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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1886, p. 5

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Great ceder sale, S ee advt. ifr. R . T. Stephens is home from t he Couons AXD CoLDR that we so freqoentDarlington raised $17,000 in taxes last y ear. The wa tor iii t he lak e is very h igh for N o:th- wrst. ly n eglect, and which so often prove t he ' on11s Sale for Febr uary. Sec Stttr seed sown for a harvest ot con su.-i ption Diphtheria and measles are epidemi c in this season of the year. . E verybody s hould attend the Ball H t" se new advt. sh ould have immediate and thorougl~ Toron to · 1'les~1is. L~man !liiions & Co. ·11f.iss Roche, of the Rectory, is visiting t reat ment. A teaspoon ful of RonINSOl"1S Atten d t h e B all F amily con cert nc:x:t J ub ilee concert M onday night. P HOSPlIOIUZED EMULSION tiiken whenever . ·r.nds in Mon treal. · t h is opportu nit y r·f ani;oun c in~ that Monday evening. The Poultry Show held in town thi~ fr 1 h ] · bl 1 · · 1 b l b I Id J\" ur S D. . f B II 'II · . the $1,400 have already been r ecei ved for weeL{ is sa1c to e t 1e est yet ie 1 iere. L r. n · . rew1y, o e ev1 e is vis- t e t ' coug t l is d ·rou esom de, . will relieve . t hey arE'I preµa red to su pply their · t" f · 1 · t ' pa ten , a n p ersevere rn w111 e:tfoct a the Williams' Memorial Fund. 1cure in the most obstinate W inter goods clearing o ut at and be- 1 mg nem 8 m ·own. ~ases Mrs. 'l'. Batting, of 'l'oronto, is visiting · Daily Glul1e (evening eclitiou) sent to low cost and a bonus given in. See Star House advt. at Mr. C. M. Cawker'a any address four month s for $1. N tw 'llhncrti.eemrnt.11. Evening Glohe sent t o an y address for J\li Rs H. Gibson, of Kalamazoo, is visitThe farmers should notice reward offerWill , ta make room for Spring Trnportationa, 25cts per month. Leave your orclers a t ing at Mr. Nosworthy's . ed in these col umns- it interests them. offer for the next 60 :iu YS, the whole OI · Attend the young fol k's concert in St. ER V ANT WANTED. - One fo r H ow ab ont those good r e3olutions you Kenner & Co's Variety Hall. -his immense ~tock ofgone·nl housework. Apply t o MRS. P. A sum of money was fou nd in the S .A . Paul's school room to-night. in Jots to suit p11rch...aers . for med at the commencement of the year. MUilDCCH. 6tf. Mr. B . Carnovsky, of Kingston, is Booh an<{ ~hoe!!!, Those chtlaJ' dress goods tire going off ?arr~ck8 on Sunday last. For particulars These L ettrl.e are ·uns11r pa.ssed for spending a few days in tow11 · OUSE TO L ET.-Good 7 roomed rapidly a t Couch,.Jolmston &Cryde1rman 's. mqu1re at· the STATESMAN 0FFICB. SliJl~·§, RulJbe1·s, brick house. Pm··o·aion Feb ruary l et . Genuine "Fairbank's" P latfo:m Scale Mr. C. L. Vm1C111r1p, of Omaha, Neb ., We will send the Daily Globe (evening 188G. Apply to L. COltNISH, Jeweller, " nowPURITY, COVERING P ROPERTil<JS 'Jl'11.·u1taks, TVaHses, &c., 3lf ncunville. edition) free t n any address in Canada on wheels fo1· sale cheap. Weighs 2000 l is visitina Darlington fri ends lbs, alr11ost new. JonN M oDouoALL Ab "'.£ I k fi . · A N D GEN ERAL E XCELL E N CE. four months fur $1.00. _ Bnwmanville. w* ' eaut1 u stoc of ne yarn all kmds -AT52 GENTS WANTED-to handle and colors, at the Star House. See new The Essex Liberal says Mr. Geo. . implements for Noxom Bros. Mannf. Co., SEE TJIAT Tl.E Tl t.AT>E MARK You will be pleased , yea, delighted, if advt. (l,imited). to sell their goorls in thA township Sherin intends opening a drug store on you atiend the Ball .Jubilee Concert in Rev. R. D. li'raser attended the Do- of Darli ni:tton. Apoly fo THOMBS w, UNDBit· his own accaunt in that county. Peterboro, Ont. 6:1 w* the Church-st Methodist church next minion Alliance annual meetin" in Toron- WOOD, Ancl ls prepared to execute all ·-- -- - - - -----·-----We have m uch pleasure in drawing at- Monday even ing. o AMB AST RAY-Came into the to this week ' tention to tl1e auuouncement of the Week, .J premi se~. lot 3. Cou. i. Jhrlini:tton. one l3eEore giviug orders for BINDERX Mrs. H aywood, of Port Hope, and Misl'l Lamb. which is priute<1 dsewhere in this p11per. '!'be owner is r eq n9sted to pro yo proTWINE, farmers IVill find it to t h ei r Wa.sbington, of Goderich, are visitors at pert.y, pay expcrnces and take It away. A.L ~~x on the shortest notice. Far mers ~re rushing in t h e wood. The advantagc to call at R . M ANNTNG'sx M ::lTAl'LES, Tyrone, P . 0. 6-3w·· "' · r . . imstone a. prices are lower than they were two years an d get pr11;es. H ard ware otore ago, owing to the number of families useThe West End House-the noted barAN'.I.~ED-LADIES to work for n s CHEAP Woon,- McC lel lan & Co. are gain · dry goods store-is offodncr great W at t.heir own homes. $7 to $10 per week ing coal. can be quietly made. No photo. painting; no selling good gnen hard wood in quanti· attraction s this mornh. "' Our merchn.11ts seem to have faith un- ties ca.n¥a.Rsmg. For full par ticulars, please ad· neatly and promptly a ttended to; having nono of Four Cords and upwards at only . dress.R.t bounded in a spring to arrive further on, but first-class workmen em ployed. IS O:N EACil f A.OKAGE. $4.25 per cord, d elivered to any p<trt of Messrs. J<Jd. C._ an d Harry Coleman of llox 5170.once, Cresce nt Art Co., Boston.Mass., for already big packing cases of goods are the towu. tins town, won lughest prrnes at a pi()'eon .ltWSA'l 'lSl!'AC'l'ION D ,'i'f:a In 1·:· int i g u se being delivered 'l'ALLlON FOR SALE.-A Youna There was a whizzing time at t h e Slide I match fit Williamsburg on :28th ult. "' Draught Stallion.3 Y<)ars old. 16 hands hign" · ADDUESS W 11.NTED.--Any person who on Wednesday n igh t, at the Carni val. A . ~s, lf yon want a first class new _smt :ind a color br.own; goo<l boi1e, muscle anrl action: will give us the P. U. < L ddress of Mr. A. The cold was intense but the fun w11s watch m good order for n othm.g, leave h<>avy mane aud ttdl; sired by uRritish Linn"' F.xpl'css 0 fllce .Building-. a he" vy boned mare sired by "England 1s · w: Trewin, miller, formerlyof Janetville, immense. Crowds w~re there t;o enj oy your order at t h e S ta r House. See ad vt. dam Bowmauville, , b. 1, 1886. Glory." irorfortber particnlnrs apply to W. made only fr .... n1refu ll y cleaned seed will confer a favor 6·5w* it, t oo. The Od,lfellows have p urchased a new M. l./b:NT, Ne,vcastle. and absolutely fr e I 1 uuJ adu lteratiou. StouffvillP. hiis b een mulcted in $200 for 11 If you t h ink of having a family group $1GO nrgau for their lodge- room. Their 1 take only one Englis h weekly prtp'er, 1]ho ARM FOR SALE.-11:~ acres, Lot 9 , Sp,ctator. damages sust'·ined by a fall occasioned takell go to Henry's and see what he can old one is to be sold by auction next \Yedan'! one Caundian, 1'l·e l'Veek, and The Best ls tho Ch eapest. Con., z. D<trlington, within l} mil es of as a rnlo I shot1ld ha pnzzln< I to Ray which I by a defectivo sidewalk. Our Streets do. He excels in that line. :::>ee speci- ne~day night after lodge closes. centre of town ot Howmanvi!Je. Good Brick should miss rnost."- P'.,.0111. <l lcttcl' b111'1!oinas Dwelling . a nd commodious ont bnilrlings, good committee should pin this item in their lf'ilfllM8, mith01· of "Toni Brown's S eh<>ol m ens of those ht' has made. Gallery on STOTT ~ ,JU KY, AGENTS. hats. Mr. Richard \Vindatt was unanimously orcbard,lwetl watered. Soil fir st etas~. One or Days," King-st ., Bowman ville. elected Chairman of the Bo,trd of E rl uca- the best farms in D1trhR.m, Co. 'l\mn s reason· Apply to ROBT. l!'IELDING, Bowmanville :Five Hundred Reward for a combined he abte. Th e Agricultural Societies ofI'eterboro, tion for l88G at t he first meeting of G P . O. 2·tf. ' seeder t hat can be changed from Broad- Victoria, Durham and Northumberland 'n ew Board on \Veduescla.y evening. cast to Drill and vice versa tis easily as the Countie~ have elected Mr. H.. Vauce, of ULL FOR SALE. -Thorough-bred New embroideries, ne1v dress goods, Short Horn Bull. 2 years old, "Darlington A CA.1'ADIA N J OU!tNAI. OF POLITICS, SOCIETY W isner one ou exhibition by F.H . Mason, Cavan, to be their representative to the new tweeds, .e xcellent value, j ust receive cl Iforo," sire" Vicror" by Mr. Dryden's ramous AND LI'l'lUtA'J.'URE, agent. P rovincial BlJard of Agriculture . at tl1e Star Bouse. ·· B~ron Surmi;;e" (imported), No. l . l~ H. B . He 1s a well bni!L and very promising animo,t · l"11l1llsb.e1l every Tlm r · d 11y, a t :,.'l.00 1>erCo.rrespondrnts will please send b1 ·icf 'rhe great musicial event of the season br.antiful color, Come ttnd see him at Rose· The gelierous offer made by Mayor Long 11tum. u1 DRUGGIS1 :-; & OPTI Cl ANS, and newsy i\ems- conc1ense, boil it clown. of \ Vhitoy, t " South Ontar10 Agricult ural will be the B ;md Concert on the 15th inst. Jau\.fval~ Stock J!'arm, W. ~\TriJU~Y, propdrit.o r. Independent in Politics, '!'HE WEEK apW rite only on ·lne side of the sheet. Sep- Society, granting the Society the free use Ar nmge to attend. 5. J · O. peals by a comprnhen8ive Table of Contents to Have bean app<1in·.MI Aii·nts for the sale of arate paragraphs. Letters should reach r.h e different tastes which oxiao within the cir-theOur citizens should take great pride in ADIES ! LADIE~ ! !-Dr~ssmakers clo of a culLLlr>tl home, us by M onday evening or 'rm1sday morn- of a 2b-acre field in the e·1stern eud of the and others cm brace the one opportunity town for 10 y ears, sh ould be ticceptecl at our Colonial Exhibition J:bnd and show it An average of 15 short. crisp Editoruls itt Al.A.SKA ~PIH1'f'A(:;f.E ~ ing. Brevity is t he spice of life. le<itn tn be a nrsr,-cl11As cutters of ladies given in each numhor upon OA.NADIA.N once. by pi~tronizing t h eir concert on the 15th, and an~ childrens gar ments by P ror. Moodys New AMERICAN, u.ud l!:NGl.I::lH POLITICS u.ncl There are 41 seats in the Counties Tailor System ol' Drosg anfl Mantle Cttt.tiug by LI'l'EllATURE. WmrAN'x DEUOHT.- W e candidly bll- inst. · · and t:Y t;G i .. A~S ES. Council. Of th~se twenty-nine are occ.u Square Measurement. and time i~ ProfeeAmongst the regular Contributora lieve t,J1at no article heretofore sol d in this Our -12,000 readers are directed to Mr. money. No more paper or pat.terns. but and by gentlemen who sat in the Council sor Goldwin Smith; and u. diatinguished publiG They a r e CheapHHt b eca u se they J)ied direct on yonr materiiil. P erfect flt man of 1885. Of the remn.ining twelve, six town ever gave such universal satisfact ion D . Davis' new advt. H e is prepared to draft i n London has kindly undertaken to SUJ>Our d. u ly authorised and compeguaranteed. a r e t h e b est . have taken their places for the first t ime. as the Eagle ::Steam Washer solcl by Mr· boot every body for GO days at greatly re- tent A~ent Miss Muir, of To1·011to, w lll teach ply regularly an Engliah I.ette1·. Pa.ria aud J ohn N. Kivell, Bowmauville, the gener· duced prices. the ladies or Bowmanvllle and surro nnaing i~~~~~l;.ton Letters will a.ppear at regul11.1." They are clear, brilliant 11nd easr fitting and Poli~ically-21 Liber,11, 20 Conservative. country thoroughly for a nominal S lllll, fot· tho · agent for Durham. Everybody attend t he grand band cona l In adclitlon there are special ·contributions next Jew weelceat. Mr. A.lli n'o, east of McC! ungs will last ID><HY yeurM without change. The Ball Family Jubilee Singers have Bm l.OADS. --Mr. Bryon Moore, of Ty- cert in the Town Hall, l~eb. 15, to be Foundry, Bowmanville. Call and seo or send from some or t ne ahlest writers in the Dominadded some new voicPs to their company ion and t b.e United States, A full line or rone, has delivered t hree 111011s1 ·er loads "f gi nm muter the auspices of the D. 0. & for and be> convinced. We have since they appeared here last, and a citizen wheat in this · town on three consecutive P. Co. Band by a se!ect number of musi· much pleasure in referrng you ·to Miss McUullongh the well known Dressmaker of Bowwho heard them in Toronto says "Th ey clays this week, the number of bushe ls be- cians from both Bands. ma.nville, who is now cutting successfully with the Mood y System. a~ hundreds nr ot.he1·s are are really grand." Dont fail to hear ing 152, 160 and 173 bush. lOlbs. Byron ·1r ,,,,. c Ros Ne . . tl · 11 ' w e conld refer tn in Ontario. Dont fa.ii to loarn has now entered upon its third vca.r with mos!; l 1 11 ·1 k 200 b I " . u.L . e, wcas e, is se mrr th em i n the Church-st Methodist Church, FOR PRO'rl<:C1'ING gllt at theit· owu encoura.ging p1·ospects, u.ud with many new as~erts t :iat le c~u c ,eas~ Y ta. e us l - the Armstrong steel cutter gear; by at'- at once, Pupils can be t1tt1 on Sunday and Monday, February 'ith bo mes. J . & A. C:A l{'L'ER". Toronto. Sole features. t.aching this gen.r to a buggy box a com- Proprietors els. Bea~ .tJus record." ~10 ca~. and head oflice for Canada. an d 8th. T -~E YE S W EA.·~. 'rl~e offict:r~ t?f Tnmty L1t.erary and plete cutter is formed for than half «:. B l A«JllET '.l' R OHINSO.N, Opened out t his week at Couch, John - Af,usical ~sso.c 1atron are :-~resident,.Rev. the price of an ordinary cutter. Every l'ROF. \1', W ILLlilOS, 5 .Jordu11 !'\t., Toronfo, On(. conetnntly un h&nd. Also ston & Crydermn.n's a lot of beautiful W. H. \'\ arrmer, B. D.: "\ 1ce-Pres1dent, set fully warranted. 1 EACHER OF P J ANO, ORGAN AND Sample copies free on applicatfon coloured Sura.h Silks in the most fashion - Mrs. E . Meath; Sec.-Treas., Mr. F. J,. SINGING. Term· : For beginners $6: ror '!'HE ' VEEK is one of tho mostinfluentilll 1'1ag·nifyi11 :;:.· c.:l:t!lll!!les, ~dvauced pnpils. $10 for qua.r~er of t.wclvo able shades. 'Jhese goods make 1~n ele- Squair ; Orgauist, Miss Climie. Executh·e By the kindn!'lss of Inspec_ tor 'l'illey w_ e lflsson':!. R"uidence a.t Mr. RI<.;HAR!> Frn r .o's, jour 'lals in Canada.-Tntth. l.ondon, J1Jn(f, gant and durnble clre8s and they are the c ,,mmittee- Rev. W. H . ""'arriner, Mrs. have been po1·m1ttcd ~o exan~me the spec~· Centre 6-lw . Skeet, Bowm<1.uville. 51-t r, Rt~ad i nf' f. iHasse s, correct thing for e ve1iing wear and wed- Climie, Mrs. Meath, Mr. Uussell and mens sent m by the .J ubhc Sclwols of this F'ARM F O R S A LE. Mr. Keachie . .county for the Colonial Exhibit10n, and - · JJiica·oscope", &ic., · ding-<lresse~. we take pleasure is saying t hat the whole The Port Hop~ Times very correctly .r eFather McEntee's Gra·ncl Concert takes collt~t:~ion is ~-ery good, the map jdmwing ~ACRES . bein g south par t of l ot AT LOWEST P OSSrBLE P 1 ICES. marks that any person who will seud a place in Oshawa on Tue1day evcuiu g; . 0 15, con. 3, Clarke, s<tuated 5 miles paper back mRrkec l "refused" before all Feb. lGth, inst. The Celebrated E uro- from Newcastle sch ool being worthy of from Newca.stle. to which is a goorl rnacl· 100 - · - '\- special mention. a_cres in good state or cnl:ivfl.tion; t he bala.nce ' arrears are paid up is mean enough to GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. steal the co pp :rs from the eyes of his de- pean Brass Band of the Dominion 0 rgan L adies, you can eee somethinO' new t un bm· uud pasture land. On tbo premises are and P iano Co., of Bowman ville, , who are two framed wellillR'S, two barn~. with horso ceased gran dmother. There are a few preparing to play at the Worl d's Exh ibi- and nice i 11 the shape of prepared Mince a.nd cattle stables ttt ~ach, and drivin~ house BOWMANV IL.LI<; ST.A.TION. two orchards; two wells; a creek rnna across people like that in this county. Meat at Murdoch Bros, '.!.'hose wh o have tion, London, England, n ext y ear, have the lot. Will be sold chean. One third of tried it a~e delighted with its flavor. GOING EAST ~OING W EST been secured for the occasion. purchase money down; for balanco time will For a Postal Card. anrl send !or " tree We are pleased to learn that our friends, Express ·..·.·.9.05 a. m Express .. .... 7.10 a m be given to suit purchiiser. J-'or further par- sa mplecopyof '!'HE DE'l'IWil' F£tlilE PRESS M urdoch Bros', are selling Table a n d ticulars Fast Ex)lreas.10.05 1t m Local ....... ..8.25 a m Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Porte r, are aA joyful time is expected at St. Paul's apply to W. M , LENT, Newcdstle. Ont. and a Catalogue of their great PHEMIUM AND Mixed .. .. .. ... i .05 p 111 ;\fixed ......... t .05 p m bout to return to Oshawa tu reside . Mr. church this (Friday) evening wh en an en·· Hanging Lam!JS, much lower tha.n usual. 6·5w* CoMJUNa'l'JON Om"EP.B. A rare ch.i.nce to eocure an abundance of the choicest reading Local ... ... .· .. 7. 30 p m !i:xoreee. ...... 9.00 P m Porter W-'B in t··wn t his week and conT hey h1 \ Ye a great assort ment too. tertainment will be gi\·en by the Sabbath matter for a very little money, Exorese ...... 9. 40 D m cluded ar.rangements for the lei~se of l\lr. School children. An excellent pro:,1ram TAIT'S Prro1·os- Messrs Tait & Morrison, 'l.'HE WEEK LY DETROIT }'REE PRES!:l0 CANADIAN I P ACIFTC RAILWAY. J . C. Smith's farm, King-st. East. They of singing, recitations, <lialog11es, etc ,has will return here in ~few weeks.- R efor - been prepared. After the prog.·Mn pres- Bowrnanville, Ont,- Dear Sirs : -A proof of the Fms·i·.-30 acres of lot 8 in thll lat concession negative taken by you was duly rectivAd. mer. BURKETOl"' STATION or Darlington, lying immediately south of .the 'l'HE GRRA'l' DOLLAR W EICIU.Y . ents will be distributed among the child- I have to thank you for your kindness. The cemetery. cabinet is certainly one of the best. if not the TheJanuarv number of the"Home and ren. Nocharge fo r admission; butvo;un- beet, I ever had taken. I wonld like you S1tCOND,- The South HO acres of lot 16 in the GOING EAST. GOING WEST, The 1\fostReadable, Vivacious and Original to quote me yonrprice for a rlozen. A number third concession of Darlrngton. and the North Express ... . .. ll.33am · Mixed ........ 8.36 am School Supple°"'ent, "an illmtrated month- tary contributions will be taken at the of or Ne wspapers. people to whom I havo shown it say it is as 36 acres of the South S.3 acres of lot 15 in the .Mixed .. ..... . 7.·12 p m 1J<~xpress ...... 12.M pm ly m~ga~ine, devoted to art, literature, door. Everybody will Le Welcome. fine work us any they ever saw done in Toronto same concession , Express ... .. . 7.42 pm science, travel, humor and education, is .me hear from you, and in quoting price 'l'Hrno,-The Sout.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the Genuine wit.Pure Humor.Entertaining Sketch.. A partnership has been form ed between Let 'l'ickets 11.ncl ru rth·ir in foi-11111.tion may be had an admirable one. It is brim full of inplease quotAit as fine as yon can as l may take third es. Anecdote. Poetry, Travel, Romance a nd concefsion of Darlin1<t,on, alJd the North·rrom W . .A. 1' .~; ,, DS, Rxprnss, Ha.llroad, and teresting ri1atter, touching on the ab ove Messrs. R . J. Sl1aw and L evi A. Tole, of several pozen, requests continually corning in erly 60 Literary Essays or tho Highest Order, acres of the east half of lot 25 in tho Steamboat Ticket AKenL, Bowmanville. tl1is town, tl1e firm il>lme beirig Shaw & ror that sort of thing. Yours tru ly. EDMOND con by Writers of Genius and Renown. cession. topics. If the reader has not seen a num- Tole, for the purpose of supplying all kinds E. SIIEPPAHD, 'l.'oron to, Nov. 26th, 1885. 53-t! All the above will be sold in parcels to snit ber, it will pay him to send 20 cents to pnrcba.sers. '.l'ime for payment and terms will Known a nd Adrnit'ed wherever the Englisf» the "Supplement" Company, Toronto, of agricultural impl ements ·a nd machinery Language is Spoken. 4JO~SIJ!UPTION 4JURllD.- .ui om physician, be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, For to the farmers of this district. They have from practice, having had placed in his particulars apply to for a specimen copy· also taken out license as auctioneers, and retired D. BURKE SIMPSON, hands by an East India missionary tbe formula 41-tf. Vendor's Solicitor Mailed to any address in the United States OuR TowN MAUKETs.- Since our .reglh n ext Fall will be in the market as grain of a. simple vegetable remedy for tho epeedy and Cima.cla for B OWMANVlLT.E, FRIDAY, FEB. 5. lar market report has been put in type and produce dealers. TheJ will make a and pernumentcure ofC:onsumption.Bronchitis, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR . and Lung AfCatarrh, Asthma and all throat we have been informed by Telephone of specialty of the Massey manufactures. fections, also a positive and radical cure for the following changes : Skating rink Car- , Nervous Debility and all nervous Complaints, Don't Fall l o Sen·l fo1· a Sum p l e «:opy. nivals plentiful. Young ladiedively and ~t To _Tni;: CnARIT_Anlli. - A.ny I?erson who after having tested its wonderful curative JorrN PERCY, SEN.. begs to return bis 81ncere thousands or cases, has felt it his thanks powers t-0 his numerous customers and friends in good denrn.ncl. Heads of familes ffrm , feels mc~med to g1:ve anytlu_u~ m the way dur y to in make it known to lus su ffel'ing fellows, for the very liberal patronage extended to him l'ltllE l"JtESS «JO .· DETR.CUT; Ml t:U . Tait & Morrison are selling toys and an d young men unsteady and on th e de- ; of Clothmg, Beddmg, PMv1s10ns Ell' ~a,sh, Actua.ted by this motive and a desiro to relieve in B o wmttnvillc for over 30 years. and with a. i - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - fancy goods at gr~atly reduced prices. human suffering, I will send free of charge, to steadily cline . Old maids waiting for higher bids . / can c?1~£er a benefit ~n some. of the1~ fel- all increasrng business and advancing \ who desire it, this recipe, in German,French, years, h e has taken into p«rtnershlp bis sou, . Mr. R. Fax, Canada's favorite Comic, Grass widows, none offering. Old baches low c1trnens, by. send m g. then· do~iat1_ons or English, with full directions for preparing Percy. Jr., whose reputation, both Pro.a ppears at the B -ot nd ClJncert Feb. 15th. have fallen one cent, and whiskey;J'm. to the Poor ~ehefCo~um.ttee for d1stribu- and using. Sent by by addressing ·with .John vincial and Local. is such as to need no comW, A. NoY:ES 149 ment. 'l'he firm will hereafter be known as stamp, naminl\' this paper, coffeti are we"ker. hon. Full mfor_ m ah?n m rel{ard t~ the The meeting at Hn.mpton for appointol5 Jo1-1N PmteY & so:s. · above ctm be obtamed rrom tho Committee. Power's BlockHoche.· te1· N. Y. ment of Township offi.cers is on Saturday THANKS.Two weeks ago s~ gene:Help in the n.bove named articl .. s is much 13th inst. and no \ next Saturday as the In connection with th~ abo¥e, John PCJrcy & o1:1s hearted person sent a bus e o.f ve.1y r equirecl FRANCIS MASON,J. NoswoitTHY, BOW MANVILLE MARKETS . Sun say11. Son would inforn1 tbe public generally that mce apples to the SrATES1I~N office for Dl:\. Bm:rrr Committee. they iotenu carrying on a.t the same stand, The big rush of customers at McMur- " the boys ." Wo have waited till now ' Silver l:itreet, flow rnan»i!le. a first·cl»ss Horse C.:orrcctecl by J ohn Lyle, every Tlm rs()ay. 5 1 l'Z~z;;wmCll· lllll.l"'lllr&!l!l~EJ ··!il#lii·t-il!il'.·11l!#il1ltilll'"liillllMli!iS:U··Z:t·m:,11!l! ill,:nu5¥1F1E11'11l11t:lla&! Shoeing and General BltLcksmithiog Business, 'try's West End Dry Goods store of lat e expecting he or she would call for the bag, .'l-~-whore t.hey hope by strict attention to the rnminds one of t.he scenes of former days. but as yet our unknown b en efacto1· hits Pwu1t, 'It 100 lbs ........· $2 10 to $2 50 wants of t he pnblic. to 1rn1.intain a ·Hl in crease Their cheap golJds are drawing crowds to not shown up. 'l 'he "boys" aided by the WHEAT, F all, W- bush. . . . . 0 75 11 0 80 their repur.ation. As on P- of tho firm intends We are prepared to devoting bis whole energres and time to Horse buy . female sub-editr>r soon emptied the ba~, " Spring, 0 75 11 0 80 Shoein K, tposc having dl'iving, trotting, lame, BAitLEY, 'Ir bush . . . . . · . · · 0 55 11 0 70 Miss Stoughttm has received the agency and now they are very anxious that their interfori ng anri Clyde~dale horses requiring buy a ny quantity of Red extra 01u·< 1 and skill. will do well to give us a RYE, II · · · · · · · · ·· 0 53 II 0 55 tri~il. for Dr. Gre1g~ 's new book "Presbyterian - thanks should be conveyed to the liberal Respect.fully yonre, . OATS, II ······· ' · 0 28 " 0 38 ism in Canacla." Every Presbyterian fam- donor . ! thanks,kind friend. May .JOHN f'1moy & SON, and Alsike Clover Seed. Bowman ville, Jan. l, 1886. 3cf PEAS, Blackeye, 'Ill' bush ... 0 83 11 0 87 ily should possess a copy of this excellent your orchard pnduce a double crop next season. 11 Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 work. Parties having any to 11 Blue, 0 55 1 1 O 65 Mr. W el d, of London, gave an exhibiThe Ancient Orcler of United W orkm en BuT'rER, b est table, 'IP' lb. . . 0 15 11 O 1G tion on the M 1u·ket Square of the utility in the Ontario j urisdiction now h as a mem dispose of, kindly call - : POSITIVELY CURES :LAitD, :ip- Th . . . . . · . . . . . . . . 0 10 " 0 13 of the Globe hand grmrnde in extinguish - bership of 10,058, the increase during the Eaas, ~doz .··.......... 0 18 1 1 O 19 il).g fires on Wednesday. Its merits were past year being 1,550, against 1,118 in 18·. on us b efor e selling . POTATOES, 'IP' bush ... .···· 0 35 11 O 40 d emonstrated beyond qu estion. 84. This is a very gratifying increase in'l'HE DussEn H oes 'Ii' 100. . · . . 4 50 " 5 00 HELD OVER ONE WEEK - We have deed, and pr ·ves t hat notwiths ' anding WM. QUICK & Co. HAY. . · · · . · · · . . . . . . · · . . . D 00 , , 10 00 about two-thirds of our list of paid·up the hard times the Order is steadily gainsubscribers in type, but owing to the ing in public favor. The cost per $1,000 pressure of other matter we could not find of insurance for 1885 to each m ember was MARRIED. room for it this week. It will positi\·ely only $6. 50, and for the month of January Occasional defects and errors inane.vs· V!CEELb'OHD,On tbe 13th J an. by the this year there was no assessment. No paper are overlooked by those who hav./ appear next week. Rev. c. \V. Wat.cl1, o.t the residence of the The Orono D ivision of the sons of Tem - wonder those d esiring cheap insurance are b ecome attached to it through its perusal bride's father, Islay, James Vice, of the town· Are noin prNpared ta quote prices of of D'lrlin<tton. to So.rah Ann, <laul(hter for years. TJ1ey sometimes b ecome dis ship BINDER TWINE f or the season of1886, perance have issued fancy programs tor a flocking into the Order. of I saac Elford, Esq., towu~hip of Fenelon, in lot4 of 10 t(lli.11 and upwar<la. grand entertainment they are giving on Mr. Casey Trull, about five miles from satisfied with it on account of something v ALLEAU- A.mrou u - A.t the Chapple or St. l.ddreu, .._ tl1e 12th inst. They h ave gone to great h ere, on the base line of Daflington, has which has slipped into its columns, and John's College, Q11Appelle. on the lUtb of JanCiO F BOl'iT 5TBEET, EAST, A few :Boxes will cure any case ofl)yee x pense in fitting up their Hull, and built the past summ er a large and elegant may stop taking it; but the absence of the uary. 1886. by tile Rev, Mr. Petty. Joseph G. T ORONTO. Valleau, Esq .· or Indian Head, North-West p epa ia, Bimply b y takblg Ono :l'ill 1e'ffrlP' should be encouraged by crowded houses. brick dwelling upon the site of his former familiar sheet at t h eir homes and o. flices Territory, sou of the late CT. B. Y alleau, E8Q., Digbt o n r.t:lrillg. 'l'hey 4o Dot l OM 'tllei:I: A very interesting program is theirs for house destroyed by fire. He has also for a. few weeks becomes an insupportable of Q11ebec, to E mma MacDonald Armour. · effoc\ Uko otller l'il18. of Robert Armour, Esq., of third daughter this occasion. Everybody attend. privation; and they hasten to take it again built a new large barn with stone stables Bowman ville. THE DAVIS SEWINO MAcUINE . - Mr. R. and root houses under, and built stone aml possibly apologize for having stopped it. No friend ship on earth is more conBIRTHS. B. Thornton, of Orono, agent for the fa- walls and stables, under all his other pre25 C e nts per Box. Fiv eB oxes for $1.011.. t han that contracted by the reader . K&Ml"l'IIORN- In Bowman ville on the 23 lust. mous Davis Sewing Machine, brought Mr. vious barna and outbuildings. The amount stant TH I RTY P I L LS IN A BOX. for a journal which makes an honest· a n · the wire or Mr. W. P. Kemptborn, swi cchman of stone work h e has built about his barns J : ~irbairn Scott to town on Tuesday to earnest effort to merit its c1:mtinued sup-' of Q. 'I.'. R. Station, ot a. son. give a public exhibition of this machine. is truly enor mous. Mr. T. can challenge PICKARD- In Cleveland, Ohio, U. S., on Jan SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Crowds of people congregated at D . Davis' America or Europe to produce a more port. H ence , a conscientiously conducted Z.t h, the wife of Mr.Jonathan Pickard, or a son. paper becomes a favorite in th e family. complete farmer's h ome.Vindicator CRYDER~UN-Near Hampton, January 30th, shoe store to witness the operator, and the wife of Mr. M. B. Cryderman. of a daug"htall without exception testify to the supeAny of the Toronto, London or Mon- er. The Ilall Family Jubilee Singers will P1·csc1·vc Y ou1· S i glat . rior merits of the machine. W e have not give one of their popular concerts in the t real papers clubbed with the STATES!l1AN Use F. LAZARUS' (111.te or the firm of L>iza.r· room now to describe the range of work Church-st., Methodist Church on Mon- at very low rates. Don't t hrnw away us & Morris, ) Renowned S pectacles and Eye· DIED. Glasses, 'I.' hey are the best in tbe world. '.l'bey this machine is capable of doing, but it day evening next, 8th inst., under the money on local ·papers of no value but IVES- In Bawmanville, on t he 2nd inst., nev1Jr tire the eye, and last IDl\ny years with. PROPRIETORS, sews he11viest leather and finest lace wit h auspices of the YoungPeople's Association . call at t he ST..l.TES:\lAN office for !Qwest Arthur Gordon, second eon.of Mr. W. H. Ins' out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· 11 yenrs ancl. 2 months. aged Admission 25 cents; children, 15c. r ates ease. . man ville. G -it. :PURE WHITE LEAD. ... CHEAT 6 0 CLEARING_ · DAvs· · SA-LE.! WELL K NOWN BRANDS D. DA V I S "White L ead, S H A Greatly Reduced Prices. X X I O RD ERED WOR K s. s v . R EPAIR I N G n. · Lyman's ·Linseed Oil, S F I TH E w·EEK. STOTT&JURY, B L Color ed Gl a sses J T H E W EEK. l 1 13 INVEST ONE C EN,_ 1-, I I V aluable F arms for Sale. Business Cha n ge. Local a nd Otherwise. WORLD'S BEST! WEST'S -LIVER- _ DYSPEPSIA, Dartmouth Ropework SICK llEADACH E, Company, Halifax, Nova Scotia, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. BINDER TWINE PILLS John C .West &Co, T ORONTO.

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