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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1886, p. 5

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w .- vvELL KNOWN BRANDS The hand organ season api;roaches. February makes a bridge and March breaks it. Mr. Joa. Ruse, of Toronto, spent Sun· 1Uess1·s. LJman Sons & CJo. day with fri ends h er e. " T~ke this opportunity of announcing that Mr. Archie Bingham, of Trenton was in this t own last week. they are prepared to supply their The ~ear 5,647 of the .Jewish Era. commences on September 30th, 1880. For the finest embroideries at the -OFlowest figures please call on Mrs. l veR. The first bank n ote e ,·er issued in CanaJa saw the light in 1817, aud the Bank of M ontreal was t he issner. in Jots to suit pnrch:tscrs. 'l'he SalvationArmy officers h ere, went 'l.'hese Leadii are unsurpassed for to Hamilton, on Monday, to attentl the opening of the n ew barracks in t h at city. ~ PURITY, COVERl~G PROPERTms Mr. M, A. James, D . D. G. M. and AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE. Mr. Geo. Baiden, are in St . Cath arines this week al t ending the annul>! m eeting of SEE· TIIAT THE TRADE MARK the A . 0. U . W. Gr.ind Lodi-:o. The count-erfeit two-dollar D ominiou notes in circulation are well executed. They are of a C serieJ . Dufferin issue, payable at Toronto, aud dated June 1, ~PURE WHITE LEAD. "White Lead, nn tbe shortest notice. According t o the N:ttional L ive Stock Journal, the impo rt~ of h or ses from Canada to the United States d urin g the first six months of 1885,amounted in value to neatly and promptly 1L1.t.endcd to; having none $033,413. but firBt-class workmell cmµloyed. IS ON EACH PACKAOF.. 'vVe congratula,te M r. J a mas Deyman, U".3ATLSJ1'ACTJO;.< GUAI-tANTEED.'m! Big 20, on his success in secm·in~ the In J-aintin;;; use agency for t he two best S ewing Mach;nes D. mt :'l v i. s, in the market-Ntiw Williams and New Express OJlfoe Building. Raymond. nowmanville, F eb . l, t8 G, Any of the Toronto, London or M oncmade only from carcfolly cleaned seed t r eal pap ers club bed with the STATESMAN and absolutely frc ,c f rom ad nlt er;1.tion. atJ very low rates. Don't throw away 'I'he Best 1s the Cheapest. money on local papers of n o value but call at the STATES~!AN oflico for lowest F TRST. -30 acr e· of lot 8 i n the l et concession JURY, AGENTS, l'l\tes. or Darlington. !yi n;:;- irrun eui11tely south of .the -STOTT cemetery. We would ad vise those wh o wimt a SECOND.-The Sonf.h a o aci·es o f lot 16 in the crayon portrait or an enlarged p hoto t.hird concession or Do.rlrngton, t.nd the North· 3(i acres of the South d3 acres o1 lot 15 in the made. to beware of agentc1 itnd tramps, they sume concession may have a fin e specimen of work with 'fITmD.-Tllo 80n t.h 100 A.Crea oe lot 25 in.the them, but do yo u know wliat you will get, third concc~sion <lf Darliogt.on, and t;he Northy()() acres oft.he ca;;t hillf of lot 25 in t he be tter go to all artis in your own t own A small j ,rnrn al, entitled "Gle:mings Church-st Method 1st Ch urcl1, ta give an ARM l'OR SALE.- 113 acr es, L ot 1:1, erl same conces!"lion . Positively a.nd perma11ently cm ed by using that you can rely on. H enry can make in Bee Cult nr e, " is to han d, a nd contai us 1 e11tertainment in the T o wn l:l l\ll on Con ., 2, Da.rlingt.o n. wir.hin l~· miles of All the above will be ·<>lrl in Tl&\'cels to suit any size or style of pict ure that is made, some very useful inforrn<ttit>n for those J 'L'huradtty PVening, l<,eb. 25t!1. This club Centro or town of Bowmanville. Good Brick pul'ehasers. 'l1i me f , 1 r p aynlen t a.n<l ter m s will Dwellin;r and commodious ont bnildi.ngs, goocl a nd wi ll g uarantee to please yon .. haviug a piarys. Terms $1 per year. Ad- c" rnos highly recomm ended foy the p r ess orcbard,lwell wat.ered. Soil fh·st class. One or be fl!arl e ver:v easy t,o sat.iRfactol'y btJ)'ers. " Jl'or particulars a.pp!)· to · Onfl bottle effects a cure - it i8 taken internally t.he best farms i11 llut·hn.m, Co. Terms reasondress A. T. l't·;ot, Midina, Ohio. im< i th e name of Mr. Chas . Kelly, so well A cler gyman preaclrnd a sermon recentD. BURTO~ SIMPSON. . and in small doses, nni1 only nnce during 2! able. Apply to RoB1'. FIELDING, Bowman ville, ll-tf. The indefatigable an d acute obslrrver, '.i,nd. favorab}e. kn0 w11 h ere, c?1rne~t·Jd w~th P . O. Vend.or's Solicitor hours. Read the follo wing tc3timonial, it is ly, on the subject , "Shall we Toboggan '/' . one ta.ken from a great many others that we In the course of h is discourse he said: D avid Ker, writes 1mconragingly of the 1t, is a suffic1.en t proof of lts ot merits have: ULL FOR S ALE. - Thorongh ·bred i b et ter recornma nd t han _ any_ we "I b elieve rn to bogganiug and and recom- prospects of bivilizat!o:i in the Dark Ohn - and < Mr. 'William Putman, Bayham P . O.. writes Shot·t Hom Bnll, 2 yettrs old, "Darlington mend it withou t reserve to man, tinent under t he titl e" African's Awaken- could give. Proceeds of cflncer t m aid of Hero," under date Fub . 19th, 1885 : sirn "Vicior" by Mr. Drydet1's ramolls ch nrch organ fnnd. .Plan of h all will be ·· Baron Sur mise" (imported I, No. L B . A..11. ~ the ing," in ,Harper 's Magazine for March. Jo11N P!i:HCY, SEN' .. beg3 to r eturn his sincer e GEN'l'LEMBN,- For ma 11y dreary yP.ara my woman, an? child. " "I r erzard nisi ug unia111 .!; than ks to hi s numerous customers nn1 l friends open on Satnrclay, OOth , at R. B .Andrew ' s H e i s a wen built and very pro1 wife hR.S been s11lfcring groat1y wtth Intl·ima- present tobogganing ruan ia a godsend beautiful color. Come antl see him at Rose- tor the veri' Jiheritl p"-1.ron·.1{0 extended to him Throllgh a mistake of t. he compositor tory RheUlll!>tism. or l<'l'o life has been al!ll·.>St to 1 Storo . Book ·h e people. l hope it bas come t o J~n~tvalo Stoett Farm, W . ~V1mRY, proprietor, 30 years, and with .a fot· over in Bowmauville unbearable. I have exp1:1ndedoverllvehuml1·ed last week, the mt mas of Miss Johnston, Soltna P. 0. 5. steadily lncre1 i otn!r hnsi ness and advancing -($500.00) in doctors' fees and patent menicines, str.y. Tobogganing sLi rs the blood, a ntl for a piano solo, Willie Spry and Willie ;veurs, be ha.a takcri into J>><rtoerah ip his son, in tr ying to elYect a cure. She was given up sends a t ingle t hrough the entir e body. ;atlon, both Proas incurable. Last fall a gentlemr·n seeing the Cann, fo r a dial ogue, \ver e omitted fro m ADIES! LADIEB ! !- D r essmakers John Percy, .Jr., whose 1·ttrrn1 and Loca.l. i" ·uuh "~ to neec l no comcondition my wite waR in, aclvisod me t.o ky We regret that the n ames of M cssr<1. t he programme of St. P aul's church en· and others embrace t ho one opuortunity vincial ! and le'l.rt\ ment. The f\,.,n will horeu.ftcr be known a s W e are prepared to your" Wright's Rhetunatic Remedy." I proto ba a first·cl et1tte\'ij of ladies JOHN PETWY & SUN. l and childrcns -cured a bottle,but!l11-.d little faith in its cnra.tive Alfred Hobbs and Sam. Oko wero omit- tertainment. g11rment~ by Pror. Moodys New ·:power s. The rest1lt of n few noses was really ted from the list of exh ibitors in t he in'l'ui!or System or Dt·ess anci Mantle Cutting by 'f he annual rp.eeting and election of buy a ny quan t ity of R ed : ·wonderful. lily wile buca1ne a d1tfere11t troduction t o the pt:ze list of the Poultry In connection with th" abo<'e, John Percy,& SquarA Measuromont, nod thereby save t,imc woman and to-day · he i" as well as she ever ::ihow last week. They wore among t he officers of the W. C. T. U, A ssociaand money. No more paper or patterns, hnt Son would iu fo r m Lhe puhlic genera lly .thatwas. I cannot pmise yonr W.R. It. t.oo ul1~ hly. th ey intend c11r1·y iug on a t t h e sa111e stand. direct on your material. Pet'foct flt draft bohcld i n t h e Queen-st. a nd Alsike Clover Seed. I trust tbat all thA snftcre1:s t hronghout the successful exhibitol'a, aud M:r. Hobbs r e- tion wil1 guaranteed. Our du'fy a uthorised and compe- Silver l:lt1·eet, Ro wrnu.n ville. a llrst· Hor86 ;}and will soon hear the glad tidings that there ceived the b eaut ifnlsil vermedal given by church. on Tnesd'l.y 23rd inst., at 3 p. m . Shoeing and Genera,1 HJ;;,clrnmit,hin g Bn~iness, r~nt Ai.rnnt Miss Mnir. of Toronto. will teacl:t is a. balm fo1· thi-ir dreary pains, and only at Parties having any to the ladies of Bowm:i.nville and stu·ro1 maing where they hope by st.riot attention to .the M . Porter,. Esq., for adding the gr eatest A cordial invi t11tio n is ex t ond1:id t o till the small cost or 75 cents. country t horoughly for a nominal Sll lll. for the wants of tbe public, tfl maint.ain and increase number of names to t he m em bership r oll interested in the work. next few weeks at llfr. A.llin'<1, east or McC!nngs their reputation. As o"ii of t he firm lnt.,nds dispos e of, kindly call Foundry, Bowman ville. Call and soe or send devoti ng bis whole e flen!;t es and timo:J to Horse The fir~t of a series of papers ht E. P. .Ask your dealer for Wright"s Rheumatic of the society. A lug hly compliment ary for circulars aod be convinced. We ha,,e Shoeing, those hll\' ing d1·i ving, tt"ottin~. Remedy, don't ttike anything else, thfl price is addresses accompanie::l. the medal. Mr, R oe, entitled "The Home Acre, " will ·be much plea.~ure in refermg yoll to Miss Mc· interfering and Clyrlc»rlalc horses roquiring only 75c. llemem ber we do not ask you to buy on u s before selling. pllblished in the next number of Harper's Cullough t ile well !mown Dressmaker of Bow- extra care and skill. wi11 do well t o give u s -a. Crom 5 up to one dozen bottles to effect a cure, Hobbs has one of the b est pens of . HouRespectfully yonrs, manville, who is now cuttir1g succeasf11Uy with trial. Magazine. Mr. Roe gives rnauy useful one bottle has in almost every in8tance e tfected dans in the country. JCll-IN .PEttOY &, SON. the Moody SysLem, as hundreds of others are WM. QUICK & Co. .a cure. Ask for tooti n1oni;;,ls. If your drugil'ist s uggestions fo r improving the grounds of J"c n. l, 1880. 3tf .Bowmanville, w e could refer to in Ontario. Dont fail to learn Sprightly correspondence t o a local 1has not it in stock ye.I,, send direct to suburban and count.ry d wellings. at once, P upils can be taught at their ow n p iiper is a h elp to the people of· the homes. J. & A. CAfl.'r.J<;H.. Toronto, Sole Messrs. STO'r1' & JURY, Pl'oprietora and oJli~e for Ca,nada. vicinity re presented. It advertises it in Mayor How land, of Toronto, is to ti d...._ Eastern Wholesale Aµ:ents, c.ther sections of the C< mntry, attracts dress a temperance meeting in St. P~ul'a AUCTION SALES. t>no.F. w. WILi.SON. I ch11rch, under th e a uspices of the t emBO"\VMANYILLE. buyers of stoc k, etc., from other places. 'I.,EACHER OF PIANO, OIWAN AND ·- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - an d adds t o the dignity and importance perance society of the congregatiou, on Tul,SDAY FED. 23.- Mrs. Geo, Bradburn, SINGING: 'l'~rms: Forbeginnera$6; for of the people to a far g reater exte nt than Friday evening, the 26th inst. Admission , ·1 RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ' d f '11 ll b pupils, ~10 for quarter or twelve YI advanced lessond. Residence at Mr. HrcaARD Frn:ui ·s , who has r?n t.e her arm, wi se is com'm only supposed t o be the oaee. free; collection in aid of the society. Tne auction, withont reserve, on lot 9, con. Centre Street, Bowma.nville. 51-tt. BOWMANV CLL E STATION. Ther efor e, we h ope correspondents will public are cordially in vited . 3, Cartwrig ht, the wh ole of her farm t· , t take a d eeper in t his department Ev.ERYllODY THAT owNs A Ho1ts1~.-Jf 1 stock, implemeuts, hay, &o. H. '1'. n 0 -ICC O :t~e-e.tr11e 1 l!l . · GOING EAST GOING Wl!:BT Express ... .. . .9.05 am Express ... ... 7.10 a m of the S TATESMAN, ma.king it more inte r- you want a whiµ that will Vutwar e any· PnILLil'S, A uctioneer. Sale to com- u uNDER THE LAST ASSE::lS- l :Fast Expresa.10.05 a m Local, . ..· .. . .8.25 a m esting .for all, at the lime benefiting t hing you ever bo11ght, call at W. H. P11·eserve Your Sight. Mixed ...... ...!l.05 p D' Mixed ....... . .4.05 p m their immediate localities. meuce at 1 P· m., sharp. MENl' ACT and A.ct amending the May's, and buy a Genui ne Bull Bone, Local ·.. ...·. .. 7.30 pm Express. ..... . 9.00 pm Use F . LAZ A.RU ::l' (le.te of the firm of LazarSA'l'UKDAY, F.Es. 27-Mrs. Jas, B rown, allpersons wishin gt.obeplacedontheAssessN r.w M usrn - The well known music warranted superior t "i whalebone. El'ery"Exvresa ...... 9.40 u rn us & Monis,) RAnownetl Soecci>cles and .l~ye· will ~e ll by i.uct10n, without reser ve , ment !loll as wage-ea1·nera mnst first fyle an GlasBe·. They nl'O th" beot in t l:te world. 1'hey firm of Sucklin~ & Sons, of 'J'oronto, have thing in th e Harness line, in clu rling affir ma.twn with the Assessor. Blanks for that nevP,r tire t he eye, aud J,1,si; many years with· the whvle of h er farm stock, implepurpose can be Juul cf the 1rndersignBd. CANADIANR PACIFIC RAILWAY. r ecently published a number of very tine Trunks , Vtiliaes, &c., away down low it1 , ments, etc., Sa.le to comm ence at 1 p. ollt chang-e. Fe1· sale hy Kenner & Co. BowS. BUH.DEN, Assessor. manville. G·lf. m usical compositions, fo r the P iano : price t o suit the times. W. H. MAY. m., s harp . H. 'I.'. PHILLII'S, auction- Bowmanville. January 11, 1886. g BURKETON STATION "Polka Militairt>," 40c ; " Brave Hearts eer. March , " 50c; "Snow Shoe P olka," 40c ; 1st Lady. -" Have you called at the FARM FQR $A.LE. GOI!i!G' JM.ST. GOING WEST. " Recollections of the Sou t h ," 35c; "In West End Bouse, lately?" 2nd Laclv._ lll'!'prese .. .. ,.11.33 am ~~~xed_. ....... 8.~6 am Search of P lea9ure- Galop Brilliante ," "No, I med t o deal t here altogether, b nt Ask t o see t h e prepared Mince M eat at :Mixed .. .. . .. . 7.!2 p m J,xprega . . ... . 12.~4 pm bein g south oart of lot Express . . . . . . 7.!2 p Ill 40c; "Joyfnl Moments," 40c i "Noc· have got out o( the way of it the last few· Murdoch Bros'. U 15, con. 3, Clarke, situated 5 miles 1 Tickets and further In formation may be ha.d turn e," by L ucas, 40c; "The B ard of yeard s ." st Ladg. - " ' Vell, I believe I Evening Globe sent t u any address for fro m Newcastle, to which is a good road· JOO TUE -from W . A. NEADS, Express, Railroad, and Erin," by Watts. BOc ·, "Eldoi·nd~ V nlae,, can o better _ th~re t han any oth er place 2r, t tl L d t a.c rcs in good state of cul:iva.tion; the balance SteamboaL Ticket AKent. Bowmanville, "{ " 6 w ,, "~ ' i n t own, and J U St n ow it is astoniah1nl!. oc sper 0mon l. eave your or ers a timber and pastllre land. On the premises are two frame dwellings, two barn~. with horse t:Jy x mg, Oc. P. 'l'rebi'lcock ha these h Y en11er , · Co's Vari' ety ff-.11 h d ow cheap they are selling goods. " "!ncl · '· "' " · and catt le stables <It eacb, and driving house ; on an , and will send any on e, or all, Le idy. - " I am going to start for tlv· Couch, Johnston & Cryderman ar e now two orchards; two wells; a creek runH across · t o. any address, po:it free, on r eceipt of ·west E nd House,rig h t a way a nd seo for showing a l ovely assortment of b lack and the lot. ·wrn be sold cheap. One third of purchase money down; for balance time will prwe. myself. " coloured Surah Silks. No fatly shunl d be givo:n to snit purchaser. If not sold by J.\<lur. The fl.rat of a scirii:s of concerts to be buy a silk dress b efor e sccing t h eir new 20th will be rented. J.'9r furLher particulars BoWMANVlJ,LE, FRIDAY, FEB. apply to W. M . f_,EN 'r, I\ ewcastle, Ont. G·5w* 9 given by the D. 0 . 11n< l P. Co. Band, for Messrs. R. Beith & Co. , B reeders and and elegant goods. Arc now pepared to quote pricca ef the purpose of helpiug defray t heir ex - Importers of Clydesdale Horses, Bnw- -'-"'.'.======--=:=====~== BINDER TWINE for tlw season of1886, U LL FOR SERVICE.- The thoropenses to the Colonial Exhibitiou, in man ville, have already made sever-'! sales in lots of 10 tona mul.11pwards. BIRTHS. bred Durham Bull, "Hoa.ring Lion", a very J uly next, took place in the r own Hall this season. Besides "Oliver Twist" il.ddres&, .noe anirnal recently imported from Pickering, Monduy eveni"ng, a nd pr·oved t o be one ' noted before in th ese colnms, they ha e HALL- In Cartwright. near BLtrk eton, 011 the 50""FBONT STREET, E .&S'r, ts kept for service on lot 13, partioa re~iding , G d " '"~· n - h " llth inst, the wife of Mr. James Hall, of a son. m TORON'J.' (), · Cobourg dbp(lses of its mark et feea, by of the mos t successful and en joyable e n- soId "G this district wishing to raise good stock will 1 ~en , or on · .:Hr J.·lC a r , find it to their interest to patronize this tiull . I· tender. tertainments held in Bowman ville for "Scot t F ree" and "Grand Cross", all t .... MARRIED. Terms.only $1'50. PETER WERRY. Tyrone.8-7 w* very good prices. T hey havfl S·>me other · Bonus Sal e for February. S ee S tar some time · . The concert opened promptTh l FoWLEB- EVERSON- On t he lOlh inst. , at the 1 111 ly at eight o'clo<:lk, with a selection "Il sa es prospect. ey wi 1 have so rue 1·e·idence of tho bride's father, Mr· S. Everson, H ouse new advt. . b . Trovato re" by the Bnnd, which was ex · very valuable h orses ID t heir stable~ a t "Willow F11.rm", Darlingto11, by the Itev. J. The street corner 101.1fer is eginmng So uth £_1.\_rk. Whitlock, Mr. A. M . l<,owler, to Miss E. Ever.,cutad in a ma1<t eily style, refiectina son. 'to em erg frou hts wiuter quarters. gr eat credit on their !eider Mr. E. S~ . Our town is b ecoming noted fora~cnts. On the 17th inst., by l<-:. Sheppar e, Curts tian The r ecent th aw, and sleet h ave caus- ~'[ea th. T he "J:l.umol'uus Quartett" by F . H . M ason lias r -:nte d t h t~ s t oreIl·Jttse " ·r·unster · , f1t t i1e rest 'd<mce o r t 1rn b n·ctes · fttt.Jwr, ed floods and the destruction of bridges M B M- u r . h ou King-st., fac in!!: the ScaQ:og Ro;id, and Mr, John Coolidge,o5 Darlington, t<> Mis3 Eliza all over t he co un ti'" · rs. a.rrett, iss vv r1g, t, Messrs. 1'ule . . ~ ~ EllaNeads,oldestdaughter or Mr. W,A.. Neads, & "' and McCullough, 1 vail «li,o well r end ered, m tends keepmg on hand all k inds of expr·~ss agent.Bowmanvi lle. New embroideries, new dress goods, each of the ch a.racte 8 sus i:aining th ir Farm implem ents. As h e buys from t h., ,(" A)'tCm~R-ScoT1'-9n ,t he lOth inst,, a~ tl:te n ew twee<ls, e:xcellent value, just received p Rrts in a hi!!h ly cr.·>ditable manner, ; x. Manufactu rers for cash and keeps t he r.~s1dence of t he brides f1Lthcr, Mr. Ji ostc~ Are prepared t o P<·Y the hig hest prices II ·~ JYll'" F l . b . . . '/1 ncott, Manvers, by t he Hev. Mr. McKay, M r. ·at t I16 S tnr · ouse. Y ule especially distinguishino himself in aw:iers paper, ie wi 11 e m a posmof , Joseph Archer, of Cartwright, to Miso ,M.argar- for all kinds of Grain at the 0 In consequence of th e stormy day, th e his character of a d utch man . Besides our t o give as good bargains as any agen ts i et Eliza.beth Scott. Wharf or t heir Stor e House in towu. i congregations m th" churches l ast Sab- local talent, the com1,,.ny had secUt·ed t he the D ominion. A mong th o firms whic -- - -lbath , wera n ot as large as usual. ser vices of Mr. R . Fax, of Tor onto, wh o he represents are '\Vaterous Engiue \Yorks DIED. FusrnR- In 'l'oronto, on the 3rd inst,, Whit· Murdoch Bros', are selling Table and by his characteristic and comic songs Co. Brant ford, L. D. Sawyer & Co. 'IarlU f i\C t nrmg · Co. o f· field l<'usier, aged 15 years. Han ging L aru os. m nch lower than usual. provok~d ~mlirui t:id mir t h a_nd _rece ived H ami"Iton, 1u "at son 11· 'T hey have a great iusorhneut t oo. enthus1as t1c applaus'.'l . A recitat10n , " The Ayr and J · O. '\Visner, Son & Co. Brantl! ,or the cost of adverUsini:I" in any papors or . . . S tation Agent's S t0r u "hy M'ss The Wisner Seeder ca.rried off the 1 S h eppard ford. list of papers publisllell in th e United States or A sli ght a lmost imperceptible shock . ·" · 11 t h f · I f l I - : POSITIVELY CURES : Canada, send to the .A.dvertismg agency of ·Of an eartl;quake is said to have been felt ·1 c:i-nuot be too highly spokl\n of her eJocu- pr ize at a e airs ast a ( w ler e it wae EDWIN ALDl!-:N & BitO., :in Port Ho ne on Suud ay evtimm!. tiou~ry powera are. good an~ would do exhibit ed, 1md is acknowledged to b e the . c -· credit to a profe~sional. Mies Munson's beat Seeder in C.-nad11. for 1886. ( ;inc iunaui, 0 1· .New Yo1·k, Five Hundred Reward for a combined son"' "Shall I wear a white H.ose " s nn" in I A ~-1 . A 1' Core 5th & Vir. e S~s.. H I} N u ssau S treet. Cf d f B d "" , ,., DVISE TO Lf you · 1 8· d th t 11111 b I :see er a. can "'. c '."~ r m1! r oa - Iler u sual p leasing style and was lo udly t arblld at night and broken of your rest J ·.· Our "Newspaper Combinations." a book -casttoDnll a ncl viceversaaseasilyasthe encored 'l'heclosin"piece by Mr G b . k .d <r. d . . Clttt~e n Stl·f':d llletlrodi!lit or 15(}pages, containing pieces of advertising, 1 1 suuermg an cryrna wit1 h "b't' l F H M · · " · · y a sic cu i ()Illlt·c Ii , W. fall instrnctions, ete., sent on receipt of !Octa, ·a()'~~~er onc on ex i i ion )y · · · a.son , Pec~bam, with baud acco~paniment,also pain of Cuttin g Teeth 1 If so s~nd a t Our "Am. Newspaper Catalogue" containl1Jg names or every newspaper vubHsher in the U . . ., . . recei>ed h; arty. a~plause, .w fact all who once and get a bottle of " Mr3. W inslo,v's . As ~r. Jno. Brimacombe was ;eturn- took.Part m t lus m te.r estw g progr~mme Soothing Syrup." For children t eet hing, ' ' · · S. and Canada, sent on receipt of price, $1.50 l!;stimates free,. lf' ~~nth thti b_nsa from the station, on acquitted t h emsel ves 111 a most satiefac- its value is incalculable. It will r elieve' Tt<<sd_ ay 1!1or111ng,?~e of .t he horses fell tory ·manner . MisR Cli_mie, as.pianist, the poor little suffer er immediately. Debr<Jakm g its leg. Ihe amm1 1I was after- a ddea greatly t o t he evemugs en1oywent pend upon it mothers · there is 110 In connection with opening of the N ew wards shot. . . by h~r skillfu l performance. The pro- mistake about it. It c~res D ysentery P ipe Organ, e.rrangem en-te h ave been S·Gw ~~ T or onto boa~ts ot 500 vract1smg la w- ceedu~gs were broughr, to a clos~ abo ut 111.nd Diarrhcea, r egulates the Stomach and m ade to give the public a. grand musical' A few Boxes will cure a ny case ,o£Dyeyers, with -clHrlts and students that swell ten o clock by t h e Band playmg the Bowels cures Wind Colic softens the pepsta, Bimply by ta~g One Pill ·eYU"JI'" trea.t · ·_!;h e list '.o 1 , 500; 89 bar.ber. sh ops; 86 "Nati_o nalAnthe~"· We t1:ust that the G ums, 'red uces Inflamrnati~ n, and gives night on retirUJ,g. They do not l oae theb:' "?Jackemit h sh op~. IGO boardmg ltouses; orgamz~rs of this ent~rta1nment n;iay to:ie and en ergy to t h e w h ole syotem. 1 etfect llk<t othe:i; Pill.a. Singleton,~ OF CANADA. I ~4~ butcher shopej 40 dentists e'l:tract a meet wnh equal succe_ es ID th~ succeedmg " Mrs. Winslow's S oothing Syrup" fo r ll vmg; 720 g~ocers : 267 h otels and 11 on es,and t hat the audience w1~l be muc.h children t eething is pleasant t o the taste 01«ranist of Methodi st Churc h, Port Hope,. CA.PITil, ll!i ,000,~00. ltEST, $ 220,000 s aloons; 200,h'Oensed d octors; 70 t obacco lar~er ~han o n Monday evenm g. Then· and is t he prescrip tion of on e of the old- on~ of the best organists in the provin ce, 25 G ents per Box. Five B oxes for $t"OD. This Bank ts prepared to do Legitl· shops; 66 p Ariodicals and ne wspapers; ~b] ect is a worthy one and deserves the est and best female physicians and nnrses with a q uartette of accomplished vocalists TH I RTY P ILLS IU A B OX. 131 t ailor shop~. 10 undertakers; and 103 hb~ral support _of o ur c!tize?s, which we in the U nitecl States, a nd is for sal e by from t hat town ; a lso t he well known mate Bank ing in all its branches. Farmers notes disco nnted; D eposlt11 ~;hoes of wol'ship. believe ,they will get! JUdgil!g from the all druggis ts t hrough t h e world. Price local favorites, M iss Mun oo n and M essrs. SO LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. v f h e New Williams and New Raymond good attendance on tlus occas10n. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Galpi n and McCulloug h , have been en · received and-Interest paid on a.mou nts of 85 u pwards in S avin gs Bank Dopartment; Bewing Machines, are the most simple in Why will you s nft'er with a bad cold " MRR . WtNsLow 's. SOOTHING SYJrnl'." gage~. . construction, lightest running, and will wh en a. few doses of w est's Cough Syrup and take no other kmd, T!u s will be c;m e o~ the best Sacred ' DR.ikFTS d o a larger range of work than any oth er will cure you Invaluable for all throat ( FARMERS b f . . Concerts e ver given m the t o wn , and l8Bued and (follectlon s made i n E urope, machin e i n t h e market. It don't need ;m and lung tro~bles . . Consumptives try it.) ord e. r s for"' BIND~~·e_T~vi~Tu Y~~il) lovers of good musi?ll sh ou dkl n ot fail to United and Canada.. · expert to r un them, but a child can run Small size 25c. larae bottles $ 1.00. All t R S M · ,,. H d ~ s't attend . . See large bi s an pirogrammes PROPRIETORS, ... ' " a . . anm n,, s M" ware ore, for particularq 8-2w . 20 d . W . J ·. JONES, them, J as. D eyman, A gen t , B 1g · ruggu1te. I Bowmanville, and get prices. ~. 27 Agent. 1878. :Lyman's Linseed Oil, HEAL THYSELF. RHEUM ATISM !-' rs. C. L. Munson is visiting friend& A beautiful stock of fi ne yarn all kinds Mrs N orthcote is on a visit to friends iu .oronto. ( and colors, at the Star H ouse. See new in Port Hope. 1lvercoats our own make for sale at T. ad vt. Forward subscriptions before March 1st and have yonr name in n ext "paid-up' G .1.Mason's S tar H olleo. B INDER TwINE.-Farmers, before] list . ::lome members from both our Bands, giving your orders for B inder Twine, 'We are sacrificin g our Wool Goods to went to 0dhawa on Wednesday evening, [ call at R . S . .Mannino-'s Hardware m ake room for spring pur chases. Mrs, to play at Fitther McEntee'a concert. Store, Bowmanville, a~d get prices. Mr. E. E. Sheppar<l, editor of Toronto Ives. Some correspondence sent i11 during N ews, and wife, were i n town on l\ionday BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. the absen ce of tlie Editor-in-chief, is h eld ovoning :rnd attended the Ban'.i concert. Don't buy flimsy Yankee Sewing M aover for his approval. Correcte<l by John Lyle, every 1'hurs <la;v. Farmers in the vicinity of Tyrone, chines, when you can b uy better macl1ines The Ne w F LOUR, iii" 100 tbs..... ... . $2 10 to $2 50 H.impton, Ermiskillen, and snrrounding of Canadian mam1facture. country are directed to Mr . P. Werr/s Williams and New H aymond are bot h Wm:A·r , F:J.11, 'II' bush. . · . · 0 75 11 0 80 Canadian make. J;une~ Deymitn, A gent, advertsment. 1 Spring, " . ·· .· 0 75 1 1 0 80 · A big sleigh load from town went w Big 20, B owmanville. BARLEY, 'Ir husl1. ... . . . 0 55 11 0 70 Hampton, on 'l.'uesday nigh t, to attend Miss Jennie M cGa rry, of Montreal, R YE, II · · · · · ' · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 the Orange S"cial, some of them " Queen o f Elocu tion ist, " agsisted by local OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 28 II 0 33 assisting in the program. mnsical talent, will givt:! an entertainment P EAS, J3lackeye, 'Ir bush.. . 0 80 11 O SS 11 Small, 11 0 55 11 0 60 Tho toboggan slide whic1i haa had a ~nder t~e auspice" of 8t., J ohn 's chur_ ch, 1 B lue, 1 . . . 0 55 11 O G5 rest durino the recent thaw is acrain rn the 'Iown .Ha.LI , un 1. ue~day t:JVenm~ covered wlth ice an d ~now, and has been n ..:x:t. 'I.'ickets, 2?i, and 35c. Plan of H a ll B u·e r1m, best table, 'IP' it. . . 0 15 11 O 16 LA1w, ~"' it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 10 11 o rn well p~itronized th is woek. j at R. B . ~ndrew R. _ The r oller rink at Lindsay, the V ictoria I S·rooK IAKIN o. - At t.h e E _clt psn H o_n,se E GGS, 'IP' do:r. . . .... ... .. .· 0 18 " 0 1!) Hotel, and a n0th er building, were de- I for the next month, goods will be s_ iw rific- P OTATOES, ~ii' bush . .. ....· 0 :'15 11 O 40 stroyed by fire last Saturday morning. ! ed ~u make 1oom for a cli..1nge m the D1rn~s.1rn Hoas ilfr' 100 . . . . . 4 50 11 5 00 The loss amounts to about $7, 000. b.1sm~s. So all wh o w,;nt _har garns 111 }{Ay .. · · · · .. · .. .. . . · . . . . 9 00 II 10 00 R R D li , 'll · tl d D ry Goods, Clothrng, J1 nrmsh1n<Js and f ~v . . · f . raser wt fg itvhe ;~D~e~ont Ji'ue Goods, w ill please c t d l at the Eclips~ Ntro '.:tl'lrt)Crtiscmmtg. o a ae~1e.s o sermons o e. ~vrn1 YI Ho nse. w. H . l ves. of Chnst' next Sabbath evenmg m St. . . . Paul's ch11rcb st1 bj<>ct-"Christ his OYl"U N ext Sabbath the reg1ho11s serv1c~ s ACRE .!<'·rm to sell or to rent. witness" ' connected with t he Qnar rerly meeting Apply to lHH. W£NDAT 'l' , Darling. ' wi ll be h eld in t.ho Qneen-st Method ist ton, Bowmo.nville, P . 0, t.f. CHEAP w·oon,-McC!ellan & Co. are Chur ch. R ev. E. R nber ts will pre i ch in selling good u;rtien hard wood in quanti- the m~rning 0 11 "Gc >d's fidelity in fulfil:::TOUSE TO LET.-Goorl 7 roomed ties ,,f .f<'our Cords and upwards at only ing his pro mises," and in the eveni ng on, :_1_ brick house. Poaso,si<)Il ~'et>1·llary l st 1880. A pp!y to f_,. CORNISH, Jeweller, H ow~ $4,25 per cord, delivered to any · part of "Christ crucified 113 a sticr~ment ll meditman ville . 3tf the town. ation. 'l.'he Rolim School F uot-ball Cl ub, inAMB AS'rRA Y-Came int<> t he Arrangements have lnen m itde for a wemises, lot 3, Con. 7. Darlington, one tend to pJ ;1 y a mateh gams of foot-ball gn1at sacred concert to b a held i n t he . 1 'l'he owner i· requ.,stcd to prove pro· with Mi tch ell's Corners S chool,at Mitch- Qu.,en-~t. l\Ieth t>dist ch1u0h , o r1 Frid 11y Lamb. peny. pay ex pences and take it away. A L>~x ell's Corners o n S :~turd ay next, 20 ih inst. March 5th, <tt which Prof. Singleto11,and 8TarLES 'l'yrone, P . 0 . G ·3w' at 2 .30 p. m .. 8eV·ffal acco<11plishP.Ll ~ ocalis t~ frorn Port TALLION FO R SA.LE. - A Youna50 HoitsES W .A.NTED. - Mr . George Ban·- Bope will assist 'l'hi~ will no doubt b ~ Draugbt Stallinn,:l years old.JG httnds hig;, tle, of Hoche~ ter, will be in Bowman- a first -cl ass concert, and all who can color brown; good bone, rn11scle and act.inn; heavy mane and tail; sired by "lit'itish Lion :" vill e a ·1d H 1 1mpton, from t h e 20th to the should a~tend . <ln1n u. heavy bon ed lna r e 8i red by 1-0ngl and's 2ith instant., p1·.;p otr ed tu bn_ y horses Tfrn TELCH!AN SJJ:I·TE1"1'E OLL"D . -This Glory." Forlnrtber patticu!Rrs apply to W . 6-5w* and m ares. S ee bills. cel~brated troup h»s b.,en eni~aged hy the M. LENT, Newcastle. i CHEAT 6 0 DAYS' CLEARING_ SALE D. DAVIS ! Will, to make room for ~pring Im1ior~tion11, olfer for t he next 60 DAYS, the whola of - his imrrnmae stock or- Boots and Slu>cs, Sli1>pers, R11ltbers, 'I'runks, Vali~es, &c., - AT - Greatly Reduced Prices. And is prepared to excctlto all ORDERE D WORK REPAIRING I0 0 L l Valuable Farms for Sale. S 11 F "WRIGHT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY. B L Business Change. I 1 lzill lll··········-·····li _____ ____ _______ ,, I I -:.:r· ,.-r ... .. ,. , I 13 ~ACRES, I 0 0 rn. H a1·t I ax, Nova sco1· la Bl·NDER TWINE oartmouth Ropework oompany' . ---.-. Local and Otherwise. B GRAI N Jno. McMurtry d~~ivered 0 Co. '- WEST'S I -LIVER DYSPEPSIA, WORLD'S BEST I s~~~~ co10ERT ! Edwin Alden & Bro. PILLS SICK HEADACHE, FR JD AY MARCH 5 LIVER COMPLAINT_ INDIGESTION. Advertising Agency. Professor STANDARD BAN K I I John C. West & Co.. TOR ONTO.

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