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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1886, p. 3

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"!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~ --!~ ~~~!!!!!~~·~ ·~~~~·~·~~-~ ~-~~' Cba.mpagne Is now the fashionable . wine in E ngland, ' The snowshoe le to the Canadian light· The question, what is the best way of dis New Zea.Ia.nd, with a. popula.tion of l\boo.t ]'RIDAY, PEBUUARY 19, 1886. someness, and to a.II the re11t of the world a. 600,000, ha@ a. debt of nearly £ 31.000,000, posing of snow In the citv streets ? la mnch stumbling block, A man who has tried snow or over $250 to inha bitant, dlecuaaed, the New York World, One shoes for the fi rst time is disqualified from man suggests that the city should a.ppolnt BURD:EITE IN CANAD.\. King Milan of Ser-via wears a. coat of writing about them for eh:: months to stand a.long the docks a.nd buy R emember this and purchase your Furs at ward. He might say something h6 would ma.ii made of eilk, compreeeed down and He Deseribeth the Domlnloa 'Vlth lier not only regret, but which he could n" t rawhide, which covers his trunk, legs a.nd all the snow thatma.y be offared at a. ce&in price per cartload, pay for it on the spot, Winter Clothes on. prove, a.ud for which his Church would sub- arms, and see it dumped Into the river. The wise African t r a vellers agree tha.t elephe.nt ject him to severest discipline, The best From the Brooklyn Eagle, inventor of this method thinks that since way for a beginner to we!l.r snowshoes Is to steaks are very ~ough. It takes ha.lf an Yon have never seen Canada unless you Imitate the Indian who eella them. He car - honr to ea.t a. inoh of elephant meat. almost e.ll tho carts and wagons are Idle during the prevalence of anow there would have seen her with her winter clothes on. riea thf>m on hiB shoulder. I am now carryAt a raoe in South Australia a few weeks She la charming In the time of the roses, but ing mine In the car. I will continue ago, the falling of a lea.dbig horse broueht be a universal turnout of the unemployed so la the desert at tha.t time. But when the to carry them there until we reach the Cue- nearly the whole field tumbling over him. claBB, and the whole Island would be clearA full and complete stock of all kinds of Fur Coats, Ca ps · Dominion puts on a toboggan euit and muf- tom-houae, Then I don't know where the Two jockeye were kllled outright, h alf a ed of snow in two days. In London the enow le emptied In pits exfles herself in fnra and a.atraohan, and inspector will carry them. I don" want to dol!ien othere serloualy (aome fa.tally) injured, Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Sets, &c. oavatedfor the purpose, with perfora.tod iron stands up in a snow drift that rea.ohea from pay duty on a pair of "!'ile oenepirators that and several h orsee killed or maimed. bottoma, under which there is a coll of pipes tho great lakes to tho North Pole and back have held me up to rldlonle, thrown me The London Times lately contained an hellted by Ptea.m, In these !'its the snow le again, she is j uet too dazzling to look at, down in the snow, tern my clothes and rufsave through smoked glaesea. The glasses fled my t emper. But I would like to get advertisement for a. sma.rt-looking second rapidly melted, and the water runs a.way are 1moked with peat, or something of that them home, I tried to slip them Inside jmy footman, who must have unexceptionable into the sewers. Jn this manner the snow character and be aotive, an ea.rly riser, and from the business parts of the oity is rapidsort, which ls said to add a peculiarly deli- trousers lege, but if you ever saw a snowshoe BRING YOUR WORK IN EARLY. cate flavor to the bottom of tho glass. To you will readily understand how, with the speak Frenoh and English. :J'he induce- ly removed at a. very moderat e expense, Jn Milan the removal of the snow is let get the fnll benefit of the smoky aroma, one present style of pantaloons, that ·cheme ments held out to thia pa.ragon are $80 a. year. All the leading lines and special bargains in F elt H ats and Caps. out by contract at so much per inch. As muet look through the glass with one's nose. would be a colo1&a.l failure. A woman In Bohemia was lately senten- soon as the snow ceases fa.Jllng the city enYou oa.nnot imagine how animated and ced to Imprisonment for ten days for forgery gineer, in the presence of certain offioiale Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always the latest styles ~ brlllia.nt Is Toronto when she puts on her beca.use she changed her phyeicia.n's pre- and the chief contractors, moasuree the Iceland in Summer. snowshoea and gets herself up on runners, and filla all the air with the chimes of the Holiday ma.kers who are at a losa where scription ca.Hing for l . 20 gramme of mor- depth of snow on stone slabs which com· and best quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats, elelghbells. There Is an mdless variety In to go to insure a cool spot, may, perhaps, phine so tha.t it read 6.20 grammes. It le pletely sheltered from the winds. Thie Umbrellas, Underwear, Hose, Braces, Gloves, &c. design and pattern and color of sleigh and be tempted to try Iceland, It ia not neoee· said that no simllar has ever ap epared measurement fnrnishes the basis for computrobe a.nd bell and plume, and the streets sarily cool there, notwithshandlng the re- on tho court r ecords of the Unitod Sta.tea or ing the prfoe which the city is to pa.y for each ward a.nd district. There are portions look like Christmas so long as the snow fresi1lng sound of the name, but lt la a good England. GIVE HIM A CALL AND PROCURE A BARGAIN. lasts. Even the street oars feel the In fac- deal lees likely to be hot than SwiBB or even Lady Granville Gordon, whose new- de- of the city which present peculiar difficultion (because a wise ordhianoe compels them Scotoh valleys, and there is a good deal parture as a hat and bonnet maker in Lon- tlea, and for cleanein~ these the contractors to) and mount themselves on bobs, and more to see that would be fresh to the viel- don has excited attention, is tho daughter get a. la.r!:er allowance, On a winter's day In Milan, after a fall of with plebeia.n lndependance jingles the tor. Nor Is the island by any means difficult of Mr. Roe, the Dabiln distiller, who ha.e loudest belle and take the beei; half of the to ~et a.t. fallen on evil days, Hence t he bonnet shop, snow, there will be as many sometimes as street, right out of the middle as uaud, and 'Ihe Danla·n .Royal Mail ste11.me111 make a as Lord Gordon has not, nor ever had, any throe thousaud men In the strect3 sweeping turn out for nobody and 1un into f>Vorything monthly from Copenhagen to Rey- money. His grandfather, the Mai quis of and shoveling. The rema.rkable circumstance Is tho small ' in every way conduct themeelvee like kjavik, and five of them run all round, the Huntley, was sold out by tlte Sherlfr, and tn well-ordei:ed, broad-shouldered, sing hey Mand, a.R well a.e calling on each voyage at his brother, the present Marquis, had writs sum of money which it costs Milan to get the jolly street care that they are, Leith, There is also an English line during out against him for obtaining money under entirely rid of Its snow. In the winter of fa.Isa pretenses, but hie brother-In-law came 1874-5 the total foll of snow amounted to a. the summer from Leith to Reykjavik. WHO ARE TIIESE I N BLANKET SUITS ? Iceland le by no mea.ns the diminutive to his aid at the eleventh hour; a.nd the pro· little over three feet 81x Inches. The expense ef its removal wae 9 ,bout $ 12,000. It is pleasa.nt to tarry among people whose country which people who do not look at oeedlngs were wlthor awn, The winter before last the fa.11 was only five girls wear satin slippers when they da nee large maps are In danger of supposing it to The " Cla.imant" has just delivered a. lec- and a quarter Inches, which wa.e removed and arctics when they wade through the be, when they read that the pop 11la.tlon does ture in Dublin. H e drew an Immense a.udisnow, Our fair Canadian ooushis have no not exceed that of a. third-rate English town. ence, who hailed him as he came on with for $5,200. The oity, we should add, fnrdread of comfort. The ~now has no t errors It is possible to travel frem east to went in cries of " H allo, Roger!" and "Wagga- nishes a.II t he Implements emplojed except for them; tb~.y dre~sfor theetormae sensibly a dlreot line for a greater diatanoetha.n from Wagga. 1·· All the otjier performers Yo<ith vehicles and horses. Genera.Uy speaking, as for t he t"oeption, They dre·s prettily, London to Carlisle, so that the island is real· ~ Im were hissed off. Sir Roger was In it costs to remove tho snow from the streete of Milan a.bout $1,000 an inch. And if there is a prettier figure on the North ly of very respectable dlmell.lllons, evening dress, and Is described as tall of One thing is certain : The snow should American Continent than a daughter of Cu.n· Nor the people, remote as le their st p,ture, portly in build, of dark complexion, ada, atiparelled for the foe or t he toboggan dwellfng·place from the centres of sweet· and as solemn as a pr ofessional undertaker in be r emoved from our cities wit hin forty. slide, herself a part of the snow drifted ness and light, by any means an uncultured u.ppea.ra.nce, I-lie powers of oratory are not eight hours after It has fa.lien, It is the, a pioture of health and oomfort race. They have had a. Parliament of their good, hie voice le bad, an<l his t went y min- worst possible economy to let it remain to that fairly softens the pierciDg winds into a owu--the Althing-for now nea.rly a thou· utes' address was of tno Jllalneet character. th11ow freEze and freeze and thaw from November to April. sense of warmth, I have not se<n it. She s ·nd years, and they are a great deal better T he railway ot R ussia, ea.ya a writer dreseea in perfect harmony w ith the wlntl!r maturated t ha.n European populations gen· in Mechanics, are among t he most commoand landscape, she has a. comp!Exlcn clear as orally TOLLY AND l:'HILOSOPHY. ~~~AND~~~ the Joe of Ont ario, a.nd her warm ·bleod The ordinary cockney t ouriot would hard- dious in t he world. '.l.'hey resemble ours· In ma.tters of love nothing Is so common shines through it rich as t he flashes of the ly find himself at homo among t hem; but r ather tha.n the compartment care in use aurora, graceful and free in every movement anintelli1;ent observer, interested in theat uoy elsewhere on the continent of Europe, but to all wom< n as t he dedre that another when you look at her you forget t here is of n'1.tur e and In t 'l:Je wa.ys of isolated com· in Russia t he aisle la shifted to one side, so shall not gain that which she herselfrefuses. such a. thing as a roller dDk or an American munitiee, might really do much worse dur- that t he seats on tho left will aooomodate - [Hamilton, three passengers side by side. and those on W hen one speaks of women, there is a ba.nker in Canada, ing t he summer months than braoehlmeelfup Everybody d resoes for the winter here for the winter by a week or two In Iceland. the right bu t one. This is espec'ally con· weapon mor e terrible t han calumny-the venient when the car is not crowded in night when t he winter comes, and yet It ls a climFishing a.nd farming are the Icelander's tr uth. -[Leopar di, · a.t e no more severe th~n t hat of New Y ork pr incipal pursuits, and fishing Is m01·e im- trir.vel. The end doors of the car, instead Love h more pleasing th11on marriage, for of opsning upon the platform, lead into a State, I was the only man In Ontario wit h port ant, perhaps, than farming, T hero are tho rea~on that novels are more 11musing a. stiff felt ha.t and a clot h overcoat, and I practically no manufacturers in the country, small, enclosed vest ibule, whenoedoorE open than history.- [Chamfort. felt all the time I was In t he province ae a.nd tr11ode iu 80 little developed t hat up to out at r ight and left, It is inconvenient t o be a wid ow; It is At the R oya.I Academy exhibition In Lonthot1gh I wa.s a lost Arctic explorer ; a.nd had last year tho Island did not even possess a. e&t en my fur overcoat, cap, mit tens and bank , though the A lthing was seriously oc- don, which gives a fair idea. ofthe archif;ect - neoeesa.ry to resume the modeat.y of a young boots, and wa.s fng for a. r escuing par ty oupying itself with the ett ablbhment of ura.l taet-0 of the time, it will be found t ha.t girl 'l<it hcut being able t o feign her ignoranoe-[Mme. d'Houdet ot, to find me. Before I had t ime to die of such an Institution. Some Interest ing ln- t he plain ea.rly E ngllehstyle so popular with I t is nrnessary t o have at fo ur sta.rva.tion,however, JRosaRobertsonand the formation on the Icelandic fisheries is con· architects formany years In t he d~slgns Toronto Pr ess Club found me, and carefully tainod in the Iae-t report presented to t he for churches, is ~ivlng way to lator st yles, wives in or der t o find (lne In good health and especially t he flamboyant decorated. A gentle humour- [The Koran. nursed and fed me back to life. They would Foreign Office by Mr. Coaeul Paterson, have fed me more had I been a lir.rger man The Iceland fisherman's best customers curious exi\mple of this new deparluro la The moat beaut iful girl in the world ca.n with greater stowage capacit y , for their not his comparatively nea.r neighbors-he uhown In the subj ects chosen for study by only give that which she hae.- [Chamfort. hospitality ia as bou1:dles11 as t heir fand, has n o neighb~rs at all but the Grcenla.nd- the ar t studimts iu the Architectural M us vVomen are angele,-[Tennyaon, A few years since wh~r' you know, ls bC1unded not on the era, within six hundred miles-but the eum, Westminster, Angnla have wings and always end up in nort iy anything, a.nd reaches away ll Ut Spanla.rds. A good deaJ of the fish ca.ught scarcely any subjects were selected for into tho great unknown beyond, go·s to Copenhagen, but m ore to Spain, and drawing or but t he beautiful foli· flying off.- [Byron, ages of the thirteenth century, whereas now We take women for what they are not; FACILIS DESCEl'SUS, Spain ge t~ the pick of the catches. The tobogga.n fo a skd with a single runWheat growiog ia no part of the Iceland perpendicular details are preferred almost we quit t he1D for what t hey arn.-[Sa.lnt J<~vremont. nor, ··whioh spreads clear across the. bottom farmer 's industry. Fllr t ha.t the climate is to t ho oxclution of a.11 others. W "mon complain of being mleundcrstood, A eolentific j ournal gives an account of::'a of the sled. · The t 9P cf t he t oboggan is not warm enough. Be breeds flocks and just like t he bottom. It is somewhat thick- herds, and duriug his short summer is much pianoforte made In Paria in whiohp:\perwas - [Balzac. er t han a sheet of writing paper and about coD.cerned for t he result of his hay ha.rvest. made to take the place of wood, t he whole He who comprebend'e them is their lm as long ae an atter·dinner speech. I ts 6eat- Those, last y ear, were not sa.tiafactory in being made from paper so compressed enemy.- [Dlder ot, ing capacity i~ limited only by t he number: the southern part.a of the island, owing to th!lot it was enahlod to receive a hard rnrPerfidious au a wavo.-[Shakeepeare, of people who can gtt on it, The urbane the occurroace of w0t weather late in tba fa.ce, which took a perfect polish. The oo· I have aeen those (the tempests) of women a.nd gentlem1mly coudndor ai!rn a.ft and uses summer. A furt her l'ed uction of live stock lor wa.s cream white. The tone of t he in one of bis lithe and willowy il'gs for a steer- wa.s the conesquence of the scarcityoQ fodder. strument Is reported to be not loud, but and I have seen t hose of the wave~ and I uact er of pity more t he lovers than the apparatus by which h-a guidlle the tobog· In t he north, hcwover, t he h ..y crop wao very sweet. The sho1·t, broken ch1 gan some wa.v or other. I t ia eusy t o elide good, and the farming interest there is fair- the sound emitted by ordinary pia.nofortes [Byron. One leads a hone by tho bridle, an eleis replaced by a soft, full, quasi-continuous down hill on a toboggan. In fac~, a.!ter you ly prosperous. sound, r esembling somcwha'G tha.t of the or- phant by hie r ope, a woman by hEr heart. start down you ce.n't do nnjthln~ else. - · - .,, gii.n, It has been suggested tha.t the even- · [Odenta.I ProYerb. True, you could fall off. Thr.t is eaDily done. ' ' Oanns. Thole. ' -·-----~WP--The flying machine la not high, ~ o you If a H indoo has a daughter who remains ness cf t exture of the compressed paper may M11.gnified Incidents. h:ivn 't evry far to fall. StiH, l.f you have t o "an unappropriat ed blessing" at t he age or have some Influen ce ln effecting this modififall from a toboggan ha.if way down the ten years, he coneidel'S himself disgraced, cation of sound, The dwellers In lonely regions are forced slide, or else fall down stairs with a. kitchen Jfrom the day of her birth he is anxious to It is surprising how me.ny Ilrltlsh states- to seize on the most trivial events and wring stove, you take the stove a.ud the stairs 3 ecure her e. husband. As a. portionleas girl men of note have once at least completely excitement from them, if they would find everytlmo. I t im't so exciting and its su Is not attractive to men, the father sP,ves a changed their political views. Lord Cu.stle- r,elief from the stagnations of their daily SOOD, rhe prince a.nd I walked up the little every :year, 1!0 that his daughter's bega.n ae a burning Nationalist, and lifo. A traveller among the Sn.n Francisco We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be stair way for the purpoBe of eiid ing down the dowry may increase her value in t ho mat ri- drank, in 1790, 1>t a dinner to the Northern mountains tells, in Outinw, his own exper i· beaten for time. banlater on a. t oboggan. Tho .pre~ident of monlal market . Wh!g Club, "to the Revolution I " It will ence in finding a t r ivial circumstance dlgniThe young Ja.dy is not consulted. The not sur(Jr ise any one if, too, in another de- fiad i nto matter for dlscut eion, Ho says : .the cluh took his pla.ce a.ft ; somebody said' " let her go," Then we atopped,.and the pr es- bridegroom ma.y be old and r epulsive, but c&de, his great nephew, L ord R~ndolph Once at Ash Forks, a collection of a dozen We have a reason to be t hankful for past favors during forty yeara in busin ess here. ident " I-low did we like it?" I left my she accepts him as the husband to whom Churobill, ehoul d vt1er round, Agaio. the shanties, the oeat leBB ruffian who served a breath at the top of the elide and we had t o her fa ther has sold her. Evon if he is young late Lord Derby mainly ca.t ried, as W hig mockery of a dinner brought me a glass of go up and get it. Ther e it wn.s, a great gasp and comely, her interest In him is far less and reformer, t he m eaaue red ucing the milk. It had turned a little sour and no Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will 3~ inches long, stfcking in the air like an than tbat with which she surveys the jewels pTeposteroue n. u mber of I rish Protestant wonder; for In that desert place t he sun Icicle, just where I had gasp~ d it when we that adorn h er person. The wedding oere- preh.tes, His own son's change of views baa.ts down with a tropical h eat , Quit e coneoious of possible unplea.eant eta. ' I took it down, stuck it Into my monies and tea.eta which celebrate her sale and t hat of t he late Sir R. P eel are notorious, lefi ung and began to brea.the Pga.ln wltn and delivery to a master, far more at- a.s is the fact. that Lord Beaconsfiel d was not ooneequences, I objected to my milk. The r egarding no man, either J ew or Gentile. great freedom. The toboggan le t o any tra.ctivo to her childish nature tha.n is her always an ardent Tory, or Mr. Gladstone a.n bea.rded waiter arms akimbo, stared defiant· other way of getting down hill what husband. advanced Liber al. Lord R ussell never l y, then slouched to tho door, where sat the FRIENDS, Wli! MEAN BlJSINESS. flying is t o going ~o sleep. If I was in a. W hen she is transferred, as If 8he were a wavered. E ngland cannot point t o a mor e bulky landlord, and made known. my com· plaint, hurry and it was down hill all the way I hfa rtless a.n<l soullesa animal, to her lord's consistent ca.rear. would rather have a toboggan than a pair of house, she begins a dull, dreary life, relievDaring a rehersal of the "Jota. AragonNo less than four Idlers followed that wlngs any day, ed only by the cares of the kitchen, the nur- ese" aa arranged by Glinka. at St P eters- landlord to my ta.ble, T he unfortunate P. S- There is· usually an angel on tho aery, and the Idols. ,and broken by the scold· burg, recently, Dr. Hans von l311low stopped gl ass of milk was passed in silence down toboggan with you, which has a tendency Inge of her mother -in -law, t he c1arionet player in the middle of a. the line, I felt the eitua.tlon to be serious. 9-3m to confirm the Impression tha.t you are going Scholars tell ue tha.t Dot a few of the cue· phrase, an d said: " "iou have made a mis" Hanged if it ain't sour !" spoke at last down with wings. toms of modern civiliz ~tion originated in In- take; play F natural instead of F sharp." the portly host, and every loafer echoed, N.B. -A young Canadian of broad e:xpe- dia. Perhaps they would a·ser t that the The player rema.rked that the had " H anged if it ain't I" rlenoe assures m e that Toronto angels really cultured E uropean marries off hill daughter been so played ornr dnce t he piece was "Hanged if we don't mako that ranch· and truly have wings, insomuch t hat often to-day as the uncultured Hindoo has done .written. ··N ever mind that," answered man drink t he milk I" was the further ver he has to drive with one ha.nd, using his for hundreds of years. Corta.inly, t he fol- ~:on Bulow ; "I d1 m't need a. lesson in diot, supplemented by t he chorus, " H p,nged other arm to hold the angel from flying lowing anecdote, if It ls Illustrative of a counter point." The incident ca.u·ed much if we don't I" a.way. gener al practice, endcnes hia assertion, excitem ent In musical olr clee, The pro" An' if he kicks, we'll him I" Addenda-I have known the same thing A s~otch farmer's wife wao one day ex- fesaors of t he Conservatolre protested " Shoot us ef we won't I" to happen in this United S ta.tee, plaining to a n~ighbor how well she had against their chief composer being corrected That;(ed milk was t he event of t he CURLING. married her da.ughter, who h a.d a new house by Von Bul ow, snd t he Grand D uke C.anstan- da.y for six mon. It furnished them with W e went to the Granite r ink and watched filled wit h new furniture, and ma.Dy acres, tine, honor ary President of the M usical So' material for t hought and speech. - - -t he curlers. Curling is a game that will on wl1ioh cows, sheep, pigs and poultry fed, clety, sent his · aide- de-camp to t tho conNOTE 'l'HE FOl.1LOW ING: Flea and Mosquito. probably never become a. general p<)pula.r to say nothing of a gig, in which to drive t o ductor t ha.t not a note of Glina.k's music must be changed, Von Bulow did not , how· F l8 b d · th E r pe and sport. The maddening excitement attend- ma.rket, " jiet like a leddy." 8'!3 a ftm m. sou ern u 0 S ' 1 h ant upon t his thrilllngpaatime, which s~ems T he neighbor ~xpressod her delight at eve::, let the ~tter rest thu3, Before raising hie baton to direct the piece at the mosqu~toee ourieh in America., A pan e to be Its grellot fascinat ion, de a oy Except such a gr and marJiage. "Oh, t here's nae the st rongest heads aud steadiest nerves doubt it's a grand marriage;" answered the public concert, he ca.lled out t o t he cla.rlonet iror Itali an lady would no m ore blush to be player " You w ill pl11oy F sharp by order I" seen wit~ a. fie~ on her, person t han would from venturing into the seet hing maelst rom mother, "an' it wa.sna jlat for a.e t hing." ' an Amer1c:m girl to be,bitten by.a mosquito. of its recklers gaiety. It is c~lled curling " An' what might t he ae thing be?" &ek- - -- .. ---... --... --- ----But the American thinks that the pre ~enc-a beoause it makes your h air curl t o watch it, ed the now curious neighbor. "Good gracious," said the hen, when she of floa11 lnd!cat os uncleanliness, and thie " W eel, ye see, " answered t h e mot her, aa di scovered tha porcelain egg in her nest, "I fact lies at the bottom of ~he amm1ing 1mec· A man t a.kea a. boulder of polished gta.nite with a. handle to it, t.nd pushes it a.way from if t ho "ae thing" was of little consequence, shall be a bricklayer yet," dote told by tho Argonaut of San Fra.noi& co : him. Then it elides a.long t he ice. Two "the puir silly orator canna thole [endure] Some daya ago a. young lady was w e.lklng The purified fa.t of sheep's wool, which . . .. ··-· men with brooms walk along in front of it her man with a gentleman r ather older t han h erself. Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb, Plush has been Int roduced Int o t lie drug mar ket Suddenly he aa.w upon her satin neck a and sweep a clean place for it to slide In. Hudson Bay Railway. under t he name of lanolin, is 1aid to possess and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. Another man says, "Ay mon." He also reblack object. It moved- it was an ineectma.r ks at intervals, " Soup her oop." A Mr Hugh Sutherland ·is in Winnipeg con - remarkabl e eu~ceptibllity to absorption by genus pulex. stranger once in a reckless hour j oined a fer dng with the contractors fJr tho pr opoa- t he skin, "When one t houea.nd pa.rte of ft. Taking t he advantage to which men with oompa.ny of desperate cur lers. In an un· ed H udson Ba.y roa.d, On being interv iew- are mixed with one part of a soluble metal- gray hair so prone,-u. younger man lic substance and applied to the scalp, a meguatdP"' moment ho said "man" inste11d of ad ho said : - " I h ope t o be able to an would have been more timld,- he at onoe "mo The frenzied curlErB at once tied nounce very shortly that all arrangements tallic t a.ate is noticed In t ha mouth within a removed the Insect with h is finger and Our 1'1edium Sizes in a U w ool at 6 0 c., 7:ic., a n ti It is t hought t he subota.nce few minutes. a. " atano" a.bout his neck and chucked him l\re complete for the building of the railway, thumb. The ycung lady turned at the touch $1.00 are being· rapitH y taken u p. will be of great value fo_r ointmenta, t hrough a hole in t he lee. a.nd I believe tha.t in lesa tha.n two years a inquiringly. Butthen, nonoense a.side, everybody knows t rain wfll run f rom W innipeg to Hudson "Pardon me," her companion, "but "You didn't stay long at Miss Longcofhow knows anything at all, that a Bay. I do not wi·h it, however, to be under- fin'e night ?" " No ;· Mille Esmeralda you had 1> flea on your neck." m1 m must be to the manner born t o stood t hat all difficulties have been over· wars not In geod humor. She had the toothThe young lady showed mock dlsple!ltaure. s ppreciato and enjoy c'lrling. A stranger come, although J do aay that everything ache, What are you laughing about ?" "Should I not removed it!" asked H eavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all intermeddleth not with the joy of the curl- looks most promising. It is no easy task to " She hasn't got a real tooth in her head. he anxiously. er. The barbarian can never be taught to raiae $15,000,000, for that is the least it She complained of toothache just to make "Ye-o-ee," eho replied, hesitatingly, wool, from 10 cents up. understand it a.nd so his life must ever re- will ta.ko." H e also submits a report of the you believe her teeth not, I know "bilt you might have called it a moequito.' main incomplete. And even an a.lien can Company:a officer with_the Alert, expressing her dentist, and e~w him making a. full upsee that it la more of a. game than l)hess, the oplm.on that navigation will be open per and lower ~et for her more than ten A theatrical thanks his stare Brwmanville, November 27, 1885. I hold It to be solemn rnlf-eviilent heaven- . from Apul or May till November, years ago," when they don't want all the receipts, ~-~1uuliau ' $tidt.$tuan. born truth, ~ha.t a man who will play chess for amus3ment would saw a cord ·of wood for a joke, A GREAT LEVELLER, FOREIGN EOffO.J::S. I SNOW IN THE STREETS. How It Is Jtemo,·ecl fn J.oncl n at a Very ltlodcraae Expe11se. SELF PRE 8ERVATI 0If I The first Law of Nature. IWAYERS HAT AND FUR STORE. Russian Lamb Coats made on the premises. Ordered Workl and Repairing a specialty. - ... - N eads' Block. M. MAYER, Furrier Bu CK'S CELEBRATEDSTOVES The HAPPY 'rHOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES,. RADIANT HOMESingle and Double Heater, -·---- -------- ·--·- PARLOR COOK, all fitt ed with t h e Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a riva l. For sale by S. S. EDSALL~ FURNACES, a specialty. Goin g, Going. ROCKFORD AND AURO R A VTATC H E S- Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. .UAS01' BROS. are this week giving special Bargains in Clothing. ~- A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Y out h's Overcoat, $ 6 .00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.0 0. A Yout h's Suit, $5.50. A Boy's Suit, $ 4.50. See our Stout Men's Shirts an~ D rawers at 85 cts., ~eavl, all woo~o aOc., See our Tie-downs and Blankets. .. ··- - MASON BROS!J

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