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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 7

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"'!1!~~~~~~~~!!1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~·~'~W~WWW~S~&~::a:uauau:e~~ · ~'!!~~!!R~W~~ !-~~~ =~--~ !!~~~=~ ~ ~ - ~~~!~~-~·~·~·~-~~~ii~QP.!~J.!!RZW~~WWW ~ · '!l:!S~~L~~~~-~!!'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&L~~~~~ - ~ - -· . ~ 111..111-a · ma :: . :: . . .....-.. ---- ..~ . . .we~----!!'· T o epend money judiciously and g et a.II it The Sick-Room. will bring l'Equiree n ot a ht.t is knowledge and exper ience. A good hm,i~ekeeper who · No~ to manage· a $ick-room so that it is a skilfnl cook wtll pro.vide, of course., a IJc·cause of a suverstition that ,it coµl<.l be i, ·· · ; '-:r _. shall be air wholesome, as comfortable a.nd as better h ome 'and a. b~tter t:;ble with leastX· c11re<.l by a k ing's touch. The world la . · , ' .( ...,. cheerful a.a t:he possibility of tho case ad- pendit ure of money ,than a. person \1'.ho is " Iser now, anu kno,vStbat . \vi sh t o return our smcere thank s to 'the · : people . mit s, is a study which will probably never neither t he one nor the other. A y_ er>r age receive ~he ~ttention ft merits until ~~e "11ort a. y oung Englishma.n, with a. wifo who p'O §· of nure1ng1 ~ha.llt be fu!IY recogmzod M ~~~~~e bo.~h 11f the~e 11cc:m!pHabm·1:1.~~. Bowm~nville al).d surr ounding neighborhood for the libe!.a.l p atron;i,ge forming a ,f !ll~ID!\ e 11nd 1mpor~~nt branch " from Lon.don t o Brooklyn 111 seiu·ch cf em· enn only be cured by a thorough purificii.- . ployment. '.L'te cou ple settled wit;1 their of the art of healing. · tion of t he blood. If this is neglected, to since our open in g proving No err or of management In a. sick-room le one child in a .comfor table t hird ~torey in the di~ a~e perpetuates i t~ t aint throu~ h whichhas been so common i>e a neglect of proper tempera.- P acific street, in the vicinity of N oetrand generution after gc,ner iitiou. A mong its earlier symptomatic developments are con d usively that· the meth od adop ted by us of making "t~ery par cel ture a,n d ventifatfon; yet upon these ve:ry avenue. '.I.'hey had lived jn be ;ter apf>.r~ COST ONLY $2.00 AT Eczema, Cuta n eou s J!;1·11pti< ;m s, _T~7 eubj ~c~sphysiolgi~tehave written more pa_ ger, ments in England , and a t one time in the mors, Boil_~ Ca rbunc les, E rysipelas, 'l\iid ...phy11lcians spent more· breath, ·t nan past they hu,d occupied o. whole house In Pur ulent ulcel's, Ne1·votlS ,;.ind, Pl1y- a .'J?argain , arid every bargaiii. an adver ti1:1emen t" is ~ne w hich the · apon all kindred topics ·put together. Of one of the subur bs of P~ris, but the most Colla p se, etc. If allowecl to con· -NEWCASTLE· 48-ly. course no infleiible rule can be formula.ted the husbil.nd h"'B been able to t'arn since his sical tinueJ Rheuma tism, Scrofulous Caupon these points. An open window may be arrival in thfa city is ten dollars a week. Oo tarrn, l i:idney and Livcl' Dise ases, p eople apprecia.te. W e shall continue t o act on t h at -principle a~ >a.lva.tlon to 11o man in th.. burning stage ,,fa this amount they have been obliged to subTube1·cular Consumptjon, m1d vuri· ous otbei· danger ous ·or fatal malu<.lies, are WA. .NT E .D fever ; at the same time it ia fa.till to one in sist. They pay $12 a month reut for four ast onish and deligh t y ou all. We shall astonish y ou by th e lowness --..... producell by it , ~Ile swe..,ting Wi.tll 1111 d ue,E~l\rd for room~ ; );rot t;\l,t;i~e !!:partment11 J: an o! TO SELL FOH THE the therli1ometf r, gcod sense and enlighten· comfort and even !uxurv th1>t tnuch rr.ore of our prices and delight y ou with the excellence of our goods. ed and careful observation should r egulate expensive lodgments frt q uently look . . Al· there eBsentla.l oonditlons, though there ts not a costly article in any of I Every one admits the neoeEs!ty of keFping the rooms, the general eff,ct that le produo· We' have for t his fall bou ght a choice select ion of :;easonab1e goods Is the only powerful and always reliable LARGEST IN OANADA- OVER400 A CRES. the of the iiok-room as pure a.a poeslble, ed by tae nic6 arnngement t·f curtains, b~ood-pitrif ying medicine. It is so eft' e ctyet how seldom, except in cases.of conta~ ion, drapery, prints, photographs and eugr·a.vtml 1111 alternti ve that it eradicates from and may safely say t hat we have qualit y and value unsurpassed, do we see dls!nfeotants about a. sick-bed, inga here and there on the walls gives the the system Hereditary Scrofu.-I a, and Steatly Em11toymc11t lo Gootl ltlen. Chloride of lime and carbolic aoi'd are ollEup rooms an inviting appetua.nce, They .form the kmdred .poisous of contagious diseases a.nd efleotive and something of the kino an unpretentiouQ h ome that ha.a an air of aml mercuq. At the same time it en· and that our r eputation will not suffer in t he ou tput of the goods. P aid by salary ~r commission. Can start ement such as one frer iches and vitalizes the blood, r estoring you at once. Do.nt apply unl ess yo~1 meun 6houl<l alwayo be used whtrtver fresh 11oir good taste and rofir.1 healthful action to the vitul organs and quently comes across in Pa.rie among per business and wa.i.t to work. We ftnmHh ou·· oann'>t be freely admitted. rejuvenating the entire system. '.l.'his great Come and inspect our goods and allow u s to put you up a par c(z)l There should always be a. towel-ra.ok ln the sons of am11oll, but which ia not Clm fit s free a.nd pay expense·. Address room, or just outside, where moistened mon in A merican cities, The wife takes STONE &;; WEI,LING'l'ON. clothe can be quiokly dried. Clothe wet io the whole care of her sma.11 establishment Nurser ymen, when you will find th at i t is indeed a barga in, and we t rust, will Tor onto, Ont. pure water even give out an unpleasant odor and makes her own and her little girl's Is composed of the 9enulne Honduras if left 11ing In a heap to mold or d ry a.a they clothes. Tt e w· shing ie given ou& and r eSarsaparilla, with l ellow Dock, Stil· become an advertisement. best o~n. Keep one sta.nd or table for food or turned unironed. This iH the only exp~nse lingia, the l odiclc.s of Potassium .an<.l Iron, and other ingred ients or great po· drinks and 11onoiher for medicines. A clean for help and oosts fifty cents a week. Here Formerly Known as the " Soper Mills. ') teooy, carefully an\i scle ntific:illy comnewspaper often renewed ma.kes a better are the items of the entire expense of liviog pounded. Its tormtila. is generally known co vering for such tables than a cloth. Have one weel..-, copied from a email account ·ofession, and the best to the medical p1 L ate S. MASON & SoN. HIS MILL 'HAS BEE N THOR· a b:i.sin of water always at hand, that when· b ook :- Rent, $3 : food, $5,01 ; fuel, 50 ~. ; physicians constantly prescribe AYEn's UGflJ,Y renovat ed and put inorder,und&f 'ever a spoon or wlnegla·s Is used, it c11on be light (astral oil), IOe. ; w ..shing, 50c, ; c:>r · S ARSAPARILLA us an our own special supervision, for the pu rpoa-e o! rinsed immedfo.tely and r eady for uso; Guard, 60J, ; newspapers, l 5c, ; total, $9 86. rlsting a.nd manufacturing 01it Meal and Pot &rley, and we are now p1·ep,,.r ed to r ecPive aga.inetirrita.ting nolse,lcreakh·gdoors,ch11oirs '!'hie is the expen~e of a.n average week, orders trom all our old cuot.orn ~ ra and otherP or shoes, v.lso 11.g ..inst too much light a.nd Some weeks in we.rm we11oth er the cost for F or all diseases cnuscll by the vitiation of for work, and we gurantee t o ~ive tJ;iem w ho cross lights. Holas in wlndow-sh11odes and food haa n ot bHn over thrt e doHars and a intrust !i · · with the ent.11;:e sa.t1 sfactlon the blood·. It is concentrated to the high· Oats and :)ther grains taken in exchange for in shutters often nuisan· hlllf, a.nd fuel has not cost more than twen· est practicable degree, far beyoml any Flour Oat Meal, &c. H . &; J, TOWNS, Bow coo. Many an inva lid is tortured by a singlo ty·fiv o c~nts, 'Vhen a.uything has betn point of piercing light, which seems, like a saved in this way 1t has been put away for 227. manv!lle . other preparation for which like efi"cct~ faithful eye, to J!Ur&uo him everywhere, and unexpected demands- shoes, and such small are claimed, and is therefore t he cheapest, to which in spite of him ;elf he is ever re- iuveutmrnts in olothing &S the saving will ns well as the best bloocl purifying mclll· turniDg. provide. But t he supply of food has rarely cine, in the w orld. A lhtle dally change in the arrangement be(ln etinted. The family has three mrnls Y ou can do so by calling at the of furniture, a. little planning !or such pleas- a. day, and the variety of ciiahes fr· quently OF CAN ADA. ant surprists as an ir.v11olld can bear, in the served at dinner weu ld very likely be a 5urCA.PITA.I., $1,000,000:,,,_ REST , $220,000 way of food, compimy 11ond amusement, will to a gr eat muj :>rity of people t o whom P REPARE D B Y This Bank ls prepared to do Legiti· often be more effectual in hastening the living is much more expensive, The houeeOr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. conv11oleecen ce of a. pat ient a.11 the tonics keeper fn question has ljved in France, and mate Baukiug in a.11 its bra.nchea. : that have been used i n t he building up of in- has learnea the art, a~ the F rench Jleople [Analytical Chemists.] Farmers notes disco11 nted ; D e posits firm humauity since the days of Esculapius. practise it, of m akit>g· much oflittlP, d buySold by all D r uggists : pr.foe $!·; six where there will be found a complete assortment of every kin d o!: received and Interest paid on amounts of A soft tread, a. mild, persuasive word, a ing with a vie w t o a. variety of combina.tlon, bot tles for i15, t5 upwards in Savings B ank D epartment. magnetic hand, a. tact- or shall we say a an d of making t he simplest dish po.Jatable, footwear from the smaJlest to the largest. DRAFTS . genius ?- for detecting the interior aspects She knows, for instonce, t wenty a iffer ent If we cannot fit you with a r eady-made pair, w e ~n make you any of disease, invalua.ble adjuncts of good ways t o serve rggs, V egetables made to Issued and Collections made in Europe, nursing, Clatter of firearms, rattle of dishes take the pla~e often of meat or fish, and k ind that may b e needed, in t he latest style. United and Canad a. e.nd newspapers, loud talking and whisper- soups-which tne a verage h ousekeeper in ing-, are a.bout equally a.bomiuablo. this country kn ows little a bc ut.- ~he makes W.J. JONES, Growing plants are usually interdicted In supply more costly but less nourishing food, Agent. 27 E STABLISHED IN 1847. a. sick-r oom, but out flowers are gr1 at Her account book showed the fol lowing pur· 1 brighteners of its somberness, chases for the table during the week r eferred OE~EN"TIN""G to :-Saturday, 25 -pounds of flour, 85c. ; 4 ~ rt has no shareholders to pay dividends to, Fear and Disease. p~:mnds of sugar' 20c. : 1 pound of butter, Managed by and solely in the inter ests of tl d ,I. d the P olicy holders. nea J One SO tha t th 0 pat Ch Call SCa_., ce1 b 8 d' 1SCOV8f8 ·. Some emoti.o ns accelera.te the heart, quick- 23c, ; 1·4 pound t ea, 12c, ; l 2 pound coffee, en the action of the braln,1 give new atren~ th 14c, ; I pound oatmfal, 5c, ; 1-2 peck of po· and elasticity to the step, and greatly 11nliv· tatoes, 18c. ; l pound of Jard, 7o. ; yeast, Its Rates are I~ow. · en the spir its-the effect being of brief dur- 2J, ; l beef kidney, 5c. ; I roll N t ufchatel . cheese, ; bones for soup, 6c. ; I pound l"ollctcs non rorfcltublc and unconditional, also the · ation, Others, like hope, for lnstanoe, have 150 2 a similar effect much lower In degree, but of steak, 14c. ;sundries, including salt, pep· Cnsb Bonus Paid evel'y three yeurs, . D\'SPEPSIA OR INDh.;fS,TION, much more prolonged. Still others have an per, vinfg >1or, lettuce, onions, etc., 140. ; cabbage, 5c. ; nuts and raisins, 160.; l canot opposite effect. Joint Life Policies. WHEN· Among the last la fear. Many cases are salmon, 180.; apples, So. ; pta.ches, l Oo.; Though a double r!eh but one premium Is N o t rouble to show goods. Please give us a call. on record In whioh it ha.a resulted in sudden do:1:11n eggs, 250, ; small egg plant, 4o, ; for t wo people. .A.mount ot pollcy drawn , Under its influence, a.s Is well known, hominy, 8, ; total, $3.34. S unda.y-milk, on first death. the f&ce often beoames p11ole, the heart bee.ts Sc. Monda.y- milk,4c. ; ~ pound of cheEse, Wdlll f l'\~~OU&f!I~ ~r· . YOPj l ft~tey violently, the breath le obstructed, the limbs 9c. ; soup bone, 8 0, ; knuokle of veal, lOc. to '·remble, the appetite is lost, and all other ma toes, 4 J. ; rice 4Jpears, 6c. ; total, 450. Tuea- S ped.;il I n ducem ents to__'['o.t al .A]!stain er.1, o n . "' ·lpe or purg·, Dut ao day- liver, 5o. ; soup bone, Sc, ; macaron i, ei.r.utlons ;;r;; overcome, mlldly, a na wi\··" ~ ,,er use.. W e Ppeak of the mi n M p aralyze-I with (pa ckage ), 20c. _; tomatoes, 5o, ; tote.I, 38c. A.SSETS OYER $ 5,000,000.1 aro oohil(de'hd"' \ id~ · fear. There is literal truth in this.. The Wednes<lo.y- milk, 4c. ; clams, lOc,; soup1 I NC0:8IE OYER $1 000,000 effect is due to the lnfluenceof the emcr tion on bone, 60. ; round of beef, 28c, ; tot11ol 48c. ' ····· ThGtJ I · · · some one of the cerebra.I centres- the gan· Thursday- oysters, lOe. : l lemon, 3c. ; $100,000.00deposited with theCa.nadianGovern · ~~ gllga., or nerve ma.sees, near the base of the soup, 5o.;, 2c. ; celery, 5c, ; ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders., which govern the a ction of tho various mutton., 25c. ; tobl, 60c. Friday- Lobster, vital organs , This influenceJe, for the time, lOo. ; soup hone, 7c. ; milk, 4o, tota.I, 2l c. JJnESTED IN CA.NA.DA., $600,000.00, Saturday morning- milk, 4 J , Grand total of zing nature. . Hence the capillary blood-vessels near the $5 84. F rom thete purchases there were H EAD 0 F FlCE lN C ANADA:- MON TREAL surface collapsed, and the blood is driv· lEft on band S· t urday morning when the For po.rticuiars r eterto Beg respectfully to announce that their New Stock of F all en back on the hea.rt, burden!11 g both han d next week was begun, a.bout thirteen pounds tho lung; while the secretion of .the gastric of flour and one egg, worth 47c., which E. L. LIVINGS'J...T ONE, and Winter Goods is complete. We make a specialty of OF THE juice is arrested b y a paralysis of the great savings deducted from the whole outlay, GENERAL .A.GENT, ner veleft the p ueumogastric-which supplies the eost of the t a.blea for the seven d11ys, To all e"ff·rore from lndlgeetlon, the stoma.oh with its working force. Such $5.01. It is the custom of this t:ousekeeper P OR '.l' HOPE, Disordered Stomach. a. case is an extreme one, but It is t he to make out Friday or Saturday mornings Or to agents throughout the county, 48-6se. in kind w ith fear in every degref, It low- a bill of fare c:Jmplete for the week, So, ers the tone of the syst· m. lt lessens the when ahe goes out to lay in her supply THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. vitality, E ven this condition is a diseased S . 1turday, nhe knows what she w ill need one, a.nd ff protra.cted, the system would, the entire week. Thia c;-ste some time a nd PERFECT CURE sooner or later, give way under it. considera tion, but it is the secr et of en.ving Use them and be r11lloved from But the particular J!Oint we wish to me.kc money In the purchaaee, and it also saves iB that fear ex poses even the most r obust to her a.ny thou ght from d a.y to day about yo"r mlserr. 30 Piiis In a box, the acks of infectious diseases. Tne die· what she will provide to eat, one of t he 25c. per box, 15 boxelS for $1 Cottons, F lannels a~P, Tweed s, Shirts a nd Drawers. eases calll!ed by minute organisms which grea.t worries of daily exist ence. She k eeps enter t he body through the or the theao bills of In a scrap book ; and every FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND lungs. Tbey may be li.a1 mle es, if the st omach two or three weeks she substitutes an old Having boug ht very largely we w ant to sell quickly, conseDEALERS IN lrfEO/CINES digests t hem, or if t he body has it11 full pow· for a knew prc ~ uctlon-" J ust a.a the min· er Clf resistance to Infection. ist er," she r emark· d, "does with bis ser· quently, we will offer good s a, prices that will Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. But just h~ re is the danger from fear - it mons and so saves himself the trouble of Genuine wrapped o nly in Blue, with sig naa stonish our customers. ture on every box. F ree trial package of lessens the normal Teei st ance of the system, writirg a· bra.nd ne w article." It will be of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address and cspeofally arr·ats the power of the inter est per to learn what she provided stomach t o secrete the gastric fluid. It puts with t he provisions tll a~ have been enumer· on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. the B l' btem , for t he time being, w1'cro i t 18 ated in d et ail, T he scrap book tur nishea a left by debilitat ing disease, bv drink ing recor d of t he living from d ay t o day, Sat · JNO. C. WEST &: CO. W e mean busin ess t his season and a re b ound to sell, thereha.bits, by over-eating, by excesses, by too urday- Lunch ; stewed kidney, apple tarts, SOL£ PROPR I ETOf1S fore, part ies asking u s for bargain s will n ot be disappointed. continuous watching, or by anxious worry. a.nd Neufchatel cheese with br ei>d, Dinner; KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT, SI AND If therefore, t he cholera invades Am eric11o, soup , steak rolled w it h parboiled or smallpox prevails, don't let us invite a.n ooloas, sa.Ia.d of lettuce, fried bread pudding. Bowma nville, 8eptember 30th, 1885. at bok by fe,.r; but rep· l it by keeping Su nd ay- B reakfast ; O.i.t mea.l and milk! THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUN~TY about our daily vocations with a. cheerful milk t oast . Dinner : Scotch brot h, salmon - ----·---==s tru it and 11o hand of help for ot hers-having, sa.l11od wit h egg dressing, nuts and r aisiirn, of oouroe, d one our whole duty in t he ml!ot· Supper ; Peaches, t ea a nd oake. Mond a.yD o you want t er of hygiene, · ; era.eked hominy wit h milk, egg :i, spl en did, toast with egg plant in cr u mbs, Lunchhan dsomel y W elsh rare bit , D inner : Reef soup. ved Cholera MOJ bus. bo und story ES, salad of At a. recent vather iog of mec ical men in bhmquetteB a.nd bolled pot!l>t O book? Yo u ca n h ave your Philadelphia. Dr. W . S. J anney, lat e. Cor on- sliced tomo.toes, boiled rice, with a border 'l'uegday- Breakfast ; clioice out of er of t hat city, ma de t he star~ling 6t ate· of stewed pears. t h e bes', that ment, that "no healthy ma.n or woman over plain omelette, Lunch -Stewed liver wit h Pum p s Cheap er and Bett er are published d ies in this clima·t e from cholera. mm·bns." p ot at oea and onion s, served on t oast. Dinif you will ob- R e r ep,.at ed the remark t o the edit or of the ner: Macaroni soup, Ma.earoni a.nd stuffe d t h a n ever . Wednesd!l>ytain two sub- M edical and S ui·gico.l Repoi·ter, ss.yfog t hat tomatoes, ap ple frittt rs, sm·iption s for the records of the Coronar's office would sub- Rreu.kfoat : Oatmeal and milk, gr iddle cakes, TnE WEEIU.Y st ant iate bis words. He explained t hat by Lunch : Clam chowder, c ·~hinet pudding Th e S u bs criber having built a large n e11 wit h cream sauce, Dinner; mop MAIL. A cato.- · "healt hy" ho meant a per son with nrgan ic P ump Factory in Oron o, is p r epared .n logue of stan - diseases aadof st rengt h and vitality. beef a. la mode, with spinach, sah d of po- t o furnishand pa.raley. ehceso om~il ette . '.l hurst at oes ~~ aarclanclrnis- " Such .. person," he said "when dyhigwhh D ES~ "IPT1 0~~ co ll ~t noo u s ey mpt.ona of choler a. morbue, alw11,ys di<s day-- Breakfast: Ila-ah mad e from a la mode 'l u il l't publications, given tis prizes for getting u'p from uoieoning (nsua)Jy ar senic,) and the beef, N eufchatel che·sc. Lunch : Oyster 1- m fritters, lemou pudding. D inner : Cele·y clubs for '.l'm,; lVLur,, will b e sent to nny case is ona of suicide or hom!o1de." The With or wit h ou t P orcelain Oylind e r, o! :i.ddress u pon application. 'l' h ere is no boy ex-Coronor fir&t examined in t o these c11.eee soup , ro&.- t leg of mutton, macaronia. with t he B est M aterial, on t h e sh ortest notic( or girl, yomig m an o. r yollng wom!!n, amon g when a. stout, healt hy man of his acqua.int1M1 ce tomato iauce, b11.ked appl" dumplings. Fri· and a t t h e lowest p rices. you who cmmot securo u. hm1dsome lot or d ied a.fter 11on illness of t hirty-eix hours with d ay- .Breakfoat : anra.mb!ed r.ggs. Lunph : t <r salad, nut" and l'aisins. Dinner : books t h is winter choler a. mor bu:s, He had been at tended by lob& s.:mp, crcq uEttes (mnrle of the remains Cistern Tubs a n d P u mps supplied Hea.n with very litt le four reputable, one of wh\'m had effort, if you will aigned t he dt ath cer tlficate, Y et ho inst i- of the roaat mu i ton}, with t omato sauce, o nl y ma k e up t uted an investigs.tion, an d found enough aa.hd of ool rl boiled potatoes, b!a':lo mange. k. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED . your mirnh to it. arsenic in tho deceas ed to k ill r. dozan me11, Saturfla~-Bre,, kfaat: Hominy and mi 1 'rhe b ook s- are He aft erwards met with fiye or elx similar I t sh ould be observed th"t a lthough this is splendidly bound oases. Dr. Barthlow, in a conversat ion a.nd inexpeDsive, every meal has a nd tlio p rowith the edit or of t he Reporter, said that he some substa.n tia.l di· h, food that has much c1 nctions of the' had not the d ou bt of t he correctness of n utrition in it, and that no t wo days are ' best k nown .au - ,,, · Dr. Janney's assert ion. Anot her p romin- alike. TO GI VE SATISFACTION. ·--~- --. · t }10~·s! wl 1i ch rn a ti_\\1 en t pbyGioan sts.t ed h is belief in them vlewe, It is t he hardest thing in the world to s uffic1ent gc 1aran - '·\\\ 1 and r eterred the cauees of such attempts to tee that they will ~ I poison with arsenic to conn ubial uncongen· convince some people who blame all their Orders"by Mail promptly attended to. misfortunes or want of success on what t hey not only afford iality. oa.11 their" ba.d luck " that the " bad luck" In amusr, 0 rnt b ut nine cases out of ten is just t heir own t erm be a sou ,,,.. '.lf pro~ Sut herla nd E dwar ds h as publish ed a. for shiftlessneus, carelessness, laziness or DOORS , SASH, B LINDS, PICKETS, fit. 'l'llf! kEEKL Y / (, _ n ove l enbfoled " What 111 a girl to do 1" mer e stupidity, The time spent by eome MOULDI NGS, &c., kept on hand . IILIL is t110 m ost "U/"ld'::/ vr~ That d epends some what, If she want s folks in bemoaning their bad luck, if tiut t o pop ular weekly published, o,nc1 fa on ly One t o climb a fence, sh e should look careful- good uee, would go far t o deprlvq them of Doll11.r a year. It. 11 0.s nowovor 100,000 subscribers. Specimen copy a 11cl p rize li';t sen t 1y a r ound,,gather her ski.rte In h er hand, any good excuse for indulgence;. In such free. Address '.l1i.m ::l.fa:L, 'l'oron~o, Canada. and- chaDge heip nind and crawl under. folly. A CARD.-To all who are suffering from tho eri:ora and indirnretions of y ou t h , nervoti~ weakness, early decay , loss. of manhood, &c.', I will s end a r ecipe th~t will cm·e yon FREE . OF CHAlW1':, This g rea t rem '1.y was d iscove r ed by a mission~ ary in S ith America. Send a selfadd ressed enve!ope to the R EV. J o sEPII T: INMAN, Btati.on D, N ew Yo'fk City. 46y I Ten Dollars a Week. WM!~.~~1:!!~~)YI J\;~ o N - BROTH~.. s~ vVe 'of SCROFULA ·· SES MARR IAGE LI CE N 'cde~ded u~ last :t~~ing, C. B. LOCKHART'S I FONTHILL NURSERIES. Ayer~s Sarsaparilla Regenerative Medicine Caledonian Mills. MASON BROS., T . Absolute Ctn'"e Boots anti Sl1oes~ STANDARD BANK Keep your feet dry and warm, Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'Parlor Shoe Store,' Good_fits warranted every time or no sale. J BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., WHY SliFFER FROM ~io~ peadaGhe LIVER PILLS Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best qual1"ty of Dressing and BI a . c k: · _ i n'g ~ST-'-S S_'I'ANP:-Neads' Block. "W. JENNINGS. ~ , ) :.A~rt~T· ': . . ,,..':,'!." .... Ifow Dry Goods and Clothing I ELLISON . . ~LESSING AGE a ·co. Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. ( We offer Dress Goods remarkably low. ) It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. E LL I S 0 N & CO. LOOK OU T FOR BARGAINS ~ t-3 ..-:3 ~ Oro110 Pump Factory. IB· UJ nu1:1.11ps O FE V EDY 8 0 h:f ~ ~ ALL WOR KGUARANTE ED MADE TO OR"IJER r,. Well T rimmei' All W ool Su i" Ui [/(; ./1 R. FERG USON. Jo s r Gents' Furr ·r,

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