-THE '-~ ,..,.._HOUSE SOLINA. Kirkpatrick is <let.ermined to clear out Ile balance of his winter stock at very low prices. Look out for bargains in HlanketP, U ndershirts and Drawers, Felt Jloots, &c. He will sell you a golld felt boot for $1. !JO, original price, $2.25, and one all le1tthered-up at $2.25, origina l price, $2.65. Come ..long and get a bargain. ~===~ -·~ --===~ · ======~ - ~ Facts are Stubborn Things. A BIG succ· E SS . . -. l I ' J. HIGGINBOTHAI & SON, DR1J GGIST8, D esire to submit a few facts for the consideration of theil" · patrons and friends and the genei-al public: DISTRICT NEWS. H11ndreds attending the BIG BONUS SALE! FOR JANUAR.Y. · For THIRTY DAYS we will give BARGAINS as follows: To every cash purchaser of over $1, a good Whisk, worth 15 cents. . " " 2, a pair of Wool Sox or Hose, any size. " " 3, a good Silk Tie. [pair Kids. " " 5·, Girl's Wool Hood, or Boy's Knit Cap, or " " " " 10 Silk I{andkerch'f or Imitation Fur Cap. " For largest Cash purchase during January, Silver Teapot or Silver Watch, worth $12.00 ' LADIES' AND CENT'S FUR COATS, COAT ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES, and all winter goods must be sold. Come and get our prices. ~STAR ~ HOUSE, STAR HOUSE. T. GEO. MASON. 15. HAMPTON. ' The meetinrr of t h e patrons of the cheese factory" on Saturday was pret t Y well attended. The report was read by the Secretary giving the season's business in detail, wh'i ch on the whole seemed to . fac t ory. . T h e factory worked 'a b e sat is little over five months and a standard cow made $15 net, . 'rherc is considerable specnlati on h ere .as .t 0 w1 cted to 10 WI·11 be the person elH . till the vacant seat at the Counctl H.oard. We want a man in Hamp ton appomted . . L t 't l · d, · to fill that pos1t10n, uu we won Pe ge ourselve· to support any man except he . . ~ to pu' in a good tile drain promises . ' .l 1 t hrough the village to connect wit l tie one iri UJnniskillen and tap all the cellar . . drams e n route. . A mee t. . holders of mg 0 f . tlie 8 liare . , , tne Cheese Factory is to be ~eld m the I o wn Hiill t omorrow at, two clock p. m. W·~ d" o1 ·d a. ·n b tl do.it know what tnc .1 v . en wi e us year,t but aut1c1pate more than fi don't r nt twen Y. ve pe ce · . Considerable loafing tin s week, wood · _ · k gomg u p m smo e. Mrs. Browne of th e parsonage, owing ·l ' bl t t . f to rl ness, was una e o re mn r 0 m Toronto last week. O ne of our macIiumc3 . owmg · t o pre sa ure of business, has no t bBen able to carry out a very important contract. SLOW Box · · -- - · .,..,EWCL iPT'rll , ~-~~-~~- -·~-~----~·-~--~--~~ BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN. L OO.AL N~w·s LETTERS. . · perDay m the Meth~d1st hThe ·l1 a n nual N · sup Y ar' was one of the 1 .e ; ld I c urc on After a1l most success u ever e iero: 1 1d h ad been satiafi l') d a t the richly oac e I l f ., tino wa~ o.-gani:,:ed t ab es, a pat or rn o d d t ·1 in ·the church, winch wa~ crow e . o 1 s t ost capanity P ractical and tunely udmd v ' · · b tl Revs John a ressrn were given Y ieD . · d Learoyd , of Port Hope, A. oxsee an 1 D '.B lfo 1r of ·welcome. The chu rch 1 ' . · · ·a choii: maintained its r eputat10n an d d "d well. A social wrts held in the 'l'emperI I ill n t ance a o he follo wing Tuesday nir.cht· which was well a tt end ed. G rom proceeds 90 00 <!> o ver· '" · · The band concer t given h ere on the 2gth uh . was nuite a success. Our brass J -i ' . bl a nd strmg bands were no Y su ppor·t e d ty talent from Or on o a nd N e" castle. · J · d Mayor Rnnclle actcu as c iairman, an act.ed his part well. . Iias b een spen d mg " The Rev . .A . Leslie his holidays with his aged parent~, near G alt. . Miss Gilt) in of Harrovate E na., is 0 ' Rev. S. s"' ' n -visitin" with the alton. T he Rev J C Bell of Canton preach. . . sermons ' . the ' · M e t1 J.1 , ) .LJ · m 1eel the -anniversary The Salvation .Army have at Ins t got a odist church on the 3rd of J an . '.Che d l t t . al and barra cks and ar e holding meetings nirrht. eermons wer e e oquen a n pr ac Jc were listened to by a good congregation . ly. Wh at is the m att er with our sch!)ol , T he R H S Salton was ma.de the re· fur coa t by his . congreg- never, before were school rnatters so m uc Il cipeut of a .costly atiou at K endall on X mas Day. t alked of. Petition3 are continually · The choir of the Methodist · · ch urc1 1 b emu preaente d t 0 tlie B 0a r d · 'l'he were entertained at t he residence of Mr. B nard passed a resolutiou charging a fee P et hick la>t Friday nig ht. Mr. Pethick's of 25c. per week to each p npil at tending ~~6;t ldWI ~°o~.~~~g1~~\;t~uf;dG~n1" d:wghte~ Minnie, who is a member of the the high school, but was cancelled on t he Bro Moment. ' choir, has r ecently entered the stat(,) of presenta tion of a petition by GO rnte· matremony, and purposes lea.ving h ere, payers, Mias 0 or rell resign ed a;id a ENFIELD. Miss 'l'hornton was school,bnt engaged asshe assistant m.1.h Trusiees of thi's school section ·· and taking up h er r eswence near Colnni- t "a"l1er of the hi"h resign bus. We wish the h appy couple much ed " ~efore ta.king "' chargH and th e high mad a bee one di~y last week fo r t he p ur · 0 · ..,. pose of movi11g the outbuildings t·f th e J Y· f h . bl athool 01)ened on only ·one ·t10n. · 1 8 dd" · one of those · Thursday · J dwith " l sc1 100 1-yar d t o a b etter pos1 A as 10na e we mg t~acher. Mr. W . W. ar m e . cortam Y I t d , 1 h Rever i>l cella rs we re flooded b y t h e · bl tfairs which tl)ok p easan an enJoya ea · . deserves credit for t 110 way ie a.s con:-1 S d d l\1r d k place at t ho bride's par~nts, Mr. James ducted his part. Vi' hen he took charge rains of last un ay an J.On ay wee . 25c. 300 Jacket" 1.50 Reeve'R, Port Britain, recently, Rev, A. of the II. S. there were but 21 names on / A. wedding will probably have taken S. E . BURWELL, of F ingall, Ont., says : 1 75c. GOc_ " " 6.00 Doxsee, of Vv . the r oll, but now there are over 50 . " from a. · u eIcome, um "te d · ~ wedlock place here before this appears in print. - L ast autumn I was eufferinty " " " 4.00. Mr. Thomas Bnllied and M iss Addie On 'I'uesday ev.,ni "ng Jan. 4 tll, Mr·. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Bray, are visiting severe cold which settled on my Lungs 0 l OOc. " Af ti " " 75c. 9.00 . co. u gh for 11.eeves. tel' ie cerem ny and con · urs. .Tan'es n rr " "ght J1eld their Golden relatives near Bra'n tford. bl and prodnced a distressin!l '·' " " 6.00 1 11 ' k 0 f 'a sum1)tuous m ·' " .. Some of our younghmen must e which 1 gave trial to a number of Couf{h u redc '11 ·n.z aild had a, very pleasant !lather J h r ese m Id a ratulations a i;ar.oo ~epast. Th~ preRents to the bride we.r e vv · . . ~ 'i M one lmothPr very muc , ore se ow wou Medicines but without any benefit:. I at numerous and costly. H ere is a partial ing. Tli.ere were present · r . anc r s . a yoong lady get in a buggy with the last tr ied one bottle of Allen's IJUng Bal· list : Mrs. A. P ethick, sil ver cruet stand; W. H. Chaplin, Mr. ao cl Mrs. A. F ergu - wrong young man on a moonlight night 'I sam which I am happy t o be able to state Mr. SLOCUM. gavo almos t i mmediate r elief and per Mr . Brock, a dozen spoons ; M r. T reno.u th ' son, E lswort h and ,1.r1d Mrs. son, J ohn MissDouglas, Louisa Mrs. and · formed a p erfect cure in a short t ime. . 1ass ; l\1 r~. B · rock' a silver . Emma Hedges, Dr. Farncombe, Rich ·rd a la.rge look rngg cake basket; Mrs. J . B alhed, set of ?lnna; Col will aud Miss and Mr. Col will, Mr. E BEN .EZ ER . The Rev. J . F. Ockl ey, of P ort Perry, Mrs. W. I~eevtls, glass tea set; Miss M. Pl M.' p C .A has received a m ost hearty nnd nnauimk enouth L ovckin, Miss Miss Mc ierso u, ~ a iss I The annual s u pper of t h e Y . . . . , ous invitat ion to assume th~i pa~tora.te of . · H· T · r:> · ' Char Allie les F erguso11, Stackhouse nd fat E i'benezer, will be held on Tuesday, P ethick, a pie le cruet ; IV d ·1 ver sp'uons '· Mrs" ozen SI ' .l\f I etl11ck Miss Webster, from 'foronto, Mr. Toi·gio, Jan. 19 1886. Supper will be served the Picton First Methodist chur ch, and fau cy lamp; M iss D . Ellil)tt , celerr dish; Or ono, a nd others. After a very plea.sent from 5 t~ 7 :30 p. m., in association room, ·h as accepted. Miss E. R ee\'es, fancy lamp;:.iss :· evenina had been spent and a very grand · after which a good pr ogramme will be $500 REWARD !- We will pay the above Elliott, silver . pickle cruet ; · rss · · supper° had been partak en of the pa~ty r endered, conflisting of readings, :1'ecit~t- rewar d for a.ny case of liver complaint, - -- - o · - --Trenouth, glass pitcher an~ cush10J?-; Miss went each to their separate homes leavm g tions, vocal and instrumental music. A dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, Reeves, clleese. d ish ; . . Miss A. f bl l . <\.dult ,,~ constipation or costiven ess we cannot cure L euy Trenoutb t oilet set, silver frm t basket ; kind ly wishes or the venera e coup c. good tim'3 is expecLe0 . . J . · . .,o(;_; . _ W t' V t bl L . p·n h I 10d · a ' · d lb M B 11· We notice in the last issue of t he Children, 15c. A cord ial mv1tation is wttJi ' cs 8 ege a .e iver i. s d, w. e hn d t ll J.\IIrs . Bu h e , a um; r. u ' · . , . J. Whitlock, Pres ., S. the directions are strict y comp ie wit · 1 and 1 STATESMAN a correction f.romK1r by, which . extent1e o ~ . T hey are purely vegetable ne ver fail fam ily bible. - - - ··- - - · says David Gibson obtamed 489 m~rks Courtice, Sec Y· t o give ~atisfaction. La;ge bottles coo. i~1stead of 389 at the entra~1ce exarnin1~: - -- - - - - tainiug 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For OSH .A W ..:t sale by all d ruggists. Beware of counter t1on h eld he re at X mas, berng. the h g .· · feit.s a.nd im ita tions. The genuine manu T he Joseph B all M11chrne Works were eat of any candidate. We wish. to say closed do~n for a few days last week, th~ high~st nnmber was ~88 ob:amed b~ factll recl only by J oHN C. W~;s·i· & Co. , a httle g,1rl of eleven years, Mary R en 81 Kin"·st E 'l'oronto s tock takrng. 0 Mr. G. L. N ott has completed his On N ew the barn and handsome . YB ·' n s "hould no t blow at11bles own ed by Mrs. D own ey and reut c 1. St t1Vo story bnck residence on lll!! . oys or yon ng me b .,. I" Sl d L 13 E t e ma " . . - 1 1 ed y m r. :.ogor .. iepel' , ot , <as Messrs. E . B . Morgan and Joseph m SClCO · r . . Whitby, were set on fire and burned to G ould opened the sel\son's trade by ~ev. W.. R.. Vi alker is conduct<11 g If"~ . - . tlrn ground. Two hor ses being in tho shipping 136 head of prir~e Canadian- revival service~ m the Methodis~ church . - - ···--.. EAT~!;N't__ j stable a t the time were roasted alive. brad cattle on the steamslup T exas, on 'l'he Methodists and Presbyterians eld Dr. E. c . West's ]Jerveand Bram Tre.a.ti:nent, Deware of the medicine reuresen ted as d l t ayer mee tinas last week a g-uaranteec\ spec1Gc for Hysteria; D1~uness, 1 . II - d D · 0 · Satur ay as · union pr Convulsions. Fits. Nervous, l'> euralgia, Head- .1uet t he siime, or fu y as goo , as . .Lt. The rniuaionary ser·~iceo ill the M e tcalf Our mun icipal 1i1lect10.n passed off very 'a:che, Nervous Prostr»tion, caused by tho USO s~ll'l.'Jl's G1 m.A'.l.' GEltMAN vVORM RllMEDY 1' ' fl,i\f!; ' and Simcoe S t. Methodist churchs. on q metly,t.he members bemg all elected b~ tYi a1~~~~i~~. 0§ ft'.!i~~0 f't\_~t~~~~~o::aufil~~lf~ by dealers who sell t ho ~rticle t hat l?ay,s Sunday lost were well attended consider- acclamat10~, for R c>eve- J. J. R ?beon ' in anity and Jee.ding to misery decay and death best, r egardless of merit. D r .. S1m~h s has now in stock one of the most elegant and exren~;~ .., stocks of tf' ·'., ing t he very disaaret,able day. I for Co11no1llors - Muasr s. D. Alltn, T . !'/e!Jlaturc Old .age, Barrennese,Lossl 0 f Powetr Great German Wor m R emedy is bemg 8 porma ' o D l G A J. b d F J m e1t.her sex, Involuntary Losses an< d d b ll l t f r 9 · Mr T. M. Shirley is pot ting in a larg& . oug as, · · a,co , Jr.. a n · orrhoea caused by_ over-exertion of the Brain, on orse y a as a p eaean , sa e, re 1- Boots, Sltoes, Felt and Rubbct" Goods, Trnnli 'i' Valist.. J l ' 1 s · 11 his front shop window Hedges. selr·abuse or over·mdulgerwe. Each box con· able and prompt r emedy for t he femoval ~nsa tcltels , &c., in tbc Cou11ty, ·........ p a. e g afiresocc u · · l tains one th's treatment. $ 1.00 a box. or six or In )i worrn s from 1 raceso f t h e N ew- boxes Three ured inOshawalastweek, Thesevent1annua. for mon $5.00,sentby mailprepnidonreceipt of .s t omach an d Beat . _ cl~1lcl or abult. It is easy to take, n e_ver All of which has been bought for cash in the wo ..t df'prP~"ed markets~ · b which t he entira contents of the cellar castle '!'rotting associat ion will be h el d on of price, f .}'.S J M· ·t· . ' l · ·l . ·t . the paint Wednesday and Thursday , Jan uary 20th W c G uaa·a1tt·e c Six IJloxcs fails, absolutely . har mless, and requires He is now disposing of them at unliearrl of low prices. o · . · ...u m s mn wai e s or~, . _ ,' , d 21 8 t no after physic. Sold everywher e. blacksmith and wood sh ops of B arn bridge s an 'l'o cum any case. With each. order. rec~ived p . 2" t · · The whole stock must be sold irrespective of 1 r icPs. Now is y o1.1.1 . .. carria crc factory and a · frame d welling by us for six boxes, accompamed with $a, we rice o c B. We~e d"cst r·oyed also the roof of D ingle's S ick headache 1 and 11.ll liver diseases will send the purehasi:r our written guarantee time to get :first -class goods for a mere trifle. Competition nowhere, . ··" ' , · d imme ' d" " er. p 1 ·na · effect to refund the money 1r the issued treutruentdoesnot Call andsee Goods jus~ implement factory baclly damaged. The y1el mte1Y t a W est' a L 1\ a cure. Gu11.rantees only by J No. r ecei vcd at the theNewDress \ Vest End House. total loss is about $7,000. Sagar Coated. All dru~gi&ts. ', C. WEst·& Co., il King St., East, 'Torontc. NEJV TUNVILLl!J. I I fw .m ~e ORONO. Subscribers to the STATESMAN who have form.,rly received this paper receive at. An: drus· Book~trire will herea.rter 1t att.hePostofllce, Mrs. F. Hoslrnn. of St. Thomas.is visiting her fa ther, Mr. '1'. Daneaster.T . ... Taylor, <!f atMiss Mr. L')ttle 'J'bos. McComb s.Newcastlc, is v1s1tmg Rev. F. Farncomb, of Bobcaygeon, prca.c~ed !Joll f\Xcellent Missionary sermon in St. l:lay:J onr·s church Sunday last. ~.'heplace first on meet.fog of t.hc the 18th ne~ council will take Mon clay mat. . T h e Salvation Armylof t11i'.' place are prepar· Ing for a grand Demon stra.tion and Banquet on the 2ith inst. A meeting of t.110 members of the Orono Musical a nd Literary Society is called !or Monda.y eveni ng tSth .inst.,in the Sons Hall. We he:tr that ihn fri ends and supporters or ;J, Car vet h, Esq., purpose honoring that gentleman with a gmnd banquet shortly. O.rnno and. Kendall Cheese l!'actories have cl;ui.nged haud~, Mr. H. H. Brentnall. ot Belle· ville, an expencnced cheese maker. has next now full charge. and intenrts rnoniniz them season undor the "~.w svstcm. _'l'he _Proepc~t of aga11?- ror hav ug .ji20, 000 co.nnng rnto Uus Townslup cheese rn grattfnug. . On Friday last as .lVfr. J as. 'J'l10n1e wa.· dr1v· ing aloJJ g tho road, h is hOrs(} became frghtened ttt the rnttleor some em pty \Jarrels on Mr. U. I:Iockin's wagon a.nd ran away, thro~ing him bet~~en the wheels t~nd the B hu.fts, m ".'h 1 el~ position he him was severely. earned a cons1 ni\Jlcalso d1 st..ren ce iujuring The de hor;c ceived lJJjur.ies,- N,,1cs. 'l'he followrng arc tho officers or Orono Lodge. A. o. u. w .. tor current tcrin- P M W- C n Borland; M W- R McJ,eod; li'oreman- It Nott· Overseer .·- J Dr ~Valkoy : 'l'ucker. Recorderlt Ferg;,.son; Fin!lucierMM P. M. W .; lteceiver- lt l\'Tonient,P. M. W.: GuideJ \V - W Mc.Loo d; 0 W- lt 'l'ho new officers o( Orono Lodge, A. I~. &. A. M·w ,are: M- '1' SecSmith ; J S Coulter W- U McA!dcn; J - AwGrilfln· .T : 'l'reasG H Linton: Cb!Jop- Jno Cai:veth ; · .1:- n. 1 Mc: J,eod. s D--Jos S trn [JSOII" J D- ltobt I·ergt1son ' 1 G--Jno Scott; DC- A J Lockhart. Division Sons oe 'l'empeeanc"·, ofli~ers for curr(}nt PFrank ::Squair Sarah quarter:-W 1.'ourgte· R SFlorence Heic\; ;AW UA :::> - Hattie llat,ten;' F C- Edwin Thornton; 'l'reas - Geo L Hae; Chap- Artlrn; Power;. Coi:!A oConJ oss1e SLntt. Cut(oll, I :SJohn Jtobe1·t·on; Herschel Shoulta:, a- William Officers Royal 'J'emplars of 'l'emperance,-S F Hall· Y I-Iugh8on; C-E Billings, P C-LltRao; Mom· en · Cha., 1,> - C J Sec- Geo F Sec, R B 'l'horn~<m; 'l 'reas- D A. Gam~by; ~~m~~1i.lliamson; O~N g::iiscJ_: The Toronto Board of Trade now num- FACT N o. 1.-We have never resorted to meaningJess advertisements bers 820 members. to keep our business afloat. The Simcoe-st. M ethodist church at FACT No. 2. - We understand our business and know when and Oshawa is now lighted with gas. where to buy. W. C. Beard has been appointed postmaster, at Manchester. l J!'Ac 'l' N o. !3.-·-We have al ways bought ou1 · goods for catih and got the cash discount. Dr . Bascom ha~ been elected the first Mayor of Uxbridgs town . The Peterbor o Bueines! College has .~'AC'l' No. 4.-We never make purcba.ses from second class h ouses. now 125 pupils in attendance. FACT No. 5.- N o house, either in this country or in any other, buy F ound ! that West's Cough Syrup is their goods better or sell their goods cheaper than we do. the best for coughs, colds, and all throat FACT No. G.- We have always done our business on the square ancl and lung diaoaees. A.II druggists. shall continue to do so. Mr. Chamber lin, an old resident of :Brook lin died on Monday, Dec. 29. We have 5nst r eceived a large and well 11ssorted stock of goods suitable for the R ev. J. Harris, rector of St. 1'homaa eeason, comprising : chnrch Brooklin ia very seriously ill. LADIES' DRESSING C.ASES OF ELEGAN'l.' DESIGN AN D FINISH. World's Best. West's Liver Pills, a GENTS' DRESSING CASES CH, ELEGANT DESIGN AND FINI SH. sure cure for liver co mpvaint, dyspepsia, sick h eadache, and indigestion. 30 pills, HAND MIRRORS in great variety and style ; HAIR BRU~HES n ot exclled in 25c. .All druggists. . either t own or city ; CLOTH, 'l'OOTH, N.AIL aud t<HAV1NG BRUSHES; . The a nn ual meeting of the Pickering S H .AYING MUGS, &c. ; French, English, German and Amer1c..n PERFUMERY. Oh ee~ e Co. will be held on th e 2ith inst. W e invite inspection and comparison and will bo satisfied with t ke Phonogra. phy is being auc<lessfully verdict of a discerning public. taught in the Whitby Coll.igiate Instituta. "Vest's \Vorld's \VondM, or 1ra.mily Linimimt, a never failing cure for rheumlLtism, neuralgia, cuts, bnr ns, bruises, woun ds, and frost bites. ,25 ancl 50c. All druggists, Mr. R o bt . Lukey, a rP.sirlent of Cobourg for forty years.died suddenly a few days ago. We do n ot sound a. need!t,ss alarm when we tell you t hat t l1e taint of scrofula i~ in your blor· <l. Inherited or ucqnirAcl, it is there, and Ayer's Sarsa.parillli alone will effect ually ~radicnte it. The Reform Associa.tion of South Ontario meets nt Brooklin, on "Vednes· day, Janu11.ry tho 18. Tho new Methodist church will be opened at Por t Per ry 01i SunJay and Mo nday, Jan. 24t hand 2uth. "INDIGE81'ION." You have tried nerybhing fo r ib follnd no hel p. We are no doctors, but can offer a prescription that h as cured very many, and it might <.: Ure you as well ; it costs but a quarter dollar, and can be had 11.t any Draggist s-f p D · , ·r" -~ Ail 1 c or erry av1s . AIN-. \ ILLER. The Roman Catholics of Belleville are about building a new chnrch, to cost between $20,000 and $30,000. M"r. J. Parki nson, the night watchman Cobourg-, wa.s recently presented with a. purse of ninety- fi ve d ollare, by t h e morchants of the town. 1.'" R · F.·tnvE~.· "LE",' a1 1d softe11s tl1· ~ . . n rl,1."l' ~ ~kin. Tha regular nse of Mumuy & LA N UAN's F.r.ORIDA "VAT Eit at the toilet tends to prevent and remove wrinkles, the softness nf the sk in pr odnced by it . away t iie natnra l inc . ma . t·in kmg 1011 o f t l .1e 1 furrows. lll c11 t1cle to form rnto ridges ;ind On l\fonday forenoon las~, a little boy son of J oseph Stephenson, of the 4th . l ta d l. con. p· 1 c k ermg, 11s l e ft h ao d ba d l y mangled in a threshing machine. The aunual meet ing of the a.gricultur· al Society of "Vest N orthumberland will be h e Id· "es Cotmm ·1Ch am b er, m t h o Coun t 1 Cohourg, on 'vVednesday, January H a11' s v egeta.bl e s· ·1· . R cnewer ici 1an H . air impar ts a fine gloss and freshn ess of the liair, and is highly recommended by pl1yaicia ns, ClergymeJJ, a11d scien tists, as a preparation accomplishing wonderful r e· a cert am · r e111ed Y f or r emov. su It s. It rs ing dandrllff, making t he scalp white and clean, and reetorin!l ~ grey hair to its 20c. Dress Goods . ...... . for I 5c. ::S2.7J Blanket.;; . .. .... , . . for .,.2,00· youthfu l color. 30c. " " " 22c. 4.20 Rev. David Mitchell has r esigned the " " 3.15 pastorate of tho J ohn S treet Preabyte- 40c. " " " 30c. 5.40 ' rian chn r ch,Belleville, and acce!Jted a caQ " " 4.00 to the '.l.'hird Presbyterian Church Jersey 5 Oc. Ladies' Felt Hats .. . _ " 25c. 2.00 Ulsters . .. · ... . . . .· " 1.25 City, N . J . 5c. 7 A very destruetive fire occured in Clarke " " " 60c. G.00 " '. ' . . . . . 4.00 Thursday week, by which Mr. Jas. Row· J·r1d, broken front,lost !1is barns,stablos, 125c. ~ " 75c. " 10.00 " " '. " 7.00 sheds a.ad contents. T ho t otal loss amounts to abo ut $1, 705. 50c. Kid Gloves. . ........ " I OUR . GREAT SIXTY DAYS' SALE OON""TI:NU-E S -W-ITE: 1 Unequalled Success ! ----o- - -- GREAT i " ., " ., ,, REDUCTIO NS will be made this month order to effect a clearance. ----o---- 20~h. Read the following · . .. ..... . .. .... .. .. .... . ......... .. PIERCE~ (} 0. 0 · · ' ADECIDED VICTORY High Prices Cut to Pieces! s., HEA LT H I s w EA LT H j~st ~~~· £{~~·~ ~a~·38~ b:~~"a~t 0 ;!~at p!~e Y~ar's Ev~ j 0 0 :bLC_ TRELEVEN·" ~