p I ::.-FOR- Holiday Presents Tait's photos 11re \·ery popula.r. School books, all kinds, at Cheap'.!ide. A-sk to see the prepared Mince M:eat at Murdoch Bros'. Just received a foll stock of Silver W11re, suitable for 'Xmas presents 11t S. S. Edsa.ll's. A splendid lot of new and cl1oice groceries for the H oliday trade has arrived a J. Lyle's. -OOITOThe cheapest all wool flannels and all wool shirts and drawers arc to be had at the Star House. FIREMEN- At the Inst meeting of No. 1 Fire Factory cotton reduced at the West Co., the folio wmg wore elected 1u olficera : End House-5c. cotton for 4c., li for fi, 7 Captain-N S Younot. for 6, 8 for 7, 9 for 8. · First Lient,- W It Climie. Second Lieut.-Joh.n Lyle. Great reduction in t he price of .ffesh 8ecretnry- John Percy. Meats at J. Lyle's. Best c uts of all kinds Treasurer-J B Martyn, St.eward--G J) Fletcher. for 10 cents per pound. Branchmen- W c..nu, T Percy. Ready mad e O\'er Coats to s uit the Assist. Branch-C Stouhouse, G Downey. Chier Englneer- T Roar. smallest boy and la rgest man at Couc11, F;11gineer- GA0. C Haines. The l<~ree Will Baptists met in WoodJohnston & Crydcrman's. Fireman- '1' Taprnn. All wool tweeds worth 75c for 50c per I·etoubet'ss11nd Vinceu1'!ii st ock recently and during a three- Jays session unanimously adapted the following A. F. &. .A.. M.- .A.t the last ro!lula.r meeting yard. Mantle cloth worth $2.50 for $1. of Victoria. Lodge, No. 37. A. E'. &:: A. M.. G . R. 75 at T. Geo. M a.on's Star H ouse . temperance platform : O.. the following members were installed as Prepare for tli e cold weather by p-etting RESOLVF.T>-'l'hat we the Free WillBaptists of ofJicers : Ontario. do ilcclarc our intention to apply the MRster- R '" Rro. G D Fletcher, re el~ct ed a Radiant Home Heater- t he bll·t in the power of 1hc ballot in fayor or temperance and S \V- Dro. W C Cooney. market. Sold on ly by S.S. Edsall. FOR, ,J1S86. prohibition under all mrcnmst&nces. notably J W - Bro. W C Tyler. municipal and parlinrnent,ary electious \Ve 'l'reasurer- R W Bro. W E Pethiek. Fingcrfng Yam 75 ct.s per poumd; Facalso declare it to b e the personal duty of every 8ecretary- Hro. w· Dustan. · tory ya.rn 50c. per lb. BaJd,,.in'sF!° l!'l.gering Christio.n aud every lover of law a.nd order, of S D- Bro. H Ard. doing all In their power for the enforcement .J"D- Bro. .Tohn Archibald. kept in stock at the West End H c'11sc . of the law, whether liceuses or prohibition. I G- -Bro, J .A:lexander. If you wa1:t your Turkey cook ed right In this respect we also further declare it to b e Tyler- Bro. \V Lycetb. the duty or every.one. both by pr~cept and this 'Xmas. get a Hapi ·y Thought :R1rn ge GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. example, to unceasingly cultivate prmc1ples or D. o. & P . Co. l\fUT!HL BENEFIT SocmTY for your wifo. S<'ld on ly by S. S. Edeall. total abstinence in our land. Officers for 18!16. Su~ts made to orcle-r from the best goods, BOWM..A.NVILLE ST.A.'l'ION. = President-·W R Piggott· by the best workme1'1 nncl at the lO'West Oeo .Baiden. Vice·l'residentProhibition in Municipal Affairs. GOING EAiiT GOING WEST Directol"\l-.J B Mitcliel, A Mlngnend, W prices at Couch,.Johrniton & C ryderm'l.n's. };xprese ...... .9.05 am Express . .. ... 7.10 a m Wilsou, E L \Ve!ch, W 'l'rewin. -A well assorted st ock of the ch oicest FastlCxpress.10.05" m Lo.-al .... .....8.25 am 'froaenrerJ Kcachio. (by acclamation.) MR. Eoa·ort :- Are the temperance Mixed.: .... .. .4.05 pin Mixoo ....... . .4.05 pm family groceries and l1"ovisions, fresh 11fld Secretary- A J Hook. (by acclamation.) Local ... ..... .. 7.:IO p m Express ....... 9.00 pm people of th is town and county,after passAnditors-W MeI.:ay, D 'l' Morris. cured 1M11ts, always 0 11 hand at Lyle's . ll:xurese . .... . 9.~0 p m Physician- Dr, Doyle. ing the Scott Act, going to enforce it 7 J ohn Lyle lms red uced the price of Ml 'l'bis inat,itution h1ta dttring the past year reThis is t he question. 'l'hat t h ey are delieved and beoeflttecl· its members in 3') cnsos ki nds ofMeatE to 10 cents per pound for CANADIAN ~PA CIFTC RAILWAY. termined to enforce the law, l think, there of sickness. 'l'he rero>pta trom all sources the best· crnts and all ot:iier cuts in propor'can be no doubt. The vigor and activity were $59!U5. D1abunements $1SI. 4!. Leavlo!l tion. BURKE'l'ON S'l'A.TION with which they have d one their work so a balance in 'l'reasurer's handd ot $'l17, 7l Cruets, p ic!de castors, bntter cnolers ,. far, p uts t hat matter beyond all question. GOlNG E.AST. ·GOING WEST. B ut the temperance peor)le have, I need The followiug offlcers· o~" the Royal Temple.rs plated lm i\wes, forks, i;md spoo ns of the I or'l'emperance, have betn d~ly e-lected for tho best q u ality and at bottom prices at S . S. E~press .. . ... 11.33 am Mixed .. .... .. 8.~6 am Mu:e,l . . .. . ... 7.42 pm Express ... . .. 12.54 pm 1carcely say, found chemselves handi- en8 uinK term: Edsall's . Express . . . .. . 7.42 p m capped in their work. Ha"\<e notmembers 13 C- Bro. M.A. Jomes. Dont bu_¥' (l'h ina, crockery or glassware 'l'ickcts and farther Information may be had of the County Council and ot'fr Town ·v .C-Bro. tt II No~;.. I'·fl A ct ? JI" C- Bro. W H Willfams. · oppos1t1on · · from W. A. NJJ:AD8, Express, Itallroad, and Council been m till you see Mllilrdoch Bros' n ew stock . It to t · Secretary-Bro, T c .fuwell. Stoambont 'l'icket Agent, Bowmnnville. b e'lts a nyth iiig ever shown in B owman Are not some of them doing all tl'ooy posFinancial Sec.- Dro. Jl McMurta/'i'. ville . 'l'rut1L sibly can, by word, by pen and by act, to T~easurer-Bro. J. H FI1 Jlury, Herald- Bro. John Pierce. Ill'. ,.i · bring it into contempt? GuMd- Bro. John Wmdatt. Take yom.' l:mggies 1tnd carriages to ~ ~ntt~utl\U di"' U t~UlaU. Now, Mr. Editor, in view of all tlis, is Sentinel-Bro.James~le. Morris' Carriage· Works to·b e painted by ~~____._..._,-...~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-..-.._,...._............ . it not the bounden duty of every man 1t1r~ A. F: & A. M ·· G. R.·. C.- 'fhe- 0ftlcgm or t Houston . d Stott. . d You .can have a j ob who desires to see law and order prevail- Jerusalem Lodge No. :n, .A: F & .A. Ml for 1856 a any price esrne · BowMANVILLR. FRIDAY, J AN. 1. in«, to Yote for men for municipal posi- were installed last Monday night by w ·niro. W Cull at th :w .··,f}<'" ".c.ud House and eee " McKay Meiated by R P igg.!Jtt, .are·ae1f.t>llows : />' tions wh.o will carry out in gond fait111 the W Ml-Bro R R Losoombe. . the all wool Ii . ; y ll'lan1Jel, thPy arc selli ng s w --llro Geo PlggOlit_ for 25c. '."~ .r yard ;: also the a ll wool Shirts Hon . W .E. G ladstone celebrated his will of the people? Are the temperauce people, after passing t he law, t o leave t he J R - JJro Joo l'attinscn. anr' ·- .:.-awers at 50c. each. 1 · f ' t · ] I d f Chap-Bro RP l!'eilds. -r 76th birthday on Tu<'sday. en f orcmg o i rn tie mn II o men ,.,.no 'l'reas~o,T"" Lyle. .ll!Yeleotedi · You can without a douht;; get the b est £;l n v .,-o J -.lm t-c~,..,, . '··-·· ,. · '· / selection of good· .reliable (' .;old and Silver are opposed to i t? The very same argu· · t seClll"l' ·l lg ';.., 11- Bro N S Youn1e. a t are now used agams J Watches, and J ~weJlry of every deici·ipTh e 0 ntario I , eg.sIature m eets f or b us- men t.s . th1 ffi f bl t th ' ,J D - mto D B Ji'ogl{. iness on Thursday, 28th J anuary inst. mumcipa 0 cers avora e 0 · t; 1 :1,w J S- l!toJ B Mitchel. tion at Maynard's t::lie Jewdller'd were formerly used cy the same parties OrganMt- Bro l!'red Ho,~ra;. against tl;c passing of the law . · But t Jl.e Stewarcle- Hro'e R ..l:l .u>drew\ .E :M"~lur;ig.. ) Ladies for the finest skirts-in town, c:ill t?~~r"C!~r:VR 'jr~~;~.,.. I on M rs. Ives. Also· for faces and cmThe Globe has invited the public to ltrn>· was passed all the same, and if the 1 make uggeations by postal card foi:- foe temperance p eople of this county are m· Alter thll' installation R WI B~oJ M\IM;. om . broicleries, hosiery and gloves, underwear, . rneot on th1 "11 matter, "~ na I b e11 · eve t}1-. · McKay behnH ot . tl~ean brethern, w ,.,,..ster ~o a. wool shawl s ' ladies f:Wrni~hi11gs · etc. - J wm°li· addreijSpr-nted 1uut 1&Fla.st e~ 'Uendmont of th·' Crooks_ ~nd in so a1 ·e they will show it at our approaching ·· J ewle, to which Bro. McXe.Y.- made a e~llent Dress Goods, C1m¥as C lot 1 1, Ottoman ' · · ·1 1 · b t · b .. reply. Hetteahment· wer~ aftenrards p11<1·- . . . . h .; questiou,s the F ,!idity of the Scott mu111c1pa e ect10ns yre uri.u.ng none U v ·takenor an<il ·& 11ociiLlhour ~nb'ill· thollOOe:PD- · Cord~, V1ct·.r1a Chi1Jh, Costume Clot , men of cha:actor, men of ability, :i-ml wh~· ·ion room. . l Serge~, Cashmere, &c , in all slu"<ies and - - - -- - .i_- -- - are dctermmed tu carry out the will ?f the ·. f i very cheap, at t he West Eud House. with regard to bhe suppresswn of- , A. 0. U. ,, V..- 'Ihe officers elect_ ed ,for 1gs&o ( . . . Mayor of a eforporation should be P eople ru· · · l t A d th . 1 ·Bowmanv1lle Lod11:e. No. 9'J;..Anc1ent ~der oc . Lad1e's Kid Glov-01r 111 a~ll the n ewest . n ey. United \VoNJ!mon, &re. · . , y · . , 1 ~ 11ke a goorj appearance as a pub- t h e l iquoi: tra c m our nuts . will not b e diverted from this purpose by I Master Workman- Bro .A'l"thur·J·Howli>;.. sh~des, Lad1e s imd. Ch1ld'ren s ' O?1en Ji~. .: j s. especial dignity to the false issue raised by men who were·· Foreman- f:lro John B ].tiethcl. , M itts and Cashmer e Gloves of all kmds · sympatil y -i·th tlie l aw and who·· : Overseer-Bro JoseJ·h Bl.'ittai:n. . · ) -B 11t Couch, J ohnstons ;& Crydermans. the citizens whom h e re· n ever m " ' , · ' Recorder- (elected by a.oolamatio» 1 ·PO> · . i will s eek to prevent its thorough enforce- !John Keacht-s, . . Any of the Toronto, , L©<ndo~ or Mon· Yours &c. f ltecelver- (\elected by aoolamaho?>)~ Br& treal papers clubbed with the S·r..1.-rE.;~IAN men!; · 28, 18'8"5. 'CITIZEN. ' JJearaon. D ec. ·:George l<'iuancier.--ielccted by acclamation),, Bro. . ;\t very 1 ow rates. D · tm ,.17 ti1ruw away In the county of Cornwall, during the .:J ohn McMumy. money on loeal papers, of n o value but Guide- Watehman-:Bro B-.'l'homoa Jewell. a&e for lowest Imperial t·l ections, e very constit uency ", Jnside J t>e Pattinson. <ta 11 a t til e ST A TE"MA.N' .,, " Outside W'ntchmc.n-- Bro Charles K01.tb . terms. wi t h in its borders was carried by the PUBLISHER'S COLUMN. ! 'L'ruetees-tkos Charles 'l'od, :James Noe· Opened out to clay at Cb11ch, Johnston Liberals, and in some instances by sweep· t iworthy and 1llwmas B11rden. . ReT1:e.v yom :rnbscripfom for 188li. j · lteprese»t&tiye to Gra11d LodgeBro Geo& Crydermans, aoother ll<>t of Astrakan ing majorit.ip.q, · · . - iB~~:~sniod eimeets on the ~d ·and 4th.Frida!I' Caps, P ersian Lamb Caps,. P e rsian Lamb Forward &i:vl!i2eript rens lly return mail,. ; ~v~nini:ts ~f'. e~ch moi ith. It starts thll year ' Muffs, Grey Lamb caps·· ,and South Sea The exports from Canada. for .November . if at aM oonveini'ent. : :with 62 mem;111FS in got 1d standing. Seal M uffs. These are 1iJl t he choicest ·show a decrense of n early a miliion and , B t l!>h . Mi l ~ . 10 new sub i \ · -goods th"t money can b uy and will b e · d 'th tl ' ·' e> sure 0 © ' MD ·e a m · ··' ' A :SITTE R FIGHT" : suld ttt the lowest possible prices. liaIf d oI] ar11 a~ compar. e w1 1e l!lame . .. d · _,, . ., ·th . i . . . , . scr1pti1!ln :.11n r©rwarw h w1 · your own. .. . . '"· The Toron!llx New~1 ,811eft!"· Strn:a::lln:; (oJ>" p11r1od lar,t. y oar, and the imports a decrease of n eas1v a milli on dollars , ore.tar all tlt-e p a.pet·s yon wan~ fo~ n~x~ ! m1"1A1uthmu "" 8ttpremaLcy. " , year tll.Tough. tful S:r:&J:JJJSMAJ:{ Subscr1pbon1' 1 In this year of gr ace th ere is n.o· keener Jlraru11 ad,..rtiled.,.·l\booolutelypun CC>N'X'.AXN ..tlLllllllilWION:E.4. ,.. · ht' .... t .A.gellley I competition than th at between city n e wsSir llidwcn 'A "t"';Jg s RpecL-: d! a: · . I apere. A1i.exam:i; ·le of the bitt;er fight Ttii1\m1i': Orillia wM! t·p t ;ll'Shcst sta mclalld of If every 0n'f!· of <i>lll:ll" pnese1it subscribeia« i for supremooy is aB c'ordetl. by the extraorof p. TREBILCOGK'~ Bibles, Albums, Sunday School ' Books and Cards. The electora of Clarke 11aving so many good men aspiring for municipal honors will find it difficult to decide for whorn to vote. We are pleased t o s·e that Mr. Ezra Hall has entered tlie arena. He is well and favorably known, is a pract.ical man and will make a first class councillor. Mr. C. J . Thornton, having given entire satisfaction the past two years, is almost sure to h ead t he poll. lJe is one of the rising men of Clarke and is in every way a popular and through-going business man. Mr. Alexander is also well spoken of, hut labors under the disadvantage of not being as widely known as the otlier1. The candidates for the higher oftices are experienced men and it is a pity they can· n ot all be elected. THE SOCIETIES. IJOME Cmou:.-At the last roitular meettnK the Bowmanvillo Circle. the follo wti1g members were elected as officers for Urn en·U · Ing year : Lea.der-J M ..yul\rd. Vice Leader- J E McClung. Rec01·ding Secretary-M C Galbt·aith. ~'inane1al S""retnry--J McDongall. 'l'reasnrer- 'V F Allen. \Var <l en- A ·r..it.. Cbapla.in- J Gilflllan. Marshall- I1 Tod. Gnsrd- J Outram. Sentinel- H Bennett.. Trueteea-W B Couch, J Adams and It B Andrew. Phy6i~ laus -Drs WE Boyle ancl 'l' J Tamblyu. GUIDE TO SHOPPERS. c H 0 s NEW ONTARIO READERS, 200 PAGE ~ , SCRIBBLING EOO::KS:1 Scribbling Books and B' tJtCTtONARY, DRAWING PENCILS and all other School R equisites. 0 0 K li quh·es o.C;;ood. Note Paper 0 . L tor ~li cents. NEW LINES o :F ACCORDEONS, ROOM PAPER NOTES ON S. S . LESSONS CHRISTMAS CARDS. I vm~:w ~mE". ~ AT- s " ... (KENN: ER &GO.'SX.__-_·mRrETY HAUl) I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT WEST END HOUSE! you to call and examine the stock and see for yourselves whether the prices suit you or n0t. I rather think thev will. I !Having com. p leted the Fallli and Wintev purchases, jand feeling certain that tlhley were bought at the lowest possible figure, I would respectfully ask t;"Ji'h t S(t t 0 ~OOI..1 GOODS You will find the stock of .Ace; · · Q vr '. . Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods, Bootees, Cuffs, lnfantees,. Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits~ &c., &c., is well assorted ; al.so l . . , -- BJLANKETS and TIEDOVVN ~~· DRE s·s GOODS I Tlte stock of Dress Goods is large and varied and marked wery low. Q-ENTS~ very cheap and good value. TEST YOUR BAKING. P~\VDER TO-DAY! A . full and' well assorted stock. It wiU pay you to call and inspect. Suits got up 0lTh the Pla.ce a ean t op 4own on a hot:stsYe until heated, tbea retnQVe the cov~ r and amc ll . . .k.ohen1ist will oo~ b· r· fi,Wr·d. to dC!tect tho prlHUCO oL.ammonJa. FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS ANDi TW"EEn. s, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, shortest notice a;111d best style. pol itical owt....,r y. liii; indictment of the· , wouM' send t'IS-0ne Me'~ J'):ll!l))e our presm!tl., ; dinary o:ff<1r m ade t 1 y the Toronto NewsCoverument 'd JJlll icy in the N orthwest 1~st w:1 mid be d'oul)li~d!.. ! t.he l)emocmtie daily and weekly publish. ble .... , ed by Ed100nd E. S h eppard. He offers was a.s vi ~·;,;w 1,; ~ ,\~ i ·. r·i ~ u m..nswera . Oucr subeetlibers. w~11! s:we money vy. his weekly--and ift is doubtless 1Jh e most = -:-".':.:-_..,-,,,,;.......,.. - . ·-·:·::::= ·= ord&uin g 11111: their pwp~rsllol'· n6xt year oJJ. amusing and ini L ependa.nt weekly in J,ord L orn hafl h1'·< n :~ppointed Presldten:t the S'r:.\.TES\'l'J:Allf o~e,. We·1 'tlre giving big: Can;i.da- fo11· Ollie ·year for·· a dollar, and of the Car11u1i>ln Commission at the reduuetkm.. ;!!:ives to ench :U 1diviidual. subscriber a d -. ~ . , . .'dollar's ~~-o~tl!n \Jof "b ooks free as a prem. u 1 ·b ·t· l Colonial anil i,,, i!W ,· ,v. 11 I wn, an · . .iuoru· ]f you h~we f.uE.r deei.iil~d JJOt to faire, ~; ium. 'J'hern ar6 31 booh.~do choose from , 1i l<>Ht, and mly member t I~e~ c<:. '- yeruir, sen d n s ~ ~-"' · l:: ·,th e; " M ock V i" ce-P r ""l'A'J!lll:;;M.A-.N· n: .e:x.u. --~""" ]; an d · wit . 1st b.e fore ·US . we are puz.of t h e Can:. ·h m P riv y Council who shall sa.ymg' SG· a.tr once· . W~· M;pe you will 1Je, :r.l eu to J.,now· lto1.v it cim b e done, a~ t he visit E ngls d d m·in <.· th e Exh ibition slrnH . ble to JTe:ruew how:eveir~ prices q_uoted 3.lle tl<re low~st pubhshed ·" a. ' . r ates fmr,the b ooks advertised. In the be honorarc P·nnn.i···· on er f or Canau:a. ~ 1 1 Persollll wh <i..c>J·d;;iued tJixe Sl:AT.EflMA.,_ · ·~:d10 tt N ews offic:e,t>ver a h;andred thousand 0f T he STAtF.S ' t 's G nugratulates ~fr:. HaiBcock and ·h. I 'a:i : _ ,., dw1r clecu0n as Reeves b·· ·N'!ll.' '·r. ti 1 ·1 h r D itrlington and Cart wrigh· l <·t-i ' ·· ti 111.)', arnl Mr. Van Cam a;Hl !\J ' . McV ,, nn ili eir elecbion GROCERIE:S! JUJSt arrived per Sch'r "Jamieson," fifty bbs. best American Coal J Oil. - Special inducements t o parties buying in barrel Tu>ts. Also a lot of Royai Wringersjiu st received. E:verything·in th:e· Grocery Line: fresh and cheap as the cheapest. ~ -- will g:rel.lib1y oblige b:y. imil'G>miing us at -anae: thousa'lld ~:we alreooy beeu ahstnbuted. :, ~ l1 <ilJi t· d The :wml.>m1ttiou _ offer made by t he lf t he.y . · 1 t · e· pap~· ser<>n mue · N ews- thiroo months of its Daily ($4 per On the· l utl'!i of J::i.11)00JTY we shall ~llll_Bh a 1111um)Jf rnm. the. p,resent date to April the n ames of a.H p ersons whose sul :K:np- 1st,, HlS5·- au..cl m.ne months:©f the W eek- .p .. .., . , . t ions. ti» the S·nc .\.:ffO:s:>fJAN :ire paid fo~r1J8~. , ly'. i.e.,, fro-m April ht to D e1rember 3ls~, similarly, f' ~ i J 11L11) 1;,,·.w es 101 t he same , .. . " · . 1'8li' for $1.7u; and a dollar a.nd seventy· nnmicipal it ic· 'J'o he thusly el ected Don ~fail .t~ hn.v:e yo~w ruun e on om,· l.-ist ; ~ve ?en_ t s' worth ~f _ books a pre~iwm 1 th ·1 1)· F )'"'l'~~ the confidence of o£ Fnends · 1s still more st1rpn1srng, ancns the fin est S lO~\-s a . "·',> . ··. .. . ' . , · l · f tl S"'"·l '.ES . . offex::-·3'V&l' m a.a.e by a metropoJ1tan puhlit hen· 1:011st11 . 1 ·1 '" i\nd it also saves them The rresant C1'1'01't ation o 1e ~a caticn to r ural readers. The three t h e w orry d ~>. cont·· ~ . . Tu t h e West .MAN is n early 2,200. H ow casilyiiJ, oould months of the I::hily will i nclude daily "Yard Courn \k n , Ho wmanville, and the be inade 3,000 ii o.ur subscrib e-a woulcl reparts of th e soosions of the Local and h ole Cou pi" Nt'"Ncastie we exten d o-et their friemls aud n eighbol:l'IJ 1io sub- _ Dom.inion par~iame~ts, a!ld ow~ng t o. t h e w · · 1, _ p . ., Fr®1:h-C&v.ad1a.n cries the commg season similar con \!r J,ab.> · ' · scnbe. Je.ise ti)· w3li he of t he most th rillliing interest of ·.__,_ Vv e strnngly advise everybody1iinOntario a.lil:y since. Conboderation... More than this, What oh·· · ! t> nrn ·hist ories t he by- to t ake t h e W eekly Globe. I t liwi lately farmers will iilnd it to . t~eir adva~tage gon e y ear h , .., ; ,;woHed- chapters of joy been greatly impl'Oved as a f~lily news- t a. take a daily pap_eJT m t h e wmter f ?l'.lonths whe1'l the fam·ly have ple:mity of . 2'n d grief, t ei.; (1 laug1tt er. ome a1?1"· pa.per, and is printed on large- elear type. lieiaure to r ead and whau the daily cattle ily circles h a ' t " ·n widen ed to let m S eTeral who gave it up l ast season for I and grain mo.rket repiill."i.B are of' much n ew members ' m ngh h r> El:i.rred portal other papers were sorry ancl, :b.n.ve ordered. I value to thf,'.lle having produce to sell. of matrimony '· ,. withi · U.e Jilent gmve- i t again. ' We have.· a person:J l etter fN.m Mr. y ard dear one>. " "~ l.··'(·,1 '.rid nway " to W e will send fre e for l S8G the Weelc1.qp Sheppard~ the 1:ublfaher of. the New~, · d d .. , l 11 which is a hard b efore us, assurmg 1u that his extraord1Pe ram e an ·· \'H.;< 0 ' Globe, or Western Adi>ertisr.r, or .i'.bonfrerod nary o:ff&rs will be earried ou~ tlil· the let · · t o do fo1 .. ~·! " horn we haye cher· W itness, or Jforal. Can@dian, or T '11. "'l tlung ' orc<1rio ter, and we f ee1 swre t 1 lat they w1 .1. 1e ished temh )rly All Jrnv'~ hacl more or Weelcly New.~ t o any sub~criber to. tlie News i& not in oompe~ition with local Jells of joy mi d wi th ~adness. But pai;ers., and we q u ota t he. publisher's STATESMAN wh o.,vill sencl u s $3.00 for·his words. 'fhe man who is. 1 00 mean to wh'.1.t ever our ~ ··knM h :i.~ 11 een ia 1885, ..__ own r en ewal an d two new subscr ipt.ions to take his local p1'per is too stingy to ""' let u s dtcide Il · · · ' m:i.kc th 0 m ost of our honest, too amall to b11 res1 )ected, and "' · · · ies t h e STATll.S~U.N '"" "'l .1. ie .t!.01tor w1s1 -too i gnorant to hope to :be honored by opportunities i11 ,,"' a ll h is friend s" \l'L- ns r yery happy With a view to ascertainin g what de· his fellow citizens. · n d pro~perous ' . " ). car, partment of t h tl S·.rATF.S~lEN our r eaders The STATJCSJIUN and THE Toll.ONTO ~ -~::::"' -- __ cen sider th · 1Lo:it interest ing , we ask all WEEKLY Nl!Ws will be eel1t to~etlrnr ·for .. , up;,ions on the face, t o t ell us in <LS few words as possible when one ·y ear for $2. If you desire The 'l'l:ie d unignrn, Toronto Daily News for three months, ·\eu eye · ,,., palhd complexion, sending their subscr ipt ions. T ell us how and the weekly for the remainder of the i ~0111e tl.ine wrong we can 1mproye · tl10 · ·rA:rEs~r~" "" W e year, t ogether with the TATES. !AN we · 't t S 1 '1hiu. ,_;,p,,l L11" lurking foe enc. your ver ·~ .. , i·;·<>.l cf\ ma was de vis- desire to do eYerythin~ in our p ower to will furnish them for $2.(i5. make it the b est !ocal pape1· in the country na1ue in to this office a.t once. 1 0 ; au.i do1:s it. . - ·- - !:"'~~·· :"'.'.'. be sent t o. a. fnien.d at· :ii.dis~ce for Ji:j.8{)~ 1, thee.e b ooks arfi stored, and t~ye~ty-five JOHN McMURTRY, W est End House. FARMERS, THRESHERS! DOES NOT CONTAIN A.MMONU. ITI llliLillFIJ!i!WSI HAI NEVElt BllJJ:ll QUKSTIORD.. a:". Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated bMJ I n a mltllon homes for·· qua:rter or· 1tool1 tb.o consumerah IJtllAb&e te1t, ~ntu17 I t THE TEST OF' TH£ OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER co-~ ~inter TH E La: r dine I"' .· Dr. Price's snecial Flavorin[ Extrac~ 'l'h111tro11r··l,.01tchtlSdoat aitd11.ataral ftaTor bowo,uaAi KRI:SU O· MACHINE BEST IN THE WO RLD. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, s Dr. Price's. lupulln Yeast 01t1t1 Dr.r For Dehl, Jl11..tthy lltt"4, Tb· Bcti Y - lo tho W orl.<I. Blot FOR SALE BY CHICAQO. CROCERS. BT. &.OUI.. ~~ &UNLllGHT " Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. 1 '1£C0.L L BROS. & CO,.¥, '.l'oronto A fine assortment of all the new1S t goods / WANTED-Ladies and gentlemen i~ in Mantle and U lster Cloths at Couch , city or()O\lntry to take light work: !lit. ,,_ C d · their own homes. $ :t to $ .& a day ean h~ Joh 111ton "" ry orman "· easily made; work sent by mai.1; no canvaslng:, L adies you can see something new We have good demand for our work a.nd !ur . · '· l f d M. nlsh steady employment. Address. with st&mj,l· and m ce m t te shape o prtipare mce CHOWN .M'l"G l.'OMPA!O'., :4!>.&;Vlne st ·· c1... Meat a t :Murdoch Bros. Those who have elllllall. Ohio tried it are delighted with its flavor. -Go t o Taylor's Mills, H ampton, for cheap Twee ds, F lann els, Blankets, etc. , and where you will get good prices for W ool and good R olls. D . TAYWR, p roprietor. 25-t f. 0 that young lady said she wanted h er Christ mas present b ought from Maynard ~~RICES SPECIAL ILAVOR\\G Vanilla, :Li!IDon, OranguL~.~· Rosel et ()., ttavor as dellca&ely and nawnu11 ·the !1U1t. s s MOST PERFECT ~DE hre!!t aud !ltl'Ollge&t Natural FmU Fl1nora. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., li'A'. EXTRACTS :&.GIVll. ---N --, -----U ---N 0 KI N 9 BA c powDER auC.t.QQ. ~~d;.eweller. He k eeps such l ovely THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND