At Limestone Ridt?;'e· A F enian, writinl( to the .New' York Sun, ICing Thebaw is not a full-blooded Burthus describes R !dgeway and iti surroundm foe, H ie mother was a Shan. ings:W as the name formerly given to Scrofula F RIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1886. ~fay Agnes Fleming, the nove,Jlet, ls a. Nlnteen years ago Jnne I acoompa.niLecause of a superstition that it could be ed the Feniana In their attempted Invasion of cured by a king's touch. The world ii Ct!ua.dian by birth, although she ha.!! lived in t h n United States for many, . Oanada. I was only one-and-twenty years wiser now, and knows that old then, but I had served two years in the The Halifax Critic, Nova. Scotia.'s literary Northern army during the reb~llion, I !iv· paper, is edit ed by Prof. 0. F. Fra.ser, t he Teated Receipts. ed in the hope oi some day seeing "the green llHnd principal of the Nova Scotia school A COTTAGE P UDDING ia a with a above the r ed," a feeling in which nearly all ean only be cured by a· thorough purifica- for the blind, sauce to it, and it is made os a. cup cake, the Irish soldiers shared. We used t o talk tion of the blood. lf this is nevlected, Rev, A. J , T ownsend, roo.ntly chaplain with a c11p of sweet ....ilk, three eggs, half about it around the camp fires, o.nd t hink of the disease perpetuates its t aint t1irough at t he R a.I fax garr is"n, and brother·iu ·l&w a cup of butter beaten first to a. cream, with it on picket nntll relief'aroueed u s from our generation after generat ion. Among its of Mr. John F. Stairs, l'II. P., ha.a been a cup of sugar, and three cup~ of flour into reveries. In a boyish way I often fancied earlier symptomatic developments arc Ecze~a, Cut aneou s E 1·u ptio11;s, 'l ' u- appointed ga.rrison cha.plain of Dublin. which ha.e been put two tea-spoonfuls of t hat I was on dut;y, pacing ms beat , on a Mr, O liver King, who ha.s juat won the cream of tartar, and «'De of soda., The g 'een hillside in Ireland, and that the rebel · :mors, Bol~~ Carbuncles, E1·ys1pelas, Purulent ulcers, Nei·vous and Phy- pr!ze offered for a piano concerto by i'l.avorlng is lemon, and hst frulu ~a.uce camp fires which flickered in the distance sical Colla pse, etc. If allowed to con· Messrs. Brinsmead & Sons of London, E ng., ehould be provided with lt, were surrounded by men who wore Engfand's tinue, Rhewnatism, Sc1·ofulous Catarrl1, liidney and Live1· Diseases, was piaList to the Princess Lo11isc;1 wbil F,i AN OYSTER PJE le a nice luncheon or cruel red, There wa.s a. sullen joy In that Tuberculai· Consumption, anti vari- she wa~ in Qa.g 11\}!\, alde·dlsh u.t Lbia season, and la easily made boyish dream, as I used to picture mv na.ous other dangerous or fatal m11!11\lies, am Prince"e Louise and the Marquis d L orne from froeh or oanned oysters. Fill a. pudding tive vale of Glenmaluee gua.~ded by boys in produced by it, f. . prep11ring for Good Words an article on dish with oysters, small split crackers, green, with Enghmd's union j ~ck fluttering on "Our R ail way te> the P acific," the Princess cream, more oysters, pepper, ea.It, and but· one aide, and the ha.rp, without the crown, J co11tribnting tl:e pioturee a.nd Lnd Lorne ter, Let them stand on the top of the stove flying over the hea.ds of a.a army of ex-Iriahthe letter·press. un til boiling; then cover the top of the America.n soldiers on the other, The war ended, and the Irish men of acdish wi th a rich crnst quite thick, and bake W idespread regret is expressed in Lon· Is tlie only powe1 'fitl and alwa'!ls reliable don at the departure of Ma.eur us Pa.aha, until the crust is browned delicately, Serve tion "Ctinada." their cry. I drifted U. o od-puriJ)Jing medicine. It 1 s so cft' e cthot. This Is a good dish to accompany any into the Roberts wfog, and in June, 1866, ual an a.Iterative that it eradicates· from who has r epreeented the Ports there for found myself scrambling thre;ugh the clusterkind of fowl or game. tlhe system llere<litary Sc1·ofnla, and thirty-four year11. The eminent Ohrletlan Try the following receipt for one superior ing vineyards around this C"nadla.n village, the kindred poisons o·f contagious diseases sta.toeman is now 78 :years old. lemon pie : Four yolks arid two whites of rifle in hand, one of theFenians who Invadnud mercury. At the same time it enBritish Columbia has given women the eggs, four dessert apoonfals of sugar to each ed the D.:iminion. From where I write I riches ancl vitalizes the blood, restoring franchise in municipal and civic elections egg, a lump of butter the size of a walnut, can see the Ridge road along which we healthful action to the vital or~:ms unCI rejuvenating the entire system. 'I his great on the qualifications aa men ; but no and two lemons. Strain tlie j11ice of both marched while birds wa.rbled in the bushes, woman is allewud to be a. member of a muni. and grate the rind of one, which strain which,: park like, hero hedge the highwc1oy, cipal council, with the juice. Beat all together, and bake with their closely matted sides, while blosRev, Henry Ward Beecher delivered a quickly in a rich under-cruet. The two re- soms gave a fragrance to the air of this garb composeCI of the genuine Ho ndura~ lecture at Galt, Ont., the other evening maining whites ma.y be used with four des- den of the Ca.nadian confederation. Fields S<wsap ai·illa, with Yellow Dock , Stilsert-spoonfllls of powdered sugar, and the of clover, with bursting pods, waved in lingia, tile I odides of Potassium and for which he was paid $350, and the Galt lt·o11, and other ing1·eclients of great po- R eporter estimates that he received fo.:ir grated rind of one lemon to mllke a meringue patches before the refreshing breeze which teMyi ca1·ef'ully scientifically com- dollars for every minu'e that he spoke, blew across the road that day in Jone, and for the top. · pounaed. Its formula is generally !mown Queen Natalie of Servia. recently purRO AST CHICKEN are a delicacy, if the cattle of a superier breed wa.nder 11.bout the to the medical pr ofession, aud the best chickens are of good quality. Obtain, lf rich fields which dotted the conntry, The J>hysicinns constantly presc1·ibe AYER'S chased forty sewing machine11 and set large and comfortable h omestea.ds, the spasea.mstresaes a.t work on them In the palace pcesible, chickens with a.whole breast-bo~e, SA1i 5APAIULLA as an ' at, making garments for the troops, truss them neatly, and let them be careful- cious barns, the well-kept fences, the extenwhich ahe out out whh her own fair ha.nds. ly singed ; put celery dressing inside each sive orcha.rds, the sleek &nd well-fed cattle, chicken ; tie a piece of buttered p:lpor or a the la.test agricultural ma.chines for fa.rmine, The Winnipeg N ewa says Sir A, T. Glllt For all diseases caused by the vitiation of will represent Winnipeg in the next Parlia~ ar .e of bacon over the breast, and roast in and the air of comfort,' thrift, and nea.tn11ss the blood. It is concentrated to the high- ment of, and th11t a.nother Cabinet &·moderate oven, baeting frequently. Time which we passed on our way, bore evidence of roasting, a.bout an hour, About ten min- of a people who were well-to-do. These est practicable degree, far beyoncl any will be made In order to give him a. portutes before they are done remove the paper rural sigl:.t's of p eace and prosper!ty might other preparation for which like effects folio, Sir Alexander Campbell probably or bacon, a.nd sprinkle them freely with ea.It. have had a. peaceful effect were it not for the are claimed, and ls therefore the cheapest, retiring, Serve with plain gravy In a boat, not in the which fluttered from the flagstaff as well as the best blood purifying mediMr. John Antrim, who resides nea.r ; garnhh with thin alioea of broiled on the Town Hall a.t Ridgeway. noD, Ohio, claioos to be a. grea.t grand necine, in the world. I could stand at the door of my hotel and bacon rolled up, phew of George Wa.1hington, His grandTREACLE' (MOLASSES) PuDDING.-Ha.lf a see the ledge of limestone, the sloping ridge mother, on the mother's side, married Col. pound of flour, qua.rter of a. pound of suet, crowned with wood, and old Bertie Station, Scot t, who wa.s the eon cf W aehlngton'~ PREPARED DY :. half a tea-epoonful of carbonate of soda, ealt, which wa.e one of our objective points, a.nd oldest si·ter, one tea-spQonful of ground ginger, tea-oup- to capture whfoh we formed in open order, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, ltfaSJ. Major-Genera.I Laurie, of Nova Scotia, fnl of treacle, quarter of a pint of milk, one like a. ladder, and moved forivard for such who commanded a.t Swift Current during [Analytical Chemists.] egg. Chop the suet a1 finely !l.11 possible, cover as the nature of the ground afforded the North- West rebellion, Is now on the and p11t it into a ba1in with the flour, car- our long, thin line. There Is the old brick Sold by all Druggist:> : prlce $1; .els: Servo-Bnlgarlan frontier serving as oombonate of soda. and ginger. Beat up the house of Farmer Athol behind which I, with bottles for $5· . miaeloner tor the nationa.l society of Engegg, mix the treacle and milk with it and some others, took cover, a.nd on which can lu.nd for furnishing aid to wounded 1oldier1, stir this Into the mb:ture in the ba1iu1 a.dd still be seen the marks of the bullet11 fired more milk if required to the pudding from Engllah' rifles. Behind it la the orchard Mr, Ohaa.Ca.nnlff James, B. A., classical moist. Grease a. basin thoroughly, put the from which our men kept firing at the , dark master of the Cobourg collegiate institute, i:uddlng mixture into It, cover with a. greas- uniforms of Toronto's· corps; the has baen appointed profeesor of chemistry ed paper. Have enough boilin( water to Q11een's own militia., lam told that the and geology ill the Guelph Agricultural come half-way up the basin in a sa.uoepan, very logs we naecl_ to form· a breastwork College, Mr. Ja.mes took honors In science across the road are now a part of the outand steam for two hours. ESTABLISHED IN 184'7. In Victoria University, having been the gold meda.liat of this year. ·BAKED CHICKEN P1E.-Prepare two or houses. · Theru ill the fence behind which three plump cilickens, by · careful drawing, the open fire at our skirmish linu, It h&B no shareholders to JJaY dividends to. The fine statue of Queen Victoria., which singeing, clea.ning, and cutting off necks, fhere is where we crowded along the orchard :Managed by and solely in the interests of has been placed in a niche on the west wings and drnmetioke, Joint the breasts, and hegan threatening their flanK. Thenthe Policy holders, front of Lichfield Cathedral, is the work e;f sides, and back-bones, and put them In an how well I remenber i~oomes their bugle ihe Princess Louise. It ·present11 'H er earthen stew-pot, into which ha.s been pre- call, a.nd soon their scattered lines were Its Rates are Low. Majesty clad in mediroval costume, wearing vlouly placed three 1licea of sweet, fat, salt forming square Into which we poured a 1ak- Pollcies non forfcttnble and uncondlttonnl. a diadem and veil thrown back, and holding J,>_Ork, Simmer till tender. Take out the ing fire, uader which we could see men fall in her right hand a 8Cepter a.nd In her left C::nsh Bonus Pnld every three years, chicken, stain off the liquor and lay the dead and wounded, a globe. chicken In la.yerd in a. deep dish, a.lternating A Michigan girl outdid her companlone with oysters, a. few bits of cracker, butter Signal Beven~e. In a craze for autograph albums by ha.viDg Joint Life Policies. and seasoning to taste. Over the whole Thirty-six a.go occurred t't!e !>attle of Though a. double rleh but one premium ls about one lj.undred letters from the same pour the etralned stock, and cover with a Chillianwalla.h, at which the Eogliah ra.n number of men bound in a volume for her for two people. Amount of policy d.rnwn rich paste half ·an inch thick before baking. an appatlingly narrow chance of being de· parlor table. As the missives rep~esented on first death. MMl.e incisions in the form of leaves and fea.ted by the courageous Sikhs opposed to her exte11eive and nnneua.lly sentimenta.l bake slowly one honr, The remainder of a them. '.I.hough England did gain the day, oorrespondence since she ha.d arrived at the chicken will make a fine soup, with stock it wns only by a.n enormous expenditure of Special Inducements to Total Abstainer-~. of obircgraphy, the collection proved in which a veal-bon_ eJiJIJI been oooked for a. brave men's lives. A commemoration plllar ver,y interest!Dg to callers. bM e·, and celery root for an Ingredient. is their memo1y, in the garden of A.llSETS OY.EK. $5,000,000,I 'l;ewfik Paab, the Turkish Minister at (':,_;ANDERBIES are ~ winter luxury ; the Ohelsa. hoapita.I, INCO!UE OTER $1,000,000 W a.shlngton, seems to be fully to the stewed and ea.ten with granulated oatmeal Thia battle however one of the severest ever tact that his country will shortly need more for breakfast every morning, they will fought by the British on the 11oil of India, 8100,000.00 deposited with the Canadie.nGovern guns. He on from W aahiagton last a new liver, or at least make over -an old is alao noteworthy because of the sha.dow of ment for benefit ot Canadian policy holders. week to inspect .Lientena.nt Zalineki's new one, so that it is a.a good as new. For sauce, misfortune and disgrace overha.nging it. The dyna.wite oartridgee, and insisted upon pick over. one quart of sound fruit; to this tourteenth regiment of dra.goons, In the INYESTED IN ()ANA.DA. 1 $600,000,00, every detail of the manufa.cture being exput two gills of water; cover and lut them midst of the engagement, suddenly turned plained to him, He expressed his sa.tisfao· simmer till th·e cranberries arc tender, then in retreat, and nearly ca.used a panic in the HE.AD OFFICE IN C.ANADA:-:MONTREAL tlon and a wish. to order some for Turkey, add a good half-pound of granulated sugar, army. Its commander, C' King, over·· 1hould bis Government consent. For particulars refer to and stir all together tOl the sauce is a rich come by afterwards committed suiWilliam E. Cramet, editor of the Milmass, and serve In an amber glass dish, A cide. waukee Wisconsin, is one of the moat refamous houeckrnper gives the following as Previous to his death he repeatedly demarkable journallsis of 'the Northwest, He GENE RAL AGENT, an excellent formula for cranberries : To clared that he gave no order for retreat, and POR'l' HOPE, has been deaf sinoe boyhood and is totally two quarts of cranberries allow two and a knew no reason why his troops should have blind, yet he,isoneofthehardes' workers and half cups of augar, First boil the cran- fled, But the order was bee.rd by many of- Or to a.gents throughout the county, '18-6se.· moat; thoroughly poeted men in tbe profe·· berries In a pint of water for a few moments, ficers and men, a.nd the captain'· word was eion. He ha.a been in harneee nearly fifty mash them aga.inet the aides of the kettle, not believed. .Pu1>1io opinion gave a verdict years, and his office hours a.a reg11lar then a.dd the sugar ; stir oontinul\lly until of oowa.rdlce against him. a.a when he wa.s young. He knows the city they boil up twice, then pour them out to 'l'he circumstances of the battle have, howthoroughly, and can without difficulty go cool ever, been recently revived, and new evialone to any point or,houae he may desire BEEFSTEAK P UDDING.-("Cheshlre Cheese" dence has come in, which, If true, frees both to visit, reoelpt.)-Make a crust of chopped aud11ift- officer a.nd men from the worat charge which Thu richest woma.n In St>uth America le ed kidney suet, in the proportion of a half can be preferred aga.inst aoldlers. Iea.dora Coualno, of Sa.nth.go, Chili, The of a. pound of suet, freed from skin, to a In the regiment, aay1 this exonera.tlng people call her the Counte11 of Monte pound of flour, prepared by' mixing with It volc11, was a private who, for~aome rea.aon, Cristo, and she tra.oea her a.ncestry to a small aalt·epoon of aalt a.nd teaspoonful of bore a grudge aga.inat his colonel. Though the days of the Conquest. She inherited Royal Baking Powder-mix thoroughly, he had sought for an opportunity of taking from her hu·bands n.l!llon· of a.oree, million· wet wi~h cold we.tor, roll out with as llitle revenge, none had preaented itBelf,. But the of money, fiooka a.nd herds, ceal, copper fl.our as po11ible and line a pudding-mold ma.n1was a. ventriloquist I ud at last bia and silver mines, a fleet of iron steam1hips, whioh has ~well buttered, two or chance came, uu6lting worka a.nd a railroad, all yielding th?ee pound11 of juc;y rump-stea.k, two or On the day of the battle, a.t the critical her an income of aevera.l millions a year. three lamb's kidneys, and a small oan of moment, when it was to take one From her ooal mines alone she baa an inof mushrooms ; cut up the steak, and put a b11 ckward step, the ventrlloqulat threw hla come cf $80, 000 per month. The house in thick layer in the mold, Season to taste, voice cloae to the colonel and ~ailed,which ehe lives coat $1,000,000, ·nd the adding a tablespoonful of walnut oatsup. " Threes about J " ground.a are a marvel of beauty and magnlfi· Ad~ --ne::.t ~layer of mushroom·, then a lay. It was the elgua.l for retreat cence. er o, kidney, then beef, then mushrooms The regiment was a model of di1olpiine, again, which will fill the mold, Season, add- and had always obeyed as one man; It did "Ga.t" Howard Slandered. ing a.nother ta.ble·apoonfnl of the catenp, if so now.with fatal promptitude, and in the A Montrea.l newspaper published the other preferred, and cover with pa.ate, wetting the melee of the battle-field, ite retreat wa.e soon day, In what purported to be a special from edge, ao tha.t it will cloee tight, a.nd allow- converted into helter-skelter flight, The Toronto, a. charge aga.inat Howard, the Ga.ting a little room for the swelling of the soldier bad avenged hl1 wrong at the exllng ma.n, of having scalped a dead Indian pa.etry. Tie in a. cloth which bu been dip- pense of hie oomra.·de'a honor, 11&1d at the at Fish Creek, That this 11tory is as false as ped in boiling and lloured. and 11tea.m rillk of defeat to his oountr;y. many others which have been spitefully cirtwo hours ; or boil gently for the same time, culated about Captain Howe.rd will be borne keeping the pot replenished with boillDg A silver qua.rter wa.a found In the intestout by any who were a.t Fish Creek. The water. Oysters may be employed in place ines of a four-pound trout which wa.a being writer happened to be there with Capta.ln of muehrooms, but It wlll not then be dressed for the table at Virginia. City, Nev., Howard, and in fact was one of those who "Cheshire Uheese" Beefsteak Pudding, a shorttlme a.go. It was covered with e. black conducted him and Colonels Straubenzle and though lt may be very good. Pumps Cheaper and Better coating nearly an eighth of an inch thick, Williama over the 1cene of the engagement. PLUM PUDDING.-One half pound of kid- and had evidently been in the trout's than ever, It should be remembered here that the fi)lht ney suet, hall pound of raisins (Smyrna. a.nd stomach for a long time. The coin was occurred 011 the twenty-fourth of April, and Malaga mixed), ha.If a pound of fresh bread probably dropped by some fizherman, and crumbs, one ~ tablespoonful of flour, six the fish, soeing the glittering coin, darted The Subscriber having built a large nelt CaptainJ Howard, who reached the camp at Fi1h Creek on the ··Northcote," did not ounces brown sugar, four ounces orange at a.nd swallowed it. Pump Factory ·in Orono, is prepared arrive until the fifth of Ma.y. The bodies peel and citron mixed, a little salt, oneIn the Chinese maritime reports It Is sta.t- to fumiahof the two, which ha.d been left fo11rth of a gra.ted nutmeg, a pinch of pulupon the field, had been Interred by Gen, verized ginger, half dozen eggs, a sma.11 oup ed that the Amis savages of South Formosa. Middleton's orders the e~me day as the of sweet cream, a.nd one of currant jelly. "ha.rden their children" by bathing. The 'l'hls is au:ffio!ent for a good sized pudding. infant ls thrown into a tub of cold water on With or without Porcelain Cylinder, cf bodies of poor Cook of "A" B~ttery and Wheeler of the 90th wore recovered, and an Stone the raisins, and soak them in the the day of his birth, and a month,afterwa.rd melted currant jelly. Now trim the beef is taken to the river or sea and allowed to the Best Material, on the shortest notict officer was detailed to see that the fatigue party did lte duty. When Howard kidney-fat and chop it very fine, with one struggle until tired out, The Amis children and a.t" the lowest prices. first visited the spot the writer pointed out spoonful of flour, mix it well with the ca.n swim long befoTo they are able to walk, crumb1!"of bread, brown sugar, and the eggs ; 1t is 1aid that the "hardened" ones beoome Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied the spot where the Indians hu.d boon buried to either him or some others of the party. then add the the raisins, the peel, the, strong because they were born so ; ihe Howard returned to. camp with the rest of nutmeg, ginger, and of all, and after it treatment knocks out the wea.k ones. Queen Victoria h~s a great financial ad· WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. the party, and a couple of day11 afterward& la all well mixed, add the cream. Spread the force set out for Batoche, As the writall this In a napkin, well buttered, fold up vantage over hur heir apparent in the cir· er· was passing the ba.ttle field with the colthe corners of thena.pkln a.nd tie to the level oumstanoe that, whether times are good or umn he remarked the Indian graves of the pudding, so ·as to ma.lre it round; bad, her Majesty's snug little revenue of a.nd they had not been disturbed, and Oapt. then plunge the pudding into a. saucepan of over £7,000 a week iB pa.Id just the same, Howard hu not been a.t Fish Creek slnoe, bolling water, and let ii boll at least four while it is well known that the Prince hu.s TO GIVE SATISFACTION. hours-constant boiling. Take out and let for years past boan obliged to make heavy There ls a rumour In the air to the elf< ct drain in a sieve ; out It from .the top so a.s abatements in his duchy of Cornwall properto ke;ip on a level, then turn It ou\ on a ty-not ·o much, perhaps, in the duchy OrderS:by Mail promptly attended to. that It is intended to strengthen the fortifio, and :i.ak for Imperial cation& of Queb& dilti;'"'femovlng the n3pkln carefully, so a.1 proper as in lte outlying estates In other troops for the garrison. We don't believe not to d 'sturb the fine part of the pudding, counties. His allowance from Parliament Sprinkle with a little alcoho~. You may of £40,000 a year is just what the Qneen re- DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS,. that t~e Government contemplate anything eo absurd, As the la.ta outbrea.k showed, apply a match to the pudding when It la on cei voe from her duchy of Lanoa,tE>r as a little MOULDINGS, &9., kept on hand. in time of turmoil we have sons enough of the table, Serve the sauce 11eparat.e. This extra pocket money, in addition to her our 11011 to suppreaa tumult, and vindicate pudding may be cooked .In a mould, tho £1,000 a day. The Prince, moreover, hu the l·w. Why in a time of peace should wu mould well but ~ered, and the pudding tied no country seat kept up tor him, while the need Imperial 1oldiers, and the strengthenIn a na.pkln, abo well buttered. Boil four Queen ha1 half a dozen be1lde1 her own · . lng of forti6.oatlon1 ? · hou1e, boun. KING'S EVIL SCROFULA PERSONAL. SELF PRESERVATIONI The first Law of Nature. Remember this and purchase your Furs at THE HOTJS.EROLD. I-I:AT AND FUR STORE. A full a11d complete stock of all kinds of Fur Coats, Caps.; Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Sets, &o. i Ayer~s Sarsaparilla l Russian Lamb Coats made on t4:e premises. Ordered Work:i and Repairing a specialty .. BRING YOU R WORK IN EARLY. All the leading lines and special bargains in F elt Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always the latest styles and best quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats, U mbrellas, Underwear, Hose, Braces, Gloves, &c. GIVE HIM A C ALL AND PROCU RE A BARGAIN. Regenerative Medicine N eads' Block. Absolute Cure , , COAL COAL · Furrier M. MAYER, · Ayer's Sarsaparilla BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment ot Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church · and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. HEALTH FOR ALL! THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Oomplalnts incidental to Fema.les of all Agee, Children and the aged they are pricelees. For - THE and Ulcers. OINTMENT For dieordere of the Is 11.n infallible re_ m edy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old 'Wounds, Sores It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, -Chest it has no equal.- E,L.LIVINGSTONE, Gllllldular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; andl[f~~ contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOW.AY's Establishment, · For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, . 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON: And are sold at le. lid., 211. 9d., 411. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, ao4 may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout tb.e World, WParchaser& 1hould look at the Label on the Pots and Boxes, It' the I· u 1133. ··xrord Street, London, they are 11>1ll'lo-. ' addreu:::~ Orono Pump Factory. Electric lighting of mlne11 In the anth~acitu region ill 11ronounced a failure. · It lately 01>me to light in the Englbh probate Court that a mau named Pound had lived with two wive1 for fifteen years. He divided his time between them, and thought when he was absent that he .was awa.y on busineas. He we.a on the happiest terms with both, He passed with one wife Ml Mr. Ja.okeon, a.nd bequea.thed her money under that name, It was agreed that the property he acquired under the name of Pound should go to wife Pound, and tha.t under J a.ckbon to wife J a.ckeon, But for hie testamentary dispositions, ~he women would proba.bly been in Ignorance of the real ata.te of things to this honr, A CARD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE or C 1IARG1J:. This great r emedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send · a selfaddreesed envelope to the REV. JosEPH '.I.'. INMAN, Station D, N ew York Oity. 46y Killed His Father and a Mule With One Shot. The other night at Haddock'a, thirteen mile· from Macon, Ga,, John Thomae, 11 years old, hea.rd a n oise in tho lot, and 11up· po1i11g it to be m ade by the cows fired his gun twice in the direction of the nolae. On Sunday morning the deu.d body of Bob Thomas, the father of the boy, wa.e found with the top of hie bead shot off, A mule wu killed bv the o ther shot. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Do you want a splen d id, h ands om el y bound st ory book? Y o u can ha. ve your choice out of the bes'j that · published if you will obtain t wo subscript ions fot: THE W EEKLY '"""" NAIL. A cata{;?_ logue of stanQ-~~ d ard andmispublication s, given as p:izes clubs for T nE MAIL, will be sent to any :>.ddress upon application. There is no boy or girl, young m an or young woman , am ong you who cannot secura a. h andsome lot of books t his win ter with very little effort, if you will onl y m a ko up your minds t o it. The book s a r e splendir 11y bound u.nd are the productions of the' best known author s, which is a. 1 \\\ sufficient i;ua.r an- 1\ \ 1 t ee t hat they will '~ not only afford a musemen t bu~ bea sourcoof pro- ~ , , fit. '.l'H E W EEKLY . '· ~ M AIL is the most . · popular weekly published, and is only One Dollar a year. It has now over 100,000 subscribers. Specimen copy and prize li st sent free. Addresa TR1' MaIL, Toronto, Canada. ,· A. G E N T S WA N T E D 'l'O SELL FOR TH E ____ LARGEST JN CANADA- OVER 400 ACRES. Stea·lY E1nvloyment to .«Mo·l Men. PUMPS OF EVE~Y DESCRIPTIOR F 0NJHILL NU RS ERIES. f~~ ;e~~: ~; 1 0 ALL WORK CUARANTEED Paid by salary or commission. Can s tart you at once. Dont apply unless you mean !)uainess and wai.t to wol'k. We furnish outftts free and pay expenses. Address . STONE &;)WELLINGTON. Nurserymen. 'l 'oronto, Ont, ... j Caledonian Mills. Formerly s:nown as the" Soper Mills. 'I HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· UGHLY renovated and put in order, undi.lf our own speote.l euverviaion, tor the purpose of rlsting a.nd manu!11.cturlng Oat Meal and Pot earley, and we are 11ow prepared to receive orders trom all our old customers a.nd otherr tor we>rk, a.nd we.gurantee to give them who lntrust us with the entire satista.ctlon Oa.ts and other grains ta.ken in exchange tor Flour Oa\ Meal, &;c, H, &; J, TOWNS, Bow manvllle. 227, T R FERG Us ON