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B~raer The first barking dog had boon imitated the a.ppropriat lcn of the horses, only t l10lr hosts e vadently seeking a real repose, for by othera, a.nd now men's gruff volcea join· You can do so by calling at the By the [Author of .. NINA, THE NIHILIST," .. T HE R ED SPOT,' ' "THE RUSSIAN SPY," t h at it was real their snores were not long ed in and it was plain from what they naid ~ in testifying, and thb action did not seem tha t the fugitives were a.lrell'.dy mfased. fj ETC., ETC,, Eire, Then all at once there was a report of a to go handln hand with t~eaeheey. CHAPTER XXV, In another m!n ute o.ll three were stir· At length he felt a a rowstneas himself, gun, followed by a shriek. "They have shot the boy. I know that -OUT OF Tll:E SHADOW OF DEATJI -TRE IJLAOK. rounded by men, women !\llCl naked ch i~d- a.nd began to fear that pretense would eoor rea, whl.ls~ the m~l<lenty of some of t he end in pi:actice unless he was very careful to was his scream," ga.Hped N ellie. TENTS, younger girls caused them t o lift their scau~y keep a wake. " If it wa.6 t hCly have done t he little chap The haven of refuge which the fugitives holiday garments to hide tb.elr fa.cea, albeit where there will be found a complet e assortment of every kind of So he betook himself to counting the had reached just In time for t he sa.viug of that the act left them entirely nude; yet brown limbs cf the Bedouinii, as they Jay a kindner:m by ~~nding him to her.vrn, wherefoot wear from t he smallest'to the largest . · · as had thfy let him live to be a. ma.n h la ac· their lives was one of those fertile spqts call· this was their idea of delicacy, a.nd who atret cl:eti in every conceivable, aye, and ined oasis, or by the 11.ative population ehv~h, shall s:~y t nat it wa.s not . quite as proper a conceivable att itudes as well, upon t he cumulat ed crimes would in all probability If we cannot fit you w.ith a ready-mad~' pair, we can make you any and which a.re dotted here and t here like one as our own, alnce 'tis ·lihe fa.ce, and the ground, and afoer that he .had a try at the whm he ca.me to die have drr.11ged him kind that may be needed, in the latest style. islands amidst the ocean cf. gray aaud by face c oly, t hat oe.n exhibit evil p assions of ·t ars, which, each one like a. young moon, down to the other place," said Frank, to· comfort her ; the trut h to tell, he felt wbi~h they are surrounded, thou ~h soldorn any description whatever, twinkled from out the indlgo·hued firma· very ead about the dfair h.ims~lf. more frequently tha.n twenty·five or thirty warrant~d The women seemed pleased at the dieoov- ment. "Oh, 'tl.e t errible." sobbed Nellie, "But JDiles apart. erv that Nellle wore her hair cut str...ight But thie occupation soon mil.de him more he only cried out once, so his pain waa How they keep perpetually verdant and aoross her forehead like their own, but the drowsy tha.n he was before:>, and it is bard fr!lsh in the midst of such arid nnd terrible whiteness of her exposed neck, shoulder~ to s11y wh 111t might not have happened hgd short. When they catch us perhaps they ·a urroundinge is one of tb.e mira.oles of nature, and bosom caused them apparently the not hie attention been suddenly attracted will tort ure us to death, eh, Frank ?" · 'I've never heard of Bedouins torturhig neatly done so that the patch · can scarcely be discovered. ·which can only be explained in one way, most unbounded astonishment, as also did by observing a little boy appr oaching them namely, that it's God's will that they should their plumpness, and they oommenced t o with evidently the utmost secresy and cau- t heir prisoners. Besides, :we aren't their prisoners yet, Nell. Once out of this oasis be so, pat her glossy flesh witli t heir little ~rown tion, Thie elwa.h which they had come into ha.nds until the young :Kn,glish girl began t o · The moonlight, shining full upon his and on to the desert again and we will head seemed to be about a mile iu length and fear they m ust be contemplating t he cooking plump, golden,-brown nakedness, revealed straight for yonder mountains, which they also the say are honey combed wlth ca.verns and the same In width, and therein the grnss and ea.ting of her. the tact that he was tremblng violently, and rook-hewn tombs, and where I hope we'll was tall and even rank, and atuilded with She lost no time, therefore, in bartering a Frank saw that he was bent upon reaching brillia.nt flowers, whilst all the t rees except bracelet that glit tered on one of her r ound- t hem by a kin d of detour, but for what pur- be a.bla to play a. auccessfnl ga.me of hide· and-seek with our pursnera." the lofty and sombre pa.lms bore ripe and ed arms for a crimson silk knffeeh, or hea.d· po.se he could not even guees. No trouble t o show goods. Please give ns a call. "But if they sh ould pursue us on their lucioua fruit, for there were pomegran:!.t es, dress, that was sewn all round the edges He t herefore lay quite still and continued · figs, olives, apricots and plantains, with of with little silvec coins, and the bargain be· to watch the boy's movementa, but not for fleet dromedaries?" .course the da.te, for in Egypt, wherever you lng struck she ficst carefully unfolded and long with any success, for the little fellow · 'Come, come, Nell; we won't anticlpa.te :S OC · see a dozen trees together, be sure there i~ examined her acqufoition, and findlni;: lt per- passed out of sight, nor did he make t he t he worst, but th£ best. H ere we ar e; out .a date tree amongst t hem, fectly clean, next deftly draped the expoced young cffioer aware of hio presence again of ~h e oasis and on to the desert once ~===--==-======~=~-~==~=~====~=====-===~ This elwah was not fl'>t, but full of little portions of her lovely penon therewith, until, a few minutes l!.\ter, e.pproaohing the more." ' Bcdad., an t he nagurs ue loHiDg no time dells and hollows, and the sound of rippliog making of it a k l.n d of fiohu or chemb et t e. trio from hehind, he Equatt ed down just at in ·hklog up the running, yer honor, for water told the tale tha.t it W !l.S not wHhout Thi.a accomplished she seated hersdf with their heads and began t o gently touch ea.ch he'l:e they come, on osmels, on dromedaries the invariable cool and refreshing stream or her two companfonll amongst their new ao- in turn. j ountain. It was then that Frank Donelly darted and on horses ·a s well~" broke in Pat. qu11.intances, who certainly showed no sav.All these t hings were firat seen af ter t he (TO BE CONTINUED, ) out a h and suddenly a.nd seized the urchin ageneas of disposition in their presen li begreat sand clouds had swept by and when havior, but instead hospitably press0d t he by an arm, for he suspected t hat he had the pa.le-faced moon and all the countless coma to try to ste11>l something. · stare had oome out once more, but long be- fugitiveu to partake of their evening meal, TRE WORLD OV:ER. In hie best Arabic he demanded of him wh!cb consisted not only of dates and honey fore then the three exhausted riders had aud abundance of camel's milk, but also oi what he wanted. The oonenmption per head of spirits in eomehow or other not only reaohed the some savory kabobs that had been cooked But he wae evidently not exactly uuder· Scotland is fivefold what it is In Engla.nd, N OT E TH JE FOL LO \ VING: ground, but a.lso sank down upon it. over the fire, which the Bedouins, accordetood, for the Bedouin, like t he gypaey, has but then .the Scotch keep the Sabbath This extreme of lassitude hE<d haem occalni;: to their usual custom, had lighted in a a fanguaue d his own, and hi!l chlidren k now better. ~I.Ian's sioned by the poisonous wind that always hole. very little of any other ; indeed, both r aceff, Two h undred and t wo lions have been aooompanlea a siroooo, and which has 1~t Frank D onelly whispered to his compa.n- that ia to say the Bedouins and the gy pstJys, killed in Algeria during t he l ast . t welve times caused people to faint, and the d elltrace their deecent from t he ~ame one of oa.te even to drop dead In the very streets ions on no a ccount t o refuse t he pr offered the twelve aons of Ishmael, an d have many years. Also 1,214 panthers, 1, 872 hyenv.s, h ospitality, for not only did he fear that of Cairo, where the. prud ent always keep at the doing so might give cffens·, but he also words, ha bits and cust oms In common. 27,185 jackals. home with closed doors and windows when But all t his Is neithur here nor there. "Death from exposure" was the verdict chanced to remember that in the fourth euch a wind ls blowing t owards the ~ity. Tha little fellow in question, and who reoently rendered by a Helena. (M. T.) jury As for the horses, they trembled in every ctlapt er of the El Khora.n it ia written : waa a. perfect Onpid In bronze, of about on the body of a horse .thief who had been "Woe unto him who turneth the edge of limb and looked thoroughly knocked up the sword against them whom he hath en- nine yearo of age, was ,acquaint ed with one hanged by vigilantes, and exhausted, though when ihey had crop- t Gounod, the well-knewn cperatio oomposertained, for bis name sh D.11 be blotted out intelligible word, and he whispered it twice ped the long, rich grass for a. few minutes of the book of life, a.nd the Ila.mes of El Swat though his teetl. were:ohattrlng In his hea.d er, ha.a commenced a new oratorio on the Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, I mitation Lamb, Plush they seemed to be much restored thereby shall consumo him," and he knew the the while a.nd his body a.11 of a. tremble. · and Scot ch Knitted Caps, all sfaes, and first-class values. subject of St. F rancis d' Aeeisi, the thirteenth " Do you think we shall be again pursued, &douinu to be most devoted Musaulma.ns. "Dour ! Dour !" · And as he u t tered t he century priest who preached to the birds, now tha.t the storm is over ?" He did not not know, however, that for words, which mean literally, u Kill 1 Kill !" The mild weather preceding the opening The question was put in accents of the conscience sake they were given to read the but al~o signify murder or ausassina.tion, he of the year waa very conducive to the hea.lth .keenest a.nxiety by Nollie. book of their phophet literally, and that wught to make tliem more impressive by and strength of game birds, which are now "I don't think so, darling. My own ' opinion i11, a.nd it amounts to a. conviction, whilst they would have refrained from using first pointing towards the neighboring camp unusually abundant, at least throughout Our llleflium Sizes in all wool at :iOc., 60c., 7ac., a n d a.nd then successively drawing a podgy fin· New England. the edge of the sword because it wa.1 forthat our pursuers must have been overta'ken $ 1.00 a1·e being rapid_ ly 1aken up. and buried beneath the duat clouds which bidden, they would not feel the slightest gar across his short sturdy thrnat and glv· Ing It "succeeeion of digs Into the bropzcd The farmers in the neighborhood of New 1cruple about killing with the point, we, by the mercy of Providence, hri.ve What won their present politeness was flesh of h is pretty little plump chest, r oll· London are e-.:oited over the supposed d lse1oaped," " And how far do you think we a.re away the fact that their guests were so well arm· ing his truly magnificent eyes a·b out the oovery cf petroleum fountains, whioh, if it prove true, will interest geologists amazing. ed, for the Bedouin of the desert (though he while as though sir1mla.ting agony. ·f rom Cairo, Fra.nk ?u However, without all this dumb action he ly, a.s tha.t whole region le underlaid with Heavy all wool · HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all " Fully nineteen or twenty miles. Far- ls not without counge) likes to rob and slay was perfectly understood, and Capt ain Don- primitive . l'l'a.nite I with as little risk to himself as possible. ha.pa more, and certainly not less." wool, . from 10 cents up. On the body of the Rev. Mr. Jardine, the Meanwhile Nellie sot1ght to win the friend - elly let him know it. · "Then we are but a hundred frllm AlexA look of sa.tfafa.ct ion thereupon covered ritualistic clergyman of Kan sas City, who ship ot her own sex by playing with a.nd andria, cur destination ?" · " I am afraid we are a.t least a hundred caressing the children, which she knew to his face, and he next endeavored to express died from the eftects ofchlorform, was found .. Brwmanville, November Zl, 1885. ___ and ten miles stlll from Alexandria. The be in genera.I the shortest way t o at all in pantomimic a.otion tha.tli they would;fol- a small Iron chain one-eighth of an inoh low him he would show them how to elioape, thick. It was worn a.round the lo!na, probexigencies of our flight prevented our r id- events a mother'shea.rt. And truth to say the ing straight in its direction, leat some cau P-1 shapely, naked youngsters were by no means a.nd herein he aleo made himsel undol'· ably for penance, or short a.rm of the Nile might stay our on- unkiasa.ble, for their skins were of a rich stood. . A dinner in Gautemale. concludes with Frank Donelly resolved to trust to him coffee, It is not tile fragrant doooction one ward course, and in effect deliver us over golden brown and particularly soft a.nd Implicitly, and N ellie, who had heard all, !Ilight expeot in a coffee-producing country, glossy . to our pursuers." however, but a. thick extract, handed ronnd "Then there iu no longer any chance of W hlle thus engaged, however, heir beauty enoouraged him in the determination. She, in fact, recognized t he youngster as in bottles, from which each person takes a seemed t o make a. great and, under t he oirour reaching that city before morning.1" " I fear not, Nellle. You see our horses cnmeta.nce~, da.ngeroue impression on the one whom she had more especfally fondled sm1»ll quantit y, diluting with hot w11oter, are not what they were. That long chase Bedouin chief, who after watching her In· and played with during the evening, and Violet Wordswor th, a grandaughter of and the h ot wind have taken a lot out of tently for a few minutes through the p a.le doubted not bu·t that it wao the notice them. But God has done eo much for us, blue smoke of t he opium and hempseed tha.t which she had taken of him whioh had stir· WI!liam Wordswor th, the Englfoh poet, was d marr!ed at Ambleaide the other day to 11 darling, by guiding us hither, that t o my he was smoking, muttered a.loud : red up b.is gratitude even to the attempte Liverpool solio[tor na.med Jones, who there· "By the ninety-nine names of Allah I saving of their lives, perhaps at no small mind it would be ungracious to doubt that upon changed his commonplace name to the He will deliver ue from a.ll peril and con- would give t wo she camels great with foal rhk to himself either, And now all three got up and prepared to more p oetical one of Wordaworth. duct us as safely to Alexandria as he has t~ fo~ her, for she is moon-facec:l. and as lovely To the list of funny t ypogr aphioa.l errors follow the little fellow, who at first led ae a houri." tb is oasis of saietv." Hearing and fully undersb:i.nding this t hem right away from the sleeping Bedouins, we must odd t he announcement of the "I feel that you a.re right, Fca.nk, and if I could but get a drink of water I should half mental soliloquy, which was .uttered but then in a circle a.rounU the top of the Brooklyn Union that "at Worcester, Maas. a see everythmg in a more cheerful a.nd hope· unconsciously by the chief whilst in that p unchbowl shaped dell, and at h\st down creation society has just been organized, ful ligh t. My throat ie dry a.nd burning half dreamy stat e which was produoi;d by into it aga.in at quit e its opposite extremity, with a ll2t of officers whose names are slgni· The Union Tho three fugi,tivoo now found themselves ficantof wealthandintell!jlence." . ,, and I feel almost as if I was going to faint." the vile mixture which he was smok ing, "But there is no need for tha.c, dear, for F rank Donelly represented t h!!.t he and his till amongst tl:J.e horses, camels and d romc- meant to say " oremat1on, cOm[Janions were t ired and in urgent ne~d. dariee of tho tribes and in anothu minute '.!.'he wa.lls of t he famous mosque of St. ---AND·--water ca.n't be ver y far off." had recognized t heir own st eeds, picketed Sophia in Constantinople ar e said to be · . T hfa waa ev ident from th e fact that they of sleep a.nd rest. Then he gave Ne11!11 a hint " not to accept with spear a.nd t uil rope in true Bedouin sadly In need of restora.tion, The cubes or :eould distinctly hear it bubbling and gurgmos&ic constBntly fall out, or, worse, are ling. All that;~ therefore rsma.lnad to be an invitation to sleep with the Bedouin wo- fashion. men in one of the tents, but if it was m11.<lc '.l.'hey Instinctively ma.de towards t hem, picked out to be sold to strangers, and many done W l'IS to discover it, ':I · They did not trouble about securing their to her to say that she preferred the open air but their little guide caught hol.d of N ellle of t he e.rcr,des s.nd lesser walls would tumble horses kncwiug well that they would not along with her ·brother,' for that directly and Frank, rmd firet shakillg his bead next down h 11.d they not been rud ely shored up. wands~ off the fertile oasis on to the dry their ent erta.iners were adeep, he hoped pointeri. to.wards a couple of dromedariA~, At this moment it takes twenty-two policeand e.rld desert roads, and al~o tha.t the.ir th~y would be able to uteal silently aw11y expresaing in pir.ntomim<'l t hat they would men in refavs t o watch Lor c l Kcnma.re's 1md r tibetalre t hemselves to their horses and instincts would soon cond uct th~m to the goquickilr. manslou a.t IGllarney. Each policeman, by the desert. " water unassisted, Ca.pt. ;Donelly, at a.11 events, knew that the time all ts t old, costs nearly £ 100 a. year, But at a. sign from Captain Donelly,, Pat to be true enough, but he did not feel t h"'t so the Government (that w, the tax payers upheld the lovely girl on one side, whilst t lioy would be authorized in appropriating of Great · Britain and I reland) are at this CHAPTER xxvr. her lover rendered her similar support on the dromedaries neverthelees, and he wa.s moment paying £2,000 a. year for the proA TIMELY WARNING AND A SUDDEN FLI QHT, also afraid of getting their little friend into t ection of Lord Kenmare's ma.nslon. the other, and in this mawier they led her trouble. along in the dir<.> ction of the water. It was as much as 1'/ellie could do to re· He expressed his fears on t his point In a T he sheriff of Forsythe county, Ga., who Where-lt--0euld be was somewhat of a slat the importunities of the women of the levied on a circus, and whose inability to mystery to them, for they could oee the ~n· tribe to eh are the shelter of one of tho whisper to Nellie, who at once reJoined: "Oh, let us take him with us, I feul sure manage the animals caused much amusemen t tire circuit of the oasis and the surroundmg black tents _ w[th them. that if we leo.ve the dear little fellow behind of the employees, has gotten out of the pre· aands a.a well, and yet naught did it present The.faot was, these tawny visa.ged, henna. d lca.ment by disposing of the menagerie at to their gaze but graus and fruit-laden and stained and kohel daubed harpies hungered ~1;:;,.~Ill fl n d out h e h e1ped us and kill a.notion sa.le. An elephant brought $1,300, other trees. more a.fter the rin~s that sparkled on Nellie's other animals in proportion down to parrots, · But when they had reached the e:xact taper fingers and dangled from her little It was then Frank's turn to ask the young- which went off at $1 each, Monkeys comcentre of the oasis, they arrived at a little pink ears th an they did for her society ; ster by 1dgn11 if he would like to a.ocompany m:inded $2 apiece. -dell, and, descending into it and rounding a though perhaps a few of them anticipated them in their flight, but when he clearly vaat lichen-oovered rock, they 011.mesudden· with cruel joy the baoging a nd t humping understood wha.t was meant he looked soar· It is 'proposed to erect a new Bourse in ly npon -that for which they thirsted, . and that they would give ·her white body with ed and drew back and shook his head vehe- Pa.ris. The one which at present exists ls .a.t the aame time upon what they were their brown and bony fists in the forcing ·h er mently, so tha.t Donelly said a.t once to Nel- commodious and excellently situated. One ' of its most peculiar features h the daily little prepared tor-a couple of blaak goats, to surrender the.n up, or say that t hev lie : in the square aronnd i c of men hair tents, a. fire burning in a hole. and wild w.ould slash a.t it with their knives if the h e has a. moth ei: and father, gatherivg "I dare say who rant by the hour together on political looking people seated around It, with their r esistance became desperate, and sisters and brothers as well, so that no topics, holding forth something in t he style pack saddles pla.ced 011 the ground to re· 1t was the old chief who a t last came t o ha.rm is at all likely to befal him. The of street. preaohera or stump orators. Crowds cline again2t, their long spears stuck up- our heroine's asafatanoe and declared that gres.teet good we can do him ie to get away collect a.round them. right in the earth, r ifles, pistols and scimi- she should do what she liked, for he in turn a.a fast as ever we can 'ere we a.ire espied by . tars lying handy to their grasp, and the foared that what epoil the women got from any one and observe d together." The people of A tlanta have 'sunk $6,000. hideous heads and long necks ol camels her t hey might keep, o.nd furthermore did Pat Mona.gha.n had, dnrin 1~ this brief in digging an artesian well 2,000 feet deep craning forwa.rd out of the da.rknese. ds. No stream having been found that would not care to rlek her receiving any in jury at collcquy, been releasing the steE1 All this composed a scene ' which was thc1ir hands, inasmuch that while he Intend By rare good fortune, neither their 19ridles come to the surface, P rof, White of the picturesque a.nd Rembrantesqne enough, ed to kill her ma.le companions, ho was re· nor saddles .had been Interfered with. State University was called in, a.nd he denlost unwelcome, for ln an instant Frank solved to put her to some more profitable Had they have been removed, the1a ie no cided that a.s .Atlanta. stood on ·gra.nite rook Donelly ha.d recognized the vncampment as account, and after he ha.d destroyed her knowing how they would have got over th11 - the bed· rock of the continent-the only a ,Bedouin one-a wild people who live by memory a.nd blunted her reason, to sell her difficulty, way t o get an artesian well would be t o theit and murder without ecruple, when- as an Imported Circa.ssia.n to some rich "Now, darling, loso not a moment," said start on the surface and bore up Into the ever honest means of livelihood ·fan them, Franlr, atmos[Jhere. pasha · ·He would have urged a.n immediate reUnconscious of all the cruel sobomee that "But I must somehow rewa.rd this dear A Connecticut valley paper-m!l.king firm trea.t had not the barking of a dog at this had been devised concerning her and her little fellow for what he ha3 done." sent t o t he Paris Exposition a blank b ook moment betrayed their approach, causing companions in the wily brains of the Be"Let it enly be wit h a kiss, t hen ; for if weighing 200 pounds, and having 3,000 the Bedoums at once to handle their wea- douins, Nellie laid herself 'down between you give anything that can ho afterward enormous pages, .as a sort of universal autoWe have the EXCLUSIVE sale of tnese Watches, which cannot ba pons and sing out a hearse challenge. her lover and Pat Monaghan and awaitcil found on him, don'~ you see how it will im- graph nlbum, Only one-feurth of it s pages beaten for time. Aware that to a.void them now would be with patience whatever should come next, plicate hlm ?" were filled in Pa.ris, a.fter which it served at a sheer impossiblllty, Frank Donelly step · antid pating no specia.l danger, and brave Nellie could oee itln aln Instant. a local fair, and la.st year was sent to New We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty years ped boldly forth in advance of his oom- in the courage of those who gua.rded her. "You are quite right ," she said, hnr- Orleans, where it was filled. It has now p~nions, saying: in business here. Of course neither of the three felt the iledly, been returned to Holyoke, Mass., and will " We came in the name ef Alfoh to ask slightest d esire to slumber, whereas the "A kiss only it must be," and clasping be exhibited. It contains 60,000 names, for Hie free gift to all men, w~t11r." Now our stock is one of t he largest in the Dominion and we will Bedouins, on the other ha.nd, wont to sleep the pretty bronze Cupid In her arms, she some well known, " In the name of the prophet, how many !l.s fast as ever they could, for they were in The boar hunting, which haa only been of ye are there 2" demanded a venerable no hurry to take the blood of t he Fcringheea, bestowed on him half a dozen 1ire she let established at Arcachon, in France, for two looking old man who was evidently the through k nowing that the repose ef the fa. him go, No sooner had she done so t han a dog be- yea.rn, attracts a good ma.ny sportsmen, bot h patriarch and chief of the tribe, and as hE tigued always becomessounder toward mornto growl and then to bark, French and English. It is, however, a h ard ga.n regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. ' put the quest ion t he younger Bodeuin~ ing, The Bodouln boy thereupon made them a.nd serious task for men, horses, i>nd dogs. :stood to their a.rms. Wherefore, resolving to cut tho throa.te of an impatient sign t o hasten away. The chase seldom last s leea than three hours, But when a.t !l. eign from l!'rank, Pat th1:1 two men a.bout an hour before dawn, F RIE :NDS, WJ?. JJIEAN B IJ§ l .NE§S. But it wan hardly needed, for they were and often more, The la.at boior killed weigh· Monaghan ca.me forward, supporting the they could see n o reason why they should already making l.\ll the hurry back they ed 300 pounds, 11.nd put seven hounds hors trembling Nellio, ·they laid down theh not take it easy during the interim, which de combat before he recaived the deQth blow weapons again and langhed in a most un- they p roceeded to do with the utmost non· could. Frank Donelly s wung Nellie up Into her from t he master, His head now adorns the pleasantly suggeat!ve mimner 1 F rank chalanoe. saddle and placed the reins in her hancls. wall of tho club a.t Arcach.on, and t he tusks thought 'Tis true, however, that firQt ha.If 11 dozen Then he mounted hill own steed, P l\t Mon- are six inches .long and as sha1·p as a knife. 9-3m AN EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. B .,. an~f;,. "S " 11 ·oes. AStory of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling R evelatit ns in the o f Arabia Pasha. Keep your feet d~y and. warm, arlorShoe Good fits every time or no sale. OE~EN""TIN""G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; · Best quality of Dressing and Blacking N ead ' Bl k STAND "W. JENNINGS. are this week giving special Bargains in Cloth ing. Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's Suit, $5.50. , A Boy's Suit, $4.50. A See our Stout Men's Shirts an~ Drawers at B5 cts., ~eav11 all wool. See our Tie-downs and Blankets. _lYIASO-N BROS~ BUCK'S CELEBRATEo STOVES ., The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOME- Single and Double Heater, PARLOR COOK . all fitted with the Celebrated and · only Duplex Grate I They stand without a rival. For sale by FURNACES, a specialty. S. S. EDSA~L~ Going, Going. ROCKFORD AND AURORA VVATOE:ES. Sell Ch.eaper than the Cb.eap~t, A ARON BUCI-CLER. Wedding Rings in great variety.