J - '~. '· ' ., , ,_·: r The more you s&y, t he less people·remember. When land can be drained, and yet is I~ t Simplicity of character is the natural re· -BYyear after year, to grow sedges and ewa1up 81llt of profound thoughts. grass, there ought to be a good reason for I~, ~1:. The plant of happiness cannot thrive with· or elee it shows negligent farming. I ha>'C out the air of cheerfulness. restores, with the gloss and freshness of AT THE OFEICE jun such a lot- three aoree or more in extent, yoilth, faded or gray hair to a natural, ric4 Pu·OmceBlock,KtngSt.,Bowman-vllle,Ont brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. The innocence of the Intention abates with ba.rdly a square rod of dry ground on it, exoep~ just along one edge, · where the nothing of the mischief of the enl{lple. By its usa lighj; Ol' red hair may be darkened, TER-~S: cows go t o find a dry spot to lie upon. A Make friends with your creditors, if you thin hair thickened, and baldne!IS often, 1.11e;perannnm,or $1.00t:rpalcUn advance though not always, cured. tall willow hedge fences It on a part, f one cau, but never make a. creditor cf your Payment stl'iotly in advance required rrom aide, and there ie a brook and many spriags friend. lt checks falllng of the hair, and stlmu· bscrt hers outside or the county. Orders to fates a weak anJ. sickly growth to vigor, It of never failing we.tor in it, Here the bog. '.l'he harvest gathered In the fields of the continue the p!l.per mu~t be accompanied by grass ls gretn earlier than anywhere else, past iB to be brought home for the ute of be amount due.or the pa.per wilhwt be stopped. preveuts' nnd cures scu!'f and dandrulf, and and mv J ereoy cows get enough of it to col· the present. BUbecribers are responsibleunti lful !payment is heals nearly every disease peculiar to tho or their butter a. month or two earlier than Many people mistake F .tubborness for made. scalp. As a Ladies· Hair DresBlng, tho they otherwise would. Jn fact, as soon as bravery, meanness for economy, and vileness VIGOR !s unoquRllecl; i t contaiDB neither oil RA.TES OP A.DVERTISING1 i~~ the green shows, beitlnMarohorFehruary, for wit. Whole Column one year ....····...·· $60 00 o; ~ ;!:: nor dyo, renders the ha!.r soft, glosay, and they have a chance at it, and we get goldm Deprive the people of the means of pro· u " Half year . .. . . ....... 36 00 · ~~ silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate " One quarter .. . ...... 20 00 ~,. but;er from that time on. There le not per subsistence and you enslave and des· agrooa.l>le, anJ. lasti11g perfume. ' Halt Column one year ............... 36 00 - much nutriment io the waee, or whatever troy the natl9n. " Half year .............. 20 00 llfR. C. P. BmcHER writes from Kirby o the vegetation iH-I thlnlr eed2e or ca~ex is l 1tT1J 3, 1882 : " L:1st fall my hair c.0Jnme{1ced CheerfulneHs is an excellent wearing qua.I· '· " One quarter ........... 12 50 the name for it- but it contains c&lorophy 1 lty. It has been called the brlgbt weather falling out, and in a ii]10rt time I booame Quarter Cohux;:n one yesr ........... 20 00 1101uly bald. l used part of a be>ttle of a.ll the same, wbioh, thouiih green in the of the heart. · " " Half year ..·.. ··... . 12 50 ~ \:lm's HAI~ VrnoH, whicl1 stopped the fall· " One quarter...... .. 8 00 plant is yellow in the butter. It does nnt tug of the ha!r, 'Hid startecl a new growt11. l We should be as cheerful of our words as Slx lines and under, first insertion .· 80 50 ;ake many days of mild weather to at1J,rt the I.lave now a foll hoacl of bah· growing vlgOT· Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 ously, and run cq11vinced that but for the tussocks sprouting, by day, and the peepers of our actions, and as tar froin speaking Ill l'rom six to ten lines, first insertior., 0 75 ~ Ilse of yottr preparation I should 11&\'e been piping by night, all onr the swamp, and a.a from doiDg ill. Each subsequent insertion.... .. 0 35 _:_10 entirely bahl." Gold 'a nd silver would be better as mere very ·ocn the cows will need very li~tle, if Dver ten lines, first insertion,per line 0 10 _ J. W. Bowv.s, proprleto1' of the JfcArtlmr Each subsequent inse1·tion, " 0 03 _ any other f d ·ler. I do not think there is medals of commerce than as fiuotuating le· (Ohio) l!nqtt-il'<"r, s:tys: .. AYER'S HAm VIGOR as much bntter In these sedges, even though gal tenders in t be handa of Hpecula.tors. The number of lines to be reckoned b:V is a most. e xcellent preparatlon for the hair, lie space ocou~ied,,measured by a scale of tender, succultnt and abundant, as there ia ~ ~peal;: of It from my own experience. Its For a gold currency the people are being &!>lid Nonpareil. ~ promotes the growth of new hair, and in poor upland paetnre, Still, the butter encouraged to eacrifiJe their goods, their mli!ces it glossy a.ud soft. Tll1l VIGOR ls also abunda.ntly, comes and it has not only sood liberties, their children &nd themselves. a sure cure for dandruff. Not within 111y DR, TA.MRLYN, color, but a fresh izraasy flav 1r. knowlcdgo bns the preparation ever failed Give no quarter to those vices which a.re HYSICIAN, SURGEON e.nd .ACCOUCHEUR. to give eu1ire satisfaction." The warm weather comes on, and the ?f thine Inward family, and h11.ving a root Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 eedge becomes tough and wiry. The cows l\fn . .A¥GUS FAmnAIRN, leader of tho m temper plead a right and propriety in ~elebr.ared "Fnirbairu Family" of Scottish gnaw tihe upland grasses, which grow on the thee. Dr. A.. BEITH, Vocnl1 sts, writes from Ro·lon, ilfass. Jlleb. G few patches of ha.rd ground, down to the R.ADU .ATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER 1880 : "Ever since my hair began to give sil! To avenge one's self ia to oonfeas that one roots, ao after the gras3 starts well on the has been ~ouncted; out it is not the part of SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &;e. Office King v.ery evidence of tho change wlllcb tleeting treet, MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanville, t~n1e . procuretlt, I have used Avtat's HAIR upland, the cows of course " p'o to grass," a noble mmd to be wounded by an injury, ' IGon, and so have beer1 able to maintain and leave the sedge to grow. Well, it does an a~pearance of youtllfnh.wss-a matter o{ Who is "' ise ? He that learns from every .1, W, ltteJ.aug lalln, 111. B ,, grow, and after the hay crop is all In, we cons1<lerablo conseqncncc to ministers oraICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE !ors, actors, and In fltct efery vne wholivcs mow thi6, and it givee me a big stack of eev· o'!le· Who is powerful ? He that governs hi s passlon11, Who is rich ? He that la ot P hysicians e.nd member or the Royal m the oyes of the pablie." era.I tons of at lea~t f!Ood bedoing. Young content, CoUege of Burgeons, Edinburgh. stock will eat a good part of it, and cows l\Ins. o. A. PRESCOTT, writl11g from 18 Elm 01Hoe: MORIUS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman· Those that would be safe have need to be ~h Clr.arfestown, llfass., AJJt'il .14, 1882, says : and horses nibble at it. It is rich in ash vj!le. I 1vo years ago about two-thirds of my hair suspicious of the t empttr. The garriaon constituents, and goes a great ways toward came off. It thinned very rapidly and I waa DR. J, C. MITC.:llELL, making a big manure pile. If I were to that surrounds a party is not far from being fast growing lmld. 011 usi11g AYnn's HAm 1urrendered. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Vrnon the falling stopped aud a new growt.11 "rechW.m" the meadow" ' ' I should hardly · and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner , etc, commencecl, au1J in about a n1onth my bead , He who expresses in hie conduct juetioo know wha.t to do, It would change my 01Hoe and Residence, Enniakillen. 74. WM con~pl etcly covered w i th short hair. H whole fystem- no yellow butter in Ms.rob, and charity ac..:omplhhes the moet beautiful 1111.q continued to grow, and I~ 110w as good a8 before it fell . I regularly used but one bottle and very little in April. I would have to works; the gnod nun is, iu hie way, the .John Kelth Galb1·a1th, of the Y10on, but now use it occasionally as raise more rye for straw, get less and notBo greatee t of all arthts, A.RR I S 'l' ER, SOLICl'fOR, NOTARY u dressiug." .Public opinion is a V1eak tyrant ccmpued manure, and not have such an easy valualile PUBLIC, &c. Office-Bounsall's Bloo,k We have hunclrecls of simllartestlmonlals time with my bayitig, No doubt the mead· w1.th our o_wn private opinion ; what a man Kfng Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend. t o the efficacy of A YER'S HAIR VIGOR. It ow would yield splendid timothy and or· thinks of himself, the.tit Is whioh determines needs bat a trial to convince the most skepti· ».BURKE s111n·sox, chard grass, and there would be more mon· or rather indicates, his fate, cal o! its value. .' .A.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, &.c., MOPRIS ey in it, but rrow, ae for a g ood many yea.rs 1t doe.s ?-s good to admire what Is good BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo"l\'man PREPARED BY past, I am not quite reaay to give up the and beautrful ; but it does ue infinitely more ·wllle. Solicitol'for the Ontario Bank. only swamp m~111dow I have !eh. good to love It. ·We grow like wba.t we ad· · Or. ~. O.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Private MoneTs loaned at the lowest rates. A Specimen Spirit ualist, mire, but we become one with what we Scarcity of Servant Girls. Sold by all Druggists. love. A noted spiritualist of New York ~isitedi Timelv Su~gestions. ROBERT A.JtMOIJR, The agricultural returns to the Ontario The foundation of good labor 'in any 1st published for Montreal some time a~o, and before leaving EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER We find the following plan floating among spher e ie a govd man, and all t hat ia done Burtau of Industries are j 1 Pianos Tunc<l and R epaired . our exchanges : Have a strap In halter long to give breadth, depth and fulln ess to him the month of November in ii. pamphlet of had several conferences wit h some of the. . of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· leading dead of that City. Bis acquaiutance9J' at Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Money enough to pa.es through ring in post or w_lll r eact in ultim..,te improvement upon fifty pages, and very instructive re. ding it · o aned on Rea.J. Estate. Oftloe on King s treet, is. The great diffi Ju lty which the farmers ehip in the other .w orld extenda back t o manger and reach t o the hind feet when the ARTIES WISHING rnErnPIANOS hlBwork, Qowmanville. of Ontario have to endare is the scarcit y of gentlemen who lived at the time of the 'runed or repaired can he.Ye thorn attended borae stands as naturally tied. Fasten a 0 by leaving word a.t the D OMINION ORGAN strap around the ankle of one hind toot, pass servant girls. The wages of hired men deluge ; and h11 has been enlightening some .t. T. PUUU.PS OF'll'ICE, Bowmanville · .A. first-clas man the halter-strap through the ring, between Give the Eo·vs a Ohance. have fallen from $20 to $17 per month, of the people In tbe U nited St a.tea, as we ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County 00'8 'lOW bein~ in their mulo ' · of Durham, Salee promptly attended. · while gir ls' wages have risen fifty per cent.; perceive by a New York paper, upc>n certhe fore legs, and fasten to the etra p around Frank and trustworthy boys carry: their tain Scriptural problems, He is perfc~tly Addrese-Hamuton P.O. 59. ankle ; p11.ss a enroingle around the horse hvneety on thdr faces, and when such are but youag women are soe.rcely to be hired well acquainted, hesa.ys, w ith J onah, whom to bo.d up tt.e strap. Let him pull 1 · he needed for services, vr desire any favor, an at all. " Girls for housework are b"rd to be deecribes as a person of wavering charao· OHN HUGRES. - Licensed Auctioneer, will sit down like a dog, only to get up tbe Intelligent person ls not only excn~aMe for be got at any price, says Mr. O. H . KitValuator and .Arbitrator. Fire and Life Insure in the Confederation Life Asso· worbt be11ot hor~e you ever saw, A few at· putting faith in them, bnt may confer a great chen of Townsend ; " it would be a good ter, t hough "extremely eoci&hle ;" and be ··nsura.nce, Notes and Acc:ounts Collected. J4oney to Lend on rea~onable terms, Address ciatton. It is ch eaper than the Canadian tempts "ill break the most inveterate encouragement and benefit by doing so, A i~ea to import good girls." " _ P lenty of declares t hat "the gentleman never was Cartwright, Ont. 472 girls to marry," says George Huskin of swallowed by a. wh11le. " The Sciipturea are halter· breaker. Mutual Aid , A , 0. U. W. or. any pass ag.entleman of wealth and high official [IOSI· ~rue he, mainhins, bnt "the incident with Artemeeia, " but not to work in farm houses Probably poets a.nd timbers cnt now will respect to my friend J "nab was t his : He GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO round your hat institution, ae the follow- not prove as durable a.a if cut at midsum- t1on ea.ya: at milking oowa." "Domestic servants are Somewhat more than fifty yea.re ago I was . every man who buys his License from ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung wes fleein g away from ~ertain people, and 1 11£NRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and mer . Such is nid to be the experience of appoint·d midshipman In the navy and sent very scarce," wrltea Tnoma.s Loyd Jones of God p nt In his way a ship whose name wu Burford, " which is a great dra.wback to those who have tried cutting at both seato .New York . I was only 14 years old, and the last five years it only cost him $2 .55 our wives, who e.re nothing better th&n The Whale. Into that venel my friend went· sons, but few want to spend time t hen to W, W. DIC.:KEY, per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John out fence· posts, and It is well to save out all bamg of a delicate make ancl small stature white sle.vEs, What with raising a family and after t he days mentioned in Holy Wrii; did not look more than II. My previous lif~ E'l'ERIN ARY SURGEON. graduat.e of the McClung insured at the same time for the he was delivered from the ship, which was such as are suitable for that purpose when had been spent in the country, and I knew and doing the drudgery of a farm house, Ontario Veterinary College. Office and same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 cutting fael. Bean poles and pea-brush may nothing of city ways or!bnsine111 proceedings. this state of things will have a most d:amag· ca11t up.on dry la.nd. " he New Y ork papex;s '89idcnce, NEWTONVILLE. Ont. Will visit Orono ever y Tuesday. Offlce hours p er annum on each $1,000 to insure he also be saved out now, which will save l'ayda.y we.s the :30th of the month, but I ing effect on t he rising generation. " The seem to delight in his irrever ence ; an d.t· large num her of persons accept the new veri'om 12 a. m. to !l p. m.. at Coultcr's Hotel. being a little younger. ' time in getting them at planting time. wanted some money on the 20th, and passing case in North Grimsby ls still mo· e interest· sion of J onah, and ask all manner of quea· 32-ly* Special attention paid to Surgery, We certify the above to be correct. Tl10s, There is grea't economy In feeding corn· through W all street I went in a. broker's ing. According to Mr. J, vV. Van Duzer, tfons r~epeotlng his personal appearance &o. "servant girls are scarce, and those we have stalks which have first b.een cut into a.s short office and said : ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber McClung, John McClung . are getting to be good organ players." So Tbe spultnalist, however, is a llowing h is T_ H_o_s. BINGHAM, Agent. pieces as po1111i ble, If the stalk:a a.re cut " Y ou lend money here, do you not ?" .-. receives money on deposit ror theOntario _ _ _ _ _ in Whitchurch, according to Mr. M. Jones, mind to w ander away from sacred t h ings, before frost Injures 'hem, cattle will devour Loan and Savings Company, a nd pays inter est " Yes," at the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of " there is e. lack of domestic servants. The and he spends hie time, at lat est account& n· arly the eDliire stalk. An acre ot etalks "I want to borrow $20 for ten days," I withdrawal r equired. Also loans money on agent convinces a family that an organ is raving about e. beautiful Egyptian PrincesS: th us managed will keep a cow three months said. mortgages nt lowest rates. No commission a daughter of one of the l:'hanahs, who, he but it will p~y to add some corn·meal, ea'. I did not then nnderatllnd the quizzical the only thing to afford uninterrupted hap- declares, reciprocates h is atfeotion, ' Two charged. W . F. ALLEN, Bowmanvme. 8·1Y. Has r eceived her new stock ot peoially if the cow is giving milk for butter, manner with which the broker looked at me piness, and when a girl o&n pln y ' Old obstacles are In the way of his marrying the Grim es le Dead' 11he 18 no longn a. aomestic If milk only is desired, br&n made into a before reply Ing : S o Ho! Gent1en1en oCFasl1 Ea.stern beauty with t he large, dusk y eyes, slop with watm water is better than oorn" You shall have it and I won't charge servant." At Haldlma.nd, a11 we are told n amely, he has a wife in New York, and he ion, not so last. by George Kennedy, " the girls have a.11 and invites the Ladies of Bow- me&l, which is likely to fatten nther than you any Interest for it either. " has not tho advantage of being dead. H e the milk yield, He g"ve me the money and I signed the got above hiring; we cannot get them for prays for hie releJse from life hourly, and ave written these few linee manville and vicinity to call increa.se ~he Homestead finds no trouble In mak· receipt; and I need not add, the twenty dol· love or money " At Yonge e.lHo, according And all I have to say_ the only cloud that stands upon the ex quisite In g a hog fence of wire. Use six wires, la.rs were promptly returned at the e:itpha· to Mr. Thomas Moulton, " ~ irl s for ser horizon of the other world Is the dree.d that and see her Pattern that you oan find me still at home, Jam not gone away. . and posts a.bout a rod apart. Use hog wire tion of ten d ays. I am aorry that I have vants a.re soar oe, but for wlvts t hey are when his wife follows, she may seek to Boallmykindoidtriendama.:r oome, for the lower strands, and pull the lower forgot the name of the broker, I mentioned plenty." separate him from his beautiful bride, wit h And a ll the young ones , too, wlre quite close · to t he ground, and the the inddent m~ny years afterward t o a. genher lotus budP, and her divine Soarabei, He And get their garments nicely ma.de and assortment ot second four inches above t he first, They tleman wbo siud It was the most extraorIn fashion s that are new; we.a adzed with an illness last wook, which A· Pa.rlia.ment at Dublin. e.re cheaper than boards and in every we.v dinar y atory he had very hea.rd of a Wall Vhere old and young, dr,arfriend·s , may meet he believed would he fatal, and aa he lay better. A. welcome ""eetinll. bv R. PE.ATE street broker, of all men, It looks now very mnch as if Ho111e Rnle, upon hie couch, with rigid eyes, he repeated · Moat of the farming that can be done in Another case he.ppened In Washington on a solid foundation, and witliin ufe In an ecstacy of delight, STORE :- Second Door West of Williams winti:r ie in the barnyard. Before co:i about fifteen years ago. I was standing on b~unds, bad been promieed t o Ireland by "I am dying, Egypt, d ying ; Butch.er Sl;alJ wea ther it ehould be covered two or . morn the porch of W illard's Hotel, when a little Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal party; and Ebba tho crimson lite lood fas!-· feet de13p with straw, which will be trampled boy with a bright, honest face said to me : in reHponse to t he proposition Mr. Parnell's down while the ground ia soft, and will " Please, sir, lend me twenty.five cent~ chief orga.n has shouted, " God Sa.ve Glad· T he glorious vision was broken up by the help to save the droppiE gs of stock from to set me up in business, I want to bu}' atone." We have not heard yet, specifica.J- voice of bis wife, "You're dhrnnk a.gin yon wasie. Successive lay t r· of straw may be some newspapers to sell." ly, what the details of the new plan are; baist, are ye!" The princess tripped 'back added at times, t specially if there is stock I nplied : but we pre& nme that th<1 se.me measure of into the " vasty d eeps," and the spiritualist HAS REMOVED RER enough to make a due proportion of "My boy, I ,ha.ven't got twenty.five cent s, .home government will ba accorded to Ire- eat up and look ed in speechless w oe upon manure. but here are fifty cents, and when you land ae la given to a pro_ v ince under the Con· his fat e.nd u~ly wife. want to return it. you will find me ~at this federation. Such a. concession, it seems to Live Stock Notes. hotel." a s, could not b e much of : a. men!l.Ce to the WITH TEETR. WITHOUT TEETH. MAX IMS M:EROH ANTS. J anua.ry is a critical mont h with i>ll Ji;inds "Thank you," saio the little lad, " I will empire, or to the rights of t he Protestant to buildings. formerly occu pied by minority; for all such question& as Inland of live stock. They should bs ke p ~ com - briI1g It back," True bravery la shown by performing .t. CODD & 00., for~able and _ ga.inf,ng. If they begiu to foll I never expected to see him or the money Revenue, Customs, Militia and Defence without witnesses what one might be cap· l'ltACJTIC.:AL DENTIST, off ID condit1on, tney will be a.lmo$t sure t o again, and eonaidered it a donation ; but in Justice. eta,, would still be In the hanm: able of doing before all the wor ld, ~VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIWIOE, lose rapidly, and will require more food and the evening as I waa walking up and down of the l3ritish Parliament, wherein would H~. that talks big and arrojlantly of himbetter ca.re to keep them up, than If well in the entrance hall, my coat was pulled b; setaep resenta!ives from Ire!and, j ostas we ·ttrousOxldcGns Administered for I'alnles housed, e.nd con tinuously well fed. Be sys· . a little newsboy, a.nd I turned and beheld send our delegate& to the B ouse of Com- self, 1a universally condem ned e.s a trouble· Opcr1u.1olls, ' t ema.tlc and r egular, then they will not the youngster who had applied for a loan in mons. M eanwhile, the most intenee excite· some and Ill· bred comp&nion, OFFICE MCCJLUNG'S BJ.OCH., Beware of carelessness ; no for tune wil Bhnd and worry for food or water, and will the morning, with tbe same bright face that ment prevails over Ireland respecting the She has now in stock everything take time iut11lligence that Mr. Gladstone " ha· at last stand it long. You a.re on the high road to to feed, to ruminate, and to reat , ha.d attracted me then, Look a fter sheds and st ables, to k eep them "Well, my little man, wha.t is it ?" I ea.id yielded to the out-throat rebels of t he Em- m in the moment you th ink yourself rich usually found in a well equipped clean and we.rm. Water ought not to freez.3 as though I didn't know him. ' pire." There are rumors of civil war, and en ough t o be careless. In cow or horse st.ables, on the coldest "I have brought back your fifty cents of riots and burniags, a.nil some of the most HARNESS SHOP. .Affectation in any part of our carriage le nights, and at the same time the ventili1tion sir," said he, " a.nd I am ever so much enlightened of the newspapers scream li ke lighting up a oa.ndle to onr defwts, and ehonld be such, th!l.t the air fo always sweet, obliged to you. I have made more than a fieh-w ves whose rea.eon !us d epar t ed, If never fails to make us be taken notice of Mr . Gladstone's t chcme comprehends for either as wanting seDse or w a.nting sincerity'. Pigs suffer greatly with the cold, and should dollar clear profit with your meney," Irefand nothing more t han a Dominion MRS. HUMPHREY have d ry, well·littered neats, always. Lit · The mnn who n ever foiled In bus iness can province has under our union, there is nothter them with skaw or awamp hay, enough A Swindler's Sharp Trick. ing wh .atever t of ear ; and we do not be- not poeeibly know whet her. he has any so tha.t they can cover themselves out of A French nobleman played a game a l lieve t hat it does.. . Some of t he ne wep&pere " grit" in him, or le worth a b utt on, It is sight in it. Sheep should have dry sheds · the man who fails, t hen rises, who is r eally HARN DEN, L. D. they bear a great deal of cold, but should ecarte with a foreign 0.JUnt, The latt er won d eclare th at such an act would overthrow gr eat in his way . · - TO THE not ha ve wet nor dirty ustraw . to lie in. and t he F renchman pulled out 10,000 fran cl.i the Constitution ; bnt suppose it does over· Graduate of the Hoyal College o! Dental There ls nothing with whiol1 men are s·o Where much stra w is t o be thr own into their and handed them t o the winner, who quiet - t hr ow it ? W e are the m<J.eter of t he 0 one tlSurgeons, Ont ario. sheds, provide a few movable pb~tforms ly eecured them in his p ocketbook and went tutivn, and t he Const itut ion is our ser vant. llberal as ad vice. I t may benefit or blight OFFICE OVEH. DICKSON'S STORE. J?ut }t seems to µe that ther e is more jnbi · ~ life, or save or ruin a man. Good advice like old barn doors, for them to stand upon'. home. E arly next morning a gentleman ·at ic bearing and decorated with l!'t 1 on m I relan? over the p r omise of a par · Ia .bet t er t han gold. It should be given wlttl They will.be agr ea.t comfort to them, llnd of 11riatoo1 IOLD FILLING .A SPEOIAI..TY. on. they are easlly t urned nver whfn fresh straw the order of t he L egion d'Honnear was ehown lrnment at D ublin, than there will be In th e wisdom and 1eceived with cant1 ate Work e xecuted in the la test and moet la t hro wn ia, or they get dir ty, F owls will i nto t he apart ment of the for eign Count who enj oyment of t he same, In the first pla.0e the E very m!l.n is a. debtor to his busineas still continues for those im proved style of the Dental .Art. lay if they ha.ve war m h ou ses, a re well fed wa· still asleep. "Monait ur,"' he said In E merald l ·l e will look upon t he appointment fro~ which a.s men do, of co11r se, seek t~ E E'rB EX 'fRACTE D W I'l'H OUT PAIN, Super DiaO"on 1 t 11! and have a chance to exercise, The fre~ t ones trembling with excitement, " y ou hoic! of a L ieutemi.nt -Governor by tbe I m perial receive count enance and profit, so ought 8 00 t he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury b a ver COa S.. · · 'IP . rnngs of tbe ca.tt!e sheds, ehe<>p nhed~, and In your h a.n<l s the honor of a whole family," Gover r:ment as an int erference ; and they will they of duty to en deavor themselves, by to tlle patient. Worsted Pants.. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 t h e_ barnyard s, gives us11ally sufficient ex- " Indeed !" "Kindly t ell m e, wa.s it you grpwd1agusted wlth t he measure of national wa.y of amonds, to be a help a nd ornament Par ticular attention pa.id t o tho r egulation of Mantle Cloths, per yard... . . . 50 ercmi. If debar red from these, they m ust who played with M. de H .?" "Yes." " Y ou honor that has been conferred upon t bem thereunt o. CHI LDREN'& T EE '.l' H , have aheltered runs 11.n d bare ground. Ducks won 10,000 francs and he }:aid you." "Yes1 whrn they find that und er the new order t he ~haro.cter is. a. fa.bric. Every facul ty ls a _...ALL WORK WARRANTED. ~\ All W ool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 need to. be well fed, but not 11llowed t o get in bi\ok not ea, andlhave them here. " " Weli higher class of -pubUo men w!ll go not to t he spumer, spinnmg every day its threads, and air, the notes are fahe. La.et night we her.rd legielat ar e 9't Dublin, but t o t he alien plr · Dress Goods in all the newest too fat 1f they are to bvgin le.y in g eu·y. of t he nefarious pra9t lcea of our rel~ tive liament a t West minster. almost every day threads of a different color · Too m_uch oorn la alway s bad, oxcept for and character is mad e up by the weaving !l.me in heaven's name to ask you t~ shades from l 0 cents. fatt~nmg poultry, aa it produces int ernal and I O toget her of all these inn umerable threads exchange them for t en others I have fat, stops lay ing, a.nd makes the fowls lazy. Tho belief t hat agricult ural d ullness in of da.ily life. brou gb~. " The n oble foreigner at once ex · No exercise, no eggs. OF CANADA. The generality of mankind create to ·t hem· ' changed the notos, In the evening he w as Engl and has been greatly exnggerated for ei ves a thousa.nd needless anxieties by vain CA.PITAL, $I,OOO,OOO. JtES'.f, $ Z20,000 not~i~ little sur prised to meet his opponent at pany purposes finds sa pport in t he faot th~t R The Florida. sponge fisherman have just & n official r eturn from the Bank ruptoy - c.o:- IS BOOMI NG, commenced t he seaaon's business. T he an- tho clab, and t o be ask ed t o give r evenge, Court shows t hat In the pa.et fourteen yea.rs, search aft er t hings that never , nor nevery This B ank l s p r epared to do L egi ti will be found upon eart h. Let n s be conT he foreiguer cur tly refoscd, wh ich led to mate B ankin g in a ll i t s bran ch es. [ ThQ people k now that if they nual y ield is al::out 350,000 pounds. an explanation. The Count dre .>V from his. out of a tot al of 1,175 bankrupts in E a.st tented with our lot, and endeaver t o make Kent, onl y 59 were formeJ'a and dairymen it a.s happy as we can, T he la.te M, Perrin of the Comedie F ran- pocket the exchanged notes h e had received Farmers n otes d iscounted ; Deposits - want aca.is when a y ouDg man w&s betr othed to a in the m orning. They '!ere fa.Isa. T he gen. while nnder the act of 1883 only four farm: :received a nd I n terest paid on amounts of rem~rkably beautiful young woman. She tleman w ith t he decorations was a notorious P.rs In Ea~t Kent h ave filled pstitions in the 80 upwards i n Sa vings B ank Depar tmen t; A lady of faghfon, while p assing by a Bankrupt Jy Court. Y et the fa rm ers howl ~ll 11! with smallpox and wae disfigured fox: F renoh swindler. · DRAFTS piteously foi: a duty on A merican Imports orowd coming from t he Opera House had - - -..........., life. The first per son t o v isit her when she her bustle pu~hed from its proper posit ion, suit of clothes they must call was allowed to receive a ny one waa M Issued a n d Collection s m ad e in Europe, A Ifansas man " points with pride" to wh ich will not be imposed, h owl t hey ne ve; which madethe wearer look rfdlculoue. A PcJrrin. " Ah I" said sh e, with a smile' the fact that hie wife haR worn one bonnet so loudlv. Uni t ed S tat.es and Canada. upon IvEs. ga.lli: m t young tar seeing the misfor tune " yoa have come to be set free from you; for t wenty-five ye11.rs. T he feeling with The misery of illness ie nearly me.nifeet in calmly a.ddreeeed her t hus : " P lease, mis· W,J. JONE S, enga.gement." "I have come," so.id he, which the wife polnt 8 to t he hu sband has high life as In t he rags and filth of extreme eus, yer star n what-ye·may.ca!l-it i11 a -all Agen~. "to hast en the day of our marriage !" not been described, poverty. adr ift on the starboard side I" 18 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN PUBLISHED AYER'S THE FARM, Swampy Lots.-Not so Bad as Thev L o" I\ -- WISDOM'S WORDS. "EVERY FRIDAY .DIORNING, A.JAMES, HairVig9r I l P G L M B R Modern Ironclads. SHORT .A ND ORISP. . People often wonder what would be thi' reauHa of a great naval battle at the present EDUCATION ABROAD, t ime. Would many ships be destroyed ? Ponsonby-E ducation I don't tell me ! Would the loss of life be great? Let ua try to describe shortly a few of'the probabl~ America le far behind Europe. Why, sir. features of a. fight bet ween two fleets of 10ok at Fra.nce, for instanc'3, Bagley-'\Yell, what of F rance ? modern lrcnclads. Although two hostlle Ponoeby-Well, air. even tho little chil· 6.eeta might approach one another in some tactical formation, this could not be ad· dren there can speak 1" rench, bered to for any length of time, and the A F RIEND IN NEED, battle would soon become a series of inde. prndent duels between Individual ships. De G-uy-Don't say anything against This ls at once &pparent when we consider Mudge. He 1s a friend of mine, he is intha.t most, if not all, of the ships wvuld deed. have rams, and it would therefore be highly . Bolgertop-Then he vught to be a friend neceesa.ry for a captain to have perfect uon· m need. trol over the movements of h is ehip, to preDe Ouy-l 's hould eay he was, I never vent her being rammed by an enemy. meet him but he strikes me for & d~lar. At the outeet of the action the torpedo boats would probably take a very active WHY i'HEY AGREED, part, and until exterminated, which they Mre. Breeze-I am so sorry, Delia, to certainly would be In time, would engago great attention, and be effective in sinking a. hear that you have had trouble with your few ships, It may be easily concluded that husband, · Mrs. Gerne-You have been misinform· every ship would be stea ming faai during the action, this being necessary to avoid ed; Amelia; merely a. little ahagreement, being re.mmed, to get Into favorable posi- You know mArried people cannot always t ions for dhcharglng torpedoes, and to elude a.gree. "'···fP.'v4 Mrn. Breeze- Can't they ! Well, we . al· the tire of an enemy. Heavy gun fire would of oourse be maintalaed from the ccmmrnce· ways agree, In foot I make it a. point to ment, of t he action, and thoee ships whose see thai; we do agree ; or ra.th~r tbnt John eng1nfs got disabled from this oauee would agrfe~ with me, which amounts to the same speedily be rammed ; and at this point we thing. consider the great loSB of life wonld t ak e plac.'6, for the reason that the boats of a HE GREW FAT ON_ WA~'ER, ship, being alway1 exposed to m~chine-gun " Bromley, here's an account of a Geor· fire, would atan early stage of the action he woman who lived forty-eight days on riddled and shattered with shot, and in t he gia incredibly short time in which a ship sinks water." "That's nothing, Darringu. My father after being ram med it would be impossible been living on water for the la.at ten for the crew to improvise other means t o haa years. ,. eave themaelves from drowning. No steps " You expect me t o believe that eh a seem yet to have been ta.ken by onr Admir· \'\-by can 't you add that he grew f~t oil e.ltv with a view of ptovidlng for this con· It 1" . tlngenoy, It ha§ been suggeated that a. "Well, he did, He's a <ea. captain. " hospital ship bearing the G~ nova cross should accompany a fleet into the action to I NCURABLE , receive the wounded, W e would make & further suggestion- namely, that this ship S«ne-P.a.vement in front of M nldooly"s should be provided with fast ste11ming boats, saloon, '1 ime-Sunday morning. peculiarly marked t o show their pacific naPolic< m m 498 - GDod morning, Mrs, Mc ,ture, which would proceed to the assistance Carty, cf the vrew of a. aink1 Dg ehlp; by this mr11ns Mr1. :McCarty (with the family e.llownumbers of the men might be saved who ance of beer under her .afroD)-The t op o' would otherwise certainly be drvwned, It 1he morning to you, Sir. is not probable the.t the loss of llfe from gnn Policem1m 498 (noticing the prot ubel"· fire would be large, a.s a great part of the ~n~e )-1.t's not wel! you' re looking, Pwhat crew of an ironclad would be under water, IB at ? Tumor ? the rest being Inside the armored partions Mrs. McCarty (ehyly )-No, Can, air, of the ship. R P L J Cheap Life Insurance. A V M 1VllSS McTAVISH GOO.DS., BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS DENTISTRY Mn-s. HUMPHREY HARNESS SHOP roR 1. M. BR IMA COMBE, firstOoor fast of RueaottomHouse. Call at the new premises. GREAT c. s .. THE RusH! Eclipsa Hausa o . STANDARD BANK OUR ORDERED CLOTHING J FIRST-CLASS CUT ....... - ..... _ _ _ _ tf, ht ht w· ·W . H. IVES. de