· THE ~" _..,._HOUSE - - -·- · TOWN COUNCIL. The regula r mont!ily meeting of the Town Council was hela 0111\fond&y aven- ing last, Mayor Horsey presiding. c :a: .A..1'.190 .E. BONUSES FOR FEBRUARY: With every cash parcel over $5, Bonus, 50c. worth of goods, any kind. VVith every cash parcel over $10, Bonus, $1 worth of dry goods, any kind. With every cash parcel over $20, . Bonus, VVatch 1-n good running Order. With every cash parcel over $30, Bonus, Solid Silver VVatch in good running order. T h e la rgest cash parcel for February (must be o\rer $50); Bonus, Ladies' Gold \Vatch wort·h $30, guarant eed for fi ve years . The person who gets this bonus must forfeit other bonus. The handsomely chased Silver Tea-pot offered for the largest cash purchase for January was captured by Mrs. R. Shaw, Church Street. We are receiving large quantities of New Goods, and while we undoubtedly have the largest assortment, we guarantee our prices are the lowest. Don't buy before you see us. ~ STAR ~ HOUSE, EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. .t · T. GE 0. MASON. Demill L~dies' coll.ege hag nude a good t<Hleath during the lat,e cold snap. Whfoky. start on its eleventh year. '£hete is a fin e ~~-~---~-~----____,._~--~---~~ For coughs, colds, and all throat ancl attendance of pupils. lung diseases use West's Cough Syrnp. Col-Sergt. 'J'homas \Yrighton, late of BOWl\fANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEB. 5. All druggists. t t he Midl_and Battalion, ·aml a veteran. of Mark Checkley, the lion tamer, s tran~l - the B1·1 ttsh Army, h as died at. Bellev11le ed himself to d eath in a police cell in To- from woundarece1ved a· Batoche. DISTRICT NEWS. ro nto h st week. Mr. James Trigg, Osha wa, ~ho lmd l.iis For rheum11tism, neuralgia,cuts, wounds leg ?roken four month~ ago, shppcd wl11le Graven h urst's school - rate alone is sixor bums use West's World's Wonder. corr~rng from )~c s ba.r~l Sonday evemag and i~en mills. agam broke his leg ln the fame place. A butter factory will probably be start- All druggists. 't Last week J olm Reid, of Haliburton, in A h orse a.nd c~tter, Lhe prnperty of Jas. ed in Elora. bear Trull, of Pickermg, was s tulen on Wed· company with C Austin shot a bic:r 0 Huntsville wants a tan nery other than d a t d tw~ little c~bs nesday evening from the shed adjoining the public school. an ~· P ure · t Hay's H otel, Whitby. 'l'he r ig was found 1 "'104 300 were d ispensed by organized i Elia~ B rown, an ? d and. much r~spec :· at Mr. Conant's farm n eal' Oshawa. '"' .. ' . ed resident of Whitby, died at his res1charities m Toronto last year. . deuce last week from a stroke of paralysis. A few days ago a fine black h orse was A sugar,,Tefiner! is !o be . atartocl m The stand ard r emedy for liver com· found tied tor.\ fence bc1hi11d a clump of Toronto.. I le capita l will be $300,000. plaint is West's Liver Pills ; t hey n ever cedar bushes a t the side of the r oad about 0 11 'I,uesao,y, M r . T · J · H ampt_on, of disappoint you, 30 pills 25c. All dr ug- a 'llile south of Pe rrs t own. The anim11J was dea,d. Its throa.t had been cut and Sh arb ot L ak e, s h ot th ree b ears i n oIle gists. -1· d the halter and bridle w as left on ~h e dead en. H e of t he Paisley Advocate wan ts an b_ e1iet. Its legs wo~c c.o vered. with mud. For liver com plaint., dyspepsia, and ac · t of J>arliawent authorizing editors to I J d d tl J t b f .u ' Lp· n t HI en en Y am ner e srnce e ore 8 All sick headache, use n est" tvei- l · officiate at vm dd ings so that they may .be the d eep fall of snow. lt was complctdy , druggists. 1reported on time. covered with sn?"'· Sumo .suppos~ .th.e Oshawa Farmers' Institute are going to Mr. H. P. Stone, former ly of W hitby· body of a man will be fou11d m the v1cm1l10ld 11. big meeting shortly, similar to t he but now in California, wrote to a frie nd ty when the snow mel ts rn the spring. No one held last yeer. on t.he 14th instant, iu which he says one in the 1 rnighborhood can ide n tify t ho T.h cre will be two eclipses of the sun that wheat at t hat time was a foot high, horse. ·--- --- ------- --in 188u ; o,nnular eclipae March 5th and and cattle getting fat on the gt·ass . total eclipse on Augus t 2!)th. Why will you suffer with a bad cold S cott's Emulsion of Pure The Moria river flooded Belleville when a few doses of West's Cough Syrup Cod Li.ve1· on. wilh Hyt1011hosi1t·itca seriously last week, hundreds of families will cure you. Invaluable for all throat. I n 'l'nberc1ilar 'l'rnuules of the Lmigs , DARLINGTON COU NCIL. h aving to leave their homes. and lung troubles. Consumptives try it . Pain cannot exi~t wh en West's World's Small size 25c. , large bott les $1. 00. All __ Dr. A. F . JOHNSON, . Ce,<lar , Rapids, T o1vn Hall, Hampton, J an. 30. W onder is appl ied. Cheapest and best. drugg i&ts. ·i· Iowa, s~r : " 1 have u~~d Sc_ott s ~ui ulR egu lar meetiug of the Council. PresT , d 2 " and 50c. A ll drogg:ists. t 2 Gih J u nary was the Golden s~on m I ubercular truulhcs, with ~atisfac- ent: The l~aeve, in the chair,a.nd Messrs. u ~ Mr. L nther H all, amuversary ~es ay, o f tl1ea marriage .' f M d I t10n, bo th to patients >iud myself.' M~. Ja.s. Hall, son of o r. a n Vancamp, Smale and Worden. Minutes of Oshawa, wa~ taken very ill i n Toronto, Mrs. J eremhli O'Leary, L indsay, r. cou ple Overcoats our own make for sale at T. of last meeting read and con tirmecl. with inflammtlt.ion uf the bowels last week well k nown and regpected through this Geo.Mason's Star Honso. A letter was read from the Dep uty -Ad· a nd died on Friday. district, Mr. O'Leary having once taught jutant-General in reference to the late West's Cou«h Syr11p st ops tickling in school in Bowruavi!le. olection of a c 'ou ncillor, giving it as his opinion, concurred in by the A ttorney the th roat, st~pa that hacking ~ough and Mr. Chas. Marsh, a highly respected General, that the vac11ncy in t he Council "ives perfect relief ; it is certamly worth resident of Port Perry, and who is about Brands ndTer ti:iod ll& n.bsolutely pn1"& should have boon filled by the Council : trial. All drnggists. )to move t o N ebraska, U. S . A., was, on CONT.A.ZN .A'.Dll:'.Dll:0NXA· nnder section 184 of the Municipal Corpo'l'he Port Hope Guide !lnnounces t hat Tuesday evenin~ last, praaentsd wi th an . THE T EST: P la.cet & cft.n t op down o n n. liot stove until he...ted, th·· ration Act. 11 o-entleman in the back country is agent address accompanied by a baudsome gold remove the cover a nd smell. A chemll:$t will not bo r· I n order to remove all doubt in the fo~ "patent rain holder ." The old watch . A splendid supper ancl some q uirod to detaot tho p rcsonco of ammonia. matter, a by· law was t hen pa~sed by the fashioned cis tern is good enough for us. excellent speeches were enjoyed at 'rrick's restaurant. Council appoin ting Mr. Geo. Awde t o the Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the ~ust potent Other odorous waters undergo many vacant seat in the Council Board. blood purifier, and a foun.tam. of health variations of 11roma as they fade into Mr. Awd then made the usual declaraa.nrl ~trength . Be wise m time. All tion of qualification and of office and took baneful effections are prompt ly r emoved insipidity, b ut MURRAY & LA.."fMAN's his seat. FLORIDA WATER passes through no such by this unequalled alterative. graduations. As it is when sprinkled upo n A circular was preeented from the p ublishers o.F a work. "Who m ay vote, "and The Mayor of Pet erboro, believes t hat the han d iier·ctne[ or the garmen t, so it the clerk was instructed to the order six the Salv;i,tiou Army is entitl ed to protect- remains - delic11te, refreshing, and de· ion and should not be di s turbed, accord· lightful to the last. copies. i ngiy he has instructed _ t he pi!lice~ to visit A pet ition wns presen ted from W. H . LLOYD, of Ohio, B urgeon in the Dr . the barracks every evenmg. Roge~s and others, asking reduction in st's army d uring t he war, from exposure charge for town hall for t he use of t he S. ·wonderful is the effect Of We contracted consumption. He says in a Army. W orld's Wonder or l<'amily Liniment. l etter addressed to Messrs .r. N. Hanis On motion of Mr. Vancamp, seconded One bottle will effect more cures tha_n & Co., p1'oprietors of ALLEN'S LUNG hy Mr. Smale, the r on t was redu cccl from four t imes the n umber of any other ltm· l3ALSAM, I have no hesitancy in stating $3 t o $1.50 per month. m ent. 25 and 50c. All. druggists. 1- . · that it was by the use of your LUNG A by-law was passed appointin g memA t the missioll.ary services, held m Div· BALSAM that I am now alive and enjoying bers of the Council as road commissionSt. Methodist church, Cobourg, on Sun- healt h. ers, a.nd fixing t ho amounts a uthorized to 1 Preacher- "Young men should never d ay last, the eubscript1ons and collections, 1 be expend ed by each. including Sabbath-school ..contr1bu uons, go to places where they wou}d !lot to,ke DOES NOT CONTAIN AMl\IONIA. A by-law was also pasaod for t he apamonntecl to the magmticent sum of their sisters. Is there a Chnstam young ns HEALTllFVDN&ss ms N EVER BKE!i QURs·rmllED. pointment of assessor - Mr. Wilson P ower $1,020. man in t he audience who thinks he may In a mtllion home· f or a q uart.tr ot a century It bu being appointed. A NEIGHBOR gave me a d ose of Dr. safely break this wise rule?" Youn g ura n ltood tho consumers' reliAble test, John Avery applied for assistance to go SM ITR.'s GERMAN Wo:aM REMEDY and it under the galle ry stands up. Preacherto tho general hospital in Toront o. 'l'hc THE TEST OF THE OYEN · . r emoved a. l arge num ber of worms from "And what is the place, my young friend clerk was instructed to ascertain terms, rny children, after all so-called worm which yo u think yourself j ustified in visit- PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., etc. m edicines faifod . - T1rns. McE LLIGOT'X, ing , and yet to which you would not take !IJ..KEJUl O:r 'f ho clork was instructed to call meet51 Anderson street, Montre:il. 25 cent, your s ister ?" Young man - HThc bar ber for nomination of pathmasters, fen ceExtract~, inas of all druggist s, shov, sir ." vi~wers and poundkecpers on 13th inst. The 1troni;e·t, mo1t. detlcloaa a·d uatan 1flaYor b o..,.,.o, u4 Miles Ogden, proprie tor of the Midland Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the bea ut.y 'rh e clerk was also instructed to ask for House, Port Hope, was bcfort the Beak of the hair and promotes its gro wth. It Prlce~s t end ers for the t ownsl1ip printing for the last week on compla.mt of I uspector Ford, imparts an attractive appearance a deligh t· For l<lght, llen.lthy Bread, Tho Be·t Dry Hop curren t year. · · Yeut In tho World. f 0 r selling liquor to 'rhomas B lack aftcc fol and l astin" perfume. While it stim · 'l 'h e Reeve and Mr. Vancamp were ap~ FOR SALE BY CROCERS. heinrr forbidden t ') do so. 'l'he charge was ulates the ro;;'ts-, cleanses the scalp, and pointed a special committee to enq uire CHICACO, ST. LOUIS· admitted and Mr. Odgen contributed ten tld ds elegance to luxuriance, i ts effects are into th l) validity oi the Treas urer's sec urdollars for the privilege. enduring ; and thus it proves itself to be ity. the best and cheapest article for tJi!et Messrs. V ancamp. \Vorden irnd th e :Fo1t CJiOLEilA, Cholera lYioPbus, and u ~f!. Roeve were appointed a committee to exCholera Infantum, M well as all Summer '£his is the kind of literature that t he amine the proposed change in road on 1 ot Complaints of f1 similar natu re, the PA_IN· people of Port Perry had dished up to 15 in the 2nd con. Knr,En acts with Wonderful Rapidity, them in the Observer last week. Th0 Mr. J ohn Brunt ma.cle application to and Never Fails. when taken at the editor in writin" of his cotem, the .Standh ave his land t ransferred from sch ool seccommencement of an attack, and often aid says:- "He"' went t o bed one night, t o tion 18 to section 10. r~aid over till next cures after every other remedy has failed. have his shir! washed , and wllen it was meeting of Council. 1 The Woodstock, Ont., papers stato that hung on the lme to bleach or dry 0 1· someThe R eeve was instructed t o grant orabout a year ago a girl named C~lins a p- thi!lg, they could not en_du~e the smell.of ders on th e 'rreasurer for t he following pai·ently dropped d ead while play rn~ with it m the house, and wlule it was hangmg sums, Mrs. Clemens, 97 loads gravel $3school comp;1nione. Lately th<:, coftm ".'as out some one came a~ong and _from the 35; R Windatt, registration fe es $21, 70; mberger removed, and curiosity led t_o ar1 ex?'rnlll· hornd smell i~1stook. it f.or a L 1 indigent pers<>ns- Gay and W eller _ $5 atic,n of the contents, when it was d1ecov- cheese bag, picked it off the ltno and each ; Campbell, Mallett, L n lf, Kermck ered by indisputable evidence that she was trampled 1t in the l! Utter. As a matter of and Aldsworth $4 each; L ane, Cornish, buried alive. course Noddy had to go forth next mornH eads Wilson , R obison, 'r rick, Brady, To Ladi es. The great beautifier for ing clos~ly butte~ed up, caught cold and Purest and strOll$CSt Natural Fruit Flavors. D ell , Cornish amd Dean, $3 each ; Stacey Vanilla, J,cmon, urange, Almond, Rose, etc., the co:nplexwn : One of \Vest's lUgar was contined to his bed . . and Gregory $2 each. flavor as delicately and 1mturally as tho fruit. coated L iv.. r Pi~ls ta~en ni~htly. 30p 1lls J Ask to see t~e prepar,cd Mn1Ce Meat at Council anjourncd till Saturday, Feb. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , 25c. All druggists. T , Murdoch Bros . CllICAGO. s:r. LQVIS, 27 th, at 10 a. rn , ~b 0 t \".J.lltlUl-'4UtU Cit!' lit' ~t 1:\ ttitunti. t 1 J olrn M0ffatt, Fenelon Falls, was frozen - - --- ---======= I I The other mernburs present were : Reeve Prower, Dep·lweve B eith, and Councillors Wesley, M orris, Mason, Brittain, Kydd, Galbraith, Nosworthy and Burden. Mr. M. !'e nter m ade the usual decla.ra.tion qua.li6ca.tion and or office and took his scat as member for the West Ward. · Minutes of former meetings were r ead and on motion confirmed. S. Burden npplied for the position of Assessor. L1.1id on tabltt. A. Younie and W . T. Scott applied for the po1>ition of Collector. Laid ou table. Thos. Peate asked to be appointed lamp-lighter fo r a 11.1mp on Cobb's corner. R efer red to P ublic Property Co mmittee. Reeve Prowe r presented the report of the sp~cial Committee on the claim of W. Cullis for damages received on Liberty· st. The Conunhtee coulil not determine that any in j ury was caused and from the pr esent state of the road they were unable t o r epor t on the condition of the r oad. Adopted. The Auditor s reported that they had audite d t he town accounts ,and found them correct. 'l'hey a.lso presented a detailed statement and abstract repor t of same. Iteferred to F inance Committ ee for final audit. The Report of the Police Magistrate was read showing the receipts to have been (in fines and fees) $375.80. E xpendimre as follows : Paid 'l'own T reas., $301. 80 ; County Treas., $5. 00 ; L icense Inspector, $20. 00 ; fofor ma.uts, $5.00 ; for da m1tges, $1,50 ; Witnesses, $ 10. 25; ha!ttnce in hand, $42.00 ; 'l'ot..l, $a86.45. Number of trials, 122. Committed to goa l, 11-4 for vagrancy, 1 for drunkennes2, 1 for d efault , 1 for furn igh111g liquor to In dians, l sentenced for larceny, 1 sent for trial -for larceny, and 2 for a 1·aon . Report recei ved and tiled. Mr. Brittain 9 reseuted the r eport of tho Police Committee. L aid on table. Mr. Kydd pre8ented the re port of tho l'ublic l'roperty Committee. Laid on Blankets, worth t hree dollal'S, for two dol hn,; tablo. Mr. Prower introduced a by-law for the Bed Comforters, worth one dollar, for sixtyrfi ve cents. appointment of Town Ofticers. Read Grey Flannels, worth twenty cents, for 1 2 ~ cn1 1s. three ti mes and passed, the oJiicers aud salaries being: Twilled Cotton Sheting, worth fifteen ct, td, f,-'r tan cents. Town Clerk- R. Windatt . . ........ $500 Home Made Flannel tih eeting, worth for t.,., C· 11LR, for 32 cents. Treasurer- Col. F. Cubitt .. .......· 150 Assessor- Sam uel Burden.,,,, ·. . ·· 125 White Qu:lts, worth one twenty-five, f 11r "ii!ht five cents. Collector- Abram Younie. ·· ···· · · · 150 All Wool Dress Serge, wor th forty cent R, f, ~. 28 et--n t-.i. su3~·ie~~~~!~~~J;D T.~'~'.scoo\~·r~~~:. 350 Wool Shawls, worth ninety cents, for i-ixty cr·nt 4. V.'eet Ward Constable-E. C. Coleman. Ladies' Kid Gloves, worth eighty centN, fo r · i x ·_, \· nm ts. N orth do. do. - Rieb. Darch. South d o. do. -G. D. F letcher. Ladies' Cloth J ackets, worth three dollars fo l' ~ ;.50. Chief of l~ire Brigade-1'hos. Hoar. Cloth Ulsters, worth two dollars, for Sl 25. Engineer do, - G. C. Haintis .. $1l0 'I r 'O Silk Plush, worth two dollars, for $1.35. Asst. do. do. - 'hos. ' apson · · Li Care taker E ngine l'toom - G. D . Fletcher ... , ·. , .. .· . . , , ... , . . . . . 40 Steward S. W. Engine Iloom- Walt, 'l'odgham . . . ... : . . _. _... . . _. . . . 25 Ferice v1· ~wers.- W . p 1 ·e, 'I. Darch · 1.1 ~ .. ,nd R.. Ba1nbly. ~ P ou ud-Keeper.-'r. 'l '. Colemall . ----==-== - ========------ ---··-===~ The South Ward Fire Brigade pr esent. ===~-~ ed a re_port on tlrnir: engine and equipment'. Filed. Mr. Burden complained of over-hanging branches on some streets. Referred t o H<>ads and Str eets Committee. Council went into Committee of the Whole on ·t he Public-Properly R epo1t , but adjourned without coming to auy <lctinite decision. KERP A FULL STOOK OF CENUINE ----o ---- BARBA/NS! Over Fifteen Thousand Dollars in DRYG-OODS, --- -o--- Fall and -W-inter Millinery & lVIantles. ::c3r . l AT LESS THA ----o- --- C OST. PIERCE4' Chemists and D rugg ist s , .,...--=------.. ., ,. . .,. . . ., ,. . F U R E D R UGS and all t he Patent Medicint-)S adv(~ rtised. ALSO SELECT ST O('K OF TESr YOUR BAKING POWDER TO·llAYJ H air Brushes and Combs~ Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet S ,·. ps, Ch ~ inois, &e ·. AGENT~ FO \t:. a THORLEY'S IMPROVED H ORSE A ;nJ GA.TTLE F OOD. Pure G r ou nd O i PRESCRIPTIONS and J?J~ C EIPTS Filled with absolute purity ar. d co1'1·er;r nf·ss. P u blic :No tice. The 1111.-J , r···n"'J. hr.vin>l' bought out the GRrnT MILL f .J . Ht.J·er, Esq. , and put ever>t b·ng in ui. t-<"la211 order, is prew pared to d" a.ti k inol· of Griating. I will guarantee to m·lrn the host ARNECT.I. F~ouR t hat iB m·de in 1 he county, as the null has htitin fi ted u p t1specially for handling that kin · of wheat. I h nvu o. poni tiYQ umtnly to!' cue aboT~ dluau; by tu ue· t houMnds of cases or th& w ont lit1nd · D.d of l ong- Blan41ngI have .. b .. P'" ' " "' 8.tw WILL in conhavo bee n cun11. J 111lcetl, 1 0 1t; mna; ' " m y falt.b In It" el'Dca r y, t ha t l will s1..r.t1ll ~L'WO B O'fTWS3 F"B:E.ti:, lo~ethll r wJl.h "'V.ALnection _with th" >,b ,e, anrl am prepared ~,!~uL~n:f'~~fX~~~rc~~. ii~B.~~~:'6~(r11l, l~r1!:~1 t!t~:~~: to take ltl an y qua" ' " l .,f Sw1 Logs. I have low.-r.. d tlw p r C< ' of Chopping to suit the ttmea. CONSUMPTION !IM.11\'i..., · Dr. Price's SDBG ial Flavorin[ Dr. lupulln Yeast Gems EA LT H HEALTH IS W · I [ A. s. 'l'iHU, EY, 51 1 p ., plo.J's Mills, Kingston Road, ~-C have l!'· >Od d ·.Hlla n d r r nr WOrk an(]. fUI'· nisb steady <'>nll ' ·) J" lll nt. \<lrtress. with stamp, Dr. E. C. West's Kerve and Brain Treatment, (;JlOll'N .u · rG H t ,l lP.a " · 29J Vine St., Cm· a gua.ranteetl specific for Hysteria; Dizi'>iness, clnnatl. Ohio Convulsions. l!'its. Nervous, :t< enralgia, Head· ache, Nervous Prostr'l.t10u, caused by the use of alcohol or tohacco, '" akefulness, Mental Depression, Softcni n g of the brain resulting in insanity and lci>ding to misery decay and death Prematuro Old .A g e , Barrenness.Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary J;osses anil Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, self·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $LOO a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, " lee h <Hlt<l $3 " $j, easily mn.d11; w~1 · k ~..., c, · ) 11 di; no cainvasing. 1 - La"i'"A and gentlemen in W ANTE C if y count n' "' light work at their own a day can be or MOST PERFECT MADE W e Guaran tee S ix Hoxes 'l'o cure any case. \Vith each order rccei ved by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNO, C. WES'i' & Co., 81 King St., East, Toronto.