used . Miss E. Braden, teacher S. S. No. 21, w ill alao Mr. John \.Va.Ik ey, sewing machine agent has We hope pa ren ts will attend the school h ave tho annual Cbt.\atmas tree in connection been very sick for some time, but is now im· examination on t he last day of school, Great )Vitb h er school on l'lf41dllesday eYening the 23 provil\g, pr ogress has been made the past term, mst. ~ ·vVhile we write we bear the frien dl y chat of Mr. Joseph Francis '.l'yreman and M iss Eliza " ' e hear that the · will l1ave t hcfr an· that most smilin g of u ll men -the future candi· Walsh were m a rried on the 8th inst. at Starkuual s upper on 30th st. .Tiley are going to date tor m unicip.i.l h onors. ville. h ave t he popular elocutlomst, Prof. Belford. to "'I M th · , ! th ' k' M J '.l' · · · t 1· · g ive some of his h umorous recitals .. )() . e od1s Ls . o 1s p 1 ace are ma mg , r. o.n. yreman i s movmg rn o us ne \> · extensive preparat10ns for their a nnual supper 11ome tl11s week. \ Mr G Powers lost a valuable col t from inHeeve J, ong attended c ounties council l a st on Newyeara Day. week. He will hav~ work at home now. Judging from a last Sunday's occuranoe, 'ftanuuation Monday. A gre at.many horses are _ Mr s. J. Brenton, !l ee ~ewsom, of 'l'hurlow, some of our soldie rs a re not afraid of actna.l ·utl'uriug from dist., mper . is h~me to s pe nd the holidays. warfare. Coa l stoves are now u sed in nearly ever y M1ee: IL W a lker has r etur ned from th e, M~d· w e were ravore1l la st w eek with a call from house h <lreabouts. del .S!Jhool. She w1l! h avo charge of the Junior the most i mprovetl representati ve of t t10 " Low d1vrn1on of our Public school next; year. Down Binder " imd w e thou ght, to us e h is CO T'l.CE. Mr. vV, Underwoo<l,one of the noted "corner own words, he would tako the side out or a .u store" cler.l<s, h as been eng-a ged bv Mr. J . D. house easi ly when in good trim. S l ' EC'J 'O. Jliir. w. Ever son is our new man for council· Fallis. of ICenda!L ~'\'.ill is an obliging fellow --~---·-Jor for I SSU . and htJ.s many friends iu Orono. Mi8s A. Combstock, o f Kendall, h as been OSHAWA · A wedding is reported to have taken place· visiting at her uncle's. J\11 '. A . J. Lock hart's. A hor se belonging to llfr. Jas. But tand was the contt·acting 11arties b eing a yom1g farmer At las t acconnts Mrs. J·. Groves' h ealth k icked by an<>thor horoe a nd ha.d its l eg broken soutl1 of hero a n<l a widow of ot1r v illag e. was improving under the bracing influ ence ot last week. It had to be killed, _ Mr. R. B, Watson is in Hamilton vn iting for the Mttskolm atmos phere. Dr. Wm . c. J~dtnon dson, son of Mr. 'l'. M. his p1·.o ressio11a l first·class certiftcate. Miss M. Mrs. Dr. W ild and son, of Toronto, are here Edruo.rd?on, of South Oshawa, <lied at his l\:en~~.air i s teach ing for him d11ring his ab· visiting at Mr. R. Mo ment's. father 8 resi dence on Monday w eek, ::;everal or our young peopl e attended Mrd. C Messr s_ Wm. Rolf a nd Wm. Gamsby are On Tuesda.y night week._a quantity of,, pea s 'l'rull's big party. visiting friends in Illinoi s and W iscons in were stolen f rom the prcnu~es of Mr . J, I. _H. Town woman to one of our 110nes t farmers : litJ.n cock, of Foley. 'l'hc thieves had a. sleigh A re you sm·e t hese chicke ns are fresh! h onest Qt1ite a larg e number of farmers from th is with them and w ent east from Foley. fa rmer . Oh, yes, m ltm ; 1 l' illed the m thi~ locality attended the Gmn ge supper at Mr. H. A cow belonging to Mrs. Thos. Wigg, wa s morning, Artte~s fa rmer boy: You d idn 't kill Osborn's lasLJfr iday evening. stra.ngled by ge tting her head caugh t 1Jetween tllis old hen, pap, for s h e died while we wa s Mr. n. Hockin 's horse rnn away tho other the boards of a shed on the farm of Mr. Wm. eatings uppor. BEN, d~y !1pse tting u of Salvationists. l\iisa Bowden, on Wednesday la s t. L rnz1 e Allln was slig htly hurt. No da1nage to A hral·eman who was caught between two G0 t 0 T 1 · M 1 'll H t f J:wrses or c onveyance. frcie:ht c'ars the oth er day was describing his ay ors s, amp on, or A nl!mber oe s emi·c\v\lized bei11gs congre, sufferin gs to h is wife ; "Why, s he exclaimed, cheap Tweed s , F~annels, Blanke~s, etc.' g~ted m front of McGill a s hop on Saturday "tbat 'a just the way it feels when y ou are and wher e y ou will get "'OOd prices for m g t1L aml endulge~ rn a dance under b eavcna breaking in a new of corsets." 'Yool and <rood R olls TAYLOR propuro canopy, 'l'heu· unearthly shouts would --------. " · · ' . lea~! one to b!Jlieve that the;v were born idiots ~ A fine a ssortment of all t he n ewes t g ood s pr1e t or. 25-tf. or fore-ordenn~ to die ma.macs, M l d Ul C l ti t C 1 O t k f 1 t T. Mr. A . Pollard h as sold his fine draugh t fillr 111 ant e ,an ster , o 1s a ouc 1, 1 ·ercoa ~our own m a e or ::1a e a which won fec ond prir.e ttt t he Industrial Ex:· John ston & Cryd er man s. Gco. Mason s Star House . ~h 2 ~mUUUntt ~t.att~lUaU. ]~~~i~2o6~:o~~ a ~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~=~~=~~ -·~ = en tleman in the otU:wa valley, 'l'ho .McConnachie boys of Moosomin N. ,V. v~~~--,~·-·- ·----·"-~~-~--,-~ 'l'., r eport quite a large' proport ion of their crops injured by the early frosts, BOWMAN VILLE, FRIDAY, D .~:c. 18. M r. A . A. Gamsbyls in the northern r egions hunting deer ; we believe this makes the 2Gth =-=-=- ---_:__ = consecutive year w ith one solitary exception. S·r1UGGLER. Tim P ERFUME Ol!' AN liEMrsrrnmE.- Throug h out an at'e1t occupied by more than one hundred millions o f civilize d b eings. Murry & Lmman ' s Florida. Wa_ter is to-day t h e standard pro n1itm1 in society. The residence of Re v. M r . M !!.dden, Prince A l bert, was burned on Sunday week. (&DX SIXTY DAYS X&O)'-Enormous Bargains ! ! The whole stock will be cleared out at rock bottom prices. D uring this sale Due- bi lls will not be t aken the same as cash. '--~ Dr. S~1iths German Wor m Remedy, o r W ormerrne , spee cl.ily r emoves all kin:i of worms, cleanses the bowels of all impnri- ties, c ures b iliousness and ind igestio'n . Try it. Sold by all drug gists . Price 25 cents per box. '--~ A thief broke int o l\fr. C h inn's griiin ary, Bro·ik lin last we ek and s t ole some p eas and oats. Min d and body a l ike suffer from d u<>g ish action of the b loo d, the rcsnl t ~f dispepsia o r bilio usness. A ycre's Pills ' vill etir up the liver, excite t h e stomach and bowls to activity, open +.he pores of t110_sys~e1.n, . a n d insure h of body, wluch is md1spen sable b mental vig or. A barn on the R. Campbell Estate n ear Brookl in, was dest royed by tire, tiwetller with ii large amount of pease thrasl~edand unt hras h ed recen tly. C onsumption .-Man y siw tl1at t his disease cannot be c u red . But the p r oprieto rs of Allen's Lun g Balsam will ~atis fy any one that it 11as been cured in ver y many cases of t h e worst d escription. They have h undreds of testimonials from tha nkfu l indi\' idual s who willincrly admit 0 it has saved their Ii ves. Mr . C . McKenz ie, Port Perry, has a n ovel idea of an ice rink. He is secu r ing a ca.nvns t ent 40x100, and under this g r eat paviliou inte nds to float a n iceb er g. The N ew York Examiner says :- Every m other and h o usekeeper must of ten act as a fam ily physi cian in t h e many illnesses and acciden t s that occur among childr e n an d servants. Jl'or many of t h e110 cases I have t1 ~ed D avie's,and consider it au indispensible ar t icle m tho m ediciu e box. In diarrhea, i t has been m.e d a n d effected c n r es. l< 'or c u ts and bruises, it is inval uab le. It is proposed lo h old a Christmas Fair at Radan at which priz es wi ll he offered for fat cattle , poult r y, butter, e~c. A c ommittee has bt"ell appointed to carr y out the scheme. ~...... 0 '--~ I " ,. PIERCE & O~O. ADECI OED VICTORY High Prices Cut to Pieces I '--~ l uv . I Scott's Emuls ion of Pure Co(l Liver ou. w ith Bn1opbo~pbltes V ery Palcitctble and E tJicacioits i?i W asthtg Disect·ie.~. C. T. Bromser, Rocheatl}r, N. Y., says: "Aft er having u sed S co t t ' a Emu}. s ion wit h deci d ed benefit up on m y self, 1 h ave t aken great plcll8uro in r ecommen d · n g it sinca in the various conditions of wasting in which it i s indicat ed." Ladies for t h e fin est ski r ts i n town, c:i,IJ o n M r s . Tves. Al so for faces and embroiderie s , hosiery and gloves, underwear, wo ol shawls, ladies furnishings, etc. ,.--. --. --.-.------ ~-TRELEVEN has now in stock one of t he mo1>t elegant a.nd e~tcnsive stocks of r~ Dr. I I Boots, Shoes, Felt and Rubbc1· Good s, Trunks, Valises, ft,SatclleJs, &c., i11 tile Cou nty, ~. All of whic~ has b eei;i bo~ght for cash in t he most depr essed markets, He is now d1sposmg of them at unheard of l ow prier:'. T~e whole stock must be sold inespective of prices. N o,.,.; is your tune to get first-class goods for a mere trifle. Competition nowhere. D 1· M. TRELEVEN.

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