Captain D()nellv'a and P<1t Monagnan'a re· bia legs, bnt had also mounted him and wa11 volvers, the reports going rumbling quite rsDody for flight. &nd rr>1i.riog into the innermost receaees of Before long, indeed, D·nelly felt that the VD.lit eubterranea.ns and awakening a they were like three poor fil.wns trying to score and more of eohoos, which were quick· oross a cbesb tn~rd, whh the rival knights, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY HJ, 1885. ly succeedr,d by those of the shrieks, howls, bishops, rooks and queen all bent on rendergroans and execra.tlons of the wounded and ing the attempt a m ..tter :ifshear impo· s sibithe dying &11 they foll clattering from their llty. high demi-pique saddles to the re3ounding As yet they were 0vldently unseen, but a.e BJ the Author of " NmA, THE NIHILIST," "THE RED SPor," " Tm1 RussrAN SPY," floor of the P~~sage, Whilst those who sur- he could hardly hope that they would convived spurted forward over their writhing tinue so for long, he was preeently fain to C,\TARRII.-A new ~ment has been di!!· Ere., Ero. bodies with shriller cries still, Intent on yield to the inevitable and adopt a ruse. covered whereby a . perma:ient cure of t~t~ hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely aft'ecL takiog vengeance on the slaughterers of He c1.1lled a. halt, told Nellie that there Gd in from one to throe applications, no m~t.t~r OHAPTFR XXIX. the mountains without ever seeing th_ e day- their brethren before thev could reload. was nothing much to be alarmed at, but whether standing ·one year or for Ly years. :r hie , light or the moonshine now. Yea, you shall But Captain Donelly and .Pat Monaghan that nevertheless it was better to be 011.utious, remedy is only applied once rn. twelve da¥s, THE TERRORS OF THE M:OTINTAIN TOMllS, so die and my lynx and ja.cka.l·shall pick had 11ix charges yet remaining in their re· "'1ld then held a brief consulation with Pat and docis.not interfere with buamm\s. Deacrip· tive pam phlet sent free on receipt of stamp by A~ he spoke the soorpion eater pointed to your bones, whilst your souls shall fizzle and voivero, and now, etepping auodonly for- Monaghan, the result of which waa that a.ll A.H. Dixon·& .son, 305 King street, West, a. vast fissure that at that point perforated fry forever and forever in the fiery pit of ward into view, they dischor~ed them full three dismounte.1, forced their horses to He ·rorouto, Ca.n"*~T IS CATAllRil1 the aide of the mounta.ln, but whioh was Bol·hut. You have dirt up11n my beard in the faces and breasts of tllflir swiuthy down, gagged them so that they could Catarrh is a dangerous dist1as~ which · thous· 11olmost hidden by a. luxuriant growth of and set my turban awry, you dogs, for is it foes, wheu so near that their t·o1sing and neither neigh nor. whinny, tied their legs e.nds ·a re consciously ·o r unconscioualysuffcrlng creeping pl ante be..ring great waxen-looking not written tha.t " he who lendeth sucooL to stra.ining horses' heads wcro almost within so that for them to rise was an equa.l impoe· from. It is a muco·Illlrulent d1scharj/:e c.Doused the oppressor or the unbeliever shall ere arm's length of theft· muzzles. sibility, and then lo the course of a. very few by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the flowers. lining membrane of the nose. The predlspo~· " no fear, they a.1."e very tame," was long strike his knees in vain?" Wherefore Eioh bullet found its billet on this occa.- minutes raised a eirc liar barrier of sand ing causes a morbid state of the bloo<1._ the the now thoroughly cowed scorpion eater's by every hair of the doge tba.t begot thee, sion, a.nddown we at the shriek log B adouins, high enough to conoea.l both their s~eeds and blighted corpuscle of tuberol<l. the germ poison of syrbilis, mercury, toxomw, fyom the reten- answer, and the next minute the entire Abou Seif the santon will take bi1'ter ven· one over the other, and among·t them the themselves as they crouched down. Her prompt action 'iad sa.ved a. couple of tion of the effete. matter of the slnn, ~uppressed party ha.d plunged into the profound dark- gea.nce for the indignities that ye have cast aanton, with a. hole in hie throat, out perspirations, badly ventilated sleepmll. apa.r.t· aess of the mounja \n tomb. Nellie, to her upon him," through which the blood gushed like a minutes at the, a.nd that brief space of ments and the germination of othe~ ~01sons rn And having thus spat out his venom, as founta.ln. time might be of the utmost value undtor the the blood. Irritated by these, tbe hnmg mem- no sm:i.ll terror, for the pitchy blacknees As he went cra.shing down his weight oircumsta.nces. brane of the nose is eve:i- ready . for t~e recep- llM well c.i.lonla.ted to inspire that feeling. it were, they could hear his rapidly reced tion of the parasite. which rapidly sp1 eads, up Frank gave her a word or two of ardent As for Pat l\hnagha.n, he was a man of Ing footsteps, mingled with fresh of burat open the basket at his back, and ttle the nostrils and down the fauces, or back of few words, or, when they could be oonven· chuckling laughter. praise and flung himself into his own saddle great flesh· colored serpents, gliding forth, the throat, cauein(;( ulceratio.n of the thro~t; up "I wlbh I'd sp1ttfd tlie old baste on me sprang upon tb.e fallen men, and the pluug- even whilst speakinl( them, nor was Pat the eustachian tubes, causmg_ deafness. bu". ien-i;ly, of no words at all ; but this rowing in the vocal cords, causmg ' hoa.rsene~si may not have prevented him from thiokinll spear, which sure an' rd have done if it Ing, rearing horses, hissing fiercely and slow in imitating hi1 example, and just as usurping the proper structure of the bronchia a great deal, and It would been hadn't been for the winged devils, an' the burying their poison fangs in their prey. they were peroeived and the Mosltm war tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and wonderful, indeed, if under the olrcum· darkness, an' the not thinking ov ·it until As for the Bedouins who still rema.ined ory of " All·h ackba.r I Alla.h, Allah ! hu !" death. too late, a.tall at all," griinted Pa.t Mona.· mounted and apparen L ly uninjured, and in rent the air in their rear, aocompa.nied by a. Many ingenious speiflcs for f or th . e cure of stances his th<mphts had been pleasant. co.tarrh ha.Vo been invented, but wi_thou~ sucThese mounta.ins bad, indeed, more than ~han. number th< ·y were but three, i.hey whe, led great brandishing of scimitars and lances, cess· until a. physician of long standrng discoV· "Just the spear over to me, Pat, to their horses round a.nd ga.lloped back into the the three fugitives were off at full speed ered the exact nature of th dis1o>Doee and the once been pointed out to him from the ra.monly appliance which will permanently destroy p11.r te t hDot surrounded the Citadel of ·ce.lro feel the wa.y well In advance with, for I dukneas of the tomb. whilst giving utter- a.gain, Pat muttering something to the effect that "t~e devil might the hindmost," the parasite, no matter how aggravated the a.a the haunt of the Djlns or Evil Genii and judge 'tie safer now tti go on tha.n to turn WlOe to loud cries of horror and dismay. case. Sufferers should send stamp at ouce the Spirits er Gfant JJevlls, who, with their back, for that old rascal ha~ gone to bring Ere they had altogether from yet for all that himself keeping in the rear, for descrip1ive pamphlet on. catarrh. to the p1>werfol bre!l.ths, blow up the desert ea.nda the Bedouins after i:u, and knowing 11111 tha view Captain Donelly and Pat were in their as he considered himself in duty ·b ound to business managers, A, JI, Dixon & Son, 305 until they overtake a.nd bury travelers be- ins and outs of this place we'd have no eaddlea and riding calmly forward to rejoin do, and ans wering the Bedouin defiance by Kinll street, west, 'roronto, Ca.nad<J. twirling his own lance round and round Wha.t the Bev. E. B. Stevenson, B ..A., a Clergy. them, a.nd who ar e, furthermore, the chance of overhking him, even on horse- Nellie. nian of the L ondon ConfePence of t~ie Metho· gua.rdi1ma of burled treaeure. So remam- hack," naid Frank Donelly. "Tha.nks to P~t's snRgestion, we have itot above his head as though it were a shlllelah, dist Clim·ch of Canad.a, has to say in regard. "Lord presa.rve us from him and the wholly rid of the rascals, for the three who whilst he howled out a genuine Irish hullaTo A .H. Dixon&; Son's New Treatment for bering these ta.lee just when be would most liked to · have forgotten them, Pat likea of him,~' muttered Pa.t, o.a he p 11osst1d stil1 s11rvive will let us depart ln peace, I baloo. Cata1-rh. " Keep your breath to cool your porri.Ige, Oaltlans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883. Monaghan WDoS not quite so comfortable In the lance over N,~!lio'a head, whom, as he imagine," said Frank, and then he added, Messrs. 4. R. Dixon & So1i: . his own mind as when he had ridden back took it, Frank comforted with the words: as a puzzled ea:pressien came over his fine P ..i.t," his master, somewhat anDEAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th rnst. to hand. ·· I feel nure tha.t this p.i.ssage will event- countenance : " I wish that we knew how to noyed. "This is no child's pla.y, I would Jt seemed almost too good to be true that I am to encounter with hiB single 11.rm the t hree u~lly lead to freedom, my d a.rllng, a.nd the recross the mouutain, for we are now on the have you remember, so just postpone Doll cured of Catarrh but I know U1at I am. I camel and dromedary ridexs, Great wa.P bis relief therefore when, after creatures tha.t put out the lights a.nd startled side 0 ~ t he great deHert, whioh stretches !or vaporing until we are tearing along at the ha.Ye had no return of the diseas~, and never felt bet.ter in my life. I have tned so many they had ridden a little way through the us so muoll were but bats . I saw them dis- hundreds of leagues to ward the very centre tail of the iron hol'l!e instead of on the backs things for Catarrh, suft'ered so much . and for subterranean, trusting entirely to their tinctly. Now tha.t the accustomed darkness of Afdca." of our own, my good fellow." 130 many, tho.t it is hard to realize that horses to follow the one t hat led, he heard a. that they delight in hDos returned again they (TO llE CONTINUED.) ··No, Frank, It cannot be," replied Neille, I am really better. . .. I consider that mine was a ! er_y, 1t muttered " Ha.It I" come from what tr ouble ns no longer, you nee, so let us get "for I feel certi11in t h at that is Ca.iro which was a.ggre.vaLeu and cbromc, ·mvclvmg ~he he kn ew to be bis master's lips, and then on once more." I see over 11.wa.y }ender. And there, there ~hroat us well as the nasal pam!agos. and I PERSONAL. He waited for no reply, but urged. on his are the Pyrarrids, too, a.nd I feel equally thought it would require the three .tJeatments, the unmista.ku.ble snapping sound of flint horse as he spok e, feeling the wa.y with the sure that I can just make out a train sterun·b ut I feel fully cured by the t wo sent me. and and stool. R9uben R. Thrall of Rutland, Vt., ts I am thankful that I wus ever induced to send A second later there was a star of light lonj.l' lance s·1 tha.t the !!.nlmal uhould not ing in that direction, the direction of the probably the oldest practicing lawyer in the · to you. . . which ijuddenly leapt into a flame as some knock its head a.g .. inet a.uything or plunge North Star, which must be Alexandria.You are at liberty to use th1s letter statmg world. He recently celobra.ted hi11 90!ih ward, I t ake It." that I have beEn cured at two treatments. and kind of a toroh was suddenly kindled, and headlong down into some bole or pit. birthday, a.nd ha.a several ca3es now on the ii shall gladly recommend your remedy to some then a.II three fugitives looked a.round It was, In fact, that kind of darkness that " By a.11 tha.t s glorious, you are rl.ght, docket. -of my friends who am sufferers. tham ln an amazement that was mingl,d wrltera sa.y " may be felt," or "may be Nellie. Why, we must have oomo out on Yours, with many thanks. When Adelaide Neilson died she bad in wit h admiration, for they were in the can· cut with a knife," and so on, so that h was the same alee of the mountain as that at REV, E, B. STEVENSON. tre of a vast he.II whose walls a.nd even anything but pleasant traveling when it was which we entered. We described the her possllselon a copy of every photograph Aud hundreds of others . ceilings were covered with pain~ings, both impossible to know what possible d angers ba'.f of a. half, or more likely of a.n ova.I, of hcl'llelf which had been published, and within the sn1>t2rran11:i.n. I d ared not have the total of theHe, cartes, cabinets, panels, "cARD OF THANKS.-To the Mana- of animat.e and immimte n11.ture, with the might not be in the wa.y, ger or the Fire Insurance AFsociation: color a.a bright as if they bad beenlaMon yes· More than once Nellie Treza.rr felt c:>n- hoped 'or such good fortune. It aa.vee no end etc., was 609. Sm, I hereby return thunks for the. prompt tcrday, yet whioll Frank Donelly a.nd Nellie vinoed tha.t she heard the pattering feet of of time," Sir Michael Hicks Beaoh is a very nice :paymenL (by yot1r a"ent, Mr. Thos. Brngham, Trezur, at all events, knew must the jackal and of the still more fearful lynx " Be the saints, yer honor, an' it's a good l~oking gentloma.n, ha.nd@ome, with email tor my loss by lire. c~used by a spark from a It's foatur~s, blaok hair pa.rted down the mid19team t bt·esher, haVIng got pe.yment for c~n been antique works of art even in tliose to ooming aflier them, whilst l'at Monaghan'11 d own that we are into the bargain. tents at market price; no i} or 1 :oayment like us anoieni; days when the Red s~a. waves were utill ohiefiy of the aupenntut?.l, just nieself 1iha.t knows this blessed plum dle, bla.ok bea.rd and mouatauhe, and a very. I see on the Dominion Grange Policy to tenants. pa.rted to permit of the goming of t he Is. so that every instant he expected that Djln treo, be t he bit branch that I tore of! in plaa.sant uprea~fon of faoa. A young-lookYom-s gmt<ltully. 'J 'nos. HARlUS, '.l'yroue, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 to.elites and rushed together again for the or giant devil would spring upon him a.nd pluoking some of t ho fruit, an' there it lies ing ma.n, too, In hb forties. drowning of Pha.! a.oh and his h oet. boar him away, where or for what purpose iu the middle of the to witness to ehe Mr. Gladstone is, as is well known, fond ·ARD OF THANKS.-To the ~~na· Thl11 was not a time, however, for the he d id ~ot even to covj ochre.. truth ov me words," observed P<1ot , of~uslng postal oa.rds for his communioationa. But imagination was 3 oon destmed to All was as clear now as the s un at noon. Although the law is t hat nothing muat be . gor of the Fir<l Insuran~e Aasooi~tion: studying of ancient art, for the Bedouins, Sm, r hereby return thanks. ,f?r the . pi.empt d!d t hey but imagine that they had t!loken give way to reality, for whop they had pro- da.y, and all that they eeemlngly had to do written on the arldrese s ide of the card save payment (by your agent, 1\1r. lhos. Ringham\ refuge there, might enter the tomb in turn ceeded in thi~ slow and cautious mann<1r for was to re-cross the desert till they struc . k t he and address, he inva.rlir.bly puts for my loss by .fire, caused .bY a spark from a a.bout t au minutes the path appearing to steamthresher,havingrece1ved the full amoun~ Dond bestow on them the honor of making ' the railway at the little villnge of Et-Ta.r- el L her his n::Lme or hie initials there. 'l 'hua ot my insuran_ce IN GOLD on the occasi~~ of ml it their own. trend gradually down ward the while, they raneh, where there was a station a t which the recipient is subjected to one penny extra golden weddmg. Yours thankfully, lnoMAS Frank Donelly thetefore sternly bade heard the unmlstll.kable sound of other hoofs they would be able to take train for Alex· postage. JARDJNE. 38 their guide lead on, not before, however, he in their rear and coming on at a. much· andria, for the, whioh they could still '.l'yrune, Sopt. 11, 1885· er pace than th Ir own Autograph hunters are said to deluge perceive, or to ba more correct, tha steam Mr. Harris of the Atlanta. Constitution with .- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - had remarked that thie waa the reoluse'e Th f behi d th dd usual abode, for there wore sufficient evi· en, ar e n · e1!1, ere au en1Y from her engine, was prool tha.t the line be- requests for his signature, A friend of bis dences of the fa.ct In the few neoeasaries t hat fie.shed°' glow of ruddy hght, an~ looking tween the capital and the grea.t seaport had aa.ys he always drops such letters iu the It contained, consisting of a mat, a pitcher round they beheld the hideous aoorp1on el\ter not yet been ripped up. Continues to do a. General Banking Buainess waste basket, but that when he goes to din· and a wooden bowl, but even the 01·dinary coming down the eubterra_neDon at a 8 P':°d "After all, we may be a.boll.rd a British ner the elevator boy amuses himself by fillsBo wmanvillo Branch. . Egyptia.n peasant h~s nothing more. that was wonder~ul for his years, holdmg ship before d~1wn, darling," ea.Id Frank Don- ing out the blank cards and placing th.em in liJ E !POSITS aloft a torch in either h1md and o lo~cly folI h '11 b l i · Holding the t orch (which seemed to be lowed by a doz 3n or 30 of mounted Bedouim, elly, "for dare say t ey e runn cg tra ns the retnrn envelopes adarecaed " Joel Received ln Savings Bank Depa.rtment and C_'.lmposed of a bundle of snga.rca._neu bound whose bright la.nee points twinkled like stars from Cairo rui often as circumstances will Ohandler Ha.n-'.s, Atlanta., Ga," call and interest allowed at current rates. N. allow during the night, so cheer up." notioe of withdrawal necessary. .A.11 deposltli t1~htly together ~nd coated thick with a above their scarlet oba.wl turba.ns. "Diamond J·oe" Reynolds la one of the payable on demand, kmd ·of gum) ~loft _m one hand, the santon "Lost, lost I We shall be sat upon 11ond Nellie was qnito willing t() do so, for it'a million11.ire curiosities of Chicago. He instrode on agam, h is beard still grasped by slain in this horrible subterrllnean," gaspd much pleasanter to encourage hope than de- variably wears a. plain grey suit without a.n EXCB&NGE his captor, who could now watch the move- Nellie, dropping her reins and claeplng her spair In the hea.rt. As for Pat, he dldn'tre- overcoa.t, a. hat several sea.sons behind, pruBought and sold a;.d Drafts issued upon Europe, ments of the soorplons as they continued to he.nds together in an e.goiy of terror. quire a.ny encouragement at all, as it was nella gaiters that have been out of etyle for United States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and wru:ider all about his penon, !'pparently ..t "Bedad, but any how I 'll kill some of not his nature to look at the dark side of, and al ways hDoa in his shit·t front a United Sta:es Green backs boui:cht and sold, t heir own sweet will, and which, whenever them first, just for company, retorted Pat anything, first water diamond as large as a. filbert and one ef them approached _ too near unto hie Mona.l!han eheerily, who lookfld upon the SJ they made they their way down as bright as a dewarop. Ho owns more (. COLLIECTIONS hand, the young officer d1dodged and sent Badouins (even with the 11Corplon es.ter the steep mountain side with eaee and cir- grain elevators than any m11n in the country Promptly made a.t current. rates upon all pare cl:atterlng to the ground with the poin~ of thrown In) ae a great improvement on Dj ins cumspection, and directly that they had a.nd shlpa more grain tha.n any two men on of Gt'eat Brittain, the United StDotee and Do his sword. For well he _kn~w that the stmg and gla.nt devils. reached the desert plain steered stra.ight the Chic:i.go Boa.~d of Trade. minion of Canada. of these h irleom vermm 1s as fatal to a. Frank Donelly however had better across it a.e neu.rly a.a possib~e in the direcIt ls pretty clear now that General Pren'.l'elcg1·aph T1·ansf'erlil European as a serpa.nt bite, words ot coneolation than Pat's, for he tion of Et Ta.rraneb, dergast ma.1e no arrangement for maintainMade for large or small sums on all parts o! An_ d new they enter. the great painted suddenly exola.lmed : H Captain Donel:y really thought th:\t a.ll ing order ai Ma.nd11.lay after the eurrender "If there's a red Ught behind there'u a their dangers were over he calculated sadly Can!l.da. This is eapecia.lly advantageous to ha.11, m the centre of which a vast tomb had versons living in Manitoba or the North·wesl evidently once stood, for a wide passage white one a.bead, Nellie, darling, a.nd un· without his host, for at le~st eighteen miles of Theb11w, that Do sagulna.ry riot occurred, as it makes the funds available at once a.~ the whose walls (where t.h~y were !lot palnt11d) less I'm greatly miata.ken we will be out in of desert lay between them and the railway that the mob had possession of the town all place of payment, were oover~d with milh?ns of hieroglyphios, the moonlight again before those fellows station, towards which they were steering, night, that etatements to this efiect were For further particulars call at the Bankln1< somewhat hke those which we see on Cleo- cs.n come up with us.,, and from all dindions troops, regular and oa.imly disbelieved by the British commandHouse. GEO. McGILL, pa.tra's Needle and the Obelisk of Luxor, ___ irregular, were concentrating towards the er three miles ofl, and that the Times corT . BRODIE, Manager yet differing from them in ma.ny e~sentbl capital to swell thlj. f ircas of the Wa.r Min- respondent was sent back to Rangoon simply because he had telegraphed home a de· , Accountant. .v respects, CHAPTER XXX, ister. orlption of this di5credha.ble bungling, Yet They ha.d got down this high and wide A COMBAT OF TWO TO TWELVE-AGAIN ON THE The fugitives proceeded slowly at first, it may he bken for granted that Gen. Prenpa.ssage very far, when they met a. lynx and DESERT, for their horses WLl.nted b reathing space, but fl&"LOOK OUT FOH~ j ..cka.l walking quite amiably side by side, the once more fresh bra.cing air of the desert dergast will not be reprema.nded, a.nd that t.b.ough the two are as a rule the Fra.nk Donelly's words proved prophetic was not long in at all events pa.rtia.lly reator- correspondent will be frowned upon by ··ioet bitter enemies conceivable. ones, for ever1 minute now the light became ing their strength and spirits when they the wh'lle of officia.ldcm, both in}lndlDo and "If these' ate two of your infernal pets in their front, enabling them to progressed more ra.pidly, and then it was Pa.II Ma.11 Guorge Tiptoe was a farmer in Ma.dison and you dare to set them on us your life push forward every whit a1 rapidly as they that Donelly very shortly dlscoversha.11 pay the forfeit, remember," said Don· were puraued, so that presently they equeez· ed that the desert in this direction WM for county, Kentucky, a.bout twenty years a.go. .Eie became financia.lly involved and went to e!ly, fiercely, and at the words the dull red ed their horses one by one through a. narrow the once not the desert a.tall, --o-17lare that had come into the santon'11 eyes fissure ,that wa.s hardly large euough to ad· For across it email bands , of .Bedocilns the West IndieH, He secured control of a. For the NEXT so DA.YS I will sell for LESS died out of them, leaving them the mit of theil:' pl\ ; indeed, Pelot went so seemed to be perpetually strea.mln '!· donbt- small island of the group which THAN cos1· the remainder of my stook ot s; dull fishy gra.y a.a they had been far as to deoiare that it was very like a. less on thefr way to make up the sixty proved to be rich in phosphates, from which Stylish and most Durable Millinery before. "rich man struggling to get through the eye thousand irregular cava.lrv that Arabi Pasha he am11oesed great wealth. He ruled autohad boasted he could have enrolled under- cratically, and no women or intoxicating DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETEl, He spoke half a. dozen words in shrill of a needle," he should think. tones to the two beasts, at the same time "An sure, yer Honor," he quickly add- neath his banner in less than a. week, for liq uore were permitted npon the island. Tht' &c., with a vet"y heavy stock of wagging his left a.rm abo ut with a gesture ed, u I don't see why we should let the well ha knew that those mounted robbers ruler of this Evelees and prohibited Eden is F e athers Flowers: of menace; and fl'\7idently understa.nding spalpeens as are a.fther us come any further would swarm like vultures to a feast, for now on a. visit to his native State, and is exhim, their tails dropped and they slunk at all a.tall, for sure we might defend t.his quite as respectable a" s Turkish Bashi-Ba- pected to take with him a Blue Grass . - -o - away into a narrow side, from whose narrow opening a.gin long odds from now till zouks the Bedouin delights in ala.ugbtor and widow and a full eupply of Kentucky bourThanking my customers for past favors, I pitch dark depths their eyes presentlJ the of doom, if need be, like those old plunder quite !l.B much as, according to D£, bon. Greeks and Romans used to do we read of Watte, doge delight to ba.rk a.nd bite. At the Informal cpening of Pa.rllament respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my gleamed like live coa.IB. present stock, which I am sure will give the Nellie, whose heDort had palpitated pa.ln- in the poethry and the story bo9ks," "Oh, U the moon were not quite so when the Queen wa.e not present in the utmost satisfaction. fully a.t eight of the sDovage beasts, drew he! " Another tine idea of yours, Pat ; and bright," thought the young officer to himself, House ef Lords amongst the members of breath more fr.:ely when they were gone, by St. Pa.trick, your namesake, we'll put it for the gra.nd Iumlna.ry of night shed 11.s the House of Commons who assembled on but" one hour seemed to crowd fast upon the in practice, Is your revolver charged in clear a.nd white a. radiance over the sandy the floor of the throne was Slr William heels of anoli>.er, for as they presently peer· every chamber ?" plP.iD as a number of electric lights would Ha.rcourt, who took the liberty of resting ed into a second and nauower passage a loud "Aye, I've reloa.ded it since I settled the diffuse over a. boulevard or a etreet, and his :i.rm upon the railing in front of the rushing noiae greeted their ears, like a fla.p· camels and the drumbledollies." there were no shadows to advantage of. royal seat. For this offence-for it ls an of· Has received her new stock ot ping of ghostly wings, so tha.t Pat began to "Good; mine le in the s ·me condition. We When Frank Donnelly had read of this fence, it seems, when the throne 1s uncoverpatter a. Pater Noster, making sure that the wlll dismount, sling .o ur bridle over our desert ruse previously he had n ever ed-he wa.s promptly reproved by m offiAfrits, or Gia.nt Devils, were upon them, arms, and take up our positions one on each imo.gined that the time would come when he cial, who with eqna.l promptitude was reand invites the Ladies of Bow- while Nellie uttered a. little scream, and side of the opl'ning, sheltered by the rocks, would be glad to avail himself of it himeelf. ported ·b y the right hon, ;gentleman to the Frank became utterly disconcerted, · and, by George we'll give those rascala pepIt was.quite effectual, however, for within yeoman usher. Sad to say, the ex·home manville and vicinity to call even H'Mi he noticed the sly and exultant ex· per a.a they oome up. Nellie, ride on a. the next hour they would certainly have seoretal."y was ruled to have been out ef orpresslon of the scorpion ea.ter be might have little way, my dear. We will you. been sighted and pursued ha.Ii .they been der ; for when the throne i11 denuded of its ' and see her Pattern been better prepued for what was to come presently." rash enough to continued en their way; brown holla.nd covering, the Queen is imp· a.tid how to DoVoid its coneequonoes, for, lo, "Oh, FranIt I don't rush into any need· whilst owing to their precaution large par. posed to be present in spirit, if not in pera~ oNN the uncanny nolseB re.p!dly Increased in less danger," pleaded the fair girl. ties of Bedouins pa.ssed quite near by without son, and tha.t being the case the royal railand assortment of ings must not be leant upon-not even by volrme, the semi-darkness became all at "No, darling; that we will leave our perceiving them. once full of fluttering wings, hideous little enemies to do, They oeme on unasked, and Then, at, the d anger of discovery such a. descendant of royalty as Sir William horned heads, and shrill squeaks, and then so they must tho consequenoes, D·~ IHI s eemed to grow lesa and less, and their part Haroourt. --all in an instl!dit the torch was extinguished I ask you, Nellie." of the desert to be getting empty again, so Aocording to the Jewish Ohronicle, Baron She no further oppoaitiqn or obser- that they thought ol once more remounting Alphonse de Rotbsohild is not the first H eSTORE :-Second Door West or Williama and the three fugitives felt themselves beat Butcller stall Dobout their fa.oe11 by quickly ftapping, skin- va.tlon, but rode on a little way and then and continuing their journey, when, on sud- brew:who bas been admitted into the French ny leather substances, whilst an intolerable drew rein. denly looking round, Pat Monaghan beheld Acttdemy of Flue Arts. The late Achille Funk Donelly motioned to her, however, yet a.nether pa.rty of Bedouins coming to· Fould, t L.e oelebrDo ted finance minister to Paper rails in Russia.. They stench as3ailed their nostrils, so tha.t ·his are longer than ordinary rails, and said to little wonder that in the sudden darkness, to move a triflle more to the right, fea.ring wards them, but following a course which Napoleon III., was elected o. free member of have a. grea.ter adhesivenes a in ccntact with terror Doud oonfuaion Frank's hand for an that she was somewhat In the Bedouin line betokened that they would pa.SR mucbnea.rer the Academy in 1854. The illustrious cominstant rela.xed the tightness of its grip on of fire. by than any of the preceding bodies of the poeer, Ho.levy, also had a. seat In the body l ocomotive wheels. the santon's beard or tha.t h!.', taking adWhen she had obeyed his mute sign he Ellvage horsemen ha.d done. a.a a titular member. The election oJ Baron Although a banker; and one of the best vantage of the opporunlty, with a wrench all his a.ttantlon to the latter gentry. " Badad, an' it's as stra.ight a.a a bede line Rothschild ra.isee the number of(J ewieb membusiness men in ,the world, the la. t a Lord and a bound released himself altogether 'rhey were by this time nea.r enough to tha.t the varmints are coming and if we bers of the Institute of France to eight, bis Mayor of London, Sir K. N. Fowler, writes therefro111, and laughing shrilly and exult- r equire it, pounding along through the sub- would save our hves we'd batter be up a.nd colleagues being MM · .Brea.I, Joseph Deren· so a.trocious a. hand that a sentence which antly, rushed awa.y with the certain\y that terranea.n at the heels of tbe onward rushing a.way, yer honor," bourg, Henri Weil, and Oppert of the Acahe intended t o be read as follows, "I re· he would not again be ca.ugh';, sa.nton under the full Impression, no doubt, " By Jove, I believe you're right, Pat , demy of Inscriptions and Balles Lettree ; ga.rd the conduct of the Government in this In a.noti).er minute they could hear him that instead of a.waiting them just outside, Up and away be it, then," rejoined his Adolph Franck, whose election dates back matter as absolutely inhuman," was, owing shouting in the rlista.nce : the fugitives were hurrying down the moun- master, and the next insta.nt be was undoing to 1844, of the Academy ol Moral and Poll· to the inabllity of a. printer to decipher "Ya.lla.b I Yallah I By the ninety-nine taln as fast as ever they could urge their his horses lea.ahings. tical Sciences ; Loewy and Maurice Levy of what was meant, transformed in t}pe into names ef Allah and the hundred a.nd four- horses, When they had seen to their own steeds the Academy of Soiences, The mostfamoub " I ra.rely can a tale~ My grand- teen chapters of the El Koran, By the fig They were soon undeceived on this point, and turned to perform the ~ same office by section of the institute, viz., the Academy mother is the beet narrator of amusing in· and tlie olive and the soul of Kha.led the however, for a.t the instant " oraok ! Nellle's, lo, the deft and spirited girl had FrDoncaise, is t he only one which has not yet oident1," blessed, you shall ir.11 die in the bowels of crack I crack I crack I ! orack !" went . not only released the animal and got him on given a fa.uteuil to a. ·J ew, EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. tions in the Oareer of Arabi Pasha; Pianos Tuned and :Repaired.j ARTIES WISHING ·rHErnPIANOS Tuned 01: repaired can haTe them attended ·o by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's 0F1"IOE, Bowmanville, A. ftrst-cJas man iow oein~ in their mnlo 1. ·~ · ! Story of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling Revela- P CATARRH. Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian~ Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W . or any pase a round your hat institution, as the follow ing examples will prove : 'rhos. McClung has been insured since 1872 for$2,000a.nd the last five years it only coat him $2.55 per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John McClung insured at the same time for the same amount and it o nly cost him $1. 74 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being a. little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thos McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent I MRs. HUMPHREY HAS REMOVED RER HARNESS SHOP to buildings formerly occupied b7 CODD & CO., first Door bst of RuebottomHousa She has now in stock everything usually found in a well equi1't_:d. HARNESS SHOP. Call at the new premises MRS. HUMPHREY . THE GREAT RusH! - · -1'0 THE- Eclipse Houso still continues for those Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 Worsted Pants........··. , · 3.00 Mantle Cloths, per yard.. . . . · 50 All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 Dress Goods in all the newest shades from 10 cents. C OUR ORDERED OlOTHINC IS BOOMING, th The people ~now that if they -want a- THE ONTARIO BANK FIRST-CLASS CUT suit of clothes they must call upon IVES. W. H. I \r ES. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. It has no shareholders t o pay dividends to Managed by and solely in tho interests ot the Policy holders. Us Rates :ue .Lo1v. Policies non Corrcttnble antl uneondltlonal. Vasb Bonus 1·at11 every three years. Joint Life Policies. Though 11 double rish but one premium ls paid for two people. .A.mount of polioy drawn on first death, BARGAIN SI IN MILLINERY. Special Inducements to Total Abstainen A.SSETS OVER $5,000,000., IX()OME OVER $1,000,000· 8100,000.00 deposited with the Ca.nDodio.nGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INVESTED IN VA.NA.DA., $600_,0f_ ! ·OO, HEAD OFFICE IN CA.NADA:-MONTREAL For particulars reter to & E, L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL .A.GENT, POR'l' HOPE, Or to agents throughout the county, t8-6ae. Mrs. DONNELLY. Orono Pump Factory Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever, The Subscriber having built a large ne11 Pump Factory in Orono, is prepared -to furnish- .MISS McTAVISH GOODS., ETS, HAT"S PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESCRIPTION With or without Porcelaln Cylinder, of the Best Material, on the shortest notice and. at the lowest prioea. TR I M M I N G S Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplietL WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. All WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. ·~ ·~ Orders'.by Mail promptly , .i ended to. --- .. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, & c., kept on hand. \. r R. FERG USON.'-