ITEMS OF IN TERESI'. "Invited us · to be bis gueats, pa,· a ? 'Why does he want us to be his guests ?" d The question from Nellie, who a The immigration from Ireland is at a 81lddenly turned a.a pale !\S d, perfect standstill, T he people there are in "Be9ause, my det1.r," rejoined t he fatl;,er, hopes since the election. " a disorganized time like lihe present ls ,he S~artling The new B ritish man-of-war Camperdown, rogue's hi!.rveat, and E gyptiu.n rogu91! re built of steel, at ii. coat of $2,375,000, is the bloodthirsty as well o.e (ilsho:i~s h. T .. re heaviest ship evat bunched in E ngl&nd. a.r e hundreds of reU.,!ous enthuei&sta .. so It will be t hree ye1 m before aho ie ready bl the c!ty who would consider it a merll:ll~ for sea. 'ti the Author of " NnrA, Tiu .Nui:1Lrn:r," "TH!l JtED Snvi>R/ " T:irll RvssrA.N 8l'¥/' uous act to shed Chri~tinn blood and t o ptlr . You can do so by calling at the A new pretender has turn(ld up in Parfo, ' up oth1Jrs to do s·o as .well, and as the war ETC., .ETC, a. young man of intelligence, clalmlng t o be minister has not yet 11ufticit;int troops tQ kvQ p this t urbulent element in aheya.noe, he h1 ,s t he ex-::'l:ince Imperial, escaped fi:om captivkeyhole showing that t ho applicant for n.d- offered us the shelter of his roof, un11cr ity among the Z ulus. H e· resembles the CHAPFER XIX. misslon wa s a.n ~miasary frcm the war olfioe which we shall he as safe a~ t hough we w 1re Prince sllght' y, but is insane, <1>.lt!Bl PASHA TELLS AS SECRETS WHAT HE he was :.t once kt in r.nd the door again se· A ma.n appeared on t he streets of Den ver a.t home in old England. " WISHES TO BE MADE PUBLIC, I lrel y fast ened in his rear. ".But marom& and I should. be shut UJ· In r ecently d riving a t eam of fully developed where t here will be found a complete assortment of every kind of He salaamed m &ilence and handed Mr, his harem 11.nd guarded by monstrous ne- elks, wort h $1,500, and capa ble of t ravell· Bat no sooner had he accepted the war foot wear from t he smallest t o tlie largetit. a day. The childr en t hought minister's offsr than it struck Mr. T rt ZH " Trrna.rr a note, which he t ore open and eag- groes as though we were prisoners, for fo no ivg 100 miles _ ether part of a Moslem h11.bita.tion are our S .;ntllo Ola us had come to town, th&t by the aot he, the leading European erly perused, If we cannot fit you wit h a ready-made pair, we can make y ou any lt waa from the war minister a nd its pur- sex &! to se&foot. You would nev<lr '.l'he oo&.l mines nea r Eg11pt, N. C., are t o b anker in Ca.iro, had more or. leas allied him· port was as followa : be permitted to ~ee ue, papa, from the mok ind that may be needed, in th e latest style. be r eopened next rnmmer. Ooe of these self with an arch-rebel and in a msi.nner " I much fear that the populace are slip· ment t hat we ,entered his," mines h as a sha.fc 480 feet l a dep1h. It waa ~ven identified himself with the rebellion. "My dear, I think I could bear the ordeal, this coal t hat was u sed on blockade runners If it were to take the form of a successful ping out of my grasp. I h9ove as yet only revolution, of course this woulti be immateri· three thouao.nd i;roops wherewit h to hold and besides it would only be for a few days. " at \<Vilming t on during the war. "Im sure I could bear lt very well, and a l, for to the suoces&ful all things are forgiv- three hund1«·d thousand excihble and easily Ead's Tehuantepec ~hip railway en, but what if the m, vement never rose maddened people in check. My u.d vie~ to should delight in the change," echoed Mrs. ~cheme has received a. grea t b · .from ;above the dignity of a. rebellion and, on its you is th&t you brick up the front wlncows Trezarr. " Remember the pasha has al- t he r ecent action of t he Mexican Cong r!JB S <belng stamped out, its leaders were shot or and door of the b11onk and send me the keys, ready one wife, and I've no doubt that ohe in en1arging the conc~eoiot> to the railway, neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. 11rent to the ga.lleys, how would he then ea- when I wlll hold myself accountable for wool I receive ua and do the honors very and guuanteeing i t $1.250,000 a year for -0ape the ehi>me of he and his family having the su.fety of its contents (you told me, I creditably, or at &11 even ts i.ccordiDg to her fi fteen years, on condition that some other b een the arch-rebel's guests ? Why, the en. thick that you had the neceosaty materials lights." country guarantees t wice as much for the tire E urc;pean community of Cairo would at h~nd in <'.ase of emergency ?). I a.lso " Knowing tha~ I was Intended to super- same period. also the counsel you. as soon as ever this Is done to sede her In her hueba.nd's affections, t hat I -cut him, that, at least, wn.ll evident. The Cllemi8t and D ruggist tells how an get home as quietly &nd unostentatiouoly 11.s was to be his second and, of course, favorS o, instead of at once dep11.rting with the astute raeca.1 has been p laying "what the "lxpresaion of security and gratitude on his you can, and there comfort the ladies with ite wife. At>d thee, once a prhoner in his A.merica.ns would call the disinfecting &ssuranoes of safety and with them quietly harem, how could I eave .myself from befr&ce t h!l.t had for & brief while dwelt there racket, " He appears with a. oh&rcoa.l furNo trouble t o show goods. Please give us a call. whilst receiving and accepting the war mln- abide the hour when I shall send an· coming his wife if you and he determine to nace and some brimstone, saying t n&t t he ii,ater'a invitation, ha still s&t on the edge of quate eaco1t to conduct you to my palace, ae force me to the st· p ! Papa, I will not ac Hee.1th Board ha.a sent him to disinfect t he well as Egyptian dr.isses wherewith to place cept the P asha's invitation. You and mamhis chair, puffing and blowing with ooth house, Then he blows up his furnaoe and '1the i.nward 1md outw&rd heat (frr the ther· even the risks of lnsult on account of y our ma. may go if you 1lke, but I will atay here. cre&tes so outra.geoue a stink th&t the sermorneter marked more than a hundred de- creed and race out of the range of possibili- Nothing shall force me Into his h&rem I" ex- vants leave the house, and he soon follows ;grees), whilst he mopped his b~ld head with ty. Expect the escort soon after darkness claimed Nellie excitedly. has set In nor fear tne danger in t he mean"Ba t when does he expect ue ?" she them with everything he can lay his hands !his yello w bandana handkerchlet in a st&te time, but if the' mob should unfort un&tely quickly added, for It e11ddenly struck the on. <Of tne mo·t pitilt.ble perplexity. Referring to the decision of the Roman Al'abi Pasha re&d his thoughts as clearly get tne upper hand of mo the warehouses lovely girl tha.t if the r emova-1 w11.a no~ ~o be <as though they had been expressed In words, and shops of the Europe'lne in the oity will until the morrow there would be no need of Church deolarlng the op·ratfon of craniot· I appe&l to their cupiditv and invite their at· her so fearfully excltfog henelf, eince in my to constitute homicide, Dr , :Mielaioer < and despising the old time·server in hia tack before the private realdences in the half a dozm hours more she would have writes to the M edical Record th&t according lhea.rt, said blandly : " Oh, I see you are anxious to know how snbnrbs. I have still, however, a strong eloped with her lover, and long ere d&wn to the Mlahn&-the earlieat collection of ubbinical decisions-"!~ is justifiable to "the good movoment speede. I s11.y good hope of being able to oheok outrage, and by be out of reach of all further persecution. - -MAN UF ACTURER OF- .But her father's answer knocked this kill the unborn Infant in order t <1 save the m ovement unreservedly, for unless you to-morrow I shall have five thous&nd extra. troops in the city and then etrict order will mother, as her life precedes h is life. If the hope entirely on the he&d, for it wae: ,d eemed it to bo such I am oonvinoed · that be enforced and the European population "His exoellenoy will send a speei&l esoort child be partia.lly born, however, the rule y on would not have a.ffiil.nced your lovely will no longer have anything to fear." for us during the evening, and disguises to does not apply, &s "one human life must <0hild to its chief promoter-myself," This letter caused ·Mr. Treza.rr consider· we&r In addition, io order that we ma.y be not be set a.aide on account of another. M r . Treza.rr fancied th&t a silent bow K ING STREE'l', BOWMANVIJ, J, able uneasiness. He, however, dismissed q uite safe from the fury or the fanaticlem A Oonnecticnt deacon received a slight \Wou ld be the best answer to this epeeoh. Hae now on hand a number of vehicle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the newes "\ Veil, ycu shall know, my dear sir, for the Canvass who had brought It with a of the populace as we pass &long. And injury to one of hie eyes, which gave the patt erns and best finish, which I am offering tor sale at the lowest prices consistent now, Nellie, I have only to add thl!ot yon organ a peculiar, fixed expreseion, Hence, with due regard t o w:or1!'rnanship a nd quality, The fallowing ia a. list ot 'I. have no secrets from one who Is so soon to handsome present, a.n~ then &t once prep&r- must do as your parents wish you, believed to follow the 11dvlce th&t It had containwhen he asked the village drug clerk for tile prmc1pal vehicles me.nufe.ctured by me \be my father-in-law. Of course I speak in ing th&t tliey have your best interests at sod~ water, that experienced person be--canfidence." (Here Arabi Pasha. smiled in- ed. ~ou~le-iovered Ca.rriages ............ .. ........... .......... ;·. .'... ......... .$200 Upwa r d.II, 1 An abund&nce of brioks and ready-mixed heart, I am convinced that you will bo as lieved he recognized tne mute request for "'v olu.nhrily, for in bean he wished that all 1ng eB h ::etons . ... ... ................. .. .. .... , ................................ 100 11 secure in the pasha's harem as in your own a11perior old pde which prevails in m any mort&r had been kept on the premises for "'.t hat he was a.bout to s&y might be circula.t0 TpenB uggy....... ........ .. . ... . ............. .. ......... ... .. .. ... .. .... ······· 70 u . :ed far and wide, 11.nd kDew that his auditor days, owing to the possibility of a crisis like bedchamber at home, for he Is a. highly temp, ra.nce v1ilages. He aoted on this bethe present arriving, and now the spruce honorable man, and, besides, tnat.terd (If such lief. The deacon was really surprised, and op uggy...... . ...... ...... . .... ... ...... . ...... .. .... .. . ........ ... ..... .... ... 90 I · was j ust the person to confide It in similar clerks pulled off their coats, tucked up import&noe at present evgross his attention flushed slightly as he drained the glass, but ".confidence to a hundred or EO of his ao~~:~~~a~~:; ;~: ····:·· .... ........ . ....... .. ................. .. . . . .. .. ........ 65 their sleeves &nd wen~ to work with a will, thu.t I doubt If he will bEBtow on you a he has become& regular customer for "ma," L' o .. .. ..... .. ........ ........ ........... . ........ ... ............ 55 'q ualntancee, who in like manner would indogie thought. Ah I dinner at," ooneequance being that in something and the salary of the cleric has been raised. Eight W~Oll- .......... ... . ....... .... -.............. .. .......................... 40 l/for.m theirs in turn, until &t last 11.ll Cairo the under three h<>urs the door and all the front (TO DE CONTINUED, was in the secret.) "You are doubtless al· k_P{ess agon .......... ,, .... ..........,.... ···... ··· .. · . .· .. .· .. . . . .. . · . ······· 75 The late Lord Ra.nelagh left three illegitiireMly 1.1oware that the Khedive ie no longer ground floor windows of the bank were mate daughters by .a woman of great be&uty S ~cton.......... . .. . ..... . .... .. ......... . ......... ... . . ... . ... . ... .............. 50 thickly bricked up on the inside, whilst yet ;the ruler of Egypt eav.. in name?" but obscure birth. 011e of them ma.r ried Su y ...... .......... ........ .. ........... . . ................................... ..... 40 The ViiJue of Hip-Pookets. ·" l have heard the rumor that yolll' ex- another hour saw the back door and &11 the the H on, Mark Napier, second son of Lord Possessing super ior facilities for ID:anufa cturing carriages, I Intend to sell very chea or o asbl 'OOllency has imprisoned him in his own pal- windows save one treated in like m&nner, The gener&l pra.ctioner is frequently 11.sked Napier, remembered as a boy in W &shington or approved oredlt, a nd by so doing I hope to greatly increase ml' number of sales p wo ld tile sallta.ry exception having to be bricked ·-ace. " 11ell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. · u by anxious parents : " What shall I do for when his father was British Minhter there, "That is a ·hard way of puttlng it, Mr. up from the outside &s a matter of course; my bo.y ; he ia getting so &wfully stoop immedi&tely preceding Lord Lyons, &nd since 'twas through It that the occupants of 1rrez'lorr. My devoted soldiery are guii.rding the bank h&d been constrained tomake their shouldered that I am afraid he will get con· who is now the very able b11.rrister who con· ~'!tim in hie palace ag&inst poesi ble harm from sumption I will have to get him a brace, ducted Arabi's defence. Another is:wedded exit therefrom. 'lt.. lio1Se who are enraged against him for the in Australia, and the other is Mrs, L a.ngtry's At the Shortest N otice, P ainted and Trimmed if Desired. i'here existed a hundred ch&nces to one, What kind would yon recommend?" l{lt'ede!iotion that he has shown for foreignIt requires no extended 'lorgument to aister-in-Ia.w, having married Mr. L' Breton, At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning anci Sa.wing with Circle Band or'l!li:lfol! ' iWS · o ver his own people, and equally for his however, th&t the populace wo1,1ld never prove the import&nce of a well expanded her brother, of Jereev bland. Bawa, and prepare all kin!'ls o~ lumber for carp.e nters nd others for building purpose]·. Qlafety t h ey prevent thoee foreigners from think of approaching the building from the cheat. Apart from the lnoalonble benefits Ornamental and J:'lam P1ck~ts for fences m every style required, made t o ordel'. A writer in the Purple's H ealth Journal <00mpromlsing him further by approa.ching rear, for it w11.s only to be reached · in that to . health, a.n erect carriage .and graceful tells of a debilitated p ..ttent who did not do direction through a perfect labyrinth of movements attract the at_ lhbn." teJltlon of the rnoat at all well on beef tea, but was easily reThen he proceeded rapidly but explicitly ruins, and It was through this labyrinth humble·. It ca.uses them to correct as far stored to hea.lth on a diet of bean soup. \ta det aiil all that had taken ]Jlace between that Mr, Treza.rr and his clerks now retre&t· &s the:y &re able, in their children any ten· The only remarkable thing about this is \him self &nd the consuls of all . the leading eli for the greater security in different direc· dency to awkward stooping, or ungainly tha.t the p11.tlent never expected to derive lf~uropean n&tions, in which ha told them tions, the banker eventually turning up at positions. Apa.rt from the cost and lnconetrength and nourishment from beef tell. t oot Tewfik was hie prisoner, adding th11.t he the Hotel Coulombe &bout the s&me time as venienoe of ex pensive instruments, b11t few alone. Considering that we h&ve upward had i.-eceived the Salta.n's approv&l for all one of his employee reached the war office meet the requirements. In ro&ny caaeii bet· of a hundred thoualllld doctors, and that a tb11.t he had done and t lla.t he had received in order to hand the bank keys aod a short ter results may be obt&lned by 'attendlng to very large proportion of them are fully fresh instructi ons from his sovereign by that note of thanks to Arabi Paaha. A few later Mr. Trezarr once a few simple det&ila, within the reach of a.greed that beef te11 is almost valueless ext;;llornlng's mail, · every one, in the ordinary clothing. cept &e a stimulant, it ia surprising that more re-entered his carriage and uttered the· The boy's pockets are to him a very Im- people continue to look upon it as a food. " I u e vidence of their gennhiene~s," said welcome word, " Home ", "here ls the diamond Order of the portant pa.rt of his dress, 11.nd the natural A bee's worklng tools comprise a variety The blood hornfB spurn~d the dusty sell tendency to keep hie hands in them, When iMedjida, the highest honor which the Sulwith their hoofs, and a.way flew the wellnot actively engaged, there they are neual- equal t o thilt of the average mechanic. The ~n can bestow upon a subject. It is wel·:lJOme t o me chiefly because it prevents his appointed equipage through an avenue of ly found, and if the pockets are properly feet of the common working bee exhibit the !Majest y from again altering his mind. mimosa. trees a.s big as English oaks in full placed, they will inadvertently cause him to combination of a basket, a brush, ·md &pair · throw back the shoulders and more or less of pincers. The brueh, the ha.Ire of which 'With the ~arantees thv.t I at present hold flower. exp&nd the chest. For Instance, the jacket are arranged in symmetrical rows, is only ta :for his active al!iv.nce. he d&res not do eo ; or overcoat should have what is called breast be seen with the microscope. With this <-a.ud the unitad Turkish &nd Egyptian CHAPTER X X. pockets, the opening should be higa and as brush of fairy delica.oy the bee bruahes its < armies, with France neutral, Germany and far back aa possible, puallel with and In the velvet robe to remove the pollen dust with .l i\nstri,. secretly supplying us and Russia Niil.LIE FINDll HERSELF IN A QUANDARY.f line of the body, Instead of low down and wl:.ich it beoomes loaded while sucking up 'and !taly &!most daring l!:ngland to draw Everything was so quiet in that part of transverse as usually found in the ordinary the nect&r. Another article, hollowed'like "the s word, wh&t can ene do, exoep,, perCairo through which Mr. Treza rr pa.seed &spoon, r eceives all ~he gleanings the insect or overcoat. lhali,JB, m ~ke a fr&oa.s with her ironclads &s that he began to hopa that the worst was Tne pants should I h&va: what are carries to the hive. ':stua did at D 11lcigua, like a gre11.t dog bark- over, ing in its kennel but enable to break the called "bip·pockets," and no others. It A olg&r-emoking doctor says tihat when The sole cause of the quietude, however, will then be apparent that, whilst the hands <Chain t hat holds it baok fr,o m biting! If other smokers ask him for a light he oflere wa' that the ;mi.used population had swarm~r.awfik yields to 11.ll our dema.nda he can but are in the pocket· & better if not a perfect, them a box of matches, but never hie cl11:ar. ed to other qua$ra of tneir huge city, leav- position will be assumed and the boy sp&red We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be :remain a puppet king, and I shall be for ing thie portion all but deserted. "Gentlemen suppose," said he, "that I do beaten for t ime. y ears t\:te ree.l rnler of .Hgypt ; whilst if he the m&ny admonl;lons to "Keep your hands thia beoauso my own cigar is not well lightlt was fortunate for the banker that it ! is obstinate, and has to fly the realm &nd wae so, and also that all the way home he out of your pockets," and the accomp&n:ying ed. The real reason ls that I wish to :seek e11.fety in Europe, I shall sit on the bax on the e&r, avoid the ·risk of contagion from 11.ny one We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty yea11e encountered none of the rioters. 1 ivorv footstool and gu&rd the silver throne disease out of the dozen or more whioh may in business here. Arrived a.t Mount Carmel, Mr. Trea:arr for P rince Halim, even ahonld he not ap- alighted from the carriage, and then enter· be tr&nsmitted by putting into the mouth Ignorance Regarding Hydrophobia. 1{1~ for yea.ra. an article infected persona have handled." Now our stock is one of t he largest in t he Dominion and we will Mr. Trez&rr was by naw thoroughly con· ed hie sumptuoua residence with an almost · There is probably more Ignorance a.broad unruffled countenance. The cause of oold waves, Lieut. Woodruff ·~faced that, to use his own inelegant smille, In the hnd relative to hpdrophobia than alithough Paahe. he.d shot up like & But instead of, M uaua.l, proceeding to his most any other diee&se that man or beast ·f theU. S. Signal Service Burea·aays, la not and his valet in order to make \TOCket, he would not come down like the chamber Is heir to. It is quite e&feto say that on an yet understood, lie explains that In various > stick, thaUn fact events liad him the h!maelf more preaent&ble ere jolnlng the average of fifty dogs killed as more investigations and &tudieB ft h&I been ahown regarding no man, eith er J ew or Gentile. ladle1, he w&lked straight to the drawing· '.for emost man in Egypt, and that he would room, where he dieoovered his comely wife than one had there&l rabies or hydrophobia. lih&t "a f a.11 of temperature auooeecl1 or follow· :m&ke a moat unexceptional and brilliant &nd lovely d&ughter already dreBBed for din· Most of the dogs killed as mad &re simply an area of low barometer and a rise precede& FRIE:NDS, W.I! JD.EA N BlJSINESS. imaton for his only child. afflicted with tits. A dog is 1een running eneh an area," and aaks the following ques. .' .,.__.4t1' Again therefore he accepted the w&r min- ner ; for 11.ll he was 1101De1Vhat late, &nd so- around aimleBBly, sn11.pplng its j'ws, from \lon : ··Ia the cold the effect of an area of ciety generally dines at five P. M. at Cairo, Uter'e 'invUa.tion that his entir~ ,family so as to have the entire cool of the evening which foa.m is exudiog, and immediately high barometer, or is the area of high bar" 13h.onld accept the shelter of his pa.Jae~ from at disposal for the promenade, the ride or theory of " mad dog" le raised, and the an- ometer due to decrease of tem'(lerat;ure ?'.' '/!;he possible violence of the. mob. · imal le killed. Should anyone be bitten The pndlctlon of the approach or progresa But when a few minute· ,later he had the drive. visions af a horrible death from hydropho- of cold wa.ves is a.a yet apt to go wrong nine IJ.3m But there were to be no more pleasant ·~a.ken bi,i departure Pasha muttered bia are conjured up, 11.nd for weeks and times out d ten. '.fhe moat intenae cold ridea, drives or promenades in its looallty waves follow severs storms. ¢e 'hlmaolf : "Ah, even he is ready to snap months the victim lives in a coruitant torture for.a long while, and this was an intelll· tat ,me. Little does .be think that l no long- gence th&t Mr, Treziur had to break to his cif fear. Now dogs are subject to fite, esTbe London Mediml Press leams that "11.n iar-liare marry his daughter," pecially in certain eti>ges of distemper, and American lady is driving In u. and f&mlly · .Mr. Trezarr re-entered hla car1iage and " y OU look worried and tired, P11.ul," from other ca.uses, and the s~mptoms of the six horeeB through our provincial towns, at( h:O"Ye back to his bank, meeting with no disease are as above stated. Dogs never be tractillg people by means of her br&BB ba.nd was Mrs. Treza.rr'e first observa.tion. '/further misadventure on the :wa.y than ha.vAt the remark Nellie gl11.nced anxiously come mad suddenly. The disease pr0grees- to accept her device and medicine as from ihig bia hat knooked .off by a stone, another es slowly, and the ~ymptoms are re..dily the world renowned A.meric&n lady doctor. " her father, but said nothing. !llltaaile cutting his coachman's faoe open a towa.rd "Well, my dear, I own to be a little fag- disoemible to one posted. The dog shows The same paper t ell· of an English q uaok il lttle fater. & great fear of light , biding 11.way· in da.rk "now travelling in A meric& with & very ged, but I am a.bout to hke a holid&y." n, whom he exhibits as H aving &lighted he sent the vehicle away "A hol.iday, with matters as they are?" places, and comes out very reluctantly and lo,-ely young woma_ only at the stern comm&nds of its maater. & result of his tnediolne, which, he declares, "to the Hotel Coulomb, in the Eabeliah, with queried the lady of the houae. iirlstrnct1onis to c&ll for him a.s usual a.t four "Yes, my love, for t he bank ls not only It develops an abnormal appetite, eating oau·t11 the perfe<1tlon of her complexion. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. ·:o'cluok, for ta a man of Mr. Trezil.rr's tem- looked up, it le brioked up aa well, and the boards, and. even pieoes of old sheet iron, He sells a tonic, too, to which he a.ttributee 1pera.ment the salety of his bank came before keys are handed over to our exoelelnt tin, &c. It shaws gr eat nervousness, start· the &bundance of her hair, &nd druge for :that of even wifo and child, friend, the war minister, who has ]Jromised lng suddenly in apparent great fear of tome- the er reductlou of flesh t o her The doors and shutters were of course to be responsible for the saf~tv of every- thing, Its coat becom·a dull and rough. standard." Finally, It ehows a great horror for water, 'tli;;ht 'l y closed and all business suspended, thing," replied Mr. Trezarr unctuously. l:lerr H ager, the wealthy German hanker, He has all t he best grades of 'bu t M ~. Trezarr kept hia clerks hard at "Ian't that very like intru·ting a hungry and then begins to w&nder around snapping Is Urn most pi.nctual mau in the world, ...nd &t objects aimleBsly. It seldom moves with ;tb.eir books, and pretended to be equally fox with the c h,.rge of a .P· always carrlea a couple of chr onometers ' ultry yard, pamuch ~peed. Its head is generally held about with him. Thanks to thia ha.bit he 'd oaely engaged in his own. His ears, how- p& ?" inquired Nellie maliciously. low, its tall carr ied well between its lege, la a freq uent victim to pickpockets, as not ·~ver, were on the a' ert to catch what hie It was Mr. Trtzarr's turn this 'time to and its back arched, One who has seen a that is manufactured. 'tUllderlings thcugl1t of the situation, but wear an anxious glanoe, but to s11.y nathing. real m&d dog will never confound it with a week p i sses without l:iis losing on° of his ·they were a set of Intrepid anti &dventurwatches. At .first he had r ecourse .to 11.ll He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, " I don't see the similitude at all, Nel-0ns y1 m».g fellows, whose chief regret scell!- lie," said Mr. Trezarr sev£>rely, " His ex- the anlmal charging around with fits. When kinds of safety chains ; then one fine morn· American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicl· " ' i three or four of the above symptoms devel<ed to be that the emitsaries of Toulba Pa.aha Arabi Pa.she. is at thi~ moment su- op themselves, it is the part of prudence to iDg he took no precaution whatever, and h ad visited the bank during thdr prlncl- cellency F eed, Crockery and Glassware, F resh and Cured Meats, Sausages ~i d_ quietly 11.Uowed himself to be robbed. At ipal's absence to search the .p lace and their preme ruler of Egypt, and, mark my word, kill the dog. night, on returning from business, he took Lard of his own make and rendering. H is life-time experience in t he he will rem&in so, . The jAnt control ie at \Persons tor weapons, taking a.way witn a.n end, and while France will do nothing up the evening paper, when he uttered an ~----~···Ho C~--~--~ Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. them all that they had been able ta find. of delight, and at once started to oppose him. Turkey will actively help It was a new W estern "evangelist " who exclam&tion "AU the better, ' thought Mr, Trczarr, him, and I cannot believe that a British comforted his hearers with tbe remark that off to the police station. This is wh&t he The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is · " for one inca.utlous act might have been liber&l government will really war 011 there was hope for their final sa.vation if had read : ",,about 2 P . M., a vio- of the very best quality. N o trash or poor goods k ept in stock, de~ · ~ur ruin." . a n!Uion for simply supporting the freedom tbev had. "faith as big as a must&rd pl&e- lent explosion took place in a house in Bstreet, occupied by Mr. S - - , 11 wealthy only in th e best goods, which will be sold at the lowest po':lsible prier " Hour after hour paseed'in the gasht .ba.nk~ of its own puliament against a. despot who ter·. " townsman. The hands ef the vlotim are Your pat ronage will be thankfully received. -" with n&ught but the scratching of pens and has cArta.inly tried ha.rd to overthrow it, Lake Glazier, the newly discovered source ahattered and the left eye gone." The the subdued buzz of ooc&sional conversation No, England wlll assuredly come to terms Goods delivered to all parts of the town on shorf'< n ~tice. crafty b11.nker had filled the watchoase with within and a strange, discordant medley of with the only man who ca.res for Egypt, of the Mississippi, is a sparkling lJttle lake, A call solicited. tl!lounds without; now aoft, now ,loud, some- who is oared for br. Erypt or whom the which nestles among the pines of a. wild and dynamite, which exploded during the oper·thlng resembling the monotonous murmur Egyptian peeple will allow to rule over unfrequented region of Minnesota, just on ation of winding, Since that time no.mo1e c of a Summer's sea, but ever and a.non rielng them, I &m now fully convinced th&t thie the dividing ridge whloh forms the great w11.tche1 have been stolen from the person Cash £01· Buttc1·, ·Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beet, Pork a:_.J ·to the shrieking wail of the Winter's temp· is a genuine national uprising, if ever there watershed of North America. It Is about a of Herr Hager, all Fa1·m ~roducc. w&s one, and so directly Egypt's champion mile and a half In greatest di&meter. The · :ellt. Con1tant Reader.-" 'tee, you are right. At last there was a knocking at the street and benefactor iuvited us to he his gueats watera of the lake are exoeedingly pure, STAND Water c!lon run and leap, but it 011.nnot, d oor and the result of an espial through the for' a few daya, I accepted the invit11.tlon," comiog from spring·, AN EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. 4 Story of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon . tion:s in the ·Oarser of 1lrabi Pasha. Revela- Boots and Sl1oes. Keep your feet dry and warm, 0 Parlor Shoe Store/ Good fits warrant ed every t ime or no sale. 0 E :M:: E N""TI N"-G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in st ock; Best quality of Dressing and Blacking STAND:· Neads' Block. W". JENNINGS. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, ·WAGONS, &O. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired J Going,~ Goi11g. ROCKFORD AND AURORA VVATC:S::ES_ Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. C. M. CAWKER, Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. A complete stock always on hand. ~Q)LL :m ~ &:00~ ~ ~Qllf l@ ~L@)lW~ .... :-Town Hall B'ld'g. C .. M. CAWKER. ...