TERMS :-$1.50 Pu AionrM. NEW SERIES, NUMBEB OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: TUE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, E DI TOR AND P1t0Pll.l1:T011, VoLUME 395. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. E NNJSKILLBN. ThQnpecia.l ser vices at the Methodist churcl1 were bot h inter esting and su ccesefnl last week. A p·1blic exami nation will be held in onr sol1 ool her e Frid ay after noon n ext, l9t.h iu ~t. An entertainme nt and con · ce rt wi ll be gh-en by t he pupils and otherHon t he same evening in Kennedy's Hall, t o begin at 7.30 p. m. An unusual good ti me is fX i:;ected, a fe e of lOcts will b e charged to defray expenses and purchase som e r equisites for t he school. Our gifted neighbor . A. Montgomery, has con· Mr. tributed ah excellent original poem t o la.st weekij Montreal Wit ness, on his r ecent visit to Ireland. The Sttn is to be congratulated on the efficient satellite it has secured as oorrcs· ponJ.ent here. How brilliant ly i t. shines now! H o w wonderfully p enetratio:ig its rays are! 'l:h is fully accounts h r the late thaw; also fu rnishes a reason for t he made in the prob· mistake The woul<l-beabilities laet week. j~ ke in the last' week's issue at the ex peuse of your humble scribe would ham weakened any ordinary mind, ~engaged in the production of sm:b a ch oice composition , but of course i t conl 1 l not in tho least affect the gigantic intellect of this ris in~ journalist. . l n fact we expect this fixed star to glow with more fer vid heat no w it h!Ls succeeded in throwfag- off the accu mulat ed wit of a q uar ter of a century. As to t he report o f the N aw Year's 'r .,a which h&takes au much to hear t, t he reg· ular corresponde11t did not write a l ine of it. I t was written by a gentleman t hat does n ot reside in the neighborhood at all, and one whose last t hough t would be to wound the feelings of any one taking part 1n the programme especially those of any lady. I n writing hasti1a he lllay not h ave thought of sowe na me3 or may have for gotten the correct &rrangement of the programmo. If my memory serves me right the opening piece tb:i.t evenio1~ was a Psalin , when Miss Henry presided at the organ. In any case Luminaries with such rtbnormall11 developed brains should make all owance for ordinary cor respon dents who d o no t profess to be above th e average. lvEW HAVEN. An eveut of more. than usual inter est t ook place in -our midst a. fe w days since. We refer to the marriagt> of Mr. A. M. Fowler, to Mit1s E . Eve rson, on the 10th inst, at the residence of her father, Mr . S. Everson, W11l.:1w Pa1·m, Rev. J . Whit lock tying t he knot with his usual dextrity and firmness. After the cer omony about 40 invited guests par took of a sumptuous repast. Amid t he congratulations and well wishes of t heir fri end;; for a happy an d pr osperoc1s journey throngh life, the happy couple l eft to visit friends in t he West. XX.XII. SOLINA . NUMBER 8. McCLUNGS, TYRONE. I I Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanvi lJ-e . 0 CJ Cl 0 en ..... c+-t 0 ·r-t co · 0 ~ ro +=> H ..,...:> Pt H .......... · r-f 0 s~ ro rn ~ ·~ .... ~ <::::> ~ ~ ~ = = ·= ~ · 0 ~ 0 co t-1 ~ co .., ~ ..d 0 00. (Q Pt 0 <D ~ ~ > Q) ~ 00. ~ ~ Q) <:,) ro ~ Q) Q) ~ · r-f ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ......, 00. rn ,.q ..,...:> ~ ,.q 0 rn l'J Inn'::) ~ ~ 0 o~ t:3 ·Q) <:,) :J ..I ..d <:,) 0 "'C c\S ~ = 00. Q) <::::> ..d ~ c\S Q) ff 0 u: Q) t3 '-&..I 'S-DNfif:JOOW FARMERS, THRE SHERS! Use M cColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated ~int ~reb L ardine MACHIN E OIL. T HE BEST' IN THE WO R L D . When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N ew Oil, HA MPTON. On the 10th ult., by invitation quite a large n umber of pel'sons assembled at t he residonce of Mr. ,Josoph Clat \\'orthy,. to witness the nupt ials of his sister-in law, Miss L avina Gul ly, t o Mr. J. L ewis ,Johns, (both of this place). The ceremony w as performed at 5:30 p. m., by the R ev. G-eo. Browne. The bride looked charmi ng, dressed in cream Nun's-veiling, suppor ted on th e left, by h er sister Lizzie G-ully. The groom was attend ed by his brother Mr. C. W .·Johns, wit h a Browne in t he front and a Bro wn in t he rear, we ha.ve no hesitation in siiying that the job was "done np .Brown. " After the g:rnsts had partaken of the sum ptuous spread prepared by t ho h ostess, a pl~asan t t ime was spent m sing ing, games and general "cl1it chat." The pr eseuts to t he bride wer e uumerous and han dsome, the following is a list :- Messrs 11'. A. Cole, R. J . N idd ery, and W. Martin , China tea. set ; Mr. A. Trenontl1, Silver pickle crll,et; Miss E.G ully, Sil ver pickle cruet; Mr. :A. Gully, bea utiful librar y lam p ; M r. L. N, "7"{Lnst one, carving knife and fork ; the groum, silver pie and cako knives ; Mr. C. W, J ohns, beautiful album; Mr. a nd Mrs. C . J ohns, side and gravy dishes ; Mies G. Lawrie, china raw-fruit dish ; l\fiss K ate Salter, breakfast cruet ; Mms Lillie l:iur ns, pair vases; Messrs 0 . and L. Pascoe, silver butter knife and p ickle fo rk ; Miss C. A. Hosk in, crystal frui t dish and pitch er ; Mr. and M rs. Jas. McLean, china coc11 po>, ; Miss Annio Ash ton, pnfr silver fru it spoons ; Aaron B uckler, Eeq., Silver butter kn ifo ; Mrs. J. ,l oh nH , set silver t ea spoons ; Mr. and Mre. I . L. Brown, set silver desert ~poo ns ; M:r. S. W. ap.d Miss A. R ust>, crystal t ea eet ; Mr. Clatwor thy, volurnn, Testimony of t he Age~ ; Miss S . T reuouth, toilet set ; Mr. R. Taylor, silver card receiver; Miss E. J. Kerslake, pair crystal fruit dishes and bread plates ; Mr. and Mrs. ]'rayn, crystal wate r pitch er an d goblets; Mias Olive Gully , silver toast-rack ; Mrs. A. Gully, breakfast cruet and cake basket ; Mrs.A. McGr&gor, cryst al cheese dish ; Mr. and Mrs . J. Y. Cole, b eautiful cake stand ; Mr. Benson and Miss Helena Cryderman, crystal lemonade set ; Miss Eunice Roach, parlor lamp ; l\fr. and Mrs. Kent, pair cry& tal fruit dishl's ; Mr. Fred K ers lake, crystal cheese dish ; Mrs. J. Kerslake, set dinner p lates ; Mr. and Mrs ..Jos. Ward, pair veget able dishes ; Miss L. Cotton , hand ~ome whisk h older and music carrier; Miss R oc:a Cot.ton , painted panel ; Mr. and Mrs. H. E lliott, jr., pair towels, white spread and chi na cup aud saucor ; Mrs, Jou. ChLtworthy, pair large side dishes. · We have over en ~ei:tained the very highest opinion of t he young people of this place, feflling proud to be associated with youn g men rnd young women who always cond tJct th em,dves in a l audabh~ manner. When call.·d upon to mingle with society, t hey are as a r ule courteous and affable, if requested to speak, read , r ecite or ding, they can aquit t hemselves wi th credit. We were very sorry indeed to hear from your Enfield correspondent t h:.t two of our young men, on a recent Sunday ovening were trying a game which t hey did not seem to understand and got ·'left." But we are pleased to hear'l'hey have resolved to do better. A new leaf they will t urn. They'll attend to home dutiesAnd not tro uble Hobourn. SLOw BoY. UR.ONO . The Literary and musical society has again got its machinery in run ning order. Its t hird meeting for the year was held on Monday evening with a fi ne attendance. It sh ould be well supported as its aessions are of the most in teresting eharacter. It has also a good staff of officials, the president Mr. G. K. M.cDowell being a young man of considera.ble push and high lit erary attain ments. Mrs. Thos. S taples was taken very ill on Wednesday evening last. She is in a low state at present. Mr. R. Moment at tended the Grand Lodge of the R oyal Templars of Temper· ance, last week. We r egret to hear that Mr. Harry Chapple is home from Trinity Medical school on account of illness. Messrs. Samuel Staples, John Moat and Harry Armstrong are in town. D espite the unsettled weather and almoat impassable state of the roads t he Son~ of Temperance were greeted with a full h ouse at. their entertain ment on F r iday evening. Invitations h ave already come in from several quarters asking t l!at the favorite drama be reproduced, but we have n ot learned wheth er or not they will accede to the request. 'l'he assessor is again on his rounds of du ty. He intends to work near home for a short time pending t he action of tho council in creatiag one or per haps two new pollowing subdivisons. The idea of having 21. polling place in the neighborhood of tho old Lawrence church is moot. ed, but it is not a feasible one. I t would nece~sitate cutti ng of voter wl10 live within a mile of here and sending them th ree times th e distance t o record th~ir votes. A far better plan would be to make two, one in the neigh borh ood of Oron o. The expense would be but little mqre and the wishes of the electors gratified. All interested should att end the next session of tb e council on the first T uesday in March. ~~auNLl:GHT" Co.al Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. J U cCOLL B ROS. & co rr, 1..' 01·onto. N . H. Down 's Vegetable Balsatn ic E lixir is a positive cu re for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Cata.rr~, Iloarsene~s, Influenza, S pitting Blood , Bronch iti11, A11thma, L ung Fever, Pleurisy , and all dISea.ses. of t he Throat Chest and Lungs. .As an E xpect orant 1t h as no equal, Consu mption has b een c~red times without number by its timely use. It heals th e ulcerated surfaces, and cures when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six y ea.r s of oon atant use has proven lta virtues Every family sh ould keep it in the h ouse. Sold everywher e. · Henry, ,Johnst on & Lord, P roprietor s, B urlington, Vt. Ooativenoss, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Ind1 gedtlon, Diseases ~f t he K1d~eys, Torpid Liver R heumatism Dizzinel!s, Sick: Headache. Losa of Appetite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, P~lpitations, EruJ?tions al!d Skin Diseases. Keep th o Sto~ach, Bowels, and D igestive Organs all m worln ng flrder , a nc l .per fect he~lth will be t ho r esult, L adios and others subject to Sick Headache -v.:111 find rel~?f and perma_ n ent cure by the use of these " Bit ters. Being t onic and mildly purga"1ve t h ey purify the ? lood . Henry, J ohnston & Lord, Proprietors, F or sale by all dealers in medicine. Burlington, Vt. Th e wedding presenh were both nu m erous and valm1ble. '! 'he following is a list of the most important :Groom , Bohemian fut coat; Mr. R. Everson, $5 cash; Mrs. R. Everaon, Table drape; Mr. S . Everson, E ligant silver dinner cruet; Misses M. A. and E. Eversoe, Handsome plush ii.lbum; Mr. and Mrs. W. Everson, China tea set; Mrs. W. Rundle,Eleg1mt parlor clock; Miss M. Moor. Silver but ter knifo and sugar spoon; .M.r. W. E. C:o ur tic~, Sil~er butter cooler; Mra. J. Whitlock, Fancy crystal water pitcher; Mr a. W. Adair, Si11·er pickle cruet; Mr. and Mrs. J . Knigh t, Out-glass pitchr e; J ·. Pen fo und, Silver b utter cooler; Mrs. J. Squires, Crystal cake stand; M r. and Mr.i J. Langmaid, Silver cake basket; Miss M. Gills, Silver p ickle cruet; Mr. and Mrs. M. A . Jam es, Crystal cake stand and doz. butter servers j Mr . an d Mrs. 'Vorden, Pair silver nap kin riags; Mrs. E. E lliot,, China fruit basket; l\fr. and M rs. J. Courtice, Fancy lamp; Mr. A. J . Courtice, Gent and lady fancy cup and saucer; Mrs. C. Osborne, Heavy L inen table cloth; Mr. W . R. Com tice, '.L'ea tray; Miss F, Courtice, Butter knife; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Courtice, Pair beautiful vases; Mr. and Mrs. P erkins,Handeome fruit stand; Mr. G. J"ames, Crystal cheese dish; Mrs. Cruthers, doz Individual salt stands; Miss S. M. E lliott , Bracket drape; l\liss M. Squires, doz I ndividual cut £(lass salt stands; Inspector and Mrs, Tilly, visited our Miss K ate Car swell. of Oshawa, is vis" h all&of learning" on F riday Inst, an d iting in this neighborhuod. thongh perhap1 satisfied with t he pupils Tho citizens of this place thi nk they progress, could not reasonably he with should have a sewer m n t hrough this t he dilapidated condition of the school - vsllairn, as t he ci>llar& have beot 1 bndly tloocl<;Jd. We think they might r un a. house, so 10111: in need of repairs. Lieut. A. H . H . Cass is abaent thia branch from this place to join wi t h the wt>ek ,attendi11g a council of war at H am- proposed branch bet 1veen Enniskillen add il ton. Tho wish of many is that he may Hampton. As the store-keeper did n ot get any be alloweJ to rotum and take charge here again, as all are impressed by his Valentmes in thia year, t ne1·0 wern not earnestness.I many flyi ng arouud, A lar ge sleigh -load of friends from The S. of 'I ', intend holdin cr an enter· Osh awa spent a pleasant t ime at M r. J. C. ta.in ment. in ab.mt a. month's tlme. Vanston e's on Monday. Wood bees ar e comming around a,~i u. Miss Lizzie E lford is viaitmg at Mr , T. Quite a large numb?r of young people H. H ancock'A. fr om Enfield, C· n'twright, Geueva, Hamp Mrs. T. CrcPper is recoverin g from a ton, Oshawa and this place, grtthercd e.t eurnl!.· the residence of Mr. W . Wtirr.v, " R osesevere attack of inflammatory d 1 tisru . land vale Farm" at a very fashion ~ble 'r he weather of the past few weeks sur- gathering on Monday evening last. The. passes anything in the memory of even ev~nmgwas well 8t: ~ nt in music by Mr.an,ll Miss VauNest, M ,~s Ca.r-1well, Mr. . the oldest inhabitant. -row (Satur- P ascoe and otht:r~. recit~tiomi"... fro m A children's meeting w -m?1 day) afte rnuon at the barracks. A pleas- Misses Williams, Pascoe and l:forYarth . ant time W tiR spent b y t he little folks last Other am useUJems were in dnlg~d iu un til the W'le sma' house of the morn i n ~ , Saturday . wh en the compaoy rl is pers~d after s ing· The lecture hy t he R ev. S. T. Bar tlet t, ing "Goel S!l.Ve the Qu:!en." annou nced in last week's issue, for Feb . 14th , should h ave bee n 24th- En. BAYD(}fv. ~ A Montana man capt urerl a blooming . M r: J ohn i:t uudle rntends building an br ide in th is village, on Wednesday, of I Ast week, t he h ·ppy parties being Mr . . addition t·l h1~ house tbi8 au,nmeL '. Neil Stewart, and Miss Nettie Gardiner. , :Mr. W. H . Creep ·1· abo in t,euda buildMay j oy at.te nd t hem i n their far away ing a stable t>Hd wood s hod otherj shou ld home, whith er they expect to go in a few I follow t heir AX.ample. ' Ec.oME'r Mrs . J1tme3 Bradey, who h~s been sick week&. for some time p ~ssel aw;iy on Tuesday last-,. ~r. B radey i~ still gettin~ ~eake_r / Mt·. ' Vm. L ockwood has soid his farm v.nd it 1s n ot expecttid he .;nil 8urv1ve...Jl.ia·,,... lot 25, con . 8, to Mr. N elson Powers for pariner long. --......._ t he snrn of $3.000. Mr. Powers hM uow Me·~ rs . Hawkey and Aungur killed ., a 150 acre~ wh ich composes a fi ne farm. three tine cattle on Wednesda.y . ~ Mr. J . Kiv~ ll lost a fine colt, by disM r. Samuel and c .. phas Mountj oy t emper, vu Wednesday last. Mr. Isnac have finished clover threshiug. Ch apman has also met with a similar misThe cottage pi·&yer meetm"s still con· iorlune. ti nue with una.ba.t ed in ~.ero~t,~ there was a J\'.f r. J. Dowgan an d wife of Emily were large gat hering at .Mr. J. l~uodla's on among their friends for a few days last Wednesday ev<·ning. week. The wood bee for tht1 church ou F riday MiBs Lizzie Wright, of Prince Albert, last was well a.l tcnclo<l, Mr. John Coram h as been visiting at Mr. Ja11. McOor- gave t he wood froo grdtis, may his star mack's. shine brigh rne. :M:r. Samnel Morey edified the peopl e uf Kendall wi th one of his immitable counTIOE. ·t empeTance lectures,on 'l'h11rsday even in g l\lr. F o1Vler 1rn:i br ide are"honicy-moonbst. \Ve helieve he has a r.ompilat1on of t>s t . figures that would astonish the far-famed ing" in t he W J.B. Gough. Mr. (; eorgc Gi11spbdl, of S r1t1t h MonaYour Leskard correspondcrnce cannot ghim, wes her<> uo S·'naay las i. be very accommodating or h e would have Mt. Cnrnn1 ll Division fa boomincr five answered ou r que ry and saved us the candi dcL::t B were i uit 1 ate1i ;i.t th3 last°~e~t~ trouble of aotiol( ll pon h is advice. Be- ing. sides it is very dou btfnl whether any b ody Ottr schonl entertainment will be heltl else knows. 13y the way does Joe. Law· on l .l'r idt\.Y, thoJ 26th iast;., in tbe Sons' son live there 1 Hall. Several good dialo,>ues and :i, Th.a liter ar y opened on Friday after · m irth provokiu,<t face arc _p~epated. Come noon in due form, Mr. Henry Garwood and laugh <c Wl\)' y-.;m· tru utfo~'l'RIM, _ __ __ __ ___,,J:_ _____ occupying tho chair. A piece of vocal music r endered by the girls,came first on HAYD ON. the list., then a recitation by J 03eph Parlor Social will be held at l'lfr. Wm. Rickaby , re ..ding by Ellie Cooney, deb ate on the rail r oad and steamsh ip. T r ewin's, Haydon, on the evening of H.esol>'ed that the railr oad is of mor e Tuesday 23rd, ia aid of churcli fuuds. ben efit to commerce than the st eamship. All are welcome. Como. 'KjR iY.·--- -·----·-·------- GA R'l.'WRIGHT. Heavy raiu ou Saturday, followed bv a big sn o1v storm on Sunduy and Mond~y . Plenty of good sleigh ing again. Th e social at Mr. D . Milne's on Friday night last, was quit& a success, The receipt were $2700. A second edition was given on Wednesday eveniag, .the 17th inst. Master w·m. Joh nson who has been laid up with Typhoid fever for some time, died on Sal ur<lay morning, anJ was hurried on Monday. Don't forget the Band Concert, on Friday night. The protracted meetings which have been carried ou i n t he Methodist church for t he last th ree weeks will probably be brought to a close this week. 'l'he weddillg fever has n ot died out yet. A certain young man near th e village, is going to follow his brothers example and take t o himself a daughter of Eve. I . C. U . TOWN COUNCIL. Council Room Feb. 12, 1885. The Couucil m et pursuan t to adjournment. Members 8 .ll present, th~ Mayor presiding. Mr. KyJd presented a report, from the Committee to which was referre d the matter of improvements in the Town Hall. On motion of the Iteeve the Council went into Committee of the Wh1>le in the same. Tne M .~yor in tho cliaii:. On t'lie Committee risin;< th() chairman requeated the adoptio n of the report without amend ment. ()n motion to concur. Mr. Galbraith moved t o refer back tu the Committee of the \Vhole, ta strike out the 2nd clause, but got no eeconder. Ho th ..,n ruoveti to r.efer back to strike out the 7th clauso, aeconclod by Mr. Porter , lost by tho following vot e, YeaeMessrs. Burden, Porter, :Nosworthy, Galbraith, and Brittain. Nays - M essrs. Kydd, M1>son, Beith, Morris, Prower, and Weeley. The Reeve moved, seconded by Mr. Galbroith, that t he repo1 ·t lio upo n t he table one we0ok, in order that the Mayor may call a pub 1c mc~ting of the ratepayers to consider the same. Mr. Kydd moved in amendment, seed. by Mr. Ma.son t hat th6 report of the Committee of the Whole be concured in . The motion to lay on the t a.hie was carried in th e following vote. Yeas Messrs. Burden, Pol'ter, Noswor thy, Gal· braith , Proiver , 13r itta.in. Nay3- MessrsWesley, l\forria, Beith, Mason and Kydd. On motion of Mr. Kydd, the Mayor was reqnested to call such rueeting on Tuesday evening next, The Church street Methodist Church applied for t he use of the Town Hall for 25th. Granted if i n a state for use. On motion of Mr. Kydd t he Council adjourned to l!'riday evening, n ext, at usual h our. NE WTONVILLE. KENDALL. The lately r e-organized Lodge of Good Templars, of Kendall,gave an open meeting last Thursday evening, which was a grand success. It was spent by singing and prayer, then followed a pr ogramme, consisting of readings, singing, etc., also arldresses by Rev. Mr. Ashton and Mr. S. Morey D. G. W. C. T. , of Michigan, who ma.do some very interesting statements with r egard to to>:nperance work and 'the d oing of the Order on the other side. H e s~)Oke with much feelin1:; and at t he close of t he meeting a number handed in t heir names to become members of the Lodge. At the close a vote of thanks was t endered M r. Morey who intends r emaining here till spring . 1'he Young Men's Evangelistic Band, from Bowmanville, conducted t hree ser· vices in the Me thodist Chur ch last Sun day. In tho morning Mr. W. H. Mav pre1~ched u. grand se1·mon. The powe"r of H oly Ghost accompanied th e word and believers all around were edified and led to comecrate t hfl mselvcs anew to the service of God, Mr. Joblin led the afternoon ~ervice, and gave a beautifnl discours e. Several expressod a d esire for t he blessing of salvat ion. The evening was a time lnng to be remembered. About a score flocked to th ti front of the Church, some were seeking mercy, and some a deeper work of grace in the heart. Th e young men sang and prayed and talked until they were nearly hoarse, and declared it was tho best day of their lives. It was n ever so see11 and felt in Newtonville before. The meetings are b eing continued in the church every night. For coughs, colds, and all t hroat an d lung dise1tses use West's Cough Syrup. All druggists. ·i· Dr. H cn1·y Bax:te 1·'~ lll. and.1·a l~e B~ tters are a .sure cure f~r A.1;11ica and Oil L iniment for Man and Beast. The best external r emedy for Rheumatism, Ne nralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scald 8, Sciatica, Backt ;;ie, Frosted Feet, and all other p ains and Ach es. It is a safe, suro, a!ld . R emedy for Galls, Str ains, ~cratches, Sores? &c. , on Horses. Ons trial effect1 will pr, ve Its merits. Its eftects are m most cases m st antaneous. Every bottle warra.nted to givo satisfaction. Prices 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere. Henry Johnston & L ord, P roprietors of IFT -'O U,NN'S AC BAKINC TH EC OOK'S BEST FRI END A P OWDER Send JO cents postage, and we will mail you free a royal, v aluable, sample box of goods that w ill put you in the way of making more money at once, than anythings else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all time~. Capital not required. We will start you, Immense pay sure for those who start at once. S1'I NSON &, Co., Portland, Mnine, D o YOUR CllUDREN have fi ts or convulsions, grind their t eeth, pick their nose, have a bad breath, or a c!iangeable ap pe· tite ? Are t hey res tless or feverish at night ? If so ask your druggist for D n.. SlllITH's GERMAN WORM R EME J>Y (take no other), it only costs 25 cents. Is simple, safe, and pleasant to t ake. If there are no worms, it removes slime and bile that breeds them, tones u p the' system, and will save many a doctor 's bill. A word DTERTI SER S t eend for our Select Ust of Tait & Morr ison are sellinO' tovs and to the wise, etc. Thousands of test imonLoca l News papers. Geo. P . Rowell & Co., o .· ials. 10 Spruce St., N. Y, fancy goods at greatly reduced prices. Soot t'a Emulsion of Pura «::o'l Llvcr OU, w i t h B ;ypoph 1 upllltes For B ronchial tJff egtions and Lung TrO'Ubles. Dr. A. B. PoortE, Cedar R apids, Mich ,. says : " I have used your Emulsion for several years, in my practice and have always found it thumughly reliable, pleasant to take, and moet valuable for throat and lung troubles." -------- I wonderful is the eifect of Wost's World's Wonder or Family Liniment. One bottle will effect more cur es than four times t he number of any other lini· ment. 25 and 500. All druggists. i' ~