r )on't fail to see the Davis Sewing M .. chine at work in Bowmamille nex· duesday. l<'eb. 3rd, under t he manageK nou' l'c: Know Ye All: Men, women and childrer.-that the great staff or Aditors,wh · mc t of J . Fail-bairn Scott, Esq., of headed by Dr. George'l'hm·ber. have kept all the A me1·i<an Ayr{c nlt 11rali,qts 11t tl·e Iron~ for T .fontu. E:s:bibition free. Competition ~wenty·tlveyears, are now r·~·c11 forcc<l by Cheatei· P. Dewey and Seth Green, the 1"1sh {Jnltu·\Vo purpose to add to the hundreds of thousands of homes, in wluch the ist. d eliecl. All 0thcr Sewmg Machines l eft in Lhe shade. Jf you dout believe it come a11 ~l ~ec the proof for yourself. DOMINION ALLIANCE.-The Annual Convention for 1886 of the Ontario is read, and revered from the Atlantic to the Pacific as '.an old time friend and counselor. We . Branch of the Dominton Alliance, for the are a oo ordrngly enlarging the rnppressiug of the Liquw Traffic will be llE.lU'l'H, illOUSEHOLO, Ai'liD .ltl' ENILE Dt:P.lltnrnNJ'i;, held in tl1e'l'emperance Hall, Temp<irance adding other features. so that it is to be, tram this time onward, essentially a ncn..1i ll>'erStreet, 'l'oronto, on '£nesday anct Wed - and i mlkul, as well as bcinl{ d evotcd to Agriculture and Hortlcnltul'e, Every person who Jmllltt11·icc . and U Cl'nfs for postmg book. mo.lnng $:A.Ii& nesday, li'eb ruary 2nd and 3rd,commcnc- ·llutel v sends us $ 1.liO tl·c su 1JscrJ11t11111 1 :111, will receivA the A. H.,RICA " ,ua:u:uJ:l'U!U,,,·r roi· 188G, and the .AltU>ltl t:AN A l.:lll· ing on T uesday, at 10 30 a. m. It is iu c;11 J.1'1JJUS1' I,,\ \ V 111101{, just pubhshed,- a Compendium of every dav Law for Farmer!f0 expected that this meetin~ will bo un- Mechonica, Business men, Manuractnrel's, P.tc.. enabling every one to be his own law)'"'" n i !J usually large and· nterestin~. Arrange a largo volU1», wei~hrn~ one pound and a lrnlt, and elegantly bound in Clotll ancl Gold. '1'110 ments have "Leen made to secure the co- A1nenccin Aorw1ilt1inst oper:\tion of al~ cl,i~~es of temperar,ice workers and discuss10n s upon the d ifferent que~tions counec.ted with. the prohibyield bigger return~ by increasing its groat army or: readers. Vl'e di!'hibuted 60.(HlO Preli· itory moveUlant wi ll b.i initiated by to ents to those who aicled m the worK last year. anc l we are plan1111n to ii:ive lOU,otlll D'rcsen"4 prominent gentlemen of ability and ex- to workers this year. Send for confldeotal 'l'ernB for workers, when you forward yonr snt... seript1ou. Subscription pl'ice, l.;,a a year; amgle n11m bers, 15 cents. perience. Sc1til .... c·cu t., for IU 1 l ill n g }'O nr grntul clouhlu 1uuulu~1· or U·e A111c1 ·icn.n Agricult u ril P1rnsnvna~Y .·- -The Regular Qum-terly j u st ·ml, :uul sa m;1lc 1·agc· witl1 l"blc n·ul ctmtenl· ot" J.n w J~o oli. meeting of the Whitby L ' resbytery was belcl ia St. Paul's church, BowmanCANVA.SE R S WAN'r ED EVERYWHERE. ville, ori Tuesday. rnch inst, There was A414lrc~s l'UBLISIU:l tS AllU:RJC .lN .~GJUCIJJ,TliltBST. r51 Uroa4Jw:iy, N. Y . . !Bei_th, a full attendance of clergymen and xau:r:~~~:etstC:!! :;crge~.P~~~!~mo'sX Mr Prower, Reeve, and Dr0 ])AVID lV ··JUDD, Pres't, S,\U'L R lllC:\'H,l~I, Sec'.)". · Dep-Ileeve, have been attendmg ountics elders. The R ev. Mr. McClelland, of It must have been a novel sight in the Council t his w~ek. A Ashburn, was appoint ed Moderator for Tyrone church last Sunday night to see Mr. 1\1. P orter has been decbrcd ol ect- the next twelve mouLhs. The PresbyOUSE TO LET.-Good 7 roo med The J ammry number of The Century is Rev. Geo. 'l:fassard leading 11 young m:i.n W d tery at bo th i ts s ittrngs, deliberated out of print, and a new edition of 5000 brick \Jonse. Pos~e·sion l!'ebi·uary Jet. out of the sacred edifice by the lug. ed to fill the vacancy in t he W est ar IS 0::-1 EACil PACKAGE. lSBG. Apply to L. CORNISH, Jeweller, Bowup·n'1 r emits sent down from tha General copies is on the press. The publishers ruanv11le. at the Council Board . 3tf CnEAl' Wooo, - 1\foClell:i.n & Co . are Assetnbly. The principal of these related have had to increase t he edition of the I n 1· a i 11 t i n g· u s e sellmg good gr een hard wood in quantiWe will send t h e Daily Globe (evening to Ji' oreign Mission work, :i.nd the better ANTEU-Ladies and gentlemen i11 Feburary Oenfory, since it has been printties <·f Four Cords and upwards at only edition) free to any arldress in Canacfa support ancl manageme nt of the aged and ing, on account of the extra demand for city or country to tA lte light worlC a' their own homes. $ :} t.o !fU 11. d<Ly can be $4.25 per cord, delivered to any part of four months for $1.00. intirm Mmisters' fund. The htter is not this "Midwinter" number The editors easily made; work aeor bv m «il; no cauvs;slng. the town. Mr. J. L estock Reid, of Port Hope, was ~upported as it had tiught to be, an<l the sen t in ward t o the publishing department \Ye have i::oocl dema.nd for our work 11,nd furmade only from carefully cleaned seed Rev. A . L eslie, of Newtonville, occu- in town on Werlnes<lay, collecting for the fe.ilm~ was hearty and unanimous.that a a few days ago that "if the public only n·stl steady cmplovmP.nt. Adnress. with stamp, and absolutely fr~e from adulteration. l 'UOWN .H'l"G t:OHl' A'J\', 2!1.J,'i'm e St., t;lu· pied t h e pulpit of St. Paul's church last Williams Men101fal Fund. opecif1l effort should be made t o rMse fifty knew how good tlrn F ebruary number is elunnli. Ohio The Best m the Cheapest. Sitbbath, tl2e I\istor having been absent l"tonew subscriptions to STATESM.A.N by O" a h undred thonsand dollars, IJ,S a cap- going to be, the l aigest edition [consider11Yover '200 ' 000] would b e ex b austod on W ANTED-LADIES lotowork for us preaching J\'[1ssionary sermons at N cwton- Feb. 2nd and y uur name will n.ppear on ital bum, to be inves-ed in stocks or on a> at tbeil' own homes. $7 $l0 per week paid-up list to be· published next week pro pcrtv mortga!!e, the rnterest to be the day of issue." JURY, AGENTS · ville and Kendall. & · ca~ be quietly made. No photo. painting; .nD 1levotad 'to the beneliciant>s of the fund ___________ _.."'."'"_.."""!~~~~"':"~ '1 can vassing. l<'or full p:;rticuJ,.rs, please ad~ Henry's r eput:i.tion as the best Photo- sure . c;!_ress.ott 91!4?~: <]rescl!nt .~rt 9<1·: Boeton,Mass,1 Me:.mtime ministers and toarapher is fully established. If you Miss Caro McDowel l, of Ontario Ladies' i;foresaid. BOWMANVILLE MAltK:ei',l'S, "'""' 6170. w~nt an elegant and nat ural po~trait of College, \1\7hitby, ha~ been spendmg a few sess1onE1 were urged to m'll>e specid yourself, call at his gallery on Kmg St., days with h er sister, Mrs. T E. Higgin- C'ffor ts to in~ere~t wealthy p,;oplti in the ARM: FOR SALE.-113 acres, Lot V, Col'rectc·l by .Jol u1J.ylc, cvc1·y Thnr s<in)'· rna·,ter. Rev . L. K. Smith, of Galt, was Con., 2, D uliugton, witJ:iiu l~ miles of Bowruanville. botham, of town of Bowma111 ·ille. Goo<! Briclc oentro J"AVIES, Tailors, Experts, M echanics, recommended to the General Assembly l<'LOU!t, 'IJl' 100 fus ....... · , $2 10 to $2 50 Dwellin<;>; "Under water, famine; under snow, and commodious out lrnildings, good aB next year's Moderator. SimultaneousEverybody come and see the Davis SewWHEAT, Fii,ll, ' t lY bush ... , . 0 75 11 O 80 01·charc1,1wel l watered. Soil first clns~. One or bread," says the old proverb ; hence DRUGGISTS & OPTICIANS, 0 70 ~ 11 0 80 the best form· in 01Hham, Co. 'l'erma reason" S tn farmers all welcome the last snow storm. mg M achine at work in Bowman ville on ly with the Presbytery, the W. F. M. pr g, able. Apply to Rottr. Frnr,oi:sG , Bowm!U:-vllle, , 8ociety Associatiou,held its annual meet- BARLEY, 'JP' b ush .... .. . . . 0 55 11 0 70 o. 2·tf, Ravo bean appointed Agents !or the sale of It is a question. however, whether water We<lneoeay next. rng, which was largely attended. Mrs. RYE, II · · · · · ·· · ·· 0 53 II 0 55 -~- - . - - - - ._, ~ or snow has come down the most abundRev. E. Robert8 will preach in the -- theHard<>, of Toronto, wa5 present. Her 11 antly this winter. Queen St. Methodist Church n ext SttbOArs, ·· · · · · ·· · 28 11 33 arldre.s at the d >fferent Pl'esbyterial ses· A LA.SKA srEC'rAU LE ~ Mr. M . C. R ose, Newcastle, is selling batlt ; the evenmg sermon will impro\·e sions and at the ma·s meetwg at night, PEAS, Blackeye, 'IP' bush.. . O 83 11 O 87 11 Small, 11 0 55 11 0 60 FIRST. -30 acres or lot 8 in the 1st concession the Armstrong steel cutter ge:i.r; by at- the death of Mrs. Isaac Hobbs. a nd i;YE G l~ASSES · . were perrna.:11ve, thrillrng and affective . 11 Blue, O 55 11 o 65 of Darlrngton. lymg unmediately south or the taching this geitr to a buggy bux: a comA small audience greeted Prof. Lawson 'l'he t otal amount r~is~d by the society cemetcr3 ·. They are Cheap est because they plete cutter is formed for less than ho.If on W edne5day night, but his elocutionury dnring the year exceeded $650, about B UTTEll, b est bible, 'If)' lb. . . 0 l u II 0 16 SECOND.- The So11th uo acres of lot 16 in the LAitD, ' I P' IL .··· ···· . ... ·· 0 10 11 0 13 third concession or Oarhngton. and the North the price of an ordinary cutter. Every &flort was highly appreciated hy all $150 in advance of last year. are the best. O 18 11 O 1n ~G acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the Eaa ~ ~~ cl ~ set fully warranted. present. He deserves full houses. ' " ·ir o,, · · · · · · · · · · ' · · " same concession They are clear, brilliant and ee.ey fltting e.nd PoTA'rOES, 'Ir bush ........ 0 35 II 0 40 'l'nmo.- Tho South 100 acres of Jot ?;; m the WOMAN'S DELIGHT.- We candidly beMrs. Hibbert met with a very painfU will last many years without change. lieve that no article heretofore sold in this accident on Saturday List. In returning A. 0 U. W.SupperandEntertain- DnEsSED Hoos 'Ill' 100 .. , . 4 50 11 5 00 . third conce~sion of Da1 ling ton, ""d the Nortl:.· HAY. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 9 00 " 10 00 erly 60 acres <>f the cast half of lot 25 in the ment at Brooklin.. town ever g:ive such 1111iversal satisfactio11 home from town , she slipped on the s1cleA f11ll line of same concession. as the Eagle i::iteam Washer sold by Mr. walk ancl foll breaking the s1nall bones o All the above will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. 'l'lmo for payment and terms will John N . Kivr-11, Bowrnanville, the gener- her wrist. The annual supper and entertainment N l'Ul '.21.onertisem.ents. be made very easy to satisfactory buyers. ~'or al agent for Durham. Well, if it was the last$ it woulc have of Brooklin Lodge No. 107, of the Ancient . ~~~~~~~~~-~,-~ particulars apply to D , BURKE SIMPSON, F OR PROTECTING "It looks like old times" said a lady to to be scut for the S1·ATE8MAN; its weekly ~rder, of%Unite~ Workrne1~, cam~ off last j BULL FOR SALE. - Thorough· bred Vendor's Solicitor 11 tf. Short Horn Bn11, 2 yeR.ra old, "Darlington a S1'A 'l'ESMAN'representative last week, "to visits are highly apprecm·ed . We t ender I nesd.iy night ,md was a mal?mficent · 'l'he supper was provided by !!ero," ~ire" >:ic·.~lr." by Mr. Dryden's rarnous see Mr. McLean in McMurtry's store it our best wis heR- .\frs. M. A . C., l?1\i1·- success. the wiYes and daucrhters of the L odae B~rou Surmis.e (imported\, No. ~· B.A.H B. 0 ' again. Our folks used to deal there a mount, Grey Co. . "' · He is a well bmlt and very pNm1 s10g amnnl ; und for v11riety and real culmary excel· b~autiful color. Come and see him at Rase· constall.tly on hand. Also good deal years ll!!O, and I always liked to Ottr offer of the SnTESMAN to one old Ienco we have sP.ldum s»en it surpassed. lan!1vale Rtock Farm. \V. WERRY, propriet,!lr. J OHN p~~Hcv, S1r.N. beg· to ret11rn his sincere have him wait on me." nnd one n ew subscriber tor $1.50 a year Jt was fit for a King. The literary pro- Sohoa P. 0 . a. t hanks to h1s.numm·ous customers &nd frle~de l'tlag niCying Glasses, n ' 1 k d for lhe very hberal patron&ge extended to bun FINE FARM 1ro1t SALE. - That very de- 1s withdrawn. We have come to this gran~ was b egun a b out " o c oc - an L ADIES ! LADIES! !-Dressmakers !'1 Bowm!'-nville for over 30 years, and with a. sirable farm, situated just outside of the cleci~ion on account of the trickery it has fnr111shecl B ead h 1g G l asses, two round hours of pleasure and others em bra ·e the 0 11e opportunity st enrllly mcrellsrng ,busmess 11.nd adv:ancm~ town on the 10rth-east, is now 0ffered for eucotwaged amon g some otherwise honest "tl j' t B D H ll"d · . ..:J W ) bfU'S, he has taken mto p11.rtner11hi v l11a son. w1 t_PrO 1 . . ro. . ~ 1 ,iy, JI.,·· . ., an d le<i:t.n. to be 11 hr3t c class cutters of 1a a· ie~ J ohn Porey, Jr., whose reputation, both Prolllicr oscope!!I, &c., sale by Mr. R. Fielding, the proprietor. subscribers. esided with unqualified acceptance. l'n~ chlldien 3 gflrments by Prof. Moody~ Ne\\ , indal and Local. is such as to need no comIt is one of the b est farms in the county \. 11 H 11 d . d R b on Tailor System of Dress an<l Mantle Cutting. by rnent. The flrm 'will hernafLer b~ known as 'J'hc choir of the Queen-st. church is ~c es~rs. 1 rno ~, o t . ay ,tn . ? ms Squur" Measurement, and therebysa.ve tune J OH~ PJ::HCY & SON. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. and should find a re1.1,cly sale. See n.dvt. tively engaged in making preparations for furmshed capital music 0 11 v10lms and aud moi)ey. No more paper .or pat,terns, but \ A northern young lady writes us a most a Grand Scarccl Conoert and Organ Reci· or"'all The Choral Union lead by Mr. draft direct on yonr materi.e.l. I ertect flt In connection with thtl above, .Tonn Percy &; o · ' . guaranteed. Our duly authorised and compeSon woµld inform tile public generally that. GR.RND TRUN~ RAILW AY. tender and sympathetic letter to forward ta!, in connect10n with the opening of R Moore, formerly of Bowmanville, sang tent Agent Miss Muir. of 'l'orouto. will teach they tend c1 irri·rng on at the same st11nd, to the groom who was represented in the their n ew organ, sometime duriug first several appropriate glees in real fine ijtyle the ladies or Bowmanville 11:nd Slll'ronnding Silverin :oitt·cet, Bowmanvillo, a lir~t claRs Horse 11 · d l f country thoroughly for a nonuna.1 sum. for the · d News last week as being "arrayed in one part of March. BOWMANVILJ,E S'.l'ATION. t\n d receive . we merit~ itpp a.us.e. a ter next few weel·se.t !\fr. Allin'd, east or McC!ungs Shoeing and General Rlucksmithing Bc.ainess, they hope by strict attent10u to the of his happies t smiles," and adds she, " I Opened out this week at Couch, John - every rendit1011. R eadm!is m different Foundry, Bowmanville. Call and see or send where wants or tlle public. to maintarn a.nd increa.se ' ..?. GOING EAf:T G OING WEST hope his thin attire did not c:i.ose him to ston & Cryderm:i.n's a lot of beau tifu 1 nialects were given by Mr N. Campbell fo1· circulars ·tl).d be convmced. w.e have their repntttt10n A~ one of t he firm intends . . · ' much plea~ure in refe1:rng you to Miss Mc· <levot111g his wholo · Express ...... .9.05 am Express ...... 7.10 a m catch cold. " He has written us to say ener;;ies an1f t 11110 to Horse Fe.st Express.to 05 A. m Local, ....... .8.25 a m coloured Surah Silks in t h e most fashion · of t h e Collegiate Institute, and Mr. J l.\'.'.l. Uullough the well !mown Dressmaker of Bow- Shoeing, thOS(l llM'tnp: d11virig, ~rottin11;, lame, Mixed ...... .. .4.05 p lJ1 Mixed ...... . .. 1.05 pm that he did n ot suffer from Urn severity of able shades. 1'heso goods make au ele- Kennedy of the Chronicle Wlutby which manv1l!e, who is now cutting snccess!ully with rnterferrng and Clycle·dale horses requiring ' f 1 h ' M , }{ ' 1 the Moody System. as hundreds of others are Local ........ .. 7 30 p m Express. ...... 9.00 Jl m the weather on that occasion. d extra care and skill. will do wtill to give us a ennel Y we could 1efer t o in Ontario Dont fail to learn gant and durable drees and they are the create roars o aug ter, I· Exurees .... .. 9 .40 P m trinl. Respectfully )·om·s, eminently successful in his efforts in at once, Pupils can be t~ught at their own beiPg 'fo our friends we would simply say, be correct t hing for e1·euing wear and wedJOHN PERVY & f'ON'. Irish dialect. A very eloquent and well home~. J. & A, CA~TER. :roronto. Sole Bowmanville, Jan. l, 188(1. 3tf CANADIAN~PACIFIC RAILWAY. on your look-out for all oily-tongued stran- ding dre~ses. ti · d b · t f the Proprietors a nd head oJtice for C1rnada. · d d' gers who solicit subscriptions from you The residence of Mr. J. Hawkins, Hope time a c1resson ieaimsan o Jee so BURKETON STATION l ' UOF. W. 'VULSON. for any purpose or obj ect whatever. lt with tho contents, was d estroyed by fire Order was delivered by Bro F .·J. Inwood, is not safe to accept a free gift from such on Thursday of lttst week. Mr. Hawkins D . D. G. M., from York District, in which r1 -iEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND GOING EAS1. GOING WESl'. was marned 011 the 13th inst. to Miss M . the spea~er clea!ly showed t hat ev?ry SINGING. '.l'ern1s ; For beginners $6 ; for I Express .... .. 11.33 a m Mixed ...... 8.36 am characters ; and the thousand and one S t evens at Salem and had only arrived I man h~vmg a wi~e or f~mi~y dependmg advanced pupils. $ 10 tor qnar~er of twelve Mixed .... .... 7.<12 pm Express .. ... 12.51 pm different circulars wll' ch bear the 11npress t~sson~. ltesulence at Mr. HICHARO FIELD s, Express ...... 7.42 pm of fraud upon the face of them should be home on Tuesday evening with his bride. upon !um sh ould m~ure h:s life, and that Centre Stre0t, Bowino.nville. 51-tr. nm Tickets and farther information may be had promptly consigned to the waste paper The loss will reach over ~3,000; partially the A 0. U . W. oflered msurai;ce to all from W. A. NEA DS, Express, Railroad, and bask et. insured. lie~lthy men at tl~e lowest possible cost. Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowman ville, . . Brmf and appropriate addresses were also Farmers are giving the Port Perry '£ he Ball Fmmly Jubilee S~ng~rs have made by Bro. H . B. Taylor, Grand ForeGrinder Mill the preference this season on a~ded some n ew v01ces to their con~p.auy maa, Whitby; llro . P. It. Hoover, D. D. Tl1e undersigned having bought out ~aucidi.att account of the excellent satisfaction given smce they apptiar~d here last, and a ~:t~zen G-. M., Ontario District, Green River ; ~~~-----~- -~~ _ -~~~~ by those introduced into this district last who heard tlrnm i~~ Toronto s:iys '.Ihey and Bro. M . A. James, D. D. G . M ., the GmsT Mn,t of J . Stalter, E sq., and year. Th~ following persons have bought are r~ally grand. Dont fa~l to hear Durham District, Bowmanville. The put everything in tirst -class order, is preA re n ow preparccl to quote prz'.cos of BowMANVILU, FRID.A.Y, JAN. 29. this season and ca.n speak of its mt:lrits: them m the Church -st M ethodist Church, songs in charact er by Mr. Hees, the village pared to do all kinds of Gnsting. I will BINDER TWI NE for tlte season oj188G. W. B. Allin, John Bellwood, Newcastle; ?n Sunday ancl Monday, February 7th Rchool master, created oceans of laughter. guarantee to make the best ARNECTA in lots of 10 lotus ani:l ttpwa1·ds. J. R l'leid, J . McCullough, A. Parsons, and 8th. The accompaniments were excellently Ft.OUR that is ma.de i n the county, as the · l.ddru11, 50 FRONT STREET, E~ST, J . Mulligan, .J. Reid, Newton \'ille; John TORONTO. Mr. W. Cryderman h as stopped the played by Miss Holliday, Miss Campbell mill has been fittecl u p especially for 'I . . . Heard, jr , Darlmgton; M. Robinson, STATBSMAN, b ecause we placed Mr. Smale' a and M:iss L en a Moore. Taken as a whole handling thn.t kind of wheat. I have also put in a SAw Mu,T, m con- - - - -- -- - - -- -- - ---.-.· Tait & Morrison are sellmg ~oys and (Canton; W.&A. Thorms, Clarke; J .& W. no.mo ahead of his as candidate for muni- this was the best entertain ment we h ave 1 Bebee, Hupe. Mr. S. Ootton, of "Erpingfancy goods at greatly reduced prices. nection .wit h the above, and am prepared . cipo.l honors. .T udging from the actioii attended and did the Order in that locality "Electra" for January is to h and, and ham, " also has one and he thinks it is the of the electors since, we did not err so great credit. 1 to take rn any qua11t1ty of Sa -v Logs. 1 a splendid \' olume it is. All ladies sh ould best Grinder in the world. M. C. Rose much after all. At the polls the elect ors I have lowered the price of Chopping ~======== .Fead it. rna edited by two Ctlltured ladies. is the agent for this district,Newcastle,P. 0. in his <1wn ward gave Mr. Smale as m~ny to s uit the times. CONSUH I"'J'ION (Jf/JtED.- .~n 0111 physician, A. 'I~ o or,EY, The only phce not affected by the cold HE l'iEAllLY urn r r. - On Saturday m ght votes as they did him, while in Mr. retired from practice. havin!$' had µlaced in his by an East Incha miss10nary the formula hands Peop le's Mills, weather- the post offic0. '.l.'he cold can- a Peterboro man took the cover off his Smale's ward Mr. C. did not get one vote. of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy K ingston Road. 51 nat get thrnu Kh the entrance, it is to::> coal stove and s tarted to get his scuttle At Hampton, on M onday, M r. C. was ao d permanent cure ofUousu mption. Bronchitis, Cu.tarrh, Asthma and a ll threat and Lung Af· s mall.- Covou1y Wol'ld. filled On the way to t he bm h e found a beaten at the poll by two new men. We fect10ns, also a positlvti and radical cure for Miss Stoughton has received the agency newspaper, ancl sat down to read it. feel sorry for our old friend. Nervous Debility and all nervous Complaints, fter having tested its wonderful curative for Dr. Greig 's new book "Presbyterian- After he got through h e brought in his B usINESS Nou - Now t hat t he holi- a powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his ism in Cauatta " Every Presbytenan fam- coal, and fixed his stove, hut noticed that days are over and t h e spurt of business duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Canada 'R Comic Journal? 1ily should possess a copy of this excellent the room was filled with gas. He went caused by them is past., it is in order to Actuated by this motive untl a desire to relieve human suft'ermg, I will send free of charge, to work. · up stairs shor tly afterwards and found his settle d own into a ste "<ly and increasin g all who desire it, thle recipe, in German.l<'rench, Th l rtf'l·Jllll Year ol l"111Jllcaflon. The big rush of customers at McM ur- ! wife unconsci? us from the effect of tl~e trade. To dD this our merchants sb u uld ol' English, with full direct.ions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressmg "with 'l'he aim ofO B.JP is to set forth, in an imparttry's W est End Dry Goods store of late \ g:1~ s~e had mhaled. He succeeded m sc-e tliat their stockg pf goods are kept up s111mp. naming this paper, W. A. KoYES 1!9 ial and independent manner, the passing I r eminds one of the scenes of former days. b;mgmg her around by_ the use of fresh in good shape, fan· p rices a·kecl, no more Power's Bloct.;Roclwster N. Y . 45 events of Canadian political and social !He. Its Cartoons speak more c lefinitely and mol'e given than n ecessary, and by crecltt Their cheap < roods nre drawina cro wds to :ur and cold water ; but m future when h e 0 pleasingly than wholo columns of eclitonal. buy. "' starts for the coal b~n h e w~ll not read t he proper and judicious advertising show BiRTHS. I n ttlis pungent, easily appreciable, and - : P OSITIVELY CURES ; p urchaser3 t.hat gaods can be had h ere as A lady was h eard to remark, that if paper b efore attendmg to his stove. artistic sty le or presenting a snbJect, the whole . siLuarion is revealed at a. glance. 'l'he success asin t h e larger places. That such m·rcE- Kcar Maple Grove, on the 21th any of her frien?s were to ride do"'.n on A BEAUTIFUL SENTlMENT.- B1ll Nye says : cheap is thti fact there 18 00 doubt, but our instant, the wife of Mr. Wilham Courtice, of a of a RIP shows how well this fact is appreciat· 1 ed- itb Uartoone on thopasemg political events\ the Tobogg:i.n s.hde that she would like to "Dou't attempt to cheat the editor out of ilaugilter. ADAlllS - Near Maple Grove, on the 22th inst.. of the country being even more eagerly sought lbe tl~ere and kiss ,them good bye before n. year's subscription to his paper, or any storekeepers do not always use me.ms to after than the chaste and humorous letter-prefis I startmg. otlrnr sum.. Ch eat the minister or the make 1~..J;.now n. See Pierce & Co"s advt. the wife of Mr. Hobert Adams, of a. son. of the paper, - though the latter is ebuul to t hat , · 1· l d N1cHOLSO~-Near Union, Darlinston on the e.ny similar public:tt1on on the contment. Two weeks ago last Monclay a man doctor ; cheat anybody and everybody, l.\'Ir. Geo. Awde, of So.ma, was e ecte 20th mst., the wife of l\fr. Alfred Nicholson, of ofFor 183G, 0 RIP is to be considerably improvecl named J ohn Duffy left his home,a couple but if you h:i.ve any regard for future cou- a member of the Darlington Council on a son. The old cover i~ to be discarded; the paper is l '.l pages; wlule a handsome design to comprise <>f miles so uth of Lmdsay, for the sequences don't fool the editor. You may ' Mond:i.y by acclamation. The oth er gentle- ~IODERY ,- Near :foley, on the 2Gth inst.. the for the title page, a r e:&rrangemont of the JIUrpose of r"snming work with Mr. be put up for office sometime, or wan t rr.en nominated were M essrs, W. \Vel'l"y, wife of Mr. Robt Niddery, of a daughter, matter, and improved facilities for the artistic T homas Walters at the locks, and ~ince some p ublic favor for yourself or some W. Cryderman, Rich. Pascoe, Geo. Awde, proiluction of the Cartoo ns, w1ll materilly im· prove the typogruph10al appearance of the that time has not b een seen or heard of. friends, and when your luck is a "th ing S. J. Williams, T. Burrows, 'f. B:1ker. D. ,,, MARRIED. paper. What has become of him is a mystery to of beauty ancl a joy forever," the editor Dyer , T. 'W ashington, c. w. Smith, R. r nowN-KNIGIIT -- At the residence ot the aif'Tl lF: PRICE WILL NOT DE INCRIUS ED. his friends and a natural cause of much will open up on you and knock your air Short W Windatt H. T. Pliillips, \ 7 · bride's father, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. H:. OJtI P is now the cheapest paper of its class · ' ' ' R H B Roberts, Mr. Wm. Wellesley Down. of Oshawa, A few :Boxes will cure a ny case of DYB'\ 'llxiety to hi· wife, who with a family of c1tstles into a cocked h at at the firs fi re . Bmgham, '"W. Bowm~n, · · . u t. to Miss Marr Jane, eecond daughter of J ae. in America; and these nnprovements must decidedly enha11ce its value. No one who pepsia, e!.Jnply by taklng One :Pill every ~~ix children h~s been lett quite unprovi· He'll subdue you, and then you'll ~lame After several had declmed the remauuug I Knight, Esq., Darlington. l social takes e.ny Interest in the political anc <led for. your stupidity for a drivelling idiqt, go nominees a"reed amoncr themselves tot SffonTmDcrn-AvEHY- At the Queen Street altil.irs of this couPtry should be without night on retiring. '.!.'hey do 11ot los e the!# '"' t cl b'd b , Meillodi&t Parsonl!.g'e, on the 27th inst., by the GRIP, as " f l it presents a complete and entertain· effect Uk· otll.er 1'ills. l vote \Ve have quite often recommended to and hire some man to knock you llown take tie o t iose presei:i an a i e J nev. E. Roberts. Mr. · Tas. H. Shortridge, of ing pictorial record, as the panorama mo yes. o ur r eaderll w ..o hav.e small children that and then kick you for falling ." B'll i~ the r esult . Mr. Awde r eceived the great- Cartwright, to Miss Mary E . Avery, or Dari· est number of votes and was declared ington. peer of all juveuile magazines, "Our Little an editor and k nows all about it. Five Boxes for $1.0(1. councillor elect for the present year. Mr. -=-------D -I_ E _D - . - - - - -- 25 Cents per Box. Ones and The Nursery," publishe d by Are you loosing your hair ? Are yo T HI RTY P1LL9 JN A BOX. Hu mor 1vit1Lo1tt Vuloarit11; Patriot ism 1~1th· had 3!) votes, Mr. Baker 32, Mr. The Russell Publishing Co. ,Boston, M ass., getting bald 7 Is your hair turnim: grey 1 wde ~man ont Parti:>anship; 1'rut h without T e111pe1·. 27, Mf. P ascoe 22. H01rns- In Bowmanv1lle, on the 2itb instant, r le~ at $1.50 a )ear. We cannot too strongly Are you troubled with Dandruff ? Then Allee Mary, beloved wif~ of Mr. Isaac Hobbs. Cou aus AND COLDS that we so frequen t- in her !Ust year. J<'uneral on Saturday, st 2:30 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. recommet'l ' i .his publication for young dont be Ill despair, ~o and buy a bottle Only !ll'~ 1\ 1:'eur. Postage Free. children. Our own little ones look for of Dr. Dorenwend's German ' lfArn. MAaIC' ly neglect, and wluch so often prove .the p.J~;rns-In Dowmanvi!le, on the 22nd inst .· its coming every month as anxiously as it will stop the ha.ir from fallin>: out; seed sown for a h arvest of consumption, of consumption, 'Nillia.m Arthur Jt1mee. eldest Address the <lrip Printing & Publishing Com· +.hey do for Santa Claus at Christmas. where there is the slightest chance of should have immediatii aCJd thorough son or Mr. Reuben \V, Jamee, aged21yeare.11 paoy, 26 & 28, Front St1eet West, 'l'orouto ; or leave yonr orcler with your bookseller or otner ~nd 10 cents to the above address for a. roots left will produce a thick head of treatment. A teaspoonful of RoUINSON'R months.M McG11EoaoR.- In Ee.et Whitby, on the 23rd local agent. , E t k henever ti;.mple copy. hair, and where tbe scalp is full of Dan- P HOSPHORIZF.D i\lULSION a . en w. inst., Peter McGreggor, in hia 87th year. ir.if Tl10 8 1'-1'1'l':S 11lAN and GRIP will be fnrn· PROPRIETORS, CRUMP- In Clarke, on the 25th inst .. J ane islleil to aubscrlbers, by special arrangements ,· Don't you want to get your picture ta - clruff will cure it at oncd. For sale at all the. Cough is trou blesom?, will_reh e ve the witb the pnbhshers or the latter Journal, both ken1 See those beautiful photos in Tait principal Drug~ista. J , Higginbotham & patient, and pereerved m, will effe ~t a Cramp, relicto! lhe late John Crump, a {ed 78 papers for only $2.50. -· -·-""* years. & M orrison's studio. Son, Druggists, Agents for B owmanville . eure in the most obstinate cases. We regret to hear that Mr. John R. l~arasol left at Variety Hall. Clarke, the lecturer, has lost a daughter, 'fho tobggan slide is well patronized. aged 11 years, lately. . Mr. Frank McKay, of Whitby, was in Grand Free Exliibition of the Davis bwn this week. lll es.§\"S. L)ntan Sous & (Jo. Sewing Machine in Bowmanville on Wedl.\fr. Jas. M cFeeters, of 'l'oronto, was in town last week. Take th'is opportunity of announci o~ that nesday. Come :tnd see it. Evening Globe sent to any address for I M r . Albert Tilley spent Sunday with they arEI prepai-1' <l to suppl y their 25cts per month. L eave your orders at I his parents h ere. Kenner & Co's Variety Hall. Mr. R . Bogue, of Moosejaw, is visitin~ Mr. Geo. Bickell, Sr., who has. been at Mrs. D. Oalbraith's. visitmg his brother, Mr. John Bicl~ell, Mrs J no. Lyle and daughter :mi visit · -OFnear Lakefield, returned home on Friday ing fri~nds in Montreal. last. f l t · · f Gi·eat bar"ains for the next sixty days Purse onnl con anunf? n. snm o money. at "The Pe~ple's Boot and Shoo store", Apply at ST.~1;s\lAN Ofl:ice. . ... in lots t o suit ptlrch asers. D. Davis, Proprietor. See i1dvt next Mrs. D. J\.e1th, o~ Oshawa, is \JSltmg weeil: old friends aud relatn-cs here These Leads are unsurp~ssed for Gemnne "Fairhank's" Pla tform Scale Tllo Davis Sewing l\fachinc leads. PURITY, COVERING PROPERTIES on wheels f@r sale cheap. \Veighs 2000 Come and see it on 'W ednesday. lbs, almost new. JouN M cDouGALL, Dc til'} Glaue (evening edition) sent to A.i.~D GEN l<~RAL EXCELLENCE. Bowmanville. 5-2w* any address four months for $1. SEF. TlLl.T 'IEE TRADE MA.RK Mr. F. W. Beebe, n ews dealer, sold Mr Rd. Clarke, of Cramrihe, is tho n ew 2,468 copies of the Toronto Even·ing News \\'arden 1)f these United Countiea. in Cohourg last week, but the local papers J{evi val ~ervices have been h eld this contained the ordinary budget of news. week in the Chmch-st. Meth. church. Before " ivin" orclers for BINDERX 'l'hose cheap dress goods are going off TWTNE, farm~rs will find it to their rnpidly at Couch,Jolmston&Cryderman's. I PURE WHITE LEAD. w 1842. A PROCLAMATION. 1886. AM!l tC AN ACtltCUL TUltST WELL KNOWN BRANDS W'hite Lead, WANTS THE EARTH X H Lyman's Linseed Oil, W STOTT&JURV, F o IP. o Valuable Warms for Sale. Colo red Glasses vV EAK EYES Business Change. I M I I I B INDER TWINE Public Notice. mh.e J'tat.er-mnu. D artmouth Ropewofk C ompany, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Local and Otherwise. WORLD'S BEST I W EST'S 1873. GRIP? 188611 l s. c · -LIVER PILLS DYSPEPSIA, I SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. GRIP'S PLA1.FORM: John C. W est & Co. TORONTO. 1