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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1886, p. 6

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THE CAilAUIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED 'EVERY FRID&.Y .MORNING, -BY- ].,,f ·. A. J A¥E8, AT TllE OFEIOE AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Nd other co11iplalnte are so insidious!· their attack as those affecting the ~hroM a"d lungw: uone so trilled with by the majority of sulfol"era. '.l'lle ordin:u'Y cougll or cold, i·csultlug perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure; is often but the beginning of a tntal sickness. AYER's CmmRY P1wro1tAL hns well proven its etl!cacy in a forty years' tight with throat am! lung disenses, and should be &akeu in all cases without dcll\y. A Terrible Cour.-11 Cured. "Jn 1857 I took a severe cold, which affpclle(I my lungs. I had a terrible co11gh, and passed night after night without sleep. 'l'he doctors gave me up, 1 tried ,\ nm's CHERRY Proc. 1'0ltAL, which r e lieved my lungs, induce<l sleep1 aud aifordecl me the rest 11ecesso.ry for tne recovery of my s11·ength. lly tho contin11ed use of tlie PEcronAL a permanent cure was ctfected·- I am now c~ years old, hale aud hcrtrt.y, and am satisiled your CHERRY l'ECTOJIAI. · A .NEW YEAR'S SURPRISE. llY ANNIE L, jACK. rHtOllleelRloek,KlngSt.,BowmanvlIIe,Ont TER:r.a::S: 11.60 perannu1n,01· $1.00lf'tni.hlJn advance £-ayment strlctly In advance required !rom bsol'tbers outside or the county, Ord'!rs Lo l'Qn.ti11ue the paper muat be a.ccompamed by 8 tte amount due, or the p~per wi~l nu~ bestoppec;J.. [; 11bseribers respons1bleunt1Hul I payment 111 m&de. Whole Column one yea.r ............. $~0 00 ~ ~:; " " Ralf year . .. .. · .. . .. · SO oo ,,, 0 '" " · One quarter ........ . 20 00 ~ ... Elelf Column one year ............... 36 00 - " Half year ....···.·.·... 20 00 " '" One quarter ·... ······· 12 50 Q.ue.rter Colurr..n one yee.r ........... 20 00: " " Raltyear ........... 12 50 One quarter........ 8 00- 5 !b: lines and under, first insertion .· $0 5~ Eaoh aubaoquent insertion...... 0 ~ ~ 8'1'"<»m six to ten lines, flrstinserticll:., 0 7a _ &ach subsequent insertion...... O 85 - 1 0 !J~er ten lines,first in~ertion,per,~l11e o 00 _ Eacll subsequent insertion, Tile numher of lines to be reckoned by lie apace ocoUP,ied,.meaaured by a ace.loot liUUd Nonpa.ni1l. RATES OF A.DVEBTJSINGI l~~:g = s:n-ed me. Rockingltam, Vt., July 15, 1882, HonA<.;J?. FAIRDROTnEn."· 1g _ · ~oy, three yc:lrs old, WA1' t aken il1 with croup; it seemod .ns if l.w woulcl d ie h·o1u strangu.. Croup. - A Mother's Tdlmte, "Whifo in !.he comitry fast wi11ter n1y little of Avrm·s 01u01m1· !' 1 ·:<.To1:.\r, 11 bottle of which was alw;iys k e pt, i11 the i1ouse. This ca~lly. 'J.'he doetor smd thiit ~he U111rn1tv PJCVWRAL hat! latio11. Ono of the fn111 i ly s uggei;;ted tho use DB, 'i'A.MRiii'N, HYSICIAN, SURGEOS and ACC<;JUCIIEUR. ...._ Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanv1lle. 7 P liLtle i.ia.tioHt wns breMhing was t ried Ju r.11H1 1l and fr eqnei1t doses nnd to our d elig ht, in fof;S tliau hulf nn hon~ th11 Dr. A.. JU;JTIJ, (". RA.DU.A.TE OF THE '.L'ORONTO UNIVER fJ Sll'Y. Physloia.n, Surgeon, &o. O!fice King treet. 1\IORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. .1. save<! my darli11g's life. Can you wo11de1· at our gratitude? Siuccrely yours, 159 West 1281.h St., .Kew York, J\Iay 16, 1882. Mn~ . EMMA GEDNEY." w ·.JtleLuugWln, M, .B., I.cENTIATE OF '.L'HE ROYAL COLLEGE or Physici11n11 and member or the Roya.I Callei,,"8 of Surgeons, Edinbur~h. Ollloe: MORlUS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowma.nV2!le. . DR, .J, C:. MIT~JJIELL, L . EMBER OF COLJ,EGE OF PHYSICIANS M anc'. Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. eto. ()lfioo and ltosidence. Ennlskillen. 74. ol'Jobn Keith Galbraltll, "'ID'A'R'RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY .!ID PUBLIC, &o. Oflloe-:Sounsall's Bloc,k I IDng Street, Bowma.nville. Money to lend, - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - - -». BURKJl SIMPSt·N, ~ ARRISTER, SOLICI'l'OR, &c., MOPRIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman ~ille, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private M:auevs loaned at the lowest rates, 'ilOJtERT .uu101m, R cess, l was cured by the use of A Yrm's CllE!f<' ItY Pi,:cTORAJ,, JosEPH 'tYALDE.~." Dyhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. "l oannot say e11ough in praise of AYER's CHimRY PECTOUAC., believin(t as I do thnt but for its use I should long smce have <Heel from hmg troubles. E. BRAGDON." · Palestine, '.l'oxaH, April 22, 1882. No case of an alfec.tlon of the throat or lungs exists which ca1mot be greatly relieved by the use Of AYER'S OIIERRY PECTORAi>, and it will always cure when the disease 1s not already beyond the oontrol of medicine. l'REl'ARl:D .llY n.nd after tryi11g mnny remedies \Yi th no sue· "I havo useci A\'ER'S C1rnnnY PF:CTORAL in my family for several ycnrs, and do 110~ hesitttte to prouomico it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANE." Lalce Crystal, llrinn., .Marnh 13, 1882. "I sutl'ered for eigl1t years from Tirdnchitis, Or. J.C. Ayer& Oo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggis~. · }£\. ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor"':·oy at Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Money \;qlYll:Gr8TRAR, WES'.!,' DURHAM ISSUER '.ittf:'l!lned on Real Estate. Oftloe on King street, ~17).owmanviUe. - -- -- st.. 'f. PHILLU·S CP,eap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Association. It- is cheaper than the Canadian Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W.' or any pass a· round your hat institution, as the following examples will prove : Thos. McClung has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and the Inst five years it only cost him $2.55 pera.nnum on each $1,000 to insure. John McClung insured at the same time for the same a.mount a.nd it only cost him $1. 74 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being a little y»unger. We certify the above to be correct. Thos. McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. L YCENSED AUU'l'IONEER for the County 13f Durham, Sales promptly 11ottended. A.ddress-Hamvton P. o. 59, B . BUTC:lllSON. .irr ICENSED AUCTIONEER, CONVEY AN IL.i CliR snd Commissioner in B. R. Sales a.t tmded to promptly 8Dd at reasonable rates. ~A.ddress-Enniskillen P . O. fl!' Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Address C'artwright, 0.nt. '472 ~ o.surance, HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life J OHN Notes and Accounts Collected. a_ every man who buys bis Licenee lrom \IlllNl~Y .4. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. W. \V. DICKEY. E'l'ERINAB.Y SURGEON. gradua.t.e of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and l:esidence, NlolwTONVILLE, Ont, 'P;'lll visit Orono every '.L'uesday. Office hours "om 12 a. m. tool p. m., at Coultcr's Hotel. ·speoiai attention paid to SurJ;;cry. 32-ly* llSS llcTAVISH Ras received her new stock ot V If.Gan and Savings Company, and pa.ya rn~ernst at the rate of 4 iind 5 per cent. No notwe of wi.thdrawA.l required. Also loans money on 1."Uoi:tga.ges at lowest rates. No commission charged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanville. 8-ly. "l'KOF, W. '1'1Ll.SON, J .. 1'.L receives money 011 deposit for the9ntario ~'\,!l'Ol'iEY ! MO~EY !-The subscriber GOODS~ and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNE-TS, HATS and assortment o± TRIMMINGS EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND STORE : - Second Door West or 'Vllllams SINGING. Terms : For beginners $6; tor B11te11er Stall advanced pupils. $10 for qunr:er of twelve lieason~. Residence a.t Mr. Joseph Brittain's, <! Li berty and Concession Street, Bow tnanvil!e. 51-tt, T Pianos 1'uned and Repait-cd. ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS . 'funed or repaired can have them attended e by leaving word a.t the DOMINION ORGAN Co's 0Fll'ICE, Bowmanville. A flrst-clas man u.ow neinR in their mplo '· MRs. HUMPHREY HAS REMOVli:D 'RER to buildings formerly occupied by CODD & CO., P HARNESS· SHOP . So Bo! Ge11Ue1ne11 oCFash ion, not. so Cast. ave w r itten these tow lines And a.111 have to sa.y _ eha.t yon c an find me Still a.t home, Jam not gone away. Bo a.11 my kind old 1 riendsmny come, And nil the young ones, too, And get their garments nicely made ln 'f ashions that are new·: . Where old and young, d6artriende. may meet A welcome11rAAtlnir. bv R. PE.ATE First Door fast of RueboUomHouse, She has now in stock everything usually found in a well equipped B.A.RNESS SHOP. DE N .T ISTRY Call at the new premises. MRS. HUMPHREY WITII TEETH, · WITHOUT TEETH . The Jeweller's, I s the beat place in town to buy Watches, Clocks and Jewellery of all the n ewest ritA(JTICA.L IHlNTIST, designs. Before purchasing give m e a OVER TWENTY YEAHS EXPERIENCE. call and you will save money- wo will not fllUronsOxideG1111 A.tllntnlstcre·l Col· Palnles be undersold by any Bma ll firm . We n11er :1Uons. carry a 111rge stock of s uch goods as are OFFICE UCC:UJNG'S RL@C:H., usually kept in a first-class jewelle ry store. J.M. BRIM:ACOMBE, In Spectacles and Eye Glasses we keep the b est in town, and ours is the only place in town where an Optometer is kept for fitting the sight properly. You cannot be too careful abouf;. your eye sight. c .. HAR.NDEN, L. D.S., In Silverware our stock ia a ll new aud of t h e latest designs, and will be sold at low price~ to suit the times. Graduate o!the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK::50N'S STORE. lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. In Repairing l!llte Work executed in the latest and most Watches, Clocks and Jewellery and a.11 .improved style of the Dente.I Art. fine work we give the very best satisfacS:ETH EXTRAC'rED WITHOUT PAIN, tion. We do a ll our own work and defy ·the nse of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthoutinjury comp etition. to the patient. Old Gold and Silver take n in ex change. t"a rticular·attentlon paid to the regulation ot CHILDREN'& TEE'l'H. MAYNARD, Th e Jeweller _ .ALL WORK WAI;RANTED."'ks Morris' Block, Bowmanville Cnristma.s in Canada I It is a holy 1 y, celebrated in many a church by ea.rly prn vers and sincere dovotiohs, and in many a Ji .. me by ma.king it the children's day. And i.ap wish to return our smcere thanks to the people of py is that family whera it is not all an ell 1 °Y· mont of selfisbnees, where the childreu n taught that "the poor you have always ytith Bowmanville and surrounding neighborhood for the liberal patronage you," 11nd wht·Se t~oughtu turn to the relief of tho11e whose 01rcmmat~ncea worse than their own. In the. city, Cb.ristma.a ··ve whichhas been cxtended ·to us since our opening last spring, proving is a mixture of and plea.sure to 11.Jl but the sheltered little ones, who have no bright conclusively that the method adopted by us of makiug "every pa.~ceJ er past to look back upon. Smiling ma.mmao remember their own lost youth, and the a bargain and every bargain an advertisement" is one whic ~he fa.there are recalled frorr business to the fact the.t they iHe growiog old. "Why, really, Christmas has come round ,. And people appreciate. We shall continue to act on t hat principle and they try on the new slippers the htuids of love have been secretly worl!!ng, o.nd pay astonil!lh and delight you all. We shall astonish you by the lowness all the bills without a murmur. '.l'hen, if the snow follB thick and white on Christmas eve, ·CHATEAUGCAY BASIN, QuE. and the morning find· all unsightly objwts of our pnces and delight you with the excellence of our goods. covered from sight, tin roofa glhtering ta MISOELLA:NI:OUS ITEMS. the sunlight, and very brightly p11.inted ob· jecta st:.nding out In bold relief, it l.s a con· A prince among m l :ioneires bas p~ssed We have for this fall bought a choice selection of t:ieasonable goods aume.tion that baa been wished for, a.rid the aw"y in the cleatli of Vande.rbiit. No boy who has a pair of new snow-shoes is one seems to know how much w· &.Ith he and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, ee.g"r fora tramp, ~nd the girl whoee S<1.nta leaves; but it seems to be generally <>greed has given her ska.tea must away_to that t he amount cannot be short of two- and that om· reputation will not suffer. in the output of the goods. the rlnk-"Fvr wo must a.n appetite huildred avd odd millions. N ot the Preei· for dinner," they s"'y a.a a parting shct, as if dent of the the Urii :ed States, or any kh:ig Come and inspect dur !!Oods and allow us to put you up a parcel that ever could fail in l1e:~Jthy youth on In Europe, held so much power in his ~ Chrhtmae day, , and the careless ea.lute of hands as had thls .ma.gnate of 'Vall Street, "Merry Christmas" tha.t fa.Ila so from La.dy Dufferin, who was so popular in when you will find that it is indeed a bargain, and 've trust, will our lips is given to e~<lry p<1.aser·by wttn Canada, has succeeded !iltewise m making ( whom the youthful athletes h&ve the slight· h erself the beloved of the Hlncloo ·people. becom~ an advertisement. est ac~11ainta.nce, "Merry Chrletma.e !" w~ 1t iH contrary to the Clllts of certain ea.stern say it neartil y in t ho mornl11g among ~be penple to p,e rmit mu.le physicians to attend dear ones we love, and ech.? It in the evenmg l to women in sickness ; and to supply the to any ch1i.nce friend or neighbor. It le ofte11 want so long, and so p · 1intully felt, the Late S. MASON & SoN. cueless, even lusincere, yet we should miss Countees h11s for a. long time been advocatlt if the custom were suddenly dropptld Ing the e·taoii·hm.,.ut c.f medloal cJOlJ..ges from our lives, for I doubt not it c ..rries balm for the training of 'fi-males. In this phil<>nto maoy a. wea.ry ht111rt. J?ut if Christma· tb.ropic e1Jde,.i>cur she is strougly ~upported ha.s It ch,.rma with wt:la.t mrngled sun.<atton" by the High Pr iest of Benual do we weloome theNewYear, and how m !lny 1vYe imported the from his home and varied are the thoughts that ~ll in a temperate clime and he had claims upon ' h earts? "A Happy New Yen.r l" Rwh a.n our charity. Tha opinion e:xistR that he iw a poe1r, young old, ~eem that hearty waeh destroy<'<r of parasit~s sud garden . ins.e cte, ,. right to give to tbeu tellow m· n and wo· but a single look at his beak ought to be men, and as thH years go by we feel that imfficient to d.l~pel that illusion. He is, aa fai· ae ~oience knowa, simply a. useless mem"We all are ohangecJ- Ood ju ~goa tor .us bcsl; God help 11s <lo our dnty. and ' ot ahrmk, b f th · W ti f t You can do so by calling at the Aud trust ln I!eav·n numblv !or the rest.' er 0 e creatl0!1· e 8<·me. mes orge 1 I d d h . · h d b sitting ho wever, th·lthe1s a domestic bud, and that 00 1 1 · won ere ow · 1!. a ,eenft in wintry weath«r he wlll remain as close m a !I deep study thia New ear 8 " ern 001l to human h11bitation a.o the pigeon. Since when all wa.e quiet !n my htt~e home, a.nd we brought the little ere -tu re to a country I had too much time. to think .over the wher.i th"' snow covers his n atural food aup· changes that had co~e mtn my, hfe. One ply we ahoald not forge· him, when dis· year !I.go I was Philip Nelwn s p romised po·ing of ·our crumbs, . where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of wife, and there was father and brother Alf During the Antwerp l£xhlbition JUSt footwear from the smaJlest to the largest. to m11oke life brigb.t and h11.ppy fm:: T?e- now closed, tne pickpockets oeem to h i>ve' ha.d a fat.her wo.o gone. Alf ht1d h·telv JOtned the n·gh old time . An interesting document N ortn· vVest expedition o.ud left me alone r~ferriDg· to t he' number of these cbaraotera If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we c.:;tn make you any on thtl little farm with only the .o ld eerving arrested within the pxecinta of thrd oxhibi· kind that may be needed, in the latest style. . man ancl hie d11o11ghter Hannah, grim of vis· tion b<1os just been publish.eel Altogether age but soft of h ea.rt, to me, her old master's 578 men and women bee~ interrupted only daughter. ~'riends I ha.d few-but In an untinBly manner in the p ursuit of then I had °.1X pamt and. brushth::~ ~~~eJ thoir ha.ndioraft. Classed by na.tiona.!itfos, not told Philip many times . the Belgians occupy the place of honor with "art" bast, a.nd now I wao to make this my 23! but they are run ha.rd by the Germ,.ns mistress through life, for I co~~d never ,Pare with 211. '! 'hen follow 63 bf Dutch, 35 of for any one else now that Phihp was ~onei E ·glish and 14 of French nationality. The neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. So 11.ll t he · time from my t oaohing IJ:n~lish' oflendere were, as a rul~, fashionworked with easel 11nd br.ueh. · . . ably attired, and were all found be lodgHow beautiful la the wmter In 1 .his ing in good hotels, while their cornpetitoru also the da of oure, nnd whe~ the eunset sparkle~ on of other nationalities had to be traced to tho the biy, with a radiance no electric hght f A t · . . 1 0 f th N y 1 1uma o n werp. can ltmtate,lt was a mir~c e e ew ear. One of the novelties of the religious com· Ha.ppy little boys and girls coasted p ast qui· mnniby in L ondon Engle.nd is the appear· etl.y, their tuques cf blue and red nodding auce l.n the pulpit ~fa lady preacher. Miss No trouble to show goods. Please give us a, call. like £111,gs of many colors, and here and there Finkelet ein is th11 of the interesta bright colo~ed bla.nket.costume antivenin~ log pa.rson, a.nd she is s~ld to have come "l'TT. the 11cene, '.I hen the twilight deepene?,· an from the Holy Lands . On Sunday last she VY L~ 4 Hannah in to up th<' fire. y ?n occupied the pulnit of 1vir Joseph .Parker .. .,.~·-~~~-~-~~~ '!!!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.~·~·..,,,,.,..,..,~~~~~~-~~w~~·-~~~-::!-~ ·!!!"'"~ h · I 1'I Y ' Miss " · ' "' are a.vmg a onesome. ew e~.r ij' City Temple She ia deacribed as plump M " s\ie said "tliere a some of your school . · . . ary, ' and rosy wearing very faac1natmg and co· chHdren waiting ou t~ide ,to t ake you 1;o t~e uettish ' arments. Her hat was high, a 1 schoolhouse; themin1sters,there andbisw ~: ~unt~ fe~ther waving fro~ the top.; and and t he :rustees, and the~ having ah !ler tightly cut jacket appears to have r evea.1tle e1u.~nee party. ~ut on ym·r cap and go od t he charming curves and tho imperious down. Then Mlnme Turner, and Joe Del- grace~ of her figure The female portion of isle two ohn y brightest echolare, in and the congNgat!on appears to disapprove of we started. I was h alf way there befo;.e I r~- the portly p;orson, but tliere ie no word of membered that I ~ad not pad tea. Oh it pro teat by the other ijeic, doesn't matter," Minme, and then stop· . . ped. But we sa.w bright lights in the schoolA popular. physwia._n was much please_ d house, a.nd wers soon among a c rowd, all wi~h a certau1 aera.tea water, a.nd, h!s Beg respectfully to announce that their"New Stock of Fall talking at once. The t able was set, and aaa1duo~s r~o~mmenda.tlons, pro~~red tor it and Winter Goods is cnmplete. 1'Ve .make a specialty of everybody e11t down e:xoept the girls of the a .celebrity it J !lstly ~eserved , l.he doc~or school who waited on us, and afterward tb.e a , ted solely 1n the 111tere11ts d huma,mt_y minister a.rose and I heard him confusedly, generall y and expected no re.turn. To his as if through a fog. Wha.t did he eay ?- surprise, ther.i came one mor?mg an effusive could he be talki<'g of me ?- " Ia olight letter from th e company stut1 ng that his retoken of my services, a. gold watch 11ond commenda;:oos bad done them 110 much good Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. chain?" I had 50 often wi~hed ' for one, but th~t they ventured to send him a hu~dre.d I staggered to my feet -: H ere t he ~:ige to a.n end, " This 0 luld not a.fford it. when t h<i applause subsided, anrl all I could will n~ver do, s~·d the d~ctor. It is ia.y was : "If silence Is golden, dear friends, yery km~? b11~ I 0 ' 1 nlrl not thank of a.cceptyou must acoept my golu i.s I"w yours, irnd mg anytlimg, H ere he turno<': the ~age, I am sure you know a ll I could ~ny. I ·h all and found. tn~ sen~o.ur;~ ri>n-"oI our cmm· pJnder it in my heart till thai; hellrt c-0a.see lar~ for d1strib11t1on. Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. to beat." ' The microphone--uri electric stothoeoope T hen the trust ees had eometh!ng to say whose seositivonesa t ·the faintest sound ha11. about my faith fulr,ese, and I thought how been desc~ib ed as m ..)dn~ "the walk ~.fa Having bought very fargely we want to sell quickly, conseoften I hadheeac.i ·C.mtente d, and had com· fly seem like the t1amp of an elephant quently, will offer goods at prices that will forted myself fog it would not be for is likely to becom1 ' d great use In medical long th.. t I ebould f·pend my life t.eacblng d!agnolis. In thA ,A.tlanta. M edica and astonish our customers. A B C "'nd 12:uidinli dull heads thro11gh Sm:vical Journal, Dr. l~ye describes an in· p;actlse'. Ha.d I he·n fait.hful In emall thinga? ter ecting series oi e:i(periments made by him I ea.t and listened a:ccl made many N ew with the instrument He was able to detect yea.r's promises, whi,le naught" curly-noaded the nature of ob !oure fractures by the 'char- )Ve meari business this season and are bound to sell, there· Dick Dancy came a.nd ~at be~lde me and put acter of the sounds oonducted through the his mischievous h and iu mine, and kept it instrument, and could differentiate aneurisms fore, parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. quite still for two eeco11as, and then my fio- from tumors by the aounds of pulsation. I n1 vorite scholar, Rachel Avery, s!ling my favor- tra-ct11.nial aud muacu ar.die.gnoeee for at;ine lte hymn, the nnstrumen& worked with. mathematical Bowmanville, i::loptember 30th, 1885. ' "Say is thy lamp hurnl!lg nw brother? ao~urncy. The Doctor suggests that an audi__!'.!.!!!!!!!__~---:S 1 pray thee look q ; 1lctl.v a1°1d ·ee: ph ne constructed on the principle of the For I! It were hu m ln:: theo ·urely microphone would prove inestimable to peoSome beame would fall bright upon me.' l -! · d h · Oh, New Ye:..r resolves, traced upon the Pe ot mpiure earmg. fair pagee of life's book, often in tea -a, and The New :York Trib1me Is not to·day the blotted out agair-. too often in sin or careless gran.d, outspoken. j ou ma\ that it was in the forgetfulness. I thought of all I might have da;s of Horace G reely, its great founder, done, as that rich con1r.i.lto voice thrilled but its editoria.l columns yet many through my very rJOul, 1>nd m~de resolve wholesome utt er..n uos, Writing recently of tha.t I would make a.mends for my listless the re~l wrong done t o the nation by some ap:i.thy. Only one thing disturbed my peace of its best cit izens it well said :-" lt is not of miud. Swayne was there w .. tch· by the p olitical rascals and vote swindl<lrs Ing my every movement and his glances that the very exist eDce of self-governmer ;; m ma shudder. For he ha.;l brought me in this country i s threatened., but by reputnewa of Philip's marrI!!.ge, wh en the d read· able, decent and· good citizens. Does any tul silence batwcen us, and my lover one ask how ? B ammse they austl;lin the men dicl not return from his trip ac1osa the sea, who comlllit fraud, Bec:i.uae, however notor· And when the good-nights were Baid, I beg· ioue and alrnirelc~a frauds may be, the rep1 ged of those who had invited me there, to table men of the DamootPotic party still upreturn with me, but they WHd over-awed hold them and are .indifferent to them, or e:x-. by hi~ imperfous m ~nner, and left me to my pend their first ne.tura.1 indignation in strong f!lote, and he walked beside me, though there words, and then for5et all about the1 .1, and were others near me. On the bAy we hoar support the same me"l next time. Unless merry skaters, full of fun and merriment. good citizens oh!!.nge their m ode of treating The moonlight ahone out clear, and all men who g uilty of politic11l fraud11, no · nrnund t be .vater edge were twinkling lamps improvement can be expected. On the conwhose light, half hid, half revealed the h :i,p- tril>ry, the country must travel the downPY oouples that moved about in gay winter ward road \\jth ever accele1·a.ting rapidity." costume. There were sleigha, too, here and We do not pretend to tlecide how well there, with jingling bells that seemed to these remarks may apply to the good men keep time to the hearts of the happy occu · of the Gre:i.~ Republic, but there need be no pants. I b ad sca.rce!y answered any of his doubt tha.t, with vex·y little v!liria.tion, they pleasant remarks till we reached the gate well a dapted to the position now taken when, almost abruptly, I w i: bed him good- by hundreds of otherwise very worthy men night, There was an extrr. lamp burning, in CaMda. It is truly astonlahing how ea.sand I wondered at Hallllah's extravagance ; ily the honorable elector will wink at what bnt then it was New Year's night and she ia dishonorahle a nd mMn in his party candi· wished tq make my h ome-coming cheerful, date, Unfortunately the remark holds good no doubt. Captain Swayne followed me to of the electors of both parties here. Prob,.,. 8 the threshold, but I would not ask h im in. bl y it does a cross the border a1 well. The "Mis! La.c:y- Mary," h e said, "you must best interest s of the oouutry must inevitab'.y hea.r me to-night, You k now I love you and suffer from such a course, and true 1rn.triot· wanted you to be my wife." "I can· isrn ought to prevent electors f,·om aupport11ot," I answered, decisively "I will never iug and couuten11.ncing wrnng doing, no l'l" 'tt marry. '.' Did the ·door move l I fancied ter wha.t party the men niay be connected so, yet I had not touched it, "When Phil- wl th who are guilty of it· ip Nelson disc&.rded you," -he began-but a band pushed. him from behind. · · He never did," said Philip's ·voioe, and my es· con atepped baok, looked l<'ng, with face white as der1th i~ th~ " oonligr;t, rlld th~n hurried a.way. "l he.. rc1 your ma.ic'len speech,," sv,id Philipte~derly, a.ud thtin hur· ried here to meet you tirst alone. That man has nevor told you what I . entrusted to him -~f my long illness and the reasons the.t kept me a.way . He wrote tha.t you were en· ~aged, but some~hing t t,ld me he wa,a false, as soon ae I could travel I to see with my own eyes. Hanm;h sent me to the ·choolhouse juat in time to hear your speeoh and see JOUr face as yon sat clo wn, th~n I o~me h· re and waited.' '!'ho wind blew chil· ly as we moved into the warm aitting room a nd shut the doc r, whi!cj tr·e sound of distant laughter came now and tl1en upnn cur e1 U$, I could only say, "Philip, my King," ancl then, h1md cla·ped in hano , the &ileLce was t'guldell. " MASON BROTHERS. we MASON BROS., end Boots and Sl~io~s. . Keep your feet dry and '\varm, ! 'Parlor Shoe Store,' Good fl.ts warranted every time or no sale. Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; to Best quality of Dressing and Blacking JENJl\.TINGS . STAND·.--N · eads' Block. Naw Dry Goods and Clothing I ELLISON a: c~o. br Ready Made and Ordered Clothing. ~ffer Dress Goods remarka~ly low.) we It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. E L L I S 0 N c...?-t C 0. LQQK OUT. FOR BARC3·AINS .-3 fl> 1-3 J:q t:r:1 CD t-3 P> pj 0 ~ cl Jj All Wool Suit ti:J MADE TO ORDER FOR 9 DOL: !:iRS Well Trimmed and Wel Made· Gents' Furnishings of all :kinds . JOSEPH JEFFJE:R"lcir ·

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