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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1886, p. 1

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r tsm OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST : THE WORLD AFTERWARD S. ~ M . A. JAMES, E DITOR ..urn PROPRIETOR. TERMS :- $1.liO PER .A.Nmm. NEW SERIES, Nu::&£BER 390. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1886. LOCAL . NEWS L ETTE RS. VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 3. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. . E:hN ISKILLEN. A lively foo t-m ce took place through the mud t o th e foo t of t he big hill on e night before the late frost. One of the purs uers lost one of his slippers and t he other almost his feet chasing a man w horn t hey suspected h ad stolen the oysters for t he party .Jim led the boys a mile chase and then informed t hem he had no oysters. T hey were after war:is found in the driving house. It is very amusi ng t o behold th e looks on a gr eat many of our friends in ·this n eigh bc,rhood a s they take from the post office a X mas card or aportra!t of Mowat or J ohn A, instead of dritwing a large prize in money, a gold watch or an organ or piano, as all ex pected in connection with a t ea lottery for which nearly all the n eighborhood had tickets, procured by purch asing tea. Many of us are daily expecl ing to secura notice of some \·aluable article awaiting our order at the express office. A fine literary tr eat is expected h er e on Thursday inst, in r~Image 's L ecture on "' l ngersollism" deli vered by t he H,ev. David R ogers, of Ails'a. Craig, Mr. Rogers possesses t o a wond·irful deg ree t he power of portr aying t he peculiarities, gestures, etc. , t·S well as the exact language of any public s peaker, he cares t o imitate; so t hat good j udges pr on ouuce his r ep roduction of 1'aima~e as good !\ t reat as hea.rmg t he great Brook· lyn Divine himself. A crowded house is looked for. Our school l1ouse was well clenn"d and put in good shape for school reopening after the vacation. Mr. A. Virtne has sold fi fty acr es on east side of his farm to Mr. J n o. Stain · t on for $80 per acre. On r successful den tist Mr. Jr T aylor, has re3umed business after a holiday tour in Uncle Sam's dominion s. A great mal' of t he G lobe readers in this locality com1ider " J ohn Beciill" far superior to any other story in the choicest collect ion published in the fine X mas nu mber ot t hat lea.ding journal. en 0 · · c+-i 0 c ·r-t 0 ...µ H ~ ~ · c-:> <:::) ro +:> ~ fJl ~ ~ ~ H 0 t CJ Ill ...--I ·r-t Pt rD. s rzl ro 0 rzl 0 (].) ·~ .... ~ ~ ~ ·s::: s::: 0 ~ 0 = ~ ~ · t/J 0 ..,~ ~ c-:> ..d VJ. > Cl.) ~ ~ ~ Cl.) a z :J -I ro ~ (].) (]) j3: ..!:I ...p ·r-t ~ t-1 0 c:> ·~ ~ ~ VJ. VJ. ~ Ul ,.q Ul (]) 0 ~ t'l rt:) ~ 0 o~ '=3 ·Cl.) CJ ..d "'d cd ~ 0 CJ = 00 ~ <:::) Cl.) cd Cl.) b.O 0 u: z ~ · 1..1..1 ~ ..d ~ 'S-DNnrroow FARMERS , THRESHERSJ U se M cColl B r os. & Co: s Celebrated ~int~rlt T HE BES T Lardirie WORLD. MACH IN E 01 L. IN T H E When buying Coal Oil a£k your dealer for the N ew Oil, · ~~ &UNLJ:GHT " . - Coal Oil. Try it once, you wiH use no other. .H cCOLI" BROS. & CO 'Y, 'l,'01·onto. N. U. Down's Veget a ble Balsamic Elixi l" ie a positive cure for C ()Ull!hs Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough , Catarrh, lloar11ene11s, Influenza, Spitting B!o'o d, Br onchitis, Asth ma, L ung :Fev~r, P leurisy, and ' all d ieeascB . of the Throat , Choat and L1 ungs. As an E xpect orant it h as n o equal, Consumption h as been cured t imes without number b y its timely use. It h eals the ulcerated surfaces, and cures when all other remed ies fail. F ifty-six years of con11tant use has proven lt11 virtues. Every family sh ould k eep it in the house. Sold everywh ere. H enry, J oh nston & L ord, P roprietors, B urling ton, Vt. Dr· .R e n 1·y Baxte1 ·'s ~laudrake Bitter s are o. suro cu re for Ooativeness, B iliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Diseases <?f the K idi;eys, T orpid L tver, R heumatism, D izzineds, Sick Headache . L oss of A ppetite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, Pal pitations, Erllptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto!Dach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in workiug order, and perfect health will be the r esult.· Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will fin d r elief and p ermanent cure by the us1:1 of these 'Bitters. B eing t onic and mildly purga i.ive they purify tho blood. For sale by all dealers in medici ne. - H en ry, J ohnston & L ord, P r oprietors, Burli ngton, Vt. Henry, J ohnston & L ord, P roprietors of M a.n a nd Beast. T he best ext ernal r emedy for R he\J.matism, N eura lgia, Sprains, B ruises, Burns and Sea.Ide, Sciatica., Backache, Frosted F eet, and all other pains a nd Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effect ual Remed y for Galls, Str aina, Scratches, Sores, &c., on H orses. One trial will prove lts merits. Its eftects a re in most oases instant aneous. Every b ottle warranted to give satisfaction. Prices 25 cents 11.nd 50 cent8 per b ottle. Sold e verywhere. Send 10 cents postage. and we will mail you free a ro.ral, valuable, sample box of goods that will put yon in tho way ot making more money at once. than anythinp:s else in Amerioa. Both sexes of all ages can live at home aud w ork in time, or all tlmee. Capital not required. W e w ill start you. I mmense pay sure for those who ati~rt at once. S T INSON &; Co., Portland, Maine. COLUMBUS. One of the mostpleasureable gath1-r ings it h as E-ver been our privilege and h ap)!y lot to a ~tend wl\B the Silver Weddin!{ of M r . and Mrs. Edward Cole, at t.hcir residence, Geneva., on Friday evening last, when a very large company of r elatives and fri ends were prese nt to unite with . the ha ppy couple in celebrating tho auapicious occnsiou. '.!.'he company assembled ~hortly nftnr four o'clock, and after all had 1eceived cord ial greetings and spent a short i ime in sncial conversation, the llldies set ont a sumptuous repast from the well filled hampers t hey had brough t along, and when all thin gs were ready 1\lr . and Mrs. Cole and family were invited into t he parlor, when Mr. M. A. Jan1es, Edttor of the 8'.l'ATESMAN, Bowmiinville, was appointed chairman and called upon M r. R ich. D. P o wer, of Columbus, who in n. most feli citous and humorous address presented Mrs. Cole wit h a very valuabhi and beautifully ch ased Quadrnple Plated Silver T ea Service of six pieces, purchased from M aynard the Jeweller, of Bowman ville, who seems t o h ave t he contract for Bupplying wed ding presen ls fo r two or three coun ties, accordi ni{ to t he reports we read in t he ST.a.u::sM AN from t ime t o t ime. After a short a nd feeling rnply from Mr. Cole in which he thanked the friend~ fo r their prese nce and presents, brief congratulat ory speeches were made by M essrs. L ewis Luke, J . C. F ox, J ohn L ee, Thoti!. Bradley and Thos . Goodman, :East Whitby ; 1'hos. J . H olliday, Brook lin ; Jamoa M cL ean,Jno. Y : Cole, Jhmpton ; L e wis '.!.'.Pascoe, Oakwood ; 'William Werry, Soli na ; and the venerable M r. Th o~. Coutts, Mrs. Cole's fa ther. Mr. J ames, Secretar y of Committee, r ead letters of congratulation from friends i n T oronto ~n d ooher places who were 11nabl1> to be present, after which the older pLlrtion of the company pt"oceedid t o t he dining l'OO !ll a nd feasted on cl11cken pie and many other toothsome edibles, the others following suit as soon as oppor tunit y was a fforded. The rem ai nder of the e veuing was very !111.ppily spent in extempore speeches, readings, r ecitaticms, vocal and instrumental music, games, etc. One of the jolliest " chiels" t he re was uurpor tly s ubur ban far me r, Mr. Powers, whose fun and antics provok ed tnd he was well susi ncess;;n t laughter, < tained by M essrs. J. C. F ox and J ohn L ee whose repa rt ee is proverbial on all s uch occasions . Miss Co utts, of Oshawa, and Mrs. J·. VanNest, jr ., '.lf Solina, cOn· t r i bu ted much to t he pleasure of t he co mpany by t heir excellent r endering of m usic, bot h. vocal and i ndtr umental. T he familiar Scotch songs by M rs . T . J. H olliday, of Br ookliu, were sung in a mann er that elicited warm ap plause. The r ecitations by Mr. P owers were also wo1thy of special mention, being very l1ii;?hly appreciated. The efforts of Mr~. Cole an d daugh ters in m aking their fri ends feel perfect ly a t home wer e m ost successfu l , a nd :tll we nt away feeling that t he evening i n spite of t he incle ment weather, was one of t he silver spots in their existenca. '.!.' he Se.:iretary has handed us t h e names of the fo llo wing persons who were con· tr ibutors to the Present a tion Fund : Mrs. A. E. Wi lcox, W . H epinstall, J ohn Currie, Joh n McGreggor and E. S. D earborne, Osha wa ; R . D. P ower, F red Powe r, W. Richardson, Thos. Goodgrn u , Rev. II. R. R oss, S. H ugo an d W. B. G uy, Columbus ; Thos. B radley, Jonathan B rsy, Enfield ; T. J . Holliday,Brooklin ; A. Fanson, R. Wickett, and .Tohn Warren, Toronto ; Miss J . R. Thomas, M . D. Williams, M . A. J ames, .John Mayn ard, B owmanville; Th os. Snowdeu, S. Cole, Maple Grove ; F. A. Cole, J as. McL ea n, J oh n Y. Cole, Hampton ; W. Werry, .T. V rmNest, j r., W . VanNest, Solina ; L ewis L uke, John Luke, Joh n J_,ee, F'. 'W. L ee, Rich. W alter, .Elast Whitby ; Mrs . R. Harper , Port P erry, and L ewis T. P ascoe, Oakwood. On motion of Mr . J ohn Lee, seconded by M r. T. J . H olliday, a vote of thanks was tendered to theCom rn ittee of Mn.nagement ,- Mrs. M . A . James, Bowmanville, Miss l{.achel Cole, Maple Grove, and Miss Laura M. Wickett, Toronto,for t he sntisfactory man ner in which they had made the selection of a present and verfect ed and carded out tlle e ntir e arrangements. Mr. James return ed thanks on behalf of t he Com· mit toe. ON E W n o WAS T .rrE'RE . East Whitby, Jan. 11th, 188G. NoTE.- We greatly enJoyed t he uccas· ion referred to above, aRd sh all be de · li11.hted to have an opportunity of attending man y similar gath er in gs i n E aet Whitby . En, 0 . S. ~~~~---- -----~~~- BUSINESS BOO MINC I Maynard the Jeweller on Advertising .in the " Statesman." BOWMANVILLE, Janua ry 1 2th, 188G. Mn. M, A. J AMES, Editor " S TATESMAN," Dear S ir,- F ind en closed h erewith copy for my new advertisemen t. I want y ou to increase my space from a quarter to a half column unt'. l fmtb er 01 ·dcrs. 1 have fou nd the STATESMAN a very profitable medi um for advertisj ng the past season its I can t race a large number of good sales to its inHuen ce. I haw done a much larg er busine1:1s the past three mon ths t han I ever did in the Rame time befor e, and t his mon th so far & ales have been very good· T a m doing an immense t rade in wedding present s. Tell y our readers in a local this week t hat I will :mpply them with anyLh ing in my line a t prices t ha t will suit t lie p urses of all, rich and p o or . G t,h e advt. a et i t u p in attrad i ve l'tyle. promin ent posit.ion and R You rs respt>c tf ully, M A YNARD THE J !);WELT.E R. N OTE UY Ta.E E DITOR :- We have taken t he libert y of pu blishing M r . .Maynard's let ter in place of his ad vertise me nt t his week, becaustl it has t h ti righ t rin g about it, and we kn ow that what he says a l:>out business incr ,,a,:i ng is ctJrr e c ~. BUllKE1'0N. Burk et on registered it s fi rst marriage on Thursday 31st ult. l\ir. Warren, of 'I'oronto, was h ere looking for a site to commence bla.cksrnithing. T her e is no bette r ope ning in Canada for a blacksmith s hop. H ope ho will succeed . l\fr. ,Jas. W right, relieving agent of the C. t'. .R., was in charge of t ho station for pP .i!t few days whi le Mr. R ead was east on u vil!it. J1 ouis G. l\foKibbon ,of Trinity Medical School, Tor on to, ha.a been visit ing Mrs. He r eturned t o Quigley, his sist er . Toronto on Monday. Mr . Qlligley has one of the n ew Armstrong improved spr ing cu tter.;i which is a groat improvement to t he old style of part wood and iron . A fi ne specimen of a fox was caught in a. den wi~hin th ree hu ndred yards of Mr. Qnigloy'a store New Year'11 Day by M r. J esse Williama and Mr. Niddery,Jesses Little Ter rier proved himselt of tbe r ight st uff. We are very SQrry t o see so much grain pass our station for Bowmanville t he last few weeks since they q uit buyin>{ h are, W e d o n ot und erstand why there is n o buyer h ere. Mr. Grext on has purchased a .lot from M r . 1Wiott on which he purposes erec ting a dwelling soon as spring opens. M r. Quigley has not accepted any tender1> for h is two new h ouses yet . V accination seems t o be all tl1e hero since t h e s mall pox b roke out in Ponty pool. A foll supply of salt al ways k ept at Qlligley's. 1' YR ONE. Mr. Norman Tilley, of Bowmanville, has been engaged to t a ke charge of Miss Manning's sch ool d ur ing her illness. A la ughable in cident in cori ection with the col d 1map, occ urred a few days since when one of our citizens placed the thermometer outside the door and found t o liii:l amaeoment that the mercury fell elem· out of sigh t · Query- H ow cold Wll8 if, 7 Dr. Mitch ell per formed the operation of viiccinatin~ by t he wholesale in t his pb oe on S aturday last. " K eep a way from my arm" ! is n ow the general ner v· oue w l utation. _ R evival ser vices during the past-week have been poorly atten ded, duB no donbt to th e unusua l severity of tho weather . The pastors ho wever have faithfully per · formed their part in warning th e u ngodly, and arousing t he members. Dr. E dgar, a d ist inguished phys ician of 'I 'orol' o, visited M rs. W. Wight last week an d givee as his opinion t hat wit h groat cani sh e may recover in a measure the health of which for so long a t ime she has been deprived. Two weddings s outh of this place are to como off within a week.Particulars in ne:x:t letter . E ao!>.tET, A.rn ica a n d O U l..iin i m ent for - CVURTIOB. ' \ Mrs. James Oourtice is sic.t} Mr. R . B . ' Vatson , ou r l at e teacher, l eft last week for H amilton, carrying.with him t he best wishes of the community. Active preparations being made by t he Y. P . C. A., of Ebenezer, for t heir annual tea on · r uesday ne:x:t . D espite t he hard times our village blacks mith cont inues b usy, Worth its weight in gold. West's W orld's Wonder , the cheapest and best lin iment in th e world ; cures more oases and goes fn rtber tl1a.n an y other medicine. Rheumat ics try it. 25 and 50c. All druggists. BA K l N C POWDE R ~D UNN'S IFT AC Scott's Emulsion of P u re <1od I.Iver O U, wUI& Bypopbospbltes ls M ore Nutritfou.~ and Strengtlttning THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND A than any other combined or single re· T he F an cy G oods , a nd China. that medy. T h e M edical P r ofession un iver · M urdoch Bros' ar e selling is wonderful. sa.lly at test this fact and prescrib e it i n D"\"E RTI SERS ! send tor our Seiect J,ist of Overcoats our own make for sale a t T . Coneumpt ion ,and all wastiug condit ions, Local News papeI'l!. Geo. P. RQwell &, Co., with , plendid re11uH11. Geo.Mason'! S tar Houec. lU l:lpn1ce St., N. Y, CA R 'l' W BIG HT. WHI'I'BY. The J,oca!Board of H ealth met recently ' The soci:\l iu co:rneoti·m with St. t o take steps t o prevent t he spreading of . J ohn's chnr<:h to h o helcl in ·h e J'own small pox in our midst and decided t hat Hall on Wed1h·aday e v~ o in g J u,n. 20th nll .school teach ers i>'l t be towmh i~ be pr omisris to be a gr si\i; ~ u ooes s. The annive"sary se rvicai> of St. Au .. notified to h ave ><ll t he scholars v~ccurnt~d , also to. al!ow n<rne t o com e. m .from drew's ch urch, \'n il be h alcl on Slln day mfected. districts, and t o put up notice to the 17t.h of J a.u . nm] th e a.n rrnal Soiree that e!lect. Up to t he present, twelve on the foliowin .-( M ·nl\lay o ve uln){, the ~ases are repot"ted a~ and n ear Ponty pool. 18th. 'l'h"l 8 .-, rvices 011 S unday will be rhe L ocal B oar d of _ He~lt.h th ~t place, condu eicd b v thti R l:lv. Dr . Cochran e of haYe e rect ed a h osp1hl m Rtdge s woods B rantford · ' east of Pont ypool, where ~o me of those . ., who have t he disease havo b aen removed. ~r. Ft'an k P a:x:t (1n mot wi-.h a s_evero acmdent o u Tmmda. v week. He slipped Tho St. Joh n's c hurch choir spent a an d fell in t he st:tble, arJd in j u -ed ni s ar m pleasant evening at Rov. M r. Ct·aight on 's vary badly. on th e 30th u lt . l\11ss S. Deacon, or~an On New Year's E 9e aft;er pr ayer meet ist, presided ing- 11t tho B:tp >.ist church, the pa.stor l'te v. M r . 'l'hos. Goggi n, fo rme rly of this .J. F . Bi!.r ker, was pre~o n ted w it h a. fine place, paid a. visit t o friends here recently. s9a.l skin ca ·1, :.ild hrn w.! .J wit h a n electMr. S . · Teffery ha'i boll ,;ht t he proper ty ·ric t.i b!e laru p, l.i,v t :i.i chllrch nn d coo· own ed by James May, of B rooklin, a nd grega tion as a t oken of th e bigh est eem occupied by J ohu P arks. Samuel whe n and aff.~ct.inn with which b nth r egardwill you warm i ~ ? \V tl hope you m ay ed . live lung to enjoy iG. ., M.essrs. ,Jeffrey B ro's. of this t own,l ost .M r . S. R use iR tryi n~ t o organ izo a Lhtiir va lui~ ·k C~y d Asd ...Ie Sta.Ilion, " Bensing i n~ class he re . more", lus t W()·:k. llo W'< LS v. 1!trnd <it Mr. Richarcl8(1n, t eacher, has moved ;j\3,000 int o our little villr.i;rn and commenced his - - -- - · ··-...,..__. d uties. H e u.lso aclds one mor e t o the SOLfN .4. . brass band. Mr. B. J_,a rnmim"n ha~ ret urneil to A social party was held at M rs. P out 's T or.onto. on t he 31st ult . Miss Ella Brown h as ret urned home The brass band sorenaded th o municipal from Cannington . officers on Monday e vening, and r oceivod M r . Gro. H. H ogarth, B. A.., has gone the following qo ntributions : James P11rr, $5.00; John McK~e, $5.00: A. Spink s, to Strath roy <13 Leacher i n t he lii~hScllo.ol. $2. 0?; ,Tohn H. D ev,i tt, $ 3. 00; D avi d Mr. D . ltogers is t o de liver a lect.ure in Fall~s, $2.00; R J. ·raylor , $2. 00; J . Mt. V ernon church on Tuesday even ing next. S 11bject, "Tal mage'~ lect urtl on D evitt, .25; A.n soo Taylor, $2.0ll. Mr. E . B. Po wer and wife, ar ~ visiting Ingersolli3m." Adm iss10n, 15c. 1 \nd 20c. mday School.. a t their daughter's, Mrs. J. M . F or d, P roceeds in aid of S 1 Craighurs t . Q llif:e a n u ·u b· r f ,.om this pfat e went Mrs. M cKee has become a r esident of to F enelon rPc011tly t o att end a very our village. M r . E ber H ogf\rth wh'J has b een visiting in t his nei1,:hb ·r ·1ood, has returned to H A Y D ON. the Uni ve rsity at ·ro ~ ,oto. On the evening of tho 7 th inst ., a la.rgo Mr. James Vice has rented the black· n u mber of th e friench of H aydon S . S. surprised t he esteem~d superintendent,l\ir sm ith shop and dw~llin g. for merly occup iB road, who h as held tha t position for ed by Mr. Torn, from l\fr. E . M.illsQIJ..'l 'here h as been quite a Jut of clover over 20 years, by taki ng po·session of h is homo in or der to m ake h im an d his wife t hr eshed in t his sec t,ion b t oly. The y ield the recipien t!, of so me t oken of the estim- is fair. ation:in wh ich their \'aluableser vice is h eld. We think the sidewalks in th i$ villa. l(e After the nat ural exci r.eme nt of a complete should bo cle \ued off for the accommoda· surprise had subsided and all had b een tion of pedest ri,,.m . DrcK. made comfortable in their 11ew home, t he friends had th o p lea.ruse of appointi ng M r . John R un d le as c bairman. In PURT H OPE. is own happy way he hint ed at the obSeries of E vangelistic ~ervices ext endject of the ga tb eriu~ ai1d C 3.llecl on Ml.". ini over t.wo "'eeks hll.a b.ien oommenced E . T . Slemtm t o rea<l 3n excellent address set ting forth the high esteem in which h er e and will be hi,ld i n the Firtt P resbyterian church.. Mr. Isroad was h eld by his friends and T he funeral of the la~e W . A· H obbs, neighbora. Short speeches were t hen made t o th e effect that each speaker felt on Wed nesday week, wa, l ar gely a t happy in organ izing t he labor s of such tended. T he conc9;t and distr ibution of prizes hearty servico aa Mr. and Mrs. Broad had render ed i n the S. l:l. A moug those who in the M 11·h ·dist ch urch la~ t week was expressed t heir feelings wore - Messrs. J. very successful and d rew a crowded house. $lemon, W. A unger, W. Creeper , W. Ooe hundr· . d and nineteen prizes were tf3lemon, J . R undle a nd others. In r eply distri bllted. M.r. Broad spoke of his gr'lt.itude .t o t_he P ort H o,,o is going t o presen t t he friends. who had made him ai:id Ins w~fe members ef "E" Comp .my of the M id,L ,1linn witl1 a ha.rid$omo s carft he rec1pents of such a bt,aut1fol Family J !and B ,.,1 ~ible and H ymn B o0k and of h is ~ntercst pin each . ' Mr. G. A. Andrus Science Master in m the S. S. work. H e said h e pr ized t he H H 1 '" h l B ook of God more than any other, and t h p tl t th' B' bl Id b d bl e ort ope II( l <>O " ' , was succese!'- d noH ;s t~ ~ ~~ u . eth oS u ful at ths t'eCA nt examiu atirm in t each ing, 1 prhize h. d .et10 E? 0 h fl.". 0h~ 0 lll t e G. d. held at f fa ,.,;J ..... Tr ..iuing J nstitt1to. w o a no given t e1r oar ts o o , would yet obey the Saviour 's voice a nd come an d live. T he choir was th en called $ 1000 F oRFllIT ! - Havinl( t ho utmost upon to give some service in song, aft er con fidence i n its Auperiority over all which all sat down t o part of wh at had other s, and !d' t houM·ds of tests of t he been laid on th e table. A very enjoy- m ost compliciv"d and severest cases we able t ime wa.s 11pen t, a nd t he gathering coul~ fi nd, we feo1 j nst1tied in offering to broke u p about 12 o'clock, all feeling forfeit one thon~ .. url do' !ar 9 for any case pleased an d happy. t of cough, col«, sore ·hr· ·at, in.fl.uenr.a, J hoarseneas, -brnn sh 1Lis! cons umpt ion in its _ _ _ ___ . _ __ , early s tages, .,, ,,ovp mg-cough , and all West s Cough Syr up .. _ .\ sure cure for I diseases of th e t.h roat and lu11gs, except coughs, _ colds, br onchitis, aoro throat, , aithma, for w!:1.10·1 W ·' only relief, and all d iseases of the throat and l ungs. Jt hat we ca n't <· ure with Wi<sr;'a Cough 2?<:· · 50c. and $1 per bott le. All dr ug- Syrup, when ·a. k ~n ,,ccord ing t o direc· g ist. tions. Sample bot tle8 25 and 50c. Large Gen tlemen who are bald should call at bot tles $1. Genume wrapped only in the R uebottom H ouse on Jan. 21 a.nd 22 bl ue. Sold by al · druggis ts, or aen i by and see Prof. Dor enwend's fine styles of expreas on receiµt of price. ,Jom r O. Wigs and T oupees.· WE~'.l' & Co. , 8 1 King-at E ., T oronto. nr I I ___ I J ,J

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