TERMS :-$1.50 P:u. Allurox. NEW SERIES, N UMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AJ!'TE RW..urns. M . A. JAME S, EDITOR .um PROl'RIJIT0.11., 393. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. HAMPTON. At tho Council meeting Saturday t h ere wAre a n n mber of 11spirants for t he position of assessor for t he curran t year , th e followiog persons ha.vini:c made application; Meas~ . W. R. Knight, Wildon Powers,Jesse Salter, R . H . Bunt, Charles Pnscoe and I . L . Brown. M r . B-who was aaeessor last year, atated 1h at he could not do the work for t he salary paid, and naked nn ii:i.creaae of salary. As the present Council are going for retrenchment they did not accede ~o t he request ,but appointed Mr. Wilson Power to the office at the same salary that was payed la3t yoar. An Orange Social will be held under t he auspices of the Band of Hope in the Tow n l:lall, Hampton, on T uesday Fob, 19th, when a good programme of vocal and instrumental music, readings, recita· tions, etc., will be preeented. After th e literary program is completed Oranges will be dispensed to all present. .Admission 15c, children lOc. Doors open at 730, to begin at 8. Come one and all and enjoy a good time. Mrs. E llis, (wife of Mr. F. L. Ellis,) fell on the side-wal k S unday morning wh en going t o church and broke her wrist, Dr. Hillier set the fra.ct ure, and at latest reports the patient is pro<>r ess"' ing favorably. Mr. T h oe. Olark and wife havo returned from their trip to Mariposa, and other poin ts of interest out nort h. Quarter ly services in connection with the Methodist church (Hampton circuit) at Zion and Ennisllillen on Sunday the 7th, inst. The officials of the Methodis t church have phced a beaut iful lamp near the entry to the sheJ, which will be a great accommoctation. Who gave tho Township Council their now title? A gentleman in addressing that honorable body on Saturday styled them LonDs. Surely this is a progressive age. lilLow B oY. The following list shows the standing of the pupils of the Lower Division of Hampten school fur the month of January:Second Class-Louis Allin , C har les Marshall, .Jno. Jacks, Wil1ie Gibson, B. Col e, Mable F . ltogers, Charles Stonehouse, J no. Williams. Part II Cla~s -Bertie Law, Etta Fursier, ' Vm. Manyn, Ohas. Haatinga,Norman Muyse, H, Ciyderma.n, Diana Cale, 0. Clatworthy, Dom Goudge, Willie Bai;ten, Eva Crvderm1m, Lizzie Wilson, Thomas .Tacks, Albert Martyn, S. Stonehouse, Polly J'ack~. Part I Jenior- Lorne Hastings, F . Pennington, F. Fursier, Abe. Coleman, Jno. Marshall, \'i'illie Horn, Clara Clark. Part I Ju nior- Ethel Cryderman, Ella Oryderm"n, Edith Parish, R . Goudge, Mandie Hom, A. Moyse, fl. Cole. S . M..o1.0GIE CoLE:MAN, '1.'eacher. FJi ~BRUARY 5, 1886. KIRBY. VOLUME XX.XII. N illl.BJ !;R 6. . McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. ORONO . Messrs. R. Moment and Robt. Knox 11.ttended tl10 Dominion Alliance meeting in Toronto on T uesday. Mr. J . T . Eddy, of N e wcastle, also was in attendance. . Mr. Wm. McPherson, Reeve of Cann mgton, spent a few days here with his sister lately. Miss Alma Nott, of Bowmanville, spent Saturday andSundayat Rev. R . Walker's T~e Salvation At"my Banquet and Jubilee on Wednesday eveniug was a great gucceaa. After tea, t he forces mustered in the Christian church which was kindly offered for the oc~asion, from whence they emerged about 80 strong and marched throur,:h the main street. Of course the Stsff-Capta. had t0 go through with their usual antics much to the amusement of the small b oy and diaoust of th ose holding stale or a t least mo~e conser vative ide1~ of di vine worshi p. '!'he meeting held after wards was of the usual lively and noisy clu.racter. An appeal was made for funds to build a b arracks '.1-nd tlie re.sponae was s? encouraging t ha t it was decide~ to bmld m the early spring. A mass meetrng to be led by an oilicilll from headquarters is t o J:>e held next week when the whole matter will be fully ex:plained. The meetings were led on S11nclay by Capt. Girtie Dimsdale and the flgll was packed both afternoon and evening. An enter tainment is to be given in the Sons Hall, on Friday, Feb, 12th, at which the popular drama, "The Last Leaf " is to be agP.in presented. The committ~e are sparing no pains to make this t he e nt ertain ment of the si;ason, and should the weather prove favorable, we are assured that a fu ll house will greet them. T h e County Oran.ge Meeting was held here on TuellJay night. Wf:J cl id not have the liber.ty of atte~<ling, but jndging from t~ e contmued strarns of applause, mingled w1 th other rnysttirious sounds, that greeted t h e passer-by uutil midnight, the Royal Arch Goat nmst havA gi~en the bumper degree to the whole party. Mr. Coombe preached in the Methodist Church, on Sunday evening. w ·e learn that he is to take Mr. Addison's work for a time, as Mr. A. is still unfit to per form it. About 40 members of the Sons of Temp· ~rence went to Leakard on Friday even· tog and h eld an open session. If t heir visit only puts new life into their Leskard bre thren ao that they will hold re oular m eetings, they will consider thems~lves ,_ well paid. l T A UNTON . 0 ..... en c 0 c.-i C'.) · 0 ·r-t 0 i=I ~ ..p ~ 0 Pi 1--1 ·r-t cd s~ Pi 0 <D Ul ·~ ~ -.~ ~ ~ 0 P:l C'.) ~ ..s:: Cl.l 0 ~ = ·= ~ ~ 0 = ~ · .,~ C'.) > Cl) ~ 0 Cl) z 0 ro. cd " LI.I .!4 ~ <D <D 00 ~ t-1 ·~ ~ ~ ~ "t:3 -+-"' Cl.l ~ 0 ,.cl ·r-t ..p o~ o~ t::3 ~ ·Cl) Cl.l 0 ..= 0 "'d cd ~ 0 ~ Cl) Cl.l ~ 0 ,.cl 00 ~ Nl:; '-a.J ccS a;> b.() z ~ <D ~ ..s:: E-4 _____.____ LESKARD. "8ll!AUBWM.08 'S-DN!lrroow F A RMERS, THRESHERS! Use M cColl ::Sros. & Co.'s Celebrated TYRONE. A detachment of t he S. A. opened fire here o n Sabbath last m the old frame B. C. church. Wo trust that the large numbers attracted thither fro m time to t ime, are prompted by worthier motives than that of curiosity. Mr. E. T. H vidge left on Mcnday to attend Bowmanville Higll School. He will be much missed in Tyrone. '£hose on the sick list are at lat est atcounts recovering. A great fear of d iphtheria is now prevalen t. Mr. Byron Moore claims to have drawn 11 thc" load of wh eat last Tuesd ay to Bowmanville, for Mr . J. C. Vanst one, the amount being above 172 buahel11. Quarterly meeting of the various a · pointments is to be held in Tyrone Feb. 7th. Rev. R. Hassard will address the congregation. A great amcunt of drinking and two or t hree bad spills during the past week. Mias Mary Manning has been visiting friends in Clarke for some time, e njoying that h ealthy climate . Miss E . Kennedy, of Oshawa, has been visiting friends here during the we.ek. EGOMET. M A CH INE OI L. TH E BEST IN THE WORLD. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, On Moriday evening last a large number of .the !riends of Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, of tlus village, met at their n-sidonce to celeb.r a.te the . fifth anniversary of their maruago- the1r wo? den wedding. They wer e presented with a very beautiful Dressin~ Stand and a rnry pathetic and approprmte address. A very pleasant tune was speat by all who were present. No cases of small· pox: have yet appeared in our vi~lage. Nearly every person has b<·en vaccrnated, thus preparing themselves for the worst, should the disease become epidemic. Many reports are current regarding the extent to which it h as spread and the number of deaths caused by it in Pontypool. The exact number of cases fa not known, but np t o the present, the <leath s a.re t wo. Tim patients are placed in an isolated l10spital and cared for by nurses, while no person is allowed to approach within a. certain distance of the .building. ~£he. ."~oonlighters" have appeared in t 1H S vicimty. A house belonging to Mrs. Jones was :i-ttacked an~ pulled to piec1Js. Soveral amid thearticles ruins. of furmture can be seen Yonr last week's correspondent was an There havo been several wood bees the od~ fell ow. He expects a dres~ing- past fe~ weeks, evLrybody enj oyed themguilty creature ho knows he desel'ves it. selves immensely. Time is too valuable to u s to waate over Eldad praying b~nd was not very such metal 1\3 he. large}y represented nt . Zion las t. Sunday Inspector Tilley visited the school 0 0 ev<mmg, only two putt1Dg m an appea.rMonday. He was well pleased with tho ance. . . One of our worthy s1t1zens ha.a taken a progress macle by the pur-ila s inco his last visit. large contract to scrub the floor onco a p t' week. ar 1es arti n~w the or.der of_ the day. 'fho young people s<"cm to be takin"' ~~~an~~zy c~~icethwas .tr~pped t~f , ~ sub· advantage of tho snow, goin3 in loads 0 . , u~ e 0 er Dl~ .~ un L morn- Hampto n t o the Salvation Army. mg s grey .awn appeare · Mr. R B. Mitchell has contracted to The publ~o scho 1 l Literary Societ y ha ve build two large barr;s, 0·1e for Mr. J. been resuscitated, An open meet ing will Lick and one for Mr . .Alfred Hogarth. be h eld before long. The children a t S. S. No. 12, take Mr. J . L. Powers is dra"in~ material great interest in the ir work under the for a new b.irn. He does'nt like hul'vest management of Mr . Unc!erhill. thresh ing. . Some talk of the S~lvation Army visit· Mrs. W . Hughson and her daughter, m?, Tann.ton . We think theres' room . . Mrs. J . Mcinnes, of Oakwood, ar e here I here is some talk of a butcher ahop m visitincr friends. Taunton . l'I'[ "A B fO . Mrs. Geo. Blair i~ visitsng hor sister . . .. · r : . , ,a.n:, o , rangev11le, 111 vis1trng Mrs. McLaughlin, :i.t '£ yrone.· at Mr. s. Mr · has ·boea V1S1tmg · · · h 111 ' .. J . .l.ye1rna11 . . . w rn. v· iv1an M~ss Netti~ P owers, of Bethany, is mother-in-law, Mrs. S1mders at Oshawa. Mr. J ohn Gorrill has been apendincr a also m the neighborhood spending a few weeks among her many friends. fow days at Orono. "' We understand tha~ Mr. Samuel l\:Iorey Mr. Ric_hard Walter has let the et~me pants for an opportumty to give a t emper- wor~ of hi~ stable to Scott & Co ance lecture before returning to Michigan. M ias Eliza .Ann Hobbs is confi ned to By nil m eans lot that pent up knowledge the houee. have vent. Now that the crusade again~t What i3 ·the greatest :i.ttrMtion in strong drink has become so atrono, Taunton ? tempera.nee lectures aro always wolcom~. ' The house wnrm :ng at Mr. Liman G iffCome along, Mr. Morey, 11.nd wo bespeak ?rd's waij a grand success,- oystera ,dancfo.r yo~ 11 good ho1~se, The STATESMAN m g, games a.nd other 11must1ments. will give a free notice, The Whitby centre and Sl&b 'fown A large an<l. j oily company met at the Rangers played on thti 5th, the return house .of Mr. Geo. Patterson, on Friday match of foot ball. .BINGO. evenillg last. Oakland cor. excuse tres· - -- · --passing. SO LIN A. By the way, does anybody kn-ow wh ere Foot-ball a.n d boxing i ~ all the rage Leskard is'I here at present. -- --- -···-- - -Mr. John and Miss L izzie Elford, of SCH.VOL SECTION NO. P, CLARKE Fe.nelou F i;lls, are visitm,; friend· in this n01gh borhood. Report for January, 1886.- The first Mrs. J . Bra.y, of Enfield, i ~ v1siii11g at five in each class. Names in order of the "Roselandvale farm ". morit. ti<lnior 4th Class: Mary Gib11on James . Mr. James Yice ~lt3 ret.urned to this Chapple, Mary Renwick , Mattie Colville village wtth his bride. We v. ish them Minnie Mason. ' mucl1 luppiness. Junior 4th Class:- .Julia Dickson, Mary yYe ar<! pleased to see our genial friend 'W ilson, Dora D ickson, E gerton Goma.n M iss Co1vle m this nei~ hbo d11,od again. Alice H amm. ' The Quarterly meetiu>.! S ·J~V i Ge will be Senior 3rd Olas1:-Ar1·esta Samia Ettie preached at Zion, on Sunday ·morning Oolville, JaLDes Dickson, Jennie 'Vilson next i>t 10 o'clock. Earn est Gibson. ' Tho Divfaion is bo orni <1~ n!~ ·in, th<Jre J unio1 / 3rd Class:- Milton Pollard h a.ve b cf'll several initmti ..nR iatl) ·y. The Albert B owen,J ohn Ifozzard,J ohn Maeo u' officeru 1ur the pr esent q ua rt ur artl as folMay B arrett. ' la ws : - 2nd Clasa.-Cha.rles Chapple, Maud W P-- B rn T Baker, Barrett, Ethel Wilson, Nellie Colville WA- Sis L H <·g<.i th. Alic" Preece. ' R S - Bro A L Pa·coe. Senior 1st Ola.ss:- Dossie Arnold, FlorA It S- Sis B H ogf .rth. enco Bellwood. Tre . ·isBro S Stwruidge, Juniol" ht Cla.ss:- Murray Barrett Chap- do J V a.nN est, L ouis Chapple. ' do W VanNest. Con Tl~e following pupils att.ended every A Con - Sis A P ·isc . .ie day m the month:- Dora Dickson, Albert J Sent- Sia M Baker, Bowen, Frank Chapple, Charlie Chapple. 0 Sent- Bro A J K ·yuul Average attendancB 31 . P W P- lSro E G l'a co . KA'.rE H.. SQUAIR, Teacher. The D ivision inten i payinrt Maple 9'rove Division a vi~it o u !Vlo · d~y even· MA PLE GROVE. m g next. J ACK. t; ~ ~auNL!IGHT" ·Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. lllcCOLL B ROS. & CO'Y, Toronto. N. D. Do'1"1l's Vcg·ctable Balsamic Elixir is a positive cure fOJ: Ooui;rhs, Oolds, Croup, Whooping-Gough, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diseases of the T hroat, Cheat and Lungs. As an E xpectorant it has ·no equal, Consumptioll has been ourod times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulcerated surfaces, and curea when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six: years of constant use has proven lta virtues. Every family should keep it in the house. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. D r . Henry O axtel"'S 11Iandrake Bitters are a sure cure for Ooativenoss, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Llver, Rheumatism, Dizzineds, Sick Headache. Losa of A ppetite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, Pa.lpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto~ach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in working erder, and perfect health will be the r esult. Ladies and others subj ect t o Sick Headache will find r elief and permanent cure by t he use of these Bitters. Being t onic a nd mildly purga~ive thev purify the blood. For sale by all dealer s in medicine. Henry, Johnston & L ord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. A.1· 11tca and Oil Linintcnt for Man and Beast. The b est extern al .::;medy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, .ilckach e, Frosted ]'eet, and all other pains and Aches. It is a safe, s ure, and eft'ectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on Horses. One t rial will prove Its merits. Its eftects are in most cases instantaneous. Every bott le warrant ed t o give satisfaction. Prices 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywher e. ~ Henry, ,Johnston & Lord, Proprietors of 0-UNN~S BAKINC POWDER Send 10 cents poetago, and we w ill mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will vut you in the way of making more money at once. than anythings else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live nt home anil work in spal'e time, or all times. Capital not r equired. · \Ve will start you, Immense pay sure for those who start a t once. STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine, ACI FT Dl'ERTISERS 1 send for our Select List of Local News papers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., A ::>vi·uce St., N. Y. TH ECOO K'S BEST FRIEND 10 l Rumour says "th ere was a dance in the village last week." Oy~ters were plentiful. Our Division, which hasfor some time been in a sort of lifeless condition, was visited by a large number of the Orono brothers and sisters last Friday night. A suitable programme was rendered by the visitin<> Div1sion consisting of readings recit ations" ' · music and speeches. The object of th eir v1s1t ~a~ _ to, ~an the "starvin g emb"'ra" of o.u r D1v:s1on mto flam e once more if possible. The speakers in turn alluded t the nec~ss1ty of all temperance workers and wel1-w1sher_ s uniting .aud strengthen rng themselves m every possible way so a.a to_ be r oady _and able to guard and main· tam that which has already been won for ENNISKIL LEN . them- the Soott .Act. There is i\ growing in tertist in the The members of Leakard will hold a special meetings in the Meth. Church. ~ectinf.l on Friday ~vening Feb. 5th and A large n umber of relatives and friends if poss1ole re-orgamze their Division. attended the funeral of t he late Thomas JECK. M cLaughlin, oD' Saturday last. "' Report of r.eskard public school. The The news furnished by the Sun cor. names are arnu1ged in order of merit:last week was "far fetched," School report for January :- 4th Class F ORTH CLASS :-Art1 mr Davey, Herbert - Alf. Mitchell, . Minnie Rogers, Carrie Robins, L izzie Snupson, Bella Davey Rogers, Rose Brown, J ennie McLaren, Sophie Trull._ THIRD CL:"'>.s:- Mary Simp: Ma.ry Virtue. Olara Brown, Bert Byers, son, J ames S impson, Wilham Law B eatrice D avey. THIRD Cuss, Ji :~Mary Albert D ean , Ida Brown. 3r d Cla.ssCalvin Mills, Fred Moroney, Jno.Virtue, Lawson, Arthur Robbins Birtie HaudElla Stanton, Ettie Gilbert, Wm, Potter, cock, Cora Curtis,. J enni1 ./ Coram, Frank Lottie Rogers, Wm. Dean, E ttie Brown, J(err and Fred Kerr same, W ellington Louise Lewis, Robt McLaren . Sen. 2nd Mercer· SKCOND CLASS:- Nellie HandClass - Harry Pye, James Moyse, Ada cook, Laura Sa.mis, Eusebia. W alker, Geo. Moyse, Ettie Gifford, Joe D ean, Sidney Law, Betie lv.l.oyse, Fred Walker. Hockaday, Minnie Martin, Wm.McLaren, T. A. B r.owN, Teacher. M aud Oldfield. Jun. 2nd Class - Wm. Rogers, Charles Moyse, Wm. S tainton, Couch, J" ohnst on & Cryderman are now Ethel Pot ter, Mabel Hutchisc>n, Maggie showing a lovely assortment of black and Virtue, Osburt Byers, Emma Lewis. · Sen. coloure~ Surah Silks. No lady shoald 1st Class- Webster Virtue, H . Mitchell, buy a silk dress before seeing their new Maud Brown, J. Brown, N ormanGilbert, and elegant goods. L ela Pot tel', Geo, Lewis, Lena H utchison, Eddie Gil bert;. Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from PortT. F. STAPLES, Teacher. land or H alifax by Allan L ine, to or from Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, GalThe Fancy Goods and Ohina that way, Limarick Glasgow ; Cabin also re· duced. W . A. NEADS, Agent. 48tf Murdoch Bros' a re selling is wonderful. ----~ ---- - - The following is the rep"r t of tho Cedar-D ale School N ... 9 C..r·wright for ~he ~onth of J anuary 1386. Thtl standmg 11! based on marks ob ai1 ,ed for r egu,.lar attenda nce, prefect reGi t.a io·1 a.nd on lvEWOAl:3'l'LE. . en examina.tions. Fo F1~T1t '\.JLAsis:,.' writt ' A new butcher shop is to be opened J oseph Veale 288, l\'linnio i\1."Neill 2841 here, on Saturday n ext, by Mr. ,V, Y. William Mills 243, William \lloore 187 Brittain, next d oor to the Post Office. Bertie D evitt 163, Len,~ Moure 88. SR: He will keep a.II kinds of fresh meats. TnmD : - Eruma McNdt 269 Edwin Mr. .Brittain is a worthy young man and V~a'!" 223,_ Maggie ?lhha.tfy I7'2, Lizzie will no doubt r ectlive a large share of our Williams lo5, Wtlsley .'.l'loli11 ll6 McJntyr patronage. Oifo;ens, call and make his Thornton 69. J R. 'rHrnD :- .John Wilacquaintance. Iiams 105, F reddie Mart!D 94, Jno. Sloan M r. w· M . L en t is . offermg . . fa.rm 76, 74, F 1 01e .. c., Peel 70 bu Es Henry N 57Milld ,,. ' nea here for sale; also a valuable yonng , sy .i: ey ' .L'hos. Richar da»n 37. SR. draugh t..Jltallion. ::iECoND : - Percy McN ...il 183, Samuel . . Mahaffy 125, Susan Chapmao 78, Ethol Th~ followmg pupil~ of Newcastle , Thompson 76, Anni1i F 1ce 6 7, Ed ar Public School have contribu ted S""Cimens Peel 46 Lizzie ..,, 1.00 37 Ad w ·1 g15 h C J · 1 ...-E · . ' -" · , a i son , · f f map d r~wrn~ o. or t e 0 Otlla ; lubi- JR. SECOND : - Richa1 0,j WiJ:iam11 135, t10n :- Edith i:icott, Y10fa Scott, Ernest WaHer Veale 106 Fr~ddrn \V ,ll 60 . p arna, I Maggie Ney 34. 'SR. P . .1.Rr Si><.:OND an ._ ' Cros.her, B . arry T .oms, 111· !Ilme An?ie Allin, A rthur ~em':'n, Normau Minnie Sloan 103. JR. P ART SECOND ; _ Alim, Flornnce Alim, Carol!Ile Waldon W esley Campbell 114 Li:1 S t0 9Ann~e Bedfor d ., ~~ie Fligi.t,. Edith Mollo~ Willie N ey 85. H~TTIE "'E. Grna~: Annie Fostei·, Lillie Lovokm . Teacher. · -- ··- - - -----------~ N EWTON VILL E. CO UH.TICE. Rev. Mr. Scales, of Oshawa, occupied On Wednesday of bst week Mr the pulpit at Ebenezer, last S uaday William Cators, who ha~. be<en working nigh t. for Mr. Geo. flray for tlrn past two years, Preparation is being made for our had the misfortune to have his left hand taken °!f in a horse pu wcr · The whip grand school entertain ment. , . . ca.ugh~ m the fly whef'l 1 m d <l 1·ew l1is qne_of our residents is to start hfe h and 1Dto the pinion tllat d tives thtJ rods. agam m double harness next week. . The fact that he has no friends m this The re will be an open session of Mt. I country and has to depend on hi8 111bor Carswell Division t his (Friday) eveaing. for a livin g make his case the more painProgram will be contributed by Mapl e ful. Grove Division. Mr. Coomb of S. S. No. 4, has engaged '-.. 1<'..ol.Jl.MEns, before giving your M ias Adair to take his place for a fe w " - - -orders for Bnmim TWINE, call weeks while he is recruiting his h ealth. 1at R. S. MANNING'S Hard ware ~ May he soon recover. TuIM. Stor e and get prices. ' The '}Uarterly meeting 0 11 Sabbath las was very largely attended. . <:Jur Division S. of intend paying a vl81t to Mt. Carswell Division to-night. Solina Division S. of T. are to visit o ur Division on Monday night next. Special revival eervicea were started in the church on Tuesday ni~ht last. M ay much good be accomplished. School report for January; names in order of merit:-Seuior 4th.,-Wm. Frank, Arthur Foley, HerbE1rt F oley. Junior 4t h -.R ob~rt Stevens, Allan \Yinter, Alex. LawrJe, Esther Power , A nnie Crumb Senior 3rtl- Edwin Rundle, John Crumb' Wm. Snowden. Junior 3rd- FredLawrie' Thos. Sheridan, Bridget M cCann, Poll; Barker, Sa.rah McCann, Lily Harding. Average atteuda.m::e for the month 36. SKIP. ·r. The following is the r epo t ..f S. S. N o. 19. Names in order uf m .dt. J1'0URTH CL~ss :-Mary Smith , Ida G;lb .. l't, Annio S1mth, Kati.a Argue, EJ t · A. ·gu->, .J ames Pye, James McL ean. Tamn CLASS Sn.: -Arth ur Gilbart, 8nsi" M c Le.a . ., Mary McLean. THIRD CLA88 Jn :- Matilda. ~Vil~on, Charles Rieb .r,\s, Fr.. d Byam· Slt.S.EcoNn:- Sarah McLean. J& .Sr.coNo: - Andrew Wilson,01en By,·m. SR FmsT: - Ida. McLean, L evi 'l'ordiff.- J n,. FmsT: ~ . Willie .Cryderman, Lutt1er Gilbert, l\1ilto~ Gilbert, St~nl ey dv ·m, Allie Robbins. F. A. GROAT Teaoher. LAKE-VIEW-0.·JWl'W R IGH'l'.