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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1886, p. 5

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:STOTT & JURY Plu sh Ca s es " REMA RKABLY LOWI Th o followil'lg accounts were pa9sed and ordered to b e paid: W. G. L ockhart, work Pub, Prop. Com. , .........·....... . ..... . $ 1..00 received another l\:J:a~nificent Stock of ,J. Higginbotham, error in assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.52 Gutta P nrch a R u bber Co., Good s Fire Co ............ . . . . . . . ... . 12 .00 W. R. Climie, Prin t ing ........ .. . 13. 25 Mrs. Bot terell,cieauing sch ool h ouse ~:gg Mr. Charles Dudley Warner will conJ as. Darch, drawing fi re engi ne .. . . R. S. Manning, s treet lamp acct .. . 13.30 trib·alo to t he February HARPEit':; a :HJr on " Educatiou as a Factor iu do sundries Fire Co, ·. 32.45 pa1 , .BY EXP R ESS LAST NIGH'f. Prison B.eform. " _ 9 55 John Percy, do. More of Mr. J . C. Beard's interesti n~ A. lllack, lighting street lamps, .. .· 2.00 Munson & H unney, work Pub. Prop, 7.35 illu sLr:ltions of cur irms featuroi of natT . J. McMur1ry, livery, .... . . ... . G.UO n ral hiat.ory will app1·a.r in the Febr uary M cOlellan & Co., fuel, poor relief. 42.05 HAHJ'm'l.'s, i n conn ect10n with a paper by tor these 1.1.oods are do. coal, fire dept . 18.00 Oliv.o Thorne l\1iller, on "Li ving Ball· ." do. fuel, Pub. Prop. 5 .00 I Jn t.Jrn February instalment of "East do. l umber road and A ugol s " in H.A1;rEr..'s l\:fA(L1.z nrn, l\fi~a streets, ....··.....·.......... . 38.08 Woolson tak"s two of her character11 do. ·scori! wood Pub 2.75 throngh those cnrions water-pas~!l.ges of -AND- · R Windalt, sundri~s, .. .. . . .... . . 32.14- F lorida knotVn as the Monnlun~s. do. poor relief, . ··.....·. 9~ ·gg . A review of the nctu:i.l condition of ·O u r ~tocli i~ the F inest in Quick & Co. do. . ........ . · ~ "Tho British Navy," by no less an auG. D. F letcher, posting bills, etc . . ?·0~ t hority that Sir Edward Reed, wh o wa~ GENTS WANTED A'l' BOWMANE . R. Bounsall, sundried,Pub, P rop }·7° for rn1 Toll'u. iny years at t h e h ead of its bureau for Leadiag English Fire InsurSam . F ishley, work, ....... . .... . ~-~O nf co11 stit.111.ion will appear in the'February :1~>ee VILLJ<J Company. Ad<lresd. Il\Sl'EC'l'OH, Box cll9, W. E. Hill, labor on streets, . .. . . . loronto. P. o. 2· 3w' Harper's Magazine. · Henry J'ones, do, do . .... . . 2 5 A paper on ·' Manual Training," by EDAR RAILS AND POSTS.- The Wm. P oland, do, do .. .... . 3G 25 undersigned oft:'0t·s fnr sale a. qu!l.ntity P. Trebilcock, stationery etc. . ... . 39.·J7 Charles H. Ham, of Chica.go, which is to of dry cedar rails and po~t.s. cheap for cash. 'l'. T, Colemi~n, boots tor pulice .. . G."oo be J?rinted in the F~hra.ary iss~1~ of H~R JORN B!i;ACOCK, Cartwright. P . 0." rmn; M.AGAZIN E, wi ll give an 1nterestm g $ 433. !JG ~ummary of t he practic~tl work done in PECTACLES LOSl'. - A -pair of Gold schools throuqhout the country in t h is l'UBJ,IC 'PROPERTY REPORT. Rimmed Spectauie:1 between St. Paul's direc·ion. Church and Concession street via. Silver and Mr. Bounsall, chai rman of Publio ProElgin, str·ets. l<'jnder pleuse leave at KENNET: 'l'he remarkable letter written by Lin · &. Cos. e.nd receive reward. 2-l w'· perty, preaeoted h is repor t as follows: coJ.n to Grant just before the opening of REUE!l'TS: CANADIAN& P ACIFIC RAILW AY. ANTEDLADIES to work for ns the Wilderness campaign, closing with the e.t their own homes. $7 to $ LO per week H.ent, '.l.'own Hall, . . ..· , .. . ... . $ 89.20 words, "And now, with a brave army and oan be quietly made. No photo. painting · no BURKETON STA'rION Buildin gs; . .. . .. . . 557.\18 n, just cause, may God yo L " " t ," is in uan Vli8Mmg. Fot· fnll particulars. please' ad· Weigh Scales, . ... .· ......· . . . .. Hi2.55 the possession of Gen Ifadeau, and has dress: at once. Crnecent 1~ rt Co., Uoston.Mass., GOING EAST, GOING WEST. Box :il 70. been l'eprodnced in fac-simile for the Feb:. E ':press .. .. . .1Ul3 e. m Mixed ... ..... 8.::lll am $80V.73 ruary Century t1 accompany Gen . Grant's :Mtxed ....... . 7.42 pm Ex:preas .. ... .12.M pm ARM FOR SALE. - Being Lot v, Express .. ·.... 7.42 pm m. : rENillTURE. article, "Preparing for the ·wilderness Cou., Z, D11.rlington. wi thin 1} miles of '.l'ickets and f.u rther information me.y be centre of town .or Uowmanville. Good Brick Insurance on Proper ty, . ........ . $132.6\! Campaign." · from W. A. NEADS, Express, ltailroad, and lious out bllildings good Dwelling and commoc Steamboat Ticket Agtmt, Bowmanville. Repairs Tr ebilc 1Ckd store, . . .. . .. 152.00 V iuk's Floral Guide fvr 188G, the pion- orchard,lwell ~ater3d. Soil fkst class. One of t reet L!!.mps, ....... . . . .·...... 292 .00 eer seed annual of America, comes to us the best farms rn Durh1tm, Co. 'l'1>r rns reason· Apply to Rom·. FIELDING, Bowman ville ·al and Wood, . ........ . ... . .. 56.00 this year a real gem, not a dry l ist of hard able. P. ~ 2~~' S !l's ..·. .. ..· . .·.....·.. _. . . . 20.00 botanical names, but over. thir ty pages of H y Scaltls, . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 readillg matter, among which are articles AN'.l.'E IJ7 Ladiea and gentle ruen in city or count.1·y to t11ke light worlC at P rchiLSe of lan d,.... .. .... . . .. 65.00 on Roses, House Plan ts, CJ1eap Greentheir own homes. $3 to !IU a day can be pairs Town H a ll, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 house, Onion Culture, M ushrooms, l\fan- easily made; nai!; no ca.nvasiug work sent. by 1 B owMANVILLE, FRIDA.Y , JAN . li). ates for Mark et Square, . . · · . . . . 23.00 tll'cs, Young G~rdners, :i.nd very interest - ~Ve 11.. vc good demand for.our work and fur riish steady employment. Address. with stamp, il, Stove pipes, et c, ...... · · ·. . ·. 140. 26 ing r eading, followed by about lUO pages ()JtO\'l'N H'll'G ()0UPAN't', 2!U. \'me S t .. Cln· · containing illustrations. descriptions and cinun tl. Ohio $98tl.88 prices of seemingly everything the heart HE How~-rANVlLLF. HIGH 8 cuoot Excess over receipts, .. ··· , ...·. $180.15. could desire in the line of seeds, Plants, Gold spcctaclas lost. See. advt. will re·open Monday Jan, 1lth,1886. at !l 30 Bulbs, l~otatoes, &c. His a mystery how a.m. All its cancJidates par1sed at. teach<ir's. rhe Report states that t h e Tow u proMr. Arthur Codd was in town this week. coJl~11:e examinati ons. in 188ii. and at peity is now generally i n a pret ty good this lirm can afford to publish, and really 1rnd Toronto University Matricnlatton Examination Ladies ,you can buy Berlin ·wools at state of rep~ir, and is signed by C. Bon n- gho away, this beautiful work of nearly last July, pnpils of this B'>hool took very hh1;lt Mrs. Keyes' for 15c an ounce. sall; R. Worth a.nd W. S. ltussell lte- :l60 pa,:!e~ of finest paper, with hundreds honors in !\ Classics, aad Modern of illustrations and two fine Colored Plates Languages. The High School Inspectors Miss Nell Parsons,°"'Of Corry, Pen~., is port adopted. always ept>ak of its wol"k in the highest terms. :~11 enclosed in an elegant cover . Any one Particular at.tention is paid to book-kGeping visiting her"lrien d, Miss N etids . FOOR r..m.mF REPORT. Call 1 111d see the immen~e st ock of new and writing in the two lower for ms. No fees. desiring goods in this line cannot do betMr .·J. H. Cryderman weht to HamilM r. Mason., chairman of the Poor ter th~n send 10 cents for the F loral There will be the same statl: for 1886 as has and fash ionable Bangs, "\Vaves, "\Viggs etc, to for a few day's visit last week. been for years. Boe.rd can be got~i n com forta.hl e of Frof. Durenwend's, 11t the Ruebottom Relief Committee, preseuted his report , G uide, to J ames Vick, Seedsman, Roch - places IL t reasonable rates. W. w. 'l'A.M:BLYN _ ·. S . T . Barilett, of London, is vis- House, on Thursday and Friday Jan. 21 sattirag forth the amouot of &ssista.ncerenM.A., HeadMaste1·. J.;!,v ' ester, N . Y . Deduct t he 10 cents from iting at her fath er's, Mr. J. Hellyar. deNd the Poor for t he past quuter. and 22. first order sent for seeds. ADIES ! LADIES ! !-Dressmakers Prof. Doren wend at R uebottom House The annual meeting of the "Women's R eport . adopted It was signed by F. If you have an unsightly growth of and others embrace the one opportunity on Thursday ai1d Fric;lay Jan. 21 and 22 · Foreign Missionary S1iciety" of the Pres· Mason, John H. Kidd and W. S. R ussell . snpertluous hair , remove it by usino and le,.rn to be a ilrst·class catters or ladies &nd cbildrens garments by Prof. Moodys New Mr. Doll, of Wingham, spent Sunday byteryof Whitby wtll be held on Tuesday IrnPORT OF RO.ADS .AND STREET::!. "Eureka", can be had from Prof. Doren ".: Tailor System of Dross an1l Mantle Cutting by in town the guest of Mr. J. Higginbotham. Hlth in St. Paul's Church. · Afternoon Square Measurement. and thereby save ti me wend, at th e R uebottom House, on Reeve Prower, ch airmen of the Roads and mo~ey. No more paper or patterns. but Ladies looking for cheap dress goods meeting (for ladies only) at 2 o'clock. and Streets Committoe, present ed his '.l'hursday and Friday Jan. 21 a nd 22. draft direct on your material. Perteet fit should call at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- J>apers on Missionary topics will be r ead; fiDal report for 1885, which stated that guaranteed. Qur dnl_y authorised and competent Agent Miss Mtur, of 'l'oronto. will teach man's and an address given by Mrs . Harvie, of t h e Council has p laced to the credit of the the ladies of llowmanville and surronnding AUCTION .SALES. Toronto. Evening public meeting at 7;30 committee at the firat of Urn year, $3,440; connt.ry thoroughly for 1L nominll.I sum, for tl:ie Mr. ·and Mrs W . Roenigk, were ser- o'clock, addresses by Mrs. HtLrvie of next few weeks at Mr. Allin'o, east of McClungs notwithstanding that " nothing had been enaded by the D . 0 . & P. Co. baud on 'for onto,and Rev. Mr. McClelland, B .A., Foundry. Bowman ville. Call and see or send SATURDAY JAN. 30.- Sale of valuable circulars and be convinced. We have their returahome 'l'uesday evenin~. of Ashburn. Friends from other churches n eglected in t h e interest of the ratepay- h orses, on Market Square, at 1 p. m. See for much plea8ure in rcfcrlnJO: you to Miss llfo· ers" th e amount actually paid out by the Mr. R. D . Davidson wh o takes Mr. are cordially invited. Collection for Mis- 'freasurer was ·only $2,853. 78, leaving a advertisement i n t h is pttper. S.C:UESTER- Uullough the well known Dressmaker of Bowman ville, who ls now cutting successfully witl1 l'IJUO, auctioneer. Barber's place in the Public School here sionary pll;rposes. cash balance of $586.22, wh ich wir.h cost the ,Moody System, 11.9 hundreds of others are commencetl his duties on Monday last. SA1'URHAY JAN. Hith.- M r . Harry Sal- we coulc l refer to in Ont.ario. Dont fail to learn The Iland of Hope under t h e auspices of lumbe r and nails in stock, $165.00, at once, P upils can be ta11gbt at their own Miss 'Vickett whe has been visiting of the Women's Temperance Union meets leaves e. tohLl balance of $751.22. Signed ter, builder, will sell by public auction, at homes. J. & A. CA.Il.TEii. Toronto, Sole friends in this local1tY for the past three every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in by W. P . Prower, David T. Morris, W . on e p. m. sharp, on lot 33, COP. 4, Dar- Proprietors and heac l offlce for Canada. lington, 5 acres of standing timber, a.!! months, returned to 'roronto on Monday. t he schoolroom of t he Church-st. Meth. M. Horsey. T he report was adopted. l'lt01" , W. WIL LSON, CHEAl' Woon,-McClellan & Co. are church, when with devotional excerises 1'1.r. Burden took objections to this re- h ard wood, in half acre l9ts. For particOF PIANO, ORGAN AND selling good green hard wood in quanti- and the t eaching ofTemperance a pleasant port ; he thought it should have given a ulars see bills. H. T. Phillips, Auction- rrEACHER SINGING. Terms: For beginners $6; for ties of Four Cords and upwards at only time is spent. We earnestly request pa- detailed account of the outlay on each and eer. advanced pupils. $10 for auar~er of twelve S ATUlWAY J an. 23nl.- Mrs. '.l.'hos. G . lesson ~. Residence at Mr. RICHARD J;'1&Ln's, $4.25 per cord, delivered to any part of rents t<> send their children; and we (l.Sk every street. Centre Street, Bowman ville. 51-tf. Humphrey will sell by public m1ction, a t the town . the parents of those chil dren whose names M r. Prower r eplied that it was not Mr. Jos. J effery, the tailor, Jost two of a re already enrolled to seek to influence usual t o keep a leger account for her saddler shop, Bowmanville, at one p. m. sharp, her large stock of carriage and 'his horss on Sabbath last. He put them i them to attend more regularly. In so s treet separately. team lrnrness, trunks, robes, blankets, in -out in the yard to have a run, and t h e 1 doing their children would be benefitted the Electors of the 1"own of Bowmanville : CEMETERY C@l\IldlTTEE'S REPOR'.l'. fact everything that is kept in a good gen- To gate being open t,hey got off, and all sea:ch and the.y w?uld enc?u.rage t h ose whose LADIRS AND GENTJ,E~IEX, - Allow me to Mr. D. 'l' . Morris, chair man of this eral harness sh op . For paniculars see as to their" '·ureabouts has proved futil e. sole object is tl10 savmg of the youth of thank you most kindly tor the hearty support given me at the recent election. 'fhe con·est As was announced 'Staff-Capt. B@dy led our triwn_frot;i that great evil- Intemper- committee, presented hi!! report which bills. H. 1'. P:a:n,J,PS, Anctionecr. WftS a very severe one, and I cannot but feel was adopted. T he repo1t set forth the the meetings in the barracks on Saturday i1nce. Mrs. 1 . Hoar, P rest; N . Sheppard, flattered at the contintted expression of yoar expenditure for Cemetery improvements approval of my course as of the 'l'own, night and l::lunday last, all of which were Secretary. I Hlrnll endeavor to the best of my ability durat $553.88; incidental expeuses(assistant's well attended. Capt. Body is an able and One of the many social event~ of this mg the present year to show that this confi. TO CLEAR 0 UT the balance dence has not been misplaced. I notice that p leasing speaker, and all who heard him festiye season was the marriage of Miss salary) $198. Total, $751.88. (To this sum should be added the caretakers salary the editor ef one of our town papers t hinks the seemed very favorably impressed. Annie Darch, seco nd daughter of Mr. efforts made to defeat me were inspired by a of their Ho l iday Goods, $350. B,eceipts, $G58.38. desire to·correct some social abuses; bntt>~ no I. O. O. F.- The following are the ofli- Rich~rd Dar~h, bl:1cksmith, on Ne.w charges were made against me pnblicly. I do 'l.'he committee r ecomme nded for the cers of Albert Encampment, No.12, fox Years ~"e. 'l he bride . was :i:thred m MURDOCH BROS are selling not understand tho ground upon which such a the current L erm :ga:net sil.k a,nd plush. M~ss J~ottie ~lov~r; consideration of their successors tlte ad·statement is And as a majority of the visability of discriminat ing in the price electors evidently did not sympathize with his D. D. G. - Geo. Ba~den; C. P. -~. S . . bn~esmaid, v:as d.ressed m pmk sat1myith china, china ware, fancy cups, views. I shall leave the matter between him lents, Young ; H . P . -.Tos. Jeffery; S. W .-:-N. ! wlute lnce trimmmgs. Mr. Jule Roemgk, of lot s sold to residents and non-resic and t hem. simply adv1si11f!" thoso who live i.n saucers, erockery, table and g)aps houseg not to be thc- first to throw stones J\f. Gage ; Scribe- J. K . Orr ; Treas. _ 1 brother of t h e groom~ was groomsman. as the Tuwn bears all the expense . of at others. I am, J. H. Kycld; .J. W.-Jn o.Pierce; Guide The newly wedded pair l~ft on the east- keeping the cemetery in repair. Signed hanging lamps, a nd other fancy Yom· o·beilient servant, by Davia 'l'. M orris, and .fohn H. Kydd. - G. Baidcn; O.S.- J ID . Fletcher; I. s. b?und express th e same m gh_ t for Bell~W, P. PlWWllm. Heeve fol" 18qn. Mr. R . B. Andrew wag allowed a r e-Levi Morris ; 1st W. - - C. T od; 2nd W. ville fol~ mved by th~ b est wishes of.their goods at unprecidentedly low Bowmanville ·. fan. 13, 188G; 3 - M. Mayer; 3rd W. W. J ennings; 4th many friends for theu· future . happiness. duction in t h e rent of Town Hall for the ,V.- F. Mason. --:! Among the presents to the .bride. were : Bairnsfat her Conct-rt. Reduced to $2.50. prices. Don't fail to caJl a.nd ha· . 1 Groom, gold locket and cham with c Mr. Burden asked fer a report from d · · ·1 b A . 0 . F .- Tlle oflicera of Court P rrn.e f 0 t · N 6000 cl I · t 11 d mon settm!{ ; groomsman, si ver utter the Fire and Water Committee. Mr. get a bargain. o n ar10, o. . ' u Y ms a e cooler and knife ; bridesmaid, silver Horsey, chairman, had n() report at hand. :°n Wednesday evemng. by Bro. Charle~ pickle castor; D . 0 . &. P. Co. Band, On motion of ll'Ir. Piggott, seconde d b d 1 .Stonhouse, D. C . ~.,_are: c,.R. - G.H . .foll , china tea set, silver pickle castor, sil ver Mr . .Morris, the sum of $50 was grantey ~__:___ -·-·----. -·Wickett, Treas.-Thos. H . b 1 d t h Id . b" .S .C.R. - J no. E B w·ir . S W G sugar ow an easpoon o er, com m - to Mr. Prower for ser vices as che.irman BIRTHS. The and best_ with a Spiral Sp ring ever invented. Never tips or moves from v osition p~ , . ec.- '· · i iams, · .. · ed, and silver salt dish ; Mr. and Mrs. W. NrnDERY- In Enfield. on the llth inst. the- even the· sixteenth of an inch> Cbt·es e\'ery :Davies, J._W.- Geo. ;E- .Maynard, S . B. Brown, of Toronto, handsome oil pain t - on the Road and Street committee. The child ancl eight out of every ten of aclults\ - Jno. Fnse; .T.B. - J . Stacey; Trustees. ing in gilt frame; M rs. T . Dar ch , l a mp; grant was opposed by Messrs. Burden, wife of Mr, J no, Niddery, ot a <laughter. ' Guaranteed to· hold the worst form of hernia cld. MARRIED during the haTdest WOl"k or severest strain. - Jo)m Babcock, C:has. Sbnhouse, Geo. M iss L . D .,rch, silver cruet; Miss D. R uesel I and K Y Afte animo11s vot 0 f th nk8 to t h · Worn day and night in· comfort even by an E. ]. qyn ard. Auditors. - W .Bunney, M . Roenigk, wall bracket; Fellow workmen , . . r un, . e~ · a e Hucm Es-MAREAN- At the residence of the infant. Enclose stamp and read cures for tnest!ons A. · · e~, Geo. E. Maynard. S urgeon . silver cake ba~ket; Miss L. Climie, china rettrmg Mayor for 111s kmd and courteou bride's father, on Dec. 30th. by Hov. c. H. yourself. \Ve will !encl price list and < the forbearance sh own tile Kilm~r, Mr. Jae. Hughes, Pnblic School Jn- fol' yon to answer (by which means ·we can fit Al vA. Beith, M. ~· fruit D ish ; Mrs. S. McCullough, of demeanor members 'and his impartial ruling on all spe~tor, Toronto, to Miss Adeline Marean, or any case)\ also the test ill!ony from· reapectable . . ¥ New York. people _in your own· netghborhood;.from P. ~ Several ~f .the fr~ends of Mr. Wm. Mc- Belleville, dozen silver knives ; Mr. and mt'l'OH-McDowEIL- On tbe 5th Jan · 1886 1 Isle.nd m the East to the N. \V. · r erritories in C ull~ugh V!Slted lus .house last '.!-'uesday Mrs. J . MFLynard, dozen silve1· tea occasions, and to the Press for t he fan and Jencrthy reports of their meeting' j at the Methodist p;' Wingliam "'by the' the. West. For full information, call or address e vei;ung on the occasion of the anmvers~ry spoons ; Mr. Lewis R oenigk, Rattan EGAN IMPERIAL 'l'RUSS CO 23'Ad I "d and complimentary expressions of satisfMathDer o! Jthe bride. Harry Dawson Leitch, St East . 'l'oronte o· t ·· · e ai e ~f_ h1s wooden weddmg, and pre.sented lum rocking chair ; Mrs. "\V. Quick, china . . · .· to ane Arabella Deacon McDowell · · · ' ,. 0 · Our MR EGAN w"ll b t th ~ ·'h tw~ h.u~sQ,me rattan chairs and an breakfast set; Mrs. D . Davis,silver sal t faction with the .courtesy and respect dau!(hter of the Jlev. D. Creighton McDowell' ' RUEBOTTO~ HO~SE1 Bo~\':iA e, . 'c f ass_m which :vas exr;>ressed t~e hearty cellar ; Mr. U. Nicholas, half doz. silver shm!n by th~ corporation officials, wit~ president or the Guelph Conference.· mention of the Clerk the Council BEST- HAT.LOWELL-On New Teare Day, by . · · N' ILLE, · _ .JC1-w1ll an~- iv1end~lup. of lus many forks ; Mr. A. Bingham, breakfast cruet; special d. d ' Re"· S. Salten, at the residence of Thomas Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday friends and co- "ork_ers_ m the . factory. Mr. Tony M itchell, glass fruit dish ; Miss a JOUrne · Hancock. Esq., Mr. H. Best and Charlotte JANU.&RY lSth· inth d 20t h ' Hallowell, all of Clarke. · ~ an , Mr. ~cCulloughrephe~mbecornmgterms R . Mitchell, lemonade set ; Mr. W. Yule, S~l'!'HB ULLIED-On Dec_. 30th. 1885, at the . LINDSAY .. A<r TITR BENSON HOUSE, Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Por t· thankmg them for tl~e gift!!. Afte~wards a glove case and pair of brushes ; Miss E. residence of f".lr. Geo. ~uuth, by t he ltev. s. Monday Tuesda>u: & W ednesday veirv .'_'greeable evemn::; wi1s spent m song, Hoar, silver pickle dish ; Mr. J . Lyle, land or Halifax by Allan Line, to or from Salton, Mr. Richard Smith, and 111ary Bullied · ' J ' · J ANU ARY 25th, 2tith and 27th. Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town , Gal· all of Clarke. .se11tm·,ent and recreation. majolica cheese dish. GtJ.lSON_;-COULSON- On Dec. 30th, 1885. by the GRAND CENTR.A.L-HO'l'EL, . PETERBORO' T;te . only opportunitY: this season of If your hair ·i s falling out or turning way, Limerick Glasgow; Cabin also re- Rev. s. Salton, at the parsonage, Mr. Thomas · Th . d , F · ' 48tf Gibson. and Mass M. .A. Coulson, all of Clarke. Ul'S ay, riday and Saturday, procurmg m Bowmanville on e .of Prof. gra.y or if you are troubled with dandr uff duced. W. A., Agent. J L\RV~Y-CULLIS-On Dec. 30th, 11385, at the J·ANU.A.RY 28th, zgth, and 30th. Murdoch Bros', are selling Table and . Dorenwend's elegant and stylish h ead get a bottle of "Hair Magic" from Prof. dresses,at the Ruebottom H ouse, on Jan. Dorenwend at the R uebottom House on Hanging Lamps, much lower than usual. ~i:sk~~:stMf\\~~'i~~ar~~1i°nd bMie1;0 sar!\ TO FLT AND · ADJUST ' TRUSSES. T h ey have a great assortmen t too. fil~~ ~fil~ ~ ' Cullis, daughter of Mr.W. Cullie, all o! Clarke. · 2·2w &.Xmas Goods OU R PRICES I Local and Otherwise. Good house t o let . See advt. Mrs. R. Glover , of Meaford , lis visiting her mothor , Mrs. Dorcas P inch. Papers are stopped as soon as we received the order to do so, when all arrears are paid . P rof. DorenwP.nd with Hair Goods of every discrip tion at t he Ruebott om House for t wo days only Jan . 21 a n d 22. The pr oceeds of the . Meth. Tea on New Year's Day, amounted to $!l7.50 after all expenses were deduct ed. "\Te h ave to thank Mr. Thos. Bingham, the pop u lar insurance agent, for several very handsome c~Llendars, cards and etc. Mr. Geo, B. Ward, M . A., fate ofOrillia. and Brighton, has been appointed classical master in the Cobour_g. Collegiate Institute. T h e clegiL nt Silver Plated Tea Ser vice presented to Mrs. E . Cole, Gene1ra, last F ri day, was obtained from Maynard the ,f eweller. Mr. Egan , of tho Imperial Co , Tor0nto, will be at t h e Ruebottom House, on M onday, Tuesday, and Wednesday n ext. See advt . "HovV to make the best ofbot,h worlds" will be thil sul1:j ect of Rev. R. D .Fraser's sermon to t h e Young People in St. Paul's church nex t Sabbath evening. Ladies, you can see som ething new and nice in the s h ape of pr epared Mince Meat at Murdnch Br os, Thme who have tried it are delighted with ita fiavor . W . H obb s wi10 was fataily stabbed in a Toron to barber shop last wee~, wa9 a son of Mr. Fred. Hobbs, of Port Hope, and neph ew of Mr. A. Hobbs, of this town. M iss Stoughton has received the agency for Dr. Grcig!;('s new book "Presbyterianism in Canada.' ' Every Presby ter ian family should possess a copy of this excellent wor k . T he toboggan slide was open to the public for the lirst time on Monday l ast, and quite a num ber availed t hemselves of t he privilege to engage in th is exhilarating sport. Mayrn~rd the Jeweller is doing a big business in wedding presents. He buys the newest designs and sells very cheap. New goods to arrive to-morrow . He is detexmined to lead in quality, styl e and prices. As will be seen by card in this issue, :M:r. J>ercy has admitted his son John a partner. Coun cillor Percy is one of the rising men of our -town, and we congratulate him on the good stand he has ma<le already in 188G. On Sat urday last Mr. H enry J ollow, o this town, met w ith a very painful accident. He had driven up street and when oppisite McClellan & Co's wood yard attempted to jump from th e wagon while in motion and in so doing fell, breaking the small bone of his an k le and severely t wisting the cords. Mr. C. R. Orr of t h e Oa.kville St~r h:i.s recently added to his plant a new Campbell power press over wh ich he is just! proud. The 8tar has heretofore bee a bright and shining light to the ~1ghted denizens of Oakville and vicinity, tmd with the new power we shall expect its influence to ex t end orr a. more extensive area of t h i11 terrestrial orb. TOW}'i COUNCIL. The fin al meeting of the T own Cou ncil of 1885 was held on M onday e vening last when thH a were present: M ayor Loscombe in t h e cha ir, Reeve Prower, Deputy-R eeve Pi~gott, and Couucil101·s Horsey, Morris, R ussell, Burden, llounsall, Mason, Kydd and Worth. A commun ica tion r especting water works machin ery was r eferred t o Mr. P iggo tt to answer. Mr. P iggott , Chairman of F inanoe, p re· senterl t he FINA~Cr. UOMi\II'.r'l'EE'S P.El'QR'I'. Mn·. Keys is sellin g Berlin W ooll!I at 15c 8 " ounce. Tlw Cirand Lodge of the Sons of '.l'ernpera111ie open s here on Tuesday Jan . 19th. Th ' Presbytery of Whitby meets i n 8t. Paul'~ church n ext Tuesday, at 10. 30 a.m. Prof. Dorenwend'a new styles of Bangs, ·wav ·s, "\Vi!!gs etc., at RuebottomHouse, Jan. ~1 and 22. M.r. Wm. Kerr, who has been confined t o the ho use for th e past fortnight t hrough illne~s. has quite recovered and is now abl e to attend to h is usual work, Co11ch, ,Jolrnston & Cryde n nan are sel·· ling rdl kinds of ·winter goods at recluceLl price~, and a lot of dress goods 1Lt and under cost price. Call and see Prof. Dorcnwend's new style:< of Bangs, Waves, Wigs· etc. , at the Huebottom House, on .fon. 21 and 22 . Ex-Minister S. G. W. Benjamin will contribute a paper on " 'rhe 'l'azieh, or Passi()n P lay of Persia," t'.J the Febru ary ElA1ll'r<:R's. l Prof. D or enwend of the P ar is H air W orks, T oron to, will be at t he R u ebottom House, for t wo d:<ys only, .fan. 21 2 D 't · tl t ·t f ancl 2 · on miss ie oppor ·uni Y o getting 11. fin e and stylish, vVavc or Headdress. , . 'I he con tm ued use of Ro1nNSON's PnosPHOltlSED EMULSION in variably cleanses · ·· th e blood f rom a 1 1 nnpunt10s and restores t h e system to a state of healthfulness, t h at is manife3ted io i ncreased constit ution al v i~or, men tal activity, an d lightr.ess an d buoyan cy of spirits. Al ways . , p I ask f or R . obmson s h osp iorized Emu!sion, aud be sure yoa get it. Business Change. fol" JOlIN PERCY, SEN .. begs to return hie sincere. thanks to his nnmel"ous customers and friends the very liberal pacron,,,ge extended to liiru. in Bo:wa rni.nville (o r o,·er 30 years. e.nd with & steadily rncreasm11: business and advancinl(" rears. he has taken into pa1·tnership hia son, J?h 1 ~ Percy, Jr., w.hose repntation, both Provmc1al and Local. 18 such as to need no comment. The firm will hereafter ba known a3 JOHN PERCY&, So:-<. -In connection with th.i above, .John Percy&; Son would mforrn the public generally that they intend carrying on at t.he same sto.nd Silver !:ltreet, Bow1nanville. a ftrst·cl11.s9 Horse Shoeing and General m..cksmithing Business where they llope by strict attention to t hti wai:its of the pablic. to and increase. t hetr reputaticrn. As one of the firm intend,. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. devoting his whole energies and time to Horse ~hoeinpe_, those ha\·in;c driving, trottln~. lame. mterfenng and yl rc!e;~rtale horses r~quiring e:-.;tra care and slull. will do well to give us a tril'.I, Hespectfully yours, J<'Lou1~, ~ 100 tbs . . . . ... . . S2 10 to $2 50 rn .PERCY & Sox. .Jo1 Jan. l, 188tl. 3tf Bowmanville, WIIt<:A'l', Fall, ~ bush. . . . . 0 75 11 0 80 11 Spring, 11 0 75 11 0 80 BA.RL.EY, 'IP' bush. . . . . . · · · 0 55 11 0 70 RY.I~, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 0AT8, · II ······· , · 0 28 II 0 33 PnA:-;, Blackeye, '!?'bush .. . 0 83 1· 0 87 The undersigned h:win ·> bourrht oul; 11 Small, 11 0 55 11 O GO the GR.Isl' MILL of J. St11olter, E~q ., and 11 B lue, 0 55 11 0 65 put everything in lirst-class order, is preBurrEii, best tnblc, 1P' tb. . . 0 15 11 0 1G p1 1red to do all kinds of Gr1sting. I will LAUD , {)' lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10 (I 0 13 gmwantee t o make the best ARNEC:r.4. J~cas, ~ doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 18 11 O 18 FLOUR that is made in the county, as the POTATOES, W' bush . . .. ..· . 0 35 II 0 40 mill has been fi tted up especially for DREssED Hoes ~ 100. . . . . 4 50 11 5 00 handling that kind of wheat. · HAY . . . . ....... . .. . . . . . . 9 00 II JO 00 I have alsn put in a, SAW MILL m connection with 'the above, and am prepared to tako in any quaat ity of Saw L og3. N '.:i\i'l:oerthmnent11. I have lowered tho price of Chopping to suit tho times. OUSE TO LET.-Good 7 roomed A. 'l'~~o J,Elr. brick house. Possc;;sion February 1st·. P eoplti's Mills, 1886. .Apply to L. COR..NJ.SH:, Jew(ll!er . .BOW · roanvllle. · · 3tf King&tgu Road, 51 I Public Notice. .ew H A s. g Va lua ble Farms for Sale. Fms·1:. -30 acre;'> of .lot 8 in t he 1st. concession or De.rlmgton, Jym~ 1mnrnrlia.tely south of the cemetery. l?ECONn.- The South uo acres of lot, Hi in tbe t,htrd concess10n of Darlmgton. nnd tho North 3Gacres of·the South 83 acres of lot la in the samo concession IC S W 'l'HmD.- 'l'he Sot1th JOO acres of lot 2.5 in tho third oonceesion of Darlington, ai'd the Northerly GO acres of the east ha.If of lot 2~ in the same concession. Ali the a bovl'. w ill be sold in parcels t» snit . ,...ill purchasers. Time for payment and terms . be IT!ade very eass to Mi>ti~facto1·y buyers. }'or particulars e.pply to JJ. Bumm SIMPSON, '1l·tf. \T en(lor'~ Solicitor F AUCTIO N SALE - 0 1· ' - Valuable Horses! Including King Rotbch ilds, a n d other F arm Stock and implem en ts. Under the power of sale in a certain chattei mortgage from Wm. Stevens to the Vendors which will be nro<luce<l ut t.he time of sale' there will be offered for sale byp<tbho auction' by S·1·1J:l"HEN Cn·~STElU'!ELI), Allct1cnecr; W 0 - T on Saturaa~, 30th day of Jan u a ry, L I SS6· .nt oue o ' clt·clc., J·· u 1. 9 at f he _,lar,k~C Sqmtr"· In the To).- u of Conm:u nIHr-, t llu foll o wi ng v:ilmtl>lc 1·ro11erly: Entire Horse - .. King- Rot.hchilds," J.-: ntire Horse-" Young King Uothchi lds," rising fou1· yflars old; one :Sorrel B1·ood Mare, "'Nellie ; one Gelding. n.~ed ; King, 1·ising 8even year& one Rlacl~ Horse. a11:ed; one Blad;; Horse Colt, risiup: 3 Y\l&,rs ; one ll1ty Maril, rising 3 years : one Red J·ftlch Cow. Durlu·m : one Steer, rising 2 )' ears olcl ; one Dcmocro.t\.Yagon · one Spring \Vag-on; one Open Buggy ; on& Cutter; two Lumber \Vagons. 'l 'mnrs :- or such o& her conditi Jns a3 may be arranged at time ot sale. Moss, F ..\.LOOX BRIDE & BARWICK, 3-2w. Vendors' Solicitora. B . INDER TWINE l Dartmouth Ropework Company, THE H alifax, Nova Scotia, A1·e n ow p repai·ed to quote JJriccs of BINDER 'J.'I VT NEforthe .~easonv jl886. A·ld1·ess, IJO FRO:VT STREET, EAST, '1.'0ROl\'T O . · Card of Thank s. WORLD'S BEST· ! WEST'S -LIVER PILLS : POSITIVELY CURES :- RUPTURE I s .s DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADAC HE, LIVER COMPLAINT. INDIGESTION. A few Boxes will cure any case of :D~ p epllla, s imp l y by t aking On e :Plll e irerv nigh t on retiring . They do not loso ihoil: oirect like other l:"ills. '"' 0 · · · · 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.0Q. THIRTY P I L L S IN A BOX. SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. John C. West & Co·. PROPRIETORS, TORONTO-

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