-- NOVEMBER. 7th-G eo , H. Joli, 64, heart disease, Dar· The following interments were 'ma·lll lingt<in. · in the Bowmanville Cemetery in 188t; ; 8th-Elizabeth Scott, 37, child birth, w, I ' th11 nam e, ago, r elationship anJ cause .,f F. Scott, T oronto. l!)th Nelson G. B u xt on, 3, inflammation bowels, s. G. II. Buxton, B ow'ville. d eath of deceased are given in most cases : JANUARY. 2Gth-Annie Hoop er, 51, liver complaint, - A ND10th-Henry H all, 44, son of Thos. Hall, w. W. Hooper . N ewcas tle. Toronto, consumption . 28th-Mart ha M orris, 76. i nfh1.mm11.t ion bo wels, w .Levi Morris, Bowman vi le. 15th-Le3lie Scott, 87, old age, Darling· DECEi\1UEH. t on. -AT-- -o-17th-Mary An n Pooley, 20, adopted 2nd-Lonsa M. Cryderman, 32, t nmor,w. daugh ter hte W. Pooley, consumption. ,J. H . Cryder man, :o.. wm anvi!le. 24th-John C. Rowe, 49, asthma, Dar- !>th-Ellen B. Oalv.,r, 43, consumption, lington. w . John Cal ver, Bowmanville. 2Gth- ,Jane Fletcher, 78, w. late J ohn 15th-E lla. M .Collaco·t, 32, cousumption, My 200 page Scribbling Book, 5c. 1 v. R. Collacott, Dnrlmgton . F :etcher, B owmanvillf:l, old age. My Exercise Books at ;3c. and lOc. :F'El.IRUARY. 22nd-:-Maria Philp? 70, old age, w. htte R . . . . . l'h1lp, Bo wmanv1Jle. My one dozen good L ead Pencils 4th- Wilham Sully, 84, old 11,!(e, Darlmg- 23rd-John Fraser 75 dropped d ead ' Dar jj ton. lington. for 10 cents. 1 9th- A lex:. Gibbard, ~G. old age_, Tyrone. 24- William T. Barrett, 30,consumpt ion, Scholars Companions for 5 cents. 14th-'!hoa. Scott, 80, 1t1flatnmat10n l ungs, s . '!'hos. Barrett, Bowman ville. Dad 111gton. 25th-l\'Irs. Forbe~, 88, old age, w. Da.vid Forbe·,Parkhill. lO th- Iofant son of John Pott er, Bowman ville. =~========~ 14th- Thos. P ickard, 11, brain fe ver, son GUIDE TO S HOPPERS. W. P ickard, Newcastle. Maps obtained on short notice. 20 th- Charlotte Clemem, GO, a~tbma, w. J os. Clemem, D arlington. Tait'sphotos areve~y popu lar. . --o-School books, all lu nds, at Cheaps1de. ' 2ht- W. H . R eifel!, 4 1, falling <;!own SPEOJ.AL LINES OF stairs, Bowmanville. Ask t o see th e prepared Mince Meat at I 21st - Geo. Haddy, 22, inflammat ion Murdoch Bros'. · bowels, son J ohn Haddy, Bowman"¥'ille .. Jus t received a foll stock of Silver 24th- J au e Mitchell, 72, 1.tener al 1te00lirty,. Ware, suitable for 'Xmas pr esents at S. w. John Mitchell, Bowmanville. GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY, S. EdsaJl's. One Door W est of P ost Office-~ MARCH. A sp l'endid lot of n ew and cho3ce groBOWM.A.NVILLE S1'ATION. 4'.d1- M1.1r,garet :Rowa n, 80, old ago, w. :DI~. cer fes fo:t t he H oliday t rade has arrived · a J . Lyle's. :Rowan, Cartwright. GOIN G EAB'r GOING WES'l' Express .......9.05 e. m Express ...... 7.10 a m 6th-Thos. B url(ty,, 48, erysipelas, B ou'The cliei;rpest all wool ,'f annels and all · Fast Express.10.05 ,.. m J, ocal ... ......8.25 a m m11nville. wool shirts«11nd drnwers me to be had at Mixed ...... ... 4.05 p rn Mixed ...... .. A.05 'Pm AND SEE 8th--Emma G . Lo'I'riman, 25, b lood poi-· the Star H(\)>use. J.,ocal ..... . .... 7.30 pm j Exorees....... 9.00 p m Exnress ...... 9AO p rn soning, w. Geo. ".!I: Lorrbnan, B o wmanFactory cl'J<tton reducecll at the West vi:li!e. E nd House-!>c. cotton fo ,- 4.c. , 6 for 5, 7 llth- ·-Mary A. Kil'i>gllt,. 6 mos., i nfiam - Jor 6, 8 for 7i, 9 for 8. m~ion lu nge, d. "Iii' .. K n ight, BowmanBE AU TIFUL dT1.l.IuFS OF Great r eu':retion in t he price of fresh vill\\! : Jfeats at J . fu;le's. Best cJ ta of all kir.ids 17th- Frank Yeoman r li5,. spinal d isease, f(;ir 10 cen ts p m: pound. BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN. 15. son William Yeoroal!;· B c nnnanville. THE MOST BE.A UTIFUr_, E.'VRR OFFE lilLED TO . TELE. All 'wool twa.lilds worth 75C for 50c per 16th- :Alex. R. Wilco:i;;;. 3;.m eningitis . ' LADIES· AND GEN'l 'LE:MEN OF C:ANADA. 19th-J1ohn Col will, 2.9;. coosumption, yruid. M ::m tle ·<ilot'h wor th $2.50 for $11.. In order to give distant subscribers an71h1t T. Geo. Yifa~on's Star }f-o use. Bowm an ville. PlWF. DORENWillND will bo in ot her ehnnce to appear in our published 22nd-Bon. J. Si mpMmJ 'l'J, d ebility, P r epar e for the cold wea t her by !!etting Bown1ainville. list of paid-up subscribers for 1880, we a R'adiant H ome He;1.ter-1.hti he·t in t he 25 th- '.Ifri po:sa. Uglow, S3J, . iiiffam matiou, mark et. Sold ouly by S . S. Edsall. have decided not t o publish it till Feb . 5th. w. J ohn< Ugl· v w, N ewcastle .. F '.ngcring Yam 75 cts per pound ; Fac- AT TlIE 2Gth- Infu.nt eon Geo. GMdiuer_ tory yarn 50c. p(}ll lb . Bald win~sFingering Mr. Geo. Piggott thinks our remarks . RU EBQJI' TOM: HOUS E,. APRIL. k ept in stook at ~i.e West Enfl,IH ouse . about him Inst week did him injustice, 2ad-Jol:it?> A . Ma.tthe\n, !Jtmos, infiam If :vou wau t your Turkey cooked right - ONthough he admits we liad good gr ounds ma.tio n llmgs, son A. MattheW!!'. t his 'X:mas. get a H a p ~ ·Y Thought Range 3rd-Eliw beth R undle, 94-; o~d age, w. for your wifo. Sold on ly by S. S . Edsall. for making thorn, butholds that his words A well assorted.I stock of the · choicest William lttmcL~eDa.rli.ngtom and actions were misunderstood. vVe .JANU ARY ~f and 22. 5th- Carul<iue A iMlr.iws, 77 ,decine w. late family g roce ries al!ld provisions-,. fresh Mid offered him fre e use of our columns to Il11.dies who wish to nppet~7> fashionable . or Jas. An<il-~e "'r :Bowma.nvil:s : cured nwats, always on hand ~t Lyle's. High S chool Elxaminati-em.e give a foll explanat ion of hia posit ion, wbo have greY' or t hin h11i1··should not fail to 1hh-J·~dsi_0· E ..Ayre, L y r, W lmt>S., inJ ohn ·Lyle has reduced th e p1i ce of all see my ll ne-stfles of \ Vater W'i>ves. Lnngtray but he hns not soen fit to accept t he offer. flammat:®fl\ di.. Mark Ayre,. lll:owman- k inds d M eats to 1.0 cen ts per p01 md for Bangs, Pa,..iaioi,u Bangs, Pompadour Bangs, HONOR LIST- CLASSICS. and· other st~1I ee or Bangs, Waves, Wigs, &c . ; He also feels aggrieved at the eommen ts man ville. , . . J the best 1cuts :md :dl, other cuts-in .propor- alao .Gent'2· Wigs, 'l'oupees, &c., that are so L atin- University Class : W . P.a1rh.11, 1 14thAhce ~ .. Ch:mB~, .~ mo9>', c'>nvul tion. loo<A;lng tbt1.t the closest observer can natural of tho Sun respecting tho cause of his de. G eo. Shaw, John Gilfillan, W. E .. Has,orms.ti., D~r~fugton: If y@l} want t o see th e finest Ch ina Hall not·detect them e.s beirlll' false, Be sure and eions, d . 'Nm.. CD' feat, Why the S un should cast any rc- sard, W esley J ames. don 't miss llhis opportunity, lliS i t will be the ... 20th- 'l'hoi:-.'- Mic,;illey, i: :7, fit:.;. D:i.rhng- east of To ront·> , call at Murdoch Bros' . OnlY" Clhanae· you w ill have t.his see.son t<> ' Greek : W. E . Hassard. flectivns on its best friend and supporter, w oouro t hose goods in yo111r own town at · _..,. ton. . . . ~ b .. Since it :was opened hundreds have vis ited French : U niversity and TeaelierM' 30t~-M1r...'ll·S· ~iL 'l.'uck e; ~, l y_~,, ,iln. , ~am it. prioes-even.lcss than they a r& sold at my store in 'f oronto. 'l 'housa.nd.s are·· wo ..d ng my.. g<>ods and especially on a gentleman of Mr. Pigaud every. one Is plee.sed with them. I will arlso ba.ve wit h Doe a stC>Ck or my two well k nown, disease, dJ W·Jn<:· 'J'o ~k< r , I~wmanv 1! 1 ?· O t }ro.t·young lrul~ said she wanted her µrepe.ratione, gott's high socinl, r eligious and business class: \ V. James, .Tno. G ilfillan,. W, Dr. C. Dorenw.,nd's "H.UR M.1,mv," which makes .hair g-rovr. restore~ grer and! Parks and H . Starke, G eo. Shaw, rrn@. 2!Jth-:-R ·n :l1&lp_ h fu>:bbuu ;, 8 ·RQd . , s. Eh. Christimi;a present bought from. Maynar d· faded hair,.cure~ da.ndruJl'i '.&c.; and ' ' !£UR 1>111> -.. "the .. HA.rn O i;;,;it·twYE a ,'· whicli de3troys all standing, is a conundrum to our citizf:lns t r udo Jonees. anpeN!ilolll8 be.ir on the face or arms, wit hout p ..in OL' dial\guremeut. 'l'estimonials by·t hs · the ,J1nwller . Eiei· keeps stUiJli· lovely friundreds sliewlng R obb1us, Ji)i!it>lmgt:on · the good :results of these t wo invaluable rcm ed ie~ . Reme mb~r; generally. The paragraph implies much Elementary Cllll!.s : .Ta.s. A. Newsom, llilAY. goods. ,llu:c betto 111 Hoase, Jan'yt· 21st and 22nd.~ 2 tlays Ollly., more than the editor d ared express d efi - and Robt. Laurie. 3rd- Cha&. A~. (i};ioba.rd, -05, g!il'1.el"al deCruets1 pickle castors, butter ooolera1 nitely, hence the bitterness of the sting. English-Univereity cla.s~: W . Ja:::t>Jes, bility, &wman.t.'iiJ.le. ~ . pla ted l~nives, follk-s-, and epoo11s, of the A. . LJOR E N W"EN D , P a:rie<B'air- Works, ,.W . 5th- Julia A, . Rn tx:b1so11, l o, hm~n fever, best quality and at bottom prices at S.S .. 1 2: l OS. and 105 Y<mg~. S.fu'eet, TORON~ O. As will be seen by card in an other col- W, Parks an d Ge~). Shaw, R. La.uri& d. W m . ButcllilK~l, B< ·W manville. Edsall"a·.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~umn, the Reeve is also after the S un man E. Hast1ard. FAfill\\ll~s, -McClellan(& Co,Jfave now ! T1iacher s' Cllau or Form IH : J as_ A. 11th- Geo .. 'l~homJll&ll·n, 21 , spin91] d isease, wi.th a shalalah. The "relationship ring-" step son W. B : P ethick · Bowmanvill~ . on hand lla;. }arge qHantity of illalt and l·/ Newsom, H . Stark , J as. Gilfillan an li! from Darlington is also on his track. Norman Brittaiu, G. J'oness and .A.l~rl 13th- Saoouol vV.i::lirers, m·, fonnd d ead m Plasteii-and for S<Lle·in quantitri.e.s to · suit :1 b ed, brother \\t:.. Winter , Bo~anville. purchas~rs. ~ W1 hy Mr. Cryder man's friends and sup- T. Elliott. $'.lll©0Nlll' l'ORM . Hith- -John.Olaytoa , 54, jaun:lliw, Dar· Doni;;bHy china,.<[rockery Orr glassware port er s should be so named ie beyond ou L" comprehensions. Gra11lillmar ; 114i, ]:hines, S. Cherry, {J/JL !~.:.:J'~im A..Mnoon, 24, conJ.nmption , t ill yoli,see Murdooli1 Bros' now.stock.. It· Chaplin,. M . N ott, W. Tamblyn eq.11al~ s. John MltSr.ln,,N:Cilwcast,le. be'1ts anything e vel' shown in· B ow.man -· . L . Waleh, M .. .A:ll lm an<l A. Caracad:ltiui l:Jth Annf.ti.I loy m:i.n, 25, h 1 iar t disease, w. ville. 'Di' uth . THE FRANCHISE ACT. equal ; M. ltosllie, Jl .. Brown. H. D ey:nan ,.Bl>wll'lla.nviUe. Tal~B'.. you~· buggio~ and.. oar~iages< t o.. pur~bases Hist01~y :. W. 'Jlamb1,-n, W . Black, Al. 30th-Th lls~ Sha"), 65, Br1ght5j djsease, Morris'. (farriage W.orJi:.s-. t o.be parnted1 by.·· > 'l'he time having al."rived for the pYepCars·c addenr :ML Jll111inesr W. L. Allin, M. Bow ma.nvil~. M r . Ifuust on Stott~ You cmn.have a .. j,pl:h .c· · 4..:u.. ·p araL;,,., ~ the yoters' list u nder the .Jllew Nott. at any prioe desired!. WiHFe : D ominion Franchise Act, an appea:1 iis ff>.ramhy ...· . ........ T··m."'" 'yn, W . Bln· ,JlllJ'LY. - . i b'l't Call ati the West Ehdl H ouse and see· I . " 0 ~~··~ Geo.,, ., "" o ,.,,.. ~", 6th- l:tich . . 1?.hilp1. SO, ge:nera! l ..e 11 y, 11. t fl. 1·~ tA.· .1:1 made to th e Liberab to have their n ames· M. Rol!llie, (M .. Ifllaiines and D. JamisPn.) Toronim.. . . th e all wool Grey F lam.el;. tlrny ar e selling ;.a!OWeS ~e, W ©>uia: i.l!.lli as --enrolled as voters without d elay. To as~ equal, F .. Mason,. A .. C'a.rscadden, (A. .Ti.. 7th- M= y A loxlll;ider, 73,l old ~. w. w. for 2ue . . per yard ; . also -the all w ool Shirtt1 l and D rawers at 50c. each . ' "11~,,,. :t1.e S.... see - -, ual,) M. N~tt. , .A.lex ander f .D ar·l' m gton. I j'l.l!li .wt :zam.1ne + lJJU lliOC :sist in S Q doing a short summa.ry of tl1oe Hassard and! Ji .. E·l'O\\ln,, .M . AHiTI.., L. Walch, H . Chaplin. 9th-Wi llbm Armo~:r, 32,ty·p hoi<l· .(illlenmoYon ·can . wHhout a. d oubt' get th a· b est , · .· · · ·qualification of voters and of t li:e process. Diclation: Mi_ Not,t , S. Oberry, A - JI nia, Chiaago,.I11L ' selec-!li.m4 of good reliable Gold a nd! Sil:v;e!)· I t i oi-securing r egistration is here given. Ha118al1d,. F. \-'.Jesley, L . Walch, M . 17th- Marl(ar etr. Wilson, 22, i:aj;l1ro from Wat ahoo; and .Jewelhiy: oi everJ diliclli.p.- ;J'OUrSe VeS W e 01!" 0 p 1l'l!C0S SUl YOU Or nO · QU ALIFICA'.rION. Paines.,. M. Al.iliri . Mi. ]',>ollM!ie, J. Bro""11.i,, fall, , 1,.-.W , .H . Wilson, Bowmanville. tion at· Maynard '.s-th e J ew.:iller 's, · L ndies .fcm th e finest sk iirts in tow;n ,, onllr 'l'o en title a person to be put on tl!> ...& A. Carscadden, w. lHaak, w. Taml>1~. 17th- ATtiiur IWh@ ung, 19,coooo:mption, J. Lawsen. on Mrs-,. l:vcs. Also . fol' laces nnd! emc ' 8 · Thoa.. McC! u:m.g, B owmanviHe. list he must be·wiritiing : M.Nott; 1~- Ro:ssie, A ·.. JI. l9th- 1'ifant son.Geo. D owney... broroe.ries, hosicryand:g1ovcs,undermaau,. · ~ooL (1) 21 yea1:s of ag~. . · . (2) A British subJ ect by bu·th or na.1r- Has::iavd, S . ©Joierny, D. Jamieson, , Mi. 25th- :Ma.t<>arett E . McConr.aal"ie, 22, wo:iL~llawls-1 ladies-fom iiilhings,. eto;. Allel!l, L. WalsJii, R . Chapli n, A. (l~rs.cons:.i.rupfi r·h, di. S. M cConn aahiie:.. IDress Goods, Can.,as. C loth, Otboman u ritlization. , 29th- Ada Winna1:ott, 5 moi ,, dysntery, Corda, V ict or ia Glot>h~ Costume . Cloth. (3) Owner of real property of value of~ cadden , J . J,,awson.. S ergea, C · a ll s h a d es anw ·-'I In a city, $300. . .R eadiiog ~ W . 'lliJ.m,blly~, M. Roseier- M. · Bowmanvill e:. · ii&h mere, & c.,.. m 1n a. town, $200. . N ott. M .. Alle!tj. S .. Clriellry, F . M aao:llll ((J. .MJGUS'l '. v-ey>. cheap; at the Woillt End H olli!e .. In a cou nty, $150. B rowiaJ and D . J 1amie11@ 0 , equal ;) F . Wes- 2nd--Jessie Iwooombe, 22, CGn&nmption , An y, of, bh e Toron t o:; L ondon . e D M@ ilili(4) Or tenant of real property unde.1r ley, A .. J . Hasllllrd, A. Cn.racadden,... M . d. ]I,, R. Los.aombe, B owm:::;n.ville. t uaal lpape.rs cl ubbed: with the S'HWJES!l-BU'( lease at a l·ental of Rames, W. L .. ~lle1i.. 4tb- George J1£e, 37, consun p tion, Bow- al't very low rates. Don't throw a:w:i.v $2 per month . :maiSl' IRHill\l. mn-avilJe. money onlocal pap<US of no ~M'u.e b~t $6 per quarter . Grautma.r ~ A .. Bea.ell., C. Ruesall~ J . 9th--- H enr y BL Barrett, 1!), 0011}Snmption, ooll ;a t the S·.r:ATES;>ru.N office for 10.v.rest $12 per hill f f ear. Mas© o , I. Stephen~ R . Windcl.,. V. s. Tho~. Ba.nett, B owma:\:ville. ·t erms. $20 per year. . llth- J a.mes. F ur ze, 57, O G>lilSUmpt ion , Gou oh,. , J ohnstoP-> & CrydcrJ;l;lftn are selProvided th at the t enant !ms b een m H uclooson, T. Bm1.g g, E . Short, W. Glinant, B bwmamillDe. lin g dr.e:as goods for 1 2~ E (M. Climie and LVI. ·Reid, equal.)~ · · 2 · ·t ~ - cents worth 18c. possession for one year b efore 1st J an'L ~ "'M .. M llthClara,M.Squa1r, 4,~e1atom es, w. 1D ress, gocd s for :S8c wor th 25c. ~ Dress W Hend erson, . C.....rry, .c.. or:rlB ,. i · . S · D l' t d f 25 l 3n... -> f uary 1886, and shall hav e paid one y ear's Mc1i..au11,hl in~ A .. WeaJ.ey, c. Hill, .ilran c1s ·~uair, a r rng l')ll> . c wo11t i uc. .Ll'll'e ss govus or 1goo s. _i@r rent 'before final r evision. 15:iti-Ann~ M . P lummer , · lyr_, conges- i35cw.1."llth 50c. '.l'hese are t\H new goods, 1£ the rent is yearl y it; will be sufi1ci~nt Histo ry ~ '11. Bra.gg. (E. Short, aool W. t ion brain, d. C. P lummer-, Bow' ville. :and, ·i;ull be soldias advertised. if $20 of last years' rent shall have been Cherry, eq~l;) A. :Beach , V ._ Hucbe;son, 1~h- Luth~Mr H . J ewell, 2;mos. dropsy,. ~ __ __ _ _ _ __ . paid before final revision. Chan \(e of t enancy without intermiisF. M. R. ! sion wili not destroy the vote if aggre, Geography : ~· Short, V. II ~1>11dlt1son, V frtue,. Eowmanville. . e 1 oate of t enancies would give vote. T. 13ragg, ll. ·wmdel, A. BeLluian, C. W th- Ca11rie B.Hooper/J.imos.,d1arrhoe~ . 1 .., 'fhe assessor should be instructed t o Ru sdell, :B. Thornton, E . Osborn.e. d. F . H ooper, Envield. state in th e assessment roll the ren t payDict a.tion : B . T hornton, M . McLaugh· 9th- Tra.pesa. U glow, 4 ro..os., :fits, d . Joo. able b y euch person assessed as tenan t. lin, T. Bragg, E . Osborne,ll. ~assell, M. · · Uglow, Newcastl~ . . . .\).... ~~!."H"' }OW. 1 If h owever , this is not done, each ten- Climie, A . Besch, A. Wesley,W. Cherry, )28thJean Galbr~1t11, 33, ~nfiammatifiln,. ROYA!-.~W:?1 n~t is prima face entitled to be registered ·t· .,, d. lat~ l't. Galb raith,, Darling ton. '"'~ 111g . . A. B each , MR . e1 .., (M · · M cW ri as a voter if the pr operty is assessed at the Laughlin and C. Russell, equ~). SEPTB!illB:ER. following values ;Reading : M . McLaughlin, (E. Glover~ 2 nd- ~dson J . HugMs., 2y~s, dysexibe11y. In cities at $300. and A . Beach, equal). M . Climie, \\: ". s. \'14. Hu_ g hes, Bowman ville. ln towns at $200. Gran t, (M. Reid and B . ThQli'nton ,equall:», 14th- Lottie Ruth A0ye, 4 mo~ .. dysenIn coun ti es at $150. tei;y, d . J ohn Ayre, Bgwmanv1lle.. I n counties outside of villages t he rent C. R useell,V, H nteh eson, (A. Bellma.n 25 th - Infant daughter M . R. Woo&uoo, may b e payable either in m oney or in and F. Horsey, equal). Bowmauvllle. moneys wor th. 18t&- E lla D. BWld, 13 yrs., bra.in fever, (5) Or a bon a fide occupant for one The STATESMAN and THE ToRtl!MTO iaterred at R ocheater, N . Y. year before 1st January, 1886 and e1~ joying th e revenues and profits for his WEEKLY N EWS will be s&nt toi:ceth er ·for 20i;h - Louisa Allin, 67, appop.lexy, w. John A.llin, Bowmanville. own or his wife's nee of real property of one year for $2. If you desirQ The Toronto Daily N ews for t hree months, ~th - R eginald G . Potter, '7 mos , th e following values: and the week ly for the remainde r of the whooping cou gh, S. J . Potter, town: In cities $ 300. year, t oget her with the STATES. '1..1.N we 24th- Violet Roger- , 10 days, con gestion In towns $200. will furnish the m for $2.65. Send your lun gs, d. F. R ogers, Bowroa11ville. ln count ies $150. '.rl1e occupan cy may b e under license of name in to this office at once. P .T R E BILCOC K. --o-SPECIALTIES: s ·c hool Books School Supplies. --o-- NEW TABLET LE SSONS, $2.75. Note Papers & Envelopes I - (7) Sons of owners of real property are qualified(;i). \Vhere the fath er is foing and a son or sons living wi t-h him contin uously for one year before the lat Janwu·y. 1886, and the property is sufficient in value ac· cording to the above figures, if cli\'ided between them to give them all votes. lf not suflic:imt to qualify all t he sons and the father, then t he fatherandonlyso many sons as the property will qualify can be enrolled, and in such case the eldest son will be preferred, and then the next eld· er, and so on. (b ). When the father is dead, and would, if living, be qualified, residence wit h the mother will suffice, and as many sons as the property will qualify may be registered , with preference to the eldest ancl elder sons, as in the last case. Occasional absence from home of a son not more than six months in the year will n ot disqualify, and all time spent at school or college in Canada will be co unted as if spent at home. Son of :m owner incl udes grand son, step-son and son-in-law, a nd all these may be registered as voters on th o property if of suflicient value. 'l'he provision as to sons of ownH s applie11 t o the count ies as well as t owns and cities in cases other thai. those of farmers' sons. (8) Farmers' sons-The same provisions substant ially apply t o farmers sons, as stated in the last paragraph in r espect of sons of owners in cities and towns. A farm is to bo not less than 20 acres of land. (0). F ishermen and owners of real property and boab, nets fishing gear and tackle of aggregate \'alue of $150. Income voters register where t hey r e· side at time of r egistration- all others where property is situate. If in more than one polling diviflion in the same electoral district the voter may register in either. All names entered :in t lte last revised Yo ters' lists under the old law, will be entel'ed in ~he new }~st by t he r evising barrister, Every person not o:n tl\:e assessment r oll desir' ng to have his m.1Jme· on the list must at once send to the l'evising barris· t er an application in writh1g to·be put on the list, giving his name, r esidence and the property or other qua].vJfoa:ti:m1 in r espect of which h e applies to bl! pl!>il on. This application m ust b e aea©111JJpain ed by a declaration which is to Tue mooe and signed before a commissionen·for taking affidavits, a n otary or a j us1rioe>of the peace, showing the grounds of tlh e· applicant's claim to be put ·onthe list DEATH ROLL, 1885. COUCH,JOHNSTON 1CRYDERMAN " will, for the NEXT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AND, TO MAKE A CLEARANCE ' t . , ' A lot of Dress Goods will be sold at and under cost . ----o ---Remember these are New Goods and will be sold as advertised COUCH, JOH NSTON & CRYDERMAN, C .OM E ! COMEl. ~.A.IFt.. GtrC>OI>S' BOWMANVI LLE.,, THUR $DAY AND FRIDAY,, w · 17 iw j . IMPOJlTANT ANNOUNCEllENT E ' S. T END H OUSE! iHa:ring cor:crpleted too· Fall am W inter aind .Leehng· certain !Ui.llat they ·ble I .. p0&$11 to calll! and e . 1 h th th ·. bought at. the k :respec y k and .&' .L·.or ·t I rather t hink they w111. GOODS You will find the stock of Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods, Bootees, Cuff.~, Infantees, Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits, &c., &c., is well assorted; also Very cheap and good value. BLANKETS a n d TIEDO\VNS, ~c~~~~~Jj!· rhoriat~n. ~Hor~ey. l u~hT. I~;i'~r:"s~~1~"6::~v~i;~ch'i tis, s. pOrfJ~ D RE ss G 0 0 Ds f The stock of Dress Goods iis large and varied and m arked Very ' A full and w ell assorted stock. It w ill pay you to call and inspect. Suits got up on t he shortest riotice and best style. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND TW"EEDS, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING GROCERIES! OCTOBE R. occupation from the cr own or from a ny person or corporat ion. (6) Or by income without any oth er qualification. A person may be regist ered as an income vote, if h e, d erives an income from his earnin gs, t rade or profession, or from some investment in Canada of $ 300 a year, for one year befo~e 1st J an., 1~86. I n counties the earnmgs may be either in money or money's worth. T..1.n"s PHOTO S- Messrs Tait & Morrisou, Bowmanville, Ont.- Dear Sirs :- A proof of the uegative taken b y you was duly received. I have to thank you !or your kindness. '.Phe cabinet is certainly one ot t'ho beat, if not the best. I have ever had taken, I would like you to quote me ;your price for a dozen. A number of veople to whom I have ahown it say it is as fine work as any they ever saw done in 'f oronto Let me hea1· from you, and in quoting price please quote it as fine as you can as I ma.y take eeveral pozen, requests continually coming in for that sort or thing. Yours truly. EDMOND E. S H EPPAllD, Torunto, Nov. 26th, 1885, ii3·tf let -Ida B . Mollon , 19, consumption, d. Hugh Mollon, Bowmanville. 10th- Lydia. McGill, 62, stricture asopha· gus, w. W, McGill, Bowmanville. 21st - Chas. Aldsworth, 19, inflammation lun<>'a; s. W . Alds worth, Darlington. 25tll_'."Eva Gilbert, 9 , meningitis, d. D. Gilbert, Bo·wmanville. 28th- Lillian Mary L ouise, 2mos.. water on brain. d. J. Joblin, Bowmanville. Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary Kinds, and can· not be sold in competition with the multitude or low test, ehort weight, alum or phosphate powders: Bold only i n canH. UOY AL BAK· ING POWDE R CO., 106 Wall St.· N. Y. Just arrived per S ch'r "Jamieson/' fifty bbs. be§.t. American Coal Oil. - Special inducements !0 parties buying in barrel lots. Also a lot of Royal Wringers j ust received. Everything in t h e Grocery Line fresh and cheap as the cheapest. JOHN McMURTRY, West End House.