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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 5

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. .' . STOTT & JURY Plush Cases &XmasGoods Five tre,tnpf>.,8,p~ntJ?und~y ni,ght in .~he The J<'ancy Goods ancl China that lock-up. · · · · '· · · ' · · · M urdoch Br os' areaP.lling is woriderfnl. From Miaa Moorcraft .to. Mr Harber. · A great many citizens enjqyed .cutter Mr. ~ t.ephen Cotto~ returned from C. Allen; C. Cherry, W. . Bryant, W. ' rides o n S unday. . . . . . . . , Montreal on Weduesday 'm orning having .f f.ave open ed out this 1veek Beith, W. Boughan, E. Col~ate, M. Carr, There wa~· a .l:u~e attend~~;e at ali. th e beau dow 1 1 with t wo carloads ·of cattle, . ' . ·' . F. Pethick, H. Davidge, J. Jollow, F. chutcheiiliist .Sabbath; · · · · sheep aro·l hog,s for. the Chr~stmas H oar, L. Dob~ou, M. Borland, A . Thick· et' ancl 1 ,e has .received credit fov taking A· rrreat 'many .l ·Jer sons went to see t he k .th"1 l f catt l e t liat h a.s g.ono eon, C . . Stu11rt -15. 'l'he re&t of the · ~o wn Jest 1oa d. o. senior d as11 will be exa mined again for toboggan slide··un S unday. mto Mo1,treal tlus season, ao say t ho promotmn when echQ o} re·opens. The fire hell did not dist urb the slum- Montreal buyers. Mr. Cotton·never does Suitable f"o1· tile Holiday T1·ade, From Mr. McTa.vish'a room to Miss bera of our ·citizens last Sunday mornitig. things by halves. · .· . Moorcraft's- Names in order' of merit : Mr. Gerrie, of Toronto, spent Stmday · " ':Mr. awl Mrs. 'Villia.m .Buxton, of tl1is To which they invite t he attention of all who wiSh to buy something .Bessie R aynes 11nd Lizzie O'Loughlin, in t own the guest of Mr. F . J'. Maun.i ng. .town, ·celebrated theirGolden \Vedding on really useful as presents, consisting of: equal; Eva May, Emer son P:i-rks, E zra. Dr. Chas.· E dgar , Of Montreal , has been Monday evening Inst. 'l'here was fL very Nott, ·Cha! K eith: and Clara Jones, equal; the g nest of the Edit<>r uf the STATJ;RMAN happy company present, incl uding Mr. · Eva T rewin, .Alpha East wood, May Shaw for a few days. · and Mrs. Mark M u11day; Mr. and Mrs. and J ennie Adams, erp1sl ; Minnie Hmi· The winner of Kanner & Co's Variety M . Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. M . Rol,>l;>ins, kin , Ber tie .Quinn, Phillippa Alexander , H all competitiol!-·is Miss Gertrude May Mr. and Mrs. John Clayton, H~mpton; J essie Willia.Ins, Sid Scobell, Ze Ila Br i1n· Brown, Ham pton. , Mr. andjMrs. T. H. Clayton , Mr. and Mrs. ~ acombe artd H arry B rimacombe, equal .B : Complain t is ·made to us that a certain Geo. Tamblinson, MaRter Frank TamblinLeua. D ancaster, Frank L yle, L ena en- club room in town was opea till just 2 son, M rs. Geo. Bickell, the Misses Jenn ie fine asso-rtIQent. nett; Frank Losc0mbe, .Minnie Morrison, and Joanna Bickell , l\Ir. and Mrs. Robt. a. rn. last Sunday morniug. · M rs. c . F ox, . 2:>. Marth a Peate, H ubert Mi;Connach ieSt~ele, Mr. Allin, Mr. and ·From Mies T homas' to Mr. McTavieh's Mr. D.But·ke Simpso n and wife leave for Miss ·Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B uxt·m, New York on Christmas evenin<r ,,. K a tie ' an d M as t er w·11· B t 0 , in search division ; names in order of me rit ;an d .. i·J.lSM 1 ie ux on, Laura Tamblyn, J·ennie Hoskin, Y i. d a of ten clays'. well earned rest from business.. Bo'wnianville. A short address was made Strowger, Edd ie D ow n, Amy S pr y, Geo. If you want to see t he finest China H all by ·~fr. Munday, and Mrs. Cryderman on They also show a fine stock of Hazzard, Willie Cann, Marwood Geor~o, east of 'l'oront o, call at Murdoch Bro~'· behalf of the frien ds presented Mrs. BuxEdmund B urke, Annie Reffell, Nellie Since it was opened hundreds have visited ton with a pair of gold rimmed spectacles r eceived another Mtt.~niticent Stock of and sev.eral smaller articles and M r. Bux- Overcoats in a II sizes ; Blankets a n·l ( )oTe ..lids at the Williams, Th omas Fairbairn, Chas. R ice, 1t. J ohn D ingman, Gertrnde Hall, Arthur A Special con tribu tion by envelope is to11 with a. handsome easy chair and bot.h I ves, J essie H ill, Ma ria Cockburn, to be made to t he "Augmentation Fund" with .ll. farge floral album. A .very pleas- ve1·y J,owest P 1·iccs ; D r ess Goods 111 all the Newest Clarence Burke, F red . J ames-20. in S t. Paul's church next Sabbath morn- ant time was enjoyed by all present. lllaterials, wiCh T1·im11u11gs t o 111a tcl1. From Mr, K eith's t o Mr. McTavish's. ing. , The annual Mission'l.ry Ser vices in Ett ie Terry, Mary P a ul, E llen Mara. Service will be held in the · Queen-st t he Church-st Methodist church, BowmanFroru Miss Cann's to Miss Thomas'. Methodist church on Christmas morniog ville, wer o begun, continued and e uded Annie Knight, Aunie Fraser, K atie at 10:30. '!'he Pastor will preach. All this year in one day. Sunday last. The B owmanville, December 17, 1885. E lliott, Barry May, Malcolm Galbraith, arc invited. n ew plan wo)."ked admirably too. Rev. Annie George, Samuel Ives, Lulu SandMiss Maud Stuart, of Ontario Ladies W. Briggs, President of the Toronto ConBY EXPRE SS LAST .N IGHT. l!llSS ,\. UROlVN, ercock, Arth ur Peoite, Florence Tilley, College, Whitby, and Miss Wickett, of ference, preached in the morning from HOUS ES TO R ENT. - That comEACHEB. OF PIANOFORTE.Willie'·Dickeuson, N orman Hockin, Gertie Toronto, are spending their holidays with the last chapter of th e prophecy of Daniel H. H:J~::~1gncl!C~~!~~~i~~St~~~t~P~~01i{r!~1:a~~ Pupil of Professor Bohner of Toronto. 4t h vcrse:-"l\faay shal1 go to and fro and of t an acre well stocked with fruit of various Haine~, Rusael l:lorehm d, Morley Cawker , Mrs. M . A. James. 47-Gw· KnowleLlge shall be incnm11ed. " The ser- kinds. Possession .Tan .. 10th J886. Also a Newcastle, UuL. . . H 11rry W I 11iams- Hi. Th e rtnmml school meeting in rural sec- mon WM one of th e best we have heard unmber of rooms in Horse:i"· Block next to ARM TO RENT- A Valuable Farm tor these goods are F rom Mias Coleman's to Miss Cann's. tions will bo held on Wednesday, 30th for many a day. In th e afternoon the it~!!~a::v~~~k. .A.pply to W . M. Ho~~t~Y, of 150 acres to Rent, Sell or Give A way; F r ank T r ebilcock, Bertha Morris, Arthur inst. There should be more .iutere11t ta· Children's Missionary meeting was held -·--- - --..··-···· . . ····---···-- -·- ····---- ·- - ---· being lot No. 16, con, 7, DarlingL ou in a g;oml Bry an t, Mary Alldr ild, Rolliu Henry, ken in these m eetings. when very appropriate and interesting ad- L ADIES t LADIE~ ! !- Dressmakers ~tate of culti1ration, 80 acres plowed. Pmssesgiven by the latter end of March next. Lottie Sandercock, Har ry Alex:inder, Rev. R . D. Fraser will preach th'l first dresses were deliv~red by Ex-Alder man and othem embrace the one opportunity sion . l and le<t.rn to be a llrst· cutter~ of ladies Applications to be m' bMore Jan. 188G to B enny- B oug h en, Mary R eynol d s , Edit 1 of a series of three sermons t o the young John Moore and .R~v. :rtfr. Briggs. Both 1 u1d childrens garments by Prof. Moodys New Rli:NRY SYLVESTER, Esq., Proprietor, Ennls50.Sw· Carecadden, Lottie E llenor , Willie Tole, next Sabbath evening in St. Paul's church gentleman talked to the children in a way 'l'ailor System or Dresg anil Mantle Cutting by killen. - .AND-·11· S 11 M y I · ell· Scott b · t "C · " Square Measurement. and thereby save time W i 1e ma , a ry . oon g, , 11 ~ · su Jcc ,· ompan10ns. to .b e under stc1ud by them-,· fact1lty that " and m'1ney. No more papP.r or pat.terns, bnt LA.OKSMITH SHOP AND DWEL. Our !Stock is the Finest in Ll'Juie Williams, l\fay Sparlin!!', B en ry The Sabbath School Teachers of St. fow minister~ i1ossess. 'rhe People's Mis- draft direct on your mat;erial. Perteet flt LING HOUSE '.rO Rli:N'I'. in the village Al!dred, Fred Dickinson , Lena Hosken. Paul's church are m &kincr . ready for the sionary meeting I>rorier was held in the guaranteed. Our duly authorhied and compe- of Solina; ·~ acre or choice lantl with good " ~ tent Agent Miss Muir. of 'l'oronto, will teach fruit orchard. Stone st!< ble : hard and soft. From Miss Birnie's to Miss Coleman's. annual entertainment for the scholai·s evening when Mr. J . Osborne officiated the lad-ies or Bowmanville and surronnding Town. Considered one or the best stantls in ., E dit 1_1 O'dell, Cassell Tait, : sh....rtty after the New Year. as chairman and the same two gentleman count.ry thoroughly for a nominal stu11. for the writer. .Tulia.. C Darlington. Wood shop will be erected for '11 M D 11 H tt ~- · <l 0 l " d 11 dd 'l'h d nexttewweeksatMr. Allin'd, eaatofMcOlungs an y one desiring it, Terms easy. Possession Jennie F ra.ser, '~ ie c ou~a ' a [e . "Kissing at the garden gate" w.· as a fai"ere exec ent a resses. e a - Foundry, Bowmanville. Call and see or send · once. None but first-class worl;:man need Beach, Ogle Adair, Robert Hazard, ~ere vorite pastime last Sunday night, two such vance financial report was read by the for circulars and be convinced. We have at apply. Should be a good shocr. Apply to. EDER MtLLSON, Solina, P. 0 . OOtf. H ook 1 Guy Russ~ll, E~ma K mgh, scenes having been witnessed by it citizen Pnstor, Rev. C. E.. Mci ntyre. 'l'he sing- u'i:.W~~~e~~~r~e\rk~~~~n~r~~~!n!~e~1.~fB~;: Maggie N ea.els, Ethel J!.1~hard, C!a . on one street. · · ing by the choir at all the services was manvillo~ who is now outtinp; successfully with -- - - - - - -- - - -Neads, Eva F letcher, N eil Renwick, , , .· _ very highly commended, the attendance the Mooay System. as hundreds of others are Willie Trenouth, Fred Humphrey, Maxie ,...__'.I he. for owmg perso!18 ha \ 0 already ar- was exceedingly large and the c .ollections wc could refer to in Ontario. Dont fail to learn '/ ~-r t f Cl t Mr: M P at once, Pupils c1m. be taught at their own Thompson L ucy Reynolds. . rive':' lU own or in s .mas:. · · · and subscript ions are expected to exceed homes. J. & A. CARTER. '.l' oronto. Sole '. , , . , 'r1illmg,'l'oronto ;:&-Ira.andMr.R, Green , I t '8 Alt tl tl th Proprietors andheadotlic" F rom .M1sa Uh~pman s to Miss Cann 11. Hamilton ; Mr,s. D. 'l'. Tees,. Montreal ; :ts year · oge ier iese were e The undersigned ha ving bougl1t out ~<;>hn Gibson, lilorence ~yers; Charles Mr. H. Burke, Port Perry. mq~t. interestingmissionnry meetings we WE.S'J'. 'V .A.RD. the GRIST MILL of J. St11lter, E sq., and S 11npson, Ja~ . Lunn, C. Rich ards, Theo. . . 'd· fB , ,'II .f ever attended and we heartily recommend put everything in first -Class or<ler, is pre- . A f.ormet .res1 e~t o. ow .mann e, or - Rev, Mr; Mcintyre's ne11o plan to other k 'sliley, c~rl . O' Dell, Bertie Munday, Fl ~ . d l b r tw from Glenadel h l c . 1 b. LAnrES AN'D GmN'rLE>rnN,- I iam a candidate pared to do all inds of Gr1 sting. I wi11 1 1 - c · urc ies. . ertama :l'. 1:1° one can '?. Ject for Councillor in the West Ward of t he Town gnarantee to make· the best ARNECTA. Alice Silv.. r , N . North cote, Ina Trebil- ~ <r mg ier su sen ! u " cock, Ed. Davie, L . Osborne, H . Cherry, aide, :N . 'vV. T., . w1:ites: Frozen wh.ea.t to the holdmg of a 1 mssionary meetmg on of Bowman ville tor 1886. anti most respectful - F·LoUI~ that is made in the county, as the F rank Kydd, F, Northcote, (}. Lyle, E. compels us to .do .~1thout ma~r lt~x.une.3;, the Sabbath. ly solicit >11nr votes and inftue.y~~·rs 'l'rul:v. mill has been fitted u p especially for Carr, Fred. J ackman', N . McDougall, R . bu~ we canno~do without the SlATESMAN . ~- ·--·-·-· --· -·-··-· -- -· ------·· 52 .2w* M. A, JAMES. handling that kind of. wheat. It 18 a necessity... BIRTHS. ....r(· tt 'r ·n WARD. i I b:we ·also put in a SAw M1LL 'i ri couP ark, P . Htlnry, On Friday 23th inst. it,being Christmas M.tN'N'-At Baltimore. on Dae., «, the wire i· .,, nect ion with' the above, and a m prepared D~\y, .there will be Divine service in St. or Mr. A , G, l\fann, or a son. ' to take. in any quantity of t:'law Logs .. £arYou .a re invited to visit John's Church at 11 a . m. The service Powims- Tn Bnwmanville on the 17th inst.,. ELECTORS OF BOWMANYILLE. I have lowered t he price of Chopping· to suit t he times. . · will include' a special ser vice of prais~, the wire or Mr. Wilson Po\Yers, Jr. ot a daugh· · ·. ·. . LArims A .ND GEN'TLEMEN,- I be~ to announce A· .,;i· ,.,OOLEY .. .Murdoch Bros' N ew China. Hall auitable for the season, a. foll choir being ter. P ARSOl!\s- At K!lne, p,.,; on the 17th inst.ant, myself a s ·a candidate tor . Oonnoillcr for yo11r '3 A aecompanie.d by several instruments. the wlftl of Rev; Joe, .A. Paraons;ot a . son. warJ tor lSSll, and 11olici1, your vote11 and intlu· People's Mills, to-morrow (S~turday) or a ny l\:lr. TTnderhill who ha~ been m:igag!ld . gf~~· Yours Jb"~~BJ¥r~!fAIN 51 Kingston Road. for Ta1inton school for nextyear possesses, · lt·ARRIED. -~------"----"----,--day n ext w eek to· i nspect the' a seeoncl-class Grade A certificate and is PmLP::...Pmil·- A't the · residence of the ~J?O ~'H E EJ.. E C'l 'ORS 0}' an undergraduate of ···T oronto University. bride's father, Willow Grove,Oo.rtwrigbt, by oo'ln[r -Ai-.rv1 L E qi&"gest . ~nd best display of 'vl .tll Fi'rst Class . Honors in :English . arid the Hev; Jos<;ph Philp, b_rother or t.he bride, . ·· na _ · i L ·· J .· Mr. J, W. Philp; of Plckerm~. ·l\rtd Miss· Annie, J,,m rns A.ND GENTLEME, _ Believing there , Second ()lass· i n History and ' Geography. younirest de.ughter ot 'William Philp, Esq. BowM:.A.,·'1_·~.t.E ·. F ruD.A.Y, DEc. 25. China Sets: China w~re, CrockMr a11d Mrs S .T D re w of Red Wing HooEY~W,\LLACE-On the 22nd inst.. at t he should be a contest for .the principal positions T :Ja:E . . .·. .· . . ' .·. ' ··'·· resi<le!)<Je or th~ bride's father, by the Rev. roi: l\{unlclpal honors lil this town, I hereby ==~ "I':~-......- """' ,Mi,nn ., lJ: S., l.l :J.\'.tl been lu~re Q~l ~ v~~i.t . Joh' ' Mcl1ims, Illantfyc: .Mr. Wi11'.Q~t Hooey, announce myself a candidate for the Reeve· 3f filQ U 0 ·e ry, ·Qfusawa reyc<L amps;· etcr.,- to relativ .es ahd 'friehds a,fter ·.lln ao.se1,1c~ . -of-'l'orotito, to Ann·ie; only dal,\ghte1· of Hugh ehip _ for 188@. and respectfully solicit y;onr vote ----;-- ~· ~ . -;;-~""'7'-of 26 years· Mrs Drew is a. sister of Mt. Wa.lla~.e; Es9.; oi' tho tow11!i4lp ot 0.olllngwood. and mf,l11llllce. . Yours 'Irnly. I . It has im· . e,Yer shown in Bowmanville. W · S · RUSSELu ' Levi Morris, undertaker. T hey say Bow· :.i-· - W ' memorial for su lisc·n r t heir manville has wonderfully improved 'sin?e . . . . ' .. · ,nIEl). . . . . REE V E. papers delivered by the C:. rrie>:- Boy to they saw it last ' · · · · ·1· Pmi.1·7-InBowmanyille. onthe 22ndinstant, DEPllTY ? QY~ fJQ_ l ft,,_ ti him a 25 cent-piece O ' more on New Ma1'ia Philp, relict ot the la~e Riohnrd Philp, ~ · A l. . · · A large numbex vmted M11rdocl1 Br.o s a1<ed w years a.nd l mouttis, l.<"uneral on Sat-. ' . 1. '!' iJ 11 . ·a1~ville 1· ri;1 P.QW Pl" to q uote prices . tit Yea.r's Day, ther~fore ii, accord ance with new Cl. 1 i. n a H. a l.l las_t Saturday ni1:!~t . . I.t . urday . -at 2:30 p.m. . · · To the Elcctol'H>J I ie OWIU J . Ol~ll· ; . ' . " '. I :BINDER TWINE for the season of188G this time honored cu~torn the STATESMAN " LADIES AND GENTT,E)fEJ'<,-- 1ta1'lng fllleil tht: · A cheese factory is likely t o be built at was brightly illununatecl and looked .-i;:ry . oftlce or Deputy-Reem of 'otir 'l'own for the ....,.=·-:"---=-=---Carrier will call on his numerous custom attractive. Our country r eaders re: :BOWMANVI LLE MARKETS past two years, to your entir.!111a.tisfaction so· ~,. erR on New Yea.r's morning wi 1 h his An- Brooklin. · visitmg · ·· c 1uested t"' call ancl see tl1e be·. · t di ' splay of · far as I am aware. and having b't:ren rtipeatedly U . K enner, o f Clie1 M iss nual Address. H e has been very faithful sey, is v " rellllll~tM to offer a.gain for the same position, .and regular in delivering the paper during friends in town. · China, crockery,glassware ancl lamps eve1· 4;11rrcl\tci1l b,;,J,fbn Lyle, eveFyTJmr~llay. I now announce myself as a Candids te tor re!'IOCtion.and l'espectfully solicit yonr votea and the year , and we bespeak for him liberal Lieut. E. White, of Salvation A rmy exhibited in the town. mfl11ence, GEO. PIGGO'l"l'. i:ontributions. Prescott, in visiting his relatives in town, Mr. C. C. 'James, of Napanee, at pres- Fwun., t' 100 lbs. .... . ... $2 10 to $2 50' Bowmanville, Dec. 24. 1885. 5'l Miss Mag~ie Y. Bickle, is spending h er 'ent classical' n1aster 0£ Cobourg Collegiate "\'VHRA. T, Fall, if bush . . . . , . 0 76 11 . O 80 - - - . - - - - - -- - -- - -~ x:s ·== Christmas.holi<layswith relatives in Hast- Institute, has been appointed to the po,, Spr ing, " .. .. . 0 75 II ·O 80 Ct - - - o - -Attractive Holiday Gift s ing!l!, __......----...,sitioninGuelphAgricultural Col!ege,fur- BAl\LEY,~bush .. . .. . · · · 0.55 11 0 70 . . . . . '. 28 h 'Jnerly held by th .i late Prof. R . B. Hare, Rn, . II · · · ·· ' · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 OF '1 Not hing is more appropriated 9r H O well . M umc1pal n'?mmat1ons are on the t "" Is. A. Ph.HD . l\Ir. James;isa distingu ish- OATS, 11 ·· · · · · · , , O 28 11 O 33 e alcula ted to a wife, husband, mst., and elections Oil the 4th of Janu5Y)' ed graduate of Victoria University and is PEAS,' Blackeye, ~bush .. . 0 83 II ' Q 87 - --o--brother, sister or a friend for a Christmas 11 eminently fitted for this respon sible nosi- · Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 gift than s.. we a.rt1 c!e of je'l'rt;Jlry, no 188?. 11 Silver-plated ware of every d1scr1ption tion. Blue, 0 55 11 .0 65 -mat ter whether it be the most cnstly gem 11 a . n<l pri~e~ very low at Maynard the The followin"<r teachers from this town, · . B u·rT1 m, best table, 'W lb. . . 0 12 0 15 L G or an expensive l1td" trinket, or keepsake. J ewellers. who attended th e N or mal Sch ool Toronto, 'W lb' ···· ·· · · · · · · · 0 10 11 0 13 ADIES A~D . ENTLE:'l'IEN, -YOlU - -- o - - That such is the opinion nf t he public is Mr. and ·Mrs. Chas. Young are spend- last term, have been awarded second-clt1ss ~cos, ~ doz · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 18 " 0 20 votes and rnfl.nence respectfully llfake no mistake, do not lay out a dollar until evidenced by tlie fact t hat the store of 11 professional certificates:- Mr. A. S. 'l'illey, OTA.TOES, <jjl' bush·· · · · · · · 0 35 0 4 0 solicited for you have seen our new stock Maynard the Jew,;ller is conceded t o be ~ng t heir Christmas with their daug h ter i 1 Miss M . E. Hambly and Miss Minnie DfESSED H oos '!?' l OO · · · · · 4 50 " 5 25 the beadquartars fo " th~ purchMe of beau- m Toronto. C. S . THORN '. rON , Fi n e Wa t cltes, C lo cks. Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Creeper are visit- Raines; and having made over 70 per tiful holiday pr;mmts. T he st ock of fine for Councillor for 1886. ~.; New '.21Jrnerti.5ttntnts. jewelry carried by this reliable and ing f~iends in Exeter n.nd other parts of eentof the aggregate mark s for .tenching, Je, ve l e r y , !!!Ji l ve r1var e their certificates h ava been raised from , popular busineM rua"' is far too !extensive Western Ontario. a n d Nov e I t i es. OYSTERS.- Thc Bivalves always choice s~coud-~lass B t o second ·cli~ss A- a distinc- "1~~~·~~ T HE and varied to atL o·npt anythin g like a SI1 UATION WANTF.J).- Hy married d etailed dcscrip1·o ., of the beautiful and fresh a t the (hand Central. l'{\lxt tion winch only a few received. People are now becoming aware that our · p t Ofli' """' p e diars an d 1 ' · I U · ,Jt ' · man. on farm. Over t.wo years experience articles to be fou nd there, u.nd all that cloor· t o tile os ce. · ' iawKers m t lese n;,t eu in Address. 'I', HENUY, Orono, Ont. To the ELECTORS 'of the Town pr ices rtre positively the lowest for the. remains for patr· ·ns to · ·o is to Cf l ll and Mr. R . D. Davidson, successor t o Mr. Jp ounties have to pay t h e foll owiug>ili'Cen4s.~w~ of Bowmanville. see for,. \emselves. He hns the most Barber in tho Union Sd1ool, was n to w~,,,.'ses hereafter : - Resident, on foot, both same quality. All are delighted wit h complete- and fi11ea· . s:ock of the fatest yest erday looking tor a h ouse. ONEY TO LOAN. Money to loa:'l .,.,.,,.,,.,,, counties, per year, $20; six months, $12. our goods and our sales are constantly GENTLEMEN,on the very lowest terms on farm and most be"ild·,r ing s t.yles of rings, HM ing been requested by u large number '! 'ho R ev. J . E. Starr, of Toronto, from On foot, for one county, one year, $ 12; security, and all business strictly confidential. of infl increasing. You try us. uent1al ratepayers to ofter myself as a earrings, brooc r,e~ , pins, e· c. ; ladies his pulpit, last S unday evening, delivered six months, $6. With vehicle, for both n . HU'l'eHTSON, agent. Enniskillen. {9-!w candidate for the Moyara!ty for the year 1886, j gold watches of all de~cription s and mil.n- a sermon against the evils of roller rinks. count ies, one year, $50 ; fo r one coumy, I have after a careful consirleration decided to 1 J .J. u fact ure ; gents' Ame rican watches iu all EDAR RAILS AND POSTS .- The comply with their request. I therefore re~pect- l · one year, $30. Non-resident s-On foot, fully solicit ycur VOl'E. and lNJ!~L UENC E for und~rsigned . offers for so.le a quantity styles of cases and movemen·., ranging in Practical Watchmaker Christmas now is h ere, I for both counties, one year, $40; one of dry Mayor. for the ensuing year. rails and posts. cheap for cash. cedar 'Prices to suit the circu 1 uata11ced of the Our liver is less murkey. county, $2li. With vehicle, for both JOHN BH:ACOCK, Cartwright. P. O. il2-tf' If elected I wili endea.vor to discharge all b uyer, boys' watch es in silver and 'nickel 'vVe've sent awiiy the doctor, counties, one year $Hi0; one co unty, one duties devolving upon me in such a manner as in my j udgment will meet with your hearty cases at excee·lingly lo~v prices ; elegant .And are~ peu.ce with turkey. y ear, $ 100. .HINGLES,- Two Car Loads of XX. approval and endorrntion. Your obedient jewel cases; n. cou ut l~"~ v..riety of watch Ou Tlu u·sday evenin!! of last week, in 18 inch shingles for sale, also a quantity of servant, The Queen-st Meth. church Sabbath W. !'II. llOltSEl: . Ch · t t ·· ci:_d1tr posts, 'I'he above shingles are made bv · t d h · and neck ch>tins, ch,.rm~. lockets, brace- Sch oo I m Bowmanville, Dec. 9th, 1885. en avmg a ris mas ree the choir at St. John·s Chnrch,Mr. Rich. William Hidge Eaq,. one of the best shin~le lets, rin~.i of t<Very t;unceivabltl designs and entertainment for the Scholars on Fields Church Warden present ec l Mr. w. makes In the county.Apply to lt.!HUTCHlf:iON Darlin~ton E l ections. and all othcr 11s·1ful and ornamental Monday evening uext. A choice program McCullough with a silver watch and gold E niijskill.en. 5'.Mw* articles to be founJ 111 ~ firs r.-class jewelry has been prepared and a pleasant t ime is ch ai n. On the watch was engmved the fol t LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.- Haviog been -emporium, art'I offere·l for the ho liday anticipated. 0 LT E S T lt AY. - into tlie soliclted .bya large number of the electors of lowing- Presented to W . McC .illough ns a premises. lot 18, con. 6. Darlington, a horse the Township to bee. candidate for the position trade at popular price~ . · r Jrn silverware - 30 acres of lot 3 in the let concession The Entrance Examination began on mark of esteem by t he congregat ion of St. colt, ~abont two years old. The owner will of Second Deputy Reeve for ISSG, I have con- otFIRS'!'. Darlington, lying immediately south ot the .department contHins it large and choice Monday and ended Wednesday, at noon. John's chur ch stand for that posltion,ancl respectful- cemetery. D ec. 17th 1885, Mr. pleaee prove propcrty, parcosts and take him sented to" 011 aw,ay. Tnos. i\IcLEAY, Hampton. 4!J.3w. assort ment, ai l the latest Tl ly solicit your votes and influence. . 1ere were 35 canel id ates, 20 from t h e Fields and Rev. Dr. Macnab made appro· · SECOND.- The South HO acres of lot 16 in the Sincerely Your s, designs in the WHY of card -receivers, 51 'l'HOS. SM.A.LE. third concession or Darlington, and the North town and 15 from t he country. Mr. W. priate r emarks tu which Mr. McCulhugh fiORSES LOST.Strayed from the fruit-di11hes, but ter-dishes, castors, nap~~:i<;~~~~et~To~outh 83 acres o. t lot 15 in the. W. Tamblyn, M . A., presided. T~e re- responded in a most feeling manner. Mr.. · premises lot 14, con, 7, Da.rllns;:ton, on k in-ringa, tea, table and berry spoons, llult will be madti known n ext week. as McCullough hag been a valued member of Sunday Dec. 20th, a Blaok Mare on rront E l ect oa-s o C Darlington. Sont.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the THmn.'I'he colt, 1orrel, accompanied her. leg.s A sprinll' pickle-di11he~, ic&-creaw l a.dlt:s, forks, f third conceesion of Darlington, and the Northh 1 l d Information leading to her recove:r;r w ill be erly 60 acrea of the east half o! lot 25 in th& Rerviced, and many ··ther a"velties ; a ar as t e aca exa.m~ners are concerne .,_ St. John's choir for over twolve years. J,A.DlES AND GENTLEMEN, .A.llo' v me to rewarded. J O SEPH H.&.WKEY, Haydon. P.O. 0n M n t Y '\ The value of advertising in a widely cir52·tf· . ond ay evemng b et ween t we_ large line of .Frcuch l\JJd American clocks, solicit your vote and influence for the position same concession. of First Deputy·Reeve for the ensuing year, .A.ll the above will be sold in parcels to suit. many being extremely bt'autiful &nd and thirty couple from to"'.n su!pr1sed cti~ted journal like tlie STATES.\lAN has purchasers. Time tor payment and terms will Yours respectfullv. ANTED- LADIES t o work for ns 1881i. decidedly oruament>ll. The st·ire is con· ~r. a!Ld Mrs. ~- Cotton at t~eir res1den?e, b eeq emphatically demonstrat ecl by Meilsrs . be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, Fol:" L E VI VANC.U!P, their own homee, $7 to $10 per week particulars apply to Erpm.g ham. AHer takmg pos!!ession Tait ~ Mon·iso n, for the p1 ist week has can be at Darlington, Dec, 1, 1885, 4lHw* ·atantly from morning till late at quietly made. No photo. painting; no D, BURKE SIMPSON, night with patron· b·mnd to get good the }aches srreail the table· from the con- been~ otltl of unusual activity in t heir canvo.ssing. For full particnla.ra. please ad· Vendor's Solioitoi.once, Cresce at Art Co., Boston.l\fas!J., To t11e E(cctors of t /,e Township,of D arlington: 4Hf. Last Friday their vu.lue. Th e etock is J,.rl!" and ...11 will be t ents o~ their well filled baJJketa and .all Cl e'Bpaide Bazaar. Box ~170. LADIES A.NOGio::o. "'l'LE~IE.N,-1 be({ to announce part9ok of a .bounteou1 1repast after whtch ,Jtlt ge announcement appeared · in the supplied at the most lib~ ral JJrices. Call. mysolf a candi(la.te for the position of Second- D issolution ot"Partner sh1p mmnc! dancm~ a'!1d other amm;em~nt,, STA TESM AN setting forth a brief inventory Depnty Ueeve, and respectfully solicit your RESS AND MANTLE MARINGwere mdulgecl m till an early hour. .;~, of the goods they offer for holiday trade, Mrs. ,V. Borland is prepared to do Dre ss vote·and influence. Yours fnit.hfully, HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOCouch, Johnst-On & Cryderman are now and Mantle Making and to 'f Mcll the '.l'all or , A lnrge number of friends surprif!llsl:'Mr. "and this week they have supplied presents WILLIA..\l Cit¥DERMAN. FOHE existing between the undersigned sho" fog a lovely assortment of S ilk lfand- and Mra. W . A. J?<>pe at the~r residence, r'O,r dressing five large Christmas trees be· · 8ystom ofcutting._ ' Valet lining cut for 25c, Enniskillen, Dec. 4, 1885. 00-3w. as livery stable keepers, under the or Residence over Mr. Chas. Tod's Confection· kerchief11 Silk and Cashm.,re Squar es, SA ND ERC OCJ{ & MC MURTRY. is hereboy dis.:.· . {8·1W, ~cugog-s~, on Friday ~vemng _ the sides~large and costly imlivi911i1.l pres.ents ary store, Bowmanvil!e. solved. The busine,ss will he carried 9n in tho men's fancy Brae.ea, lined KJd CHovos, fifth anm versary ,,f their weddmg day . for several teachers..and hundreds of pres-· OARS FOR SERVICE.-Two Bo~rs, same place by T. J . MuMurrrnY, who will pay J\'[en's· and Boy's Knitted Gloves- j uat the During the evening they pre11ented Mrs. en ts, for ·· others, Their store ·· hM been ·CATTLE ASTlt.A.Y-Came · in to t he one a pure bred Berkshire from imported all the liabilities of the said firm. and to whoni. premises J,ot.11, 1st con.·. DarUngton, on stock direct and in no way related to former all debts due the said firm are to be paid. right gc.ods for holiday presents. Pope and h er little d~ughter ench with thrQ'n ged with purchasers eV'()ry day_this or about the.8th inl!t; one.heifer cormln.g two anlm· ls O\Tned by me and tile other a pure Dated at B:!>wmanvtlle, this ~8th day of: M ur· lo~h Broll', are selling . 1'able and a l1angs~me r.~ttan chair. ~fter su:Pper a we~k so f~r, and still ther have a grand' old and one steer two years o d: 'O't\'tler bred Suft'olk also from imported 1tock, are kept November, 1885, . will . please . prove property, pat costs; and for service on lot 22, con. a.Darlington, 'l'ERMS; W. SANDERCOCK, Ilangi1_, Lampa, much I·o wer t han u1ual. pleasan t e\'enmg w:i.s spent m mu1ic and assortment on hand. Gall and see for t.a.ko them away, · , · RG.R1'RT.ff4LL. · - t l.fia ca&h .for thoro'·l>red sows, and $ 1.00 for Witness : J. MoMtm.TRT. T. ' · · · Burton, · others. SAM'L SNOWl>EN, Proprietor. ·a.Sw* 51·3w 'l'hey have a great' uso1tment too. other amusements. . rourself. J OB:N CLARK.E, · 4~3w. Public School Proniotfons. COUCH, JOHNSTON I CRYDERMAN s IA Fi"ne Assortment of New Good· New Astrachan Coats, New Persian Lamb Caps, New Lined Kid Gloves, New Silk Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Children's Gaiters, '----........ Woollen Hoods and Scarfs, &c. AN EARLY C ALL SOL I CITED. T OUR F REM AR KAB LY LOWI B Public Notice. IBl ND ER .;;:_,. ....... b~ef . J,~ .i.Jl ·~e "·'n.~ave --::::. . ID I 'TWINE. ·················ii Local and Otherwlse ' · .: .' · ' )m" · ., . . , th Ropew r k Company HALIFAX N s t· t B E AU. T .- - F """' 1 I H 0LI D s AV coo D · L . . ,. , ._ _ :LECT Q R S El · ble egant andD es1ra ·,..-<' . c·LARKE. t· um, I R EVERYBOD Y. ISU ITA8l E FO 1 -- - --- - -- ·-·---·· -· M AYORALTY. M C MASON, * H o u se Wak~ De~artment C Valuable Farms for Sale. W D T B

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