· off their 11 ard. Public dancing, and the AMUSEMENTS. Town Schoolll re-open uo~t Monday at excess011 i.:f the rinks may be nl\med. Too 9 :30 a.m. A discourse on the above topic was de· often it ia to be feared stro1lg drmk Mr. _ A rchie Bingham, of Trenton, was finds ' ita way into such promiscuous in town laat week. livered by Hev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., in gathering"· to increase the peril, like Have 01tened out this week Miss Jenl"ie Biekell, of Toronto, is St. Paul's church fast Sabb11-t h evening. coal oil uron already inflammable matevisiting relatives in town. The following synopsis furnished by · the rials. The assets of the Oddfellows Lodge in speaker, at our request, .gives the subWhat of the thea.tre? Dramatic this town amount to $5,607.46. stance of the sermon, which was in part representat ions are of highest educational value aml afford a d elightful recreation. Mr. ancl Mrs. Goodman, of Toronto, Suitable to1· the Hobday 'r1·ade, extempore. But the theatre of to day d epends, for 1ne visiting at Mr. Thos. Hoar's. " 1Vhritsocver ye do in word 0 1· deed, do · the most part,on over. wrought passion or Mr. J ,- McClung, jr., of Toronto, is tmd ·in the name of the Lord J eans". CoR. on·scarco!y conceal0d immoralities, for its To which they invite the attention of_ all who wish to buy something spending his holidays with relatives he. r e. 3, 17 · popularity ; while, wi t h some conspicuous r eally useful as presents, consisting of : . The ·attendance has been large at the 'J' his is a rule for christians of every exceptiou1<, the cha ra~t er of actors will Vnion Prayer meetings in town this week. age and condition, for all who call Jesus not bear too close inspection. The lifeProf. Dorenwend at Ruebottom House Lord and Master. Like most scripture long habitue of the theatre is in his on Thursday a.11d Friday Jan.- 21 and 22. commandments, it is in plain words and own person perh~ps the best t estimony Prof. Willson is now at Mr. R. Field's, not hard t o understand. Christ ' a follow· to i ts injurious . tendencies. No complete Centre St. Begins classes, second Tuesday e~s are to speak and act ' 'in his name," cataloguo can be framed. The Old Testath a.t is. as called by his name - brethren; ment is the book of catalogues. The ne w in Jan11ary. received anothl'r Ma:.mificent Stock of as bound to uph old and d efend his name, Testament is a book of p rincip les. It fine assortment. Prof. Dorenwend's new styles of Bangs, -his soldiers; as seeking t o become m ore demand~ much also of an enlightened ·waves, 'W iggs etc., at RuebottomHouse, like him whose name they bear~-his dis- conscience and sanct ifie d common sense. ,Tan. 21 and ·22. ciples; in one word, as completely, iden· To these must be left very largely t he We received a call on Saturday from titied wit.h Christ-christians. decision i 11 regard to part icuh\r forms of the young and brilliant English elocutionThe requirement eit:tends lo every amusement. Bu t let these t hree ca.u· word and every act, "whatsoever ye do, tions be given. _F\i.i-st. See that the voica ist, Prof. Belf< 1rd. . They also show a fine stock of Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn and daughter, d'o all in the 11ame of the L ord Jesus". of conscience is heard. D esire, excit.e. 'rha chr1stian life ie a distinct territory , menL, the coaxin',{ .of companions, the Bertha, are visiting _ friends in T01·onto, BY EXPRESS l,AS'I' NIGHT. bounded, as it were, North, South, East, sneer of t he ungodly, mix t hemselves up Overcoats in all sizes; Dlanlids and Cov el"litls at the during the holidays . . Rev. ,V, S Paocoe, of Exeter, preach- and West by Christ, by Christ's com- · wfth the soft , c~lm tes timony of consci· ve1·!' Lowest P1·ices; U1·ess Goods 111 =-.II the Newest. ed two eloriuent sermons in the Queen-st mandments, Christ's example, Christ's ence, like the Babel of voices over a long lllate1·ials, with T1·i1111n1ng·s t o 111ntclt. service, love t n Christ. It is a r igidly telephono wire. Steady att ention to the ch urcl1 on Sabbath last. limited territory, but it yet affords am - voice you wish to hear will m:1ke its tones '.l'he U. C. F. Co. Band called on sev- plest room. '.rhe child of God is subject distinct.. Secundly, Le t conscience be tor these goods are eral of our citizens, New Year's Day, and to Christ's will, but his feeling is, " I de- obeye.d. If its verdict is in any c 'so not treated them to some fine music. Bowmauville, December 17, 1885. light tc;i do thy will, 0 my God"; h is q uite diRtinct th en that doub tful t hin g Call and see Prof. Doremvend's new n eck is u ndet· Christ.'s yoke; bu t t he yoke become 1~ si n. "WhMe ver is of. d o11bt is - -·- - .. -~ styles of Bangs, Waves, Wigs e tc., at the is found to be " easy" ; he is restricted ~iu" . 'l'h-irdlj/. Have regard for the Ruebottom House, on Jan. 21 and 2 , to loyalty to one Master, but he k nows tender conscience of weak brethren. F or -ANDMr. Johu Lyle w1ts elected Schoo that in his service there is grt>at r award - t-heir sake avoid even the appearance of AND SEE approach the snbjectof amusement- evil. 'If meat make my brother to offend, ·Ou1· ~tock i!!l the Finest in Trustee in the South Warcl on Wednesday, ·i'Ve th this law in our hand, "whatsoever ye 1 will eat no fl esh while the world s1,andthe vote being: Lyle; 68; Bowden, 39. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell, of W-irit" b'Y,"' d o in word or deed, d o ull in the na.me of eth, lest I make my brother to offend, Town. and Miss Mable Bell, of C ollingwoo~l theI,ordJ esu11." If we are the servants of (1. Cor. 8, 13.) B ut it is n ot enc rngh to fence off the were visitors at Mr. 'rhos. McClung's last the L ord J esus, we do not wish more liberty than it permits. If thGse who forbid_ d e'l ground. '1-'hat 'wh·i'ch· ts allowecl week. are not williuz to follow our master find rmi., f bef1.ill-y occupied. Pains should be F ARllIERs,-McClellan;& Co. ham now themRelves cr~mpetl by it ,the fault is n ot takeu to cultivate a taste for t he tonic on hand a large quantity of ~alt and in us, nor in the law, which. like ev,ery reore:\tions,th e less excitiog,and therefore THE MOST BEA UTTli'UL EVER Ol!'FEitED 'l'O 'l'HE Plaster and for sale in quantities to suit law in this book, is for the hi_ ghest glory more lastingly pleasurab le . Reading is a LADIES AND GJ~N'l'LE MEN OF CANADA. purchasers. source of the purest d eligh t t o the hand of God' and the greatest good of ma.n . Staff Capt. Body, an officer of the Taking this law with us as our guide a.nd fo ot-weary. Music has unmeasnr.,d PROF. DOH.ENWEND w ill be in Salvation Army corps, England, will lead in the sear ch for !ho proper place of resources, and art, a nd conversation. the meeting here on Saturday evening amusements, we find tlrnt tht Gospel of Out-door ~ muscmen ts in which both a ~nday next. 01i1· Lorcl Jcsu.~ Ghrist has ct place for sexes can t:Lke p nt are to b <:l encouraged, -AT THECANADIAN .PACIFIC RAILWAY. Mrs. W . Ruse was struck on the ctmtl$ements. Its aim is t o save m en fro m with due r egard for time and hour~ an d shoulder by the fore foot of a horse she sin and t o secure tl1 e highest developm en t gvocl company. Chris tian young men RUEBOT T OM: H OUSE, BUR.KETo.N STATION was trying w hitch to a carriage on · rues- of their whole beiug. An apostle prnys should take hold of the manly sports. that the "whole spiri t and s oul and body" They are able to retc\in them, if th-ey will, -ONday, but was iJ.ot Sbriously injured, GOING EAST, GOINQ WES'l'. ame- under proper influenc?· An.d chris tian Mr. B. Britta.in in forwarding us three of h,is converts " n;iay be pr?serv~d bl_ .Express ...... 11.93 o. m Mixed ...... .. 8.36 o. 'Mlx.ed .. . .. ... 7.!2 pm Express ... ... 12.51 P m :bscr ·Rtions for 1886 from Marshalltown, less. Tha ~os~el mterests itsel~ 111 all_ th at pc;.o ple should J omesticat El the amuse· · :Express .. . . .. 7.42 p m lowa, writes:- "Our killing includes 48,- makes f_or mans 1'.'elfare._ I.t gives .duoc- meuts of the young. I t ou;:ht to be posJANUARY 21 a nd 22. t10ns ahke for eatmg, drmkmg, and the j sible for t he homes of t his christian comTickets and further tnrormatlon may be had · from w . .A, Nli:ADS; Express, Railroad, and 413 hogs in 188(;,ngainst38,4u3far1884". ca~e of the body, and ~or the culture of mnn ity t o reta~n the ir j!ras p on t hose J"adies who wish to appear rashionable or :Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowmanvllle, . We have received from Mr.·Jas. Wylie, mmd and hear~ and spiritual n_ u ture. born and br()ught up within them, and who ha.ve grey or thin hair shonltl not· fail to my fine style~ of \Yater \\Taves. Langtray agent for Heintz1min & Co's. pian·os, one Now, there is n? m?re end ent fact to pre vent them from seeking their ch ief see Ba.ngs, Pa.risi\>n 1:1,ings, Pompa.dour . Bani{·, of their calendars for 1886, which is one t~an that recr eation is, no t o.nly de- rec rea tions abroad. They ought also t o be e.nd other styles o! Bangs, Waves, Wigs. &c .; of the lrnndsomest yet set::n 1y us for this s1rable. bnt an absolute necessity. ln made a source of at traction t ·> t he homa- e.lso, Gent's Wigs, Toupees, &c., that are so natural tookini- thttt the <!l.osest observer can year. infancy pl8:Y is t~e warp _an~ woof of life. less. 'l'he home c!l.n hold its proper place not detect them as beinv false. Be sn re and Call and see the i mmen'ie stock of new Tho babe is plo.mly td10ttc tha:t never if children a1·e taught to enj uy, as they don't miss this opportunity, as i t will be :.be Cho.nee you will h1we this season w and fashionable Bangs, Waves, '\Viggs etc, langhs. It bode~ ill _f~_r the . child wh_ o art> t aught to study a1 1d wor k, if shelter Only BowMA.NV TU .· 1r., 'F&.IDA.Y, JAN. 8. procure these good8 In your own town at of Frof. Dorenwend's, at the Ruehottom d oes not play . The Kmdergarten _ m etl_i- is given to harmless amusements, and if prices even less t.ha.n they ~re sold at my ~tore in Toronto.. Thousa.nda are wearing my _ goods House, on Thursday and Friday Jan. 21 ods rest upon the fact t hat recreation is amui;;emen ls are brought within home and every one is pleaBed with them. I w ill a lso hav!l w1lh me a s~ock or my l wo well.known D r. C. Darenwend's" H.un MaGrc," which makes han· gro'Z'. re~tores g1.ey and prepo.ratio11s, ancl 22. hoiirs . the!chief industry of early childhood. raded hair, cnre· ctandruff, &c.; and" l!.UREKA " th<:" HAm DESTRO¥Eli, ~h1!'h _ d!!·troys all A_s the child ~rows . < 1ld er , fun a.ncl If the ~ome embrace its privileges, as s11perfluoua hair on the · race or a.:rms, without pam or d1sflgur~mont. 'Ioatimonials by the There was a big attendance at the hundreds shewinir the good resultH of these two invalut1ble remedies. Remember : barracks on New Year's night, and the frolic are less necessary ; amusements it 0 n..,.liu · but little will be left for the Mr.and .Mr3 T.h.<&, Sy:mq_I).ll, of Tu_>onta meeting ' ins noticeable all tlirough for become ?f the more sober kind ; but the churcli, ~.a church, to d o, The church is lluebottom House, .Jan'y 21st an·l ~2n·l. 2 day~ only. -spent Ne~-':~ea.-'a in to.wn. _~ss has concerned principally with strict.Iy spiritthe good -0rder that prevailed in the sweet w_me of nat ural ch.eerfuln A. DORENWEND, P aris Hair Works, Mr. and :N~a. J hn lteacbie were visi Vng audience. tnrned mto very sour vrnegar mdeed, work It ia the eource of the influences 103 and 105 Yonge Street, TORONTO. 2 when t~ere is no longer delight in innothat ·sanctify the individual and t he friends in Markham IMt week. CHEAP \Voou,- McClell1m & Co. are -. ··-· - -··· -:~ - ~--'Mr. E . E. Sh.epp&t'd. of Toron to News, selling good green hard wood in quanti- oent mi~tl~. The bea~ bow must. be · un· h ume and society at large. It ought, ANl'!VAL 0-.EN'ERAL MEETING of tlul 'ii'!!- in town on New Year's Day. BOWMANVILL:tl MARKETS. l THE ties of Four Cords and upwards at only s.t rung, if ~ts power IS .to ren;iam · U nre· indeed, to be a aort of large r home, where . ' Shilrehoitlers ot the Hampton Dutter &:; Mes. Dr.. Kydd, oi Midland, and Miss $4.25 per cord, delivered to any part of l~eved str~m mducee paraJyaia. of funo· the Qld a~d young of the wt:ole congreChee13e Manufacturing Co., will be heh! in the hon ?r m~dnes·. Re_:!~al:1on, lll sea~on gation may metit for pleasan t mt0rce>tttile, Correcte1l b y John Lyle, eTer.Y 'l 'intrs< l··Y. Town Hall, Hampton. on Saturday the Hith Hamilton, of Port Hope, are visiting the town. or Jan .. 188G. a r. 2 o'clock p,m .. for the purpose and m. dus mea$ur.i, makes fo r th_e and ought to have a very warm corner ~friends in town. · The only opportunity this season of perfectmg of the m an .and for his especially for its young people But it FLOUR, 'IP' 100 lbs. · , , · ·· .. $2 10 to $2 50 of receiving tt e Annual Report, for the elect:... b h 0 70 80 ing of the Board of Directors for the y1it1r 188G, 'l'he new proprietor at the Arlington procuring in Bowmanville one of Prof. perfec:t fnl~lmeut of the dut!es of life. As can no more take the place of the home w HEAT, F' a11, ..,. us · · · · · o 11 and for other business. A ll Sharcholdere will Hotel wa;s serenade:i:l by the Band on D orenwell:d's -0legant and stylish head so domg, it has a place rn the go~pel in anp plying recreation .t itan can public 11 Sprina " 0 75 " 0 80 £lease attend._ F , L. ELLIS, Sec. HamJ:!ton, dresses,at the Ruebottom House, on Jan. scheme for the dovelopIJ!.ont of me~ . -Tuesday night. Mw amusements. This furth er should be said, BARLEY, lf!'bush. , ·· · ,. ,, 0 55 11 0 70 l ee., 2\Jt b, 1880, 21 and 22. Prof. Dorenw<ind with Hair Goods of . . J ems pe1·sonalty encouraged. soc~<tl. en- that any arrangement , whether for social RYE, " . - ···.·.·· 0 53 II 0 55 --- ADIE -S ADIE ' ,_ The Rev. E. Roberts will preach in the 1oyr1wn t. He would say to h.rs diamples intercourse or worship which occu pies OATS " O 28 " O 33 S ! !-Dressma..erlr' every di!!Cription at the Rue bot.tom House Bl k ·;a· b . ' · 1·' ' o 83 0 31"! a nd others ~111brace the one opportunity .' Queen-st. Methodist Church on Sabbath after a clay's ex~essive toil, "C0me ye every night of ·every 'week throughout P EAS, 1 for two days only Jan. 21 and 22. ac eye, ·u us i . · · ' t and le'\rn to be a flrat·class cutters or ladies 11 Small> 11 O 55 11 0 60 l',n~ childrens garments by Prof. Moody!J New If you want t · sco th.., fin est China Hall next, in the morning on " A King's Com- yourselve.s ar,ar t_ mto a deser t Piace and the year, or even a largo proportion of 11 Blue 55 Q 65 \ l ailor System o_f Dre~-~ imd Mantle C u~.t . 1qg by mand, suitable for the new year," and 11 re~t ~ while. H ow sweet to lum, even the eve nings is t o be deprecated. 'l'he east of Totont " cAll at, Murdoch Bros'. ' l _ Squttre Measm·etilent, aud therebv save time Since it was opened b.11ll d r e d s have visited in the evening, "On Election, our privi- w1thm the shadows .of __Gethsemane and benefits, howe ver great, derived from B u-r-rEit, best table, :W t ... 0 l o 11 0 15 1and money. No more paper or patt erns, but leges and duties. " Calvary., were the qmet JOYS of the B~th- such violentint erfere nce with home life are LARD, 'IP' Ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 10 11 O 13 draft direct on your material. f'erfeot tit it. . . . "' l , 0 18 11 0 18 guaranteed. Our duly authorised a nd co01peProf. Doren wend of the Paris Hair any home. A g.uest at the marn8:ge dearly bought. The grou nd is being sown E am;, v l oz .· · ····· · ···· tent Agent Miss Muir. of 'l'oronto, will teach Gentlemen wh.J are bald should call at fea~t at Oana, . he . "'.as no ascetic, thick for a crop of noxiouB weeds. I t POTATOES, ' I JI' b ush . , . , . , · . 0 35 " 0 40 tho la,dies of Bowmanvillo and surrounding Works, 'foronto, will be at the R uebot· the Rue bottom !lou@ e on Jan. 21 and 22 DRESSED H oos W 100 . ... , 4 50 11 5 25 co1 mt.ry thoroughly fore. nomina,l sum, fo1· the as certaml y g1vmg no counteuneeds only a little patience to see the whilst tom Roust>, for two days only, .Jan. 21 . and see Prof. D onmwe nd'a fine styles of next few weeks at Mr. Allin'd, east ofMcClungs 1 and 22. Don't miss the opportunity of ance_ to ~xcess. 'I he t hree shor.t years of reaping. God hat h set the solitary i n H AY . ................... 10 00 " 12 00 I' Foundr y, Bowmanville. Call and see or send Wigs and Tol.Jpees. getting a fine and stylish Bang, Wave or public life were. erow~ed wi~h wo:k families. The destruction of family life '".:-=======~~=======~ for circulars and be convinced. w ·e have \Vest's Co-ui;;:· ~yrup. A. rmre cure for - much pleaeure in refermg you to Mis· Mcand )'.et lie foundnme t oi _smile means, in the end, the demoralifation of OARDERS. WANTED . - Comf ~rta · bl e Oullough well known Dressmaker of Bow. coughs, colds. hr .. nchit1 $, sore throat, Headdress. manville, the who l s now cuttiug s,.coessfully w ith approvmgly . on theg~mbols of children the young. On the contrary, a r ightly Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now &nd all ctisea; , ~ , f th< ) ttrroat ancl lungs. accommodat10n and good )>0a~d ,or two the Moody System, e;s hundreds or others are and the qmeter enio1ments ot th?se adjust& d home life is, humanly speaking, 25c., 50c. and ~ l per hottlo. All drug- showing a lovely assortment of Silk Hand- of matur_er_year s. It 18 not hypocrisy their salvation. 'fhe hearth-stone is the students can be had on applrcat10n a t the we could refer to in Ontario. Dont fail to loarn 8TA1'KSMAN Office. l -2w* at once, Pupils can be taught at their own kerchiefs Silk a nd Cashmere Squares, gist. homes. J. & A, CAR'L'ER. Toronto. Solo men's fancy Braces, lined Kid Gloves, for a chr_is~ian. t o _say that lie csn_ t ake corner stone of church · and st at e alike. If your hair is falling out or turning Men's and .Boy' a Knitted Gloves- just the J eaus w11h him m to scen es of harmless GENTS WANTED AT BOWMAN- Proprietors and head office for Canada. 'fhe whole subject of amusements is . gray or if you arll troubled with dandruff . VI LLE for J, eadiag English Fire Insurple~aure. . committed to the earnest care of old a.nd ance right goods for holiday presents. 1'0R, Box 419, Corupany. Address, 1NSI'EC get a bottle of "Hair Magic" from -Prof. A mttsemrnts shoii}~ ~vi.cl~ntly have_ on~y young· Amusement is of course only the Toronto. P . O. 2·3w* A large family party assembled at the Dorenwend, at the Ruebo t-tom House, on. a secondary place. Life is r eal, hfe is . by-play·but it bears powerfully on th.e ser -residence of Ilir. W . W. Tamblyn, on Jan. 21 ind... ~2 earnest." Its first law !snot recreation,~ ious wo~k of life. L t such serious work 3 OG Losr.-A white and black The annual I 'hristmas Tree entertain- Christ.mas D fty . All .had an enjoynble but labor. The best things of th~ world have your best energies. You have nothThe undersigned having bought out Hound pup, white nose, black head and time, especially the children who were ears, two black spots on right shoulder and the GRIST MILL of J. Stalter , E sq., and ment of St. J'ohn's church took place on are only to hepr ocured t?ro11~h ten!. H ow ing to spare for fri volity or folly, much elated and pleased over the nice black spot over tail. Reward ror retnrn to W, put everything in first -class order , is pre·Tuesday evening. 'rn e school room ".ns greatly l·W. presents that hung on a large Xmas tree m_nch truer of t~e chr1st1.an hfe,the battle less for was ting dissipation. On t he other J. liAYCRil'T, Hayden. pared to do all kinds of Gr isting. I will beautifully decorated,_the tree laden wi~h with ~elf and S!n, .of effor t on.behalt of band the r e-invigoration which co mes for them The aged grand parents, Mr. presents and the lit1.le folks made happy and Mrs. A . Ferguson and Mrs. 'l'. Tamb· su_ffen?g and Sllllllll).' _h~1m1.mty. T he from well-chosen and well-timed recre EDAR RA.ILS AND P OST S .-The guarant ee to make the best A.ItNEC'l'A by receiving ea.c_ h a · ice !'resom and a lyo, of Newcastle, were present and en- Bible images of the chnatian are such_as ations is invaluable. I t will help to undersigned offers for sale a quantity :!<'LOUR that is made in the county , as tlie l iberal supply of sweetmeo.ts. the laborer , the racer _ and the bond:sla~e. make your earuest, self denying labor in of dry cedar rails and post.s. cheap for cash. mill has been fitt.ed up especit.lly for joyed the antics of the youngsters. What o. t~·avesty of h!e," whe n. fn~,ahty t he service y our Lord and Sa_ v iour a con- JOHN B&ACOCK, Cartwright. P . 0. 52-tf' haudling that kind of wheat. Mr. T . L oc khar l, of this town leaves The m n ry strains of the D.O.&P.Co. and folly h ke Pharaoh,~ lean ~me, ~re st<1.nt delight. He is to be put in t he I have also put in a SAw MILL in cont o-day for Toronto, whem he intouds enAHM FOR SALE.-Being L ot 9, nection with the above, and am prepared tering into part.m·rshi with Mr. 'rhos. Band were h eard for a time in the Sou th allowed to ei~t up t he fat kine of h igh fore-front, and · 'whatsoevar ve do in Con., 2, D&rlington, within l ! miles of L ugs. Symons. Mr. Lockhart will bfJ grea~ly Ward on 'fuesday evening, when they vis- attamments and noble eudeavor s. The word or deed do all in tha naine of the centre of town of Bowmanville. Good Brick to t ake iu any qua ntity of Saw _ I ha.ve lowered t he price of Chopping .missed here, ns he has been an active ited each of the t hree councillors ther e. b,eliever .shonld have a. fix:~d and lofty L ord J esus, giving thanks to God and Dwelling and commodious out buildings, good orcbard,lwell watered. Soil first class. One or to suit the times. worker both in the church ancl Tomper- It is unnecesrnry t o say that one 11.nd all aim, to make th e most of himself and of the Father by him " the best farms in D1 1rham, Co. '£erms reason· · · A. S. TOOLEY, anco cause! We along with his many of the r epresen tatives accorded them a life t,o the glory of his R edeemer. It ma.y ! able. Apply to Roin. E'mr.DINO, Bowmanville, MO _ R _E_ K-IN_D __ "IV-0 RD-S. warm recep tion. Aft erwards the Band be set down as a rule, from which there ! People's M illa, P. O. 2-tf. friends wish hini every succ1 .,ss. proceeded by invitation to the residence can be. no depat~ure without damage, 51 K ingston Road. The Rev. Mr. Dykl! has been invited to of the Mayor, Mr. W. M. H orsey, wher e that amusemenss must not c lrain away L ACKSMITH SHOP AND DWELWe could not d o without the STATESbecome pastor of. We Joy Church, Winni- quite a number of citizens had gathered, time, stren gth, thought, from the m ore LING HOUSE TO HEN'l' in the village peg, and the invitaiton has been acepted, and n few hours were wiled away in speech serious duties of life; that when they pa,s MAi< .- MArs-Y SUBSCRIBERS. or Solina; ~ acre of choice land with good fruit orchard. Stone stable; hard and soft ·subject to approv"l by conference. Mr. ma.king, music, etc. very much pleased with the I am th e bounds of simple r ecuperation, they water. Considered one of the best stands in FmsT. -30 acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession Dyke will carry with him t o Winnipeg the general get-up und concluct of the STATES- Darlington. have gone too far. Wood shop will be erected for f Darlington, lying immediately south o! the· 'l'he annual 'tea held in the Queen-st best wishtls of the citizens of Calgary. any one desiring it. 'l'erms easy, Possession o T he fo r ms of amusements stiect ed must MAN under your management.--D1t. A. J . at cemetory. · once, None but first-class workma.n need He will be a serious loss to the Methodist Meth. church, on New Year'11 D ay was turn on the same point. Only tho~e are C., Gravenhurst. SECOND.-The So1 1th. H Oacres of lot 16 in the Apply to apply. Should be a good shoer. attended with t he usual success, and church of this town -Calgary H~rald. third concession of Darlington, and thE · North EllER MILLSON, Solina, P. o. :iOtf. permissible that are really recreating . 26 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the: :BIRTHS. $1000 Foll.FEl'.I' I - Having the utmost though the ro~ds were in a most unfavor- Am usement s fall into t wo classes, the same concession confidence iu its . uperiority over all able condition, many from the country tonic, ;i.nd the debilitating. The former H E :now~uNVILL:F. HroH Scn ooT. Tnmo.-The Sout.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the will re-open Momlay Jan. 11th, 1886. at lJ .30 third concession of Darlington, an d thEI Korthothers, and after tbnus « ds of tests of the were present. The tables were ta11teful- stimul&te a_ nd strengthen. The latter ex· ly decorated, and j udging from the abuna.m. All its candidates passed at teacher's. erly 60 acres of the ea.st half of lot 25 in th" -:;--. , most complic,..ted nnd ~everest cases we cite and weaken , and like narcot ics, nnd college examinations, in 1885, and o.t same concession. MARRIED. could find, we feel just1lfod in offering to dance of tempting viands with which they create a n umeal craving for further ' Toronto University Matriculation E:ir&mination All the above will be sold in parcels to suit CAMPfillLL--0 Rll-IIS1'0N-On the SOth ult.. at la.st July, pupils of this school took very high purchnaors. 'l'lmo for payment a nd tei·ms will forfeit 0110 t.housnnd do'fars for any case we re loaded and the complimentary re- indulgence. Some are positively pollut- the fesidence of the bride's mother, by the -honors in .Matherne.ties, Classics, and Modern be made very easy to sa.tisfo.ctory buyers, Fol:' of cough, cold, sore hr ..at, influenza, marks passed by those present, we feel ing. All debilitating amusements, and Rev. J . A . Carmichael. a.ssiated by the R ev. Language8, 'fhe High School Inspectors 1>artlcula.rs apply to safe in saying that the ladies ably sustainE . .A. 'l'onkln, Mr. R. R. Campbell to Miss always splla;k ot its work in the highest terms. hoarseness, bronch1t1B, consumption in its all whose evident tendency, whether of Jane, Ormiston, D, J3URKE SIMPSON, . all of the township of Ds.rling- Particular attention ls paid to book-keeping 41-tr. ed their repu taLion of former years for V'endor's Solicitor early stages,- w hoop1ng-cou~h, and all th~mselves or through their associations,is ton. -. and wri-ti-ng in the two lower rorms. No fees. providing a first class t ea. It is estimatdiseases of the thr..i1.t . .·_ nd lungs, except toward evil, must be cleliberatly set aside. ,!' RONEIOK-DARCII- I n Bowmanvllle. on Dec-.. 'T'here will be"the eame atafl: tor 1886 as hae ed that about four hundred sat down to at the residence of the bride's father, by- been for yea,re. Board can be gotnn comfortable aithma rl>r which ""~ only claim relief, If a catalogue of objectionable forwa of 31st Rev.]<;, Roberts, M:r. W. Roneigk, to Annie places at reasonable rates, W. W, TAMBLYN, that w ~an't cure with W esL'B Cough the table·.. After t ea had been served amusement is to be made, it will embra~e the second da1igbter ot Mr. Iticb. Darch, l · 2w M. A., HeadM!o.ster.. Syrup--\. , hen ta.k en according to direc· t o all, an i nteresting programme was ren- those games or sports which are C'>rnmon-,. G1FFonn- Bu.m-Un the 29th or· Dec., by tious. I 11.mple bottles 25 aud 600. Large dered in the church, Rev. E . Roberts, ly associatied with betting, ~ambling, or the Rev. J . A. Carmichael, at the residence of bride's father, Mr. Dunoan Blair, East bott les [ G1m11ine wrat)ped only in Pastor, officiating as chairman. · Short drinking, or all three. This would the Whitby, Mr~yman Gifford and Miss Amanda THE blue. Sold by al· drugg·~t.s, or aent by addresses were delivered by Revs. M essrs. include cards, public billiards, as Blair, au or JJ;&et Whitby. ~:xpreas on 1 ·eeei pt of pri<.:e. JonN C. Pascoe, Fraser , Mcintyre and Warriner, commonly conducted, and horse·racing i n ilANNRR- GooDaLL-On the 31st Dec.. by the and some choice music was furnished by its usual form .. One fears that these ara Rev. s . Creighton, B. D.. Mr. 'rhomas George WR~·r & Co. , SL King-s 1 E. , Toronto. Banner, to Mi~~ Emily Goodall, daugh~er.. or the choir. The meeting closed about ten The decided alter th·,; act1 ·n of RomN- o'clock, all "oing away well pleased with so inax.tricablv cntangld wit h evil as t o Mr. .Tames Good.all. of Burketon. 01rn:-JOHNS- In Pickering. at the· residence ba beyond r escue. The s!l.me ought ll(ft A~ :"ON' s P :a. SF!lollll.ED E1'mL ~ION upon the the evenings entertainment. the bride's !11.ther, on Jan. fl, 18861 by Hev. R. t o he the case with such manly sports as of blood, adapts it in a rem .<.· kable degree· N. Willoughby, Mr. Wm. Oke, j r ., of Courtlce, ' "to·cUSt<:JlllCr3 o r. Will lie nrniJfd ,F J tfi~ Kt-0 all- r~!l!,llic a.u ts, and If you ha ve au u11sight.ly growth of base-ball, foot- ball, lacrosse, boa.tin ~. The and ::.\1iss Clara Jane, youngest da11g.hter or as a blood purifier well worthy of the last year: without"Qt(!.Crtu g H. lt eo11ta ins about 1~0 JHi.gc!!, Are now prepared to quote Jn'ices of 600 illtu:ltratiuris; t 1 rkcs, .nccuratc dcsc ri p tiom :i.nd valu:-r.hl1~ trial of those sulfering frum a diseased superfluous hair, l'emove it by using catalo~ue will also contain all a muse- 'l'hos. J ohos. l!:sq. 'ri-:&wrN-RICHEi:t-At tlie residence or Mr.'W .. · ~!~~cti;;;:wtt11~1si~~\1~s~ril~lL1°t~ BINDER TWLNEJor thc8caaon of18F condition of tl;ie circniatin;: flnid. Al- "Eureka", can b~ had from Prnf. Doren- ment s in which iI1discriminiite company Trewin, ~~~~~r~~~~!t,'i~ H11ydon, on tbe tith Inst., by the Rev, t o o.11, c;ipeda.I~· to Mtlrkct G.r~rdcnC'rs . Send for ft.. A <l c.lrcss, H> wend, at the Rnebottom House, on take part, and where the excitement of K Hobm·ts. Mr. Sa: ways ask for Ro.!11.NSON's Pnos1'nomzF inuel G:. Trewin- ti} Miss- fal.a-, GO FRONT STlU:':ET, E..t.S', D ·.M. fEnJlf I. CO.~ ~\~t".rUi°c'f.l~~: t n ol Darlington·. t he honr U1row s; t he yo-ung and ar::lent Louisa Wches, boThursday and F rida.y Jan. 21 nnd 22. E }l('L$ION, and -be Ulr(l you get it. TORON'.l'O. I COUCH, JOHNSTON ' CRYDERMAN A Fine As.s ortment of. New Goods STOTT & JURY P lush Cases & ·X mas Goods New Astrachan Coats, New Persian Lamb Caps, New Lined Kid Gloves, New Silk Handkerchiefs, Ladies' · and Children's Gaiters, Woollen Hoods and Scarfs, &c. OUR PRICES AN EARLY CALL SOLICITED. ·REMARK.AB LY LOW I COME COME! PROF. DORENWEND'S BOWMANVILLE, I THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Local and Otherwise. I .... - L ,-L · -. . o B A Public Notice. D C ,V. F B Valuable Farms for Bale. T BINDER TWINE Company, Dartmouth Ropework I Halifax, Nova ScoHa, ........ , --~~'~" ·