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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1886, p. 6

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Tile Gate oftbe l!t-;-L;;'1Tence 1'1ena ! d. IS PUBLISHED "' Porcine; Rhubarb and Asparagus. The Detroit Tribune the other d a..Y conEVERY FRIDAY MORNING, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1886. tained an article hea.ded, "Scared Sir John A method which we have frequently prac-BYA .-Why did the Canadian Premfor n111ke a tfoed is to dig up, In the f&ll, or a.t any time sudden trip to England ?" during wint~r when the ground is not A prominent Irishman, who was in Que- frezen, a number of clumps with as m&ny AT THE OFEIOE STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. bee last Autumn, a.sked the newspapor in roots attached as possible, a.nd p lace them ··tOftlceBlock,KingSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont qneetlon : close together In a cold frame, sprinkle fine Ohoioe Reoipes. "Why were two companies of a.rt)l!ery soil between and over them, water copiously TER:M:B: MPLE CusTARD,-Lay a crust In your summoned to Quebec unexpectedly &nd with lukew11rm water, leval with soil, plates ; slice apples thin and ha.If fill your $1.SO.perannum,or $1.00if paldln advanee wi.thout apparent cause a short time ngo? cover all with a few inche~ of dry leaves He has all the best grades of plates ; pour over them a custard made of Paym:ent strictly in advance required Crom Why did Sir John Macdonald hasten oft to and put en the ea.shes. The eubsFquent four eggs and one quart of milk, sweetened subaor1bers outside ot the county. Orders to England also without apparent cause?" He care Is the same as required for ordinary di!lcontinue the papK muRt be acoompa.nied by And 1easoned to your taste. "The Can,.dian cold-frames, giving air on mild d"ys, and Ile amount due, or the paper willnoi be stopped. continued aa folfaws : MOOK BOLOGNA SAUSAGE,-One part of mbeoribers are responsibleunti llul lpayment is papers have been t1ylng to accow.Jt for secure covering in cold weather, '\Yater is that is manufactured. made, l>eef, two pa.rte pork, one part beef suet, a these things, seemingly unoonnectcd; but rarely needed, ae the les.ves prevent rapid little garlic, sage, black pepper, a amall R&TES OF AD"VllRTISINGs I~~~ they couldn't see right, for they looked evaporation. When cold-frames are not He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, portion of ca.yenne pepper. Season to ta.ate, llVbole Column one year ·. _.···..·.·. 160 00 ::;;::;::: with partisan j?lasees, The reform. lJrees available, the roots may be taken into a .Stuff tightly in cloth bags and hang them in " " Half year ......· ..... 36 oo· ~:;: tried to ascribe John A.a' sudden departure warm cellar, under a window if possible, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken One qua.rter .. ....... 20 00 f!l- to fear that some of the French, &ngry at and covered with soil and leaves, or straw, ·Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and ·a dry pla.ce. Elalt Column one year ...... ...... ... 36 OO - - his course in the N orta- West rebellion, I Plants In a cellar need more water th&n in FIG PuDDING.-DeliciouB: One pound " Half year .............. 20 00 Lard of his own make and rendering. His life-time ex perience in tha might kill him, The Conservative papers & frame, and the water given should be 1lf figs, one pound of beef suet, one pound of ' · " One quarter_ ... ...... 12 50 Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. denied this imputation of cowardice. lukewarm. bread crumbs, one pound brown sugar, six ~uarter Colurr.n one yes r .... , ·· ···· 20 00 " " Ra.ltyear .. .... ..... 12 50 But the public remained and still remains, Another, and very easy way to tforward Tho Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is egg·. Chop the figs fine, along with the " One quarter ...... .· 8 00 G in 'he deepest ignorance of the motive of Rhubarb, ls to turn a one-headed barrel over ·bread crumbs ; boll two hours 1in a mold lines and under, first Insertion .. $0 50 the trip. While In Qaebec I conceived a a stroug plant, and bank fresh horse-manure of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals ·well buttered; eat with butter sauce. Any llx Each subsequent insertion ...... 0 25 plan for · a.11 round a.nd over It, The bottom of the only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. other fruit may be uaed In place of figs, l'rom six to ten lines, flrstinaertiol!., 0 75 ··· STBIKING A BLOW AT BRITAIN, 1:-arrel should have several holes bored Ea.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 35 TEA RoLLS -Make them up at 12 o'clock 10 Your patronage will be thankfully received. )Ver tenlines,flrstinsertion,perline 0 10 but I saw no good opportnnlty then of &ot· through it to facilitate the of "superin the day. One qua.rt of flour, one-half Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ing on it. When the Canadian Government abundant heat ~d gases, elee the atalke are Goods deliver ed to all parts of the town on , short notice. pint of new milk, and one gill of yeast-one The number of lines to be reckoned by - . engaged with the discontented half- apt to grow up sickly and decay, ieaapoonful of augar In the yoast is an Im- Ile space occupied,.measured by a scale or A call solicited, provement. When light, work in a ta.ble- olid Nonpareil. breeds and the Indians, I communicated my plan1 to a few personal friends in Detroit Timelv ~ue:e:estlODS· apoonful ef butter and the yelka of two el!'gl!I, Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beet, Pork and then set It again to rise for half an hour bewhom I c?uld trust. The fmmedi&te result Keep no unprofitable cows over winter. DR, TAMBLYN', all Farm Produce. fore be.king. Roll them out a.nd make Into BYSICI.A.N, SURGEON and .A.CCOUOHEUB. w&s a series of ,!Deetlngs, some at my home, The present is the time to oull the herd, if any you prefer. '.!-'heae it has not been done already. Ten chances Office:-Silver Street, Bowmanvllle. 7 some at the residence of my friend. STAND :-Town Hall B'ld'g. meetings grew larger and larger, until, a.t J to one yeu are keeping one or moro cows OYSTER SouP.-Put on in a. brass kettle Dr. A. BEITH,, we were obliged to rent a hall on that do not p&y for thf' feed they eat. You one quart of oysters ; 'let them cook until l R.ADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER they &re nearly done without boiling hard Mlchlg~ avenue, Over 100 young men can easily ascertain which cows are profitSITY, Physician, Surgeon, &.c. O!lloe Ktng were let mto the secret, mostly gentlemen able for cream by setting a little milk from 1 (which makes them tough) ; atlr In a piece J treat, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. ofmeans, ·all educated and daring men who cow Ina tumbler, or better in a cream of butter about as large as a walnut, rub it ooul~ be relied upon in any emergency, At gauge. There will be a difference in the 1iheroughly Into one and a half t&blespoons "· l'f. ltlcl.nughlln, 111. B ,, -Of flour, add one quart of rich milk When ICENTIA'l ' E OF '!'HE ROYAL COLLEGE last it waa all &rranged. S~venty.five of thlckneBB of the cream, and that very it boils up once the soup ls done. Season of Physicians 11-nd member of the Roya.I us wrr~ to prooeed to Quebec m groups. On m&rked, unless your cows are a.ll of the & oertam day. ~nd at a certain hour we were same breed, and even then ~he difference with pepper and salt, Pour it into the Clollege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. tureen on a quantity of small pieces of 01\loe: MORRIS' BLOCK Klng-st.,Bowman- to visit the c1t1del, all armed with 44-calibre in the cream may be noticeable, IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY EVERYBODY WITH A Smith & Wesson self-acting revolver!!. The bread, This will be enollgh for six or seven vllle. DR. J, c. ltlITCHEI.L. smallest of us were to be women, or as much A good condition powder may be cheaply pereena. · SPLENDID OMELET-From four to eight \irEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS so as smooth faces, wigs, akirts, and pir.ddlng prepared on the farm. A ml:xture of one and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. could make us, When all had gained en- pound penugreek, one pound of gentian, one Tery fresh eggs ; break them sin'1ly ~nd HA.VING 40 SETS IN S~'OCK. 0111ce and Residence, Enniskillen. 74., tranoo, I was to throw ha.ndfnls of silver to pound salt, one pound sulphate of soda, an carefully, When they are sufficiently whisked, pour them through a sieve and re- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- ·the soldiers and so collect them at the gate. ounce of sulphur, pound of phosphate of A. splendid ra11ge o1 ftorse Dlanlrnts 1rom $1 to $4 At that moment my companions were to ·soda., half a pound of chloride of iron, and John Keith GalbraUb, -sume the beating until they are very light; half a pound of black antimony, given in add to them half a teaspoonful of salt, seaeach. A.lso, Robes-Grey and Black- Good value. ARR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY dr&w their revolvers and tablespoonful duses twice a day, willgrea.tly son with pepper. Dissolve In a small fry- . PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloc,k DRI VE THE MILITARY OUT, Rubbc1· Rugs and Horse Covers, &c:·, very low. assiet the appetite and promote the condl. ing-p&n two ounces of butter, pour In the Iring Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend, Thfoi appeared to all of ns as e:ASY as rol- tion of the anima.le, eggs, and as soon as the omelet Is well r!~ en D, lnJltKE Slllll'SON, ling off a log. We bad no doubt that after and firm throughout slide it Into a hot dish, A farmers scrap-book should be kept on 0 AREISTE'U, SOLICI'l'OR, &.o., MOP Tl.IS gaining possession and arming ourselves fold lt together like a turnover, and serve a.t . D BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman properly we could ret ain possession until every well-regulated farm. There are once. lille. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. aid ahould arrive. Riel was beaten a.nd thousands of r ecipes for the curing of sick For Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore N eeks on h orses. PoTArn S.ALAD.-Slice thinly eight or ten Prlv1lte llloncvs loaned at the lowest rates. sentenced to be hanged. All Q11ebeo was animals which may be of grea.t value if reCannot be excelled. Try a Bottle. good-sized Irish potatoes (bolled and cold); furious. The allegiance of the :henoh Can- ferred t o at the proper time. Useful hint-a chop finely one good-sized apple, one and a.ROBEJtT A.JtlllOUR, regarding special crops may be forgotten CASH FOR HIDES. adiana_ , 'llerely n ominal, after all, was half small onions, r!IJse and chop the leaves f"l EGIS'r.RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER knocked inte a cocked-hat. We felt that unless preser ved in th!s m anner, oonvenfent ef a. large handful of green parsley, Spread [\, of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· our time h a.d approach ed, elnce we might for reference. Plans for farm buildings or llJ" &t Law a nd Solicitor in Chancery. Money A layer of tho potato in a chopping tray, g ement ma.y be preexpect material a id from the Lower Cana- their interior mrmasprinkle liberally with salt, then half the >1rned on Real E state, Office on Kb1g s treet,, and we bfgan our finat pr.epara.tions, served until wanted. Gates, fences, ditches, parsley, apple, and onions, then the rest of lowmanvllle. Good men in all the New Enu:land citi"s and the numerous oliher things whioh make the potato, then more salt and the other .11, T. l'HILI.aPS were communicated with. They assured us up the business of the farm, nquire treqnent half of the pa.rsley, 11.pple, and onion; pour ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County t ha.t on two hours' notice they could sum- repairs or entire 0011st ruotion, and the hints half a teacup of sweet oil or m<llted butter of Durh'a m, Sales promptly attended. mon large numbers of men, The old . ~'enlan and helps which may be afforded if t ho Addres~-Hampton P , O. 69. ever the whole, with a emall cup of vinegar. org11nizatlon, though pra.otloally inert, could scrap-book hao been well kept are of immense value. Mix the whole carefully so as not to break OHN HUGHES.-Licensec'I Auct ioneer, give Efficient !"lid with men and arms. All :; The neeessity of keepii:Jg horf.!es away the potatoes. was finally arr anged t hat the hour of our arValuator and Arbi trator. Fire and J..ife A sub~crlber asks a recipe for common nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. e&ult 2000 mm would be on their way, by from quagmires In the public road11 Is shown biecult, Will some lady reader kindly fur- Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Address rail and by water, t o Quebec. They would by the manner in whioh one of my horars Cartwright, Ont. 472 nlah her rule ? arrive within a few hours afterwards 11.nd i a afft cted since It became stalled In one reach us under cover of our guns, With not long ago. Since t he occurrEnce, when,ti_ GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Household Hints. their aid we could withstand any force sent ever the hone touches a soft place in the d every man who buys his License from against us. This much gained we would es- roa.d it trembles all over with fear, every Sweet oil mixed with melted beeswax IENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. ta.bllnh a. direct line of comm unication with muscle in its body seeming to shake, u.nd and applied with a ooft flannel cloth t o W, W. DlUKEJ:, the United States and, making Quebec the it has to be kd away from the ;spot, refuswooden furniture will give the wood a. high ETERINARY SUltGEON, graduat.e of the bi>se of our operatfons, overrun.t he Dominion, ing to be driven. polish. It ls particularly [effective on maOntario Veterinary College. Office and Undoubtedly we could enlist the French on hogir.ny 11.nd le what was used in southern 011r sid e by giving ' them a free stat e. VicCrumbly Butter,' families before the war, when polished ma- tesldence, Nl!lWl'ONVI?.LE, Ont. Will v isit Orono every 'i'uesday, Office hours tory womd be oert.aln. We felt tb1 it all else hoga.ny tables and:1Jbairs were the pride of rom Willter-m&de butter carries its own cer12 a. m . to 4 p. m., at Coulte1"s Hotel. every housekeeper . T he mix' ure should be 32-ly* would be well could we Special a ttention paid to Surgery. tificate of quality. It is usually white and well rubbed into the wocd, and then poll2hCA 1.'TUJ!.1! TRE CI TAD1!L1 tallowy, and crumbles Into sma.11 fragments, ed with a dry piece of chamois. ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber for t i: at success would kindle the 6.ree of It is alway a dEficient in the oily pa.r t of t he receives money on deposit for theOntario There is quite an art In pressing the eon ms Loun and Savings Company, and pays interest ent husiasm in every lrfoh heart, and thou- ia.t . Fat consists of three a.cids - strnric, of a dress made at home to give It a. good &t the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of sands of ha.nds would be extended to aid us, margarlc, and oleic, combined with glycer1inish. The bodice an d sleeves ought withdru.wal r equired. Also loans money on Five days before we were ri ady to put our ine. S tea.ric a.cid, or stoerine, is ha r d, not to be ironed on a flat surface, b'lt over mo1tg-a.ges ut lowest rates. No commission plans in opera.tion one of the men whom we white, and friable; olelc acid, or oleine, ls charged. W. F · .ALLEN, Bcwmanv1lle. 8·1y, a_roller covered with flannel ; this gives ho.d already despatehed to Quebec telegraph- yellow, soft, and oily, and dilutes the whiter them the true t ailor's set. An ordinary ed me in cypher that two companies of ar- and harder stearlne and margarine. In the So Bo! Gentlemen oCFasla rolling-pin, such ae fa used for pautry, will tillery had been ordered to Quebec; t ha.t the winter the oleine of the butter is in much do, The white felt or fl.1mnel cover ing ft iollll, not §O .Cast. citadel guards had been strengthened and less IJr oi:ortion, bei.Dg used up in making must be cii.ught tightly together and overkept closely to dut y, and that but few per- fatt'> kerapthe animal warm, And unless food cast, but t he edges must not overlap, as ave wrltten these fow lines Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. sona were allowed to collrnt within tbe w alla that is rich in oil is provided for the oowa, they would cause a ridge. All the seams And all I have t o say_ a.tone time. I not.ified my co-conspirators the buttt11 iu the winter will always ·of a bodice are ironed over thi~, and the L'hat you can :find me still at home , l:i1 immediately. Why should thEsa precau- be hard and orumbly, and white in color. lam not gone a way. difference over thorn Ironed on a flat sur.L!J · '"' tions be t a.ken at tha~ moment? we Mked Thfo fact applies also t o some cows, which Bo all my kind old r riendsma.y come, face must be seen to be believed, And all they oung ones, too, ourselveR. The fever of e:rnitement in the con·ume the oleine of the food, a nd conseThe secr et of p;ood puff paste, or even And get their garments n icely made province of Quebec had pa.eeed away, a.nd qu< ntly make._ wh ite, hard butter at all t imes; l n t ashionsthatare new; plain , is to have the butter waxy. Waffh there were no symptoms of a French Cana. but much more 20 in winter than in sumlt in ice water and flatten lt into wafora ; Vhere old and young , dearfriends 1may meet dian outbreak. We were unable t o solve the m'lr, while other 's make rich, yellow, andclly A welt.:ome """"etinir. bv R . PE.A.'.J:E put It into a cold window. It should be alpuzzle, but up our mind that something butttr. T he rich butter of t he J ersey cows - -MANUFACTURER O F - most brittle, If you keep t o thfa rule about had gene wrong. On the following dav we Is aesociated with a lean carcass, while the butter, ard alwaya work it in with a le1uned from Buffa.lo that a. man from that some other cows are always fat and sleek, knife, flouring yf'ur hando when you have city, who had promised his aid and been in- bu t their butter Is white and of poor flavor. Much however, mav be done in the way to touch the paste, you will light fo1·med of our plans, had been seen at S~r pastry. A t abltspoon of sa lt and one of KING STREET, BOWMANVILL John A . Macdorald's residence in Canada. of feeding to secure an excellent quality of butter, even In winter. Some of those who Bas now on hand a number of Tehicle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the neWfS Bllgar go to a quart of flour for light pastt". I immedia.tely notified my friends of what patterns and best finish , which I a m otrering for sale 9.t the lowost prices consistent winter dairying a special busi.Add the water judiciously, a.a t oo m uch had occurred, a.nd au? excurLion waa declarwith due regard to workmanship and quality. 'l'he f tlllowiog ie a list ot wa.t er ma~ef! Pl!-Stry ha.rd. ed off. Since then the Buffalo man emlgra.t- ness are much troubled by the poor qua.lity of the principal vehicles manufactured by me t he butter, and farmers gene1·a.lly, who m11oke ed to Canada. _ ,_.. butter this season, comt:>laln almost univerDouble Cover ed Carriages ...... .. .............................. ...... .... ... .$200 Upwarde, ·Sir J ohn's sudden trip to England about ' The Latest Tramp Dodire. S ingle Phretons ......... .. ............... .......... ........ .. ...... . ...... ...... 100 1 tliat time was, I have reason t o believe, to sally of the same difficulty, While some of it lies in the oows, beyond doubt, pa.rt R ight In the midst of the Ja.te J anuary WITH TEETH, Wl'l'HOU'l' TEETH, confer with the home authorities on the O pen Buggy ................................................. ............ . ....... Z.u · yet the greater part of the difficulty Is in .bllzz!l.rd, a forlorn-looking tramp was blo11< n Top B uggy ... ... .. ............ ... . ............... .. .. .. . ...... ........ .... ....... . 9 0 scheme which we hi.d prerared." the feeding, a.nd dairymen must provide an to the front door of a cottage, and when the D emocrat Wagon .. ... . ............... ....... .. ...... ... ..... ... . . .. ............. 65 abundance of food that is rich in oily m&twoman· out at his knock, ho handed PRA.CJTl()AL DENTIST, Lumber Wagon s ................ .. .... .......... . .................. ....... ..... .. 55 to aupply both the w ant of the oow for ter, her a little note-book, with the req uest : Murdered by a Madman. Light Wagon.......... ...... ... ....... . ,............ .. ........................... 40 OVER TWENTY YEARS EXP.ll:RIENOIC, herself to sustain the vital warmth and to "Please write my name in this 'ere leedle A Victoria., B. C., despa.tch says : A hor· leave an abundant sutplus for the . butter, E x press Wagon............ . ......................... ....... . .................... '75 lltrcn1s OxtdeG1111 A.clruintstered Cor Palllles book." rlble tragedy Is to have occurred A caution may be given against depending Skeleton.. ......... .. ... ....... .... . .................... .... ..... ... ........ ....... 60 Operations. "Certainly I will. What, ple&se ?" Sulky.......... .............. .. ............ .. ... .. ... .. ........ . .. .................. 40 OFFICE "My name is Jim Barto, but I want yer M()CLITNG'S BLOCK. on the road bE.tweenNew Weatmin·t erand on the BO-called oilmeals for this purpose, Port Moody. A m&n named Walker has By the new processes In use in t he mills to write it so that people will take me for superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap or oash squatted on some land a.nd the other d i>y every particle of oil In cottonseed and lln- Possessing Sam Scadger, I don't want my real name or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly, increase my number of sales. W ould he t ook L . Robson, his partner Smith, and soed is taken out, by mea.ns of benzine, or sell the wood parts only, or the gearmgs of buggies ironed. to become known In this town." another man named J on811 t9 the pla.ce, naphtha, as it is aometimes c111led, which "Does anybody in thia town know you ?" wishing to dispose of his right . '.l'hey arriv- dissolves the oil and lea.ves the meal entire"No, nla 1 am.n ed at the ranch late In the a.fternoon, and ly free of it. Formerly those contain"Then what difference does It ma.k:e who.' after d ark Walker picked up & double-bar- ed from 10 to 18 per cent, of oil, and they At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. name you call yourself ?" relled shot gun and said he was going to were then most valuable food for fattening At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ann Sawin g wit h Circle, Band or·soroll "Well, you see, ma'am, I hev a dear old shoot a orow, One of the men remarked and the butter dairy. Now they of no l:Jaws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others for building purposes, mother llvln' in this County, and, ae I'm that it was rather la.te to go ohGoting, when use for ma.king fat, exce\)ting so far as their Ornamental and Plain P icket s for fences in every style reouired. made to order dyln' of starvation, I want ter hide my real We.Iker said le might as well tell them his protein elements may be converted Into it name, so that when your neighbors find a intention, that he was going to cook their by a roundabout transformation ; but It is dead man on the street, with nc>thln' in his goeae for them, He tihen shot Robson known that fat, given in the food, is formed but a whist of oat straw, my poor HARND E N, L. through the breast, killing him instantly. into an emulaion by the process of masticaold mother will never know it was her poor, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Jones attempted to take t he gun away from tion and digestion, & nd is assimilated di'va1 ward son." Surgeons, Ontario, the murderer, but he received the contents rectly and taken into the blood by the way That Christ ian lady stuffed his worthless of the seoond barrel In tbe kg, shattering of the lacteal vessels and the portal vein. If OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. hide eo full of well-cooked grub t '.i it is his knee, Walker then for Smith we want t o get rich milk we m11st feed food not likely he'll t to ea.ting G at straw for ~OLD FU.LING A SPECIALTY. with a knife, but the latter suoceeded in rich in oil ; and the best food of this kind sc;vem l daye. ate Work execute d in the latest and most geUfog out of the cabin and escaped, W a.Ik- we can use Is hay or fodder, so that it is Improved style o! the Dental .A.rt. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the er then lashed Jones t o the body of Robson thoroughly ma.etioated and made to yield up Bismarck and Gladstone. .l!lETB E XTRACTED WITH OUT PAIN - and fled. The wounded and dead u,en were Its oil to the a ction of the saliva, Dr, Theodore Cuyler, In addressing the LIVER, STOlllAUll, KID.l'WE.YS A.ND BO,VEL~" .. the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury found by constables, who a r rived a few Y:tle atudents lately, referred a:i follows to hourn later. The d ead body of We.Iker to the patient. "Do Nots" for the Driver. They invigorat e and restore to health Debilitated Constitutiorn.,'-and BlEmarck and Gladstone : wae soon afterwa.rds found, He is supposed are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Femal es of all A gee. Fo::Lord Hampden, w ho preside d at a re· " To my personal knowledge, the greatest P&rt tcular attention paid to the regulation or to have killed himself. CHILDREN'S TEE '£H , Children and the aged they pricelees, man In modern Germany is a Christian, and oenti dinner of the London Cab-Drivers' THE MURDERED MAN, Gladstone, perhaps the most powerful Intel- ,...ALL WORK WARRANTED. ..._ D. L. Robson, murdered by a squatter In Benevolenb Assoola.tlon, commen d ed to lect of mortem times, stands side by Bide British Colt1mbia, le a Klngstonian, and a the members the follo wing II.nee iolatlng with Bismarck in thie respect. With my step-brother of Mrs. Black, wife of the Mon· to the proper the horse, which, he Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, So.res A.GENTS W A..N'l'ED own eyes I have seen Mr. Gla.dstcne kneel treal City Treasurer, He was in Montreal said, he h ad hung up In hie own stables : and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of th; by the side of a c~mmon street sweeper and TO SELL FOR THE last winter, and only a w eek before· the - Chest it h as no equal.Up hill- whip me not. pray for the salvation of hla aoul, I know murder he wrote a letter to a nephew here, Down hill- hurry me nob. of no grander sight than the Premier of saying t hat as soon as he puroh11sed the For Sore Throats, B1·oncl1itis, Couglutr JColds , On level r oad- spare m e noh. England and the leading sta.tesma.n of the claim of a squatter he would start for King· Glia.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and:[for world kneeling by tho side of a common L oose In sb!!.ble- forget me nob. ston, He was wealthy, and was proLARGEST IN CANADAOVER 400 .ACRES, atreet sweeper and pouring forth hie eloquent contracted and stiff j oi nts it acts like a charm, Of hay and corn - rob me not. bably murdered for hie money. appeal to God In beha.lf of his humble O f clean water- atlnt me not · Steady Jlm])loymcnt to Good Hen. brother." With sponge and b ::-nsh-neglect me Manufactured only at THOll[.AS HOLLOW.A.Y's Est ablishment, They muat needs move slowly who would n ot.· Paid by salary or cOm{lliHsion. Can ata~t move surely and succesdully up the hlll 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON -~ A Japanese inventor has discovered a Of sofb, dry bed- deprive me not, melt.ns of making p r.per from seaweed, It you at once. Dent apply unless you moan of knowledge. Haste does only harm ; And are sold at ls. lfd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and business and w:i.llt to work. We fumiall out- things n:ust have their natural course, and T ired ..;r hot- leave me not. Is thick in texture, and, from its transpar- fits free and pay ox penses. Address may be had from all Medicine Vendors thr oughout tlie World. Sick or cold-chlll ma nob. they who cannot wait should cease all exency, can be substit11ted for glaas in winSTONE & _ WELLING'l'ON", With bit 311d r eins-oh, jerk me not, WPnrchascrs should look at tJie Idibel on t he Pots and Boxes. IC t he : ddre11 pectation and hope, a.nd betake themselves to dows, and, when colored, makes an e xcel· Nurserymen, ts n 533, Oxford Street, London, they are epurleus, When you are angry- strike me n ot. Jent imitation of atained glass, 'l'oronto, Ont, _some other pursuit, -~~uatliau 1 tatt.%1mau. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, QUEBEC'S AWIUL DANGE THE FARM. C. IYI. CAWKER, Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. HOUSEHOLD. A complete stock always on hana. ~@LLmB~ AMr~ ~~~m~ D~~lW~ =- P C. M.CAWKER, L IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEIENT. .. vv. '".1 Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, B ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! L , , CO.AL · COAL · W. H. MA y., J V M Messrs. McDOUGALL & M ETCALF beg to anp.ounce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber_, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. HA I N s c A RE :::iIAGE GEORGE C. H A I NES, Proprietor, DEN TISTRY CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G. -- --------'---- J.M. BRIMACOMBE, --·- .. A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired l HEALTH FOR ALL! o. D.S ., --·- - THE PI LL S T HE OINTMENT FONTHILL NURSERIES. ... . -......

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