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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1886, p. 8

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THE ::e::E Fl. C EI .A. N'"C .E. BONUSES FOR FEBRUARY: .A. N'" C> T V\Tith ever;y cash parcel over $5, Bonus, 50c. worth of goods, any kind. / VVitb every cash parcel over $10, Bonus, $1 worth of dry goods, any kind. VVith every cash parcel over $20, Bonus, \i\Tatch 1n good running order. VVith every cash parcel over $30, B on u s, Solid Silver \i\!atch in good running order. The lar gest cash parcel for February (must b e over $50); Bonus, L adies' Gold 'W'a tch ·w orth $30, guaranteed fo~ five years. The person who gets this bonus must forfeit other bonus. The handsomely chased Silver · Tea-pot offer ed for the largest cash purchase for J anuary was captured by Mrs. R. Shaw, Church Street. Every year the loca.l paper gives from n,000 in free lines for the sole benefit of the vicinity in which it is located. No other ageocy can or will do this. The local oditor in proportion to bis eans does more for hie town than any '.)ther ten m en, and in all fairness ma.n with ma.n, he ought to be supported, not hecause you may happen to l ike him or · ndmire his wr~tings, but becau~a a. .local paper is the be11t investment a C()mmunity can make. It may not be brilliant n or crowded with great thoughts, but financially it is more of a benetit to a. community than t he preacher or teacher. '£0day the editors of local papers do the most work for the least money of any men on earth. Subscribe for your local paper, not as a charity, but aiS an investmellL. (J.uclge Davis. ~100 to CENU/NE BARBA/NS! o v er ----o---- l Fifteen Thousand' A very cute attempt was made by a convict last week to escape from the )\ingston :Penitentiary.. H e buried himRelf in i t load of manure that was bein<> <hi1 ' en ont .t o be dumped on the ice, but 1d1en passrng through the Q"ate a guard plunged rt fork in to the load, and the r emlt was ii. loud shriek, a pr ?ng having 1 struck th o fellow between hui shoulder blades. The Warde n 'gut wind of the intended attempt, and conscr1uen tly ordered the guards t o use t he fork as a pr ecaution. '.l'he man's name is A. McC:.uirc, who was nent to Kingston in N ovember from Cob ourg, to serve Jive years for shooting with intent. If he h ad passed through the gate undetected h e would h ave remained co·'ered on the ice till night. lt is said the driver of the horses ga1·e information regarding McGuire's inteuded attempt. -----··-~ -··------ Dollars In . Fall and "W"inter· DRYG-OODS , Millinery & Mantles. ----01---- GUIDE TO SHOPPERS. 'f ait's ph otos are very popular. School books, all kinds, a t Cheapside. Mrs. K eys is selli1 1g Berlin Wools a t l fic an ounce. Call af; 'l'ait & Morrison 's to see Mrs .. Clarke's Cookery Book. ] .aclies ,you can buy B erlin \Yools at l\.Irs. K eyes' for 15c an ounce. A splendid lot of n ew and choice aroceries for the H oliday trade has arrfvcd a J . I1yle's. T he cheapest all wool flannels and all wool shirts and drawers aro t o be had at the Star l:Tous'e. G rea t r eduction in t he price of fresh Meats at J. Lyle's. Best cuts of all kinds for 10 cent s per pound, All wool tweeds wor th 75c fo r 50c per yard. Mantle cloth worth $2.50 for $1. 7o at; T. Geo. Mason's S tar H ouse. A well assort ed stock of t ho choicost family groceries and provisions, fresh and cumd meats,.always on hand at Lyle's. .folm I1yle has reduced th e price of . all kinds of M ea ts to 10 cents p er pound · for t!rn best r.uts and all other cuts i n p ropor tton. If you wan t to see the finest China Hall east of Toronto, call at Murdoch Bros' . Since it was opened hundreds visited it. . 0 that young lady said she wanted her Christmas present bought from Maynard the J ewoller. He keeps snch lovely goorls. l ·'.1.m rnnil,- McClell an & ·co. have n ow on hand a large quant ity of Sal t and Plaster nml for sale in quantit ies to suit µ11rchascrtt. Dont huy china, cr ockery or glassware till y on Keo Murdoch Bros' n ew stock. lt be11t!1 :m yt hing ever shown in Bowmanville. Truth. Take your buggies a nd carriages to Morris' CaH"iage Viorks to be pain ted by Mr. H ouston Stott. You can have a job at any price desired. You can withou t a doubt get the best selection of good reliable Gold and Silver Wtttch cs, nncl .Jewcllry of every dcicrip L ion at J\tlayrmrd's t he Jewaller's. L ad ies fot· th e finest skirts in town, c:ill on Mrs. I ves. Also for laces arnl embroideries, hosiery and gloves, umlerwear, wool shawls, ladies furnishings, etc. Every lady in ter ested in set tin g out a goocl table should h ave on e of t hose fam ous volumes so highly prized by every lady who has seen it- we mean Mrs. Clark's Cookery llook. For sale in Bowmanville nt 'l'a\t & Morrison's Ladios, you can see something new and nice in t h e shape of prepared Mince M eat at M urd<.J ch Bros. Those who have tried it are delighted with its flavor. We are receiving large quantities of New Goods, and while we undoubtedly have the largest assortment, we guarantee our p rices are the lowest. Don't buy before you see us. - -STAR H OUSE. EAST SHOP N EADS' BLOCK. ~b AT LESS THAN COST.. - ---o ---Blankets, worth three dollars, for two dollars. Bed Comforters, worth one dollar, for sixty-five cents. Grey Flannels, worth twenty cents, for 1 2~ cents. Twilled Cotton Sheeting, worth fifteen cents, for ten 'cents. Ho~e Ma~e Flannel :::Jh eeting, worth forty cents, for 32 cents. White Qu:lts, worth one twenty -five, for eight.y-iivo cents, All Wool Dress Serge, worth forty cent-s, for 28 cen ts. Wo~l ~ha_wls, wort h ninety cents, for sixty cen ts. Ladiel:> Kid Gloves, worth eighty cents, for six ty cents. Ladies' Cloth Jackets, worth three dollars for $ 1.50. Cloth Ulsters, worth two dollars, for $1.25. Silk Plush, worth two dollars, for $1.35. T. GE 0. MASON_ TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO·DAY! MumtA Y & L ANMAN's FLOlUDA '\VA'l'ER ~ t is probably .t he simplest and purest per· :llr·nd· a.d~·rtlsed ll.< ~bsolutely pnr.t ~ -·'~""~~--~-~~~~· furn& ever m ad e, being abwlutely nothiug CC>l.VT.&:J:N .a.JMJ:DdtC>llil'XA. 19 more than the delicious fragr1mce of rare BOW:i.\IA.NVILLE, FRIDAY, F i EB. ' · flowers; preserved a nd made permanent, THE TEST: Plac!!t l!!L ea.n top d own on a hot st.eve unt il h&Ate1 l ,thea and it is doubtless to this p urity of com- remove tho cover ame ll. A chemit1t will AO' Lie T.. qu.ir1d t o detec1- ;ho pr¥tM:HlC:tt o! ammonia. position t.hat ita immense popularity is in DISTRICT NEWS. a great measure t o be uscribed. Cannington wan ts a fi re engine and a Mr. James Clark, of Cobourg, has been police magistrate. appointed by the goYerument to s uperinFor liver complaint, dyspepsja, ancl tend t he erection aud running of the sick headache, use ~Vest'R Liver Pill~ . All machinery i n connection with the CoJondruggists. t ial and fod ian J~xhibi tion . Inst. It is rnppoeed he was k illed by a Capt. · C. Chrysl er, who sailed on the locom'ltive while walkirw d own the J n ver and lakes for over forty y'l11rs , and 0 track. ' who for the past fi ve years haR been ln· · t d Ispector of Weights and M~asures for F or l'heumat1sm. n eura1gia,cu s, woun s K ' t d· d t k d 7- f or burns u11e \Vest's World's \ Von<ler. mgs on, ie 1as wee ' age o, a ter All drt1""ists. 'i· ar :vee k's 1lll1ess. .H(~ pilot ed the s.teau1er ""' . Krn gston, on which was the Prrnce uf 'l'he Forney Goods and Cluna that Wales from Kinaston t o Por t Hope Mur doch Bros' are sellillg is wonderful. R OUINSON ' ,S ·p HOSP "' E · IIORIZE I> , !IH.fJ,SION The electric light in Baltilllore haa by its sti mulating action upon tbe organs brought gas d own t.o fifty cents per thou- of d igestion and ass im ulation, and by its s and feet. po werful al t erative tonic and nutritiv11 T he theatre.goers of Cobo urg are dis- proper ties, pun fies the blood from a.ll satistied with the s tage and scenery of t aint, and increases i ts sol id cons titaPnts. NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. t I1eir Opera H ouse. Always usk for Robinaon's Phosphorized ll'S DOES HBALTllFULNESS IUS NEVER l!Kt.:11 QUE81'IOnD. cannot exist when West's \Vorld 's E mulsion, and be sure yo u gHt it. In a. mt1Uon hom(!l:r f or a. qun.rter or a. century 1 t ha· 'Vonder is appli~ cl . Cheapest and best. Opened out this week at Couch, J ohn- stood the con sumer·' rella1J1o test~ 25 and 50c. A ll dru ggi~ls. 'f ston & Cryderman's a lot of boau tiful THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Some t hieves enterf\d t.h e butcher~hop colour ed S urah Silks in the most fash ion of l\'1r. E. Conlin, Oshawa, last week, and able shades. These goods make a n elc- PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., MA.XXIUJ 0 1' stole 100 tbs. oi m~ at . gant aud durable dre' s and t hey :ire the A very destructive fire occurred ln Port conect thing for evening wear and wedFlavorin~ Hope on Strndny night, damaging property ding dresses. The · f rMge1t 1mo1t delleiou1 nud uatul"11 lflaTor knowa, u:id to the extent of some$G.OOO. CiO l'lSUJllJ>'l'H)N' C:UitED.- .1n O lU physician, Prlce9 Lupulln The stnndard remedy for li ver com- retired from having had p!a.ced in his For 1'lght, Healthy Bre,.d, The Be ot Dry llop is \Vest's L iver Pills . they n e ver hands by an East India missionary the formula , Yeo.ot In tho W orld . . . · ,. . , ·' · ,, or a Bl mp l e vegetable remedy fo1 · the speedy FOR SALE BY CROCERS. dlllappomt you, 30 ptlls 2oc. All a·rng- I and permanentcureofUonsumption.Bronchitis, gists i" Catarrh, Asthma and all tbroat and Lung A f - C HICACO. ST. LOUIS· . . . . rections, R lso a poaitivo ·lnd radical cure for ·vous :f!ebilily and .a ll nervous Complail! tS, T he Uxbridge Board of Ec1ucat10n has Ne1 asked the Town Council for $5 000 with after h!'-vmg tested i ts wond erful cm:at1ve powers m thousands of cases, has felt 1t his . . '. ' wluch to er ed new school b utldrngs. duty to make it known to his sufferiug fellows. R ev 1\'lr Ockley of P(lrt P erry was Actuated by ~his moti_ vc and a desire to relieve ·' · · ' ' human sutfenag, I w1ll seod free or cha~ire, t.o presented, last week, by t he members of all who desire it, thisrecipe, inGerman,Fr.cmoh liis congre»ation wit h a purse of $100 or English, with full directions for preparing '"" ' ' . , . · . and using. Sent by mail by addressing "witf1 West's Cou gh Syrup st ops tick11ng m st111np, au.ming- this paper, W. A.. NOYES 14!1 the throat, stops t hat hack ing Clough and Power 's BlockBocheste1· N. Y. 45 gives perfect rnlief ; it is ce rtainly worth a t r i<il. All druggists. t S 5 0 0 ·0 0 S'tattt'tunu. \!J)numirnu av' ~ ~· PIERCE ~C O. J. HIGGINBOTH ! & 80~, Chemists and Dru gg ists, KF IEP A FULL STOCK OF Dr. Price'ssvecial s Extracts, Dr. Yeast Gems F U R E DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ALSO SEJ,E C T STOCK O F I Uxbridge Urga.11 Co., for are t preparing a number of line organs he Colonial · E x hibi tion, to be held i u London, Eng. ., . . 8 To Ladies. The great beautifi er fo r Al t he co~nplexion : One of \Vest 's sug'l.r &Y '.E will p ay the above ~eward for ~ny coated LivPr Pills tahm i:Ji11htly :JO i;iills case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, 25c. AU.druggidts. t ~ . !~cltc~~::~c~~n':ft~ti ~o;.;,~sti,;;;; T?e ofhcers of W est No1:t.hmnberland PILLS, whe n the Directions a r e strictly Agncultur~l S ociety al'e takrn,g s tep~ for complied with. Large Boxes, containing t h " formation of a Farm ers Institut e. 30 Pills, 2 5 Cents; 5 iloxe"' $1.00. Sold " C uTS. "- The b est t hing we k now of J by all J>ruggw _· _ ts _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ to heal a cut or wound is to bind up the .inj ured part with a cloth saturat ed i n U lC 0 1C8. P er ry Davis' Pain-Killer. 'r he body of a man, about fifty years The und ersigned havin g bought out o f age, waa fo nnd on the track, a little the GRIST ~IL:- of J . Stlllter , Esq. , and west of P ort Hope station, on Friday p ut everythmg m first-class order, is pr eA L1,irn's LUNG BALhAM ·- l s the great pared t o d o all kinds of Gr1stin g. I will mod ern remedy Coughs, Colds, Consump- guara ntee t o make the hest ARNEC'.rA tion, Asthma, Croup and Bronchitis. It F~ouu t hat is m1!d e in the county, as t h e is r ecommended by physicians every where mill has been fitted u p especially for who are acquainted with its great usefnl- handlin g that kind of wh eat. I have also pllt in a SAW MIJ.I. m conness. A join t stock company has been form- nection with the above, a nd am pr epar ed to take i n any qua ntity of Saw Logs. ed at S underland, with a capital of $2,I liave lowered the price of Choppino 000, for th e purpose of establishing a to su it the times. "' d riving park. A . S. ' . I'OOLEY, Ayer's Cher ry P ect oral is r ecommended People's Mills, by physicians of the urea.t est eminence 51 Kingston Road. on bot.h sides of th e Atlantic, as the most reliable r em edy fo~ colds and coughs, a nd all pulmonary uisordera. It affords AN'.l'ED- Ladies and gentlemen in prompt relief in every case. . city or country to take light work at the!r own homes. $:1 to $<1 a day can be Mr. Cle1nent Dn,wes, for many years a easily made; work sent by mail; no canvasing. 11ighly respected residen t of Whitby, died ' !e have good de_mand for our work and furstf',ady employment. Add ress. with stamp very suddenly at his residence in Port msb cmo1"i\T ,,l' l"G c o :urA.NY, 2l>!.1'1uc st ., tJin~ clnnau. 01110 Perry on Monda.y week. QEWA RD ' p bl· N t · ri; :irF :---'-= :: EKTRACT ·' ·~\\PRJC£S 1£4VOR~ EXTRACTS S'.l', LOUIS. Hair Brushes and Combs ' P erfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &e"' AGE N'·1 ~ FO R THORLEV'S IMPROVED HORSE ANO CATTLE FOOD. Pure G r ound Oil C a ke. t:;:~ C'BICAG-0. I Purest aml stroni;cst Natural Fruit Fla.vors, Y:w1illa , I.t:mon, Orange, Almond, noso. etc., llavor as delicately and naturally as t h e fruit. MOST PERFECT MADE PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., I CURE FITS! I X X Before giving or ders for BINDERX TWINE, farmers will find it to their advantage to call a t R. S . MANNl'.NG'sX Hardware Store a nd get prices. PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS Filled with absolute purity and correctness. cal c u re. I h1ive mndo t h o U\sonse ~f 1"J '1~, E P.fL~~PSY 01· FA I.LI NG SICKNESS n. llCu-lou g ~tml.r. .I w nr ruut my Wh en. 1 any curo 1 d o i w i. monn li1c1 ·c1y to :,top them tor R Umu and l·h e n t11~YO the m l'etu r n n g-1i\11, I J\\(lnT\ R rutl'I.~ Dr. DORENWEND'S r emedy to cnro th~ worst cm;os. 'Becnuso o~hors 11nvtl fntled i~u <> r eason for not 1u~w raccl.vln g a c u r~ . S e11<lt\,. once for a t r outlso n.nd n. l<'roB llott;to Of m y 1nralllbl1;1 r emed y. Give l~xpreKs u.utl Post Olllco. 11. cost» JU\&. uothlnl~d~:6 ~rt'i~: n~ch~ ~~llh~::r1°s?~~~l'l St.· Naw Yor\;. :c )> Boots and ' You can do so by calling at the l1oes. K eep your feet dry and · warm, 3: c 0 Dr. E. C. West's Nt>rve and Drain Treatment, a. g u am~teed ;ipocifio for Hyste1·ia; Dizziness, Convuls1oas, :U tts. Nervous. l'leurnlgia, Head· ache, Ner vous Prostr>ttion, caused by use of atcohol or t.obacco, \\. aketulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in rnsan ity icnd leading to misery decay and death Pre~1rnturc Old .Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power m either sex, Involuntary Losses aml Spermator rhoea caused by over-exertion of the Drain, sulf·abnse or over.-i.ndulgerwe. }ijach box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a bmr, or six boxe~ for $5.QO, sent by mH.i! prepaid on recelpt of price. )> - Parlor Shoe ,._ tore,' where t here will be found a complete a ssortmen t of every kind of footwear from t h e smallest t o tille largest. If we cannot fi_ t you with a ready-mad~ pair, we can make you any kmd that may be n eeded, m the late!:it style.~ W "' "' Js a powerful re-nedy for thin hair, grey h air ancl dandruff, where the . roots of the llair is not entirely destroyed it will prod11ce a J1 eavy thick growth or hair, it will likewise restore the grey and faded hair back to its former color, and whero dandruff' exists will remove it without fail. Testimonials by tho hundreds confirming the good results of the "HaIR MAGIC." Good fits warranted every time or no s ale. CE::ME~TI ~G _, \c Health is impossible when the blood is impure, thick, and elnggi8h, or when it is U nder ouch t hin and impoverished . ~onditions, boils, pimples, headach es, n euriilgia, rheumatism, and one disease after another is d eveloped. 'rake Ayer's S arsaparllla, and it will make the blood p ure, ri ch, warm, and vitalizing. Mr. David M agee, of Pickering, lost his beautiful piebald horse, from typhoid fever , r esulting in paralysis of the throat. H e h ad shortly before r efu sed $300 for him. Manufact11red OI\ly by A. DORENWEND, sole owner for U . S. and Cs.'lada, 103 ana 105 Yon ge St., '.l'oronto, Canada. l!'or sale by all principal drug stores. J . HIGGINBOTHAM & S 0 N, Dr uggists 4. ' Agents for Bewmanville. neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. Trunks a nd Satch els will be kept in stock; also the No t rouble to show goods. .,,. . ' "' e Gna1·a.utce Six Uoxes Address G!J'o.P.Rowk1r.r. & Co.,Spruce St..N.Y. To cum any casn. With each order received b:l'. us for six boxes, accompanied with ~5, we B I G OPFER T o in troduce them will 80nd the purchaser our writttm guara ntee wi ll be Gl\IJ~ A.W A.l' 1,000 l::lelf-Operatin~ to refund the money if treatment does not Washing Machines. If you want one send us · e ffect a cure. Guarantees issued only b y J N O. your name, P . 0 . and cx piess office at once Srott & Jury, Druggists, Bowmanville, · 'l'he National Co.., 21 Doy St., N. Y, 'I'O A.D'O lll'l'ISEttS. - Lowest Rates for ad· vertising in !162 g o111l newspRa·~1·s sent free. Best quality of Dressing and Blacking· Please give u s a call. A STAND:- · N eads' Block. W. JENNINGS.

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